tv After the Bell FOX Business March 27, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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abnormal flight conditions. i think you also, mr. scovall mentioned stall situations. so how is the faa making sure that is achieved, particularly this area of human and machine interface? i think that the public wants to understand, i think it is probably across a lot of transportation sectors, want to understand what we're doing on testing to make sure that these safety factors of functionality are there, particularly when the functionality is between a machine and human, i mean a machine and human interface, how are we testing for that? in this case how are we testing? >> senator, the faa is intensely interested in the interface between the pilot and the machine and over time that relationship has changed and as aircraft become more automated we have this, clearly automation
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is one of the most important aspects for the amazing increase in improvement and safety we've seen over decades but automation brings with it certain challenges. as the ig has pointed out, if most of the time automation is on on an aircraft, there is concern that pilot skills degrade. when i was flying in the airlines we had within the airline itself, we had some rules about making sure that you hand-flu frequently enough to keep that sharpness but certainly, we look very, very closely at the training requirements and the human interface and what automation does, safety benefits and what the, what the challenges are with it. so we watch that very closely. >> so you think there was enough of that training involved here? >> senator, i do, i do.
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because the mcas, remember, the mcas operates in manuel mode. it is not an automated, it is not during with autopilot on. it actually, as i said earlier it makes the, its whole purpose is to give the pilot the proper feel with a fly-by wire yoke while he or she is flying. so it is, it interjects in manuel mode, it does not interject in automatic mode. and as i said, when that mcas is doing things that it is not supposed to do pilots feel it, it presents itself as uncommanded pitch trim and pilots of large aircraft are trained from the beginning of their careers how to handle that. >> i mention this, and i mention the families that have been here, that is their main mantra, there wasn't enough training on that particular system or at
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least from a copilot perspective and i think i saw that captain sully had also made similar comments recently. we had a lot of debate here as it relates to making sure two pilots are but i really do want to understand the faa's role, certainly scovall's review of human, machine interface. we have to get this right. thank you, mr. chairman. i see my time is expired. >> senator thune. >> thank you, mr. chairman, mr. elwell as you know the faa reauthorization act of 2018 contained several bipartisan provisions improving modernizing faa aircraft certification process including a organization within the faa office of aviation safety kind to improve operational safety by strengthening oversight of oda
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holders delegated to perform certain functions on behalf of the faa. could you provide a timeline on when you expect this office to be fully established? >> thanks for that question, senator thune. absolutely. in fact we already established the new oda office you mentioned prescribed in last year's faa bill on march 5th. we created and stood up the office. >> as a follow-up the faa bill also established an expert review panel to survey oda holders and evaluate of the effectiveness of the oda process. do you have an update when you expect this review panel to be established? >> i don't have it off the top of my head, senator, but i will certainly get that information to you. it may already be in place but i don't have that in my notes. >> thank you, that would be great if you could get us that information. boeing recently, i would direct this to you, elwell, certified
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quote in accordance with faa processes that governed all previous certifications of new airplanes and derivatives, end quote. could you provide examples of other aircraft models where the faa certified variant aircraft in the similar process to the 737 max? >> the process to determined whether amended typesetter cat or a new type is the same regardless of the manufacturer, the type to which you're amending or making that determination. it goes to the points i made earlier about flyability. so first and foremost the criteria is examined whether there is a fundamental difference in the thrust, weight, flight characteristics of the applicant for an amended type. those, as i said, are tried and true methods that we've used for
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decades on amended certificates. i know sometimes in my case when i flew, the super 80 we added to our fleet type the super 80s from another airline in a merger. they had a different cockpit layout but the plane was fundamentally the same. there is a couple of different options but it handled the same. so it was amended type. we went through differences training because the flight deck had some different things in it that we needed to get used to but that is the fundamental things that, the fundamental things that we look at. >> that you look at. so as a follow-up was there anything specific about the design of the 737 max that diffentiates the model certification process from some of those examples that you just mentioned? >> sir, the 737 max it is and required certainly an amended type certificate and primarily
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because of the new modern, complexities that it brought to the table. it did bring the mcas into the equation but the mcas was a supplement or an addition to a system that already existed in the ng. the engine position on the wing was different and it is what required actually, it is what necessitated the addition of mcas. and, and there was some differences in the, in the screens, what was on the screens but fundamentally the aircraft layout, handling, and the performance of the aircraft was the same and thus the decision to make it an amended typesetter cat. >> okay. mr. sumwalt, you mentioned your testimony, both benefits, safety concerns related to integration of uas in the nation's airspace. faa authorization included numerous provisions to safe operation of this emerging technology. are there any pending regulatory
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actions at the faa you see particularly most important to integration of drones into our airspace? >> thank you for that question, senator thune. as you're aware the faa recently enacted part 107 to the federal aviation regulations which imposes more regulatory requirements for drone operators. we see that as a positive. >> okay. all right. thank you. i see my time's expired, mr. chairman. thank you all for your, willingness to be here today, take questions. >> senator klobuchar. >> thank you, very much, mr. chairman. thank you to all of you. the two tragic airplane crashes included by the way, a dad was beloved community member from st. cloud, minnesota and i know his family is grief-stricken. following these crashes as many of my colleagues talked about, it is very important that we figure out our certification process and get it right so we
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can prevent similar tragedies in the future. mr. sumwalt, you have been asked about this, but let me try a different way. are there any safety measures the faa may have miscalculated when evaluating safety features of the boeing 737 max? >> senator klobuchar, thank you for that question. we certify aircraft in a way that we have refined, as i said, for large aircraft, large commercial aircraft. it has been refined 130 times, over 130 times since we started doing these. in every certification we learned something new. from every ig audit -- >> was this consistent how you have done other certifications in other situations, the boeing situation? >> yes, ma'am. there was, this was an amended typesetterification that
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followed, the procedures we used to determine and then to execute amended -- >> if you learned something else after this investigation or other things come out you may change that process? >> absolutely. that is how we get better. >> mr. scoff veil what is your office's timeline for thises office. >> thank you, senator. we shoot for 10 months. we have highly skilled of aviation auditors we all turn to. if we can meet 10 months, i, i optimistically say great. it may well be, some months after that. we will get to it as soon as we possibly can because we truly appreciate your interest on all these matters. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> mr. elwell back to you. according to rise "new york times" article, boeing charged extra for safety features, these are optional add-ons. following the crash us did the
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faa plan to update crash safety features or take other actions that mandate the features are not optional? >> senator klobuchar, when we certify an aircraft whether it is amended or new type, critical safety features that is an important term, if something is critical safety feature on a aircraft, passenger aircraft we certify it is not optional. so critical safety features are part of the certification package and i think what you're referring to is aoa displays on the crts in the cockpit and i can tell you as a pie hot who has flown aircraft, several aircraft in the military and civilian world, i had aircraft that had aoa displays in the cockpit and i had aircraft that didn't and it all depends what the rest of the display says. in today's modern airplanes, you have 12-inch c. rts in the cockpit --
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>> is it possible could be decided these are not optional, that it should be mandatory after it is discovered in these investigations? >> surely. >> do you know estimate of how many safety features fa a-list as optional that detect malfunctions or tell me later in writing? >> i could tell you later, senator klobuchar. >> all right. the, chairman sumwalt, what role does the u.s. playsetting international saved standards when it comes to training for foreign pilots. do we have any role there? i was thinking someone from minnesota was killed and -- >> sure, senator klobuchar, and we are, and as i have mentioned we are a member state to the international civil aviation organization that sets recommended practices and standards and so it would be
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icao that would outline those international training standards that other member-states would be expected to comply with. >> could you weigh in on those training standards? >> we could. the faa is officially the u.s. representative to icao but we work closely with them, with our relationship with icao. >> i see. you would be involved in that? >> yes, senator, we would. >> okay. follow up on that later. one last question i had of you, chairman sumwalt, in your testimony high lighted reducing fatigue-related accidents as one of ntsb's most wanted transportation safety improvements for 2019 to 2020. as you know i have led the safe skies act supported by captain sullenberger among many, along with senator cantwell, bloom bloom, markky and duckworth, to take the rest requirements we put in place for passengers pilots apply them to cargo pilots. this is something unrelated to the two crashes but part of
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airline safety and i know the families have supported. so could you comment on that. >> absolutely. i want to thank you and senator blumenthal on that. for your advocacy. ntsb does not agree there should be different standards for passenger carrying airlines and cargo carrying airlines over the fatigue rule. faa enacted fatigue rule for passenger carriers, and did not relate to cargo carriers. we disagree with that disconnect. >> i hope you win. connell: we've been watching coverage, or covering a live hearing on capitol hill in the wake of the two tragic crashes of the 737 max planes from boeing. dealing with airline safety. senate subcommittee hearing chaired by senator ted cruz of texas, and featuring officials from both the faa and ntsb we'll talk a lot what came out of that in terms of pilot training, all of that and rest.
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and cover markets as they close on "after the bell." melissa: that's right. i'm melissa francis. connell: i'm connell mcshane. we go through the numbers. fox team coverage with edward lawrence watching the hearing on the hill but also gerri willis on the day on wall street at the new york stock exchange. to gerri in a moment but edward let's start with you. reporter: very interesting hearing here. subdued hearing from the faa administrators. senators had tough questions for them. starting in july the faa will significantly change the way they oversight in terms of making sure planes are safe to fly. now also the acting faa administrator defending the position that the faa took in being the last, sort of globally to ground this fleet of planes saying that he deals with just the data. he says and the data they had at the time of the crash it did not show a pattern. three days later they got data off the ground, evidence off the ground that showed they needed to ground the fleet to see what is going on.
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with that data they took the steps to ground them. >> these are not big changes as far as the faa is concerned and after many scenarios, flights in all regimes, sim flights in all regimes with the pilots, there was consensus from the pilots, european, canadian, american pilots there was no marked difference in handling characteristics of these two aircraft. >> he is talking about the safety feature with the anti-stall device. that is one of the concerns for the faa and senators here in fact it was optional equipment. boeing sold separately some optional warning signals in particular that would light up if the anti-stall software got false messages from a sensor. this is something senators were very concerned about. at an earlier hearing transportation secretary elaine chao said the faa oversight on plane manufacturing needs to be overhauled. listen. >> i am of course concerned about any allegations of
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coziness with any company, manufacturer, whatever. the faa is a professional organization. reporter: the concern among senator was that the boeing coziness with faa investigators was able to speed this plane through. now the faa administrator saying that is not the case. these are minor optional changes made to an existing airline. sort of like your car changing different scenarios within the inside of the car but again, senators very concerned about the changes, how that could have led possibly to the two crashes. again we don't officially know the causes of those crashes that happened last november and earlier this month. back to you. connell: good summary for us, edward lawrence on capitol hill. melissa: we have safety analyst, as we monitor the hearings on capitol hill. first of all what did you think came from the hearing so far? did you learn anything new or
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did anyone score any points here in your opinion? >> no, we walk ad bunch of senators sleep walk through a subject matter they know nothing about. optional equipment, airlines want to buy the equipment they want to buy when they inspect the airplane. that is the bogus. making comments klobuchar did we need to change the certification process to avoid the future crashes, this is very misleading this is not moving the needle. we know what the problem was with those two airlines. u.s. carriers didn't have the problem. we did it right. it is foreign carrier issue. melissa: interesting. so, you know there were allegations you heard just a little while ago, is there too much coast -- coziness with airline and faa that was one of the things brought up when different countries decided to ground the airlines. is the president too close to the ceo of boeing. do you think any of that came
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into play. based on your answer sounds like no? >> that had nothing to do with the two accidents, one the airlines had a student pilot in the cockpit. the other had bad maintenance. we know that to start with. to say the relationship between the faa and boeing having cocktails together that may be an issue at some point. it is not an issue with these two crashes. melissa: why haven't we heard people say what you just said? that seems logical common sense answer to your question? they don't have same rigorous standards for pilots in other countries being familiar with changes in equipment, new equipment, we haven't heard a lot of other people echo that. why do you that i ha is? >> it is amazing. captain sullenberger brought it up. that got buried in other things of the boeing and airbus can sell to anybody. they sell them to airlines. if the airlines don't train them properly they have no control over it. i don't know why we're focusing on the proximate cause for the crash, rather than certification process that took place 125,000
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departureses ago of the 737 max. melissa: mike boyd, thanks for clearing it up. we appreciate it. connell. connell: back to boeing throughout the program. we also want to look at markets in terms where the dow closed it was kind of interesting. down 32 at the close. some of that boeing, stock coming back intraday with the software fix introduced. other items to cover as well, gerri willis from the floor of the new york stock exchange. gerri. >> i want to start with google, guys. blake burman forwarding an email. this looks like it is from the google spokesperson. the president tweeting about google. we met with sundar pichai of google, doing quite well. he is strongly committed to the u.s. military, not the chinese military. the president accused google in the past of indirectly helping the chinese military. google coming back after the president's tweet saying this. we were pleased to have productive conversations with the president about investing in
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the future of the american workforce, the growth of emerging technologies and our ongoing commitment to working with the u.s. government. sounds like a they were in different meetings but maybe similar comments there. also want to talk to you a little bit what is going on empty markets. we had a bit of a selloff on stock indexes. s&p down 13, nasdaq down 49, 48. what is interesting is, all the focus was on the bond market and the 10-year treasury yield which fell to 15-month low to 2.35%. stocks on the yield on 10-year treasury kind of trading in lockstep was interesting. big headlines out of another tech giant, facebook. they are banning white nationalism content as of next week. this is in response to civil rights groups. people who pose such content will be redirected to the website life after hate this is sort of rehab program for people who are on these sites. it helps people leave hate groups. facebook is saying they are working on this three months.
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you have a lot in the show. back to you. connell: gerri, thanks. we'll take up some issues with jonathan hoenig, capitalist pig hedge fund. jonathan is a fox contributor. we're joined by todd horowitz from the the baba trading show. maybe, jonathan, we get in a word on the google story. interesting to see the president's tweet meeting with ceo of google at white house this afternoon. sundar pichai was there originally meeting with the joint chiefs. this is a big issue i would think, for google, whether a pr issue or change in the line of business issue but they have come under fire both from the president and the chairman of the joint chiefs and others for being way too cozy with chinese interests which are, you know, affiliated, thinking goes with the chinese government. what do you make of the way this is all developing? >> yes indeed, connell. unless it was the president's tweet really made this news and i think probably pushed around google's stock as well. yes the company had been accused essentially working with the
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chinese government or perhaps not only with infrastructure and trade secrets but also this question of a china-specific search engine. that of course had been weighing on shares of google. also the potential for as the president talked about for google help the country, work with the country, that is perhaps alleviating some of those fears of more regulation of companies like facebook, like google which plagued the shares earlier this year. connell: fair point. todd what is your take on this issue any think we'll hear a lot more about it. >> finally they're coming back to the table, hey we should maybe work with the united states. we go back six months, a year ago, they said they wanted nothing to do with the u.s. military which is ridiculous. they're an american company. they should be working with the u.s. military and not working on special projects right now. i know it is about the almighty dollar. with their technology, one of the most powerful search engines in the world. they need to put efforts towards
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united states of america, not china. connell: fair enough. we'll stay on it. guys, appreciate it as always. melissa: taking on obamacare. president trump doubling down on the push to dismantle the health care law after backing a federal court ruling to strike it down entirely. the president vowing the republican party will put a better plan in place. so where do we go from here? we are live at the white house with the latest. connell: flue twists in the jussie smollett case. chicago police releasing documents just a day after the prosecution dropped charges against the actor. potential legal fallout is coming up. melissa: that is so bizarre. more high-stakes boeing hearing on capitol hill. airline executives facing tough questions about the safety of its passengers. we'll bring you headlines as they happen this hour. ♪ jardiance asks...
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connell: breaking news at the white house. we see president trump is presenting a posthumous medal of honor, the highest award for braver against an enemy, presenting it to staff army sergeant travis atkins, shielded his body from a suicide bomber in iraq in 2007. his son is there in his honor. we're giving other breaking headlines throughout the hour. melissa. melissa: all options are open. president trump telling russia to remove troops from venezuela as he meets with the wife of the opposition leader juan guaido at the white house today. fox business's blake burman is there with the details. bleak? reporter: she met with vice president mike pence as well as president trump, melissa. the white house used the backdrop of the oval office to continue to show its support for venezuelan opposition leader juan guaido, as the white house described her as the first lady of venezuela. the president continues to say
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as it relates to venezuela and u.s. policy that all options remain on the table. he gave this warning right here to russia. >> russia has to get out. reporter: have you in any way communicated that through mr. bolton or through the representative at the united nation. >> they know. they know very well. reporter: at the end of the those comments the president was asked about rededication to health care. sources tell fox, that the attorney general bill barr and alex azar disagreed with the department of justice recent announcement it will take the position that the affordable care act should be thrown out in its entirety. those sources say in the end it was the white house, specifically the voice of the president that won out. today the president continued to promote his newly-found message. >> the deductibles are way too high. obamacare is a disaster. so we're going to be the party -- i said it yesterday. i mean it 100%. we're going to be the, republicans, the party of great
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health care. reporter: of course this all relates back to the decision in a texas court, district court, which now the administration says sides with, rather, which they say that the entirety of the affordable care act should be repealed. the president today, when he talked about a possible replacement said, quote, we're coming up with plans. not necessarily specific there. connell, melissa. melissa: good luck. everybody has been supposed to fix that thing forever. so we'll see. blake, thank you. connell: we heard about disagreements over health care. we move now to another internal struggle in the white house. treasury secretary steve mnuchin and mark calabria, incoming federal housing finance agency director are reportedly at odds of the government revamp of freddie mac and fannie mae. reporting on this is coming from our own charlie gasparino, who joins us with more exclusive details. what is the deal, charlie? >> everybody was supposed to fix this one as well, fannie and
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freddie. right up there with health care particularly coming out of financial crisis. it by the way sounds mind-boggling, government agencies that support the mortgage market but they play a huge role. they basically supply liquidity for a 10 trillion-dollar mortgage market. whatever reform plans that comes out of this will be pretty big. president came out with a presidential order, fix the damn thing finally. mnuchin is there, and hud. one other player, the head of the faha. from what we understand he is at odds with steve mnuchin over the way to reform this thing. mnuchin wants fannie and freddie essentially to return to the old structure precrisis. essentially private companies that trade in the public markets, that have implicit government backup. calabria says do not take them out of government control until we have better taxpayers controls and protection because
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we don't want another bailout like we had in 2008. so again if you're thinking this is the beginning of something that will happen tomorrow, i am telling you there is a lot of disagreement over how the future structure of these things will look like between the two principle players in this, mnuchin and calabria. you throw in congress, this thing could go on for a while. here is why it is important to our viewers. a lot of our viewers have mortgages. fannie and freddie are needed to make liquidity in the market. banks don't make 30 year mortgages until they can sell them to fannie and freddie, simple as that. hedge funds, small investors got in when the stocks were trading at $2 a share or less. they're hoping for a big pay day if there is reform effort. i would say to them, if you think you will triple your money tomorrow wait for the fine details because calabria and mnuchin don't see eye-to-eye on this. they matter here.
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back to you. connell: that is the takeaway. it could drag on. good reporting as always. charlie gasparino in the news room. melissa: the case keeps getting more dramatic by the minute. all charges dropped against "empire" actor jussie smollett. angering chicago police. connell: the boeing 737 max hearing continues right now following the two deadly crashes. we'll bring you more late-breaking details from that hearing next. ♪ and i treat my mbc with everyday verzenio- the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. in fact, verzenio is a cdk4 & 6 inhibitor for postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer, approved, with hormonal therapy, as an everyday treatment for a relentless disease.
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the boeing 737 max 8 aircraft. basically the last agency around the globe to do it. director daniel daniel, elwell said he didn't have the evidence he needed to ground the planes. >> we may have been the last ones to ground the airplanes but canada and united states were first ones to ground the data for data. if you ground a aircraft for definable reason, you have something by which to underground them. reporter: senators were concerned about the close relationship between faa investigators as well as boeing when they were trying to certify this plane. they were concerned that possibly they rushed rollout of this plane without giving pilots the proper training they needed by adding new software, the anti-stall software on the aircraft. senators are concerned that boeing makes certain safety equipment optional.
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that airlines have to buy as an extra. they were referring to a knob or a dial on there, that lights up and tells the pilot when the anti-stall software is getting false reads from a sensor. today boeing confirmed going forward that safety equipment will be standard on all of their planes. the faa saying that it will also significantly change the way that they oversee air safety starting in july. they say they have to evolve because of these crashes. back to you. melissa: edward lawrence, thank you. connell: we're joined with some reaction and analysis of all this by seth kaplan. seth is an aviation journalist. you know this industry quite well. take up some of the issues edward raised in his report in order to see what the talk around the industry has been of the first of all the criticism there, asked an answered there, officials being late in the game, is that in terms of fairgrounding the airplane, follow, rather than leading here in the united states? >> at least in the narrow sense
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faa always does what it had already done. they said let's wait to get the data from black boxes and voice recording. also what was new here, sort of threw him a curveball, in the old days you didn't have much to work with until you had the black boxes. this time you did have the satellite data. he mentioned canada reacted just before the u.s. of the also just other sort of more rudimentary satellite data you kind of new what might have happened rather than soon happened after the crash. in narrow sense they did what they always had done. the difference being around the world, people thought there were enough dots to connect, we know at least partly caused the lion air crash and that also might have contributed to this, and maybe take the fleet out of the sky. connell: connecting the dots, whether that was right thing to do analytically or not. what about the relationship, the cozy relationship that has been criticized between the regulators and those that they regulate. we've seen that in other industries over the years, come up on wall street as an example.
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is that seen as legitimate or something that misses the point here? >> you know, as long as everybody in the industry says you can say what you want, the industry is safest as it ever has been. it was kind of hard to say things weren't working right? here, in the aggregate that is still true. overall you're still safer getting on airplane than you ever been. you have two disasters made up of a small percentage after global fleet. that becomes harder to say. the question whether something went wrong with the certification process, rather clearly something went wrong. the question whether something nefarious happened or kind of an innocent faa underresourced relying a lot on boeing and its engineers, that is what we'll have to see in coming weeks -- connell: boeing handling of all of this, today was about regulators and issues with safety and how they do it going forward? what about the condition's
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software fix at least helping stock price today but what is your take how boeing handled this? >> i think in the first days with ethiopia they should have been quicker to see how the movie would end. you knew where this was going, by the time faa did what they did, the fleet was essentially grounded almost everywhere in the world. they needed steps toe needed to take to insure that they know. they're part of a due open -- you only. not like chipotle. they don't want to buy airbus planes. they need to take the steps, give airlines, government, flying public, and the program could be in long run with a success that had a tragic start. connell: seth, good stuff. thanks for expertise. appreciate you coming on. the hearing is going on. we'll keep eye on it and bring you the latest headlines. melissa: vowing to step down, theresa may says she will call it quits if the brexit deal is
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lyft is scheduled to make the market debut on friday. good for them. connell: very interesting. breaking news mode, we will move overseas where as we always said keep calm and brexit on. it's a mess in the uk as screaming and yelling at each other with more debates and votes in the parliament. new results are actually expected at any moment now. the prime minister, theresa may, said she would get out, she would step down if they go for her deal. we'll see what happens. deirdre bolton joins us from the newsroom, keeping close eye on this mess as we call it. deirdre? reporter: that is exactly what it is, connell. there are eight options. within those eight there are variations. i will show you the big three. outcome number one, no deal. the uk leaves eu. pretty simple, right? out come number two, a soft brexit as the term goes. there are about four key variations in this. means essentially the uk has one foot in, one foot out of the eu one, only one of four options in
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this category includes the uk leaving a single market. basically it would able to negotiate independent trade deals with the u.s. and other countries. would essentially be no longer part of the economic european bloc. so trade would change but people could flow freely. the most important part of this equation, is the lack of a wall or checkpoint between the republic of ireland which belongs to to the eu, no matter what, and northern ireland which belongs to the u.k. ireland has had bloody battles for decades, centuries, that good friday agreement signed in 1998 put an end to that. no one wants to retest what is recognized as a fragile peace. outcome number three, a second referendum, a second vote, meaning whatever is concocted between tonight and friday, that particular version would be put in front of the uk citizens yet
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again. this seems the least likely. connell, either way, theresa may says she will resign once whatever terms are decided, whenever they are put into effect. they said if you hate me for political reasons, personal reasons, don't worry, i will step out once this is settled. connell, back to you. connell: aye yi yi. next hour we should get a sense which direction they're going. >> indeed. connell: melissa. melissa: very painful pursuit. parents of otto warmbier who died after being tortured by north korean authorities are going after the regime's assets now, demanding enforcement of more than $500 million awarded to them by a u.s. judge. here now is jonna spillbor. thanks for joining us. it is not about the money for the family. it has been tremendous loss. it is interesting avenue they could pursue they could do something worthwhile with money in his memory. how hard is it that they have the judgment to go after to find
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those assets? >> let me say say the warmbier family deserves every penny but will never see a single dime. when you have a judgment on u.s. citizen on u.s. soil it is hard enough to enforce a judgment this is almost impossible. not because of the size but difficult if not impossible to enforce a international judgment on foreign land. even if they can find north korean assets in america, first of all they got to stand in line. they are not only one with judgments against the horrible regime. it will be impossible. it might take white house intervention for them to see anything. i just don't see that happening anytime soon. melissa: i don't know, it could be white house intervention. the president has gotten involved on this level before. i just wonder, is this kind of thing, where a lawyer, if you hired you know, a forensic accountant, somebody to look the
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money, it does exist all over the world. other people are paying them, getting money into the regime, wouldn't they get a percent of what they found, they would get a lot of publicity for having found the money? i don't know that i would give up hope at this point? >> yeah. it, if an attorney were able to get assets into lawfully enforce the judgment and get their hands on anything, not 500 million, whatever the amount, they could get a piece of that action, oh, wouldn't it be a wonderful victory for this family? i think it will be so difficult for that difficult time getting takers to do that. unfortunately. melissa: thank you. >> thank you. connell: we'll keep an eye on that obviously. growing outrage keep an eye on the chicago after prosecutors dropped all charges against jussie smollett. we have a new twist that has critics questioning his dismissal more than they were. if that is possible. that is coming your way next. ♪
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>> chicago goalie is releasing a full 61 page report in the transfer case monday after charges against the act there were shockingly dropped. what did we learn, matt? >> first of all you can read those to can read the 61 pages at fox news about the brothers claimed he had nothing to do with the alleged threat letter to chicago police say jussie smollett sang to himself. he faces a federal count of mail fraud by the fbi if they determined he sent a letter to himself. today chicago's mayor rahm emanuel once again calling train for a liar and does the city and apology. >> i heard that they want america to know the truth and higher behind secrecy in brokering a deal to circumvent the judicial system.
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>> a county prosecutors claim this is not exoneration. they took into consideration jesse jackson's rainbow push unfiled.combined with forfeiting his $10,000 bond. this is a just punishment instead of going to trial. they seem to be much more aggravated race on claims of a heinous hate crime. transfer is a nonviolent offenders a dozen or more prosecution. >> our goal is combating violent crime in the drivers of violence and i don't think that jussie smollett is a driver of violence nor was he a violent criminal. >> he claims he's innocent and told the truth in all of this. >> maxima back to you. i don't think this is the end of this. >> elise over the last couple of days it seems like wow, one
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thing after another when you try to find the other side of this. >> there's a scandal in there somewhere me i'm sure going to hear about it. "bulls & bears" starts now. trade to the faa in the hot seat. lawmakers grilling trop aviation officials in the first hearing on capitol hill following a global backlash after the two deadly 737 max crashes. this on the same day boeing is announcing a software fix they say will make their planes safer but doesn't go far enough. hi, everybody. this is "bulls & bears." but you could join us. i'm david asman. joining me we have a target rich environment appearances in may. susan li, carol roth, jack how. first let's go straight to edward lawrence. look at the bottom of how it was approved in the first place so
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