tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 9, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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good evening. lou: good evening, president trump had enough of what has been an ineffective department of homeland security. president removing secretary nielsen, replacing her with customs border patrol commissioner kevin mcaleenan. the president, sends a clear message to all in his administration, demanding action. tonight we take up the president's bold steps in assures that homeland is secure. congressman louie golmert among our guests, even some of most radical dems cannot deny crisis. certai-- bernie sanders said th.
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cannot handle open borders. >> you know, there is a lot of poverty in this world. you have people from all over the world, i don't think that is something we can do at-this-point. we can't do it. lou: president trump, is not just changing minds of radical dimms but the minds of some never-trumpers as well. we'll take it up tonight, we'll talk with top republican strategist ed rollins, pulitzer prize winning columnist, michael goodwin. trump administration today took acted no other administration had courage to do, declaring iranian revolution alguard a terroristing or -- organization. secretary of state mike pompeo addressed it today. >> we're doing it because the iranian regime makes it differently from any other government. this historic ste step will depe
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the sponsor of terror finance. lou: we take it up, rising cyber threat posed by china. cyber security expert morgan wright among our guest tonight. >> president trump cracking down illegal immigration. president trump announcing relge resignation of kirstjen nielsen. john roberts with the latest from the white house. reporter: president frustration with skyrocketing illegal immigration is behind the changes he is making at homeland security, that he hopes will lead to changes on our southern southerner. kirstjen nielsen today took high road as she left for one of her
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final days at the office. >> i continue to support all efforts to address humanitarian and security crises on the border. reporter: president trump has waxed and wayneed in his support for nielsen but felt type for a change, in choosing kevin mcaleenan, to replace nielsen, president trump is signals that border security is his top priority for the department. >> the previous administration, officials from barack obama's time as president, all agree, that this is a crisis situation. reporter: nielsen's resignation was first of many changes, this afternoon white house announced that head of secret service was also asked to step down, succeeded in may by james murray. and because of a statute, to dhs, acting deputy secretary, claire grady will have to step down to allow kevin mcaleenan to take over. more change are likely, driven in large part by president's
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domestic policy chief stephen miller. >> according to a law enforcement source this announcement this afternoon that secret service director would be stepping down came as a shock to secret service personnel. on immigration, a san francisco judge blocked administration's policy of sending central american asylum secrets back to mexico while their cases are ajudicated. the judge gave the white house until friday to respond. >> john thank you. >> reporting as usual, the 9th circuit court of appeals doing what we would expect. >> president's new choice to run the department of homeland security. kevin mcaleenan, is the head of customs and border protection, he is a deputy commissioner of cbp, he started there in 2014,
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he has supported president zero tolerance policy, and backed tougher asylum rules and would like to extend time that illegal immigrants can be held in detention before being released. >> acting director of i.c.e., raised number of arrests of illegal immigrants, and was a open of sanctuary cities. kobach a straight forward 3 step policy to solve border crisis, including end of remittances sense home by illegal immigrants. and a group of never-trumpers at 2016 convention then that was then. >> president trump today slamming radical dimms for on going effort to under cut his administration, and failing to attach him to russia collusion.
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even though they prom promised democrats everywhere that is what wow would do, president today tweeting this. the democrats will never be satisfied no matter what they get, how much they get or how many changes they get. catherine herridge is joining us with the latest. reporter: >> we expect him to do his job right, and show just how ridiculous democrats are being in this, this has been way past oversight, this is now overreach. and i think attorney general barr will expose that when he talks to member of congress. reporter: on going investigations, classified information as well as individuals not charged in probe, a sense wh senior democrs
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barr to bypass those rules. >> congress has a right to the enter report with no redetective shawns to see what -- redactions to see what is their. reporter: president's la lawyer said mr. president trump wants more released not less. >> it is up to attorney general. i am a lawyer, i realize that democrats are exploiting the fact that a g is in a difficult position. reporter: ranking republican. on nadler's committee released this letter. calling to mueller to testify during spring recess, this business is too important to wait. i urge you to do the right thing. follow the law, and invite special counsel to testify. a sense rather senate republican said, he knows percent hand that barr is taking a hard look at russia probe and its origins. >> he is upset, he believes it of very unprofessional, he cares about the representation of
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department of justice. reporter: ranging republican on house intelligence committee said he is ready to make 8 criminal referrals to justice department this week for leaks, conspiracy and lying to congress. saying that they focus ongenouss of fbi russia probe. lou: thank you. >> chief intelligence correspondent from washington. our first guest to take up long overdue effort to uncover the collusion between the radical dimms and the russians, discredited phoney trump dossier, news by fbi and justice department, to obtain fisa warrants, and other effort to under cut and subvert this president. joining us. judicial watch president tom ---
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there could be beginning of actual investigation to investigators. >> 8 is a good start. one of reasons that mueller operation conditioned over a year -- continued over a year past. it was over a year ago where they knew there was no russia collusion. by continuing to operate it protected the investigators from being investigated, those involved in setting up mueller operation from being reviewed by the justice department, that now gone. i hope lindsey graham is right about attorney general, he will look to see what went wrong and investigate and pros -- prosecute if necessary. lou: two thoughts that occur as you were speaking.
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one nunes has taken a long time to reach this point himself, he has done many good things. >> deal with that impresstion? >> judicial watch before look to congress for leadership, nunes performed some heroic work that will go down in history in terms of confronts exposing a deep state at great personal and political cost to himself. but you know leadership has got to come from the justice department in terms of cleaning house, that comes from pressure from president who ought to exercise it as directly as able. and american people. because congressional least on house side is not pressures justice department to clean house. and i just hope attorney general barr has enough personal integrity to understand that the justice department has been a rogue agency for the last several years, involved in a coop effort to over throw the
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president, if he take its that seriously, devin nunes' 8 referrals will be just the start. lou: and i take your point. william barr, let me share my impression of the man to this point. that is ha not only serious but deep thinking attorney general. a man of principle and i would be surprised if there is any indication no matter how small in contrary evidence to that to that issue. i would tell him take your time sir, do as you wish. every voice you hear righ rightw is amounts to a clamor. whether democrat, radical dims
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in congress, the nonsense go on. even the chair of the judiciary committee and senate, senator lindsey graham, 2 months in he has done nothing. it must seem like a ca-- a bunch of jackasses inned middle of the swamp trying to tell him how to do his job. >> i hope he is not cautious lawyer that most republicans tip ebb -- typically are in these circumstances, they don't want to make waves or doing anything to make hillary clinton upset, a reason their was an efforts to detract from her misconduct and failure to prosecute. is attorney general rally barr going totatio to take on clinto? lou: i wager with you, just an impression, i believe he will
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take on whatever is necessary to make certain this respect survives and this injustice on the president is righted. that is my bet. >> i hope that is the case. we'll do our work in the meantime. but -- back to dhs firing. president has to take leadership, and require the justice department to uphold rule the law, expect barr to do the right thing, but tell him to do the right thing just in case. lou: fair enough, tom, good to have you with us thank you. >> thank you. lou: tim fitton, judicial watch. >> hup up next, obama back on wd stage, he set a new record, you heard a lot of talk about nars nars -- his record setting performance overseas, we'll have that for you next, you don't
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want to miss a single self, word on the part of the former president. ed rollins, and mike add goodw n join me after this break break, ♪ limu emu & doug what do all these people have in common, limu? [ paper rustling ] exactly, nothing. they're completely different people, that's why they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual. they'll only pay for what they need! [ gargling ] [ coins hitting the desk ] yes, and they could save a ton. you've done it again, limu. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lou: we've had more than two years of assault on this president, witch-hunts and investigations and nonsense. i think just about everyone knows now who this president is, we have all radical dimms and committees and special counsel efforts, we know what they have amounamounted to. it good to remember what the president promised us on that historic day had he decided he would run for the president of the united states here are just a few thoughts from donald trump, and his promises on that beautiful day, back in june of 2015. >> i'll bring back our jobs from china, from mexico from japan, from so many places. i'll bridge bac bridge back youd money, no worl nobody would be r
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isis than donald trump. nobody. i will stop iran from getting nuclear weapons. sadly, the american dream is dead. >> bring it back -- >> if i get elected president, i will bring it back. bigger and better and stronger than ever before and we will make america great again. thank you. thank you very much. >> with that, mr. trump set up on campaign trail, and said all kinds of -- set all kinds of records and amazingly run the presidency and thank goodness he did. i think thank god is the expression. and profound statement sincerely
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off order to god almighty. president obama meanwhile has set a few records of his own. he just set a new personal record over weekend while in berlin. there speaking before his foundation. he referred to himself at -- one can forgive a little first person river sense, referred to himself 392 times. listen to this. >> i was also convinced of was the probably the biggest impact i could have. would be to support and convene and engage and partner with the next generation of leaders, because there is only one of me. i am not here to support any political party, i held my last political office. lou: well, the last part was
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reassuring, 392 times. he referred to himself in one speech, former president breaking his previous record, that record set in 2016. he referred to himself in one outing, 171 times. this is stunning stuff. the dimms, and radical proposal and radical di radical dim ageno far to the left, too far. bob kerry growth an op set -- wrote an op-ed, condemning outrageous green new deal and medicare for all and russia collusion hoax. we all know there are a lot more radical dim dilutions than that.
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joining us. fact, political analyst, republican strategist, ed rollins, and "new york post" pulitzer prize winning columnist, thank you michael goodwin. 392 times. you can't make this up. i have seen a couple reverends in last couple of -- references in last couple weeks how it works, someone spread its in national level wing media then there are a half dozen reference to narcissism referring to president trump? he, this, this is madness. >> about 25 democrat running for president, so far one said they had anything to do with obama, that is the biden and obama. not a single candidate out there saying i will put back in the obama agenda.
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by undoing all of obama executive orders is how this president stimulated this economy. >> michael, ed is right, it is stunning to think there is such separation, he mentioned biden, there is one thing missing from the biden and ow obama relationp that is obama. >> you know, obamaism, his ideas about government, regulation is one. when he left office, democratic party was at its lowest ebb in a century, that wasoing to all this -- owing to government overreach, this is the bathroom you can go to and health chunk insurance you must buy, then going abroad to berlin with his old pal. lou: the old gang is back. >> like a swan sang.
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lou: he is headed to cairo after this to call for muslim brotherhood return. >> he has to apologize for president trump. >> that is how it started first 3 weeks he apologize forward america's past. and my sense is this country does not', that he could stand in front of a mirror, and say 400 times, me, me, but at the inwas day that not where democratic party is. lou: i have a proposition for you. i believe, i want to test it on you, this country had a belly full of radica radical dimms. there is not any ramp left for them to 2020. they know who the radical dimms are, they delivered this bust of a collusion hoax, they watched president be har age harassed ad haranged for over two years out either effect or without reason.
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it has been a nastiest demonstration of venomous cynicism i have ever watched in american politics. i think this will go down as greatest scandal in american politics. >> i find interesting to watch, analyst and people around democrat saying this not about policy, this is about perso personality, all years of for reagan and trump, people talk about strong personalty, and policies we give her with policy -- differ, they say we can't run on our policy so it will be a personality contest, we're nice and trump is not, my sense that a losing strategy. lou: they are nice? these people, they went after the president, his family, children, wife. i mean, it is -- this is the party of ignore a iguodala iguo.
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-- ignor ignorance. they are savage, and indecent and horrific and this president can tell them to go to hell, and american people say we're with you, i don't think they have much room for this president you know. i think he can tell them to go to hell when he wants to with impunity. >> you mentioned bob kerry that piece he wrote, i spoke to him about it. lou: your column was terrorist ghik thank you. >terrorist-- terrific. >> thank you. >> how did we get it so wrong, he added -- >> they tried to over throw a president. no point. >> his point, if the president of the united states can be subject to this kind of prosecution abuse, then every american can, that is why we have to make sure, find out what happened, and make sure it never
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happens again. lou: justice department and fbi, i think it rests with them, this is going to have to be grand jury stuff, this is not little you know. ito me inert commission, not a congressional committee that has no teeth, bite or principle it has to be done, that means william barr we depend on, he has to clean up the fbi and justice department. >> we cannot forget it started in obama white house. lou: okay. yeah. >> we know it started there. >> that is why i think you see obama lost. he lost everything. >> yeah and -- and he is being merciful to the american people. at least he is vomiting 392 references, whatever it was to himself to the good people of germany, thank you so much michael and ed thank you.
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lou: we'd like to hear your thoughts on this share your comments follow he on twitter, like me on facebook, up next, united states taking action again iran. we take up that here with cyber security expert morgan wright, more ahead. there they go. we'll be right back. with that and more, stay with us. - there are tens if not hundreds of thousands
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-- casualties in iraq, only now is this president the one to do it. >> i grew up in days of the shaw. to watch down fall of this great country from what it was to what it is now, only natural you would designate it as foreign terrorist organization,. you are right, instruments of death they supplied to the proxies killing our soldiers should not be tolerated. lou: strangely to me, the military, our military command. the pentagon, generals who i would have thought would have cried out, who -- to econom erae parts of tehran in response, saying we're here to be adversaries of peace and goodwill. they never won in the iraq awkar
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and afghanistan. -- or. then threw it away. >> that i want to kill americans and kill us. there is no negotiating with folks like that just keep ratcheting down when president is doing apply sanctions, i tell you, anybody who does this. any kind of technology including intellectual property and software, and there should be a penalty for supporting o supporg organizations leak that. lou: for what china is doing now in this hemisphere and russia and iran. suddenly this hemisphere is alive with foreign intervention on part of two other principle powers in this on globe, what are we to do? >> you know, the policy is one
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aspect of it, but we have to start -- we don't hear a lot about our successes in cyber rel realm, they are classified we'll talk about leaks but some stuff we should be at least they should figure out ways to let us know how we're doing something about it. we have to make people like china, put them on a list designated strategic adversary, we would no more sell nuclear weapon to china than stealth fighters. why to we sell them the same strategic technology it should be banne -- now. lou: they don't have to sell it, they are stealing it right now. >> true. lou: morgan, the leaks. it is impossible seems to stop them. the leaks of the classified information from the white house, your thoughts? >> someone held a clearance and work with people this is
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office decision to drop felony charges against jussie smollett. she now is inmating that racism is behind those who criticize her decision. u.s. milltary is pulling out a content jen of our forces from libya, a surge of violence there in capital city of tripoli. their role there, they have been doing there and how long our troops have been there is unknown at least to us. and pope francis in morocco praising migrants open borders and multicultural implementism,g that builders of wall will be prisoners of the walls they built, there are not many walls bigger than walls that sound th- surround the vatican are there? just thought i would raise that. joining us, louie golmert.
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congressman great to have you with us. what a mess on the border with mexico. >> it is. lou: like at these beautiful picture, governor abbott send ut, deputy of public safety, lining shores of rio grande. to what effect? they just keep coming? >> well, actually, some many nights i spend down there on the texas-mexico border, i have seen texas paid millions of dollars for nas fast boats with guns and thermal images and night vision, they are great, they or the river, nobody crosses over and stepped to american soil. but the border patrol, unfortunately, it is true of kevin mcaleenan, they have a
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program you step foot on important soil, we process you and may transport you to where the drug cartels' you to sell drug, i submit mayb better thanh and release would be repel, don't let them step foot to our soil unless they are coming in legally. lou: you know. this is most stubborn issue that faces the nation right now. a super power led until recently homeland security department by kirstjen nielsen. in which there was an active effort to under cut president on part of secretary, i am we all can acknowledge that. and that is now changed, now you know clock ticks a new. on getting this thing solved, do you believe that this thing is
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sol you -- or should we put up a white flag, and say we can't get it done, we're a super power and not smart enough. >> we share enough of what they call grit. you have seen it has a problem for many years before, most anyone in media knew it was a problem. but we can't raise a white flag, we have to fight this country is at stake, with asylum. you know legally you can't claim asee loom -- asylum in united states if you come in from a country that is not the one in which you are afraid and being persecuted. anything that comes from central america, as soon as they get near our door we had say, hey, are you from mexico? oh, no, 80% from central america. sorry, you are in a country, where you are not being
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persecuted in mexico, they have invited to to stay, you are not coming in, don't let them come in. lou: it was i was -- making a point by suggesting that i was doing so. i assure you. >> i know that. >> it president means to get it done. >> you know i know you were about that. you never would race raise a w. lou: right, we have millions of marchs who woulamericans who wot we have a bunch of people led by radical dimms on congress and senate. this is a mighty collision it looks like in front of us now. because the country is at stake. president said clear as it be said that is without borders we have no country. if we can't control our borders we have nothing to talk about when it comes to the nation. >> right, you take economist
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milt freeman, he liked that idea of no borders but he knew you can't have any time of welfare and have an open border, the president is right without borders we're not a country, then the country that shrining lighshrineshining light on a hiy hear about everywhere in world, you are our hope, in west africa, they say, stay strong, you got weak under obama, our only hope for safety is if you stay strong, we have to enforce the borders. >> you know. the rea reason that national let wing media cannot stand this president, the reach reason that radical dimms cannot stand this president they expect people to be as dependent as they are lack
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grit this president wants everyone to be independent and self reliant. >> do well. lou: he delivered on his promise, i thought it was interesting to see him june 16 of 2015 announcing his candidacy, delivering on promise after promise after identifying problem after problem, the work he has done is react ord -- extraordinary, we're out of time thank yothank you for being her. >> you are terrific thank you. lou: appreciate it. >> up next president trump's battle to secure our border, having a pro found impact on even senator mitt romney. i'm going to have a few nice things to say about the senator, i am thinking about it. it is extraordinary his
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lou: senator mitt romney waking up to reality of border crisis. senator supporting president trump. >> we can't have millions of people flooding into the country. without a bored theory is second -- border that is secure. this is a win b winning issues r american to say we have to have sovereignty of ournying. nation. lou: jason chaffetz from great state of utah. author, fox business contributor, you and i have talked about this senator a number of times. i have got strong feelings about the senator. but i have to say, he supports the president? finally. >> hallelujah! >> april 8, 2019, mark the date. mark the date. lou dobbs said something nice about mitt romney.
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senator is right. it is overwhelming, facts of just there in sight, senator is right, republicans are right on this they have to get their act together on this. democrat, listen to their message, they are pro-amnesty, they want to get rid of the wall, they don't want to fun the wall, they want sanctuary cities. i -- they are nowhere on the issue, senator rom sno romney i, american people care deeply about this issue, it should be obvious to everyone. lou: it should. i think it should have been obvious years sooner. to romney. particularly since he was running for president in 2012. they want this president even then, i believe. let's turn to devin nunes. and criminal referrals, 8. taking a while, i acknowledge and said on this broadcast before that nunes, is a great
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hero in the piece of the russian hoax and the this two year witch-hunt. but it has taken so long to get to 8 referrals, come on. >> well, tying together all pieces he has making the referrals, i think they will be deldealt with seriously, i think that attorney yet again general sessions was nowhere to be found, for nunes to now put that forward with new attorney jaryny general. is his sea legs under i think is right timing, ho had he didn't t earlier, i think it would have just been dismissed by sessions. lou: right. the president wants that done now. your thoughts on how difficult
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this lost time can be made up. >> well, if you' different results you have to put in dhft different people, it is an enormous agent. coast guard, i.c.e., they there is a need for changes in president's eyes, he -- >> what about idea of a border czar. kobach, cuccinelli, home man? >> i love tom holman, i have got don't know him. lou: you like who. >> kris kobach, he has confidence of the president's ear, he is tough on the issues, and disappointed he did not get 3 to become governor of kansas
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there are good people there. and you most personally, you want someone who will do what president wants to do, this is a signature issue, they need someone to execute on president's agenda. lou: yep, and kris kobach seems to be leading the way. cuccinelli, a never-trumper, what -- we have not got time, jason chaffetz always good to talk with you. >> thank you. lou: take care, president trump taking bold steps, shaking up dhs leadership, fixing our broken immigration system and secures our borders we'll be back with much more stay with
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lou: among our guests tonight he made a strong, strong policy proposal on border security. >> i would submit quite humbly that maybe better than catch and release would be a one-word doctrine of repel. don't let them do what the texas cps does. don't let them put on our soil unless they're coming in legal legally. lou: policy of repel. that's an idea for that is it for us tonight. thank you for being with us. joining us here tomorrow night republican national committee chair, ronald mcdaniel. congressman matt gates former i.c.e. director and among those apparently be considered by the
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president to be immigration czar. that is here tomorrow and hope you will join us. reminder to follow me at twitter, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram. thank you for bei lauren: here are your market movers. president trump's new migrant asylum policy is shut down overnight. the white house is refusing to o back down and president trump not backing down are from a possible new trade war with the european union. how ou they could see tariffed slapped on some of their products. socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez attacking the wealthy again, saying if hard work pays off and leads to success, it's because you're a psychopath. actreaactress felicity huffman 3 others plead guilty in the college admissions scandal. one name not on the
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