tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business April 3, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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we thank you for joining us. we hope you will join us tomorrow, thanks for being with us tonight, good night from new york. >> as i have said, there served- there is evidence of collusion and comingling work between the trump campaign and the russians. trish: collusion? robert mueller comes forward with no collusion, yet mr. adam schiff has evidence of something else? time for congressman schiff to shows that you evidence. if he has it. put up or bow out. i don't see a problem with showing us what you have, congressman. the american public, that so-called evidence that you are bragging about.
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come forward, right. the height of selfishness. schiff cares not for the well being of his country but his open political prospects, that that of his party. i'd like for 1 if politics -- once if politicians would look out for the nation, instead of themselves. he has not read the report, what kind of evidence is he citing? >> stop it. if adam schiff and others could get their heads out of their you know what. for 3 seconds, they might realize there is some meaningful, positive reform that could be happening right now for our country, and hundreds of millions of americans living
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here in the way of immigration reform, trade reform. people are self interested, i get it. but perhaps naive lely, i would like to believe if you are on capitol hill you care about the country. armr. schiff show us that evidence, put your cards on the table, or resign. tonight. we have a big show had. trish trech peopltrish regan pr. first, trump 2020, senior campaign adviser lara trump. welcome. >> thank you. trish: you were in my home turf, new hampshire. >> the folks in new hampshire
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are very excited about the president, about the 2020 election. they are the first place that gets visited by so many people, you probably know trish, we only lost there in 2016 by less than 3,000 votes. we're bound and determined to win this time. trish: what is key do you think for your success in 2020? you just need to sit back and let it happen. >> i mean is that we have seen what the democrats are offering so far. so many people getting in the race. i still think it is crazy, you are running against an incredibly successful president with a roaring economy, brought jobs back, lowest unemployment in history. i'm not sure what they are running on tha other an socialim and very far left ideal. let's let them battle it out in
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the primary. then we'll deal whoever the nominee is, we'll sit back, let it happen. trish: let me ask you about the mueller stuff. you heard what i said, schiff said he has something that nobody else has. but you know this is -- your family, they are targeting. you have a political side to you, you work on the 2020 effort. but let's not forget this is your father-in-law. they have attacked in some ways, you know the essence of your character, your family character, what is that like on a personal level. >> none of this is easy, it has not been easy for the president. it is never easy when someone accuses you for things you know you did not do. we had to wait for the mueller
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investigation, and our attorney general released the finals of the investigation saying there is no collusion, then to have adam schiff to continue to beat this drum, there is nothing. there are still people who cannot accept the results of the 2016 election, sadly. all they have to hang on is maybe that donald trump colluded with russia, which is crazy, and we've said that through the beginning. it does not feel good when people drag your name lou the th the mud, we're glad this is over. we feel vindicated, i think that president feels he is fully exonerated, as he has been, but unfortunately there are still a few dragging it out. trish: for political reasons. if i were adam schiff, i would be relieved. >> shouldn't everyone. trish: this was unthinkable, bad
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for the country. >> everyone should rejoice over the facty fact that we did not have a presidential campaign that colluded with russia. you actually saw some people crying on air, whenever the news was released. that showed they don't care about the country. trish: turn to joe biden, who is also in the news these days. one of the people of crowded 2020 challengers, possible. joe biden is under a lot of pressure for some things he maybe did 467. in some cases a long time ago. he is out there apologizing for his handsy, not really apologizing, but saying he learned and turned the corner. >> social norms have began to change, the boundaries of protecting personal safe have
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been reset, i get it, i hear what in they are saying, i understand, i be much more mindful that is my responsibility, my responsibility and i will meet it. trish: what do you make? >> i never met joe biden. i can tell you the experience i had, and everyone in our family had with things as we were just talking about being falsely said about you. it is easy these days to post something on social media with noah, countability -- accountability, that many outlets and stations report on things without awo acountbilityt are not true, i make things with a grain of salt. without knowing him personally i can't comment on his character. trish: do you think they are trying to take him down. >> 100%. the democrat party saying he is too mainstream for us. trish: >> this is interesting that
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timing of this there are a lot of folks who put their hats in ring for 2020 presidential race on democrat side who probably would not like to run against joe biden, she very popular within that party. i don't know the bottom line. he does seem too have some explaining to do but the timing is odd. trish: being around politics you know how things work. it is good to see you. >> thank you. trish: where you are off to next? >> i think i am going to ohio, and hopefully my moment state of north carolina. >> nice. trish: lara trump thank you. >> thank you. trish: more coming up, on this star studded show kellyanne conway, and cory lo -- and jack keane. after walking six miles at an amusement park...
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trish: migrant attempts to cross our border in mass numbers, homeland security secretary kirstjen nielson puts it like this. like a category 5 hurricane disaster. kirstjen nielson is heading on yuma, arizona tomorrow to address this. joining me now ahead of that, chairman fox news senior strategist analyst. retired four-star general jack keane. >> good to see you. trish: cat 5, hurricane is that a fair categorization. >> it is, it is a human ata catastrophe, this gives her
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capability to use resources at her disposal, including fema. we have tremendous human suffering taking place here. i have never seen anything like it in all my years with dealing with national security and sovereignty of the united states. trish: that powerful statement, why do you say that. >> we had a spike in this 10 years ago. with over a million plus a year coming in, they were overwhelmingly mexico ap mexicad easily turned back again the border, now. numbers are relatively the same because of the loophole in the congressional legislation, people are seeking asylum. we don't have the resources to hold them, every day now, is is quite shocking we're releasing people immediately into the united states can you imagine
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trish. they come from a emabov em-- neighborhood, they send back a phone call, to their friends or loved one in their neighborhood, say we made it to united states we're not being held, we're free to go where we choose. you have to believe those neighborhood empties out as fast as they can. people are heading here, i think we'll likely go over the expectations of 900 thousand to a million because of what is happening here. trish: why can't we just change the loopholes. >> we can. you know the loophole, reason why we have it, a number of years ago we caught some women -- chinese women who were being human trafficked across the border. we didn't top turn them back into the human traffic and network. it was happening periodically.
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we appealed to the congress to give us legislation. so to declare them having asylum here. as -- because there was no place to send them. ought oout of that humanitarian need that loophole was created, now it is being abused. the congressmen know this, it can be fix quickly, but they refuse to do it and i really think it is shameful. trish: political, right? >> it absolutely is. it is a sad fate for the people who are being processed and suffering they are going through how is affects the sovereignty of united states, now it is indein--index
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in. >> we have an open border. trish: president has made it clear he welcomes people in to the country who want to come in the right way and be members of our society, to say he is anti-immigrant is not the heart of this. we have an opportunity to achieve really, is meaningful immigration reform, but get both sides to the table. right now you get left saying no way, but all those people they could be helping, they are slamming the door in their face? >> it really is staggering. i understand the people who are coming. it is not for asylum it is for economic opportunity and for a better life. i got that. but, they have to stand in line just like everyone else has done historically, this president's immigration legal immigration policy is pretty much i in in -h
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previous presidents. he can't get help with that. this is an emergency and a crisis that i hope -- >> do you think they will get fema funding. >> i think they will participate. i think we'll see the tide turn. the exposure of this has to resonate even with some congressmen right now who are familfamiliar -- fundamentally opposed to give in addition to clg that would help this president, that is very sad, i try not to get involved, but this is really afixes the sovereignty of our nation and the well being, something has to be done by responsible people. trish: general jack keane thank you so much. >> thank you. trish: coming up, house intel chairman adam schiff, claiming there is evidence of collusion.
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despite the fact there is no evidence. what the heck are you talking about. and if you have this evidence, why not come forward with it core lewindowski is here with that and kellyanne conway on our border crisis, and joe biden's crisis, coming up. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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$4.95. delivery drones or the latest phones. $4.95. no matter what you trade, at fidelity it's just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade. trish: breaking no night democrat on house judiciary committee voting to authorize a subpoena to obtain the full mueller report, but before voting began, chairman nadler has already come to his own conclusion about what the nearly 400 page assessment complaints. >> mueller report is probably not the total exoneration that president claims it to be, in
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any event the committee has a job to do, constitution charges congress with holding president accountable for alleged official misconduct. trish: just a reminder for you, this is same congressman who argued against releasing the fuel starr report because it contains grand jury material. joining me right now, south carolina congressman ralph norman. as i said, times change or parties change. is nadler motivate by politics more than anything? >> it is amazing, i listening to your interview with the general about the crisis at border, the facts don't matter to these people, the collusion delusion they want to keep going. what is interesting after two year, 28 million dollar 500
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witnesses -- they say this there some collusion with attorney general barr. they ask him to do something that is illegal. he cannot release any information that including grand jury testimony or private people that they get information from. >> why can't they let this one go? by the way, they should be breathing a big sigh of relief. thank god our president was not colluding with the russians. some is some kind of warped alice in wonderland upside down war we're living in -- down world we're living in, that would be destructive to our country. that is what they want, they want to get rid of him. >> trish. this is un-american. that is what it is. they should be excited that company is not drug through more and more investigations, i think
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that they dislike this country and this president enough to ignore it all, this continues to amaze us here. who see what they are doing, adam schiff should apologize and resign, jerry nadler, years ago said how you can't break the low and you have to redact certain information. and these people don't get it, but the public sees it. i think they will be repulsed by it. trish: i think you are right, they see it clearly. to adam schiff. he is all over television, saying he has the evidence. if he does, congressman, why haven't we seen it. >> well, that is right. why is the same thing with the cohen, the thing we had he testified he lied and you know. if -- it -- where is the shame in this guy? how can he keep saying he has information, you have to provide it he does not have it i think he just thinks that if he
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repeats it enough the public will buy it the public is not dumb they see through what he is doing, he is an embarrassment. trish: is adam schiff doing putin's job? increasing the division in the country that putin so craved and wants to see, it makes us less likely to intervene in thing he is interested in. >> i think he just -- he disliked president trump so much, and he doesn't care about best interest of the country, that is obvious, to keep this going after two years we've been through, i can tell new mueller report came out, it was like a funeral for most of these democrats, they did not get what hey want, now they trying to say barr is discredited, they are covering up something, they ask that 400 pages be released, they know better than that. trish: done -- didn't they have
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an incling, you think back over last couple of months, it was getting clear, there was not going to be a lot in the mueller report, they still mourn this idea that president was not colluding with the russians. >> and get this whether the dossier came out, we -- we voted to release all of the information with the dossier. the redacted information that you know again would not sacrifice national security, very few democrats ever look at it, they knew where it was from, it is an embarrassment, i don't know how long it will keep going obut i think that public getting it and schiff and nadler should apologize, and go on to something else. we are more important issues like the border be they ignoring those facts, and they put the country in risk, and they are trying to divide the nation. trish: it is lousy, it is politics at its worse. >> congressman norman thank you.
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joining me now, kellyanne conway. good to have you back on. >> thank you. trish: you say this is a crisis, why? >> there is no question. we have president obama's former homeland security jeh johnson referring to it as a crisis, i.c.e. agents who are nonpolitical, saying they have never seen a crisis like this. whether you use terminology or not, you can't deny the numbers, historic trends 76 thousand migrants presenting themselves at border. we can be on track for a million in a year. but apart from that, think of custom and border patrol, they are asking for more resources. better physical security. at the border. and president said, he would consider shuts down the ports of entry because we just can't
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sustain the influx. the secretary of homeland security last night had to call. she is analogizing it to a cat 5 to get people's attention, some natural disasters, some crisis present themselves almost immediately, others overtime, that is what we have. the executive branch has been axing on this since day one, time for other two brarns o braf congress to step up do their job, let get congress to fix loopholes, a magnet for young kids to come here and be recycled like a conveyer belt for kids. >> we hav keep them together and return minors to their home
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countries safely. so congress can act, they can do this in hours, we hope they do, but until they do, this president this administration will continue to shine a light, get more resources at border. drugs would justify the president's action, they are coming in on our communities, many to southern border not just through the ports but between them. and customs and border patrol, said 400 pounds of fe fentanyl. >> i think this some ways, the administration as far as left is concerns has lost this argument. saying this is made up. there is a humanitarian aspect to this, that a lot of people are missing, there are kids and women. that are really in some ways
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sacrificed as a result of losing planning on -- losin lose lousyn behalf of us. >> they are also being lied to by the coyote who take their life savings and promise them a peaceful journey, that is dangerous, there is no guarantee at the end of the trek. >> kids are use -- one thing i have been arguing for, let's show what happens to the kids who are released to interior of u.s., the idea they are released, just going to disney word or playground of u.s. is folly, they some are sex trafficked some die on the journey.
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that i this are joined by parent or sponsors, that is not true of all of them, if you really cared about kids -- >> yo they say, you are being inhuman for such a thing. >> they are being blind and cushy. >> in we don't have adequate resources to police then, he is willing he said to shut it down. you know i know, everyone knows, he knows that comes with serious economic consequences, is he truly willing. >> he said he is more interested in safety and security than tried right now, he believes the safety and security of american people our sovereignty is a better argument than the rising cost of avocados. i get it everybody, but let's talk about the more serious
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issue. of the drugs pouring over the border, sex traffics, ms-13 gangs, and then, just not just security crisis it is a humanitarian crisis, more of mainstream media outlets are playing footage and showing people a fuller story of what happens when you present at border. it is these are not good conditions, we want people to come in legally, be one of 33 million immigrants who have come legally. we're trying to mitigate that. trish: there is is an opportunity for this president to in meaningful immigration reform and bring the right people here, i think we have the -- >> trump economy. we have the jobs in trump
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economy. people need to come legally and safely. trish: let me get to other news of day, joe biden making headlines from some situations in some cases, months ago. or years ago. >> this is a part where do we draw the line, i have two words for them, brett kavanaugh, that man's nomination was derailed, and they wanted to destroy him as an individual, his family, representation and career. ing and to get their hands on. if you go and a play tape, and all those other people say, that is not the brett i know, just like they are saying that is not joe biden i know, there was no evidence, there was a woman's testimony from 34 years earlier, and none was proven, brett kavanaugh the good guys won but
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not before so much representational technology wass drying to be inflicted. >> and joe biden at his age, he is someone who was affect nat and hugs and kissin kissing and sniffing people's hair that is weird. i warned everyone at campaign, after access hollywood tape, you are making a big mistake, putting you like really nice on that dress as the same as rape they made it. they within all in after that to try to destroy a supreme court nominee there is a big difference between what harvey weinstein has done. and maybe offering then jobs or make --
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>> sounds like you are defending joe biden. >> i am so -- no, i came out sunday on your network said if you type in creepy joe, videos, you come up with a treasury trove, people have done it since. i am not defending him, but in 2019 people are judged for conduct they did years ago by these standard, democratic party has pushed it so far, and they say you have to explain. i just marvel that the two people who are polling best in the democratic primary, are joe biden and bernie sanders. it is the old, white male career politicians not what democrats had planned for their 2020 race. and joe biden, i think this is the worst nonroll out roll out of a campaign.
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stacey be abrams said thank yot no thank you. >> and then, joe biden has just all these people coming forward saying you know that is a pattern of conduct it is weird. i'm not defending but i am bemused that people who went whole hog are saying where the line, there is a difference when it there is someone in their own party who they think can beat donald trump for president. trish: quickly, democrats, they just don't want to give the president's break. now asking for 6 years of president trump's tax returns. from irs. are they going to get it. >> they are harming country, this is not oversight this is overreach. and because they can't indict and impeachment him hey would like too harass and embarrass
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him and those around him, mueller investorgation will be seen as full investigation, and not just to collusion but to all different chutes and ladders. so anything now in congress will be seen, throw a partisan -- through a partisan lens by americans. now only one person can request this over a very long-standing law. his name is richard neil, chairman of the ways and means committee. he had a good meeting with secretary mnuchin about infrastructure, he told cnn in march he talked to president about infrastructure, now then pressure on him to request tax returns. this because democrat put all their eggs in the collusion, basket. and they were promising things, the chairman of the committees,
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on tv -- they share -- they did not come up with that. people have been wanting to do this for a long time, i look at this as harassment. trish: kellyanne thank you. >> thank you. trish: coming up cory lewindowski, with the real story on collusion and the russians, it has nothing to do with donald trump, find out what he says next. (ding) hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪
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>> i accept mueller's conclusion. that he could not prove beyond a reason able doubt the crime of conspiracy, as i have said there is evidence of collusion, and corrupt comingling of work between trump campaign and the russians. trish: what evidence does he think he has. joining me now, a man who coulds he knows if there was collusion. trump campaign, cory lewindowski, man who ran the campaign, good to see you. >> great to be back with you. trish: going on about what he thinks he has, he said he as proof. two clear years investigation
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that did not fine anything to do with collusion. what do you think he has on the president, and your 2016 campaign? >> he has nothing in truth and i testified in front of him and his committee on two separate occasion last year for 12 hours, i sat next to then candidate trump for thousands of hours, we never got an e-mail from a russian, never talked to a russian, and i formed committee of that but adam schiff has lied to american people, by saying they were had evidence of collusion, mueller respect came out, and -- report came out and proved them wrong they have nothing to do but continue a fall invest -- false investigation against that president, they hate this president more than they love their country. trish: that is messed up .
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>> where was brennan getting his bad up information, had people fed things in. that might be real collusion. >> trish. scariest thing, if he was head of our central intelligence agency, how many other mistakes did this clown make between him and comey and clapper, amazing that not more from our election system. if there was any problem with 20 can2016 election that is barack
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obama administration watch. let's find out, at the end was day, declassify the parts of fisa warrant we've not seen, and declassifdeclass this crime, cod clapper and brennan and strzok and page and baker, they perpetrated against donald trump his family, the campaign and american people, they spied on us because they didn't like our politics, they should be held ashashaccountable they should go jail for it. trish: do they think they will go to jail. >> i hope that igwho is investigating continues to make criminal referrals.
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he referred mccabe for a criminal referral. and comey, strzok and page, and ohr. right to top levels of department of justice. probably sally yates, she signed one of the fisa applications, i am awaiting michael horowitz report he releases that said who broke the law and used power and influence to investigate americans because they done like our politics. >> your gut instinct that is what they did? >> it -- it is beyond my gut instinct. we know it is there, we know this money was originally started from clinton campaign, paid to law firm to create the falfalse dossier, and bruce ohr carried that dossier.
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a hope horowitz releases all that information. it should never have happened and it should never happen again. trish: a waste of 2 years. >> and 30 million dollars. trish: i couldn't saying, putin got what he wanted. he would have wanted to see our nation divided. he wants to be divided mainstream media and democrats play in to his hands, they continue to can so like schiff. trishschiff. >> mueller report is so definitive, no collusion, no obstruction, clear, and they cannot take the fact that is what bob mueller said, they waits and waited, for president's report to come out, and say that president committed crimes, they are disappointed that disgusts me. trish: what do you think of joe
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biden? >> look, creepy uncle joe had a bad couple days, if you want a friend in washington, get a dog, i think these are his friends leaking the stories, this is not coming from the republicans, it comes from democrats they don't want him in the race, no one said a word for 8 years he was vice president, we have not heard one word from barack obama. >> very good point. cory lewindowski thank you. >> thank you. trish: more trish regan primetime coming up. maybe you could relieve some stress by calling geico for help with our homeowners insurance. geico helps with homeowners insurance? they sure do. and they could save us a bundle of money too. i'm calling geico right now. cell phone? it's ringing. get to know geico and see how much you could
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points, i think there are a lot of unanswered questions. what were people trying to do? they trying to take down president of united states and will of american people, see you tomorrow. kennedy is next. jim: thank you, democrat say they want the truth. claim they have moral high ground, and save our nation from the of this president he, truth is that is bologna. today democrat led house judiciary committee vote down the party line 24-17 to give nadler permission to subpoena the full unredacted report. >> w >> we
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