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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  April 19, 2019 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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obstruction right away. it was about getting the truth was a bucket in the president. robert mueller knew that when he was appointed. cheryl: here are your market movers at 5:00 a.m. president trump taking a victory lap after attorney general barr says the mueller report reveals no collusion, no obstruction. democrats are not satisfied. they're calling for subpoenas, congressional testimony, resignations, even impeachment. we have the latest on the war in washington. well, after two blockbuster ipos took over wall street, uber getting a billion dollar lift. what all of this means for its highly anticipate it ipo this spring. another day, another privacy scandal, facebook revealing instagram's latest data breach was bigger than they thought. now the feds have their sights
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set on mark zuckerberg. a new game of thrones character is trying to bring peace. he's not fighting for the throne, just a little respect. it's friday, april 19th. "fbn: a.m." is open for business and we start right now. lauren: markets are closed today for good friday. but fox business is open so let's take a look at how yesterday's close wrapped up on wall street. the dow jones industrial average gaining 110 points, closing at the high for 2019, now markets in europe are also closed but in asia, japan, china, and south korea are opened. this is how they closed out the final session of the week. the shanghai composite in china gained 0.6% on friday, the nikkei in japan up half of 1%. cheryl: we are here. there's a lot of news to cover
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while the other guys are asleep, fox business, here for you. lauren: open for business. good morning. i'm lauren simonetti. cheryl: good morning, everybody. i'm cheryl casone. well, there was a lot of news going on and we're going to he get right to it. president trump counting a win over the release of the mueller report yesterday. he calls it a total victory. the release raised some new questions. lauren: democrats are pouncing on those. blake berman is at the white house with the latest. >> reporter: for months, president trump has been saying there was no collusion, no obstruction. thursday, as the mueller report was released, the president continued with that slogan. >> i'm having a good day too. it was called no collusion, no obstruction. this should never happen to another president again. this hoax. this should never happen to another president again. >> reporter: the president's legal team is calling the mueller report a total victory. there are many questions being brought to light within it. among them, on june 17th,
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2017, the president called the white house counsel, don mcgahn, and directed him to call rod rosenstein and say robert mueller had conflicts of interest and must be removed. mcgahn didn't carry that out, deciding he would rather resign. the mueller report says when those instructions were reported in the media in 2018, the president wanted mcgahn to lie about it. the white house says focusing on instances of the president trying to stop the special sound counsel is cherry-picking. >> if he wanted to get rid of mueller, he could just fire him, the way he fire comey, he has a right to do that. the report made clear that there's no evidence that he fired jim comey, to try to impede the investigation. >> reporter: both the white house and the trump campaign say the mueller report highlights the need to now investigate the investigators. back to you in new york. lauren: in that sense, it is just the beginning. thank you, blake berman.
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the trump administration is celebrating a victory. the same democrats who demanded the release of the report and got one minimally redacted, they're still not satisfied. cheryl: hillary vaughn has the details on this side of the story. >> reporter: good morning, lauren around cheryl. the arrival of mueller's report to capitol hill is closing a chapter for republicans but for democrats it's turning a new page. several congressional lawmakers saying they plan to continue with their own investigations in response to this report. house judiciary committee chairman jerry nadler saying he believes the mueller report was not a conclusion, but a road map for congress to follow, and they will. >> the responsibility falls to congress to hold the president accountable for his actions. congress must get the full, unredacted report along with the underlying evidence uncovered by special counsel l sel mueller. congress requires this material. >> reporter: some republican lawmakers are firing back at democrats. congressman mark meadows calling them desperate, saying it's time for them to admit that it's over and it's time to move on.
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>> bob mueller, special prosecutor, who gets paid to prosecute people and indict people, did not indict the president and could not go forward on prosecution. >> how could it not be thorough? you had 19 lawyers and two years, millions of dollars. most of the lawyers were democrats, out to get the president. how could it not be thorough and what were their conclusions? no collusion. >> reporter: both the house intelligence and judiciary committees are penciling in robert mueller on their witness list for his own hearing and are putting bill barr on the hot seat. chuck schumer and house speaker nancy pelosi say barr's summary misled congress and they want to see the full, unsensorred report for themselves. eric slaywelwell says barr is ut to serve and should resign.
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cheryl: hillary, thank you very much. how important are the charges of obstruction being leveled by the democrats, this war in washington? let's bring in former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney, vinu vargaze. we have to go back to the mueller report. the central finding here of the report in general, no evidence that there was a coordinated or conspired effort to work with the russians by the president of the united states. still, democrats aren't letting this go. why? >> well it's very simple. the act, the report does not exonerate president trump. you've laid out -- robert mueller laid out painstaking detail, multiple instances where donald trump intended or obstructed the investigation into whether there was russian meddling into the election. cheryl: what part specifically
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in the report? >> he tried to get don mcgahn to get him to fire sessions. there were at least 10 direct instances where mueller laid out obstruction cases. now, in the end, he felt that he could not bring this case because of doj guidelines that prohibit the indictment of a sitting president. what he said, though, is that it's up to congress to do its job to put in check, and he said the president is not above the law. so when you think about what's going on, when you say -- when you open by saying there's no collusion, first of all, again, that's not a legal term. it's never been. cheryl: but that's a direct quote from the mueller report that i wanted to give you. >> he said there's to collusion. hthey said it directly that thee is no conspiracy. that's a different thing. collusion doesn't exist under the criminal law. conspiracy does. cheryl: even that meeting that
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was well-documented in the press press, take tha that meeting ben donald trump junior and paul manafort with the russian agent, even that report, they're not going after donald trump junior on that one. there's a lot of instances where they say this happened, but did they actually conspire, was it criminal intent and mueller said no. i want to read you one i think very important quote from here, this report. this is a direct quote. we were not persuaded -- this is what you're bringing up here -- we were not persuaded by the argument that the president immunity to engage in acts that would obstruct justs is the through otherwise valid article 2 powers. if mueller would have said, look, this president absolutely was committing a crime, they would have had no problem stating that in the report, but they did not. >> first of all, that's mixing two different things. you're mixing the russia element
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with the obstruction. what it lays out very clearly is that if we could have exonerated him, we would have. and understand his role as robert mueller's role was to present a report to congress, first through the attorney general and then from congress. when you come back here -- this is important to understand. when william barr gives his summary, saying the prosecutor y'all decision not to prosecute was not based -- wasn't influenced by sitting hole sigh, that'policy,that's not true. it says in the report that he was constrained by it and it's up to congress to do what congress is going to do and it lace out thlays out the fact ths going to haunt trump when he leaves. if he's not reelected, he could face charges. cheryl: but not for now. that's a key finding of the mueller report and president trump, saying this is a victory for him. >> i wouldn't go that far. cheryl: i know you disa agree e
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with that. thanks for getting up early. lauren: zoom zooming on to the street making a big splash in its market day. cheryl:debut.cheryl: that was t yesterday. >> reporter: thzoom, the second best debut. its valuation went above that of lyft. lyft is important because it lifted here on the nasdaq as well, given its poor performance since day one. there's been a lot of concern about whether or not there's still investor appetite for a lot of these tech unicorns. zoom and pinterest prove there is, at least for the first day of you trade. zoom is actually profitable which is unusual in a tech
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unicorn space. they raised their price target twice and settled on $36 apiece which values the company at $9 billion. but with the stock surge, that valuation goes up closer to $20 billion for this company and it also newly minteds th minted. he's an immigrant from china. his visa was eight times denied. when he made it here, looks like he founded zoom and he's become a success, one of the you few immigrant billionaires, tech billionaires and he joins the likes of google and tesla. from the nasdaq, back to you, cheryl and lauren in studio. lauren: thank you. uber is getting a big financial shot in the arm. toyota, soft bank and denso investing a total of $1 billion into uber's self-driving car unit. the deal values uber at $7.2 billion. the infusion comes weeks before
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uber's much awaited ipo, expected to value the company t $100 billion. cheryl: more problems for boeing. the u.s. and canada not seeing eye to eye when it comes to pilot training for the 737 max jet. canada's government signaling they want additional simulator training, a move the faa is not backing for now. the training issue could create long her delays for resuming 737 max operations. plane's been grounded worldwide following two deadly accidents in indonesia and ethiopia. lauren: let's get to other headlines making news this morning. former sears ceo is under fire, eddie lampert is being sued by what's left of sears holdings alleging he stripped assets away from the company during the bankruptcy. the lawsuit, including treasury secretary steven mnuchin as a defendant, who was a part of the sears board prior to becoming treasury secretary. nationational enquirer going for $100 million.
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the tabloid being sold to james cowen. cowen and nationale national ind business dealings over the years. there will be six new sound stages in brooklyn by the year 2024. new york of course still trying to recover its business-friendly image after amazon pulled out back in february. cheryl: we've got a lot more coming up. as the u.s. and china are on the brink of a possible trade deal, is another one, folks, falling apart? the debate over so-called nafta 2.0. alexa, sing to me, lauren. lauren: i wish i could. cheryl: how amazon is trying to -- alexa a is going to sing for us. that's coming up on "fbn: a.m." ♪ you can hear me on the radio. ♪ you want to turn me on. ♪ turn on your stereo.
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♪ you can sing along. ♪ while they're playing my song. ♪ how you done me wrong. i need it to guide this analyst to customize flood coverage for this house. so that this team, can inform this couple, that their payment will arrive faster than this guy. hey. ♪ ♪ so whether i'm processing claims due to this fine gentleman... (car engine starting) or suggesting premiums for this young lady... ai can help change everything at this company. expect more from ai. ibm watson. rather than worry about how to pay for long-term care. brighthouse smartcare℠ is a hybrid life insurance and long-term care product. it protects your family while providing long-term care coverage, should you need it. so you can explore all the amazing things ahead. talk to your advisor about brighthouse smartcare.
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brighthouse financial. build for what's ahead℠ 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars. we wear our work ethic. we work until the work's done. and when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day we'll finally get something done. ( ♪ )
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lauren: president trump is getting ready for a trip japan at the end of may to try get a trade deal done and to discuss north korea's nuclear ambitions with the japanese prime minister. riley walters is a policy analyst for asia economy and technology at the heritage foundation. he joins us now. happy friday, riley. >> happy friday. lauren: before that, abe will
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visit president trump in washington next week. what can we expect as the u.s. trade deficit with japan tops $67 billion for 2018. how do we whittle that down? >> well, yeah, the trade deficit has been a focal point for the trump administration. i think most economists would agree a that the trade deficit isn't really that big of an issue. for the ongoing trade negotiations with japan, certainly it will be covered between the two, the two leaders meeting. but honestly, i don't think there will be significant movement on the trade negotiations until the trump administration makes a decision on possibly applying 232 tariffs on auto parts. the president has to make a decision on this next month, right before his potential visit to japan. lauren: do you think he does that? >> whether he makes the a announcement or not, i don't know. we'll see. it will be contentious, not just for u.s.-japan negotiations but for u.s.-e.u. and everything going forwar forward.
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lauren: a new report finds the usmca is going to add $68 billion to the u.s. economy and create 176,000 jobs over six years. is that good? that's basically the number of jobs the u.s. produces in a month. >> right. right. certainly it's marginal. it's pretty small. certainly analysts in washington this weekend will be combing through the details and economists will be arguing whether they use the right economic models in their assumptions. but the imf did a similar analysis last month and they found that the gains to u.s. gdp were actually zero, almost near zero from this new deal. mostly because of the creation of uncertainty from the past two years of trade negotiations and of course the restrictions on things like rules of orall origr auto investments.
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lauren: where are we in trade negotiations with china? do you think it's likely that there's a signing summit as early as memorial day and that this issue is wrapped up and tied with a bow so trump can declare a victory as we approach 2020? >> one thing we learned over the last year of negotiations is that deadlines are essentially arbitrary at this point. we're expecting announcements over the next few weeks. there's going to be few more meetings, both in beijing and washington. potentially we could have an announcement of some sort in early may. when an actual deal or summit could take place, we don't know. it could be before the trip to japan, it could be after. some people even think it might be held at the g-20. i don't think it will happen then but it's a possible. lauren: but we need china and we need japan as we battle north korea and as you know, earlier this week, north korea sent a message to the united states when they fired that tactile guided missile. riley walters have a beautiful
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holiday weekend. we appreciate you. >> thank you. cheryl: well, coming up, americans think the economy is booming and it's going to last. but will policies from the left derail the good times? and lauren, this is going to be hard for me to discuss. lauren: what. cheryl: millions of dollars of wine has gone down the drain. yep, you're watching "fbn: a.m." lauren: was it red wine? my favorite. guys, it's that time... and nothin's happenin'.
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♪ i'll keep you my dirty little secret. ♪ dirty little secret.
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♪ one night you'll be just another regret. cheryl: while all eyes were on the release of the mueller report, facebook came out and said its privacy problem was worse than we thought. lauren: tracee carrasco, how bad is this privacy problem at facebook. tracee: maybe facebook was hoping no one would notice their announcement that they put out yesterday. they said that instagram passwords of millions of users were made public on a readable server, not just to anyone, but to people at instagram, at facebook, at the company. initially they said it was tens of thousands back when they reported the issue on march 21st. they said this was all discovered during a routine security review, that they found they were put on this readable server to emplo employees of fa. they found none of the passwords were compromised, none of them were put out anywhere, but still, another issue for the
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company. another mismanagement of our personal information, which leads me to the next report, a federal regulator's report looking into holding mark zuckerberg personally accountable for mismanaging users' information, according to a report in the washington post. they're looking at ways, what they can. cheryl: ouch. ouch for him. lauren: at what point do you say we need big change, big change at the top. let's go to another big company, amazon, they have new plans for alexa. tracee: amazon announced an ad-free streaming music service for its alexa devices for people who don't have prime. when you've got the prime service, you already get that streaming music. this is for people, they're hoping maybe they will buy more speakers, maybe they'll become a prime member by doing so. this will compete with spotify, with pandora, their free service as well. on the same day, google
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announced something similar for google home devices. it has ads for the streaming for youtube. cheryl: i'm assuming the free service has ads so it's kind of like pandora. tracee: absolutely. kind of the basic service. lauren: music to my ears. cheryl: nobody had to sing on set today. thank god for all of you a at home. coming up next, democrats get to read the mueller report for themselves but they're demanding they want more. what this means for the 2020 race for the white house. one airline is under fire for its staff dress code. why some are saying the year 1950 wants its rule book back. should we go back to calling you stewardess? we'll discuss. you're watching "fbn: a.m." ♪ jive talking. ♪
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cheryl: let's get you caught up on global market action. u.s. markets are closed for good friday. box businesfox business is openr business. the other guys are asleep. yesterday's close, dow closed higher by 110, s&p up 4 and-a-half, nasdaq up nearly 2. also, markets in europe we should say that right now those are closed. you do have asian markets, though. asia, japan, china, south korea, were open. the hang seng closed, but nose are all green arrows to show you on this friday. everything will be back open on monday. lauren: the trump administration is claiming victory following the release of the mueller report. but democrats are now calling on the special counsel to testify. cheryl: we've got asia hasney with details. >> reporter: it's a brand-new day, brand-new battle for democrats, courtesy of the mueller report.
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>> the attorney general did a grave disservice to the country by misrepresenting significant parts of the mueller report. >> i have formally requested that the special counsel mueller testify before the house judiciary commit. >committee.>> he is seeking to d trump. he just resign. >> reporter: first up, calls for special counsel robert mueller to testify before congress. congressman jerry nadler has unanswered questions about the report and he wants to see mueller no later than may 23r may 23rd. then there's a call for a.g. barr to resign. eric slawell claimed that president trump hired barr to bury the facts and that barr really should have recused himself from all oversight of the mueller investigation. >> whether he mischaracterized the mueller report, he is seeking to help donald trump. he should resign. we need an attorney general who has credibility with the american people. >> reporter: finally, the mueller report reigniting calls to impeach the president.
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democrats like alexandria ocasio-cortez vowing to sign an impeachment resolution very soon. ocasio-cortez tweeting this, many know i a take no pleasure in discussions of impeachment but the report squarely puts this on our doorstep. but some democrats think that's a big waste of time. house majority leader hoyer is trying to get dems to fix their focus to the election, just 18 months away now, saying that is when the american people will make a judgment about the president. cheryl, lauren. lauren: asia, thank you very much. we'll pick it up from there. the redacted version of the mueller report is coming as more than three quarters of voters say they're already interested in the 2020 presidential election. 18 months ayou way. a new fox news poll finds 52% are extremely interested. let's bring in white house reporter gabby orr to discuss. can you tie together for us the mueller report, interest in the
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election, and does it change the dynamics of 2020? >> i think if you look at how voters reacted to the report summary being submitted to congress just a few weeks ago and you sort of tracked public opinion polling in response to the mueller investigation over the course of the last 24 months, it really doesn't seem like it's going to change much. people's opinions are pretty baked in about president trump. of course, there's still some voters who heading into 2020 may feel as though they weren't willing to support him over the course of this investigation, but maybe the outcome has led them to feel as though they can now. of course, there's some who might have read this report yesterday and feel differently. i do think that heading into 2020, the focus is really going to be on the economy, on how the trump administration has fulfilled many of the promises that he made on the campaign trail in 2016, and on the democrats is side it's going to
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be focused on what they've done with their house majority and whether it's been specifically used just to advance all of these investigations against president trump. lauren: the number two democrat in the house, extend an stney hd i'm peevement won't be worthwhile for the democrats. that brings me to my next question, gabby. when you have moderate democrats or democrats in swing states, they're up for re-election. they want to talk about the issues as you mentioned, the debt ceiling debate, the border wall and immigration, but they can't when the far left, particularly of their party, wants to talk about mueller, mueller, mueller, and impeach, impeach, impeach. >> i think that's one of the reasons why the word impeachment was abstrength a lot of the -- absent from a lot of the 2020 democrats' statements and tweets they put out yesterday. a lot of them are calling for mule her to testify before the -- mueller to testify before the
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senate, they're saying attorney general bill barr appear to be more left leaning. none of them said this indicates that president trump needs to be impeached. this shows that a lot of those democrats, those that will be up for re-election in some of those moderate districts, they'll have to walk the fine line and resist efforts from the more liberal wing of their party to further the investigations and even begin impeachment proceedings against the president. lauren: bernie sanders one of the frontrunners for 2020 says this. quote, it is clear that donald trump wanted nothing more than to shut down the mueller investigation. well we have more detail from today's report than before, congress must continue the investigation into trump's conduct and many are calling that mueller testify and do so by the end of may. do you think the special counsel testifies? >> you know, i think that he is likely to be called if.
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if he doesn't come, he'll be subpoenaed i'm sure. they already brought bill barr to testify before congress. he's scheduled to appear on the hill again in may. i think they'll push this as hard as they can. we should be curious to see what happens with that. lauren: we'll see if it's a winning hand for them. gabby, thank you. have a great weekend. >> you too. cheryl: as we get towards the election in 2020, look, this is a critical issue for president trump and a key concern for americans. ism not talking about mueller. talking about what we found in a recent fox news poll. the economy is the second most important issue that is facing the country right now. our next guest says the economy is on extremely strong footing. is that good for the president president? p.w.c. partner mitch rochell is here. if the economy is the number two issue, immigration actually now number one, in this new polling data that we're seeing, that tells me folks are pretty
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-- somewhat happy with how the economy is going right now. >> good morning, cheryl. i think there's a correlation between what we talked about in the news cycle and what becomes important to voters. immigration has been getting a ton of air time on this network, we obviously talk about the economy a lot. if you look across the media, immigration is a bi bigger issu. the economy is on very, very strong footing. you don't have to look very far in this week alone, the data was very, very strong. cheryl: we should say, mitch, we're talking about the 2020 election. there's breaking news right now. the atlantic is reporting this morning that joe biden is officially running for president, maybe the expectation was out there but, again, the at lain particular is reporting this -- atlantic is reporting this morning, want to get the news out to our viewers that joe biden is officially going to run. obviously, the democrats, let's talk about that, it's already a crowded field, but their big message has been on healthcare. i'm wondering based on the new fox polling if that's the right message they want to focus on
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and if that's going to get them anywhere when it really is -- you mentioned that immigration is most important to the american voter. >> attend of the day, healthcare is an important issue across all voters. if you're in the affordable care act or you have one provider to pick from, i think it's a huge issue. close to campaigning time or close to voting time, that's when the annual increases show up again. i think as we hit 2020, that's going to continue to be a huge issue. right now, it's immigration. but i think healthcare is going to be a huge issue. cheryl: it's interesting too, if you look at another poll, i found it interesting, about those that favor policy proposals, medicare for all i think that's something that we talked about a lot, the expense of that, but then they talk about who do the party's policy mostly benefit, the democratic or republican, everyday americans, those that are democrat, they say everyday
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americans, 40% of the democratic party, they're benefited by that. what do you make of the poll? >> i think it's hard. i think there's a messaging challenge around a lot of these proposals, their cost, not just to the government but the actual cost to the taxpayers and the lost benefits that you get and i think as we get closer to the election and we know what some of the proposals are and we have a candidate, i think you start picking about som apart some thl like medicare for all, people will see it for what it. cheryl: the support for medicare for all and free college, 57% say offering free college, there's support for that out there. that worries me. how in the heck are we going to pay for that? especially when we see such a demographic shift in the country. >> right now, with two in college, i know exactly how i am paying for it. millennials and the generation
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behind them, generation z, will make up an enormous portion of the electorate. it's keen to focus on education cost because they're saddled with $1.5 trillion in debt. i wouldn't be surprised if that's not a big election issue as well in 2020. cheryl: there's going to be so much to banter about. we've got a long time to do it, 18 months. thank you so much. >> have a good weekend. lauren: close call at saint patrick's, more information on the man who allegedly brought gas cans and lighter fluid into the cathedral on wednesday. he has been charged with attempted arson and reckless endangerment. he was a college professor who taught philosophy in new york and new jersey. he was also arrested on monday at another cathedral when he refused to leave after a late mass. controversy over the jussie smollett case continues. two executives inside the cook county state attorney's office
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have submitted resignations. april perry, the ethics officer of kim fox, she was cited as the person who advised fox to recuse herself from the case. mark rodert, the director of the office's conviction integrity you'd submitted her resignation. serena williams is in a company that is investing in women and young entrepreneur. millions of dollars of wine going up in flames. a fire broke out in a wine storage center in france. it destroyed wine worth $13 million. the employees were evacuated from the building, and fortunately there were no injuries, except for the injury to the wine. cheryl: the injury to my heart. lets' stay in france.
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still ahead, french investigators are still trying to figure out what started the notre dame cathedral fire over the weekend. are they any closer to answers this morning? we're going to be live in paris for you. and if you are traveling this holiday weekend, you may hit some speed bumps, courtesy of the weather. janice dean is coming up. what you need to know before you hit the road or the skies. keep it here on "fbn: a.m." ♪ i want to know. ♪ have you ever seen the rain. ♪ i want to know. ♪ have you ever -- i need it to t i need it to t to customize flood coverage for this house. so that this team, can inform this couple, that their payment will arrive faster than this guy. hey. ♪ ♪ so whether i'm processing claims due to this fine gentleman... (car engine starting) or suggesting premiums for this young lady...
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cheryl: well, thousands of flights delayed or canceled across the country ahead of the easter weekend because of severe weather. lauren: janice dean is live in the fox weather center with the easter weekend forecast. good morning, janice. janice: unfortunately, several days of severe weather including last night, there is the last 48 hours, many reports of tornadoes started across the southern and central plains, mississippi river valley, now moving across portions of florida, up towards the mid-atlantic, a tornado watch in effect for parts of the florida panhandle, parts ofa alabama and georgia. we had a tornado warning earlier for north of the juro georgia a. make sure you know what to do if
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there's a watch or warning in your area and keep your weather radio on. it's rare to see a moderate risk across portions of the mid-atlantic for severe weather but that's indeed what is happening today. so just be prepared. we're going to have another day of volatile weather and then that's going to continue unfortunately in through the overnight. so people need to be on alert. really for the next 24 to 36 hours. as this front moves through, this is saturday, mainly offshore but we're going to get a lot of rainfall with this as well as we head into today and tomorrow, a better forecast as we head into the easter weekend. so there's your forecast today. quite nice across the central u.s. there's that front that's going to move through and bring the potential for some severe storms. west coast actually looks good as well and here's your easter forecast. looking good for much of the country. we will see the potential for scattered storms along with this cold front for the northern plains and the upper midwest. but looking good for much of the country and there's our little easter bunny. cheryl: thank you for the
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easter bunny. we need a little -- i like the. janice: thank you. thank you. cheryl: easter cheer. janice: i'm trying. happy friday, good friday. cheryl: happy easter. we'll see you next week. lauren: coming up, we're searching for answers, french investigators are trying to figure out what led to the notre dame cay te cathedral fire. there's a new controversy over donations that have been pouring in. we're going live to paris for the very latest. and outrage over an airline's dress code, why some are saying this carrier is still stuck in the mad men era. you're watching "fbn: a.m.." ♪ walk this way. ♪ walk this way. ♪ just give me a kiss. ♪ termites, feasting on homes 24/7.
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we're on the move. roger. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home.
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cheryl: well, investigations continue in paris after the massive fire at notre dame cathedral. officials there say an electrical short circuit is most likely the cause behind the fire. lauren: let's go to greg palkott in paris with the latest. good morning, greg. >> reporter: good morning, lauren, cheryl. it's kind of a quiet good friday morning here in paris, but of course the drama continues about the notre dame cathedral. i'm going to ask my cameraman to zoom beyond me and show you a little of what is happening right now there. i think because the sun is hitting it right, you can see a wooden structure, basically propping up the facade on the right side, making sure that that does not come down. remember, the fire basically took out the entire roofing and that helped to reinforce all sides of the church. in fact, just yesterday we saw them putting up necking on one
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side to make sure no stonework fell. there is something like six different places that it's feared there's vulnerability and instability in the structure, even though it in fact has survivesur.onsurvived. firefighters were honored by french president macron and the mayor of paris for saving the building as we're seeing it today but also saving the very priceless artifacts which were inside. the investigation continues into what caused the fire. you noted basicall basically the zeroing in on maybe an electrical circuit involved in the renovation and the structure of the scaffolding, something going there. also, a computer glitch that did not allow a fire truck to get to the scene for half an hour. so for half an hour, this thing
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was going, the blaze was out of control. restoration? yes. a billion dollars donated. but you mentioned as well, it's not france unless there's a controversy, a billion for restoration is good for the church. some activists are saying that money could also help the poor people. and one final note, remember those yellow vest protesters that were causing so much problem over the past many saturdays? well, they're not taking a break. they're going to be out on saturday as well, the day before easter. back to you. lauren: greg, i've got to say, despite the controversy, your shot is just beautiful to look at on this good friday. thank you very much. cheryl: we've got a lot more coming up. there is a new player in the game of thrones. but he's not fighting for the crown. he just wants some respect. and some friends. details next on "fbn: a.m.." ♪ thank you for being a friend.
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♪ thank you for being a friend. ♪ . .
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cheryl: tracee carrasco has more on that story. tracee: flight attendants, they
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must carry a doctor's note if they want to get out of wearing high heels, updated every 6 months if they want to wear flat shoes. every 6 months, yes. they say that hay really only have to wear high heels when they are greeting customers and passengers are getting off the plane but once in the sky they can switch over to flat shoes but a lot of people still think they should be able the wear flat it is entire time if they like it. lauren: mandate it to be. tracee: it can't be flat, that's for sure. cheryl: you know how i feel about that. game of thrones has a new visitor. tracee: yes, about respect. >> if you stop faking and we are together, we can be stronger.
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i'm willing to learn. >> i can try. tracee: we could all learn something from memo and sesame street. psa from hbo promoting the importance of listening, learn, who better to do that than elmo. moderating an argument as they disagree. this is something that they've also got a spot with cookie monster. he is also doing the same thing, teaching about respect for the show west world also on hbo. sesame street plays on hbo, nice
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collaboration. probably child-friendly scene ever. lauren: mornings with maria starts right now. good morning, dagen. dagen: good morning, ladies, good morning, everybody, i'm dagen mcdowell in maria bartiromo, no collusion, the mueller report finally release, president trump claiming vindication and democrats are trying to figure out what to do next as some are dowel lg down on calls for impeachment. after easter plan announcement date. very bad news, facebook revealing password brief
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disclosed before mueller report came out. major change coming to mcdonalds. find out what's appearing on the menu. mornings with maria starts right now. ♪ ♪ dagen: our top story this hour and all morning long, no collusion. attorney general william barr releasing redacted mueller report yesterday lightly redacted finding no evidence of conspiracy between the trump campaign and russia during the 2016 election. president trump speaking out after the release.


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