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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 11, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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keep your comments, and questions coming. i'll see you there. kennedy: villain or hero? assange in a london jail. facing extradition. to the united states, charges conspiring to steal u.s. secrets. but expert say massive legal battles on both sides of the atlantic are ahead. today police in great britain dragged a scra scraggly bearded, possibly fle flew fluid covered. he reportedly played loud music,
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hit staff, and rarely pe a behad and acted like a jerk. he faces years in prison. he is charged with conspiring with chelsea manning to steal thousands of documents from the pentagon, wikileak editor in chief argues, what he did was not illegal, and said that arrest set chillin chilling pret for journalist. >> 9 years ago. publishing of documents of videos of killing of innocent civilians, exposure of war crimes this journalism, this is conspiracy. to commit journalism, this has to end we urge everyone to support assange. to fighting his extradition. kennedy: his critics say, he
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snow -- he is no journalist, and say his actions put u.s. inn in danger. >> he is a villain. >> i do not regard him as a hero. >> i am glad that wheels of justice are turning when it comes to mr. assange, i have never been a fan. kennedy: regardless, judge in england called him a selfish narcissist and sentenced him to a year behind bars are skipping bail. does the u.s. have a case? or prosecutors trying to silence a vocal critic of u.s. government? joining me now, our analyst, judge andrew napolitano. >> nice to be with you. kennedy: let's talk about this, people like assange they elicit different reactions from
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different people, those of us who' more government transparency but often times government stewards are not guest to bring necessary information to public. enter in people like assange and snowden. do they play an important part in information we entitled to how we get it. >> a vital part. look, federal government of united states of america, operating biggest domestic spy agency on the planet be 60,000. when someone spies on federal government and reveals what they are doe doing, the federal government locks them up. what asarch assange was not stea secret but reveal a secret. that act of revelation in this case, in this case numerous, is protected under first amendment pursuant to well-known case
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called pentagon papers case. people that are furious at at assange should be furious at two people, chelsea manning and barack obama, manning is the chief, and president obama commuted that september 1 senset sentence, for whatever reason. not on the journalist who exposed it. kennedy: let's talk about the extradition process, united states and great britain have an extradition agreement, what are the steps, what will we see, how will assange's legal team fight. >> beginning of the process is a trial in a british court, only issue is are you julian assange and does federal government of united states want you, that
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will take about 15 minute, defense is are, yes he is assange, yes government wants him but he wil will be exposed o harm in american judicial system which would not be visited upon him in great britain, that appeals to a lot of judges, like sending him to a place with a death penalty from a place that does not, i am exaggerating to make a point. but brexit plays a role, while great brit ap britain is in ei . highest appeal is in highest court in brussels had. that court has final say on whether or not he will be extradited. it could take a year and a half. kennedy: foos fascinating, i hae seen people writing about
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curious timing on this with the on going brexit process. and that makes sense. that there are many who would love to thumb their nose trump administration and you know essentially the brand of government that julian assange has worked to expose. the darker element that certain actors within the government try to keep secret. i am wondering what kind of first amendment protects he will have in lu luz united states dos he have first amendment protection? >> i agree with glen green wall. i am critical of our colleagues,
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affectionately of who are. we should be upset at this type of prosecution, this is first prosecution in modern era after world war ii which federal government of united states of america trying to put somebody in jail for exercise of his first amendment rights, i heard a colleague today, say what first amendment right does he have, he not an american. the constitution protects persons, i it is not limited to american citizens. he has all protection that natural borne citizens have. kennedy: what kind of time is he looking at? >> charges in indictment are a farce, one is theft, that barred by a statute of limitations, that 5 years, they charged him 8 years after so-called theft, and other conspiracy that is 5. 5 years for a person with no criminal record, not engaged in
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violent, not part of organized crime, not involved in distribution of drugs is zero jail time. zero jail time. all that all that, all this for that? kennedy: so, let me ask you how did do you see this playing out based on fact that we know, amount of time that assange spent in the embassy in london. and you know, how some people in this country now view the surveillance state having worked against a president they adore? >> you know. this president as you know, because you have seen clips all day, rejoiced in wikileaks and assange's exposition of mrs. clinton's e-mails, a tipping point in the campaign, they were humiliating and embarrassing and true. their revelation was protected. in the indictment against rodger
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stone for lying to congress. he alleged to have lied about his relationship between julian assange and the campaign. it would not surprise me if the government does not top triarc sank for anything -- does not want to try -- assange for anything, they have been trying to talk to him for two years now, he has re fused. kennedy: will he talk? >> i don't know. it will depend on what they charge him with and what deal they offer. these charges are nothing. they may very well are more soar istharnlserious charges in stor. but i don't see that happening for a year and a half. kennedy: judge napolitano thank you for staying. >> always al. >> always a pleasure. ples. >> president trump claiming he
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knows nothing about wikileaks. >> i have been seeing what happened with assange. that will be a determination i would imagine mostly by the attorney general. who is doing an excellent job. i know nothing really about him, that is not my deal in life. kennedy: the thing in 2016 campaign, president sang a different tune. >> this just came out, just came out, wikileaks, i love wikileaks, this sun believe able -- this is unbelievable, the wikileaks like a treasure trove. >> they announced new leaky weby wikileaks. kennedy: he -- politico claims
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that president trump praised wikileaks over a hundred times. charles hurt is here with -- and founder of lgbt for trump chris baron is back. >> howdy. kennedy: another slow news day. >> nothing going on. kennedy: i appreciate what greenwald and judge napolitano had to say about assange. in a day where you cannot trust people in federal government in certain cases, you need people who will tell us bad things. >> i agree. i have a nuance view of assange and wikileaks, if this is just about him reporting the information that he got from chelsea manning, then this is
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ridiculous, it would cause a serious threat to journalingism, not something we should be pursuing. if however he was actually involved some way in the actual hacking in helping to coordinate this beforehand that say different story. kennedy: we don't have any proof of that. >> you are right, i am saying if that is the case, then tha thata different story. kennedy: federal government will have to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt. >> it may be a trial is only way to get to the bottom of what happened. i am not one of those people lighting myself on fire with what was going on with assange today, at end was day i believe justice will be done. kennedy: we need newfound evidence in in department of justice and fbi, it has been tarnished over last few years, we have not resolved anything in the shadow of the mewinger report. -- mueller report. you have to be in a tough position, back when assange first came on the scene, the left was like oh, this guy is
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great, he is providing incredible service, defending his freedom of speech and wises whistle blowingness but then did not help hillary clinton campaign. >> slowdown bus driver, some on the left, but not this one. first thing first, let's not call him a journalist, a true journalist would to the have done what he did. kennedy: who gets to decide. >> i get to decide that is my opinion. >> i do, this is my decision, this shows another page in catalog of hypocrisy by this president, today, he does not know who wikileaks is or does, but we heard. kennedy: that epe entertaining. >> i remember 10/3/16, his one
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of trump's top lieutenant talk about a treasure trove of information that would be devastating to clinton campaign. all this seems to be another pain in on foin going story of m foolery of people tied to trump. >> is he a hero? >> assange? kennedy: mm-hmm. >> i am surprised by how minor the charges are. kennedy: maybe he it not do anything wrong. >> so far. >> right. i agree. that -- well publishing i have no problem with that, reporters grapple with that question all of the time, you have authority say, if you publish this story
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tonight, this will happen and that will happen, you will be in danger. i have been in that position. but you balance it. there is nothing wrong -- >> what if the sour sources lieo you. >> or you always have to assume they are lying. kennedy: the people said when wikileaks andrew price started that people are going to die. >> those are problem, and i always -- >> they did because of obamacare. >> people died political death. because of information like that came from wikileaks during course of pivotal moment. kennedy: maybe in someone had some likability, and fired up that private plan and went to wisconsin. kennedy: you would be doing cartwheels on this set if you and your friends on right would
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be reverse. kennedy: have you met me? i have been consistent on this issue. >> and your friends. >> assange is a journalist, if you can call jim acost a journalist. kennedy: i am sorry, not a sliding scale, if people get to self identify as a journalist, i a journalist. >> president trump said that attorney general william barr is spot on with his assessment. if there was spying -- papadopoulos joins me to discuss latest developments next. when you retire will you or will you just be you, without the constraints of a full time job? you can grow your retirement savings with pacific life
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kennedy: president trump said there no question he was spied upon during 2016 campaign and he is miffed. >> i think what he said was absolutely true, of their absolutely spying into my campaign, i am go a step further, in my opinion there was illegal spying,. kennedy: democrat on capitol hill not happy with the attorney general bill barr's assetment, accusing him o of act -- like a lackey for president.
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first democrat today was indicted in connection with mueller investigation, greg craig charged on two counts of making false statement. my next guest says, spent 12 days in a turkish prison, it felt one a turkish prison for pleading guilty. his attorneys have asked president trump for a pardon, something he said he is not considering, at least not now. joining me, george papadopoulos. welcome. >> thank you. kennedy: so, term spying, created a confligeration in congress this week, being the targets of a large part of this investigation, was there spying? >> without a doubt. you know, i witnessed it first
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hand, business associates and colleagues of my who were interviewed by fbi, when they were being harassed, they were presented with surveillance photos of me, while i was on the campaign, walking around, so fbi was tailing me. and i was told i had a fisa warrant issued on me, and you know there was foreign government spyogamy other people on the campaign, so president is right, it did happen. and probably will shock a lot of americans when it is fully released. kennedy: what are you expecting. >> mueller does not want to expose, methods and technique and sources that went on into the set ups. inform mainformants, he will sth
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what he said, russian interfering, some guys around trump remember compromised that is nonsense. kennedy: you say that you were a means to an end, people like joseph and stephan were introducing you to various people, when did you become the means to an end that end, ending presidency of donald trump, and how did these people get involved with you? >> that a great question. all starts with what fbi really, robert mueller were targeting for, charges with my ties to israel. when i joined the ben carson campaign, then donald trump campaign, i was brought on not for my ties to russia, i don't have ties to russia, i never met a russian official.
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this entire situation, i never met an official on face of baseless, you could understand how this ridiculous this investigation was. so i was proi brought in as eney expert in middle east, you know fbi from what i have been told, everyone can see, i had a target on me. kennedy: that is what i don't understand. you also were very eager to introduce president to vladimir putin, and arranger a meeting, if you did not have ties to russia and no policy expertise in russia, why were you so desperate to make that connection. >> i introduced candidate donald trump to the egyptian president. kennedy: that makes sense. >> however as a foreign policy
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advisadviser to a boss who wanto work with russia on geopolitical level, it was my duty to help articulate on why it is important to work with russia officially go on foreign policy trip to europe and russia, to me logic was have have donald trump meet vladimir putin like mitt romney within to uk and israel -- and barack obama to germany. kennedy: uk and israel are our ally, russia has been screwing with us for a long time, i would not put them in the same category. but i want to know from you, so much mystery here, it is so odd and so disconcerting this government and surveillance power is so powerful. you are right, a case could have been crafted around you to launch an investigation and so much so -- what one thing you want people to know? >> what i want people to know, that this entire story around he
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and russia and russian spies is nonsense, and it is debunked. i want people to relay testimony to -- read my testimony to congress, i clarify a looted iny book, these people, assets, they were not just random individuals bumping into me in bars or streets of london in dc, they were sending these people to meet with me, by who are those people that is the key question this william barr and president will have to get. that i think will incriminate highest people in obama administration. kennedy: so many outstanding questions, democrats should want clarity on these issues, so it does not happen again, certainly not to and any president, do you miss the wednesday chicken wings in prison? >> you know, they were pretty good.
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but i only got to enjoy them for one week. but if donald trump weaponized cia, fbi and used foreign government hike australia and uk to spy on kamala harr hair -- hs campaign or anothers, i would be outraged and i would be first one on tvic pound -- ex pounding why that wrong. >> thank you, george papadopoulos, say hello to webster. >> very good. kennedy: do the proposals have more in common, strange kissing bed fellows in my momento next.
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hards in congress, at opposite ends. they hey hav may have enough toe planet. alexandria ocasio-cortez and matt gaetz may be able to offer's measure to be. attention hogs. most of aoc's new deal is dog crap, but gate said he wants to to be male aoc. you may take appropriate parts from each side and make a worth wild planets savory casserole. you start there. admitted have you a problem, the climba is changin at -- climate, now admit you have a crush on alexandria ocasio-cortez. don't we feel a little bit el freer and greener.
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>> they both want to cancel oil and gas subsidies, fossil fuel, crony capitalism is so last millennium. if aocwants to file a bill ends such subsidies he would giddily cosponsor it, then asked if someone she knows -- likes her more than a friend, their first date may not be at ming palace but they think that china engages in unfavorable intellectual property they hate china. they both share the need to legalegalize weed, if a couple f stoners -- that is memo.
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kennedy: alexandria ocasio-cortez green new deal is vague. dumb. estimate of cost range between 60 and 90 trillion over 10 yea years. should we think about dialing spending back. joining me to discuss. senior fellow anthony randazzo web web. welcome back. kennedy: i like that. taking most necessary and attractive part of both deals putting them together. >> that is seems reasonable you
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don't want the other ideas to advance. from republican perspective this is a better way to approach the deal or initiative that is not going away. if we want to elevate discourse, it is important for people from both sides to realize that they don't disagree on everything. something like climate change is real is easy to starts from. there is no way that those two green new deals and real deal will come together, by something like energy grade suck, yeah. kennedy: maybe we should end subsidy for fossil fuel industry, a great idea. >> starting. kennedy: maybe legalize a reefer. >> i agree, but i don't know if that is on topic. let's fit cannabis in everywhere
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we can. kennedy: my staff does. >> the idea that we can build on certain things is adults being adults, saying. there is hard themes to hammer out, if we want to take an approach of a winner-take-all, attack each other on twitter that does not advance an issue. kennedy: that exhausting on people, they are lazy and annoying, and i go to criminal justice reform that is an adequate template for bipartisanship. any time people it work together, i am for that. >> quite a few things that a lot of americans agree with. there is more issues that are bipartisan than others. twitter is not a bipartisan space. twitter does not usually reflect most americans, "new york times" did a great story democrat on twitter do in the reflect democrats as a party. most democrat across country,
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they are more moderate than those on twitter. kennedy: the mob feels loud but not necessarily, have you a majority of people who pipe down for the most part, they want tax cuts. >> i think that -- >> and a tiny wail. >> wall.>> i think there are quw americans that would not mind spend a little bit more on projects. a -- >> anthony randazzo thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: 2020 democratic candidate, pete buttigieg, yes. the mayor of south bend, indiana, feuding with my other hughehoosier boyfriend, mike pe.
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>> i can tell you if me geeing g gay was a choice, it was a choice made far above my pay grade. that is the thing that i wish the mike pences of the world would understand, if you have a problem with who i am, your problem is not with me, your quarrel sir is with my creator. kennedy: i get goose bumps every time. >> and pence said, he said things that are critical by my christian faith and he knows better. mayor pete, has opinion shooting up in polls, he is now in third place, first two states to hold presidential co contest next ye, 9% in iowa 11% in new hampshire,
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is mayor pete a legitimate threat, the panel is back. mayor pete is a threat. >> yeah, i think he is gross too. as a gay guy, i -- >> not a self loving gay. >> i am not, a came out 21 years old in college in south, i know what it like to make those tough brave decisions, and everyone is indict emtinentitled to their je came out 4 years ago at 33, he came out otacking mike pence, he was judging himself, who is this guy to come out and use sexuality as a weapon to advance his own political ambitions. as a gay guy that is disgusting. kennedy: do you think people should be forced on out. >> i would have a little self awareness if i came out fu 4 yes
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ago 33 after all big battles were won. kennedy: maybe he had an internal struggle and his own identity and guilt that is complicated. >> it is,. kennedy: i don't know that i could begrudge him that. >> but i can begrun begrudge hio second -- weaponize his sexuality. against mike pence who hazanaviciuhas notdone gag agai. >> i can't speak to the timing of his revealing of his gayness and, that but i can say, take his word out of context, i think he is trying to say mike pence version of world and word now is different, he is criticizing him for being very antilgbtq, that he secret that is fact.
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what people says -- >> but the way that some people on left frame it as though mike pence is an active gay barber whbashar.>> basher. >> again, i can't speak for everyone on left but i think that he has a clear cut record of being anti-lgbtq. and that is -- >> i think mayor pete has a better record there. and i like what me says about war on drugs and foreign policy, and regard to foreign incursions, he was in afghanistan he foyt there, but i think that mike pence is' decent man with a nice family. >> most curious thing is opining about whether mayor pete is gay enough? >> like am i black enough. >> right. kennedy: i don't like that, the people have to reduce themselves
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to some stereotype. >> that is the political dits ll discussion. kennedy: people say i don't actressy enough. >> come on. >> bring her another martini. kennedy: right. >> that is -- you know. not a week later, he trying to weaponize -- >> i think buttigieg -- is a threat. kennedy: >> he is trying to call out mike pence for anti-- >> hypocrisy -- >> stop acting like everyone in g.o.p. is a big angry gay basher. >> i watch him. >> i love to continue this conversation, these are three things i love most, great state of indiana. mayor pete, mike months. >> anda an -- thank you so much.
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♪ bye, bye, bye ♪ kennedy: michael avenatti up to his eyeballs in legal trouble. history taught us anything he does the not know i ad i -- doet know a good lawyer. >> he is also accused of withholding a fulfillion dollar settlement from a client. what a dirtbag. can stormy daniel former
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attorney win his freedom, with me now attorney andrew still man welcome. >> thank you. kennedy: if he is convicted how much time? >> 335 years. kennedy: wow. >> what a tangled web we wave w, they have present a yum about -- of fraud that would make al capone jealous, he one called him pond scum today that sounds bad. kennedy: you know difference between a lawyer and a bag of poop. >> oh. >> the bag. >> ouch. kennedy: my dad is a lawyer, he told me that, miss you dad. >> anyway, there is a convict
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rate that is high. so does he cut a deal? >> you know, he will try to cut a deal, but, federal prosecutor lovemaking an example of a high profile person like avenatti, if he convicted he will probably go to get 20 years, reallery serious when i tall steal moneym the disabled client. this is the real peril. kennedy: these are separate from the nike case, michael avenatti never disappoints. >> thank you. >> any time. kennedy: topical storm is next. hate mail hours day, yea !
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two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 -- [ ding ] -frédéric chopin. -collapsing in 226 -- [ ding ] -the colossus of rhodes. -[ sighs ] louise dustmann -- [ ding ] -brahms' "lullaby," or "wiegenlied." -when will it end? [ ding ] -not today, ron.
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kennedy: scientist as oxford university discovered an ocs thanoctopusbelieves to be 430 ms old. thehe has so many massive ways to grab you, may named him joe biden. >> we begin with india, a biker gang conducted a cattle drive.
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look at this, oh, man, riding his hog, he got bulldozed. he is fine. you can't all call him by his name any more, he woke up thinking he was batman. if ben affleck it get away with it why not this guy. >> black and blue biker made a full recovery, his motorcycle was totaled. he still will sell it because india is in midst a bill market. ♪ bull is in video is fine, which is more than you can say for dead horse we've been beating the script so far, thank you, jimmy -- topic two, pennsylvania, a train conductor got a side job, first thomas the train, now beto the train, look at that crash.
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the conductor lost control and slislid identify off rail. crazy stuff, nice to see someone go off rails in pennsylvania beside the steelers, that team needs couples counseling, never board the train with's student driver sign, i am just kidding,. topic three. throw back thursday, a few mutton heads time for you guessed it viewer mail. >> wow. i can't believe you actually think you are funny. wow, really. i can't believe you actually think your mom is pure. everyone else knows she is not. >> first time i watched your show, wow is it bad, see you never. >> you are watching right now.
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instagram. facebook. and e-mail me, i will hook on the out numbers couch tomorrow, at noon eastern 9 in west let's have lunch and break fest, good-bye. lou: good evening, national security crisis at the southern border worsens by the day, shows no signs of improvement. border patrol is apprehending thousands of illegal il illegals each day, they are being releaso american cities, and more caravans are being organized in central america. a former obama administration secretary of dhs, jeh johnson said he cannot even imagine what it must be like to have to deal with such a


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