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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  April 25, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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measles. and there are still about 100,000, if not more, globally each year that suffer from the disease. the cdc's bottom line here is get the vaccine. >> yeah, no doubt. david, thanks. >> all right. that does it for us. >> see you tomorrow, bulls & bears starts right now. >> -- will forever and fu fundamentally alter the character of this nation. david: for the third time in his life, former vice president joe biden announcing a run for the presidency and becoming the 20th democrat to jump into the 2020 race. this is the largest presidential field in history. president trump welcoming sort of biden, trump warns it will be a quote nasty race and it looks like it's already begun. this is bulls and bears thanks for joining us.
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i'm david asman. joining me is the panel today to sound off on this and a lot other topics. liberal groups on the attack, slamming biden here's what the group justice democrats just tweeted out quote while we're going to support the democrat nominee, we can't let a so-called centrist like joe biden divide the democrat party and turn into it the party of no we can't. new hampshire political reporter joining us now. paul, you know just about everything about what's going on in new hampshire politics. what about biden's economic policies? that's what we're interested in. how do they stack up against his 19 competitors? >> yeah, 19 competitors, that's the largest field as you said we have ever seen. you know, joe biden, when it comes to the economy is going to be portraying himself as, you know, a defender, a champion of the working class, of the unions. he's very tight with unions. we will probably see a major
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union endorsement tomorrow from the international association of firefighters. we will see others as well. where is joe biden going on monday for his first real event as he launches his campaign? he's going to pittsburgh. he will be at a union hall, steel workers. you will hear a populist message from joe biden. he's hoping he's the democrat who can win back the states like pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, wisconsin and others working class states that donald trump captured in 2016. guys? >> hey, paul, it is carol roth. we have heard a very touchy feely message today, pun entirely intended, do we think that his policies actually matter so much, or sit more than -- or is it more that i'm not a democratic party socialist crazy person and i'm more a centrist or more of actual policy? >> right now where is the energy in the democratic party on the progressive side. also this is just as party, when you ask democratic voters what's most important to you in this
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nomination battle they say electability. they say they want somebody who can beat trump in 2020. that's the most important for them, get trump out of the white house. a lot of those people feel that biden, even if he's 76 years old, a white guy who is more moderate than most of the field, if he's the one who can beat trump, that's going to be okay with them. >> do you think that's the reason why he waited so long to announce his presidential run because he wanted all the progressives, the radicals to the left to come out with their platforms and then he was going to come out as the familiar face, the man that's on the center, that's going to go for you, the working person? do you think that was the angle he was trying to go for? >> i think that's part of it. i think that's a really good point. i think the other part is just it takes a while to put a campaign together. and i think the biden team wanted to make sure everything was ready to go before they made this announcement. plus they had a little bit of a controversy a month ago remember with the inappropriate touching controversy that we dealt with that made major news and headlines, that may have slowed things down a little bit.
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this is another thing, this is your wheel house, guys, money, money, money. joe biden wants to make sure he gets a lot of money in the first 24 hours. remember bernie sanders and beto o'rourke put out eye-popping fund-raising figures. biden needs to do that same thing. stay tuned tomorrow to see how much money he collected in that first -- how much money he brought in the first 24 hours. >> paul -- sorry, go ahead, gary. >> this is gary. i'm sorry, liz. that ad, that first ad, that first impression ad that they ran today, i thought i was watching an ad about venezuela or walking into a haunted house. it was so dark and negative. what was the thought behind that? and is that a mistake, or is just the one off and they will move forward with something a little bit more positive? >> you know, there was a debate within the biden campaign, my sources tell me, about which video to use. i think they had two duelling videos. this one -- there was some talk at one time that joe biden would
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be going to charlottesville, virginia, the site of the 2017 clashes between ultra white nationalists and those opposing them. we all remember what the president said at that time that there were good people on both sides. there was some thought that joe biden would go there. but instead he put charlottesville right at the top of his video, and he took it to donald trump, very critical of the president, saying this is why he's running this time. is that a good idea or a bad idea? a lot of people will say it is good to talk about what you want to do and don't talk about somebody else, but in his video, he framed it all about donald trump. we will see if that's the right way to go or not. >> paul, liz peek, that was one of the questions i had, it seemed to me that making it all about donald trump was a huge mistake because after all, what his job is, for the democrats, is to win back the people who went out and voted for donald trump. so aren't they going to be a little aggrieved to have this guy basically take that on as his number one message? and my second question is, in the granite state poll recently, biden is on top of bernie -- wait a minute, excuse me, bernie
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is on top of biden, sorry. what do you think caused that flip? >> yeah, let's start with the second part that will impact the first part. here in new hampshire this was bernie sanders country remember in 2016. he walloped hilary clinton by 22 points in that primary that boosted him into a marathon battle with clinton. he's got a lot of strong support here. we've had two recent polls in the last two weeks here in new hampshire. bernie was on top of biden and won. and it was the other way around in the other one. but biden will have quite a fight here in new hampshire. bernie is very popular here. as for your other point, yeah, i mean there's a debate going on today whether it was smart to make it all about trump or not. you know, democrats want to peel a lot of those trump voters who used to be democrats, they want to peel them off, was this the right way to go? time will tell. at the same time, i think what biden was trying to do was saying this is about leadership. this is about moral authority. and he was trying to say that, you know, the president lost that moral authority with his comments about charlottesville.
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i think that was the point that joe biden was trying to make. david: i couldn't agree with you more that he needs to focus on the union, union connections to try to win that back from the unions that did go over to trump because they didn't connect with the other people in the democratic party. but he has to go to the left. he absolutely has to take some of the power on the left side of the democrat party in order to not only beat out bernie, but in order to get up the enthusiasm for his candidacy. does he commit to anything before the convention on the campaign trail because of his tact to the left that might really get him stuck, whether it's a green new deal, maybe not something as dramatic as that, but a student loan debt forgiveness, or what kind of policies is he going to have to commit to? >> there are already so many policies out there, from elizabeth warren, especially she has been the policy leader, many of these are progressive policies. if he doesn't marry on to these issues there will be trouble for him on the left. there's always trouble for him
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on the left. you started the show talking about how progressive democrats attacked him right off the bat, two hours after his launch. david: that's right. they didn't wait. >> they didn't wait at all. others that i talked to as well, the triple p which is another progressive organization, which is backing warren, had some unkind words about joe biden. here's the thing, as you guys said, there are 20 candidates. most of them are on the left. so biden's laying in the center. it's less crowded. maybe that's where he needs to stay right now. >> paul, i want to question something you said because i feel like there is a lot of controversy about who was trump's base back in 2016. you just said it was the white working class but there's a lot of exit polls that show it was actually an affluent white population, more specifically white females, white graduate men as well, so isn't a different market all together than when you're comparing who biden is going after? >> that is a little bit of a different market, but remember, the states that joe biden needs to flip back on the democratic column, if he is the nominee, the states that trump won like
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pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin, michigan, wisconsin, they have a lot of working class union employees as well, and i think that's one of the reasons why you're seeing a lot of democrats think that well, you know, he may not be the most progressive candidate, but he could be the guy to beat donald trump. time will tell. people say that joe biden is a great general election candidate. the problem is he's got to get through the primaries first. that's going to be a lot tougher than the general election maybe. >> paul, break down the numbers for us on that primary. you mentioned that we have 20 or so candidates at this point, maybe a few others jumping in the race. what percentage do you think the person who ends up winning this, whether it be biden or otherwise needs to capture in order to become the nominee? >> in the early states, like iowa which votes first, in early february of next year, new hampshire, we follow about a week later, 25% may do it. i doubt we'll have 20 candidates by then. a few may drop out. we saw a few republicans drop out in the 2016 cycle before we
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got to 2016. there's probably going to be at least 15 candidates maybe more. 25% will do it in the early states. after that the field will get narrower. super tuesday, 12 states including california and texas, it will be a wild ride, guys. david: quick final question, he let himself open, biden did to a strong hit by focusing on charlottesville today, a lot of people think he mischaracterized what the president said, is he ready for the trump counterpunch? >> he says he is. he says -- david: what do you think, paul? you see a lot of this. >> you know, biden -- listen, he's had his gaffes. he's had his moments over the year, but he is pretty smooth on the campaign trail. that said, he really hasn't campaigned since 2012, when him and obama were gunning for reelection. he may be a little rusty. we will find out immediately starting tomorrow when he's in pittsburgh and next week when he hits the early voting states. david: paul, you're the best, please come back. you're great. >> thanks.
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david: elizabeth warren says her college debt forgiveness plan will help those in need, but a new report showing that may not be entirely true. wait until you hear who really benefits from this plan, coming next. hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because,
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david: breaking news, a big beat for amazon. the retail media giant is over 1900 right now blowing away expectations for earnings in line on revenue as well, but the stock is pretty much flat after hours. what's going on? >> you have revenue that came in line, but its profit really doubled compared to last year at this time. that was a huge win for the company. what are some of the reasons why we saw the stock trickle off after the earnings came out? there was a pop. the amazon web services came in slightly slightly lower than expected. still increasing 41% compared to last year. physical stores, they don't break it down for whole foods, but physical stores only up 1%. that raises the question, how is whole foods doing? and then you have international sales up only 9%, lower than estimates. and that could be again we have to find out the minute details on the conference call, is that because of the regulation in india? is that because they have now fully pulled out of china? and last but not least, guidance. guidance came in a little bit
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lower. analysts were projecting 62.4 billion. and amazon had a little bit of a lower one. david: look at the top line, estimate $4.72 for the eps, came in at $7. they are making money hand over foot. unbelievable. >> the profit margins are super -- they may not be making as much revenue but they are doing really well -- david: from money back to politics but dealing with money, does liz warren's 1.25 trillion dollars plan to forgive student debt and provide free tuition amount to a bailout for the wealthy? so says a new report which concludes that nearly 50% of the funds for warren's proposed plan would go to households making more than 67,000 a year. so does this report take some of the wind out of warren's sails, what do you think? >> oh, david, i wish the wind comes out of the sails, i don't know where to start. look, for me, none of this has to do with student loans. this has to do with taking the
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successful people of this country a few pegs down and they just find places, whether it's healthcare, whether it's climate change, now this, and you've got to remember, this throwing things against the wall, hoping they stick, they didn't do their homework and all of a sudden, oops, some of the wealthy benefit from this move. obviously she's got to go back to square one and maybe try again with something else. >> well, i think gary, to take exception to that a little bit, i think the real issue is she has millennial votes here because she doesn't have them. bernie has them and some other candidates but warren does not have a millennial following. this also comes back to a misconception about student debt in this country. yes, people are burdened by student debt. this is something that i think is hindering the economy, but the average amount, the median amount of student debt is not the 30 and 40,000 dollar numbers you read so often about. it is really more like $5,000, and the people who owe more are people who are in graduate
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school. that's what this report sort of reveals is it is higher income people, better off families whose kids are aspiring to be lawyers, who are going to graduate school and business, etc., those are the people who are most helped. i think gary is right, she's probably going to go back to the drawing board and try and reverse it. as it is, it is quite a regressive tax -- i mean, program, sorry. >> i think you are on to something, liz. she and bernie sanders remind me of two divorced parents who are trying to vie for their children's love by trying to buy them things. [laughter] david: oh my goodness. >> one thing after another. david: what an analogy. >> it is going to be free medicare. it is going to be free college. you know, free, whatever else, you are going to get a car by the time you are done with it. the challenge for me with elizabeth warren is she's supposed to be a policy -- and she's not addressing the root of the problem. there is a problem here. it is not just on the debt side. the reason why there is so much debt is because college is so expensive, and the challenge that i have is her proposals to this do nothing to actually attack that problem.
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it's really just a transfer of the responsibility from the people who are taking out the loans and the colleges to other taxpayers. i think as more people dig into this and figure that out, that would be something that is going to be an issue for her. >> to that point, so elizabeth warren has said she would charge the ultra rich 2% tax so that would affect about 75,000 families, it still wouldn't pay the cost of all of this looming debt, which is an issue. it is not only the student debt, it's the expenses that go with it, the housing, all the trips that maybe graduates take. we were talking about that offset, liz. to your point, liz, though, the median level is a bit higher, based off the research i'm seeing about 10 to 25,000. we are seeing a high number. the one question i have is -- well, two, the funding and would this system be retroactive? think of all those people that worked really hard -- i know a lot of our viewers some commented are angry because they worked hard to pay their student
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loans and have the next generation get it free. >> nothing is ever free, that's number one. number two, this is a wealth tax every year. imagine the wealthy seeing this coming. guess what the wealthy are going to do? bye, bye, i will see you in the bahamas. for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. this woman doesn't understand that. look, i keep my gary's list of all the taxes that have been proposed since january 1st -- david: how many? >> i would be here for the next two hours. [laughter] >> i'm serious. there's not one thing they are not looking to tax going forward. david: but i have to say one thing because -- because one thing that's clear is they can't keep throwing these things out without some kind of pushback. we had a washington post editorial this week, the top editorial suggesting that this is the wrong answer to student debt. they mentioned the fact, by the way, the economy is so strong right now, the default rates on
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student debt are actually going down, that is, people have enough money to pay off their debt. this is the wrong time to be saying -- if the washington post editorial page one of the most liberal in the country is against a liberal plan, you know it is super liberal; right? >> it's good to see the washington post on board. look, this is simple logic. nothing is free. that's number one. somebody's going to pay for it. and number two, when somebody doesn't want to pay for it, they are going to take some different type of action. just like if you are mandating higher minimum wages to restaurants -- >> you're complaining about the solution. i think carol brought it up too. why aren't we going after the problem, the fact these universities, some of them pointed out as being nonprofit, how are they charging an arm and a leg? that shouldn't be the case. >> because they can. >> that's the question. >> yeah, they have absolutely no skin in the game, and it's very interesting to me, somebody like elizabeth warren, who went after the banks and went through
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disclosure, he's not proposing any of those things. she's not proposing any recourse from the colleges. she's not proposing more transparency, the same kinds of things she went after the banks for, she's not being consistent here, which by the way, paid her six figures when she was working there. >> her former institution, harvard university has an endowment of 38 billion dollars, 38 billion dollars. they are giving some to their students, but it is not free to go to harvard, as i'm sure liz, you would attest; right? david: actually i think some students are admitted now and now it is actually a free ride at princeton and i think at harvard, but the answer is, the problem is really carol you raised it, college costs tripled over a period of ten years. somebody needs to figure out why. david: right. meanwhile tesla shares taking a dive after an earnings report. but is it too early to be counting the electric carmaker out? we will debate it, after a quick break.
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david: watch out, tesla shares down more than 4% after posting a whopping 702 million dollars loss last quarter. the stock is lower now than it's been in two years. an analyst and long time tesla bull has cut the stock's buy rating and calling the earnings release quote a debacle. in a note he goes further to investors he says in our 20 years of covering tech stocks on the street, we view this quarter as one of the top debacles we have ever seen, while musk and company in an episode out of the twilight zone act as if demand and profitability will magically return to the tesla story, end quote. let's bring in lauren fix. is he being a little too harsh here? >> no, i think he's being spot on. the loss they incurred is enough to wipe out four quarters of
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profit when he did have profitable quarters. it brought it down to a loss probably took the stock below since 2016. he's making great promises, autonomy, insurance, making our own chips, we're going to beat panasonic up on batteries, i think he's gone way too far. >> i kind of agree with the false promises. he's known to create some promises and not necessarily follow through. i think it is interesting when i was researching this topic, every single media -- business media outlet, marketplace, cnbc, bloomberg, we are all talking about one analyst report. that's a caveat for a our viewers to pay attention to that. often these analysts will push something, have a great headline, very catchy for tv like debacle and we run with it because it makes for good discussion. he obviously -- this analyst -- david: are you criticizing us? >> no, i have to read these reports all the time. i always have to remember, hey, these guys have skin in the game, they are going to push --
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they own the stock. they are going to push it on me so be as aggressive and, you know, make sure that you are reading between the fine print. i think with david's first question it might have been overboard, but that was more of a statement and not a question. [laughter] >> that's all right. but you are right, the fact is he's always over promising and underdelivering. elon will have his followers. demand is down on a global basis whether it's netherlands, china and europe, and musk keeps saying no demand is high. demand is not high. model 3 is down quarter over quarter. really demand for model 3 has dropped down. he's producing cars and parking them in parking lots all over the country. >> lauren, it is carol roth. one of the things i have said about this company for a long time is this a company that really shouldn't be public. he doesn't have the temperament to be a public company, based on where they are in the cycle, the things you can get away with as a private company, you can't get away with when you're the ceo of a public company.
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it still has a 43 billion dollars market cap. so the question is, as a public company, is he going to be able to raise any capital to sustain this business going forward? >> well, he's certainly in an air pocket, carol. you are right, he has to raise money. he doesn't want to raise money. the problem is where is he going to get it from? he had other manufacturers that are out there that are competing against him, and companies like amazon could have invested in him, and so did ford, even general motors is looking at working with other companies. when elon musk can't get funds from the middle east or from china, he's going to find himself in a pickle. he will have to raise money if he wishes to continue otherwise right now we're projecting about 3.5 billion dollars loss for 2019, if he continues at the pace. >> the problem is -- the problem is the sand is running out of the hourglass here. confidence is heading south. and you have big competition,
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electric cars coming forward. i'm just amazed, lauren, where's the board? i know some of them are his friends, but they replaced a few. where is the board in this? this man cannot keep his stories straight and he cannot get his numbers right. at a given point in time, somebody's got to act, don't you think? >> well, four people stepped off the board on friday night. that was not publicly known, if you follow twitter like i do, there's a lot of great people out there, like mark spiegel, they post all the time what's going on, they will tell you, they keep their ear to the ground on this one. four people stepped off the board on friday, and it was definitely late at night, after, you know, we're off the regular news cycle, especially the financial cycle. that tells me they see the writing on the wall. i don't want to be a part of a sinking ship, i'm out. >> so lauren, question, the huge increase in losses due to the new models they are trying to produce, or is it because things aren't selling?
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it sounds like from your numbers you will continue to see that loss of around 700 million a quarter or even worse, what's going to turn this around, if anything? >> well, there's a lot of demand, number one, in the competitors. you've got audi. jaguar. everybody is out pushing for the same small segment of market. it is less than 2% is electric vehicles here in the u.s. on a global basis, they are starting to realize that they don't have the grid to support all these electric cars, so all these tax credits are disappearing, including here in the u.s., whereas tax credit of $7500 was cut in half, it will be cut in half again june 1st. and it will be gone by the end of the year. that's going to put a huge curb on those people who were considering buying a tesla. he never came through with his promise on the $35,000 car. and of course you're talking about cars going to mars, he's comes up with some crazy things including the leaf blower, but in reality if you are looking at a car company, you have to be
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producing that makes profits. david: it does sound like worldwide lauren final question that the electric car novelty is kind of wearing off, no? >> it is. i mean, if you are looking at the cost of what the carbon footprint of an electric car from cradle to grave, versus a combustion engine or a diesel engine vehicle, and you are seeing that the cost and the expense is so high, there's a shortage of lithium, rare earth minerals, have to be mined, all those mines are owned by china. until there's a solution for those batteries people are thinking i don't get the range. i'm better off getting gasoline or diesel. there's good prices on those and you get better value. david: it is a nice treatment but sometimes carbon fits the bill. lauren, good to see you. thank you very much. you may be paying more when you go out to eat in one state. why some restaurants will be packing more on to your bill, and it has nothing to do with the service. ♪ limu emu & doug
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david: social causes on the menu. some restaurants in california are soon going to be adding a 1% climate charge, surcharge to diners' bills. it is going to go for, quote, the restoration, restoring the california renewble restaurants program, supporting organic farming and other things meant to stop climate change. the surcharge so far is voluntary, but customers will have to ask for the charge to be taken off their bill. so could this actually backfire on these restaurants? what do you think? >> look, i swear they make this stuff up just as they go along. let's just put it out there and let's just collect more money. have you seen the gas prices in california? david: of course, over $4 a gallon. >> have you seen the taxes in california? local and city and state? they don't stop. it's like i'm watching the movie with oliver, please, sir, i want some more and then the guy goes no!
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well, it is about time the people start saying no over there. i don't even know where to go with this. you know, if they would have said, you know for the boys & girls clubs, to help poor children out, maybe we can roll with that, but this whole climate thing, they keep making it up as it goes and now let's help the farmers. >> i totally agree with gary, not surprisingly, and i think it's just another as you point out sort of annoying tax that's being put on, and my guess is, a year from now, or two years from now, if someone dares to ask where did that money go, it will have nothing to do with climate change. it will have to do with some, you know, bloated city policy or city budget issue, which has nothing at all. if i go to california, i'm going to ask for it to be removed if i go to any of those restaurants. [laughter] >> here's the thing, though, liz, nobody is even going to notice. there are so many crazy things that go on in california, that if you live there, this isn't going to register for you. you have to open an app to find
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out where -- [inaudible] -- they have crazy laws. if you knowingly expose somebody to hiv, they have said that's not a crime anymore. in the realm of crazy in california, this doesn't even register for them. this isn't going to be on anybody's -- the top of anyone's list. >> to this point, liz, i don't think they will get there because i think they want to implement the program in the fall and they are hoping to get 200 restaurantses that will sign up. it is not mandatory. why not stick it on because you can opt-out. you guys are all hating on california, but texas, there's a local fox news story that showed two restaurants in texas doing something very very similar, charging a 3% tax on diners' bills for healthcare. so for health insurance for the employees, and of course you can opt-out of it, but i don't think this is something -- oh crazy californians, it is people are trying to think of ways to raise money. >> that's different. raising your prices to pay your
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employees more? i don't have an issue with that because their profit margins have been squeezed. if they have to do that, i think it's kind of silly just to put it on as an extra tax rather than just raising their prices, but in a sense that's transparency. i don't have a problem with it. >> you would have it on there as an extra tax where you can opt-out or you would want a full fledge all -- >> i'm saying if they need more money to pay their employees, i don't see anything wrong with them asking their customers to pay that. they will in one way or another pay it. david: liz, it is voluntary, and you have backbone, so you would say i'm not going the pay it, but there are a lot of people who probably pay it and kind of grumble to themselves, and i doubt whether they would come back to the restaurant. that's the point. a lot of people probably would not be as strident as our lizzy is, but they would not come back to that restaurant if they didn't like paying the bill. >> the amazing part about this is that you have to opt-out of it. you have to do something. it's like when you get a bad e-mail and it keeps coming, 400
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times, you have to opt-out. it is a pain -- david: that's what they do. hey, silvia, this guy doesn't believe in climate, he wants to take it off the bill. the guy will be shamed for the rest of his life. [laughter] >> at the grocery store, we're on the same page, you go to the grocery store, and they say you want to round up for charity or donate your bag credits and whatever and they make you feel bad if you don't. i think people are getting to the point you know what? i don't care. i just don't want to do it. >> it's pretty telling me that they are not asking if you would like to pay it. in local utilities for example up in massachusetts they ask if you would like to pay a higher price for electricity because it will be cleaner greener electricity. guess what? almost nobody does; right? these restaurants know that they are not -- you know, they are not going to be able to rake any money if they leave it up to you. that's why it is mandatory. i understand it is voluntary but kind of not really. david: looks like one of those
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at&t bills. you look at the taxes and you get about 12 different taxes. i just paid a bill, a restaurant bill in d.c., in washington, d.c., they have a tax for alcohol now, on your bill. on your restaurant bill. >> are you going to start me on the bills we get? have you ever seen the bill in new york city from a hotel? 14 different things you pay for? david: we could go on, but we can't go on. meanwhile, presidential hopefuls cory booker and eric swalwell both vowing to pick a woman as their running mate. should they really only be looking at the best person for the job? we will debate that, coming next. 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars. we wear our work ethic. we work until the work's done.
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>> a woman running mate? >> i will have a woman running mate. >> i pledge that i would ask a woman to serve as vice president. i would put forward a diverse candidate and put forward policies that would make sure that, you know, inherent bias that exists or discrimination that exists in communities would be eliminated. david: cory booker and eric swalwell vowing to pick female running mates in the 2020 election. if this was a company ceo, making a decision on their number two, wouldn't or shouldn't it be based on ability instead of gender? what do you think? >> absolutely, david. i mean, i'm offended on so many
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different levels, including as a woman. you want to have the best candidate out there, somebody who has the right experience, not somebody who happens to have the right body parts or perhaps identifies with having the right body parts. it is very interesting to me the left is so focused on all these marginalized communities or minorities, but at the end of the day, the smallest minority on earth is the individual. that's what they should be focusing on. they should be focusing on the merit of the individual, that's american, i think that will hurt them that they don't. >> i agree i would take offense to it because then i would wonder why do i get into a position, is it because i'm a woman? this is a case of affirmative action that comes up quite a bit. we talk about boards in america, corporate boards and whether there should be an increase in the level of women that are joining the boards. i think existing laws in place do create a relatively equal playing ground, but there's still an issue, and the issue is there's not enough women that can qualify for these boards, maybe not for presidential
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election and i think we need to talk about that problem, like why aren't the women climbing up there, why aren't the women trying to go for president, what is causing that to stop as opposed to just saying hey you're a woman, and yeah, i'm going to run with you, like, i don't like that. >> both of these gentlemen left out a line they were supposed to say before all that, and that is i need the female vote, so i'm going to pander and just say i'm going to have a woman for vice president. look, that's all this is about. it should be the best person possible. if it is a woman -- if it is a woman, god bless them. the three young ladies on the show with me today, i would vote for all three of them to run this country better than some of these people. let's do it. >> i think what's really offensive is the assumption that none of the women who are running on the democratic side that will make it to the final hurdle. there are plenty of them, guess what? all those people, the next time
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they are asked by a reporter they say i think i should have a man as a running mate, let's see how that goes. >> that's such a good point. david: what about that, though? the fact that biden is the number one runner right now, the things could change over the course of the political season, he's already made a couple of stumbles, but is it too early for him to announce the same thing? >> i don't think he should do it. i don't think that he should do it. i mean, at the end of the day, we don't know what's going to happen, and i think there are a lot of women in the field who could certainly move up and end up being one of the front-runners, and i don't think it is a good thing to be pandering at this point in time. i think people will see right through it and it will end up backfiring. again, not to offer free advice, but i certainly wouldn't be doing it. >> if you were joe biden, you wouldn't want a woman to run with you because of the backlash about him being too touchy feely, is that what you are
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saying >> no, not that, but pandering to women, he's just trying to pick somebody that will check the box. >> he's already decided it's kamala harris if he gets the nomination, that's the talking point. he's checking a lot of boxes. >> i have news for you, that would be a great pick, if he decides, she has a great resume, a great background, and, you know -- david: the young and the old, it seems to match up pretty nicely. >> absolutely. david: we have to remember, it was just the last election that we had a woman running for president vm t. -- president. it has happened before. across the pond they have had a very very successful prime minister who was a woman who did not use her womanhood at all as an advantage. she was 100% on the merit of the
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qualities of her character and administration. you can do it without pandering. >> that's not america, though. >> it is close >> to that we had hilary clinton run last time and she did not lose because she was a woman. >> that's exactly right. >> she lost because she was a terrible candidate. >> i agree with you 100%. >> by the way, what a concept on the merits, and by the way, next 10, 20 years, i guarantee you we will have a woman president running this country and hopefully they do a fantastic job. don't know who it is, but i'm pretty sure next 10 to 20 years, easy bet. david: you know what? i'm betting that it's going to be from the conservative side rather than from the liberal side. i'm just saying, like margaret thatcher, sometimes the united states does follow the tradition of what happens in england, different countries, sometimes it happens. disney's latest blockbuster hitting theaters tonight and it is projected to smash box-office records. how theaters are planning to handle this massive event and whether or not our panel is going to go to see the movie. that's next.
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david: marvel film. could make a record setting 300 million in opening weekend to acome diet massive crowds. some are saying open over 24 hours. any of you? >> they will get my 12 buck a
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person, i need looseneds tied up, i have seen every one of the movies beforehand, they are fantastic. i tell you three hours, i'll have some red bull too. >> double popcorn, i want to know that. >> double popcorn, absolutely. >> our panel i believe are business avengers, i think that david that makes you captain business america. business. david: i like that. >> i will not go to see the movie, i don't go to movie theaters, i don't believe that movies are group activities, but i am a shareholder in disney but selfishly, i encourage you to go. david: did you say, you don't think that movie are group activities. >> no, that is not an experience i want to share with anyone. >> cheryl. >> i want to stay home.
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i don't want to hear people chatting in my ear. this is not a group activity. >> okay, yeah, we're talking about disney's market though, they acquired marvel in 2009, now 21st century fox asset, disney will dominate about 35% of domestic market with movies, they have been doing well, i am sure you just mention 300 million. 22nd installment, will i go no, i have not seen any of them. david: have you not seen any. >> i don't know. >> gary has. we have to talk her into this. >> she doesn't even know if she has gone. >> i thought they were talking 700 million, i like the story the complex of 63 screens, two
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3rds with this movie. not only does this do well for disney but badly for everyone else, all other movies are tanking. you know allow space for this one, that is amazing. david: it says something about content for producers, they should listen to what gary said, i feel the same, great thing about ma marvel, they don't just focus on special effects, it focus on character, makes people human, it shows their character that is brilliant of stan lee who invented marvel comics. >> listen to you. david: i love marvel comics, i love stan lee. >> stan lee is the king of the world. >> captain business america that is you. david: the point is that those movies that just focus on action and smash them up and stuff they don't do as well, these movies they focus on people and emotions.
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>> that is true. >> 3 hours of that. >> called they have dimension it good to see. >> story telling. david: we wish avengers end game the best of luck, we'll watch even if christina does not believe in it we'll see you next time. elizabeth: president having to deal with hyper sonic rockets from china and russia, and russia and north korea doing deal making as full throttle dc politics on full tilt biden now running, it is not his democrat party any more, we'll show you liberal media push back against joe biden. and far left democrat platform that is unrecognizable to the man who began his career when nixon was still in office. also how biden has no discernible policies apart from this. critics saying that joe biden is a third term of obama, as president obama has not given joe biden a


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