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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 12, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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to be over 100? >> i'm shooting, just to defy all my haters. expecting to have my hair the entire time. david: may 7th is when it begins, you don't want to miss it. anthony, thank you for coming on. that's it for bulls and bear, we'll see you next time. elizabeth: former intel chief and the media now ripping into barr. rod rosenstein, he's the man who reportedly wanted to wear a wire to record trump to get him out of office, but now rosenstein says the idea that barr is not being forthcoming is, quote, bizarre. we have "the wall street journal"'s bill mcgurn on. that also this story, new developments in the jussie smollett case. it just got even stranger. chicago's top prosecutor who let him off now says investigate me. plus chicago police now say they have proof that smollett even phoned his fake attackers right before they did his own alleged hate crime on himself, making
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the decision to let him off look even worse. to the misleading patriotic millionaire campaign and the misleading income inequality fight, this is what you need to know for 2020. how this crowd is cynically whipping fastballs by with you, hiding the facts from you because americans are too stupid to get it. plus, increasingly catching on to the first 100 days of the democrat house minority. you won't believe -- majority. which cnn pundit is saying there are no democrats who can take on and beat president trump. as the 2020 the democrat field look increasingly leaderless and rudderless, this as democrats obsess over getting trump's tax returns instead of writing new laws. republicans now have to show and reminded democrats how they can win. mitch mcconnell says, hey, moderate democrats, you -- the guys and women now sidelined,
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now threatened with blacklists from socialists in your party, you who won the house for the democrats, come to our tent. to the border, democrats first said it was not a crisis, then a manufactured crisis, now admitting, yes, it is a crisis, but blaming president trump for it. this as social media blew up over barack obama telling the his own party immigrants, yes, you should assimilate and learn the english language. it doesn't mean you have to abandon your own. i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: welcome to the fox business network. we begin with healthily vaughn on capitol hill -- hillary vaughn with the arrest of julian assange. >> reporter: democrats on capitol hill actually cheering the arrest of julian as san. >> i'm glad, tickled to death.
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>> fight with other countries to get him extradited. >> reporter: even meghan mccain on the view making her feelings about his arrest very clear. >> the politics of this have always been completely hypocritical on both sides. >> what's going the happen with him -- >> i hope he rots in hell. >> reporter: five senate democrats told me they are glad assange is out the of the ecuadoran embassy, but they want him handed over to the u.s. and face charms here after u.s. prosecutors accused assange of conspiring to help chelsea manning in a computer hacking case in 2010 with no charges related to the last presidential election. but some senate lawmakers here i spoke to were more interested in revenge for what they say is meddling in the 2016 election, something 2016 democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton has not let go. reacting to the news -- >> he has a answer for what he that has done as it's been
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charged. i do think it's a little ironic that he may be the only foreigner that this administration would welcome to the united states. >> reporter: and that was a part of her speaking tour that she will continue throughout the weekend with former president bill clinton as well. they have several stops throughout9 the weekend. elizabeth: hillary vaughn in washington, thank you so much. the political tide turning. now increasingly questions are being asked about what exactly was the fbi and the clinton campaign doing in 2016 after attorney general william barr said, yes, i think spying did occur, not one democrats wanted a review of the facts. democrats now on the defense. former director of national intelligence james clapper said this: >> well, i thought it was both stunning and scary. i was amazed at that and rather disappointed that the attorney
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general would say such a thing. what you expect from the attorney general is some independence and objectivity, not reciting talking points that he's, you know, he's heard from the president and others of his supporters. elizabeth: former fbi director james comey says he does not know what barr was talking about and never thought wiretapping was spying. but the man who reportedly suggested wearing a wire in a bid to remove president trump under the 25th amendment, he's deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, now defending william barr telling "the wall street journal" he's being as forthcoming as he can, so this notion he's trying to mislead people, i think, is completely bizarre. bill mcgurn joins me. first, your comments on the spying comment. >> yeah, look, this is ridiculous. it depends on what you mean by the word spying? you listen in to someone else's phone conversations, you're spying. but there's a purpose to this, and i think it's to distract people from what looks increasingly likely, that the
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only evidence the fbi had to launch. the investigation into the trump campaign and so forth was an opposition research document that was pushed into the fbi through many different gates to get an investigation. i think that's what these people are worried about. james clapper should be very worried. his language was so intemperate, he and john brennan calling the president a russian agent and so forth and kind of hinting that they knew about it from special knowledge. potential counsel didn't find any of that -- special counsel didn't find any of that. i hope they're scared, because i have a feeling they have a lot to answer from. elizabeth: even with all that electronic surveillance. >> right, right. elizabeth: the question is being raised would william barr, would he really risk his legacy -- >> right. i think the democrats are overly invested in the bill barr is a corrupt guy. i think like some people were invested in the idea on the right that bob mueller was
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corrupt, it's not the way to go. especially with mr. barr. elizabeth: so the issue is what was, to your point, what was the probable cause evidence that -- [inaudible] electronic surveillance? reports are coming in the fbi was still looking into christopher steele's reliability even after using his dossier to get that fisa warrant to surveil carter page. >> right. all they're trying to do is say look over here, the word spying, so forth, papadopoulos, don't look here at the information in the dossier. i think that's what they're worried about. i was just reading james baker's testimony to congress, the fbi counsel. it's extraordinary, to me, how casually the top fbi brass talked about launching an investigation into the president. lisa page said even a month later there was a paucity of evidence. how casually these people used their power to do that -- elizabeth: yeah. >> and yet now these people are indignant that we might ask them to justify --
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elizabeth: that's the point. listen, this is about our values as a country. whether it's obama or trump, whoever's sitting in the chair, do we want opposition surveilling lance with thin proof? and by the way, comey said that was an verified dossier. >> it's still unverified. elizabeth: here's the text messages between lisa page and peter strzok where page said is trump really going to become president, is that going to happen, and peter strzok said, no, no, we're going to stop it x. then the fbi started wiretapping, right? >> no, it's outrageous. they were so casual about doing that, and they don't want accountability. they don't rule the country, and this idea that the fbi's independent, the fbi is part of the executive branch, it's part of the department of justice which is part of the executive branch. and i think there's going to be a lot to answer for because, you know, in addition to what -- i was glad that bill barr said this, but there are three i.g.
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reports, one on leaks, one on the fisa application, i think one on gifts that fbi agents were accepting. there's devin nuñes' criminal referrals, there's the u.s. attorney, huber, who's working on mccabe's -- there's a lot of information out there. elizabeth: you know, russian meddling, right, should they have not done any electron insurveillance? should they have just waited to get proof and then acted? >> i think what they should have done with dianne feinstein, if they had hunches, go to the president -- well, he wasn't the president then -- we think the russians are trying to compromise people on your team,ing can you help us identify them. that's where the bias is. you know, the inspector general investigating the hillary clinton e-mail thing said he couldn't find examples that proved that their bias affected their decisions. well, the proof is not the individual decisions. the proof is the blaring disparity between fbi agents who wanted hillary to be president and, you know, gave her staff
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immunity agreements. the director's writing her exoneration even before she's given a statement to the fbi agents. the glaring difference between that and how donald trump's people were taken -- look, it's interesting. carter page, he's never been charged with anything. elizabeth: and he was sort of not really -- >> and they've come up with nothing. also just how competent are these people going around telling us in the baker testimony he talks about, oh, we, we really seriously thought whether that donald trump might have fired james comey at the behest of vladimir putin. that is cuckoo talk. elizabeth: we have some still saying he's a russian asset. listen. >> if he wasn't taking orders, he wouldn't take the interpreter's notes. he would release the report that said he's 100% exonerated with.
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it just -- all of my experience as a prosecutor tells me something is wrong with the way that he's acting, the way that he's lying and that we should all be concerned about it. elizabeth: he took on the moral authority. i'm a prosecutor, so my thoughts are facts, my opinions are facts. >> again, we've had this from all those fbi guys, all those department of justice people, brennan and clapper going around saying, you know, i ran an intelligence agency, i know when i say this, it's because i have more knowledge -- elizabeth: but john brennan said i i have that information. yeah. >> that's my point. in addition to being incredibly biased, this shows bias, it shows that they were boneheads too. there was no evidence there, i think. elizabeth: bill mcgurn, thanks for coming in. great writer, love your stuff. >> thank you. elizabeth: stocks across the board on a rip tear upped today. gerri willis has more from the big board. >> reporter: big day in the markets with stocks closing in on record highs, the dow finishing up 269 points, the s&p
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up 19, the nasdaq up 37. oil patch stocks in particular on fire on news of chevron buying anadarko petroleum, a $33 billion deal. it's fueling speculation that there could be a new wave of consolidation in the oil patch. stocks that could get eaten up, noble energy, pioneer natural resources, concho natural resources. also moving bigtime today, disney after announce its streaming service featuring family-friendly fare like "star wars," pixar movies. they are trading above their all-time high of 120.20. and, of course, we've been waiting for this a long time the, they will probably bundle everything spn plus -- espn plus, disney plus and hulu, offering that at a discount. elizabeth: coming up, the night after we told you first that the city of chicago now plans to sue actor jussie smollett to get back the massive costs of its probe into his hate crime on
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himself, another bombshell in this story for you. that's coming up. plus, major developments in the mind-bending legal drama, the guilty pleas coming in from the biggest college admissions cheating scandal in american history, only this time the guilty one's not a parent or a coach either. we're going to tell you who it is, that's next. ♪ ♪ fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: another day and another wild twist in the case of actor jussie smollett. top chicago prosecutor kim fox who let smollett go now calling on the county inspector general to investigate herself. specifically, to launch an independent probe of how her office handled the case. this on the heels of a report that smollett called on the phone his so-called attackers right before the incident. mike tobin is in chicago with more on the story. mike? >> reporter: liz, the latest development in the jussie smollett saga is that the cook county state's attorney is requesting that someone investigate her. state's attorney kim fox came under fire when her office abruptly dropped all 16 criminal charges against the "empire" actor after a grand jury indicted him. fox has requested the inspector general, patrick blanchard, to investigate her handling of the
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case. a statement from the state's attorney's office reads in part: i welcome this investigation and pledge my full cooperation, cooperation of my office as i.g. blanchard conducts his review. fox had ununofficially recused herself but not her office from the smollett case. it was revealed she had personal contacts with members of the actor's family and supporters while he was still considered the victim of a hate crime. police chiefs in cook county complained she frequently fails to prosecute cases they bring her. now, while a new investigation moves forward, the city of chicago is suing jussie smollett for the overtime detectives worked investigating his claim amounting to $130,106. since smollett refused to pay the first time they requested the money, lawyers now want three times the amount and legal costs. the legal team for jussie smollett still insists he was the victim of an attack, and they promise a rigorous defense.
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liz, back to you. elizabeth: now to developments in the biggest college admissions cheating scam in history. a key figure just pleaded guilty in boston federal court. fox news' rick leventhal has this story. rick? >> reporter: good evening, liz. marjorie dell is likely going -- mark ridell is likely going to prison. he arrived to to the federal courthouse just at one p.m., he did not answer shouted questions, and then he headed to courtroom 4 where he pleaded guilty in front of judge nathaniel gordon. admitting his key role in the admissions scandal, literally the brains according to prosecutors. either taking the exam himself or acting as proctor for kids and then fixing their answers when they were done. the government says ridell did not have inside information, he was just really smart and could get a near perfect score on a.c.t. or s.a.t. tests on
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demand. he admits doing this for seven years, collecting $10,000 per test, even purposely leaving some answers wrong to avoid suspicion. he has been suspended indefinitely from his job at img academy, billed as the world's largest sports academy, and he faces 33-41 months behind bars, far less than the 20 years he could have gotten. he also has to pay a fine of almost $240,000, the amount he made off the tests, apparentliment ridell admits helping the offspring of at least half the parents who have already pleaded guilty including actress felicity huffman. court documents say ridell flew from his home near tampa to l.a. to state sit in the room as a proctor and after she left, he fixed some of her wrong answers, apparently without the girl's knowledge. other high profile defendants include actress lori loughlin
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who allegedly paid big bucks to get both daughters into usc not with fake test results, but with phony sports resumés. ridell was facing up to 20 years in prison on two counts of mail fraud and another charge of conspiracy to commit money laundering. prosecutors are recommending that more lenient sentence because of his cooperation. the sentencing date is july 18th. liz? elizabeth: several other stories we are tracking for you tonight. the first trailer for the new "star wars" movie, episode 9, has dropped. it's called the rise of skywalker. stephen colbert helped filmmaker j.j. abrams unveil it in chicago. watch. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: now, it opens december 20th, so mark your calendars. also this, the eighth and final season of "game of thrones"
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premieres this sunday on hbo. now, some one billion fans are expected to watch each of the six episodes this season. that number is across all streaming platforms, not just tv. and we showed you the successful spacex falcon heavy rocket blastoff last night. it was stunning. even more astonishing was what happened next. for the first time, all three boosters from the falcon heavy rocket managed to stick a perfect landing back on earth. two landed on concrete pads at cape canaveral in florida, the third touched down on a spacex drone ship in the atlantic ocean. this is the future of space, reusable rockets and possible passenger space travel. and finally, this: easter is coming and look at this. the holy stairs at jesus christ christ -- that jesus christ is believed to have climbed before his crucifixion now unveiled in rome. the 28 marble steps that make up the shrine were revealed after more than a year of restoration.
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that's profound. coming up, new and disturbing developments on that invasive, deadly super fungus we've been warning you about. we're going to share new clues on what sparks the outbreak. plus, the misleading, deceptive patriotic millionaires' campaign, trying to get more of people's taxes. we take that on as well as bernie sanders and the misleading income inequality fight. we've got the reality check that clearly bounced here, coming up. ♪ mug. ♪ . liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ the ultimate version of yourself? unleash your potential with the new brain health supplement called forebrain, from the experts at force factor. key ingredients help improve memory, focus, energy, and more. now available at retailers nationwide.
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: welcome back. you're watching the fox business network. we're coming into the bottom of the hour. new developments on that deadly drug-resistant susan-bug fun -- super-bug fungus that preys on people with weakened immune system. it's so invasive that one hospital here in new york, in brooklyn, had to literally remove ceiling and floor tiles
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to get rid of it. nearly half of patients who contract in the fungus in their bloodstream die within 90 days. now, the cdc is calling this deadly super-fungus a, quote, serious global health threat. it's quickly spreading around the world. now more than 1,000 patients found to be carrying it here in the u.s. joining me now is fox news medical correspondent dr. marc siegel. doc, why and how is this spreading so quickly? >> one of the reasons you already were getting to. the reason it's spreading over rooms of hospitals and nursing homes is that for some reason this fungus lives on cold surfaces. normally fungus only lives on warm, moist surfaces, but this can live on the skin, it can live on intravenous lines -- elizabeth: what does that tell you about it? >> that it's going to spread beyond hospitals and nursing homes which was your point, liz. workers are there, and they're going to track it out of there. so the biggest problem with this
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not just that 90% of the strains are resistant to one of the antifun gal drugs out there and 30 president resis tan to two strain, but how it's everywhere. really worried about that because, as you pointed out, it's people that are imknew know-come promited that can -- compromised that can die from this. we don't have a lot of new drugs out there because drug companies don't invest, typically in antifungal drugs. i don't know if it'll be in time to catch up with this thing. elizabeth: what makes it more of a threat compared the other outbreaks? is this a really hearty, strong fungus? >> absolutely. really hearty, really resistant, and it may be tied to our use of feng sides. fengsides. a certain kind used on over 60%. so we're seeing it emerge more and more in the united states.
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it started out in southeast asia, south america, in the middle east. but travelers probably brought it here, but it's emerging more and more, and i think feng sides are likely playing a role. we've seen them already tied in to other resistant funguses, so it's not surprising -- elizabeth: to your reporting just there, "mother jones" media is saying the same thing, that there's a link between farms and hospitals. they rely on the same set of chemicals to fight fungal pathogens. is that a link? >> that's correct. the treatments are very similar. that's a really, or really good point. that's why it's emerging both in farms and in hospitals. and again, we're talking about the really sick patients here. we're talking about people on respirators, people that are clinging to life who maybe we're treating them for something else. and another point you made, we're not always finding this thing -- elizabeth: yeah, how do you know it's there? >> we've got to know what we're looking for, so now with this
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wake-up call, we're going to see hospitals more and more looking for it, but a lot of hospitals are hiding this. they don't want to be known as the hospital of this bug. elizabeth: exactly. as we reported, the cdc has contracts with state hospitals that they don't have to disclose it, right? for whatever reason, it's a contractual thing. >> you made a great point. you have to disclose it in mexico, but you don't have to in the united states. the cdc knows about it because state and local health departments tell them, but the hospitals don't have to pony up the information which is very dangerous if you're a patient -- elizabeth: what would you do if one of your patients had this? what would you tell your patient to do? >> i would say good news is we probably can treat it. we've got to diagnose it early, before it's all over the place in the bloodstream and you're really sick from it. we can treat it if we put two or three antifungal drugs together most of the time. of course, overuse is another one of the reasons it's emerging, so we've got to make sure that we're treating it appropriately. elizabeth: great insights as
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usual from dr. marc siegel, our resident medical expert if. >> great to see you, liz. elizabeth: you know that socialist bear sanders is a millionaire, but do you know how he became a 1%-er? plus, talk growing in d.c. that trump could win in a landslide as a democrat pundit is saying the democrat field is not looking good. and now mitch mcconnell, liz cheney saying to the democrats you better change course before it's too late and you're completely derailed by the left wing that even barack obama says has created a circular firing squad in the democrat part. that story's coming up. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: to the group called the peat rottic millionaires --
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patriotic millionaires. critics are saying you've got bullying nonsense you're trying to sell, saying the falsehoods are in the slogan. you're unpatriotic if you don't pay what they think you should pay. tax the rich, save america. yes, it really is that simple. yes, it's a slogan for simpletons, the fact is they don't tell you hundreds of billions of dollars in government waste while they want more of your money, and the top 20% already pay about 87% of all federal income taxes. there's more they're not telling you, let's bring in the former gubernatorial candidate for california, john cox. what do you think of all this? >> great to be with you, liz. well, the last thing we should do is give more money to the government which, as you say, wastes a lot of the money and uses it inefficiently and unproductively. there's one reason why bernie sanders and all these people want to do that. that's all about power. the more money that goes into the government, the more powerful we are.
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we should help people who need the help, liz, and we should try to reduce inequality, but you don't do that by taxing the rich. you give people voucherses for education and vouchers for health care and assistance so that they can use those vouchers to go and choose to spend those vouchers and use their own consumer choice to get a better deal to make sure the quality is good and to make sure that everybody uses the resources the most effective manner. elizabeth: two-thirds to have u.s. households get more in the way of government benefits than they pay into the system in taxes. that's according to the cbo. something like 44, 43% don't pay any federal income taxes. yes, of course, we know they pay payroll taxes, but when you hear the hard-line ideology of "the new york times" saying, quote, abolish billion natures, elizabeth warren and beto o'rourke, they want no more upper bracket people, bernie sanders and alexandria ocasio-cortez are constantly talking about flattening and
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getting at the upper brackets in order to pay for their big government programs. of there's no indication that taking more money actually solves somebody else's and raises somebody else's income. we know about the government programs that help, but that's at the heart of this deceptive argument, john. >> well, and not only that, what they do, what the rich do when they raise tax rates like that is they find other ways to avoid the tax which is also unproductive and inefficient. i'm a cpa, liz. i used to do tax returns when the tax bracket was 70%. and what people did was they tried to manipulate their income, move it all over the place, and in doing so, they didn't use it efficiently or productively. liz, our standard of living is accelerated. you know this. when we use our resources effectively and productively. elizabeth: yeah. >> when we have government make all these problems like in the and raise tax rates, it makes our use of resources very inefficient, and that really
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does hurt our standard of living, and that hurts the people that need an increase in the standard of living a lot more. i don't necessarily, but the people who are struggling and working, they need to use money efficiently and productively. elizabeth: the other thing too about the fight bernie and the others are trying to tout and sell, they only use income information from the irs and census. it does not the include things like jobless benefits, medicaid, medicare, 401(k)s, pension plans, on and on. you're -- and also company health plans. what are your thoughts about that? by the way, i think the lower and middle class own about half of all pension accounts in this country, that includes firemen, teachers and cops. >> absolutely. and the reduction in the corporate tax rate that the president got through made u.s. companies a lot more efficient, made them a lot more competitive in the world and brought back a lot of money that they've been using to increase the stock price. the stock market hit close to a new record again today, and i think a large part of that is
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they're able to bring that money back and use it efficiently. that's what government ought to be doing, liz. this is all about envy, and it's all about control, and that's why these presidential candidates are pushing this stuff. and i hope that your viewers and the rest of the people in this country get wise to what these politicians are doing. you know, we need to make sure that money stays in the hands of consumers who can use it to make sure that we have competition and quality and efficiency in the use of our resources. elizabeth: yeah. to your point, even mutual fund company fidelity says, you know what? 9 out of 10 people who are millionaires, they were not born wealthy, they did not start out life on third base,tarianed it. there's -- they earned it. people move up in the upper brackets and move down. that's been this way for decades, john. >> people don't resent the rich. what they want to do is be rich, and they want the opportunity. and i think that's what we have -- elizabeth: i gotta get to this. a "forbes" report says bernie sanders has an estimated $2.5
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million fortune. he owns multiple homes, half a million in cash investments, 700,000 in government pensions. your take on bernie sanders being a 1%-er john. >> welcome to the capitalist world, bernie. i welcome you earning a living and earning resources that you can then better deploy to help others. i think that's a wonderful thing. you know, that's the benefit of our wonderful system. and we can see when other countries have different systems like venezuela, you know, that they don't enjoy those kinds of benefits. so i hope bernie loves living in the united states and certainly doesn't want to change his residency to venezuela. what do you think, liz? are. elizabeth: i don't know, john, we'll have you back on to talk about it. great to see you. next up, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell saying he feels nancy pelosi's pain over the do-nothing house democrats, and mitch mcconnell now saying to the moderate bulldog democrats who won nancy her gavel, hey, come work with
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us. this as the socialists prepare a massive blacklist to campaign against the blue dog democrats, trying to knock them out of their seats in congress, that story coming up. also, desperation politics at its worst. first, the democrats and the media deny the border crisis, now they admit, yes, there is one, but they're blaming trump for it. we're going to tell you all about that number one cause for dry mouth. dry mouth can cause increased cavities, bad breath, oral irritation. i like to recommend biotene. biotene has a full array of products that replenishes the moisture in your mouth. biotene definitely works. it makes patients so much happier.
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♪ muck. >> our democratic colleagues need to decide whether they are the party of john f. kennedy of or alexandria ocasio-cortez and bernie sanders. they cannot be both. elizabeth: well, to the do-nothing, go-nowhere house democrats' first 100 days, they've now fallen off the hard left cliff. it's gotten so bad that now even republicans like mitch mcconnell and liz cheney, they have to show them who they are and how to win by advising them go back to your can-do, capitalist jfk roots that believes america is good, is general rouse, is a lighthouse of hope for the world. it's a belief that ignited the american spirit to fly to the moon and more. that's who you are, democrats. because the future of your grim
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teachers' act faculty lounge of hard-left, big government lectures and grievances, your fake, deceptive soak the rich populism arguments will only get you this: landslide are losses like walter mondale and mcgovern. mitch mcconnell reminding democrats they got nancy pelosi her gavel, saying come to our tent, let's work together. let's bring in radio host and conservative commentator, we welcome adriana cohen. your reaction. >> well, liz cheney is absolutely right. the democrat party has, is becoming a a party of radicals. the policies that they're putting forward are so far to the left, mean, they're socialist policies that are unaffordable. america cannot afford the green new deal. we don't want to destroy the airline industry and the fossil fuel industry. we like our hamburgers, our hot dogs, our cows, we don't want to
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see them go away. and proposing medicare for all which is estimated to cost $33 trillion, you know, it will bankrupt america, these types of preposterous, socialist, big government takeover policies. i think democrats, if they want any chance of making president trump a one-term president, they need to move back to the middle and need to embrace moderate policy positions and stop attacking capitalism. capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other government system, economic system in the world. and you know, liz, you know, bernie sanders is a bone with find millionaire -- bone filed millionaire. so i think voters see the double speak here, and it's going to hurt them in the next election. elizabeth: to your point, jfk was not about class warfare. he wanted tax cuts for those in the middle and other brackets so they can undertake and be incentivized to work hard, invest more and invest more capital. and when he did those tax cuts,
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we know that it touched off an economic boom. and, by the way, the democrats who used to be the jfk democrats -- we're talking charles schumer in, joe biden along with ted kennedy -- they voted for the reagan tax cuts. >> exactly. and now the party's no longer asking what jfk said, don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what your country can do for you, now you have the aocs of the world, she's wanting to, or you know, give out -- have government provide all these freebies which is totally unaffordable, free education, free universal basic income, it goes on and on. americans know better. we know there's no such thing as a free line up. . -- lunch. elizabeth: even cnn ease s.e. cupp saying, democrats, you're in trouble. >> the current democratic field and the themes they're running, i don't -- i haven't seen yet a winning counter to trump.
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elizabeth: adriana cohen, what do you think of that? >> i agree with s.e. conservative. president trump's leadership had ushered in an extremely strong economy. wages are up, we have extremely low unemployment. he's achieved so many promises that me made on the campaign trail whether it's prison reform, fighting the opioid crisis, it gets on and on. and yet there's going to have to be a very strong democratic candidate who can go against that because the economy -- americans care about kitchen table issues like jobs and health care. not so much the identity politics -- elizabeth: you know, he's, you know, critics of trump are city aing he's admittedly hard to take with his personal attacks and his tweets, but then people understand that, and they also say they see him working. so, you know what i mean, adriana? they see both sides of it. >> exactly. elizabeth: final word. >> exactly. americans want to see results. they don't care so much on style, they want to see substance, and they know -- they see a president who's winning across the spectrum whether it's domestic policy or foreign
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policy. elizabeth: adriana cohen, love having you on, come back soon. >> great to be here. elizabeth: coming up, okay, this is desperation politics at its worst. first, they denied it was a border crisis, then they said it was that made up and manufactured. now the democrats and the media admit, yes, there is one, but the democrats trying to blame the president for the crisis. we're going to tell you what that fight is all about coming up next. ♪ ♪ fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. ♪ but i was relentless first. relentless about learning the first song we ever danced to.
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president trump's used the government, the american people as a bargaining chip for his fabricated solution to a manufactured crisis. >> this border emergency is nothing more than a manufactured crisis. >> president trump must stop holding the american people hostage with manufactured crises trish: first they said there was no crisis and that is that it was a manufactured crisis at the border. those are the democrats over the last two months saying all of that but now democrats and the media are finally admitting there is a crisis but now they are blaming president trump. remember this chuck schumer bill clinton dianne feinstein barack obama hillary clinton all said yes we must have stronger border protection barriers and more but instead of doing legislation to fix that again they are blaming the president. even trying to claim he's trying to take away all sorts of things at the border when it comes to what's going on with asylum
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rights. he's not doing that. the president praised the work of border officials today saying he's adding more troops at the border for joining me is fresno county sheriff. sheriff it's a pleasure to have you on. thank you so much for your service to our country. is the president trying to take away the rights of -- >> i was on the border with the president last week and i made an effort to talk to the border patrol agents that were there doing their job as local law enforcement officials. for this, this is our day-to-day duty. so we have to do to keep our citizens safe and what they are telling me is terrific about what's happening. before that section of the wall was incomplete they would have a few people try and rush the border knowing they couldn't catch them all. now we have a piece of the wall complete for a barrier and the issues have gone.
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the injuries have gone down. that barrier works and they are saying if there is no board -- barrier they are having immense problems with hundreds of people rushing the border. trish: would he think of president trump saying he wants to put people who cross since century city, nancy pelosi says that's cruel and migrants crossing being used as pawns. >> i'm not sure the sanctuary cities would welcome that. i'm sure they are going to want to have control about who it is and unfortunately with their border patrol officers and agents they don't have any choice. people are just coming and they are having to deal with every single one of them it does. trish: i want to get your reaction to president obama commenting on how immigrants should assimilate and should try to learn the english language. let's watch.
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>> we want to encourage newcomers to learn the language of the country they are coming to, of course. does that mean they can never use their own language? no, of course it doesn't mean that but you know it's not racist to say if you're going to be here then you should learn the language of the country that you just arrived at the casone to have some sort of common language in which all of us can work and learn and understand each other. but i'd guess what i think we have to do in order to push back against a clearly racist motive of some we can't label everybody who was disturbed by immigration as racist. trish: sheriff your reaction to that. >> i would have to agree with him that it is reasonable to expect if anybody wants to come to any country and they want to do well learning the language would be very important. you can't go into another
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country and just think everyone is going to accommodate you in your language. if you want to do well and be successful no matter which country you're going in you have to do that. trish: thank you so much for joining us. we are going to have you back. lou dobbs is next. lou: good evening everybody. the president triggering every radical dam within earshot as he said he is willing to send illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities. we are looking at the possibility, strongly looking at it to be honest with you. california, the governor wants to have people coming in refugees coming in a lot of sanctuary cities so we will give them to the sanctuary cities maybe to take care of it if that's what they want to guess we can only hold them under current law for 20 days.


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