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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  March 9, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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well some sands as they say in texas. joe thanks. victoria thanks so much. appreciate it. good night from new york. trish: the integrity of our republic under attack as a mob searches for ways to undermine the will of the american people. the develops are plotting for ways to change the number of justices on the supreme court. obama's former attorney general leading that charge. also breaking tonight. at this very moment the entire country nearly in venezuela in the dark. a massive power outage crippling that country and its effects are being felt throughout in the
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country's hospitals which can't provide basic services. we just learned the main public morgue in caracas cannot take any more corpses. a massive setback for maduro. one of the opposition leaders will be joining us from caracas on the severity of this crisis and why this spells the end of nicolas maduro and his brutal socialist regime. the former vice president has been charged by a u.s. court. traditional dems cowering in fear as ilhan omar and alexandria ocasio-cortez are completely off the rails. omar take aim at everyone, including former president barack obama. and ocasio-cortez protecting her every move.
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"trish regan primetime" begins right now. a massive power outage plunging venezuela into darkness. blackouts all over the country have become commit routine. but this one is different because it is a complete breakdown of the electrical grid power system. and it's impacting nearly all of the country's 23 states. the consequences more than 24 hours into this are already severe. we are learning the country's main morgue in caracas is totally full and can no no longer take bodies. the regime of socialist dictator nicolas maduro is trying to pin the blame for the electricity war on the united states. and specifically senator marco rubio. but the real reason, some 30
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million venezuelans are in the dark tonight, corruption. socialism. in the last decade $100 billion has been invested in the country's electrical grid. socialism led to the mismanagement of that money. it led to corruption and the outright stealing of that money resulting in the darkness you see happening there tonight. in the deaths you see happening there tonight. the man the united states and the rest of the free world recognizes as the president of venezuela, juan guaido web was supposed to be here right now. right here on this show. but he has no power in his home. in fact i spent most of of the afternoon trying to make that interview happen but without power there is not a lot you can do. this is the reality of
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venezuela. there noise power. there is no wi-fi. secretary of state mike pompeo put it like this. no food, no medicine, now no power. next, no maduro. joining me right now, former u.s. army special courses president of security studies jim hanson. as i said, this is different than the rolling power outages they might have had before to save electricity. this is a massive failure of the entire electrical grid system. how did this happen? >> you have to wonder whether it is just corruption and incompetence and bad management or whether maduro took advantage of that and maybe added a little bit to it to create the false flag idea he's promoting that the u.s is behind it. it's a classic move by dictators to stish up nationalism to rally their people installation an
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external force trying to take over. trish: he did that, delcy rodriguez did that, pointing the finger at marco rubio. but i would add that the power plants, the grids, et cetera, they are heavy protected in venezuela, and they are run effectively by the army. so it would be difficult for an outside tore penetrate that anyway. but that is the story he's spinning. do you believe that venezuelans will believe that or do you think they will look at this and say, wow, this just proves how awful this government has been and how much we do need change. >> i think some people will believe it. but he's got a certain amount of followers who believe anything he says. if we wanted to, we could take down power lines. you can't guard whole transmission system. but maduro has blamed iguanas
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for some of these blackouts that happened previously. so this credibility on this is pretty low. he also believes hugo chavez comes to him and takes him back to the future. he's a dictator trying to spin whatever he can right now. but you have people in hospitals that can't get oxygen because there is no backup generator to feed the oxygen machines and have the electric working. you are looking at pictures in caracas where you see the blackout. they have no electricity. babies who need neonatal care are dying. the morgue in caracas can't take any more bodies. at what point does this become the thing that really tips the country in the direction of something new. at what point does nicolas
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maduro go? >> i think this shows his depravity and lack of care for his own people is just beyond the pale. the question is, does that stir internal revolt which it very well could. or we recognize guaido as the actual leader of the country. trish: we have. >> given this humanitarian crisis he could call for international relief to fix the grid. trish: i'm glad you brought that up. i spent a lot of time look at the venezuela constitution. and article 187 part 11, and we can put it up for the viewer. it says it shall be the function of the national assembly to authorize the function abroad or foreign military missions within the country. do you think that assembly need to call on the world and say we
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need you, we need foreign military intervention, our people need it? >> i think anything so far has justified it, this certainly does. you have got so many people now who are literally dying. it's been life and death. there has been problems and starvation. but this an acute crisis. it's the kind of thing, if it doesn't tip the balance intermly may tip the balance he can terminally and be the right reason for an external force to come in and fix it. trish: i want to point out a lot of venezuelans have communicated with me via social media and twitter and facebook. there was a lot of concern last night about that communication shutting down. people couldn't charge their cell phones. they had no power to do so. and you have to wonder with
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nicolas maduro is that what he's trying to do? we already had gotten reports of him shutting down youtube including versions of this show that had been shared on youtube and trying to shut down parts of twitter. >> the iranians have don't. the chinese have done it. many totalitarian regimes find the first thing to do is kill the ability to communicate. that's why this may be the tipping point that says it's time for someone to come in and rescue the venezuelan people from someone who cares nothing about them. trish: jim, thank you very much. the democrats here at home are on a new mission to restack the supreme court. undoing the will of american voters. tonight we learned the effort is
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being led my former attorney general eric hold more want to see two additional seats added to the supreme court and wants this to be the platform of the democratic candidate for president. the goal is to create a supreme court wedge issue there there should be none. the supreme court is already full. donald trump did that. the americans voted donald trump in. he selected those judges. but this is about more than politics. the democrats want to undo what the american people sent the president to accomplish. and this has happened before. you can go around the world. most of recently in venezuela in 1999. when chavez took over the courts and added his own puppet judges. nicolas maduro wants socialists to take over the courts in a state power grab. i want to bring in former senior visor to bush 43, brad blakeman
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and historian doug wead. this makes me nervous. this should be something authorities settled. president trump named justices and they are on the younger side. one would hope they will be there for a while. the democrats don't want conservatives having the future of the court, they don't want that conservative viewpoint in america, and so what do they wanl to do? they will create new rules. >> they will undo the election. they have been at it ever since donald trump was elected with resistance to almost everything donald trump tried to accomplish through investigation and thwarting his efforts. but this reaches an all-time low. a former attorney general uses word like we should pack the court. overturning precedent since 189 of the judiciary act setting the number of supreme court justices at 9. what you can't accomplish at the
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ballot box they want to accomplish through shoving through socialist legislation. they are warning us. they are telling us exact lire what they are going to do. shame on fuss we let them do it. trish: if they see the collusion thing fail, they figure they have to have another attack mode. let's not forget you a ther to the tend to rally people up. when you think of the wedge issues that can generate. the idea that hey, maybe we can get a couple more judges on there. that might get people out to vote. but it would send us down a pretty bad path akin to some thing we have seen in latin america. >> yeah, it's to understand the socialism other left in america. it's more than economic. it's a social and cultural revolution. the democrats can't seem to win that at the ballot box.
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even states like california, they lose those state youside referendums, so they depend increasingly on federal judges. they are used to republican presidents, many of them, one i served, who will name a conservative, then they will give a freebie to the democrats. when they got donald trump as president and the president brad worked for, it didn't work that way. trump named a conservative and his second one was another conservative. here is their answer, let's create two new justices and add them to the pack and we'll take over. to negate the effect of the 2016 election. they will not let go of that bone, blame it on the russians, blamed it on collusion. blamed it on the u.s. constitution and electoral college. now they are saying here is a way we can get it back.
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let's elect a democrat and we'll add justices to the supreme court. trish: what would that tell you about the direction of our country if that's what they are able to do? >> we'll lurch so far to the left we'll not recognize our country. you are talking about full-blown socialist values not only in economics, but in the judiciary and every facet of our lives we'll rely and be beholden to government. doug made a great point about the electoral college. many democrats running for president think the electoral college should be abolished which means a constitutional amendment. can you imagine overturning a constitutional amendment to rid ourselves of the electoral college which protects the minority, then increasing the supreme court just because you want to get -- trish: i hope it doesn't come to
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that. the electoral college -- i'm shocked at the turnaround you see, but not so shocked. i guess i should be more savvy about these things. hillary clinton who once said it was donald trump who would threaten our system of government, she is the one out now in the atlantic a couple months ago saying we need to get rid of the electoral college. i group new hampshire, small town. but we mattered because we had a couple electoral college votes. what happens to the places around the country that are represented now. they would no longer have a voice in the system that abolishes the electoral college. >> beto already said that the constitution is dated. it's out of date. so you have this attitude that we don't have to keep it.
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and of course the constitution is law. when they say the constitution has to bend, it has to breathe, it has to be flexible. they are saying the law has to be flexible. trish: i hear you. a bombshell report claims adam schiff coached michael cohen ahead of his public testimony last week. it sounds like witness tampering to me. 2020 presidential hopeful john hickenlooper refusing to admit he's a capitalist. the democratic party is so far left, capitalism is a dirty word. although it may not be perfect. you know it beats alternative. an update on the massive blackout crippling venezuela tonight. my exclusive interview with a
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venezuelan freedom fighter. she joins me from caracas with a very important message when we return. that rocking chair would look grahh, new house, eh?e. well, you should definitely see how geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. nice tip. i'll give you two bucks for the chair. two?! that's a victorian antique! all right, how much for the recliner, then? wait wait... how did that get out here? that is definitely not for sale! is this a yard sale? if it's in the yard then it's... for sale. oh, here we go. geico. it's easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance.
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trish: bombshell reports that adam schiff met with michael cohen before his testimony for up to 10 hours before his testimony. adam schiff who is the head of the intelligence committee. joining knee, jenna, it doesn't
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seem right. >> this its witness tampering and adam schiff should be expelled from congress for this action. trish: you are not allowed to coach someone. >> if congress is interested in truth finding and fact finding they wouldn't be going in and talking to michael keyen about each and every aspect of this testimony. all they should be able to do is encourage him to tell the truth which for michael cohen is probably a difficult thing. but that's all they can do. the preparation here lasted longer than his actual testimony. 10 hours of preparation for 7 hours of testimony. the democrats are just want an outcome here. they are not interested in truth. this should outrage every american who sent these people to congress to actually do their job and not just hate president trump and look for an outcome when the mueller report is not
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giving it to them. when other investigations are not giving it to them. >> what they are not recognizing here is that president trump is everything that he has done so far as president has stayed weren't margins of the constitution, and he has the vested powers under article two to make those policy decisions. we the people have duly elected him. and what we haven't done is elected him just because they don't like his policies. americans are paying attention. we'll make sure that we elect representatives and senators who understand their obligations and will stay within the margins of the constitution. trish: i hope americans do, for
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the sake of the country. coming up, a lot more ahead. another aoc flub. wait until you hear her wild spin on the house's attempt to condemn ilhan omar. they are now the people in control of the democratic party. my warning to america straight ahead. nicolas maduro is potentially weeks away from leaving venezuela forever. marina machado is joining me. why the total lack of electrical power is sending them to the tipping point.
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♪ when you have nausea, ♪ heartburn, ♪ indigestion, ♪ upset stomach, ♪ diarrhea... girl, pepto ultra coating will treat your stomach right. ♪nausea, heartburn, ♪ indigestion, upset stomach, ♪ diarrhea... try pepto with ultra coating. trish:. >> we concerned about some factions of your party
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embracing socialism? >> i think the democrat party -- >> would you call yourself a proud capitalist? [laughter] >> i don't know. again come the labels i am not sure -- kennedy: come on! do you see him squirm? do you hear that! the governor was -- a democrat. one even identify himself as a capitalist. he can't admit that, he just laughs. trying to work his way when that one. i will tell you, when you can't say with some pride that you are a capitalist, it's not good! this whole socialism madness, the new alt left mob like insanity spinning this lie, this lie that capitalism is bad and capitalists are bad is very dangerous. capitalism has made us what and who we are. the economy and as a nation. alexander hamilton said, one of the founders our great republic
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and a quote - true liberty -- and security to them, they are justly acquired fruits and more powerfully than any other cause to augment the mass of national wealth and to produce the mischief of opulence. in other words, private industry in order to make mone , in order to have a thriving economy.he was right! and he is still right. while i know, it is not perfect. and i will be the first to say that. you have heard me talk about this. you've heard me talk about my concerns about the middle class. capitalism is not perfect. and it can be worked on but i will tell you one thing, it sure beats the alternative. socialism. socialism keeps people down, it concentrates all of the power in the hands of authority while destroying an economy because it destroys our spirit. it destroys their ambitions, it destroys our dreams.
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just venezuela tonight. just look at that. the power has been across -- it's been out across the country. they have unqualified management, have corruption, political dysfunction. all of that, eventually resulted in the darkness that you see in the streets of caracas tonight. and yet, socialism is what the angry mob on the alt left is pushing. they want everyone to have a living wage. for not working. they want everyone to have free healthcare. they want everyone to have free college entry whatever else they can find. they have no way to pay for it. otherthan to take money from those that are trying to earn it .and we distribute that effectively to themselves. i mean that is what ultimately happens.that is what
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socialism really is about. the corruption of power. power to the government. aoc, ilhan omar and all others out there they are already high on power. you can feel it and you can see it. they can taste it and they are not going to stop. and there is no one in the democratic party ready, willing and able to stop them. -- i quote - america's abundance which created public sacrifices to the common good but by the productive genius of free men who pursue their own personal interest and the making of their own private fortunes. she was right. capitalism is a good thing. and i'm proud to call myself a capitalist. he with me right now to react to all this, a racial equality leader.
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it is good to see you. you're a capitalist right? >> i'm a free marketeer and proud! trish: you know it's crazy? you have to be willing to even define yourself as such right now. in such a way that the left wants to -- they want to basically equate all that has been created and associated with capitalism as something really bad. and i look at venezuela and i have talked to some young people, millennials. they hate socialism. they want nothing more than capitalism. because they have seen what it does and you look at our country and i say what's going on with the young people here? >> ignorance, absolute abundant ignorance. i would love to get a bunch of capitalists together to sponsor many of these millennials taking a trip to caracas, venezuela and havana, cuba to see what is the full blooming
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of socialism. you know, by the way, it is not just in the failing latin american economy. but you look at every big city that is dominated by the far left of the democratic party and you have abysmal misery. no small business developer, no entrepreneurship, you do not have people that are working and being industrious and being productive. you have unmitigated disaster. and that is what the far left wing wants to stoke. you know trish, you remember when you were very young person. in 1992, when bill clinton condemned jesse jackson for having sister soldier at his convention. she was radical far left militant. today, in today's democratic party, that bill clinton does not exist. the cowards and would never make that kind of movement.
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that in today's democratic party, sister soldier might axley be a congresswoman! [laughter] trish: we left but it's actually true! look at the radical left that is taking hold there. i me to the point where nancy pelosi is afraid. to call it out, she is afraid to say, ilhan omar shouldn't be on the foreign relations committee. foreign affairs committee. i mean, there is no one sort of leaving the democrats right now. i guess there is and it is a group of -- >> it is the three musketeers of hate! omar, ocasio-cortez and -- look at you know, not enough is really gone down to talking about what khalid did. she said it to her 14-year-old
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daughter, yes it is bad and offensive that she would talk about the president of the united states and i know of a liberal politician that happens to be a friend of mine that told me in 40 years in washington d.c., they have never seen a president disrespected like that. but it was not the horror. the horror is that she felt comfortable to say to the public to say to an audience, expecting applause and she got it that she would poison her little 14-year-old daughter with that type of hate. and the fact that she is a palestinian american is irrelevant to this next point. but it is relevant. which is that, that is part of the problem. in the middle east. impala stan and gaza that you have organizations, individuals poisoning generations, the next generation of palestinians and turning them into little minor
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terrorists. a least in their mindset. and it is frightening that she is doing that. trish: i will say -- look, i am disturbed. we did a lot of digging on omar. she has worked on behalf of isis, convicted americans that were joining isis. they wanted to kill americans and she was trying to get lighter sentence from a judge. this woman is not looking out for the best interest of the united states. she has something else in mind. there seems to be collectively be a group of them right now. it is great to talk to you! good to see you. >> thank you, trish. trish: venezuela is a catastrophic decline continues today. look at the pictures.
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there is no light. they have lights from generators or from some cars. we have word of multiple car accidents, they cannot take anymore bodies at the morgue. people are dying in hospitals because there is no electricity. the freedom fighter, marina corina machado will join me from the chaos coming up. at first, in other aoc -- spinning anti-semitism now actually accusing republicans of bigotry. coming up, i want you to see the tweet and comments for yourself. we are fact checking it. be right back. -ah, the old crew! remember when we all used to go to the cafeteria and just chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people save $668 when they switch." -at this school? -didn't you get caught in the laminating machine? -ha. [ sighs ] -"box, have a great summer. danielle." ooh. danielle, control yourself.
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i'd like to slow it down here with a special discount for a special girl. danielle, this one's for you. to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best to make you everybody else... ♪ ♪ means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. does this sound dismal? it isn't. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful life on earth. ♪ ♪ trish: new tonight, traditional
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democrats cowering in fear as ilhan omar and alexandria ocasio-cortez go totally off the rails. omar is going at everyone including former president
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obama. and aoc is out there protecting her every move. this is happening just hours after the house passed a very weak anti-semitism resolution. it totally failed to do what it was intended to do which was to incite her and call her offer all of her horrific and anti-semitic comments. and aoc is tweeting in a quote - where's the outrage over the 23 members that voted no on the resolution for bigotry today? there is none? do they get called out? when asked why not? of course not. because if you recall, the purpose of this was to actually call out ilhan omar who started it all. and they failed. nancy pelosi did, failed. journeyman, trump 2020 advisor board member and former clinton campaign advisor. don't you get a little upset
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when you see those kind of comments? from the likes of ilhan omar? and would you like to see some leadership in your party right now? that maybe is able to control her little bit? put her in line a little bit? not encourage this kind of hate? >> well, i think that speaker pelosi is doing the best job she can of having a true balancing act between the many facets of her caucus and i applaud her for her leadership. let me tell you i am frustrated by all of this. because it takes the intention away from many of the meaningful things that house democrats are doing. and i work so hard along with a lot of other people in our party to get in this place of being the majority and it is so frustrating that we cannot talk about the good things they're doing and i will say this. and i hope that some people in my party and speaker pelosi caucus listen. all attention is not good attention. let's stay focused on the policy agenda and not things
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that make likes and followers on twitter. trish: you, which is what aoc and omar and rasheed see most interested in. it in most ways is a total lack of maturity you say okay they are freshman congresspeople, clearly have some biases against israel and i would say also america, frankly. especially when you look at omar 's history and but nonetheless madison, someone should be in charge. where's the grown up in the room? >> i've been appalled by what's going on here. we look this anti-semitism, there is no room for anti-semitism and political discourse let alone by a member of congress making anti-semitic remarks. it's absolutely horrifying and it may have been sparked by a conversation in israel. the smell goes back to the loyalty and we go back to the holocaust and people saying no
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matter how much you assimilate into german culture you'll never be german because you are jewish. no matter how much you assimilate into polish culture you'll never be polish because you are jewish. it is very scary. [multiple speakers] trish: talk about basically, peoples ancestors went through the horrors that they went through and the holocaust cannot compare with the horrors that omar went through. i mean stupid, stupid remarks. and i know you agree with me on that, antjuan. completely inappropriate! >> it is. it is very personal to me and my family. trish: she shouldn't have said something like that. >> no, let me take what i think she was trying to say. i think he was trying to say that we have to not downplay other peoples experiences and that is the beauty about the congress, the makeup of our congress. trish: every was trying to say someone else's trying to say was someone else's trying to say. people need to learn to talk for themselves. have to leave it there, madison, antjuan, thank you so
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much. a major interview about the massive blackout that is still at this moment crippling venezuela. socialism is to blame. straightahead i'm talking to one of the opposition movements courageous leaders, marina corina machado. she is here and has some specific intel on the blackout for us. plus a warning to all far left democrats who continue to push their socialist agenda in america. america. we don't need got to tell something important. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad. but super poligrip gives him a tight seal. snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture. that's super easy. to help block out food particles. so he can enjoy the game. super poligrip.
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comcast business built the nation's largest gig-speed network. then went beyond. beyond chasing down network problems. to knowing when and where there's an issue. beyond network complexity. to a zero-touch, one-box world. optimizing performance and budget. beyond having questions. to getting answers. "activecore, how's my network?" "all sites are green." all of which helps you do more than your customers thought possible. comcast business. beyond fast. trish: new reaction tonight as
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man international women's day on trish regan prime time. former female opposition activist and anti-madera capitalist, marina corina machado revealed to me recently that opposition leader juan guaido calls for free elections she will run. take a look. >> him asking about yourself. because you've been an agitator there. you been an activist, you have been in politics, he recently no fan of madera. when you consider running? >> last night marina corina machado called is the studio in the middle of this blackout which is still going on in venezuela right now. you could not see her, he could
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not see because there were no lights. but i will tell you, she has a lot of important stuff to say. i want you to hear. listen. >> maria, welcome. >> thank you, very much trish. trish: we are getting reports of blackouts in caracas. tillis was happening. >> right now a situation where we speak there is a blackout affecting at least 22/24 states. that have no power supply whatsoever. it started around 4:50 pm this afternoon that the general complex in -- it supplies over 70 percent of venezuela electricity. because of lack of -- we are in darkness as we speak.
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trish: which is one of the reasons you and i cannot see each other right now and why we are doing this over the phone. what happens to people that for example, need certain things to live i mean what happens at the hospitals right now as you deal with the electricity blackouts? >> well, these mean death. hospitals in venezuela do not have backup generators and function because as a set of lack of -- i want to be very clear, trish, this is not because the regime does not have money. actually, they assigned over $100 billion in the last 20 years to electricity systems and they stole it. they used it in small, obsolete generators that they put around the country. some never arrived. because of corruption, now people are dying.
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venezuelan people, venezuelan women today actually, the celebration of women's day. venezuelan women have to today in the century, cook with wood. it's affecting operations daily. trish: it's going to change the right, soon, do you think? what will it take for nicolas maduro to go in for you guys to be able to have those free elections? >> well, the main issue here is that we have to understand that the regime is blaming now, once again, sabotage. it's always what they do when something fails in our country. you know, the true response of what's going on here is socialism. socialism is darkness, it is fear, poverty, it is doubt. the only thing that can stop this tragedy and believe me,
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venezuelan women, venezuelan mothers understand it better than anybody else. the only thing that can stop this is having nicolas maduro and his mafia regime relived of power. it takes strength, it takes pressure from abroad and from within and we have to move forward. we have to move forward, isolating the corrupt regime and letting them know that no, there is no turning back. not from us, the venezuelan proof citizens, the venezuelan women and not from the democratic nations of -- trish: i cannot think of a better woman to talk to on this day, international women's day. day, international women's day. maria, thank you and keep all money managers might seem the same, day, international women's day. maria, thank you and keep but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios.
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fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. (butcher) we both know you're not just looking for pork chops. you're searching for something more... right this way. you thirst for adrenaline, you hunger for raw power. well, you've come to the right place. the road is yours, dig in.
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child: ♪ i want to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas ♪ ♪ i need to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas ♪ ♪ why can't i eat, eat, eat ♪ ♪ apples and bananas support the feeding america nationwide network of food banks to help provide meals to those in need. join us at the one on monday juan guaido.
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we will see him monday >> sometimes, you got to face it. >> they were in a storage room, in our spare bedroom, in the attic. >> a house full of guests who never leave. >> i would wake up in the night and think i heard them talking, you know. >> hollywood people, world figures, dictators. >> and tv stars. >> welcome once again to "masquerade party." >> an artist's secrets unmasked. >> sounds like he was talking to you. >> i know. >> are you ready for some face time? >> do you think it looks exactly like me? [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ]


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