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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 15, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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stuart: good evening everybody. there was spying, attorney general william barr today made it official, long held suspicions well it looks like they were absolutely accurate, telling lawmakers what we and of course president trump, have known for two years. the attorney general made it known today, he's looking now into the origins of the obama administration's investigation of the 2016 trump campaign because indeed, there was spying president trump today said he's looking forward to getting to the bottom of the witch hunt, and the president has a lot of company in the quest for answers president trump: it was started illegally.
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everything about it was crooked. every single thing about it. there were dirty cops. these were bad people. you look at mccabe and comey and you look at lisa and peter strzok and these were bad people and this was an attempted coo, this was an attempted takedown of a president. stuart: and two leaders of the trump 2016 campaign among our guests here tonight, corey lewandowski, and david bossie. turning to the national emergency, the crisis on our southern border, the president is there tonight in part to draw attention to the urgent reality, ignored altogether, by the national left wing media, and the radical dems. president trump explaining to reporters on the scene the dangers that border communities face each and every day. president trump: we start talking and the first person gets up and sits there and we have many people dying, coming
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across-the-boarder. i said nobody ever said that. well they know it but the press doesn't talk about it. also they come in and raid their houses and it's very dangerous and are told never to leave their house at night and that during the day, always carry a gun and know how to use it. these people had no idea but i said do you know what? we have the media here, we have very good people in the media here actually, and i think it should be explained. nobody's ever heard this. stuart: the president's visit to texas and the broken immigration system that he is there trying to fix our focus here tonight and with us national border patrol brandon judd, and the red storm rising in the west china quietly trying to build a strong hold in the caribbean just miles from the united states. we take out the rising threat of china in the western hemisphere, gordon chang among our guests. our top story, attorney general
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william barr back on capitol hill today and he surprised many radical dems, perhaps all of them. the attorney general announced he is looking into what were the exact causes of the obama-era surveillance of the trump presidential campaign. barr's exact words? spying did occur. chief intelligence correspondent katherine herrige with the story tonight from washington. >> i think spying on a political campaign is a big deal it's a big deal. >> during a second day of testimony, attorney general william barr stunned lawmakers saying he is personally reviewing the origins of the fbi 's 2016 russia probe. >> you're not suggesting though that spying occurred? >> i think there is spying that did occur, yes, i think spying did occur. >> barr said the issue is whether evidence drove the decision or whether bias among a small group of senior justice department and fbi officials was
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the driver. >> i believe there is a basis for my concern but i'm not going to discuss the basis. >> during the 2016 campaign the fbi opened a counterintelligence investigatio n, and secured a surveillance warrant for a trump campaign aid but the trump team apparently did not receive a so-called defensive briefing, like a heads up from the fbi, warning about russian contact. >> so would it be odd that the candidate was never really briefed by the department of justice that your campaign may be targeted by a foreign entity? >> that is one of the questions i have is i feel normally the campaign would of been advised of this. >> the attorney general was given the opportunity to dial back the language but barr testified that he wants to be clear there was "no unauthorized surveillance of the trump campaign on the timing of the release of the mueller report" barr told lawmakers, next week. >> next week it is, thanks so much. stuart: joining us tonight, two men who were there, and who may well have been spied upon,
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former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski, as well as david bossie former trump campaign aid and citizen's united president, gentlemen welcome and let's very quickly cast "our bodies, ourselves" back to march 4 of 2017 and this is what our new president had to tweet that day. terrible, just found out that obama had my wires tapped and trump tower just before the victory. nothing found, this is mccarthy ism. and this was the reaction of the national left wing media. the washington post, as usual, a good representative of that media, the post giving the president four pinocchios for that tweet. how many pinocchios do you think we should give the washington post? well, joining us now, corey lewandowski and david bossie gentlemen great to have you here >> thank you. lou: let me start, corey your
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reaction today as we heard the attorney general of the united states say there was spying. >> look i'm relieved that someone has acknowledged this now. i'm pleased that he's going to launch the investigation to find out what happened but i'm also frightened about what they did to members of our team, the government, spied on us, on domestic spoil, because they didn't like our politics, it's not some nebulous group this is corey lewandowski and david bossie our friends, our families , the trumps, their families and friends, all because -- lou: and god knows how many others. >> and how many others and they did it because they didn't like our politics and lou we asked the president about this some time ago and he said very clearly, he believes this went all the way to the top of the previous administration, this didn't stop at ben roads or some other low level underling. barack obama knew about this and he authorized about it and was complicit or implicit and there has to be accountability and i'm happy attorney general barr is digging into this. >> and that's the central question i'd have if i'm the
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attorney general is what did barack obama know and when did he know it? we know that mccabe and comey and clapper and brennan and inside the white house knew about it, the ben roads of the world. we believe that those folks understood what was happening to the trump campaign. we know that people use the fisa courts in a dishonest way, and i think that's going to come out. i can't wait to see the department of justice inspector general's report when it comes out in the next maybe 60 days or so. that's what we're expecting. that's going to be very telling and it's another big shoe to drop and that's what the attorney general is going to be able to work from. >> there are a lot of unanswered questions and there likely will be for some time despite the euphoria of hearing an attorney general actually do this job and set down before congress and explain to them what it feels like to have an intellectual superior in the room. it is terrific to behold, but
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this is the president who on march 4 of 2017 was exactly right. the mockery, the ridicule, the nastiness that flowed the next day across national left wing news outlets all across this country, and not a word at this point about the special counsel 's report exonerating this president. absolutely of all these charges, and now, phase ii. finding out what in the hell the fbi and the doj were thinking and at whose orders they were doing that thinking. >> lou it doesn't fit the narrative of the mainstream media to say that the president was right. all they have done for two and a half years is destroy everything that he has tried to build. they have attacked him because they hate this president more than they love their country and that's a shame but what we have now is what the president alluded to. it was a coo against a duly- elected president because they didn't like the way he delivered the message.
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that should scare americans, it should tell you the power of the government, and many people, lou , myself included, have spent enormous amounts of money defend ing "our bodies, ourselves" from crimes we never committed because they charged us and stipulated that we were committing crimes. lou: and they mentioned breaking >> of course they did and by the way they broke many people. many people filed from bankruptcy and plead guilty to crimes they probably never committed. i want to see james comey and andy mccabe and peter strzok and lisa page and jim baker and bruce ohr all go to jail and make sure this never happens again. lou: and i want to see the republican party stand up and raise money for every single person you're referring to, not by name, but every single person and we know most of those names, i believe, who deserve support, and to be given restitution as best it can be provided. >> you look what they did to k. t. mcfar land, to general flynn. these folks were put through the ringer, lou and right around the time of that tweet if i recall
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correctly, was when james comey leaked that information right to create that special counsel. you look at the nature of what the former fbi director did. that is, it has never been done before in american history and people need to pay for it and make sure it never happens again lou: well there's another current in all of this that came out today as we listen to alexandria ocasio-cortez saying, well tweeting in point of fact that she wanted to see kirstjen nielsen devastated, destroyed. we're hearing the same thing from all sorts of left wing reporters, activists. your reaction to that. she was effectively fired by the president of the united states and now, the democrats cannot resist their politics of personal destruction. it's not enough that she has been removed from that job, but now, they want to destroy her as
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one put it, make her it's just ignorance, it's madness, it's venomous. >> well look the left is very good at this lou, when conservatives leave the administration they make sure there are no jobs available for them in publicly traded companies and no jobs available for them in higher education right? they rally around to make sure that they can't find employment after but the left of what they believe in which is socialism which as we now know those jobs are rewarded publicly traded companies, silly silicon valley higher education has rewarded members of the barack obama administration time and time again. lou: you're talking about a revolving door. at google, amazon, facebook, it's on and on. >> uber. lou: uber, it doesn't quit. and neither do these two gentlemen. they are soldiers and warriors throughout, and yes, to the radical dems out there watching
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and i know millions of you tune in each night with a purpose. here they come, again. david bossie, corey lewandowski, thank you both. >> thank you, lou. lou: still ahead china's expansion into caribbean ports and infrastructure. didn't know that? no one seems to be talking about it except this broadcast. we'll take that up and the ris ing influence of communist china just miles from our shores , gordon chang joins us. up next, president trump takes aim at the country's asylum laws president trump: i think that the whole asylum rules, laws, and regulations have been taken advantage of by people that are very bad people in many cases. these are the people running the cartels, they're gaming the system they have been for years. lou: and national border patrol council brandon judd
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lou: the national security crisis at our southern border is worsening by the day. dhs released more than 133 illegal immigrants into the united states since the end of last year and the latest now, on
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the illegal immigration surge, fox national correspondent william la jeunesse is joining us with the latest. reporter: well there's actually a bill in congress, lou, called the fix the immigration loophole act that ensures migrants are not released, deports children to families back home and eliminates asylum claims but republicans say democrats in the house refuse to move the bill, even though the border patrol is apprehending numbers not seen in 12 years, 103 apprehensions or turnbacks in march alone including 53,000 families, 9,000 unaccompanied children and 3,000 who falsely claim minors not their own. one border chief says they're not all central americans. >> other illegal aliens from all over the world are caught trying to evade arrest. in my sector alone, we have encountered people from 50 different countries. that includes bangladesh, china, turkey, egypt, romania. >> tuesday the defense
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department awarded $1 billion for 57 miles of fence as part of the president's national emergency declaration challenged by 21 states, a federal judge will hear their injunction request next month. president trump said he is not reconsidering separating families, but the new york times says he does want to tighten the asylum process. right now, 76% of credible fear claims are initially approved, even though 80% are ultimately rejected by a judge. president trump: you have people coming in claiming asylum, they're all reading exactly what the lawyer gives them. they have a piece of paper. read what that is and all of a sudden you're entitled to asylum reporter: as to why central americans migrate, violence, or according to some in congress, climate change, a poll in guatemala found 91% come here for a better job. a migrant yesterday told california governor gavin newsom who just returned from central america, it is "the wish of all
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to come to america." lou? lou: william thank you very much , william la jeunesse reporting. joining us tonight, the president of the national border patrol council brandon judd. good to have you with us. this surge, this invasion, whatever you want to call it, is all but unprecedented, certainly over the past decade it's unprecedented. your thoughts about what the likely outcome is? >> the figures are absolutely astronomical. i'm going back to three weeks ago when you hit the nail on the head you said that dhs needs to stop wining and stop making excuses and they need to think outside of the box and in fact that's what we're seeing right now. you had a policy advisor in the white house, steven miller who took a look at this and said okay congress isn't going to act they aren't giving the president the win so we have to look at current authorities, what can we do within those current authorities to address this crisis, and that's exactly what
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the white house is doing, and that's the business aspect that the american public expected when they elected president trump and frankly i'm glad to see it. lou: well i know that the american people are glad to see it because i see his approval numbers rising significantly abdomen dramatically. the surge though, looks as though it's going to continue. a friend of mine sent me pictures from guatemala of another caravan being formed there. it looks like there's every intent. we know that behind all of this is a lot of left wing money, a lot of groups that are working with amongst others the united nations for crying outloud, in central america. this is going to be difficult to stop unless as the president says, mexico stops it. >> yeah, and the president already did a great job when he put the pressure on mexico in saying he was going to close
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down the ports of entry. we've already seen mexico step up to the plate and do more. we need to do more on this side and frankly what's really going to stop this is once we end that magnet that is catch and release once we start holding people in custody, pending their deportation proceedings, these numbers will in fact fall, so once we get that training in place, we will be able to make it happen. lou, i see on the horizon, a fix to this issue, and it's going to be done by the administration and they're going to cut congress out of the process. lou: yeah, congress indeed has made it very clear they don't care whether there's a crisis. they don't care whether there's a national emergency. they don't care about the border patrol agent in the rio grande valley. there are 50 countries represented among those illegal immigrants that have been apprehended. this is a clear clarion call to anyone who would pay attention that this country is under threat. >> oh, absolutely.
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most of the american public, they think that we're only dealing with people from mexico from election, from honduras and guatemala, and that is as far from the truth as could be. we deal with people from all over the world, from all regions of the world including the middle east. we deal with people that are coming here and we don't know what their intentions are. the american public has the right to know whose coming into their country and we have the right to vet them. the problem is is when they step across-the-boarder and they claim asylum, because they're overwhelming us right now we end up letting them go without properly vetting them, so that's got to end and it's going to end lou: part of that is the role of citizenship and immigration services, versus that of the border patrol itself. is that relationship and those responsibilities changing as the president orders these reforms? >> yeah, so if you look at what steven miller has proposed, he said we need to do these
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credible fear interviews the moment they cross the border and they're apprehended and so what we need to do is we need to train our border patrol agents to conduct credible fear interviews and that will kick the process off. this will allow us to determine who has a right for a claim and who doesn't have a rightful claim and if you don't we can potentially deport you in two weeks, rather than the two to five years that it currently takes. lou: brandon judd great too see you and talk with you. former obama administration official has a new job working for china.
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lou: headlines we're looking at potential 2020 presidential contender howard schultz says he's not an economist we'll make a note of that but he says the president should not "have the fed chair in his pocket" as he
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put that and schultz has the ability to insult everyone when he talks, well a difficult talent for a wannabe politician. china's telecommunication giant huawei has hired a senior obama administration cybersecurity official, handy, ha? the name of that official? samir jane, working as a lobbyist according to jane's bio he took part in nation organizations such as china's agreement not to engage in cyber -enabled intellectual property theft for commercial gain and he's out lobbying for huawei isn't that terrific? hardly a great american. joining us tonight congressman matt gates member of the house judiciary and armed services committee, congressman great to have you with us, let's start with first, huawei and hiring up those good old obama officials to work for the very same people apparently they were working for when they were working for the
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united states. >> well china is functionally attacking our country and sadly they're using the laws and even some of the people who worked in the obama administration to do it and to execute on their ideas to control information and infrastructure and technology. president trump is the first president in american history since well for quite some time to understand that we have to impose tariffs on chinese technology, we have to stop technology transfers from u.s. companies and certainly, any notion that u.s. government officials are now trying to work essentially for china to influence policies to execute this anti-american strategy is something that we certainly need to be very serious about. lou: this is a full-on 360- degree fully dimensional assault by the chinese against the united states. the only thing missing is the smell of cordite in the air. >> but the problem is too much of it's legal lou.
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our laws allow too much to happen where officials that negotiated with the chinese are working for the chinese on their side of the negotiating table where china can deploy their tech all throughout rural america and where they can put students at our universities and try to use american ideas to enrich their economy at the expense of ours and sadly to enrich their military and energy industries that pose a real strategic threat to our interest s around the world. lou: let's be clear republicans and democrats alike over the course of the last three decades have sold this country out to china. it is a shameful era in american history and one that this president is correcting day by day, but it is difficult work. let me get a reaction to you from the ninth circuit court again the president has made it clear his thinking and what he feels about the ninth circuit and their judges, but to block this administration because it's too dangerous in mexico? for asylum seekers?
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that is -- >> what's just so ludacris about that is that look where do the ninth circuit judges think that the asylum seekers came through on their way from guatemala, el salvador and honduras? so they walked through mexico to get here, but now u.s. courts think it's too dangerous for them in mexico where they just left. this is a huge problem. lou we are apprehending 3,000 people every single day at the border and those are just the ones we're catching. they're getting into the united states and they're using our laws as loopholes and the exception is becoming the rule. everybody is showing up saying asylum. magic words, fear of violence back in their home country. we cannot accommodate all of these people. we cannot accommodate every person that has a sad story around the world and it's just unfair to american taxpayers who have sad stories of their own. lou: well even if the stories are bright the fact is it's our
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border, it's our country, we should be deciding who enters this country, not the government of mexico and right now, we can't say that can we? >> we cannot and the other thing that's crazy is that people in congress still continue to believe that the answer is more judges. i don't want more judges at the border unless we can line them up into some sort of a wall because look with 3,000 people every day coming here, you can not adjudicate your way through all of these claims and by the way, what facts do they even have to go through? i mean, are you really telling me that some judge that has a few minutes with a potential asylum seeker will be able to vet through their experience in el salvador? of course not. we need a wall. we have to stop this mass migration of people otherwise, not only will our border be eroded but the borders in mexico and in the northern triangle will be eroded as well. lou: i think with your proposals combined with the recommendation of congressman gomert here last night he wanted to replace catch and release with a one-word policy, repel.
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>> yeah. well we let these people wander around the country while they're waiting for their asylum hearings and they don't even show up to them so look this is a joke. lou: you would have thought our system would work. >> they know it's a joke. lou: you would have thought an honor system would work instead of borders and border guards and walls and things like that. who knew. who knew, certainly not the radical dems. congressman, always great to have you here thanks so much. >> thank you, lou. lou: up next president trump says the re-election of israel's benjamin netanyahu raises the chances of a mid-east peace deal president trump: everyone said you can't have peace in the middle east with israel and the palestinians. i think we have a chance and i think we have now a better chance with having won. lou: gordon chang joins us next to take-up the chinese cash injection into our hemisphere. stay with us we'll be right back
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lou: headlines we're looking at tonight vice president pence addressing the united nations security council today the vice president told venezuela united nations ambassador that their time in power is at an end. >> with all due respect mr. ambassador you shouldn't be here. you should return to venezuela and tell nicholas maduro that his time is up. it's time for him to go. lou: and benjamin netanyahu securing a decisive strike trish regan in israel's elections securing had us fifth term as the nations prime minister president trump tweeted out his congratulations, trump flags were seen waving at netanyahu's celebration last night and china expanding at an alarming rate in the caribbean through its road initiative, a chinese business investing nearly $3 billion in a deepwater container facility in
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the caribbean, 55 miles from palm beach, florida. the chinese military also using facilities in the caribbean to intercept intel signals from the united states and pair influence and presence in the caribbean is expanding. joining us tonight, columnist author senior fellow at the gate stone institute, gordon chang. good to have you here, gordon. this is deeply troubling. most people are unaware that china has any kind of presence in the caribbean, perhaps even in the hemisphere outside of venezuela and panama, but in the caribbean, they mean business. >> they certainly do in the bahamas just one place they've got two multi-billion dollar investments including that container port you talk about and when the chinese fund container ports chinese warships follows that's what happened in
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sri lanka. lou: well it was, it is, and like our other southern border, it's a fire right now, obviously what can be done, what can this administration do, what should the united states be doing to stop china's influence in this hemisphere before it gets to the point of conflict? >> well the most important thing i think we need to do is to get those chinese investments out and we can sort of do that by offering cheap money because what the chinese are doing is offering predatory financing to people in the region. now, we warn countries about china's financing terms but it doesn't make any sense unless we can offer some alternative. we can give some tax credits for investing in the region but the most important thing lou is that we don't invite the chinese in. both the bush and obama administrations invited the chinese into the inter-american development bank the multi- lateral lending. lou: these are not the most clever people in those two administrations. >> no and essentially what you had is this whole idea you work
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with china, this wall street -- lou: so what do we do now? >> well i think what we'll have to do is going to be a fight on financings, so it's going to be important and we'll also have to jaw bone some of these governments because they need us , they need our tourists, that's going to be difficult for us and we've got to put the hard word on the chinese about getting them out of the region because as you said on thursday when you were interviewing k. t mcfarland, the entire hemisphere and the caribbean are on fire, and -- lou: there seems to me to be an essential awareness that is necessary and that is that this is not simply about finance when it comes to china. its initiatives in this hemisphere. this is also about ideology and philosophy and it is in the minds of some leaders in this hemisphere whether in the caribbean central or south america. there is a greater proximity to chinese communism than the united states wants to acknowledge and it's about time
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we did acknowledge that reality. >> oh, well certainly because as you point out we've got in cuba, those three facilities that the chinese are using to intercept signals intelligence from the u.s. in other words they're listening to our telephone conversations, with the chinese ports and especially in panama they now control the canal at both ends. lou: as they have for a while. >> but they've intensified their investments there, so this is really becoming a problem throughout the entire hemisphere , so we have a lot of tools because we work with these governments, but we've got to make sure that they do not get further into the hemisphere because they are deeply involved in the caribbean right now. lou: all right gordon always good to see you thanks. up next, obama back on the world stage where he set a new record. this is, you've heard a lot of talk about narcissism. well this is the man who defined narcissism and he has exceeded himself in promoting himself.
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his record-setting performance, it came overseas of course. we will have that for you here next. you do not want to miss a single word on the part of the former president. join me right after this quick break stay with us. this is going to be a lot of fun i can't tell you who i am or what i witnessed, but i can tell you liberty mutual customized my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no... only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lou: we've had more than two years of assault on this president, the witch hunts, the investigations, the nonsense, and i think just about everybody knows now who this president is and we sure know what these radical dems and all their little committees and all of their little special counsel efforts, we know what they amounted to and as president trump and this country have been under assault by well from almost every quarter, it is good
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, i think, to remember what the president promised us all on that historic day when he decided he would run for the president of the united states. here are just a few thoughts from donald trump and his promises on that beautiful day, back in june of 2015. president trump: i'll bring back our jobs from china, from mexico , from japan, from so many places. i'll bring back our jobs and i'll bring back our money. nobody would be tougher on isis than donald trump. >> [applause] president trump: nobody. i will stop iran from getting nuclear weapons. sadly, the american dream is dead. >> bring it back! president trump: but if i get elected president, i will bring it back bigger and better and
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stronger than ever before and we will make america great again. thank you. thank you very much. >> [applause] lou: and with that, mr. trump, set off on the campaign trail and set all kinds of records, and amazingly, won the presidency and thank goodness, he did. i think thank god is the expression and a profound statement sincerely offered to god almighty. president obama, meanwhile, has set a few records of his own. he's just set a new personal record over the weekend, while in berlin. there, speaking before his foundation, when he referred to himself, one can forgive a little first person reference can't one? he referred to himself 392 times
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listen to this, please. >> i was also convinced that probably the biggest impact i could have would be to support and convene and engage and partner with the next generation of leaders, because there's only one of me and now i'm not here to support any political party. i've held my last political office. lou: well the latter part was reassuring wasn't it? 392 times, he referred to himself in one speech. the former president, breaking his previous record, he set that record back in 2016, when he referred to himself in one outing, 171 times. this is stunning stuff. up next, president trump's battle to secure our border,
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having a profound impact on even senator mitt romney. i'm going to have a few nice things to say about the senator. i'm thinking about it. i'm pretty sure that's what i'm going to do because it's extraordinary his revelation today, and former congressman jason chaffetz joins us next to perhaps interpret for the senator. i can't believe he said something so nice about our president. stay with us. we'll be right back. termites, feasting on homes 24/7.
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we're on the move. roger. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home.
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lou: senator mitt romney finally waking up to the realities of the border crisis. the senator supporting president trump. >> we can't have millions upon millions of people flooding into our country without a border that's secure, without i.c.e. making sure that the people that are here illegally are set back. it's a winning issue for americans saying we have to have the sovereignty of our nation. the president has tapped into something which the people feel very deeply. lou: astounding jason chaffetz, former republican congressman from the great state of you law former house oversight chairman, author, fox business contributor jason you and i have talked about the senator a number of times as you know i've got strong feelings, but i have to
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say, he supports the president finally? hallelujah. >> april 8, 2019 mark the date! mark the date that lou dobbs said something nice about mitt romney, but the senator is right it's overwhelming the facts are just there, in plain sight. the senator's right, the republicans are right on this issue and they've got to get their act together on this and the democrats would listen to what their message is. they're pro-amnesty and they want to get rid of the wall and don't want to fund the wall and they want sanctuary cities. they are nowhere on this issue and senator romney is right. the american people care deeply about this issue, and it should be obvious to everybody. lou: it should. [laughter] i think it should have been obvious years sooner to romney, particularly since he had been running for president in 2012, but have some better sense of what the american people wanted.
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they wanted this president, even then i believe. let's turn to devon nunes and criminal referrals, eight of them, its taken a long while, i acknowledge and i have said on this broadcast repeatedly that nunes is a great hero in the piece, the russian hoax, and this two-year witch hunt, but its taken so long to get to eight referrals, come on. >> well, tying together all of the pieces that he has making these referrals i think that they will be dealt with seriously within the department of justice, as i said many times on your program, in the past i think attorney general sessions was nowhere to be found. there was no help and no hope there, and so for sessions or for nunes to now push forward with the new attorney general whose got his feet under him and his sea legs under him is actually the right timing. if he had done it earlier i'm afraid it would have been
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dismissed by sessions. lou: let's turn to the border crisis, the president making changes at dhs, sending a clear signal, he wants this done, now. your thoughts about how difficult that's going to be and how quickly this lost time can be made up? >> well if you want different results you'll have to put in different people it's an enormous agency, 250,000 people, everything from the tsa to secret service, to the border patrol, i.c.e., coast guard, there's obviously a need for change in the president's eyes he's taken that decisive -- lou: what about the idea, i'm sorry, jason real quickly, the czar idea, holman? >> i love tom holman, i've gotten to know him and i think he's a strong candidate and chris koback has been in that
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mix. lou: i'm sorry you like who? >> chris i think has demonstrated and he's got the confidence of the president, he's very tough on these issues and i was disappointed he didn't get through and become the governor of kansas, but there is some really good people there, and most importantly you want somebody who will do what the president wants to do. this is a signature issue and they just need to find somebody who will execute on the president's agenda. lou: and chris koback seems to be leading the way. kucinelli, a never-trumper? well we haven't got time, jason chaffetz, always good to talk with you, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: take a look at this dashcam video from atlanta. a police officer dragged for several feet, by a drunken driving suspect, during an arrest attempt, the officer hanging on throughout, he was able to stop the vehicle and arrest the driver. police say the suspect had illegal drugs inside the car and they apparently had been used by
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someone, we hope you'll join us a reminder to follow me on twitter at lou dobbs, like me on facebook follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. thanks for being with cheryl: here are your market movers at 5:00 a.m. the white house one step closer to sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities claiming to welcome them as democrats call the move illegal. the new battle brewing over the crisis at the border. south bend mayor pete buttigieg officially announcing his run for the white house. can he keep pace with the progressive heavyweights. well, it was an ending fit for a master. tiger woods winning his first major in more than a decade in dramatic fashion. the incredible moments that had millions on the edge of their seats. and, game of thrones fans furious ahead of the series eight premier.


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