tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 24, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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lou: good evening everybody. for more than two years the radical dems, the deep state, the republican establishment at least much of it, have conspired to overthrow president trump. and throughout the president has stood strong against the unrelenting attacks and those of the complicit left-wing national media. those unrelenting attacks against an already historic president.whose return the nation and americans to prosperity. and all americans. record low unemployment rates that include hispanics and blacks. middle class that is once again growing.
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wages rising. a president who has cut regulations at unprecedented rates, cut taxes and who seeks to cut trade deficits and balance u.s. trade around the globe. and his leadership and policies have spurred wall street markets to all-time record highs. all of this in just over two years. that is history. our guest tonight include the chair of the presidents council of economic advisors, kevin hassett. the wall street journal james freeman. they are with us, among other reasons to answer one question that must surely disturb the radical dems and 2020 hopefuls. has any incumbent president ever failed to win reelection with a record of achievement even close to that of president trump? we will take up those viewpoints and possibilities. the national emergency on the southern border as well on the agenda tonight. mexican police touting their
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efforts to round up hundreds of people in a caravan and todepor them back to central america. the public relations effort seems more energetic than the enforcement efforts. for my acting i.c.e. director tom homan remains skeptical of mexico's newfound will to enforce the laws against illegal immigration. >> i think it's a good thing that they are stepping up because i've been saying the criminal cartels operating with impunity in mexico. i will hold my final judgment to lessee number one there is a sustained operation that will continue and number two, what are the results of the operations? lou: today oral argument that the supreme court over whether the federal government can ask about citizenship in the 2020 census. jim jordan says it's
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unnecessary. transfer the very integrity of our electoral system. >> you can go talk to anyone across this country, everyone would say ask the question. the only people opposing are democrats in washington d.c.. lou: and republican strategist, amy tarkanian, ed rollins, pulitzer prize-winning columnist, michael goodwin among our guests here tonight. our top story, the trump economy booming the stock market soaring. president trump began the day on twitter slamming the national left-wing media for ignoring his economic achievements. the president tweeted this. in the old days, if you are president and had a good economy, you are basically immune from criticism. remember it is the economy, stupid? today i have as president, perhaps the greatest economy in history.and to the mainstream media, it means nothing.
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but it will. today on cue, wall street responded with record highs. the nasdaq closing at a record 8120.82 the s&p 500 also reaching a new all-time record high of 2933.68. the dow tonight only 200 points from its all-time high. the trump economy continues to roar with no signs of slowing. the stock market soaring, the trump administration is looking to push a new trade deal with canada and mexico. focusing on trade negotiations with the european union preparing for a high-level meeting at the end of the week with the japanese prime minister, edward lawrence in washington tonight, he has the latest force and -- quicksort has a sort of publicity push to put get the u.s. -- the new nafta to ratify. laura kudlow calling the u.s.
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-- calling this the biggest deal ever. chris owed to think of it as the economy, new economy and both improve. the old economy side, we better content laws for manufacturing, automobiles. we broke through on the dairy farm issues for the farmers, with the laws by the way, the wage numbers are stronger. >> the hard part might be convincing congress to ratify the administration needs to dozen democrats in the house if they get all the republicans to get the usmca through. give her some republican senators saying they might not vote for ratification of the steel and aluminum tariffs on mexico are removed. the u.s. trade represented office right now is working on agreements with canada and mexico to get rid of tariffs. a sticking point at the moment canada is that they do not want a court imposed videos uses quarters to make sure countries do not funnel steel and
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aluminum through canada to bypass the tariffs. what the domestic push for ratification, u.s. also trying to finish a trade deal with japan. on friday the japanese prime minister will be at the white house for a state visit. u.s. trade representative negotiating a immediately to lower agriculture tears were working on a larger trader. kudlow eluding to news. >> japan and the eu, you'll hear more about this this week. the prime minister, a great friend and ally will be here. >> had to stop. the degree of unfair, nonreciprocal trading, gotta stop. >> talks with the european union has told because it will not negotiate over agriculture. u.s. would not take a day without everything included. lou: very quickly, turning to these issues with the usmca seeking the approval of congress, is it really even conceivable that the democrats
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would want to go into the 2020 election with a growing economy, thanks to this president and his administration and to screw up the new trade deal that the president has put on the table? >> well, the u.s. trade representative says it would be a disaster if it happened. economically, although house speaker nancy pelosi has even said that she looked at the labor in this and she says it is not strong enough. she looked at protections for the environment and says is not strong enough. mexico says beaverton negotiated where changing labor practices and it is written in the deal there, they basically said this is the deal we will sign. we are not going to change it so it will be an uphill battle in congress. at the end of the day they might pass it but there is some pushback not from democrats. lou: that is sort of expected,
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political hackney nonsense that you would expect. by the way, whether either party at this case wanting to add something or take something away from the perfect deal. we do not know it's perfect but the fact of the matter is we don't know what will be the impact on those deficits. to what degree, will the usmca have a balance relationship between mexico and the united states. the mexican government made it clear they love the deal. >> exactly. every study shows it will be a growth. where the growth is, remains to be seen but the u.s. international trade commission just came out with their report. they said 176,000 jobs will be created. $68 billion added to the economy with this. they are usually fairly conservative with their estimates. anyway you look at it, is going to grow the economy. it just has to be ratified. lou: edward lawrence from washington. thank you. >> thank you. lou: genocide the president's point man on the economy, kevin
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the chair of advisors which is just released their annual report. thank you for being with the site. we looking at $9 trillion added to the stock market since the president was elected. $9 trillion. and we are watching democrats in congress passing resolutions debating nonsense and trying to harass the president anyway they can. this is an extra in our economy. he is already an historic president based on his economic achievements alone.>> wright, all-time highs, unemployment all-time lows, every state in the country has hit an all-time low for unemployment. wages are growing fast, especially for people at the bottom. 6 and a half at the bottom 10 percent wage distribution.
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everywhere you look the policies are actually delivering for the american people. and so i think that there is a lot more work to do. when i look at the numbers i agree with the president when he says this is one of the best economies they'd ever seen. the only thing that comes close in my mind is during the .com boom in the 90s we had a number of years where things started to look this good. lou: you can mention the word, president clinton was in office. chris of course, i am not making a political point i'm making a data point. lou: i am making a political point. [laughter] crack scottrade. i was going to say the president is great, the thing i like best about working with him is he is totally not satisfied. we were meeting with him today and yesterday and he was just basically, what do we do to go up from here? i mean this is great but let's go from here what else can we do? i mean he absolutely is pursuing with an enormous amount of energy, to make this the best economy ever. lou: he is a nation to lead and to move toward his vision of our future.
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and indeed, the nations vision. which is becoming brighter it seems with every passing day. i have to make another political point because as we sit here, people don't realize, it hasn't been two and half years since the president took office. let's hear what a nobel prize-winning economist, you have got one of those but paul does. this will show you just how screwed up the nobel folks are. as he said after the president's election, now comes the mother of all adverse effects and what it brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy. and hostile to any effort to make it work. we are very probably looking at a global recession with no end in sight. have you ever gotten an apology by the way from the nobel -- >> no!
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and as i mentioned quite a bit in this column not very favorably, i want to express an opinion about him as a person. i can't say his early work that he got the nobel prize for was in top journals and it was worthy of our praise but now he's become independent and kind of an angry one that says things that are not necessarily based on the size that he used to push so aggressively. lou: you are one of the nicest guys kevin. he is a jerk! he is an absolute jerk! >> sir, the point is that there was no analysis to support the idea that we were about to have a permanent recession after the president was elected. the analysis we put out to the opposite. and i do not know that a bunch of people disagreed with us but for now the proof is in the pudding. numbers are really strong and there is gdp coming out this week. consensus is it will be about three percent again. everyone told you that your falling off a cliff at the beginning of the year and that number by the way don't forget, at 3/10 because it will be artificially low because of the
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government shutdown. so for comes in at 2.8 the numbers 3.1. it will continue to grow three percent and that is a number guys like the professor says it is impossible. lou: well, guys like krugman are not in short supply on the left of the spectrum politically. by the way, there's another few tenths of a percent to be having economic growth. as soon as the president balances trade, that will add well -- over time, trillions of dollars to our economy. will it not? >> yeah and indeed, the thing you are recovering in the conversation before i came on, all of the latest happenings in trade. i have to say i was sort of briefed on those today and you nailed it. he spoke to the right person.
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that's exactly what's going on. we have lots of progress moving forward. there is talk about setting up the next round of meetings with the chinese. we are meeting with the japanese this week and you are right that there are some hiccups with the europeans but the fact is that the international trade commission came out with report that really could've trashed the president's new deal with canada and mexico but it said that the positive impact of the deal is bigger than the estimate of the positive impact of every previous trade deal other back to president trump just made the best trade deal ever you know by the itc 's on analysis. when the president asked me to take the job or read the art of the deal and actually saw how he makes great deals and i'm seeing it now in his interactions with other countries that he really is delivering historic great deals. lou: historic great deals and the, as we have discussed before here, his insistence on balancing global trade. >> making it more -- lou: a new era of prosperity. not only for america most importantly of course, but for indeed, the rest of the world. and mercantilism will die very
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quickly in china and in europe. angela merkel may not believe it but it will. right? >> that's right. because president trump was not bluffing. the people did not make the deals reciprocal then he was going to put tariffs on them as we have with the chinese. lou: kevin hassett, it is always good to talk to because the news is so, so good. i appreciate it and you are such a nice guy! >> cut it out. spoon paul krugman should -- i do not know what he should do. perhaps give credit where credit is due. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. lou: still ahead, the military is weak response to our soldiers being stopped by mexican troops on american soil. what's going on? national security expert christian -- joins me on that. up next, the supreme court battling over citizenship
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beyond network complexity. to a zero-touch, one-box world. optimizing performance and budget. beyond having questions. to getting answers. "activecore, how's my network?" "all sites are green." all of which helps you do more than your customers thought possible. comcast business. beyond fast. lou: the fate of a proposed
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question about whether or not one is a citizen on next year's census is now in the hands of the supreme court justices. for the latest on today's oral arguments returned to correspondent, doug mckelway. >> is a really risky proposition to try to forecast how the high court will rule in anyone issue based upon the oral arguments.that said, the high courts conservative majority appears poised to uphold the administrations plan to include in the 2020 census, the question, are you a citizen of the united states? that question had been included in every census from 1820 until 1950. the trump administration wants it back allegedly to enforce the voting rights act. but the liberal members of the court pummeled the lawyers over the plan. justice sotomayor saying if the solution is sort of a justice kagan said you cannot read this
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without -- hundreds gathered to protest the plan seemingly unaware that it is illegal for the census bureau to disclose or publish any private information that identifies any individuals. more businesses. >> well, you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to be concerned that if the data is out there it could pose a risk to you.we've seen administrations that in picking people up in sensitive places like courthouses, schools, going to the office. >> they say many people may not participate in the census and it determines a number of electoral votes, congressman and assistance anyone state receives. expect a decision in the month of june. back to you.lou: thank you very much, doug mckelway from
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the supreme court. join us tonight former regal -- megan white house -- new york post columnist, fox business contributor, michael goodwin. great to have you here. let's turn to first the issue of citizenship as congressman jordan said, only democrats in washington seem opposed to the idea that the government has a right to ask for whether one is a citizen or not. >> this should be the first question. it should be the first on the census bureau. this is about gathering information. we do this every decade to find out who people are, what they are and all sorts of information. you would think the most important to find out is how many citizens we have in the country. and it is not discriminating against everyone is to find out information and we need to know how many citizens we have here. lou: targeting the somewhat ironic that the democrats are a little uncomfortable with the very fact that there is a law against protecting immigrants
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should they respond. do not think it is particular that they don't think anyone would follow the law? >> i mean i think it's incredibly particular as the democrats do not want the question on the census. i mean it seems to me this idea that there is information and we shouldn't get it because maybe somehow, somebody sometime might when it has been done for over a century. it is not clear to me why it never ended but it seems to me that the trump administration is absolutely right to want it back on there. lou: without question. and making forceful arguments that is necessary to enforce the voting rights act. it is necessary to assure the integrity of our electoral system itself. and by the way, what's makes it seem to me at least ironic, is these are the very dimms that
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are trying to get by the income taxes by every way imaginable. >> i don't think the vast majority of americans realize that the question is not in there. and they certainly would be on the side of the president in the court for the commerce department has the challenge to put the information together and it should be a secretary decision to make. not the supreme court. but i hope they do make the right decision.lou: the trump economy. president trump has achieved incredible success for this economy. 9 trillion just in terms of the market with equities market. how does any democrat overcome an incumbent president with this track record? >> very hard! one of the things that always strikes me about polling however, when things are going well, that issue falls down to the bottom of peoples concerns.
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the economy, if we were in a recession the economy would be number one. because the economy is doing so on most polls show the economy is no longer ranked in the top two or three for most voters. i remember in new york city when everyone was afraid of crime, that was the issue. when crime fell, no one cared about crime anymore. the fact that it is not there, among the top concerns is great news. but hard to remind people. lou: the president has made immigration the number one issue for american voters. but this economy is always in subtext were overtly, it is the number one issue. >> the most extreme issue that he's accomplished. the bottom line, you take the president and what he's accomplished in a four-year
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term to same going to make the economy boom again, rebuild military, basically redo trade deals around the world and i will stop the immigration problem we have. those are four gigantic things the president accomplished in two years with all of the distraction from the rest of the stuff. lou: republican or democrat will have to go to the polls in 2020 asking, what the heck were obama and bush doing in their eight year terms and look at what this president has done in less than 2 and a half. >> climbing on the bottom, that's what was happening. crawling. now it is soaring. lou: and as kevin points out, the president once more. [laughter] >> you want more, i want more. lou: gentlemen, thank you very much. coming up, a surprising update about, deuces bunny brawling in orlando florida? we've interesting day after developments, go bunny, battle! we take up the radical dems delusional proposals next. republican strategist, amy tarkanian joined me next for that and much more. stay with us. we will be
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throughout we have a follow-up tonight to the rabbit rumble in orlando that we first showed you last night. it turns out the bunny brawler has quite a rap sheet. antoine mcdonald arrested in delaware new jersey florida, south brunswick new jersey, they're looking at him for extradition. for suspected role in a car burglary last year. well, lester has another connection to the news. the radical dems 2020 hopefuls say they want to allow criminals, that is felons, such as the rabbit rumble or, to vote in our elections.
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>> you believe that people with felony records should be allowed to vote while in prison. does this mean that you would support and franchising people like the boston marathon bomber? >> i think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy. yes, even for terrible people. >> i think we should have that conversation. >> okay. all right. should people convicted of sexual assault, the boston marathon bomber, should they be able to vote while incarcerated?>> no, i don't think so. lou: incarcerated. we want to hear your thoughts on this honorable tonight. the question is, do you believe felons should have the right to vote? cast your vote on twitter, @lou dobbs. we would love to hear from you. the former chair of the nevada republican party, amy tarkanian. great to have you with us and first question, do you believe felons should have the right to vote and will it be a question
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that the republicans will be dealing with? [laughter] >> well, it sure seems so but it seems a little crazy to me. i do sit on the advisory council for a nonprofit called hope for prisoners. which is actually a prisoner reintegration program. it has 94 percent success rate. but the conversation, what it should be on top of how to reintegrate prisoners, is maybe there should be a time between when they are given their rights back from when they are released. but definitely not while incarcerated.and also not when they are immediately released. that is asinine! lou: asinine is not the same thing as forbidden in this country. >> true. lou: let's turn to the supreme court. the sentence question. the view is doug mckelway reporting tonight from the supreme court after watching the conservative justices appear committed to permitting the census question. personally, i can't even
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imagine why there should be any suggestion that it would be impermissible. your thoughts? >> i would agree with you on that. in fact let's take it a step further. the heritage foundation even suggested that why don't we also eliminate ethnicity so that way we can just basically be proud of being a citizen and strictly just focus on you are an american citizen. lou: and i think that is exactly correct. we are all americans first, our ethnicity is, should be absolutely irrelevant. we end up in this current society, i guess over the last 20, 30 years focusing so much on group and identity politics, thank you very much to the democratic party and so much has lost about what we had in common which is, vast. let's turn to the immigrants that, illegal immigrants that
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have been arrested in mexico, some 500 central americans while we have 100,000 illegal immigrants entering the country every month. but much is being made of those arrests and it is i guess, in the beginning of what could be a turning point. your thoughts? >> i would agree. any step is a good step i believe, as long as mexico is cooperating with us. some is better than none. but there is obviously a lot further what we can do. when you have numbers and i wrote them down, the customs and border protection, they actually said for years up to date they have apprehended 419,000 people and at this point last year, had 396,579 total. we are already well over that for the year. we are already well over that which is very frightening and then you have plenty of video footage where they are showing
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assistant editor of the fox editorial page. great american. the wall street journal. i want to start out with one of the stories which i think is just extraordinary.that china is exploiting u.s. satellites. in order to extend their command and control and communications to their troops from the south china sea to wherever they want to communicate. it is remarkable! and it is barred, the technology is barred by u.s. law.>> right, i think this is, this is one i guess effect of our effort every couple of decades here to integrate and kind of welcome china into the world economy. and i think it increasingly is been apparent over the past several years that this sort of liberalization in china and did some years ago and we have a -- lou: apparently the global 1000 and the chamber of commerce missed it. >> is interesting. xi jinping, really old-school communist dog, and i think is
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taken a while for some people to recognize that. lou: and you wonder why it's fairly clear and i just wanted to, going to the sadler issue, the chinese have done something i think is exemplary of the panache that they bring to international relations and foreign policy.they are renting that because they are not allowed to buy it and yet here we are. >> i think in terms of technology, actually, on this specific case, i think that we can beat them in technology. i think there is a sense that they are sort of dominating all of these fields. i think our model still works better. i think there is doesn't. lou: no i am suggesting -- i am just suggesting that they are sly, clever, in a way which they've exploited a loophole
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that we permit renting that advanced technology but we will not sell it to you. writing as you know, huawei, which we have tried to persuade much of the world not to use, obviously crushing it right now in terms of big sales around the world. we haven't succeeded on that front. >> speaking of succeeding, and the president succeeding, exonerated, vindicated by the mueller report. and on this broadcast, we are focusing on the efforts by radical dems, the left and much of the establishment who have tried to overthrow this president. why is a such a hesitation in the national media to acknowledge what this was? an attempt to overthrow a duly elected president of the united states and his government. >> it's a big problem.i think many of the people in our industry seeing the collusion story full of part had just moved right into the full
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embrace of the obstruction claim continuing this kind of -- lou: this is idiotic. >> the relentless attack on the president. he is allowed to fire people that work for him. he is the man that runs her executive branch. but i think the markets have been providing a nice reality check. because you consume much of u.s. media and you are told that he is a unique threat who is trashing the rule of law and constitutional norms and then investors get to decide and they looking at the united states and they care about the rule of law and there obviously not agreeing with that analysis. >> this kind of economic growth, we would not see this kind of appreciation in the equities market we're talking $9 trillion. this is a stunning, historic lows. it reflects absolutely, no uncertainty in the minds of the
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american consumers, the taxpayer, the folks that make the economy work day in and day out. that this president is the real deal. and -- >> they are putting their money where their mouth is. aren't they? whether it is investors, consumers, people -- spending on things they need. lou: as -- are you as frustrated that the president is not given the respect that he deserves? >> you know, i think in terms of his economy -- stew on the rough edge people. >> unlike some presidential behavior ideally. look -- lou: you can of obama, you can of bush and all the presidential types that did absolutely nothing for this country and with that i have to say, it is good to see you mostly.
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[laughter] james -- wall street journal. absolutely a delight to see you.>> thanks! lou: a record-setting day on wall street for stocks closing high. the dow up hundred 45 points. james, the s&p and nasdaq have record highs tonight. s&p up 26 the nasdaq up hundred and six. volume 3 and half billion shares, listens my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. up next, acting dhs secretary, kevin mcaleenan says he's concerned about two things with the crisis at the border. we take those up after the ♪ limu emu & doug mmm, exactly! liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out.
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ well now there's score!, time...from force factor,enin'. to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder walmart offers score! in more locations than any other performance enhancer. unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score!. lou: breaking news, the
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pentagon investigating a recent encounter on the u.s. side of our southern border where mexican troops detained and disarmed two u.s. soldiers. the mexican government and the pentagon apparently looking into whether the u.s. troops acted appropriately. an official almost excuse the mexican troops saying, it may be difficult for the mexican troops to know that they were actually on american soil. wow! the acting dhs secretary, kevin mcaleenan does not seem to always appreciate the full extent of the priorities at the
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southern border. chris dhs has a responsibility more than just the border even though it remains a huge focus for us. i started my day in new york city with cyber experts talking about things that we can do to prepare for the 2020 election cycle, talk about partnerships private sector and how we can focus on that and we are laser focused on the 20/20 preparation. lou: 2020 probation obviously, there should be reflected one would think, some concern about the extraordinary impact of illegal immigration which might be construed as mexican interference in our elections as they permit mexican citizens and central american citizens to cross illegally into the united states. here is how the acting secretary plans to handle this. >> the two targeted chains we need the most are the ability to contain families together.
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and secondly the ability to have unaccompanied children being enticing to this smuggling cycle from central america being able to repatriate them safely. lou: joining us, christian whiton former senior advisor in the trump and bush administrations. good to have you with us. let's start with the foreign policy implications. of this national emergency, the president has called and the importance of getting it right first and securing the border. >> yeah, you know between dhs and particular pentagon you have government agencies that really don't have their head in the game. particularly the pentagon which in many ways is never joined the trump administration. you have those that love expeditionary operations, we been in afghanistan for 18 years and we have a crisis on our own border. people invading our country and i would think it should be
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pretty high party. and they seem completely oblivious. >> oblivious as, she was the democratic parties oblivious. it is avoiding the crisis at hand but not a crisis for the democratic party. it is the arrival of highly targeted, highly prized and appreciated future voters for the democratic party. >> that's right. we are seeing it here and they are attempting to replace us with citizens they think or future citizens that they think would be more -- u.s. citizens are frankly very similar to nativeborn, -- i'm not sure this will work out the way the democrats expect but that's what they're up to.lou: i'm sure that it will not actually. there is no ethnic or racial
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group monolithic. although sometimes, they approach that. but hispanics are certainly far from monolithic. on supporting republicans in all sorts of elections across the country. local, state as well as presidential elections. this president, his approval rating among hispanics has really reason profoundly. i think that you are right to that point. and again, why should it not be? we will have the same interest, security, prosperity, and the future of our children. i mean it's not complicated no matter how people want to play identity politics. let's turn to the president now, absolutely asserting, absolute sanctions against iran. and also, that involves of course, a number of our important allies.
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your thoughts about the importance of the sanctions and effectiveness. >> right. this is donald trump finally fulfilling all of the pledge he made. he may be rough around the edges for the wall street journal editorial page but he says getting out of the iran deal cranking up sanctions, he did that in a measured way. he gave waivers to country like taiwan and others he did not want gas prices to go up too quickly here. we have finally stopped issue waivers. if you're doing business it would be bad. going from one this is a big deal, we are not getting help from our friends in europe, britain, germany, france working against us but the company will comply because they would rather do business with us than iran. and they had to contend with chinese cheating but this is a big step. lou: james, is a terrific
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fellow. and smart as he can be. but there is still this, among some and particularly establishment folks and i think james wouldn't -- who want to talk about rough edges. i didn't go to the same finishing school as james so -- [laughter] i have so many rough edges, i would not judge anyone else. christian, it is great to see you. thanks so much, appreciate it. christian whiton. >> thank you. lou: up next the president's economic policies delivering for the american people. more on that when we
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he won the trump economy as we pointed out tonight is booming. today the s&p and nasdaq indexes rallied to record closing highs. kevin hassett, economic advisor to the president with some thoughts on that. >> all-time highs, unemployment hitting all-time lows. it's almost every state in the country has hit an all-time low for unemployment. wages are growing, fast especially for people at the bottom. 6 and a half percent from the bottom, 10 percent for the wage distribution. everywhere you look the policies are actually delivering for the american people. lou: the fbi admitting her
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clinton email records found in the obama white house specifically, the executive office of the president. the shocking revelation comes in newly, delivered documents obtained by judicial watch. and that is it for us tonight. thank you for being with lauren: here are your market movers at 5:00 a.m. the busiest day yet for earnings and some of the companies reporting today have some explaining to do. facebook, boeing and tesla have been targets of government and consumer scrutiny. today their ceos will have to answer but will it be enough? tesla struggles to maintain demand cash on hand in the spotlight as it announces it's bringing back cheaper versions of its older model s and model x. what does this mean for the company and its ceo. it's official for joe biden, kind of. he's expected to announce his 2020 white house run tomorrow after scrapping plans to make it official today. what this means for the race for the white house and his
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