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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  April 16, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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connell: brian said you have religious beliefs playing a buying part. melissa: "bulls and bears" starts right now. david: breaking news, note flick shares -- netflix shares sliding after hours. way off its lows, less than a percent off, recovering from a more than 6% drop. it was guidance that was a problem. not so rosy going forward, we'll bring you details coming up. >> i embrace the issue i am a millionaire. this year we had 560,000 dollars income, in our case it came from a book that i wrote, if anything thinks that i should apologize
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for writing a west -- best selling book, i'm not going to do it. >> you wrote the book and made money is that not definition of capitalism, the american dream. >> no. david: no, he said. that was 2020 bernie sanders, on fox news town hall last night, even though he made millions he says his rise to wealth is not the american dream. thank you for joining us, bernie sanders admits she is a millionaire, he still pays a fraction of 37% top rate he could be paying in taxes. >> 26% because of president trump's tax cuts why not say, i'm leading this revolution, i'm not going take this?
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>> i am -- i paid the taxes they owe. david: that stopped him a little bit, is it fair to hit bernie on his own taxes when he is always complaining about rich paying too little on theirs. >> 100%. i wish they would have hit him harder, a leader leads by example not force. before you are willing to force everyone else to pay higher taxes go ahead send in money to u.s. government, i don't care if you are bernie sanders, or warren buffett, the patriotic millionaires, if this is that important to you, you don't need government to require you to do it show leadership, send the money in, show us how effective that money is being put to use then we'll talk about it. david: mark? >> i think that is another case of democrats do as i say, not as i do.
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they have no problem becoming millo onion airs -- millionaires but complain about millionaires. and no problem take away people's jobs. this is just more of the same talking out of both sides of their mouth. >> let's see, a little different take, i'm glad that bernie did fox news, we should applaud that. david: yes. >> it not easy, i can tell you being the democrat on fox, it is a business show? we're happy to have you. >> i should say, glad he paid his taxes and showed his taxes, i would like everyone who is ge- going to be president and run for president, pay their presidentaxesor show them. david: >> i'm quoting a grade historian jed clampet.
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he had to pay tax on beverly hillbillies. he is only person i heard that would give government more money. i thought that question was funny, i thought martha and brett did a great job with town hall, i am glad bernie was on fox. there is no way to answer that question, i don't think that bernie is hypocritical. like when warren buffet said, my secretary pays more than me, that not the point, we have a problem coming forward for next political cycle it will be huge about wealth inequality and what you do with this tax system, when bernie put out a tweet of all companies that did not pay tax, the tax code for year after year, politics have given money to tax corporationses, republicans and democrats, allow them to get around the system, people line like that.
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david: it is a little bit hypocritical for someone who is always complaining about special breaks of the rich to take advantage of the breaks? >> yeah, robert changed topic, john, you have gone off the topic. what wrong with you people. david: we need leadership, there a way to give more money to the government, you can write a check to the u.s. treasury, if someone is important to you, why are you forced to do it, if you think you should donate, do you need someone to force you, if you want to stand up for a right, do you need someone to force you, if this is important, and they want other people to do, show us leadership, put this up or shut up. >> i think it belies bigger point we don't have a revenue problem in the country, we have a spending problem. none of the new tax proposal the deal with that, we need a congress that will get serious
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about cutting spending. >> amen. >> i'm not sure that accurate, i don't think that revenues on income tax within up, we have a tax decrease. >> no, on income taxes they within up, corporate taxes down, revenue did increase on income tax last figures show they increases. >> we'll check the video. >> okay, the fact that there is a huge spending problem, i think that something we could all agree on, right? absolutely. >> lut absolutely. >> 691 billion was our deficit, we're spending 8 nic 96 milliona day on interest. we are spending almost i billion dollars a day on interest
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because of lack of ability to to balance a checkbook by our politicians, as good as some of the initiatives are, and some are, we can't afford them because of mismanage think of our checkbook. david: the money you mention is chicken feed compares to what bernie sanders wants to spend. >> correct. david: whole hog on green new deal. medicare for all. >> here is what is amazing, we're giving bernie a great 10 minute advertisement, last night's great hour advertisement. david: he is number one. >> a half million people view, we did not show his standing ovation, he said medicare for all. it will be interesting if we show that, that is what got largest ovation. >> catch phrase medicare for all, as soon as they figure out details that plummets, with most
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socialism things, free everything sounds amazing. >> i'm with you. >> how are you paying for it, you tell 200 million americans we're taking our private health insurance away from you, whether you like it or not, the approve aatapprovalplummets. >> i am with you mark on that. >> we're spending more on entitlements than canada does. any time have you a government going out and spending not bringing free market into it, this happens. we need to drastically shrinks government and return the power to the people and more competition, not continue to push spending up. david: one other detail in taxes that was revealed, he paid litter money han 3 than 3% of hs income in charity.
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>> he may have started a foundation a few years ago, therefore you don't get charity write-off, maybe he put all his money in bernie foundation. david: is 3% enough? >> it is low. but as robert said there are different ways you to give to charity, i'm not going to fault the guy who gave anything to charity, but 3% is low. david: paris is still reeling from that catastrophic fire. that tore through note -- notre. details emerging on what was miraculously spared, we'll take you there live, next. ♪ makes it beautiful.
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paris. what is the scene like? reporter: we heard a choir that came to sang outside of notre dame, as we speak, ashes settles, we still see pieces float by, the island here where grand cathedral sits remains closed. through out evening with each watched as investigator have been combing over the area, at-this-point in time, yesterday, it was a massive blaze still, it lasted for roughly 12 hours, the fire crashing in on this structure. finally who all of said and done, were of it survived, the twin towers were saved, a human chain helped to save works of arts housed inside. also rescued the crown of thorns some christians believe that christ wore durings crucifixion.
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they have been in to investigate. but working theory is that this was a tragic accident. related to renovations of the spire. much of the roof made of timber, some hundreds of years old. many of us witnessed on television, and people here in the streets in paris saw, wood can burn swiftly, france's wealthy and elite visio family e promised. what we're expecting to see in coming days, it dozens of investigators will gain access and begin their work to determine what happened here. david: still a miracle that so much did survive, and they can build on top of it. mollie line from paris thank
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you. family and company that pledge money are owners of gucci, l'oreal -- >> this disproves socialism claims that it rich are immoral. >> absolutely, i just finished fundraising for malawi. i got almost 100% of funding through evil 1%, personal donations. you look at what goes on in new york city, paul tutor jones has done, with behind the scenes, and george lucas and bloomberg, and bill gates, we live in a age some of the most generous billionaires in the world that do more, better things than most governments are doing this not
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the evil 1%. >> i agree with john, first thing i did this morning, i tweeted out about the pineaux family. -- the families stepped up. what is amazing how many people you know said, that not good money put to use, i think that to your point we were talking off line, this is some that brings everyone together, the world world, this great to see as john said the wealth people step up, but all walks of life are stepping up not just wealthy, everyone -- every dollar counts. >> this is what i was talking about in last segmenting with leadership -- segment with leadership, if something is important to you, you do it people are stepping up without being forced. at end of day capitalism are called immoral for wanting to hang on to their own hard earned
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money and use it the way they think is best. and socialists who want to take it by force are some called moral, that ises immr.a immoralg to do. >> you have leads french families stepping up and united states, i can assume here within days we're seal not only some of the tycoons, and 1% in this country, join that cause. but i look forward to seeing the little schoolkids, you know collecting coins in their classrooms could i believe university of notre dame when does not have an affiliation with notre dame in paris has committed $100,000 to effort just to think about what american generosity can do to our oldest ally in the world. >> and by the way, to johnny list, i would add ken langon to pay for med cel medical student.
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the private sector billioners are those doing the. a lot of that will be useful to the folks as they rebuild in paris, this is -- who would have known that yesterday out of that awful tragedy, there would be good coming, who knows maybe that is part of the plan. coming up house democrat taking their investigation to president trump's finances even further, eric trump is now firing back at them, more on that coming next. the way they subscribe to movies. we don't follow the naysayers. ♪ ♪
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conventional wisdom says you can't make a 400 horsepower sedan, that's also environmentally conscious. we don't follow conventional wisdom. ♪ ♪ david: more breaking news on net 36netflix, shares are lower. deirdre bolton with more. reporter: all about guidance, you said it first quarter earnings. it is about what is going. the stock i is down.
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company said current quarter would behalf of what wall street is looking for. 55 cents a share wall street looking for 99. and they talk about adding fewer subscribers in u.s. and overseas this well this quarter. looking at numbers 300 thousand new subscribers in u.s. and analyst were expecting 670 thousand over. overseas 4.7 million, analyst looking for 4.83. >> letter to shareholders, they have new streaming competition from apple and disney, they are not expecting a negative effect, we don't anticipate the new entrants will materially affect our growth because the transition from linear to demand entertainment is so massive, and differing nam nature of our conp
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offering, we believe we're only ones that can deliver. make take that bob iger and tim cook. apple past in last 52 weeks. disney the winner up 30%. a guide s&p 500, up 8.5% in that time. david: i think they are more concerned about disney than they are letting othank you deirdre. >> two house panels led by schiff and ware waters issued subpoenas and deutsche bank employeric trump, fires back with a statement, the subpoena is unprecedented abuse of power, the latest attempt by house democrats to attack the president and our family for political gain. instead of legislating, they are obsessed with harassing and undermining my father's
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administration to do everything they can to distraction from his incredible accomplishment, this is why american people have such disdain for politicians and why my father of elected president, and he said this sets a horrible precedent for all taxpayers, is eric trump right? >> absolutely. this is unprecedent the, they are weapo weaponizing u.s. congs and turning ito political opponents, can you imagine if a republican did this to a fightee democrat president just because they politically disagree, they are going after any record they can find, it still is not enough, they will focus on investigation rather than legislation, and that is why president is doing well, and he will be reelected in 2020. >> yeah, i think this unnaturally not surprise -- unfortunately not surprise,. the house when shifted we knew that president would be a target
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and with waters in financial service and judiciary this not surprising, i have been on the other side, i was running ubs we gosubpoenaed not fun. i think the real unfortunate thing is deutsch will have to respond, they will be in a situation where instead of doing business as usual, they have to respond to nonstop records and testifying, and it is not fun to be the bank either, away from what it means are from president trump. >> also not fun being american people that is not polling while we americans, this is not when they want focus to be on there is nothing credible no reason to continue this investigation, investigations have cost taxpayer a fortune. and it is undermine the president's a bill tie to work - ability to work on behalf of american people, we heard from
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china that mueller investigation hurt the ability for the china talks to proceed. this is not fair to americans. >> i agree with almost everything that mark said, i respectfully disagree with turn press dinned. -- it unprecedented, we had 21 special investigation since carter administration. only twice has lead person been indicted that just tell us it political gain and both sides are crippled. prufnif the president is not dog something impeachment wait until he gets out of office then you have the rest of his life to go after him. >> this sends a real bad message to our future regardless of politics, if you are a successful business person, do you now have to have every aspect of your life under a
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microscope, what you do is make it possible for swamp creatures and government officialese to move up to my ranking area because no successful business person will want to put themselves through this, that bad for the country regardless if that person is democrat or republican. >> amen. >> i don't know we should care what china's view of mueller report. we got indicted 37 russians because of the mueller report. there a lot of things that happened that was positive, we need to make sure that our election is not literally being impacted by anyone -- any mor -- noren country. david: we had the mueller repo report. why doe wdo we need all these
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investigation? deutsche bank is a fishes expedition, they are still trying to find collusion? >> right, at the end was day to respond back to robert, the fact that had is overhangs presidency is what we should care. the reason we care about what china thinks to get a deal done to benefit the american people, at the end was day that is what congress was elected to do and president elected to do if that is not getting done because of inteshainternal political theatt is a big problem. david: judge andrew napolitano with more on what we can expect two short days from now. >> i don't think it is going to be damaging to the president, the purpose of this investigation was whether or not there was collusion. mueller was crystal clear in fact there was he collusion. we consider this case closed.
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>> press conference thursday afternoon to give his explanation just before the day before good friday. passover, and easter sunday, designed to hinder the ability other than him to communicate. we'll scream, and yell, for friday or monday issue a subpoena. we'll five them three weeks to let them respond, they won't respond. we'll vote for contempt then go to court. david: congressman jerry nadler, challenging attorney general bill barr.
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speaker pelosi said barr may be quite washing the findings, joining us judge andrew napolitano do they have a point. >> i don't know if they have a point until we see it. what is being kept back? bill barr's response and i have to follow the law, law says there are certain areas, we know the areas. material that went to a grand jury, whethe where they did nott someone, on investigation, and i have no choice but to keep that from them, i would quibble with congressman nadler on this. i don't think that bill barr will ignore the subpoena, i think he would take it to court and ask a federal judge to quash it. he has to take the value judgment, which is greater good, the testimony of people, or right of public to know what one mueller and crew found out about
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the president of united states president seems to have waive edhis own privacy interesting, saying let it out. >> judge, if you were to handicap this, what is percentage in in terms of what the judge does. >> i am sorry to tell you, in my opinion almost certainty we'll evenlewill see the full report,e pressure is too great, and leaks are too substantial. >> judge, john layfield, always gate tgreat to have you on. >> i would rather be with you on that fancy island. david: bermuda. >> bring your golf clubs i'll take you any day. >> bob mueller, first put in place, bipartisan people said he was a perfect guy to put in
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place, now bipartisan that someone found something wrong who the process, or report that no one has seen yet, what happened to bob mueller that changed so much from the beginning when everyone said he was the perfect guy. >> i think that people are impatient. it will appear to the public if more is concealed than revealed, that the public has the right to know, they will want to know, bob mueller could be a hero or a goat by noon thursday. >> this will work its way through the courts, judge, do you think all the way to supreme court? >> i don't know the answer to that. supreme court generally does not like to get involved in matters like this. but the last two times we were confronted with this situation,
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admittedly different facts and statutes. both cases criminal judge, i am speaking of nixon and whitewater, said, public ha rigt to know, that is how we learned lurid and inappropriate details about bill clinton's behavior. >> is your feeling there are too many people that have been part will writing it, so it would come out through a leak. >> we know there are some people on bob mueller's team, i suspect they are fbi agents and not prosecutors, prosecuters are regulated by very stringent ethic rule that felt that nature or, color, tenor of full respect did noreportdid not come out, o,
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in my view, a federal judge will error on -- this is president of united states, on side of right to know and will reveal it. david: we're very privileges to get a copy of your points of view before these programs, you write extensive there could be complete dossiers, but say barr did not write to mueller found no evidence of conspiracy in his memimemo. did not find drus trump campaigr anyone coordinated with it. >> he said, there is i insufficient evidence to establish a conspiracy, that is there is some evidence but not enough to prove guilty aboution a reasonable doubt. >> i hope so, if he keeps that back then it is white wash.
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and democratic complains would be legitimate. david: judge andrew -- >> first time we saw bipartisanship between nunes and schiff was in last 24 hours. where they both have gone too barr saying they want a full report, between the three of them together. what would happen with that. >> congressman schiff, has a top secret security clearance, he can see anything, the question is will he take it to floor of hugheshouse. high would. david: thank you judge andrew napolitano, more breaking news, martha stewart's brand, including her line of home furnishings, kitchen wear, emril legacy brand has been sold to marquee brand. less than what its current owner
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paid for it in 2015. >> health insurers in u.s. are worried about impact of medicare for all. as bernie sanders reveals how he plans to pay for if. >> people will pay more in taxes, yes, but at the end was day overwhelming majority of people will end up paying less for health care. ♪ (vo) i know what you're thinking. electric, it's not for you. and, you're probably right. electric just doesn't have enough range. it will never survive the winter. charging stations? good luck finding one of those. so, maybe an electric car isn't for you after all.
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david: the ceo of unitedhealth care warns that medicare for all would destable a our nation system and cause a wholesale disruption. this 2020 candidate, bernie sanders floats more taxes for cheaper healthcare. >> health care costs money. every other country, virtually every other does the same way we do education for our kids, when a kid walks into school, they don't have take out a credit card, it is paid for out of public funds, if your asking are people going to pay more in taxes, yes. but at the end was day overwhelming majority of people are going to end up less for healthcare, because they are not
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paying premiums, copayments and deductibles. david: this will platform win with the voter? >> there snow question healthcare is a right is a winning strategy for democrat, but there is a spectrum, what does that mean, bernie and elizabeth warren far left, others like amy klobuchar call medicare x, that means lower rate of medicare. no more than a third will be medicare for all, this will be a beg debate for next 300 days just among the democrats. >> one thing we have to remind people, what it actually means not a feel good slogan. it means, 180 million people will lose their private health insurance they get through their employers, 20 millions, seniors who us use med medicare advantat
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is over, they will begun. and a half million 500 thousand dollars healthcare insurance workers will lose their jobs and be replaced by bureaucrats, i don't want to go to dmv to stand in line to have a bureaucrat tell me what i can and cannot have in my health insurance. >> here ising whic challenge th. dropped ball, they have had a very long time to come up with a plan for healthcare. soy now you hear about medicare for all, and nobody will talk about the free market. if you look at surgeries are not covered typically like lasik or breast augus -- august meantinge come way down. you can get our a done for less
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than $ $2,000 an eye, if you get you're knee replaced under insurance that is 50 thousand dollars. >> mark, what in the heck is wrong with you? how dare you bridg you bring nua pie in the sky argument. i love the fact you look at numbers, what makes sense what does not, that is the problem i have with bernie sanders' pie in the sky argument of medicare for ul, perhaps it does work, but you have got put numbers to it say you may more in taxes, how much more in quantify that, and if the savings from health care is rail more than what you were paying in taxes it makes economic sense buttal they say you pay some more in taxes but payless in healthcare, that does not make any sense as for as economic. >> it does not ever make economic since, it does not matter how much more we pay in
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taxes cost of healthcare is too high that the crux was problem. we would not need so much insurance if costs are so high, we don't have free markets or competition, the person that pays for it is not part of the irk quake wthe eequation. >> like to change what we did with obamacare. that was we just added people to rolls, we did not do anything to change healthcare itself, you justed more people that will do is the exacerbate fractured that already exist, and you are right gomp doeg.o.p. does not have a e either. >> that is bad. >> bingoy, bingo. >> mark. >> let's -- name one thing that government actually does well. we down do anything well,ing in
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nothing efficiently or cheap, everything that government touches costs more, is ineffective and inefficient, even medicare, those who can afford it get private doctor insurance, medicare advantage on top. david: to care a points, we are a price tag, george mason university 33 trillion, that is a figure that even now nancy pelosi is using, what happens if you have bernie sanders? be nominee of party, you have the nancy pelosi who heads up congress against his main point of his platform. >> we'll have an interesting primary. system l.a. tsimilar to republiw years ago. but we have double candidates. on debate stage, for republicans a fun 300 day to watch us go at it. david: furnfo fun for everyone o watch. >> meantime, nancy pelosi
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seeming to take a jab at freshman congress mammallal. -- frescongresswoman, alexandria ocasio-cortez next. ♪ limu emu & doug mmm, exactly! liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance
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>> when we won this elect it was not in district like minor alexandria ocasio-cortez. she is a wonderful member of
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congress, but they are district that are solidly democratic, this glass of water would win with a d next to it. david: house speaker nancy pelosi, her appearing to take another swipe at alexandria ocasio-cortez after nancy pelosi described her far left wing as like 5 people in a 60 minutes interview. 70s lawmakers voted with aoc95% of the time this year, is calling out aoc a smart strategy? >> no. i don't think that aocis inn important and way that you show she is not important, and minimize her is not talking with her. for fact that nancy pelosi took a big at her, it elevates fact she is someone importance, we should pay attention to that
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deserves to get the dig. i think best thing for us to do just stop talking about her. >> good luck. >> the reap we'r reason we're tg about her, robert wolf loves doing aoc. -- i'm kidding. republican party dealt with her extreme base in 2009, they moved to center, democratic party is now doing the same. >> ripe reason people talk about aocbecause democrats keep supporting her, they had -- people who signed on her crazy green raw deal, democrats follow her lead, that is why she is important, democrat will have to continue to deal with her, and explain why they support her and liberal party of their wing of their party. >> i have to take a offense. senator voted present.
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do you believe that there is climate change, mark? you are a deny ar. de-- denear. >> the climate is changes we need a realization. >> you think we should be part of the paris accord or us and one of the i think one other country is not part of it. >> i agree with president trump pulling us out, it was a horrible deal that china continued to pa bullet unchecked. >> -- pollute. david: robert you are in favor of the green new deal. >> of a green deal, but not things that include healthcare and guarantees labor, it is a kitchen sink, i would not have supported green new deal the way it was written. >> i'm in favor of a green deal with more green into people's pockets, particularly keeping
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hard earned tax dollars, that is my green deal. david: question is cost. if you can get kleiner air, and cleaner water, at a cost that will not make life almost impossible for the majority of americans, fine. but to say you will eliminate carbon energy production in 10 years o12 years seems crazy. >> america -- last year, without being in the hour inparis climate deal. >> part of is making sense. but certain things, have you have gone too far with it, you can't throw baby out with bag watebathwater on this deal. david: you can't but that will be mission of a lot of democrats, how do you put green stuff, 'take out socialist stuff. >> let's be clear. at least 10 of 15 candidates don't support the green new deal
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the way it was written, they support a green deal. they are bold on climate change, they believe in science. okay. >> unlike what is going on in this administration. david: robert, that is it. "bulls and bears" see you tomorrow. >> i am blake in for elizabeth mack donald, this is the "evening edit." this time to deutsche bank. a long time lender to president and his businesses. a fond response today from eric


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