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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 19, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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wait to read the attorney general's report, i want to know what these people were up to when they put it together, see you tomorrow, good night. kennedy: democrats are not done reading the mueller report, they are already demanding more answers, and launching new investigations and threatening impeachment. do it. will it end? no. according to jerry nadler, not really, how could this be good for the nation? that is coming up. 11 a.m. eastern department of justice released highly anticipate thanticipated muelle. the attorney general cleared him of on -- obstruction.
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i have right to end whole witch-hunt if i wanted, i am have fired everyone if i wanted, i chose not to. i did not. on contrary attorney general bill barr said that president and his staff cooperated fully. >> the white house fully cooperated with special counsel investigation, providing unfettered access to campaign and white house documents, directing senior aides to testify freely and asserting no privilege claims, at the same time the president took no act that deprived special count spef documents and witnesses necessary to complete his investigation. kennedy: rod rosenstein was blinking for help i believe. what did we find out? was the 25 million dollar price tag worth it. >> the investigation did not saeb that members of trump
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campaign conspired or coordinated that russian operatives who perpetrated these schemes did not have the cooperation of president trump or trump campaign. did not find any evidence, not find -- did not find that trump campaign or other americans colluded in those efforts. >> but collusion for democrats, it will never be enough. >> if special counsel found evidence that exonerated the president high would have said so, he did not. >> barr's words and actions suggest he ha has been misleadig in saying that the president is clear of wrong doing. kennedy: well forget about liberal wing of media, they are still all in on their believe that president is a crook. >> about donald trump daily,
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hoursly assault on the rule of law in this country. >> attorney general had an opportunity this morning to rise above the politics, he blew it. he came out to say that the president took quote, no act that deprived the investigation of witnesses or documents, it is just not a true statement. what attorney general said. >> i thought today attorney general's barr's remarks were quite generous to the president. >> he did not answer. kennedy: will the left ever get over the whole scandal? and will launching a endless string of new investigation satisfactionly change the outcome, joining me now to discuss, former georgia republican congressman bob barr, no relation to attorney general, but they used to work together. he was first to call for president clinton's impeachment
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and resignation in 90s, what is the big take away from today? >> first take away that 25 million dollars works out to about 60,000 a page for this piece of nonsense. we learn really absolutely nothing new all of the factual evidence as far as i could tell had been in the media, one form or another there were a few interesting tidbits about some dinner meetings that president had some gossip, inside baseball. but by and large nothing new. the fact that this thing went on for so long, cost so much money and came up with nothing, really ought to you know be a wake-up call to the american people, not to put up with this nonsense. noi therthere one take away thas important for future administrations, that is be careful who of hire right off
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the bat, general flynn may have been a great military leader, but he nowhere near capable of handling the diplomatic and political minefield of washington. that is an important lesson. kennedy: i would back that up further, and say mindful who you hire on your campaign, and a better job of vetting people that you entrust your campaign with know some people become future members of administration, others a giant headache. and there is a large part was country that has an appetite for unorthodox nonpoliticians even still. looking at field of candidates who are running. i think you are right, it really critical who you surround yourself with. when you a candidate, but when you are president, a lot of these critics today are going after the attorney general, what does that tell you about the
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contents of the report itself, if they are training their anger on the ag? >> they will train their anger on anything who does something that does not fit their narrative. you know does not matter whether the attorne attorney general ban news release today or anyone else, they would run into the same buzzsaw, there is no nothing that anyone in this administration, can say or do that will satisfy these folks on the democratic side and congress. and this is going to continue through the election next year. kennedy: and there are people you know, you cited some specifics that critics of president will go after, hoyer who is not far off prime leadership in house of representative, he is house majority leader here, said it is not worth impeaching president based on what is in the report. that runs counter to people like
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eric swalwell and alexandria ocasio-cortez who have called for impeachment. this week when cortez was asked about what was in particular this president should be impeached for she could not really provide answers, that is why i think democrats are so upset today had they were hoping for something to pin their hopes on. >> one of problem politically for democrats, in particular in house, is that fact that they are scared to death of the rising far left freshmen and some others this fellow swalwell, and alexandria ocasio-cortez, talib, omar and so forth. they leave the democratic leadership to more traditional establishment leadership like steny hoyer, and exven nancy pelosandeven nancy pelosithey ao anything to upset the far lefties in party, only thing
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they seem to all be able to agree on then, is let's go after trump. kennedy: that could backfire. you know that. >> it will backfire. kennedy: this is not more polarized than president clinton at height of the impeachment proceedings, and if they do try to impeach and cobble something together, i think st would be politically perilous for democrats. was this vindication for president the way you see it. >> it was, but if irp -- if i were president or he asked my advice, which he has not, i would advise for him to do what he does -- well what he should do move away from this pivot away. and talk about those things he is doing so well, economic issues, regulatory reform issues, and so forth, and highlight the immigration issue, which continues as it should be
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to be a major concern to the american people. kennedy: yi think that this does give him ammunition to corner kim democrats in congress to working with him on immigration, a lot of people here who hope they work together thank you very much congressman. >> my pleasure. kennedy: mueller respect revealed that president trump reactioned to appointment of special count by slumping back in his chair, and saying quote, i'm f, which is when i do every night. watch this. >> they are having a good day, i'm having a good day too. no collusion. no obstruction. a good day. [applause] this should never happen to another president again. this hoax. it should never happen to there their president again thank you.
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>> i agree with limb, i think thahim.kellyanne conway joined president, she had a special offer for the haters. >> we're accepting apologies today too for anyone that feels bracgrace in offering them, thee was no collusion and no criminal conspiracy. kennedy: many democrat believe that investigations are just beginning, is this the total exoneration that president said, does that explain why democrats are having a meltdown? we meet the panel, district media group president, fellow beverly is here, with comedian. dave smith. and former ohio state senator, great buckeye capri caforio welcome. >> hello. kennedy: capri, we all a this
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coming, this is playing out, you done need a crystal ball or tarot cards or tea leaves. >> this is what happens when you put all your eggs in one bassett. kennedy: advice for democrat. >> what they are looking at now a are grasping for straws within this issue of b obstruction of justice, i think that a lot is from fact that mueller did not do certain things when he had an opportunity, he did not soup open at president -- subpoena the president, they want to know why and et cetera, et cetera. he decided he would not per sued the certain things because president could not be indicted as sitting president in white house. if i am a democrat in house, which i am not, i would say we need to move owe run risk of flying into president trump's hands, that is a problem going to 2020. kennedy: bob bar barr said that
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president needs to focus on the economic messages. >> and healthcare. kennedy: and economics,. >> we cannot impeach. kennedy: you can if you want president reelected. i don't know if this is as close as you get to vindication, what does that look like for president. >> president has been called on regular basis for two years a traitor to country and guilty of treason. that is a crime punishable by execution. this is not just random people, high level democrats, former cia director, head of house intelligence committee, speaker of house, waters, and all democrats who make up cnn and mcircumstancmsnbc. all that, that pretty close to vindication, the big story that trump should use in 2020 election, you have obama deep state, turn the entire state
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apparatus on opposite candidate for what turned out to be nothing, and ruin. >> i think that democrats will pull out of context or portions of this mueller report like the i'm f-ed sep -- senseario and use it in attack ads. kennedy: there was some stuff in there that questionable. what do you think hurt him? >> i think what would hurt him more, somewhere he wanted to rob obstruct but some on his staff said we're not going to let you. so i think these would be bigger stories if media had not already over hyped russia collusion part, to me with media, by the way, there are patting
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themselves on the back today, saying look we had great coverage, but you got it wrong. kennedy: it is all wrong, buzzfied, only time bob mueller made a statement, was he came out said, no buzzfeed you not the story wrong, they were republicking that president directed michael cohen to lie. and mueller team said no, that did not happen. >> you get a cookie for someone stopping you from potentially doing something illegal. >> i don't know, in -- you know, you are innocent until proven guilty regardless of what adam schiff said and rejiggers threshold to be that not how our system of justice works, this a big night, a great panel, mueller report contains. where investigator thought that president might have committed obstruction of justice, we'll get to those and why did ag shut them down,?
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sidney powell will join me to break it down next. will it feel like the wheend of a journey?p working, or the beginning of something even better? when you prepare for retirement with pacific life, you can create a lifelong income... so you have the freedom to keep doing whatever is most meaningful to you. a reliable income that lets you retire, without retiring from life. that's the power of pacific. ask your financial professional about pacific life today.
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president, but not for a lack of suspicion. highlighting 10 instances that came close to threshold for obstruction. firing of james comey and his conduct toward mike flynn and paul manafort, to whom he fleeted idea of pardoning, in end mueller did not conclude whether any of this rose to level of obstruction. so attorney general william barr concluded for him. >> after carefully reviewing facts and legal theories outlined in the report, and concounselling with lawyers, evidence developed by somewhere councispecialcounsel is not sufo establish that the president committed a obstruction of justice offense. kennedy: democrat say that hardly clears the democrat. what are they seeing that we're
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not. sydney powell is here. >> thank you. kennedy: let's talk about some of the issues, if they did rise to meet obstruction. is that so hard to prove. and mueller and his team just could not quite get there. or did he want to throw bone to democrats knowing that bill barr would break the tie in president's favor. >> this is typical andrew weisman tactics, i call it the weisman report, all the way through it. kennedy: he was money laundering expert. >> yes, he likes to make up crimes. he did that with respect to art arthur anderson and destroyed thousands of jobs that was reversed by the court later, same thing with merrill lynch. they went to pri prison for a yr on a made up crime.
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that is what this is. the obstruction allegations is conduct that not criminal, there is no valid obstruction charge there. if you read it carefully they talk about them being potentially relevant statutes, none apply to conduct alleged. >> there are critical key words through out the report. also this is robert mueller's job, he is not someone who just has to give his opinion on these things. it is either prosecutor decline. >> when he declined high exonerated him, so all this is just -- >> what is the destination in from way summary reads, it is not a full -- what is it? >> we declined to recommend charges that is a declinination and exoneration. >> this is 182 pains tha82 painl
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with obstruction aspect of the investigation, there are things that are problematic for president, asking attorney general to recuse himself. himself. >> unrescues. >> right. kennedy: that is nothing in the world but an innocent man trying to figure his way out of being a fish in a barrel with uzis shot at him by 20 people. kennedy: not just an innocent man this is president of united states. >> he is, but not a lawyer. >> defend the constitution. >> not a lawyer, he is a businessman, he is not a politician. kennedy: he is president of united states, not just a regular guy from queens, all having a tough time with a business deal this is the president, who is responsible are in all of this duties they are there in. >> you not an adam schiff or nancy pelosi something that grew up in political system that is used to back stabbing lying and conniving he just experienced and witnesses executed against him by the deep state, and the
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upper itcupupper echelon of ciae department, what we have witnessed is greatest unstress unprecedented -- >> kennedy: we will get to, that what should 2020 candidates take away from this the way that investigation was launched? >> this can never happen again. i agree with president on that. this must never happen again. we have on get to root of how this began. and i think we have too go back as far as the fisa court san diegdecision of 2017. and back in 2015 nelly ohr began working for -- >> i hope that inspector general
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is looking into some of those issues, and way that ohrs were working. >> and weisman. kennedy: mercy. it is -- trish >> a yarn you can pull out and all of a sudden naked, not wearing your sweater any more. >> creeps on a missioned. kennedy: right, a lot still there. >> yep. kennedy: sydney powell thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, 2020 democrat no long very mueller investigation to lean okay we know campaigning on socialism will not work, what should democrat candidate focus on now? i will explain in the memo next. six months, six pushups ready. up. up. down. down. ah ah! that's one. up. that's two. down. down. get down, get down.
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reactions as predictable as we could imagine. short-sighted rhetoric you are come to expect from democratic clown car. attack bill barr, never mind he is a been there bushy. he is perfect target for donkey ire, they express the same sentiment. it is a disgrace to see attorney general act as if he is personal attorney of president of united states, you mean like a wingman. -- we can't trust trump hand-picked ag to be prance tran person o--transperson mueller r,
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dummy, every attorney general is hand-picked. this be nation's top law enforcement officer not a spokesman for president. you get the idea. all the same thing kamala has a shot at presidency, her words on matter should be parsed more carefully, they might come back to haunt her even if her words of identical to every other void zombie in the race. his press conference was a stu stunt. at least she was a crafty baller, she sent a link in a petition that asked for your e-mail to hit you up for money later, i thought that was cliffer, bottom line from growing pond of catfish, they are mad, they didn't find
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anything substantive enough to justify impeachment. if all they have is broken record of collusion, and broken promises of socialism none of these stooges deserves the presidency. >> that is the memo. kennedy: unfortunately is looks like democrat the make russian collusion and obstruction of justice a big issue in next year's presidential election, but is that really a winning message for them. i would like to see from these people, if they really take their chances seriously of becoming president, let's talk about cyber security in this country, let's talk about how russia tried to influin2016 campaign in two different ways.
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and if they were president, what would they do about that. >> big news from report is not just there was no collusion but see how far the interference into our elections by russia went, and we're not even hearing about that, we have a problem with democratic nominees that are out there, some are serious who really want to win, and think they have a chance, they will given more of a generic, democratic platform, they should focus on healthcare employment but then have you younger ones ones say i am pushing socialistic narratives and talk about impeachment and collusion because they don't expect to win, and hope to get democratic party further to the left. have you competing forces. kennedy: i am still shocked all they have today and you know, they could have had better hot takes, at least something that differentiated most of them from the pack, all they have is attacking barr.
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>> just robotically repeat same talking point that last one said, such a crowded field, i am genuinely blown away by how stupid democrats are, you could -- if that i want to take to this russia issue st bow it woue more popular from their base, if they came from opposite perspective, said, hey, you know what don continu donald trump hs closer to war with russia. this is the truth. you know, hillary clinton, had big problem going up again bernie sanders and barack obama in democratic primaries, they were more antiwar than her, that is where the days is. but idea that you will push that russia thing. kennedy: that is a smarter angle. >> and better. kennedy: and pete buttigieg, the two, democrats who have served in armed forces have a much more
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informed foreign policy view. i would put gabbard and buttigieg in that category, they know look at what is happening in venezuela with russia and china, these are the big issues you have to tackle as president, not bringing us together sing kumbaya. >> no one is talking about ukraine any more, that is really unfortunate, i think that pete buttigieg said, mueller report essentially shows why we need to move on and have a change, find that great, leave it there. kennedy: still a vague statement. >> here is what i say, i would assume that nobody else on this panel received the dnc talking points except me, democrats are not stupid, they are stup stupir parroting talking points, we
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look like a bunch of zombies and robots who can't think for themselves. the thing we're glossing over is fact that russia did so much to infiltrate in 2016, democrats could lean on this issue, say we'll make substantial changes to make sure it does happen. kennedy: you have to look toward future, and ask, if there was so bad this happened, what is to keep it from happening again, i am talk with mike baker about that thank you so much, for being here, feeling right, a good night, not are in michael cohen boor past art bastard, he has was was prominent character in mueller report, he has all missing pieces they look like legos. right before the report releases z weunr country waits for muellr report, know this, it does not matter, how redacted it, michael cohen has 100 pages of what team
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mueller knows and can fill in bulk of redaction, nice try, good lord, cohen responded with -- tell it all. tell them myself. there were 865 redactions in report, cohen going to prison knocknext month there are for 3e have something to offer or just want to stay out of jail, joining me, now. cohen said he has missing pieces. he will just get himself further criminal referrals, i think. >> who cares. the guy has the credibility of o.j. simpson, right, she
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scummier than kid rock's hot tub. kennedy: oh. >> who cares what he has to say her his prove, go away, go back to that pry motor -- use that you came from get out. kennedy: if he has this information why not give to somewhere council or southern district of new york to sieve ts hide. >> he traded t tried to sell the president out. he sold him out for a better deal, he is going to prison for lying, bank fraud attack tax fraud, a parade of horribles. kennedy: i can't imagine what he has offer to at-this-point. feels that democrats would sour on any deals that he would try to put forward this thea point because you know, 1 yo once youe bargain basement, mark down, no
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one really wants to buy what he is selling. >> you know, kennedy, you are right, if you think about it all mr. cohen was about was a campaign finance related violation. which mueller barely touched. no one cares about historically those have been streeted with a slap on the wrist, that is it. that really what. now sexy because you talk about a playboy model and payoffs, but he was always a fringe actor media loved they adopted his their pet, now he has been disgraced. >> the whole thing is fascinating, i know democrats some will get to to read the unredacted report. chairs and ranking members of house and senate judiciary and en telintelligence committees ad house and senate leadership, they will go to secure rooms and read unredacted report, when they go in there, what do you
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think they will find? will to be earth shattering and live changing for democrats who still very much hope for impeachment smoking gun? >> kennedy, you know answer to, that, not, every time democrat get what they want, they move the goal post. now once they read untre redacted respect -- unredacted report say will say we need mueller to testify, then they say we need too talk to his investigators they just keep on going, admit it was a bust, a crap out. kennedy: they want to to talk on his manicurist, everyone tells their manicurist anything. >> i do. kennedy: coming up, north korea dissing our secretary of state, launching missiles again, are they biggest threat in the world or still elect hacking by the rieuruse key? i will ask ♪ limu emu & doug
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kennedy: well this is sad, i guess we're not going to pong pyongyang for spring break. north korea yesterday conducting a missile test. regime claims this was a new type of tactical guided weapon, kim jong-un oversaw the drill, expert say, he did it to show his people his military are still strong, like army viagra. mm-hmm. and nok neck said the north korl no longer negotiate with mike pompeo they want to talk to a more mature person. by the way, kremlin said kim jong-un will meet with vladimir putin later this month. a new sponsor, great. which challenge should president trump tackle first? joining me now. former cia officer, president of diligence llc.
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get your security needs met today the idaho way, mike baker. >> not just in idaho, just where the compound is, we do stuff all over. kennedy: i know, i see the flags when i head overseas. >> there you go, if kim wanted a divorce they would have launched a ballistic missile, shanahan did not say much other than confirm, that is important, also like wise important to understandi significant could they fired a short rage weapon, that is a indication they don't want to stop this process could they are desperate to get sanctions lifted. if they were going off reservation, like in the past, decades now. kennedy: they would, launching longer range missiles to sea of japan. >> right, this news about pompeo that sort of a systemlift --
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systemsimplistic concept on their part. kennedy: do you think that pompeo all smiles in front of camera, he sitting down he a real snake in the grass. >> pompeo, i have a great deal of respect for him, he has played this well as has this current administration, people will argue and say we didn't getting any out, that was a waste of time, what was a waste of time previous 40 plus years of same policy, we're at same position they are not launches a ballistic missile, they are sending a message, i think we'll continue this conversation it is you know if it was a different administration, then everything would say a great idea, keep talking. kennedy: so, when putin and kim sit down, and talk and in a few short weeks will they talk about ways to hack 2020 presidential election? >> north korea will not play
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much of a role in that. they do have that much expertise, whatever expertise they have comes from china. russia has helped in past with north korea weapon program, this is just you on computer -- how putin operates, any chance he, can create chaos like. mueller report is right, i think people need to understand context. what happened, if we go a little bit, we understand what some of the momentum was for the russians to use internet in 2011 there were massive protests against putin, what happened the protestors, used social media very effectively that was a turning point, lesson old school soviets, the old disinformation campaign of years gone by realize at that moment, that internet was important tool.
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so in 2012, essentially putin very pissed off about those protest he brought in a policy adviser and put him in charge of internet control in russia. >> they fired up digital sputnik and weary are, let's see if u.s. can counter back and beat ivan drago. >> thank you. kennedy: always good to talk to you. >> topical storm is -and we welcome back gary, who's already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 -- [ ding ] -frédéric chopin. -collapsing in 226 -- [ ding ] -the colossus of rhodes.
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>> "time" magazine spark controversy by naming kavanaugh and christine ford to most un3 influence shall people, michael avenatti did not make the case. he was the honed by doing time. >> we begin new jersey. someone has to. all right. i'll stop jersey jokes that can lead you down a real rabbit hole, this furry fellow riding through toms river new jersey, that is 8 landfills outside of new york, basket on back led some people to speculate that easter bunny made early
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deliveries. people believe, they are same people who still believe in russian collusion. biker badr a big hit on web, jersey police ticketed the man for driving without an ed hardy t-shirt, and his bon jovi sticker was expired. now he is wanted dead o or aliv♪ >> topic 2. philadelphia phillies are in first place for the first time in forever, but, when you tell their fans to alike you have been there before, they assume you talk about prison. this is -- oh, god. you never buy a phillie fan a fitbit. he wanted to get his steps in security could not stop him, they are not used to fans running on the field, they are normally too drunk to stand. but judge the phillie fans, you would be drunk too if your
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biggest sports hero was a fix fictitious boxer. he was doing a dance called take the l, from a video came called fortnite. amazing what my staff kinds to google when we cut their access to porn sites. >> topic three, makers of 4 low -- energy drinks. each can is 12 percentagecohol, you have a blood alcohol contend of 420. some of you are not familiar with -- 4 loco . if anyone you trust it should folks that spend all day
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consuming malt liquor and hemp. they brought in esteemed scientists from university of snoop dogg and professors from lil wayne institute. marijuana malt on sale now selling very fast in new jersey. >> i have 6 cans in my keister, that is what we call a trunk in jersey, that is my bhferl bottos a weird video but it is nice to see someone in a furry costume beside beto. >> a wise man said if you don't have anything nice to say tweet it, i believe he is the president, time for partially redacted edition of view are mail, -- vie viewer mail, it tao trish with psychos. ked goes first? you are all there? yeah, joseph.
12:56 am
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12:57 am
12:58 am
2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars. we wear our work ethic. we work until the work's done. and when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day we'll finally get something done. ( ♪ ) ♪ ♪
12:59 am
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ kennedy: thank you so much for watching the best hour of your day. you can follow me on twitter and instagram.
1:00 am
we put fand fbn . next week hate mail, i will see you on out numbered couch you on out numbered couch tomorrow (announcer) you work hard to give your children something to build on. i was always trying to think "how am i gonna get her through college?" i wanna have a mechanism in place to make sure that my daughters are well taken care of. i hope to leave my children with something to help them get set up. (announcer) don't let it get eaten away by unexpected fees and legal expenses. my husband did not have a will and everything went away. when my father passed away, he did not have a will or a trust. we're not as prepared as i had hoped we would be. (announcer) every year, tens of thousands of people lose what's rightfully theirs


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