tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business April 10, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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these were bad people. and this was an attempted coup. >> it was, it did not work, thank god! thank you for being with us. have a good evening, good night from new york. >> breaking right now. spying did occur in the 2016 presidential campaign. the bombshell revelation from attorney general william barr tonight. and a brand-new caravan. at least 1000 strong currently on its way to our border from honduras. plus, democratic congressman ilhan omar making his again. this time for minimizing the 9/11 terror attacks on our country. trish regan prime time. >> spying in a political
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campaign is a big deal. >> you are not suggesting though that spying occurred. >> i think it was spying did occur. i think it did occur. the question is whether or not it was predicated, adequately predicated. and i'm not suggesting it was but i need to explore that. >> i'm sure she sorry she asked the question. you heard correctly. the attorney general of the united states of america says yes, spying did occur in the 2016 presidential campaign. the question he says, is why? this is a massive development here. and it could have very significant consequences. because if spying occurred for political reasons, as some suspect, it may turn out to be a kind of watergate on steroids. just last night i spoke with michael caputo. a donald trump advisor in this 16 campaign and he believes the feds were trying to set him up. listen to this.
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>> i myself was approached by a russian national fbi informant in late may 2016. >> and what did they want? >> he wanted to give me some dirt and hillary clinton. i turned it down. >> you think they were trying to frame you or set you up? >> no doubt. the old push pull, right? push originated information about henry into the campaign and then find a way to get it back out again. >> the question tonight is, where they in fact doing this because it was a legitimate belief that the trump campaign had been compromised? orbecause they wanted to set up mr. computer? -- mr. caputo up.
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i will ask this, what was going on in the fbi that anyone would think it was okay to present to the judge with evidence that the fbi that did not gather resource. we're talking at the infamous dossier. the thing that these which was a piece of opposition research. was bought and paid for by hillary clinton's campaign. who they are, thought that it was somehow okay or legal, to not tell a judge that they would be issuing a warrant to spy on an innocent american who thought it was okay, not to tell the judge the source of the information. that in fact, they had not been sourced by the fbi.but was just a piece of opposition research. the obama justice department was not exactly what you would call a, -- the legendary tarmac
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meeting between loretta lynch and bill clinton. with that kind of track record, americans should be asking all of these questions. william barr should be asking questions himself. and i for one, am glad he is. joining me right now, house oversight committee member, south carolina congressman norman.good to see you, sir. >> good to see you, trish. >> now we have move to the next chapter and asking the question i wish people were asking all along, how is it the fbi is using opposition research to spy on innocent americans?>> that is what attorney general barr will get to the bottom of, trish. the fact that we spent over two years, $24 million, 53 witnesses called, and now that they did not find anything on the president, which is what the democrats wanted, now he has the obligation to find out where did it come from?
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why did they pursue this and how do you hold someone accountable? this i think you mentioned, will make watergate seam like third rate. >> possibly if for political reasons. that is a question here. i think the attorney general is right to be saying, we have to figure out what was it predicated upon?in other words, if they had legitimate fears, legitimate concerns. i just do not know why they don't do more research. why they don't figure out and source material themselves. from the likes of the clinton campaign knowing this had been bought and paid for by the clinton campaign. i guess that is where i think i find it troubling and murky. i'm not things all political but i think we need to answer the question. don't you? >> means to answer the question and hold people accountable. the democrats, i wish that your viewers could see the democrat
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-- the mueller report was pretty much exonerated although the review exonerated the present. they should be happy the country was not drug through another two years of trying to find something on the president or you know, the accusations were not true. but secondly, they ought to be excited about getting to the bottom of it because as president trump said, he does not want this happening to another president. and i credit mark meadows and jim jordan, they have two letters out, one to elijah cummings to get mr. horowitz to want say, review the process that the doj and fbi went in to get the fisa warrant. have mr. horowitz testify for they should have invested -- investigated the dossier that was bought and paid for by
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hillary clinton.>> they are using that and not bothering to tell the judge. the viewers may have heard me say this before but i'll say it again. i am a journalist and a triple check my sources. i will not take a piece of research that has been written by someone with a total agenda, take that somehow his gospel and it is essentially what they did. and then never had the decency to tell the judge where the information was coming from. the judge might think okay the fbi did its own due diligence, turns out they didn't and is a question that needs answering. why is the fbi using opposition research to issue fisa warrants? we hope you get to the point of it, congressman norman, thank you so much. meanwhile tonight come the democrats are ramping up their own collusion delusion rhetoric suggesting now that robert mueller never intended for the attorney general to make a decision on whether or not charges be brought against the president but rather, congress makes the decision on charges. watch.>> the expectation in leaving the decision to congress? >> he did not say that. >> he said that should be up to
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you? >> he did not say that either. but that is generally how the department of justice works. >> i mean in fact, yeah, that is exactly how it works. join me not to weigh in, former dnc chair, fox news contributor -- wonderful to have you both here. great to have you on fox.>> good to see you, trish. >> i'm hoping we can do some explaining because i want to know what the goal is. why is it the democrats are digging in a way, digging in, in a way that frankly, i do not think helps them. you look at the senator from new hampshire today opening the can of worms. i suppose in a good way for the country but what is it the democrats are trying to achieve? >> i hope that as americans, what we are trying to achieve is what i believe is the real issue. that is, we know that the russians attempted to hack our elections. we know that the russians were
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spying on us. we know that the country did come under attack. and perhaps it is time that we take of the democratic label, the republican label and say, what the hell are we doing now to protect our country from future hacking and attacks from a hostile foreign government? this began in 2016, i became chair of the party for the second time in my adult life as a result of a hacking that occurred. so we need to get to the bottom and we need to see the full mueller report. redacted, and explained so that every american, regardless of partisan affiliation or not affiliation, will have some compass and knowing that we got to the bottom of everything. >> on think anyone disagrees with you on that at all. i think every american deserves to know exactly happen. but a component to that is this other thing out there.
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the inspector generals report. we now have william barr, the attorney general of the united states of america saying that in fact, spying did happen. >> he said i think. and he wants to make sure that it was predicated. i mean look, we need to make sure -- >> i'm not saying it was political. i am not saying that. >> i respect the fbi and the justice department. i do not want to go out there and you know, smear them and the hard work they put in to have given us this report. we have not seen the report. the ag said he expects to give us the report within a week. i hope to come back on your show in a week. -- >> hang with me, i will get you in a second draft asked donna one thing. doesn't trouble you, doesn't bother that they took a piece of opposition research and use that effectively as their so-called evidence that they would present to a judge in order to get a fisa warrant? and by the way, not even
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bothering to tell the judge, this is paid for by the hillary clinton campaign. >> you know, first of all, the hillary clinton campaign did not pay for it. let's clear the hillary clinton campaign. >> no, they did. >> i would like to explain what i know, trish.there has been too much misinformation put out and the information has been weapon eyes to the point that people believe in all of these conspiracy theories. the fact is that when the carter page had left the trump campaign, when the fisa warrant was issued.i looked to know all of the facts because this impacted my life, impacted the decisions i had to make as chair of the party. i didn't want to get out here ahead of myself before i can read the full mueller report as well as the ig report. >> trust me, we are all onthe same page . i hear you! and david, that is exactly what we need right now. i think americans deserve a lot of answers and he basically, he
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doubled down. at first he said it seems and then he said yes, there was spying. and by the way obviously, you are a victim of certain things yourself when it comes to hacking. so there was something going on.we need to know, david, right? what it was and what was motivating it. >> we have to keep in mind that the obama administration has no problem using the irs to target their political opponents. remember lois lerner. and so, is it beyond the realm of possibilities that may be, the obama justice department also did not follow all of the procedures? we don't know that but william barr has said we need to look and make sure all of the t's cost and all of the i's dotted. the last two days of hearings where william barr is up to trying to make the case for his budget but they want to talk about the mueller report. that somehow, according to congressional democrats, we need a group of politicians in
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congress to tell us what a group of lawyers who wrote the mueller report really meant. if that does not make your head hurt i don't know what would! x adam schiff out there nothing somehow this is a smear attempt on the fbi. for the attorney general to say, we have to figure what this was predicated upon. donna, i saw that you were nodding your head there, right? you are in agreement. there may have been hacking. we need to know more. >> the attorney general made a decision to give us a four page summary of a 400 page report. he understood when he put that into the political bloodstream of american politics, that critics would say hey, how do we trust your analysis when we have not seen the full report? so i do believe that before we begin to destroy career professionals i have been doing
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their job, trying to protect this country, and protected from future hacking. we should see some of the reports. why not? trish: i think you will see them. i think that you will see that before you see the inspector generals report. david, right? what is it, one week? six days now that we should be seeing the mueller report?>> and don is trying to effectively already undercut the full report, based off of the reduction. >> i am not -- i want to read it, david. >> hold on, i'll let you speak. just like the reduction the following procedures as they should. just as the agents should be protected, so should the witnesses. so should all of the rules that apply to what should be redacted. and to hear so many democrats -- >> i do not see any problem with what i said, david. i just said that because he released, he made a decision to release four pages. we know now that it is 400, he did a summary of -- look, i
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have no problem -- trish: he was not legally obligated he does not have to do it. but we would like to see it. >> i'm not here for a blood fight. if i was i would bring a knife but i am not. i'm here to say that we need to see , look, 420 members of congress, democrats and republicans voted they want to see the report. trish: i don't think anyone disagrees with you.indeed we will, six days! >> i will be back with david by the way. and you will get the first word. trish: good to see you, thank you so much. [laughter] good to have you here. coming up, a brand-new migrant caravan with nearly 1000 people strong, it is growing and heading straight to the southern border tonight. yet, so many refuse to admit that we have any kind of problem here. wait until you hear, this is good, what aoc is actually
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blaming for mass migration. it's good! the first of far left democrat ilhan omar and what she says about 9/11. she is characterizing it in such a terrible way that she once again, gaining headlines. but i am setting the record straight. straight. stay right here. when you retire will you or will you just be you, without the constraints of a full time job? you can grow your retirement savings with pacific life and create the future that's most meaningful to you. which means you can retire, without retiring from life. having the flexibility to retire on your terms. that's the power of pacific. ask your financial professional about pacific life today.
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ilhan omar, under fire again tonight after comments surfaced from a recent council of american islamic relations event she spoke out in which she appears to well, and demise the biggest attack on american soil in our history. the 9/11 terror attacks. i want you to hear her. >> far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen. and frankly, i am tired of it. every single muslim in this country should be tired of it. [applause] care was founded after 9/11. because they recognize that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil
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liberties. trish: i guess what she's missing there is that some people did something. some pretty awful, atrocious, thing which happened to have been a terror attack unlike anything we've ever seen. joining me inright now, mr. bernie -- what his response that? having been through all that you went through? >> you know what, trish, i think that this woman is a disgrace. her comments, whether it is about 9/11, whether it is the anti-somatic comments, the anti-israel comments, is really, so repugnant by nature. it just defies description. you know, she has no business being in the congress.
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listen, -- trish: yet she is there! >> yet she is there and fox business pretty important committees in terms of our international relations. what does this tell you? >> you know what it tells me? trish: the democratic party! >> it tells me the party is not doing their job. because people like chuck schumer and jerry nadler and people like that were down there at ground zero on september 14, panic stricken, shocked at what had just happened. and they are not saying a word about her comments. which makes me sick. also, you know the one thing people are not talking about, trish, she was at a fundraiser. she was at a fundraiser for care. care has been designated by the united arab emirates, the uae and our country as a terrorist organization. there are terrorist supporters
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and funder. no one is saying anything. trish: by the way, actively, try to get a judge to reduce the sentence of some americans that joined isis. in other words, somehow she does not think it should carry the penalty joining -- >> she asked the judge for leniency for convicted terrorists. trish: this is troubling, i hear you! she is an congress though.she was elected. she may not last because she might get booted out of office if people there in minnesota decide to think twice about this. the reality is, she is there right now and guess what? she is sucking all the oxygen out of the room along with her friend, alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> you know what? i think the members of congress, they need to do their job. they need to do oversight. and someone needs to look at
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this woman.once and for all they need to look at her. because if there is any civilian or anyone from a mosque or anyone else in this country, that was as anti-israel, anti-semitic, anti-american, pro-radical muslim as she is, they would be under investigation. i'm not sure why she is in. trish: why is she getting a pass is your question? >> yet. trish: you are asking it, all right! we will keep following her career, unfortunately. maybe just for another year or so.thank you very much, bernard kerik. good to see you. a new migrant caravan 1000 people strong and growing heading to the southern border tonight. detention centers tell us they are totally overwhelmed. we have a retired four-star general, jack keane in-house with a plan of action. a plan he sharing with the administration and tonight, sharing with you, our viewers. plus, wait-and-see hear what
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aoc is blaming for the mass migration. all right i will just tell you. that crazy! climate change -- yes. that is where we have thousands of people in these caravans every day assembling to come to the united states of america. climate change. after walking six miles at an amusement park... bill's back needed a vacation from his vacation. so he stepped on the dr. scholl's kiosk. it recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain. so you can move more. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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trish: news are brand-new caravan. mobilizing appeared almost 1000 people gathering in honduras at this moment intent on fleeing their country to head to ours. joining me right now, institute for the study chairman, four-star general, jack keane. good to have you back. these caravans in your view, are they really and truly a threat? >> certainly, the sovereignty of our country is being violated every day. they are averaging 4000 people per day crossing into the
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border seeking asylum and because we are full in terms of detention centers and the kind of custodial care that we are providing and also, we can only keep families for 20 days. now the border patrol is releasing them. almost we are at a breaking point. trish: what happens when they get released? in view what kind of precedent does that set? >> border patrol tell you send them to the next bus station and let go of them. it's up to the people themselves to figure out what to do from that point on and their families doing that. we are at a breaking point and we are failing. and the reason is we have judges who clearly are making immigration policy and we have a congress who is incapable of passing laws that will fix the loopholes that are incentivizing the people. can you imagine what it must be like, families come across the border, the contact their
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friends and other family members from the neighborhood back in guatemala, honduras, el salvador and are telling them, all you have to do is cross the border. there is no problem doing that and you will stay in the united states. trish: do think it's actually contributing to this? in other words, as soon as some come in and do not have a problem seemingly, they call back home and a bunch more coming. so this feeds upon itself. >> absolutely. it is an incredible magnet taking place here. because in a major loophole that we have, and the fact that resources are at the breaking point. we cannot come we don't have enough border patrol and i.c.e. and people from hhs to provide the kind of custodial care that people need. so we are releasing them. and that is just driving up the numbers. last month 100,000, trish. this month will likely go higher than that.
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trish: 150,000. >> it will keep going higher because the incentive is for them to come. all they have to do is step on american soil and they're going to be released into america. if there family seeking asylum. trish: so what needs to happen here? i know that you have some ideas. laid out for us. >> and i have any better ideas than most people who have been conversing with the issue. trish: you were a four-star general. we do defer to you on these things. >> we need a leader side effects. congress is at odds over it. the republicans and democrats have got to come together. the democrats clearly have a position that they are staked out. so have the republicans. we figured out how to do this in the past. put a deal together that is in interest of each party.
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and bring it to the president of the united states and let's get on with this thing. they will be something that people will have to give up to be able to accomplish the common good here. and then hopefully we can get after that. this is humanitarian crisis and it also is a national security issue because it is violating the sovereignty of the country. and in the middle of it we have these people, who are sort of ponds of the organizers of the countries, the cartels and coyotes. they are making real money anywhere from five to $15,000 per family to get them to the border of the united states and so they are incentivized and motivated and inspiring these family members to do this. trish: it is a crisis. >> and i think we will see the military be brought in a little more than right now because the resources, dhs, are clearly broke. they cannot keep up with it. so likely, they will need more helicopters, you will need more labor force and that is the united states military and i do
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not blame dhs for asking for that kind of help. i think it's coming. trish: it is a sad state when you cannot get that kind of help you need because of politics but it seems as though we are at that point. and a breaking point. general keene, it is good to see you sir. >> good to see you, trish. trish: 2020 presidential candidate howard schultz is here blasting the democratic party. he said the party led him not the other way around. plus what he had to say about congresswoman ilhan omar and her anti-semitic comments. and also send enough on the democratic party giveaway, reparations. quite a conversation. and later on this hour, find out how i went from a singer to out how i went from a singer to a broadcast
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that we're playing "four on four" with a barbershop quartet? [quartet singing] bum bum bum bum... pass the ball... pass the rock.. ...we're open just pass the ball! no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. yea. [quartet singing] shoot the j! shoot, shoot, shoot the jaaaaaay... believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. trish: democratic field is growing more crowded tonight
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with eric swalwell, announcing that he too will be running for president. what does that bring us to? 18? and still counting.but there is one democrat, one loan democrat trying to break out from the rest of the pack by considering a run as an independent. thereby bumping himself into a race will be between president trump and whoever the democratic nominee is. quite possibly, making himself become the ross perot of 2020. but howard schultz, the founder of starbucks, says you know what? he doesn't have a choice. he doesn't have a choice because the democratic party that he once knew, and once loved is gone. watch. >> the democratic party has shifted significantly to the left. bernie sanders, who three years ago, had fringe ideas, is now the poster child for the american people.
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with regard to the democratic party. the democratic party left me, i did not leave the issue is not so much the democratic party. the issue is both sides at the extremes, steeped in ideology and unwilling to work together to compromise on behalf of the american people. that is why the country needs a centrist approach, a bipartisan approach to solving the problems that are systemic in society. and being in kansas, all i hear from that people here as well as estates i visited, they want commonsense solutions to the problems. trish: common sense would be really nice. and i do not disagree with you on that i think you want to something because at times, washington increasingly looks ungovernable. given the partisanship right now. part of that partisan rhetoric is coming from none other than a woman named ilhan omar. in minnesota who has made a string of very anti-semitic comments. i am curious what your thoughts are on her and the direction
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that she is taking the democratic party. especially as a jewish-american. >> i do not know her. i think her comments that she made our not proper and in every way, inconsistent with anyone who is an elected official at the federal level. there is a rise of anti-semitism in america which concerns me. but if i run for president, i am proud to be jewish, i represent america. i am running as an american who happens to be jewish. i also believe in a two state solution that the israelis and palestinians should live together in harmony and in a peaceful way. i recognize we are years away from that but it would be the best solution over the long term. and i'm not only concerned about anti-semitism also social injustice and any bigotry. this tonality of the president has produced a level in the
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society and i think the dignity of the oval office needs to be restored and i would do that if i run. trish: without me reparations? because that is what we are hearing from the democratic party. that is the solution. do you believe in that? >> i do not think reparations, i would be looking forward not backwards. i think there are other ways to demonstrate a humane approach that one of the things i've suggested is that historic black colleges are underfunded and really struggling financially in this country. i think that would be a good start in which we can demonstrate a level investment in education and with the colleges which would be a way peerless look forward not backward. with regard to bernie sanders let me say this, this guy has run for president now four years. and he is not demonstrated in my view, any level of discipline with regard to how he will have to pay for any of the things that he is suggesting that alone medicare for all. there is a better solution to
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fix the healthcare problems and i would also say this. for all of the democrats are running for president that has held a federal office, congressional or senatorial level, where have they been all of these years representing their constituency and the american people in solving the problems. i am a private citizen. i'm here to try and help solve the problems but you are the people that have been in power. you are the people along with republicans who have been unwilling to do anything to compromise and create the kind of solutions with regard to the debt, healthcare, education, immigration. these problems have been with us for years. avoiding instability and we need to restore it. trish: you have heard this said, i think to you by many people.there is concern the democratic party that you are effectively going to be the ross perot that ensures a donald trump will get another four years.
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what do you say to them when they criticize you for that? >> i think it is a false narrative. i strongly believe if i run for president, there are millions of lifelong republicans on the issue of character, dignity, civility alone. that will not reelect donald trump. at the fox town hall you semi-ask a question to 400 people and i said, does anyone in this room with the child or grandchild to amulet the behavior of donald trump? a president trump. one person, not one person raise their hand. what does that tell you about the character of this president? and the willingness of republicans to look to another person if they have legitimate choices.>> i will tell you one thing howard, you are out in front, they are not coming on. they are not here talking to us about the issues. so many of the democrats are not coming on. bernie sanders, you did. >> i cannot speak to why democrats are not coming on i do not want only to talk about the democrats. remember one thing.the republicans banged on president obama for eight consecutive years about the debt and
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deficit. mcconnell, ryan, now two years under donald trump he is $1 trillion year, we are $22 trillion and we have not heard one voice, one republican in two years. why? because it is not politically in their interest. this is the problem. the problem is republicans and democrats are not representing the will, the desire and need for the american people and that is why we need a centrist independent in the white house. trish: okay. if you get that centrist, right? we still have two parties. this is the problem right now. you have two parties that are so entrenched in their own political survival. that it is hard for them to be their own people. and we can spend a whole night on the reasons for that. anyway, thank you to howard for joining us. howard schultz, everyone. we sit here, whether he is officially jumping into the race in a matter of weeks. he did tell me that. he's trying to make his
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decision. we will find out. meanwhile vice president mike pence putting nicolas maduro, the socialist dictator is venezuela, starving his people, on notice today. staring down their representative at the un. he says, times up! does this mean military action is in the works? i want you to see the video of the rice resident staring this guy down. plus, we will find out i went from a singer to a broadcast cooper! did you eat all of your treats? ♪ help! i need somebody ♪ help! not just anybody ♪ help! you know i need someone ♪ the house, kids, they're living the dream ♪ ♪ and here comes the wacky new maid ♪ -maid? uh, i'm not the... -♪ is she an alien, is she a spy? ♪ ♪ she's always here, someone tell us why ♪
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states contemplating what the next step in venezuela will be. as a relationship between the united states of america and the nicolas maduro socialist dictatorship is now nonexistent. and you can see it here from the race presidents comments at the un today. and i want you to take a look. at the look that he gives the venezuelan representative for nicolas maduro. we are talking some serious
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hostility. watch. >> this body should revoke the credentials of venezuelans representative to the united nations.recognize interim president juan guaido and seed the representative of the free venezuelan government in this body without delay.with all due respect, mr. ambassador, you should not be should return to venezuela and tell nicolas maduro that his time is up. it is time for him to go. trish: good for the vice president. nicolas maduro, his representatives, they are not welcome. that representative should not be at the united nations. we know how badly nicolas maduro has starved his people. we know what he has done to his economy. we know how the people are suffering. we know what socialism frankly, has done to venezuela.
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that guy is not welcome.and good for the vice president for saying so. let's hope that the un security council agrees. joining us right now the weekly standard founder and fox news contributor, mr. fred barnes. good to see you. >> thank you. trish: let's talk about this. because we've had alexandria ocasio-cortez, out there and bernie sanders out there. they hate, they had success. they hate business, they entrepreneurship, they hate all of these things actually employ people and keep our economy going. it is just like chavez and just like nicolas maduro. hating on economic opportunity. why? >> well, you know that, they refused to attack nicolas maduro and his socialist government.
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bernie sanders does. he says well, the u.s. may attack and we do not want that. and aoc and people like that do not like it either. and yet you know, i mean there are so many things that are, they condemned the nicolas maduro government. there are people in venezuela that have lost a lot of weight in the last few years. how does that happen? there is only way that can happen. they do not have enough food to eat! trish: i know. they don't have food. they don't have water, no electricity. we have done a lot of extensive reporting on this story on "trish regan primetime". and i am well aware of the tragedy that these people face. now of course the question is, what happens next? and i understand, and i get 1000 percent and unwillingness on the behalf of america to involve the military. what are the ways right now that we can influence this situation in a positive, good way, fred. so that you get a little
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opportunity and nicolas maduro goes and lives happily ever after on his beach anywhere but venezuela. >> i will tell you one way where it will not happen. that is in the united nations. particularly in the security council because china and russia back venezuela, the socialist government there. and they will not let the un do anything. but here's a way that something the u.s. could do. you know, the legitimate president, juan guaido, has said the generals that backed the maduro government, they say that we will give them an ministry. they don't believe that. trish: unfortunately, i am out of time. i will leave it ♪ limu emu & doug what do all these people have in common, limu? [ paper rustling ] exactly, nothing.
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we're going to do something in texas next month. >> on twitter, how did you make a decision to change careers from a classically trained bute- musician to an economics journalist? i learned something that my economist uncle told me was an opportunity cost, i looked at opera, i was going to do all this work but not sure about pay out, i thought if i'm going to do this, i have to really love it, i have really love it. i do love it. i still sing. mostly lullabies to my kids. on occasion the national anthem. i don't do it full time, i do
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this, which i love, i love bringing all of you the reportings, the facts and the truth, keep your questions coming we'll keep talking. i'll see i tomorrow. >> allegation from nation's top law man attorney general barr telling lawmakers he thinks that trump campaign of spied upon. was it justified is the question? if not, will he launch a proper investigation? bombshell revelation on day two of barr's testimony on capitol hill. lawmaker peppered him with questions on obstruction and release of the mueller report. main event, un-american claim that feds spied on a political party, possibly in an effort to undermine a candidate they did not like, in this case, donald trump. >> i think spying on a mittal
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