tv The Evening Edit FOX Business April 2, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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increases the chances of joe biden becoming the next democrat nominee. no? >> i just want to get, you know , for every twitter follower that john loses he's lost 18,000 >> [laughter] david: see you next time. >> liz: well it's the worst immigration system in the world, the system in collapse that's what president trump says america has. he says he's sick and tired of it. he says he doesn't want to but the president says he is 100% prepared to shut the border. he says many people want him to do it and president trump also saying that security and stopping drugs are more important than trade. the president is headed to the border on friday, homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen going tomorrow to personally oversee enforcement operations, a day after the homeland security secretary ordered surge in border workers there, to handle the crush at the border of migrants over flowing, so will both
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republicans and democrats at f ing the border crisis for a generation are they going to lose with voters this as the white house is talking about a partial border shutdown, and also about keeping trucking routes open for trade. we're all over that story and to the fireworks still exploding in the wake of the mueller report the democrats want to investigate the investigators but they're pushing back on calls to investigate the russia probe. democrats turning up the heat making a full court press to get the full and unrediagnosed mueller report they're ready to start firing off the subpoena canon this as house judiciary chair jerry nadler leading that charge and we'll take you back to when jerry nadler said the polar opposite plus a fact check and reality check that bounced nearly for aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez you're wrong in how to fix income and equality, economists are saying that too we'll show you why as aoc is locked in twitter battles over
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constitutional settled 70 years ago with republicans so when will the licensed democrat social it'ses really sit down with serious policies to fix the problems facing americans? healthcare reform, infrastructure and the crisis at the border we'll talk about all of that tonight. this as democrats think they have the bullet proof roadmap to win in 2020 you won't believe what it is. we're trying to overturn the constitution, and we'll ask if trump can get his own parties to step up and get his back on the border and on healthcare reform. also to joe biden, critics are saying democrats are shooting themselves in the foot by attacking joe biden and joe biden's team suspects another democrat team is secretly trying to undermine him. we're going to explain that story tonight i'm elizabeth macdonald, thanks for joining us evening edit starts right now.
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welcome to the show you're watching the fox business network the border fight, front and center with president trump today. we have every angle covered for you tonight, edward lawrence is in washington and fox news is on the ground in el paso, texas let's get first to edward lawrence. >> yeah, liz president trump serious about closing the border though he may leave the trucking routes open that is still remaining to be seen while meeting with united nation security general the president again talked about how the u.s. has the world's dumbest immigration system. he believes the wall would help fix it. president trump: if mexico doesn't do what they should be doing they shouldn't have people coming into their country, this is their southern border to protect then we'll close the border and that's going to be it or we're going to close large sections of the border maybe not all of it. >> reporter: and the president added that mexico has now started to arrest people at their southern border before
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they get to the u.s. , but it may not be enough for him. members of his own party concerned about the impact of what he's talking about senator lindsey graham says it would create economic distress. the top republican in congress, going farther. >> we certainly have a crisis at the border i think the president is right about that, closing down the border would have potentially catastrophic economic impact on our country and would hope we would not be doing that sort of thing. >> reporter: no timetable on if or when the president will follow through although he says this week, this as 750 more border patrol agents are being reassigned now to the southern border to help increase with the flow of illegal immigrants. liz? >> liz: thank you, edward lawrence now lets get to claudia on the border with the latest in el paso, texas. >> reporter: liz while it's unclear if or when the president will shut down the border this week the white house announcing this morning that he will head to the border, in california, on friday. the president will travel about
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100 miles east of san diego to visit a newly-completed section of the border wall about 30 feet long that replaced a fence that was made of landing mats dating back to the vietnam war. this marks the president's fifth visit to the u.s. border since taking office, his first to this particular area, and he's also working in a fundraiser friday night. meantime, his threat to close the border is causing anxiety for people who live and work in border cities, while experts say the economic impact of an extended closure could be staggering, more than $1 billion worth of goods travel across-the-boarder every day, along with thousands of workers for american and mexican businesses. now, with thousands of border agents being shifted to help process migrants, wait times and checkpoints are growing we're talking three hours or more to get across and yesterday in mesa , arizona there was a backlog of 150 trucks that had not yet been cleared. those kinds of disruptions in commerce have some members of
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the president's own party asking him to reconsider. here is the governor of arizona. >> of course i do not want to see the border be shut down. mexico is arizona's number one trading partner and that relationship is vital to our economy. i do think that congress should act on border security . they should take this crisis seriously, and quit playing politics with it. >> the mayor of el paso agrees as he put it, we can't afford for the border to close, liz? >> liz: at the border in el paso , texas let's get to the back story with the border. here is what's happening, pew research says the u.s. is home to nearly 20% of the world 's migrant population. gallup already reported last december that more than 750 million people worldwide would migrate to the u.s. if they could and look at this, new yorker magazine just yesterday said this about the border crisis. that the u.s. government wants to extend the flow of people coming north in central america and has to try to address why
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they're leaving in the first place. under its regime more than 448 people were killed and many during protests last year. this year's death toll is on a fast clip to outpace that 325 people already killed in protests and more by the government there, and government security forces more than 50,000 have fled. treasury secretary seen ever mnuchin has said this, and moving the wealth to consolidate their grip on power let's get to honduras, to violence so much environmental activists, lgbt individuals are vulnerable to violence, and honduras murder rate is among the highest in the world that's from human rights watchers let's get to fox news contributor and retired lt. kernel alan west about what's going on in central america, right? >> you're absolutely right and when you talk about some of
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those countries, run by the ortega brothers these are again socialistic dictators that are backed by cuba, have association s with iran much of the same as what we see happening with venezuela and we see a very failed organization. the organization for american states should be seeing what is happening in central america, in south america and of course, the infiltration into our borders and they should be the ones asking how do we try to resolve this situation, and restore function in government and i have to agree with president trump, when you have democrats that are refusing to acknowledge that there is a crisis when you have lawmakers that don't understand that the united states of america is not a job fair, and they don't want to properly understand asylum, he has no course of action but to try to have these drastic measures. >> liz: that's where the debate lies. analysts keep noting that the u.s. must protect its asylum laws for the people many of whom are poor and fleeing prosecution that's what those laws are for, but those people, those
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individuals, they're being crowded out and shoved aside by people simply trying to get a job. that's not covered under u.s. law it's the same as stopping welfare fraud to protect it for the truly poor. >> no you're absolutely right and it's just the same as now, you know, think about the people that do try to come here legally that's why, you know, they're being the ones that are now being pushed aside and folks just coming across-the-boarder wherever they can and so the president has to take some type of action. when you talk about restraining restricting these funds to these states, this is if you continue to reward bad behavior you're just going to get more bad behavior so we have to send a message to mexico, to el salvador, guatemala and i'm sorry, honduras and just tell them that you have to start policing up yourself because we're not just an open jobs fair and just a place for squatters. >> liz: kernel alan west thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> liz: let's get you an update
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on your money the s&p 500 and nasdac compass' it hitting fresh highs for the year. gerri: liz it was a mixed day for stocks as the dow fell 80 points the s&p 500 flat, the nasdac down 20 meanwhile walgreens boots alliance, that stock down nearly 13% after a disappointed and quarterly results on both the top and bottom line, that bottom line, $ 1.64 versus expectations of $ 1.73, and the company is blaming falling prices of generic drugs and also, "a weak cough and cold season" first time i've ever heard that so those shares down, and also down , lyft, day three. that company coming public last friday and the company can't seem to get out of its way and it hit a new low intradiabetes day of 66.10 and then closed at 68.97 as pre-ipo investors short ed the stock. liz back to you.
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>> liz: gerri willis. coming up the fight over cutting u.s. aid for central american countries after president trump is talking about that we'll bring you behind the back story to that debate. plus, vice president pence will meet with the families of six citgo executives detained. alexandria ocasio-cortez and bernie sanders are still staying silent and the dictator there on human rights abuses in venezuela we bring you that story, next.
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get ready to watch with xfinity x1 or the xfinity stream app. xfinity watchathon week. free starting april 8th. boop! >> liz: welcome back you're watching the fox business network. let's dig deeper into the border crisis. what is behind president trump's threat to cutoff aid to central america? the root cause is violent corruption by governments in those countries.
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joining me now is republican representative who serves on the house foreign affairs committee. congressman, there is tremendous violent corruption going on in central america so what should president trump do to stop the border crisis? >> first of all liz thanks for having me on. there is. there's tremendous violence that are going down there and i think president trump, we've tried everything through various administrations since 1986 where at this point, nothing has seemed to work and i think we have to do a different tactic here to get other countries to pay attention to what we're trying to accomplish and i stand with them on this. i think that this is something we've been talking about for a long time and i'm glad to see he's following through with this >> liz: congressman the obama administration pledged and gave hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to central america. that was, you know, out of the goodness of the american people 's heart we want to help what's going on in central america but watch what's happening migration outflows still increase, people still fled violence and corruption,
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because of the way those governments are run there, and the irony is, congressman, people who come out of those countries to work here whether legally or legally or illegally, they make more money in total than what the u.s. gives in aid to those countries, that money is often stolen by those governments there, right, congressman? >> it really is, and liz you hit on a very great point. the american taxpayers, through their representatives, have sent billions of dollars to central america including mexico over the last 10 years it's over $5 billion on aid perhaps and that money is to go to good governance, rule of law, lack of corruption, yet there's more corruption and lack of rule of law and the immigrants that come here, or the migrants that come here to work whether legal or illegally as you pointed out send a large portion of that money back so it's a money making proposition for those governments so the governments are incentivized to allow these people to come here so they
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don't want to solve this problem because it's some of those countries it's the third or first or second or third largest source of revenue to those countries, is people repatriat ing money back. >> liz: that's interesting that you just said that. that's really interesting. no rational reasonable person would say that the border crisis is not an issue, as democrats are saying that's been a criticism against them. look at this, sir. even the new york times opinion piece says "authoritarian and criminal central american governments are to blame for the migrant outflow? " those governments are terrorizing and prosecuting their own people many many of whom were poor. what about protecting the poor but we have to question what's going on with those governments, sir. >> you really do and you got to wonder how do people from guatemala, honduras, el saveloy door how do they get up in the masses of the central coordination with the government which has to be something i want to point out that nobody is
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talking about, with this coming in the amount of people and as jeh johnson and kristin nielsen has said we're at overload on our southern borders that something has to be done. look at what's going on in venezuela where there's over 3 million refugees over 5,000 a day are leaving that country. if they know they can come in un checked in our southern border we'll have not 70 or 100,000 people at our southwest border we'll have millions of people at the southwest border and this is something this nation is not prepared for and that we have to do something to stem this flow. we want everybody to be able to migrate to america legally and we want them to have the opportunity that we have, we can't have chaos. >> liz: and protect these truly poor and prosecuted with our asylum laws being crowded out when you have obama officials like jeh johnson and mr. morgan, and saying it's a crisis, it's a crisis congressman, final quick word. >> it is a crisis and this is something that should be void on politics and this is what's best
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for the american people for the safety of the country but also for the person that wants to come here to improve the life with their family. >> liz: thank you so much for joining us tonight really appreciate it. congressman just let's tell you what's going on in venezuela. rising death tolls where? inside hospitals. that's how bad it is there. massive blackouts happening still, desperate people also breaking into homes looking for food. fox news rich edson is at the state department with more. >> reporter: good evening, liz and protests continued blackouts in venezuela here in washington, vice president mike pence met with family members for americans who are detained in venezuela. that was at the white house today. the maduro regime arrested six citgo executives in 2017, five of them are american citizens, and the u.s. is demanding their return. >> entertained them for over 16 months with very little air circulation in the basement and
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now absolutely no medical care, and we are just worried for their lives and we just want them home as soon as possible. >> reporter: at that event vice president mike pence also said the united states is strongly considering action against cuba and cuba is supporting the murder regime with security forces there and also in venezuela president nicholas mad uro is rationing on top of shortages of food, medicine and water and ventura county blocked aid from the united states and they agreed last week to provide the red cross and the u.s. continues pressing maduro to step down and allow opposition leader to assume control of the country though venezuela's chief justice also requested lawmakers strip juan g auidos element sent troops, security forces and equipment
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there, the u.s. has pushed russia to get out of venezuela. back to you. >> liz: rich edson at the state department thank you so much, sir we are tracking more developing stories happening at this hour for the second time in three weeks, a chemical plant in the houston, texas area, igniting and exploding in flames officials there say at least one person has been killed. two others critically injured. people are being evacuated by helicopter, the fire is contained but officials ordered residents within one mile radius to stay indoors or shelter in place. a loot of schools in that area too let's take you to what's going on in the british government it is still in political paralysis totally paralyzed british prime minister theresa may ignoring the will of her cabinet by ruling out a no deal brexit plan that way to go would reset trade and travel with the eu, but theresa may now turning to the opposition labor party to try to find a way out. that's labor jerry mccorbin.
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he's happy to talk and the brexit deadline moved to beyond april 12. check out shares of wynn resort basically the resort stock the shares in that resort company up after a massachusetts gaming regulators released a damaging report that said that former wyn n executives covered up sexual misconduct charges against founder steve wynn. now the massachusetts gaming commission released that report at the start of a three-day hearing to decide whether wynn with run a $2.6 billion resort just outside of boston and they had a decade-long pattern of sexual misconduct that led to steve wynn is denying those charges and tomorrow is the day that whole foods that whole paycheck reputation at whole foods may be put to rest. why? its new boss, amazon is moving to cut prices on more than 500 items at whole foods on average
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the cut there could be 20% reduction in prices there, amazon bought whole foods for about $14 billion in 2017. finally, a shocking new report from the cdc, already, we're just in the beginning of april, already this year, the u.s. is seeing second highest number of measles cases, since measles was declared virtually eliminated a generation ago. 387 individual cases already confirmed in 15 states from the beginning of the year through march 28 we'll keep you updated on that story. coming up, many americans grapple with their jobs and their kitchen table issues every day. they are growing increasingly upset d.c. is constantly fighting over how to grow jobs, fix the border and healthcare but watch this, alexandria ocasio-cortez is busy picking twitter fights over things that were settled say seven decades ago we're on that story but also
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this coming up, democrats in full attack mode, demanding that attorney general barr hand over the full unredacted mueller report and democrats want to investigate the investigators by pushing back, and we have any attempt to investigate their probes and democrats are ready to fire up the subpoena canons if they don't get what they want we're bringing up that story coming up next. ♪ limu emu & doug look limu. a civilian buying a new car. let's go. limu's right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh... yeah, i've been a customer for years. huh... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> liz: welcome back you're watching the fox business network we're coming into the bottom of the hour. democrats now turning up the heat, in an all-out blitz to get the full unredacted mueller report. they're pushing to investigate the investigators by pushing back when people want to investigate what happened with the russia probe, and the investigators there. they're basically threatening up the subpoena canon if they have to and we already know the mueller probe resulted in 234 charges against people and
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russian companies 26 of whom were russian nationals six were former trump campaign advisors and the democrats want the full unredacted mueller report they're fighting for us let's get right to fox news live from capitol hill with the latest. chad? >> reporter: well today was the deadline that jerry nadler the chairman of the house judiciary committee gave william barr to deliver the mueller report and now that's not going to happen so at 9:00 tomorrow morning the house judiciary committee is going to vote to subpoena the entire report. they think they can get that done in an hour or two under some time pressure because the nato secretary general speaks to a joint meeting of congress tomorrow but jerry nadler told me just a couple of hours ago that if they have to plow through members have to miss that meeting that will be the case and now here is the question for william barr. he says he will release this report to the degree he can, with proper redactions by middle of the month. there is a theory floating among some democrats on capitol hill that they may never get the entire report. the reason is that it has to be
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so redacted. here is the problem for barr. if it's so redacted it may look like a cover-up so the theory among some democrats here on capitol hill is that there may be a memo on steroids, something more muscular than what barr sent up to capitol hill about two weeks ago but still his interpretation of the report and that's why democrats are willing to go and say we need to have that report. now keep in mind that president trump, he called out jerry nadler today on twitter saying you voted, you know, some 21 years ago not to release the star report that was the investigation by independent counsel star looking into obstruction of justice with president clinton and his liason s with monica lewinsky. i went back through a list. there were 63 people who voted against releasing the star report in 1998. 17 still serve in congress, all democrats and many of them are the same committee chairs who have pushed for the release of the mueller report, among them jerry nadler, elliott engel, chair of the house foreign
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affairs committee, elijah cummings, maxine waters the chair of the financial services committee. barr says he will come to capitol hill in early may to testify before both the house and senate judiciary committees. and nadler has indicated had e would like to have him sooner but what's unclear is if and when they will ever get that entire report despite what's been said by the justice department. back to you. >> liz: let's stay on what chad pergum just reported thank you, from d.c. as chad just mentioned jerry nadler did write an op-ed in the new york times demanding that the justice department release the entire mueller report but flash back 20 years when jerry nadler fought back against the release of the entire ken starr report and bill clinton in 1998 watch this. >> as a matter of decency and protecting people's privacy rights people who may be totally innocent third parties what must not be released at all. >> it's grand jury material. it represents statements which
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may or may not be true by various witnesses, selacious material, all kinds of material that it would be unfair to release. >> liz: joining me now is republican strategist and civic forum chair ford o'connell your reaction to that? >> well jerry nadler is not interested in transparency, we saw back in the 1990s that's not what he cared about and he knows essentially the full mueller report cannot be released to congress in accordance with law and also the special counsel regulations. he knows the federal criminal procedure rule 6 e states that some stuff has to be redacted particularly when it comes to grand jury testimony and classified information, so this is a bogus way for him to try to move the goal post, because essentially "the four-"page barr summary was a big blow to the democrats russian collusion illusion. >> liz: democrats clearly want to investigate the investigators but on their terms, not when it comes to their own probes. watch this they want to use water gate as a roadmap to get the full ruler report released just to their own house
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committees like water gate prosecutor did with peter redino and house judiciary back then but democrats raise hell when anyone says investigate the trump investigators that's what president trump last fall. he said doj declassified materials related to the russia probe including all of the text messages without redaction of comey, strzok and page as well as the fisa documents. >> they don't want to get to the bottom of how this russian narrative ever began what they're interested in doing is moving the goal post and playing a political game in trying to drive president trump's numbers into the ground by basically creating doubt. it is absolutely ridiculous for them to say something irregular is happening right now with the mueller report. >> liz: now democrats trying to bully their way into power is what critics are saying senators kirsten gillibrand introducing bills to overturn the constitution and wipe out the electoral college. here is jeff merkley. >> certainly recent history has
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shown a system that we have the flaws have been exposed in and diminishes the legitimaticy of our president which is something else we should be deeply concerned about. >> liz: that means you only have new york and california dictating elections. you wipe out those states, as has been noticed and trump would have won the popular vote by 3.2 million votes and with any smaller minority state, say yeah , disen franchise us you need the majority of the states to change the constitution. the electoral college is vital for underpinning all civil rights and looked at the founding fathers vision to protect the smaller minority states ford. >> that's absolutely right the founding fathers knew the majority vote was not the way to go because of the majority over the minority in protecting those rights going forward but what i can't believe here is that i've got a constitutional scholars like elizabeth warren and others pushing this knowing full well the only way you can do that is to overturn the 12th amendment and that requires two-thirds at each chamber of commerce plus three-quarters of all states and guess what that's never going to
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happen in this environment. >> liz: ford o'connell we'll sure have you back on. >> thank you, e-mac. >> liz: coming up, instead of fixing healthcare or the border infrastructure, alexandria ocasio-cortez spending a lot of time in a twitter fight with liz cheney over something that was settled seven decades ago we have that fight coming up, plus bernie sanders breaking news, his team now denying what joe biden's team is saying that they're out to destroy joe biden we're going to explain that one, next, coming up. hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪
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>> liz: to alexandria ocasio-cortez, here is another big mistake she recently made. here it is. >> they have to amend the constitution of the united states to make sure roosevelt did not get re-elected. >> liz: congresswoman liz cheney firing back on twitter. we knew the democrats let dead people vote, according to ocasio-cortez they can run for president too.
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joining me now is american conservative union chair, great to see you, matt thanks for coming on. >> great to be with you liz. >> liz: we've got a lot of problems to fix in this country but ocasio-cortez is bogged down in a fight with liz cheney for a second day over something settled 70 years ago instead of saying i was wrong this is whose leading the way? >> yeah, i mean, aoc is a walking advertisement for why common core was a miserable failure. this is somebody whose gone through all of our education systems and come out the other side wanting a career in government she just doesn't know anything about government. >> liz: well it's u.s. history too, right? >> right. >> liz: okay let's back up. what is going on with the republican party, mitch mcconnell is saying we're not going to repeal and replace obamacare, you know, before 2020 the president went out last week saying we're going to be the party of health care but now it looks like the republicans are not stepping up. what is going to happen now with health reform? >> well, i do think the
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president is pushing republicans on the hill, on this idea that we've got to have our republican version of healthcare reform, i mean, we failed miserably at it legislatively obviously, the leaders on the hill told the president they had it well in hand because they had voted to repeal in the house 40 some odd times and we fell on our face and what the president is saying is that we can't look at the voters in the eyes and for another election without having a plan, so he's working on a plan. i think it makes people on the hill nervous that they're going to have some showdown votes on the hill again and what the president has said recently is look we don't have to have these votes until we win back more seats in the house. >> liz: but is that the way to go republicans couldn't do it when they were commanding control of both houses. >> true. >> liz: in other words mixing obamacare and the american people are saying don't get rid of everything, like bernie sanders wants. bernie sanders would get rid of obamacare, fix it. so i mean why seed that? why give that over to the
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democrats, that's how they won back the house in the mid-terms. >> that's right look the number one issue for the democrats was this idea of covering pre- existing conditions. i don't know any republicans who don't want to cover pre-existing conditions, so just look the voters in the eye and tell them here is how we cover it so i do agree with you we have to have practical solutions that work for people and ignoring it won't make our case better to the voters. >> liz: okay so you're in agreement that the republicans do need to step up and do something to help your side of the aisle, because the american people are saying you guys are punting on until after 2020. >> look i think the other thing that the administration needs to remember is that half of obamacare became law through administrative action by the hhs secretary and this team, under eric hargan and others at hhs have eliminated many of those bad policies so a lot of obamacare has been solved simply by the fact that donald trump was elected president and put
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good people at hhs, but there's more legislative work to go, liz >> liz: maybe get prescription drugs cheaper who knows. >> that's happening. >> liz: great to have you on, come back soon. >> thank you. >> liz: we're going to stay on alexandria ocasio-cortez because you'll see this theme coming up in 2,020, income and equality we're going to show you why that fight has been so wrong-headed and why the democrat party still doesn't get it. also the bernie sanders team now denying the stories that they are the ones behind the two women stepping up to accuse joe biden of touching them inappropriately. they're denying that, that's a rumor flying around the joe biden team suspects the bernie sanders team is behind it that's a story that's coming up, next. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell.
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certain, president donald trump has already said he would love to run against bernie sanders. this is what's going on a former nevada assemblywoman says in 2016 alleged that joe biden smelled her hair, gave her a slow kiss on the head and the second woman says allegedly that joe biden rubbed noses with her at a fundraiser in 2009 and both said his actions made them feel uncomfortable and house speaker nancy pelosi defending joe biden >> i don't think it's disqualifying because i think it is with what your intention is. i think that it's important for the vice president and others to understand is that it isn't what you intended, it's how it was received. >> liz: so is whoopie goldberg, watch. >> i don't know that we will see any more smelling of hair and kissing. >> well but that pisses me off. i'm telling you. >> which one? >> well i don't want joe to stop doing that. >> liz: joining me now is conservative comentator adriana
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cohen. great to have you on. democrats coming to joe's defense, people in the media is defending him, and interestingly stop destroying each other, democrats. you're destroying the person who could beat donald trump. what's your reaction? >> well i think that we need to have the same standards for everyone when it comes to allegations of sexual harassment or misconduct. what we're seeing play out is there seems to be two sets of rules if you're a republican the me too movement comes down very hard on you but if you're a democrat they give those people the presumption of innocence and i think we need one uniform standard that's fair for all and we saw this recently, e-mac, with alyssa milano. she came down very hard on brett kavanaugh. she believed the unsubstantiated allegations for 30 years ago but now she's already defending joe biden well there's a classic double standard at play and all americans want to see fairness throughout this process. >> liz: well what do you think
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is going on in the democrat party let me back up the show the view is also defending joe biden, saying he's just a hands-on kind of guy. i mean, then the question is is the me too era just the wrong time for joe biden? >> yeah, you could make that argument that joe biden's running at the wrong time he should have ran in the last election the 2016 election perhaps would have had more luck but there's a lot of photos out there that are not appropriate with him touching women, various ways that i think could create a vulnerability for him, and should he decide to run, yes, the me too movement you're not supposed to touch women without consent and it appears as that he may have done that and i do believe in the presumption of innocence and there's two sides to every story and we should offer extent that to vice president biden as well. >> liz: there's more reporting here that former press secretary for joe biden wrote an op-ed for usa today saying that joe biden
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is a champion for women he's worked on anti-violence legislation, and against women legislation, and he's been positive about maternity leave, family leave policies but then you have these reports about these inappropriate behavior at the same time. it's trying to square the two, right? final word. >> exactly, how do you split the baby hair? if you're kissing and touching women, non-consensual and making them feel really uncomfortable or violated in some way you're not respecting them and now that being said again we don't know that all of these allegations are true. a lot of them are hearsay, and i think joe biden actually should go on the record and make a public statement. i know he's given a statement through the press and his people but why not go on camera and give an interview. >> liz: radio host, adriana cohen, great to have you on come back soon. coming up, we are going to take on alexandria ocasio-cortez again as well as her democrat colleagues, about how they are
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just flat out wrong about the real stick to so-called income and equality. we'll show you the real stats of the data what's going on, we're going to show you that story, coming up. a business owner always goes beyond what people expect. that's why we built the nation's largest gig-speed network along with complete reliability. then went beyond. beyond clumsy dials-in's and pins. to one-touch conference calls. beyond traditional tv. to tv on any device. beyond low-res surveillance video. to crystal clear hd video monitoring from anywhere. gig-fueled apps that exceed expectations. comcast business. beyond fast. it's been a long time
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in the transportation industry without knowing firsthandness the unique challenges in that sector? coming out here, seeing the infrastructure firsthand, we can make better informed investment decisions. that's why i go beyond the numbers. elizabeth: economists and analyst say that democrats like alexandria ocasio-cortez continue to get it wrong, on how to fix income inequality. >> we have run away income inequality, we're at one of our most inequal points, economically speaking in american history, we're dealing with a crisis of how our economy is made up. elizabeth: she is looking at wrong data, u.s. tax returns do not report 401(k)s and pensions, and not all medicare, medicaid social security benefits paid out and more.
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maddi, we have conference board. they are wrong, have there is a shortage of ble blue collar wor, but blu blue collar pay is up. >> and democrat continue to ignore that governments don't create wealth, they can only redistribute it. this is wrong, what can start to diminish is the right public policy, something you don't hear a lot about how tide has turned. for first part of centuryic >> starts with lower income workers. increasing fastest for those workers at the bottom 10%, they increase at a rate higher since
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2000. elizabeth: "usa today" pointing out cortez is wrong. 70% of government spending goes to individuals, through welfare or other pay outs. that is how u.s. government is run. >> if you want to talk about public policy that addresses income inequality, the tax cut and jobs act did that. they could keep more of their after tax income, that should be celebrate by democrats. you have not seen a peep. elizabeth: the way to fix it? more jobs, right? >> we have a lot of jobs, over 7 million. the question is whether or not employers can fill them. we had a lot of business
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investments. >> maddi, great, come back soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: thank you for watching, lou dobbs is next on the fox business network, have a good night. lou: good evening our southern border is fire. that according to a senior official at department of homeland security. the trump administration's point person on both border security and immigration policy is kirstjen nielson last week described crisis as a system ride break down. the system she is in charge of. she appears to be more a part of the problem than the solution. president trump vowing to shut down the border to protect our national security. >> a little secret, security is
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