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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  April 2, 2019 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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country. most stress louisiana, mississippi and arkansas, least stress, minnesota, utah and massachusetts, they look at health, credit scores divorce rates. melissa: massachusetts? they are stressed at harvard, bracebuenos aires starts right . >> -- bulls and bears starts right now. >> a national emergency on the border. that is it. david: president trump doubling down on his threat to shut the southern bored yore as senior dhs official said that u.s. faces a system-wide meltdown, this is bulls and bears, i am david asman, thank you for joining us, joining me deirdre bolton, caroll roth could robert wolf and john layfield, critics sounds off over an economic impact of a border closure, some
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even within his own party. >> it is not a good idea. >> it will really hurt our gdp . >> the idea you would close the bored or cut off aid to the countries where people are fleeing and comes to united states, is down right stupid. >> you are just going to hurt jobs in the united states. >> president has a very good economy, he should consider thetic tepght abou -- >> it will have a neg avenue impact on the economy. one of the biggest trade deals in world we did with the usmcarc, security is more importance, we'll have strong border or a closed border. david: let's bring in brandon judd. >> thank you. david: closing the border will cost american companies billions of dollars every month, is
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closing the border worth the economic cost. >> i think we have to look at this long-term, border security is not a sprint, this a marathon, if it is going to secure border long-term then the economic prospects are better. not short-term. >> this is caroll roth, in terms of thinking about the economic ramifications. what else is being thought about. we need immigration reform, and we do with jobs of people who are here who are not citizens, what is being done in that regard as you figure out the economic impact. >> i could tell you, i know that the white house is looking ush r every rock with authority they have under the raw law -- laws on the books, right now you have a split congress, the chances of something happening in law is
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slim. there are certain things on the horizon they are looking at, such add border patrol agents potentially doing credible interviews at the time of arrest that kicks process off quicker that would potentially allow us to remove people faster that would remove the magnet this pulls people to come here illegally. >> this deirdre bolton, i heard what you said about long-term thinking versus short-term. but mexico is top three trading partner for us, the second biggest destination for our exports. so to whattic ten is that -- what extent does that factor in? >> you have to look at if we hit them in the pocke pocketbook. that is where you normally get countries to start helping you, if we tell them they will shuts border, and they know it hurts their economic prospect. >> it hurts us too. >> it does, if we secure border, long-term, we're going to be
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better off. >> this is john layfield, i salute you, border agents on border, i agree with border security. i believe this is possibly the dumbest idea i heard for stopping this migrant caravan, mexico is not our enemy, mexico is our friend, they have been a very good neighbor of ours and deported mor central american migrant in last 3 years than u.s. by about 50%. they offered for a containment zone, north to stop this, what else do you want mexico to do, seems that we're chasing a windmill, this does not make sense to me. >> i don't know if that absolutely correcting . >> i have worked on northern and southern. >> i can show you the numbers. >> i have worked on northern border southwest border, we get
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more from canada than from mexico. if you look at the immigration law in mexico, they are tough. they are allowing people to come in to their country to work their way to our border then cross over illegally, in my opinion if they know that is happening, that is aiding and abetting, they are allowing it to happen, they should not allow people to enter people their country for sold purpose of work -- sole important of working their way to our border and crosses over illegally. >> i am confused about the end game, president spoke about a national emergency before, building a wall, then their you have both parties talk about real concern is ports of entry, when you say this is a sprint, a marathon not a sprint. i'm confused. what we've opinion -- been talking about, by closing the
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border, this is ports of entry, we agreed should be focus. but the president is talking about the wall. >> you are actually looking at economic sanctions, closes down ports of entry is a way to create economic sanctions, then you hope to put pressure on mexican government to stop allowing the caravans from entering their country for the sole purpose of coming to our borders and crossing our bordering illegally, we do economic sanctions in world when we're not getting proper -- >> brandon there are laws of asea-- asylum. we should change our laws of asylum in we have issues of that and thinking about how we work with mexico to contain this. i applaud john with their statement, closing the border
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seems to be on one of the last resorts. that is what you are w are sayig we're at last resort. >> if the people would present themselves at board that a legal process, 90% cross illegally. not legally, they -- >> that would not change with what you recommend. >> absolutely would. if it putses frommure o pressurn mexican government to stop allow these people from entering their country, we're looking for them to work with us, right now mexico is not helping us to solve this, nor are guatemala, el salvador and hondurus. we have to put this pressure on them to solve this. david: brandon, you know where of you speak. you spent a lot of time on the
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border, you know what motivates people that come across, and you know the way that mexic mexican government works, i know. john, they don't operate by the rule of law in mexico. very often, they have the strictest border laws in the world in mexico. and they don't live by these laws, mexico is a place where the law are bent to the point to the breaking point. and i think immigration is one of those areas where they do bend the law, their law are meaningless i, am i wrong on th. >> you are right, we get very little cooperation from mexican government when border patrol agents reach out and looking for help. as opposed to northern border we get a lot of cooperation from canadian government, we're looking for same type of cooperation, if we can get that cooperation and they will actually enforce their laws then
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we don't have this problem, that is what we're looking at. >> do you have a sense of a time frame, we know that president is willing to. >> tgo to the mat circumstance this something you -- is this something that you imagine mexico would give into in short order or something that would go on and on. it would have a different economic impact. >> i would not push this president, me personally, he was elected to to this, she was supposed to be -- he was supposed to be different, not the normal politician, she not t actions like the normal politician it has opinion very good for our country, look at our economy, better than it has been in my lifetime. if mexico does not help us, i expect him to follow through with his promise.
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>> brandon, he shut town government for 35 days, longests government shut down in history. he took a teal after that shut down he would got 300 million more for wall before that shot down happened. -- shuts down happened that was a terrible negotiation, i don't know why this is different. you look at nueva lor lore -- r. you will cripple thousand of americans, we trying to push mexico to to in my opinion, sorry to disagree with you, but mexico is doing something leak a containment zone right now, we need to partner with mexico not fight them. >> i don't disagree as far as partnering, but we're not seeing the cooperation from a border security stand point. nobody's to hurt any americans
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nobody wants to hurt frankly the mexican economy. but we have t to have that cooperation, drastic time requires drastic measures, we're literally in the worst border crises in the history of united states border patrol, worse than anything i have seen in bond year career21 jiri year career and i worked in tucson sector, right now is worse weaker to look to what we can do at all of the things we can do, if our congress is not going to help we'll have to take the actions, if mexican government will not help, we'll have to take those actions, we have to look at what we can do to alleviate this. david: this was a month ago that president was lampooned for calling it a crise, now even democrats like jeh johnson and others recognize it a crisis,
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brandon thank you so much for coming on, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> former star black cro ceo hod schultz calls for higher taxes on the wealthy, saying they will pay anything as long as one major issue, is dress addressed, wait until you hear what that is, coming up am all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients
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david: former starbuck ceo potential 2020 independent candidate, howard schultz speaking on we'll inequality on fox and friends this morning ahead of fox news town hall, thursday. >> the wealthy should be tacked more -- taxed more, whether it is does not matter how much,
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most of wealthy people in america recognize in their taxes are increased, question is will the government be responsible about that you that money is spent the. david: no matter who it in charge in white house,ing the government ever act responsibly with your money, what do you think. >> absolutely not, they could not organize a drinking party in a brewery. they are terrible. we have right now, biggest deficit in our history, 3% gdp growth, not just a matter of republicans in charge, but when democrats in charge they did the same thing. they did the same thing, i don't have a problem with wealthy tax, paying more, but problem that i have, is motive, it not to bring in more revenue to pay for more defense or social program, this is a punishment against wealthy is how it is viewed to stop ol
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oligarch and headline with helpd and distribution of wealth, that say problem, but i think it is coming, because no one out there is going to defend the wealthy. >> it does matter how much. and he made that comment about corporate taxes, should be higher. i think real threat to his campaign, i know that mayor bloomberg is now reconsidering, former vice president joe biden is not in the race, i think among people who want a centrist business person, i think that bloomberg has more gas in the tank than howard schultz. >> this is unforgivable, i am pulling out milton freeman, where are you going to fine the angels to sort the society for us. this is a trick question, no group of people can be more efficient in terms offa allocatg
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resources than the free market and the invisible hand. >> not surprising howard schultz trying to sound more like a democrat on fox, and more hike a republican on msnbc, right now. democrats, which he has opinion, can't stand him. david: you too. >> i am he has good ideas but i do not want him to run as an independent, if he runs sh he hd run as a democrat. i don't have an issue where progressive tax, the way he talked about just tax wealthy, i would have expected more. david: caroll, i am with you, i have a problem for progressive tax, the whole income inequality that is a phony debate. if we measure wealth by consumption, we all so much better identify than we were -- better off than we were, what does it matter if howard schultz
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has a billion or bre bezos has a hundred billion if i am doing better, we in united states have never done better than now, what does income inequality matter. >> a men to you, 100 -- amen to you, 100% what you said, poverty is a problem. not income inequality, we need to address poverty. >> there are two statistics that are worth examining, whoever is next president, president trump even if he is in second term, health care costs 1 25% more than in 70s and 80s, and higher -- >> because the government is in the middle of it, that is why the same with college, everything that government gets in middle of gets more
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expensive. give them more money? we have to go in the opposition direction. >> i think part of the appeal to younger people for more left leaning policies is because they feel they can't afford good healtcareand education. >> they don't understand, they think having free education is the solution. when having government involved is what created that problem it is so expensive t to begin it. >> i feel i am going back and forth. >> robert is right in the middle. >> john help me out. >> a good analogy for me and you, a reason that aaron judge makes more than the bad boy. >> i think -- >> i hate so tell socialists. >> i would have thought howard schultz would have explained it differently, saying, trickle down economics is not working, i
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think the way we did it was surprising to me. david: income is going up more than 3%, we had a rise in income in united states, you say middle class is shrinking, i think that middle class hase has exposure n this ever had. of this not created by the government, on the phone, that is private sector, and they have fulfilled their promise for new inventions and access to comfort. >> other thing that people don't realize, when they look at wage, thing like benefits are not factored in, benefits are 44% of all wage comp, it used to be 15%. statistics need to catch up. david: i am a progressive, i believe in progress, this is
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progress. ed by ebiden under fire. what is really fueling the backlash? we'll debate that coming up. pes. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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>> i believe lucy flores, joe biden needs to give an answer. >> i believe lucy flores. >> we need to live in a nation where people can hear her truth. >> i have no reason not to believe lucy. i think what this speaks to is need to fundamentally change the culture of this country. >> i have no reason not to believe her, i we know from campaigns and politics that people raise issues, they have to address them. david: lucy flores, we heard about is the one who accused joe biden, she has been a bernie
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supporter, that needs to be mentioned. is there backlash from biden's left winning potential presidential rivals or his moderate policies? >> i would agree if someone feels uncomfortable in a certain setting and they peak about it, they should feel free to speak about it. i am also happy stephanie carter put out a piece defending biden, but defending biden on a viral mean, he was supporting her that day, she was thank full. i am glad i saw susan rice support, this is uncomfortable for him to read and to us read, i'm not questioning the women in this, i do not think this is disqualifying, i hope he runs. david: it is more about his moderate economic policy? >> i think that could be part. if you look at where democratic
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party it veers left to point there is such a conspiracy theory this part of bernie sanders supporters trying it make sure that former veep does not get in the race, i think as far as what millennials seem to be polling, they are going further left than where i would assume the former vp would be. >> and agree with robert, i don't think this is disqualifying, my wife worked on wall street for decade, i hate to massage this culture she dealt with, i am simp that sympo women here. i do not think it disqualifies, you look at what president trump within through before the election, about what he said was worse, in america we elect a president not a pope, that seems callous but this is how people look. i think it probably does bring michael bloomberg back in the race, i hope it does.
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i voted for him last election. >> deirdre, mentioned biden supporters, funny enough, pro trump pact released. >> i feel that joe biden put his band on my shoulders get up close from behind, lean in and smell my hair. and then plant a slow kiss on the top of my head. to have vice president of the united states do that to me, so unexpectedly and kind of out of nowhere it was shocking. >> so why would a pro-trump pak do this. >> it is shocking, you see image of a child that is more shocking. david: this was -- i think this will rally democrats around biden rather than turn them off, there something in there that democrats or republicans did not already know.
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and democrats can say, democrats hate trump more than anything in the world. so, this mighty would think would help biden. >> i have spoken to vice president, my view, get in the campaign. okay, time to get in and time to lean in on what you stand for. you have been one of the greatest role models during you know, for democrats for a long time. these types of situations, you have to actually make sure you respect the situations, but also talk about the things have you done like the act of women against violent and gun reform and where you are in health care, talk to the party, talk to the people, time for him to make his own statements. david: not miss the main thing, there is no democrat running who is more moderate in economic policy than joe biden, that is one reason why the trump folks are anxious to have him get out of the race because they see him
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as the biggest threat to the president. >> robert, from that ad perspective, do you think that is a good move if you are someone on trump side, is this something do you or do you think that is a -- >> i think politics is politics, those who are not going to vote for joe biden, still will not and visa versa. a third is stuck in mud with democrat, a third is if yo is ih republicans, whoever winning central be next president, and probably joe is best general election candidate for our party today to go again the president, whether he is get through primary and -- democratic party i don't know. >> what about bloomberg? what would that be a game changer if he went independent. >> i am a big fan of bloomberg, i don't think he could get through a democratic primary, i think we went from democrat to republican to independent. i think being a wealthy billionaire.
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>> a lot of different hats. >> then does -- >> we spoke about dave and i many times when howard schultz came in, if it is bernie sanders versus donald trump there is no question there is a lane for an independent, someone like howard schultz or bloomberg i could see getting in, democrats are nervous about a democrat getting in likely it would take away from our votes. david: a lot of leftists are worried about biden saying in the race, saying he not left enough. >> not a populous left where warren and sanders are, but we heard in midterms, reason that dems took house because of moderates, that is what was flipped red to blue, not blue to blue. >> actually -- >> i think whoever wins the middle will win. >> and whoever wins healthcare that is our research for midterm here at fox, we run tons of numbers it was healthcare, by a landslide, that was almost party
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agnostic. >> i think we were panel, david, and myself after mueller, where the president pivoted to health care we all in our own way were curious, like okay the dem are happy, republicans did not understand, he should have stay oned economy. david: president trump putting brakes on his effort to dismantle obamacare, for now. but is it smart to wait until after the election? we'll ask republican congressman tom reed coming up next. >> ha president has instructed department of justice to just eliminate the affordable care act. >> them's fighting words. our grandparents checked their smartphones
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>> we don't have the house even though healthcare is good, much better than plan comes out it is much better than obamacare. when the plan comes out, you see it. it possible that democrats would want to do it. david: president trump this afternoon explaining why he dieded to delay his plan to replace obamacare until after 2020 election, here is chuck schumer five back. firing back. >> he promises, reelection me and maybe you can take a peek at my back up plan after that, which they don't have, what a shame. david: tom reed joining us, is it important for republican to have some plan to replace obamacare before the election? >> we need to have a proposal am we have time to roll ,
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in different ideas, democrat are staying with obamacare, we stand with a different proposal. >> congressman is there a component, this is deirdre bolton, that you think that republicans some put forward to reassure people whether it is about preexisting conditions or any one of the numerous moving parts that are important to people, if you were to pick, advising president, on just saying okay, but leak this one detail what would it be. be. >> preexisting condition, we should all come together to responda, that regardless of what we do. preexisting would be forever. and that to me is marker to be made and has been made by president and us in republican party. >> this ision john layfield,
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leading up to last elect, your colleagues saying we'll repeal and replace on day one, president trump gets elected you and your republican colleagues were like the dog who caught the car, no clue. that ban or was there nothing. >> banter there was nothing, do you have any plan, if you don't, what has taken you so long. and why are you asking for more time. >> that fair criticism, i share your frustration, this is what part sop politics looks like this is where politics of extreme looks like, you don't put solution for american people and join together employcrats and republicans. -- democrats and republicans, we'll fix healthcare by doing it american way, joining hands and jumping together, to blame democrats and republicans, i think that american people are
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tired of it, i stand with silence majority, regardless of party, solve the healthcare problem. obamacare did not do it. >> congressman, this caroll roth. very important for you to have a plan in place, the other is to have a plan to keep senate and capture the house. so what are you doing on that front, seems that democrats are really good at the grassroots organizing, out in front right now, what is happening on the republican side? >> i think that is where we owe it, it american people to put our ideas forward, if we do that and show we can compromise and come together that is what i think will be a winning majority. democratic majority was controlled by moderates coming through the electiontion process, at the end of day, democratic party is engaged in an herbal tea party, they go
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with extremism on left is taking over. that gives us an opportunity to show we can gov govern for peope back home. >> this is robert wolf, i am a staunch democrat but i live in the same state as you. >> i appreciate that. >> seems that healthcare is a right. >> i think we can provide that right but we have to coit in a way to be accessible and affordable, right robert, you can't guarantee a right, say there is no way it can't be covered. this the problem, if you want to give government control of your health care to have government in control that is a bridge too far in america, we should do something better. >> follow-up to, that what would be three things you think, could give right health care to our country that is affordable, and
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most effective? >> i would do it, pri preexists condition, then line the incentives starts in medicaid and medicare, we'll incentivize cost behavior that drives healthcare cost down, people take their medicine, they get rewarded for that, and. and outcome is a positive outcome issue they get financial rewarded, use power of the purse to drive the healthcare costs down, right now they are perverse incentives we have a world that rewards higher costs. >> congressman, quickly. medicare advantage. where you do put the patient more in charge of his -- own finance they choose the hospital or drug to use. that is a model you would like to expand in obamacare? >> absolutely, you talk about is empowering patients and doctors with a decision of healthcare,
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and reward good behave why are thabehavior todrive health care. david: thank you. >> sad breaking news, we going to lose one of our panelists, morgan or teg as has a new job, she is according to fox news will be state department new spokesperson. replacing hreplace heather nowa. we're sad to lose her here on bulls and bears, we wish her the best. >> and meanwhile president trump is taking credit for getting more country to pay their fair share, in defense spending to nato. but should they be spending even more? that is to come.
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bears." >> we've worked together in getting some of o our allies toy thertheir fair share. we have 7 of the 28 countries are current. and the rest are trying to catch up, they will, some have no
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problems, i have not been paying and they are very rich. looking at 2% of gdp level at some point it will have to did higher. david: president trump is nato general secretary, more countries are paying their fair share in defense spending. but will we get some of them to pay more than 2%? >> it is amazing no wonder trump is so popular abroad, he actually does the job of their government for them, he is making sure they are spending on defense. while they are mired in things like imfractio immigration and h distribution, live the fact he one of first presidents that i can remember, maybe only one who is holding our allies accountable. if he can push that past 2% i don't know, i am happy with this. >> his blunt force is used with respect to nato, it is an
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interesting way to have a partnership, if that is his approach god bless him. >> some european leaders, who admire the fact he i he is sayi, okay fay your share. -- pay your share, the interesting thing to germany right now, if you look at german rates they are negative. economy is suffering right now, there is a question of timing. not saying whether he should be pushing right now but europe is not in the strengthest economic state right now. >> did you say that president was popular abroad. >> he is. >> i am for this president 100%. but i live abroad, he does not have a very high approval rating, maybe just where i i li. >> i know a lot of people internationally, they all really, really love him. >> maybe you should widen your circle. >> maybe you should widen your circle. >> woe. woe.
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>> i am teasing. >> me too. >> it is clear, no matter what you think of him, whether you like him or think he is a stinker his jawbones and playing hardball paid off, he threatened to get out of nato that is what got their attention, congress is about to pass something called nato support act that would take that bargaining chip away from him. it would unite us more with nato and not give president's freedom to negotiate. i am wonder figure that might -- wondering if that might stop him from get more than now. >> david, i don't think it will, i applaud president for what he has done with nato, 2 more people to to to 2% level. we pay about 72% of nato. -- w i think it important for no to -- we said it for years, this president is one of first held
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the foreign leaders to feet to fire, i think that president has done a good job with that. >> alexandria ocasio-cortez. what would a show be without mentioning her name? gearing up for her next battle, pastry prices, we'll discuss that, coming next. ...
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>> deirdre: alexandria ocasio-cortez fighting for minimum wage, one pastry at a time, and the congresswoman tweeting this out from laguardia airport, "croissants at laguardia are going for $7 a piece yet some people think getting a whole hour of personal dedicated human labor for $15 is too expensive." the congresswoman says she's trying to make a point of how america values things over people does she have a point? >> david, look i'm from texas i wouldn't be caught dead eating a croissant. >> [laughter] >> but look you can buy 12
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croissants at the store for like $3.50 and you're buying food in an airport and also saying texas and aoc has a right to her voice she's an elected official but it's all hat and no cattle so far. >> [laughter] david: all hat and no cattle. >> i also just think equating the price of a pastry a minimum wage it's a false setup, and i know senator cruz got in there and had a reaction i just think this is an aoc moment that's it. >> does she have a point? she never has a point first of all if she walked down au bon, they're $3.25 but just the fact they are a captive market and the fact they have a very high minimum wage there, the things she says are just so non-sense it call and the challenges that people start going around and going well i'm worth more than a croissant don't you think i'm worth more than a croissant? we need to bring some reality back to this conversation.
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>> they all look at me. david: we're all waiting for robert to chime in. >> i might as women take the other side because four against one, croissant is too expensive at $7 you can buy a bagel for a buck and a half so it's too expensive. david: you know i hope she doesn't find out how much carve your is because she's going to demand $100 an hour minimum salary. >> that's the problem. can't we debate on people now cutting bagels vertically instead of horizontally? >> this is what we're going to do we're all going to pitch in and buy her a copy of basic economics and send it to her, no charts, no graphs, very easy to consume and you can learn about that. >> we bring her up about five times she should love our show. david: we do, we do, it's true. well it's called an easy target i must say.
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and frankly, i think that it increases the chances of joe biden becoming the next democrat nominee. no? >> i just want to get, you know , for every twitter follower that john loses he's lost 18,000 >> [laughter] david: see you next time. >> liz: well it's the worst immigration system in the world, the system in collapse that's what president trump says america has. he says he's sick and tired of it. he says he doesn't want to but the president says he is 100% prepared to shut the border. he says many people want him to do it and president trump also saying that security and stopping drugs are more important than trade. the president is headed to the border on friday, homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen going tomorrow to personally oversee enforcement operations, a day after the homeland security secretary ordered surge in border workers there, to handle the crush at the border of migrants over flowing, so will both


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