tv Kennedy FOX Business March 25, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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you don't want to miss that, my friend kennedy begins right now, stay tuned. kennedy: thank you david, a president vivindicated, presided he thinks this is a disgrace. >> i'm glad it's over, it is 1 100% the way it should have been, i wish it could have gone quicker, there are a lot of people who have done bad things, i would sa san say treasonous ts again our country. we have gone through a period of
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really bad things happening, those people will be looked at. i have been looking at them for a long time, i am saying why haven't they been looked at, they lied to congress. kennedy: a lot of looking. >> i think democrats and liberal media should be embarrassed by their behavior over last two years in their breathless reporting and their hope, not just they reported and spread a slanderous lie but they hoped for the take down of the president of united states. >> i did and those who left this lie fly for two years, haranging and harassing and trying to embarrass and worse those of us connected in 2016 campaign, beginning with the president and his own family, we'll do owe america an apology. kennedy: i am sorry america, but for some democrat, mueller
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report, the conclusion is not good enough. he is chair jerry nadler. >> president trump is wrong. this report does not amount to a so-called total exoneration, special counsel mueller was clear his report does not exonerate the president. >> it is exxonin is -- exoneratn although. >> james comey tweeting, a cryptic photo of himself in the woods with ca caption, so many questions. i don't have any questions for you, jim, go away. kennedy: lindsey graham promised to force comey to identif testis role in the russia investigation, that will be great. the biggest moment, arrest of trump critic and questionable attorney michael avenatti. he went on tv more than a
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hundred times in last year, and now he charged with trying too shake down nike for 25 million dollars. what did they do? they justin upton dthey just don handcuffs. have we opened another can of congressional worps worms, a thf way to start the week. fox contributor jessica ta and t welch and founder of lgbt for trump chris baron, this is a great day for you. i don't think i have seen you. >> this is like -- this is the best day since the election. literally forget all of the avenatti stiff stuff, this would be grea greatest day. michael avenatti stuff that just ther whicho top, let's be clear,
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no matter what democrats are saying, when all this started, i said that political peril was for democrats, they set the bar so high. they have -- their base believes according to last reuterring poll, 80% believe that trump actively colluded with russia. to steal election from hillary clinton, 80% of democrat believe that, that turned out to be a lie, there is snow basis for it, in fact or law, they should be humiliated. kennedy: are you humiliated jessica. >> i feel pretty good. i would not call myself a collusion truther, i always advocated you win elects on. i think you will see shift, if we get mueller report.
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i hope we do so everyone. kennedy: it will say pretty much same thing. a couple of embarrasses specifics butly and large, i don't think that william barr was taking poetic license with the report, i don't think he was lying to congress when me said this is big take away, i agree, i want to see it. >> if you want to satisfy people who believe a certain thing, and you are correct people do, they think there was active collusion, and robert mueller laid out both sides people top read, that narrative will shift from active collusion to useful idiot collusion. that is now what people talk about there were contacts with russian that were unsavory, manafort, and page, that will be narrative for those who who wano continue to say, maybe he didn't know what they were doing but they played to russia hands.
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he is still computer e putin's y will go to 2020. >> that is what they will stay. >> mccabe said that. >> so many clappers and brennans have been saying this. kennedy: i am gra i glad you brp john brennan, he said final element of robert mueller's investigation would be the arrest of donald trump family members. that would be the death nel of presidency his final act. >> this morning on "morning joe," maybe i didn't know what i was talking about. amount of deference they were given, in left leaning outlets, suddenly we love former director of cia. suddenly we love people who work for fbi, people who lied under oath to congress and everyone knows it, nobody disputes these facts were presented as wise men in redwoods telling us about
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moral fiber of the country, what tonwant to say to my democratic friends who have been pushing this for a long time, i think that investigation should have happened, and i don't like donald trump but today should be a good day, we have seen strongly powerful investigator looked into it, and concluded that president did is on the -- is not a puppet of vladimir putin, i am glad about that. kennedy: the alternative would have been horrible. it is sad that there are people who were hoping for that, and i think that democrats have to be careful going forward with the congressional investigations. jusjust -- jessica is right, people' ideas, if they did after president for something, they better know what they are going after, and they better use facts and better have a hard landing spot, they could really screw themselves out of -- >> at some point they have to
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take a stand -- whether or not when they said before was correct, adam schiff talking about how president would be indicted. and how presidency was coming down. there have been numerous democratic elected efficients t- officials who say we know there was collusion, we saw it that a lie, you have too own that lie. kennedy: i am glad you said that, and matt's point to deference, you hear people like former cia director speak like he as he has' secret set of facts you tend to believe him. >> especially if you don't ask the follow-up question, how do you know, people don't do that. kennedy: no, that would take away from the op optimism that t presidency is unraveling. >> we talk about adam schiff, he has been a face of the now distrie--discredited collusion e
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still refuses on let it go. >> we have set that out time against for from secret meeting in trump you toker to conversations between -- tower to the conversations between flynn, and someone linked to russia intelligences. kennedy: some president supporters had enough of schiff, including house minority leader kevin mccarthy. >> he owes an apology to american public. there is no place in adam schiffs world in congress he to be chair of intel committee. >> i am calling on him to leave the committee as chairman. kennedy: so, should schiff step down. here arizona republican congresswoman and house judiciary commi committee member debbie lesko. >> thank you. kennedy: he sounds out of step
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with reality still talking about russian collusion. i think there are things we could put to bed this maybe might be one. >> you would think so but he and nadler from judiciary committee, of which i am a member just keep talking about collusion, the democrats are really over playing this, this getting down right ridiculous. the american people want us to get it done, they want to to focus on important issues in united states, i mean mueller report was clear, no collusion, no obstruction of justice to determine -- >> did not say now obstruction of justice. >> there is no obstruction of justice, and so this is a good day for the president, and you know, democrats need to get over it. this is ridiculous. now they are just trying to come up with anything and everything to undermine the president. kennedy: true, and instead of
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realizing next year we'll have a presidential elect, it might be best to wait until then and since you have a nice ramp, a nice lead up to the 2020 fight, maybe if they had a good candidate and even better ideas, they could get something done. but i think you want this multtude of investigating invesd distraction from their message. i don't think that democrats have internalized that, it is interesting, i think they are let a lot of voters down. if you are -- if you were nadler what would you do? >> i think he should end this investigation, go down the rabbit hole, but they are not going to, i serve on 3 committees every committee i believe there is a coordinated effort by democrats to undermine the presidency, and their all about the 2020 presidential election. that is all what it is about, i
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hope this american public see threuseethrough this. kennedy: this would be easier to see if mueller report was released, do you think it should be. >> i voted to have it released. at to extent that permitted under the lay. law. we can all read it, but the bottom line this was no collusion, and the attorney general said there was no obstruction of justice. this is a good day for the president, and a good day for the united states of america. and i can tell you that the american people see that the democrats were yelling collusion, collusion, collusion, for two years, and not true. kennedy: hillary clinton said there was 17 intelligence agencies in lockstep about you know russian interference in the election. of that a false statement but she is not president she has time to think about how to put forth truth statements, but maybe not because no one really
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cares any more. where do we go from here in terms of president's message and his agenda. sometimes he has thin skin and holds owill he be able to let it go and put forward a more potent policy agenda. >> the president is doing a good job for america, the economy is booming, a lot of good things are happening. he has to focus on, that but democrats are going to keep trying to us undermine him every way they can. every time they talk. kennedy: i think that people are going get sick of that today people exhaled, they want to move forward, idea of another special counsel looking into hillary sounds like exhausting. i wish more of your peers were grown ups, they could
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internalize events like today and move forward, i don't know if i have fake i -- fake in fa n them. >> i know that democrats will continue, it has opinion clear there is no collusion. they can't get over it. >> i am you are right. kennedy: am canning up, is it time to turntables and look to hillary now? is there shady behavior in ukraine. former of georgia, used to work for the ukrainian government, he is joining me next with details, stay here. allergies with sinus congestion and pressure?
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♪ kennedy: welcome back, the mueller probe is over, but if lindsey graham has his way the investigation are just getting started, senate judiciary committee chair told reporters he plans to look into potential shady behavior. >> clinton campaign, counter intelligence investigation has been swept under the rug, except by a few republicans in the house, those day are over. >> love how you talk. he promised to look to report that hillary campaign may have colluded with a ukrainian force. it is anything to that story. what could be done about it, joining me now former president of -- we welcome back web to the
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show. >> with you. kennedy: what happened in 2016 election both potential leaders of free world went to eastern europe to get dirt on their opponents? >> first, let me say how happy we are that the whole nightmare with the investigation is over. it really has been undermining united states representation in the world, including from when i come, i have been hearing, vladimir putin is rejoicing, he is happy. and it is the opposite. kennedy: does not exonerate vladimir putin. >> and look. i know that vladimir putin, i met him more than 30 time, high attack my country, i know him. can you imagine if mule ar muled
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a kgbofficer recruits president of u.s. u.s. they are unhappy with the conclusion, that i want to really project the influence all over the world, look how tough we are. i knew the way through it was could not be further from the truth. i know very well donald trump since many years. i know putin. i know that collusion was bs from the beginning, i have said it. kennedy: president has been very forceful about that. and you know hillary clinton plaplaced a lot of blame to dond trump but it seemed to be a pay for play organization, when she was secretary of state she took very unusual donations, one of largest donors of president of ukraine. >> well, there were shady
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characters, maybe everywhere. all over the place. and both camps, i agree with my old friend lindsey graham for the sake of fair net. kennedy-- fairness. kennedy: you think there should be an investigation to hillary clinton's time as secretary of state and running for president, taking money from foreign government for favors, they were helping her come up with dirt on some of donald trump's crony. >> i don't think i should could commenting on, that but, in 2012, we had election in georgia, russia of heavily involved. was running campaign against me, what happened at that time. secretary clinton was in her office, and there were free person -- personalities. these are three ge guys getting
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money paid with russian money. then they were contacted with what we know from the information collected related to e-mails. they were telling, they were giving recommending a to secretary herself. what she should say. they were also contacting the people in her surrounding saying that you know, arrangerring meeting and, these in eastern europe, i fought with corruption my career, in eastern europe, corruption is normal, but looking at this unregistered lobbyists. kennedy: they were hillary cronies working with your onizuka. >> own opponent. >> i would not say anything about secretary herself.
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kennedy: i would. >> the people around. kennedy: how would you not know. >> people around. kennedy: do you am sh think he e people. >> what happened. was like i -- we were screaming to the world, and to allies in washington, russia is intruding in our elections. please, safe our democracy. you know they told us, well this your pair now -- paranoia. >> that is what barack obama said against mitt romney, during presidential debates, he was warned. do you think they will try. >> they did the same in our election. kennedy: will they -- >> i tell you, russian oligarch, they were telling, if his party
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wins russia will be unhappy that would complicate our relation with russia. clapper said it congress, so, it like we're talking about you know collusion here and there, i saw same people making so much fuss. kennedy: and money. >> yeah. >> then they were doing turning blind a on mass instruction to our election and they were openly working with russia money. and russia participation. and same in ukraine. >> i hope the new crop of american politicians have learned their les lesson and sty out of foreign swamps. >> ukrainian thinks there was pro russian oligarch, i was there in ukraine. i know that he directed to pass documents to the other campaign,
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against donald trump, that happened on my watch,. kennedy: she was so unlikeable that did not help. >> that is other issue. but from our influence, you know from the beginning. kennedy: we have to go. >> from the beginning, they interviewed me, and aic per -- anchor took me mr. for a cup of coffee, he said i am investigating donald trump collusion what do you thinky. i told him there is no collusion, he told me, i believe the same, from the begin they knew. kennedy: we're have more during the rest of show. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> kennedy: coming up mainstream media having a conniption fit over mueller report. they hate president so much, i'll tell you why biggest
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pie! pie's coming! that's what it takes, baby. geico®. great service from licensed agents, 24/7. . >> some members of the media lost their objectivity and their minds during the special counsel investigation now they can extinguish their hair on fire that the final report did not include instructions to cart off the president robert mueller has been pretty tightlipped over the course of his 22 month probe which led leftist to conclude that he is so full of ammunition he needed bicameral bipartisan legislation to shield him from imminent termination that
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never happened nor did the report strike the fatal impeachable blow. setting off the trend in december 2016 when he published the claim michael flamm was directed by candidate trump to cover up the russians that single source anonymous tip it was wrong and he was suspended. anthony scarab mucci was falsely accused for preinaugural smuggling and of course, that was retracted the writers resigned after running with the play again from the unnamed single source. wishful thinking is not traditionally taught in journalism school but that is feeling too much of that russia investigation coverage mh through the present even robert mueller and his brigade had to issue a smack down when clicked bait said he instructed those to lie to
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congress in 2017. so now what? it depends who you ask but the journalist said we needed this to be the death now now throw around phrases that this is only the beginning there are seeds of a cover-up. now you may need to cover up your naked hostility that your brand of delusion will not aid impeachment making room for queen hairy but it is helping the president you blew it peter struck was right all along when he texted his side piece two days after mueller was appointed special counsel because the mueller report is here there's nothing there.
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stick to the facts and ideas because the truth is stranger than fiction and that is the memo. now the pundits say the mueller report is irrelevant. >> it finally happened, the mueller report drop today. we don't know much. i will just go by what we do know and i don't think it looks good. no further indictments. do the democrats trust the mueller report i don't need that you know, he is a traitor i have a tv. kennedy: so will the liberal media ever admit they were wrong? we welcome our panel. so at some point you have to say it's not what you thought it was going to be. there are so many people in the media for so long driving the idea perk i was one of them and i will absolutely admit it. there was a time when those in
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indictments were coming "fast & furious" with roger stone it felt like the noose was tightening around his neck. paul manafort and we didn't know what was happening because the mueller camp was so leakproof. i am glad i was wrong. kennedy: i can say that. >> i appreciate that i am half man enough. [laughter] it's not as easy to say i overestimated i thought something would happen that didn't i think a lot of people that could do that. i don't think the way that our culture works right now that we reward people for owning things. and that is from both sides of the aisle running with conspiracy theories on the right. even today talking about hillary clinton's e-mails and uranium one and we could do
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pizza gate if we went longer. that is what we need to address as a media culture not just getting 1 million likes but really having colleagues and people in the space respect you more that those that you speak to every day to say i messed up. kennedy: this was a tweet a really great column comparing this to the hunt for wmd in 2004 and the media was on that story not just a few sources or fox news but everyone said saddam hussein has than we have to go get them the world could end. it is actionable intelligence it was flat out wrong and very doubly of course, this may not be as deadly but just as many people who ran with that narrative. >> they are very good at explaining the mechanism by which that happens when you
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drop your skepticism. i have no problem with journalist being adversarial to the president perk i want more of that every time just do that under obama as well. but that does not mean you stop being skeptical just when someone in the intelligence or foreign-policy or law enforcement community start to whisper. and he is very good to show that happened with dossier or the steel report at the beginning of all of this people start playing reporters because they know they are trigger fingered either they lack the tools to not cover the beat very strongly or they are just so ready to believe that like the ncaa game the possession arrow always goes in the same direction that is a wrong way to approach journalis journalism.
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kennedy: there was a long way blog - - a lot of runways the story was presented. >> this was about confirmation bias from the get-go. anytime it was damaging to the president people were willing to drop their skepticism to say except this a single source anonymous because it makes trump look bad. kennedy: bill maher says i don't need a report i know he is guilty. >> it is so amazing. we just had a conversation of a constitutional crisis if mueller was fired and then say we didn't need him anyway. . >> how many times did we hear pundits on msnbc and cnn talk about the constitutional clients if he does not accept the results of the findings? . >> and now these exact people
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will not accept the findings of the mueller report and don't have the decency to step up. kennedy: also i will add the really complicated matter with pressure to few who are experts in russia. kennedy: no. i don't buy that given the number of lawyers and law enforcement that were involved in this investigation. . >> i'm talking about the pundits. kennedy: they are a dime a dozen. that's why i have this job. [laughter] . >> i am on the shannon bream show in a few minutes. [laughter] . >> it did confirm one thing that russians do try to hack our election so how should the president respond to vladimir putin? next. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance,
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kennedy: we are back with more on the mueller report the one thing that was conclusive the russians definitely try to hack the election and lindsey graham is all fired up and once answer answers. >> it's clear to me for the four page summary from the attorney general that the russians did in fact, hack into the dnc. it was the russians. it wasn't a 300-pound guys sitting at a desk somewhere . kennedy: it could have been a russian guy. the kremlin spokesman told reporters the ball is in the president's court but president trump has said he wants to make nice with russia but has that ship sailed? former state department senior advisor to george w. bush
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welcome back. >> thank you. kennedy: obviously this is not a rosy picture for russia and the state hacking with this information campaign. but where do we go from here? . >> this is a huge impediment from those better relations that the president wants if you need the open door russians will come through it with their electoral system and the fact that they engage in political warfare is nothing new they have been doing that since the beginning of the soviet union. it is there a thing it is an effective did not change the outcome but with the witchhunt is that it prevented any real effort, the president did try to reach out to putin and had a meeting but it prevented any serious discussion with the russians. they are an adversary but we have serious equities with them. we did have syria and used to have more things we could cooperate like isis but in
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particular with china we are pushing the russians into china's hands. kennedy: but when we talk about russia obviously in the short term it strains relations even more and that can be incredibly problematic talking about the superpowers but what does it do to the relationship with china? does that open the door for the president to normalize trade relations they are? . >> it has a couple of effects. kennedy: can the president say china, you cannot trust russia come on. [laughter] . >> there is a deep seated suspicion that there are far fewer people there than in russia something that we should be exploiting and said we have an effort where we effectively take on two of the world's great powers at once. one we don't have a choice because china comes after us .
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kennedy: a try to sell our ideas that we like cheap stuff. >> they want to push us out of the western pacific and steal our ideas. it is important we try at least to find common ground trump has wanted to do that but congress now with the ever escalating sanctions put before congress they feel they have to favor them it really has the effect also the chinese and others are susceptible to establishment the political assessment the foreign papers will pick it up god knows why, "the washington post" and they get the idea trump may be on his way out so they are less likely to make deals and take him seriously. kennedy: that is the case you can make with that distraction hurts the ultimate big picture that requires subtlety and some degree of trust.
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now that is disseminated all over the world that he roads that trust a little bit whether they like it or not he is still president for the next two years so let's work together. thank you so much democrats have been counting on the mueller report to help them to defeat the president in 2020. now what do they do? next. -♪ just like any other family ♪ the house, kids, they're living the dream ♪ ♪ and here comes the wacky new maid ♪ -maid? uh, i'm not the... -♪ is she an alien, is she a spy? ♪ ♪ she's always here, someone tell us why ♪ -♪ why, oh, why -♪ she's not the maid we wanted ♪ -because i'm not the maid! -♪ but she's the maid we got -again, i'm not the maid. i protect your home and auto.
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kennedy: democrats running in 2020 following the mueller report news say they are not buying it. >> this is simply a four-page letter from the president attorney general to summarize what happened and we still have a lot of questions. >> it is a summary of the repor report. well i don't want a summary of the report. i want the whole report because nobody, especially this president is above the law. >> i want the whole report.
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i secretly love you but what is the 2020 strategy now that there is no collusion? ceo of wpa intelligence. >> thank you for having me. so to really double down essentially how the president is a russian agent will that work out with his quest for the white house black. >> right now i don't know the way it gets down to it this hasn't been anything more than a bizarre conspiracy theory and now that is pulled out by the mueller report but there are two real risk if they continue to push this after they have made a cloud of themselves and then as of yesterday or even today the chairman makes comments and not backing away they create a political risk themselves.
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so to push the clinton impeachment too far. kennedy: that is a risk i don't think republicans thought about that at the time it was summit fever. they wanted it so badly to get bill clinton they got him and it completely backfired the president has said all along they are out to get me there is a deep space and based on what we have read and i agree it kind of looks that way so i'm sorry that these candidates if they want to get traction with independence they have to do more than two parent those talking points that are out of style. >> that is the political risk especially to the country to push this as you have already pointed out it is clear that russia was trying to have an
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impact so by trying to continue making this about the trump campaign or republicans or the president himself, they ignore the real risk we should be focusing on that to make sure it doesn't happen again in 2020 but democrats are playing politics that is the greater issue. take the political point decide what do we need to do to take care of it to make sure we have an election that nobody has the ability to come in? kennedy: that is my question will they try to do it again? i think they absolutely will and we will rely on your expertise thank you much. kennedy: this whole report is crazy. we are getting into everything. don't worry. we will be right back.hi
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tomorrow night on the show man happy tuesday we will see you here. good night. evening, it has beea great day, a grand day. in america. radical dimms. national left wing media, rino establishment. deep state in pain in bright light of truth. and the unrelenting effort to subvert trump presidency to overthrow president trump and this republic are now at an end for now, the president stands vein kateed. vindicated. >> just announced there was no collusion with russia, the most ridiculous thing i ever heard. there was no collusion with russia. there
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