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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  April 29, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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mcfarland, joe digenova and victoria toensing are among the guests. catch my show bulls "bulls & b" right here on the fox business network. thanks for joining us. tonight trump saying that nay eve turned ththey've turnedo disneyland. hundreds of thousands each month. at this moment, the former 2016 campaign manager corey lewandowski is going to be here and he says it's time for the country to start taking accountability. that needs to happen now. and attorney general barr will testify in front of the house judiciary committee this after jerry nadler says he want staff attorneys to be part of the questioning. one member on that committee, andy biggs, is here and he's
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going to weigh in. a and he will tell is what rod rosenstein's resignation means for the justice department. >>. what he's actually asking for from you, from me and everyone else in america. "trustrish regan primetime" begs now. tonight, porous borders are big business with major growth trajectories. this is what you call like a growth stock, right? and it's growing for the criminal cartels that are choosing to exploit our border. the going rate for one single migrant is 7,000 dollars. they can get anywhere up to 10, 10 grand is what some coyotes
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are charging the migrants for an armed escort across the texas or arizona border. you know, it's such a big business that the coyotes are now reportedly openly advertising on the video in central american countries. can you imagine that? we're talking about coyotes that have found such a profitable industry that they're now marketing themselves. this is not acceptable. i mean no one, at least sitting right here at this desk right now is against immigration. i'm all for it legally. but my goodness, how is it right for these human traffickers to be profiting from our government's total ineptness. how have we created a system that can be so easily exploited? time for everybody to wake up. we need to kick the bad people out, let the good people in and at the very least, don't allow criminals to profit from our ineptness.
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our total lack of security along the border. joining me right now, a man who knows how much this matters to everyday americans, former trump 2016 campaign manager corey lewandowski. thanks for being here. >> thank for having me. >> they're reportedly taking out ads on radio stations. why not. this is a business like anything else. >> here's what happened once again, trish. the people in other countries are taking advantage of the people in the united states. we've given these countries tens of millions of dollars in foreign trade. they've done nothing to core tail illegal citizens in their country leaving and taking the trek up to the united states. the coyotes are charging, in some cases up to 10,000 dollars to bring these people across the border. but they're advertising, saying we will help you achieve your dream of getting to the united states. just follow us and we'll show you how to do it. it's amazing to me that the
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governments of these places are allowing this to happen and it just goes to show you how stupid our politicians have been for so long that we continue to subsidize some of these countries with foreign aid while they're literally advertising to bring illegals into our country >> walk me through that, hundreds of million millions ofs to countries that reportedly say they're using tight control drug trafficking and the border situation. mexico $300 million over the last seven years but obviously that money is not doing any good. >> guatemala, honduras, el salvador, these places receive tens if not hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to go down there with the explicit goal of making sure that these people are taken care of in their own country. we're the most generous country in the world both when it comes to foreign aid and when it comes to legal immigration.
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but if these countries can't use our money the way it's intended, then what this president has said is he will close the border to mexico, he will stop providing the foreign aid and these countries will be on their own. the notion that they're allowing these drug lords, criminals, coyote to advertise on their radio stations a saying we'll help you break the laws of the united states and they're doing it with our own money should be criminal in and of itself and the elected officials down there need to do a better job if they want to continue to receive foreign aid. >> we just reported on a particular understand accident t happened at the border when you had a coyote escorting a mother and theoretically her child. we don't know what the situation was. many have taken children to get around the laws. we reported this and what struck me is that these coyotes were armed. so they're coming into our country armed with ak-47s in
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this particular case. why aren't we arresting them saying, okay, we're shutting down your little business? >> well, trish, what we need is we need to make sure that our law enforcement officers who are serving on the border have every tool at their disposal. that's additional drones, kicial surveillance, additional personnel. this president has been resolved of the fact that he wants a wall on the southern border so we know who's coming into the country. anyone crossing into our country illegally should be detained and arrested. let alone you're doing wit a firearm. this would never be tolerated in any other country in the world. the democrats refuse to fix the problem. this president is continuing to build the wall on the southern border and it will be built before his 2020 reelection campaign. >> is he going to run on it? is this one of the central issues, in your view in you know what resonates and what doesn't. i mean you ran the 2016 campaign, a successful campaign. is this one of those issues that
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really just makes americans angry? >> i think it is an issue. because look, this is about national security, protecting people who live in this country who came here legally. this is about following the laws of our great nation. we're not eab anti-immigrant. we're proimmigrant with legal immigrants coming in every year. but we're a country of laws. and to put in place a system that we know who is coming into our country legally is something that everybody should be able to support. >> i'm so glad you said that. because too often we see people try and stereotype conservatives, and specifically of course this administration saying that they're anti-immigrant. you know, look, i don't think in anybody is making the case for being anti-immigrant here. i think they're making the case for having a normalized immigration process so that it's easier and less red tape for the good ones and you make it hard
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as hell for the bad ones. shouldn't be that hard. >> and the president always said he's going to build the wall with a big beautiful door in it and all of the legal ones are going to come no. we want legal immigration. we want the best and the brightest to come here but we cannot have criminals crossing the boar border that we don't kw who thaw ru or the damage they're doing. >> that's not too much to ask. congress ought to wake up to this. regardless of your politics, there's a right way and a wrong way to do things in life. thank you, sir, as always. former border patrol chief under president obama, he's now sounding the alarm tonight. mark morgan, who served as the head of customs and border patrol under the previous president now warning the crisis on our southern border is unlike anything we have seen in america's history. again, politics aside, here he is, he works for president obama. joins me right now. mark, welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. >> this is important.
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you served under president obama and here you are on this show tonight saying that you have never seen it this bad. explain. >> so i thank you for asking that question. here es the pillar that the american people don't understand. you hear the ales talking points back in the 2000s and the '90s there was a crisis, the numbers aren't anywhere near that. back then there's two elements. one was recidivism, meaning the same person was going back and forth. that number was really about a million. and of that almost all of them were mexican males which we were deporting 90% back to mexico. what we have that year, anticipated a million, but because of the broken asylum laws and the change in demographics of 60% family, unaccompanied minors, they're going to be allowed into the united states. this year we're going to allow in, because congress won't do their job, 650 to 700,000
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illegal immigrant in our country. that's why it's the worst crisis we've ever seen. >> when you think about what that does to an economy, we can't support that number of people come in and not having some kind of trail of who they are, where they are et cetera. let me ask you, let's take a step back and walk us through how this change happened. because i think there were some initial good intentions there with the law to allow families in. but you know, like anything else, the law of unintended consequence gets in the way. >> that's right. and it's an easy answer. and the experts will tell you and they've been trying to tell congress is that it started with daca in 2014. i was there in 2014. at cbp. i saw the start of this and i've seen as it's exponentially grown. and the reason being because of our broken laws and congress' ineptitude to fix it and they know what to do to fix it. and the northern triangle country immigrants have been educated. as the years go by they're
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learning the laws, the loopholes. the cartels are helping them. they know how to exploit it. they're coming and they're going to continue to keep coming. >> they're going to continue? i was talking to someone recently, someone from the immigrant community who is frustrated himself about all of this and said look, there niece thithere's noway to stop it. they see this as the land of plenty. they're going to keep coming and coming and coming. we're not isolated. it's not like we're canada. knock is starting to go to canada at the rate they're coming to the u.s. but it's not as easy to get the canada. it is easy to come into the united states of america. so in your view, unless something is drastic is done, does it just keeping happening? >> absolutely right. it's getting worse though as they get more educated. yowyou just talked earlier with corey and the 'tissing. and the reason that's working is because the cartels are able to carry through what they're saying they can do.
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it's so bad right now, the system is so yofer wellmented that the individuals coming across, you grab a kid whether they're really a kid or you're renting them, which is happening, you come across illegally, you're being let in and because they're overwhemmentedoverwhelmed,not e. >> you may be detained but then you're let go. we don't have enough beds, enough room to detain people. >> the key though that the american people need to understand is they're not claiming asylum now. and the deputy chief patrol agent last week said less than 6% of the people coming through illegally are even claiming asylum but they're still allowed into the united states because of our laws. ts>> what are they claiming? >> nothing. >> i'm sorry, mark. e plain. >> that's it. trish, again, that's the key.
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they're coming here for one reason and one reason only. economic equality. they're not coming here for state sponsored execution. again those radio messages, they're not saying hey, we'll help you free persecution. they're saying we'll help you get to the american dream. they're coming here for economic equality, filing false claims. but because the systems are so overwhelmed, they're like we don't have to claim credible fear now. we just have to show up with a kid and we're allowed in because the laws are broke. >> and congress is so broken that they're not willing to do anything about it. it would be nice if they could set politics aside and say, let's fix this thing. i think they're closer than twhai would like to say. bring the good ones here, keep the bad ones out and know who the heck is in the country. but thaw can't get beyond their politics long enough to get to first base. here we are and it's going to
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keep getting worse. >> what you just said is absolutely correct. and the president said something this week, he was spot on. congress could fix this in 15 minutes, come. with a legislative fix from the floor, catch and release is over and 85% of the humanitarian crisis is done. they could do it. >> i want to keep the conversation going. please come back. we're going to do this again. 2020 democrats pushing far left agendas like free public college, medicare for all, income reparations, add to the list 5 trillion-dollar plan to combat climate change. but of course they have no idea how to pay for any of these freebies, no idea because they can't. i'm setting the record straight. but first, looking for evidence and collusion and obstruction pane now they want ag barr to testify but the dimms want the staffers to ask the questions. we're going to ask congressman
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andy biggs who sits on the committee as soon as we're back. next.
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do you guys sell other dogs? now that's simple, easy, awesome. customize each line by paying for data by the gig or get unlimited. and now get $100 back when you buy a new lg. click, call, or visit a store today. attorney general barr threatening to ditch the democrat-led house judiciary hearing this week after the dimms announced you now what, they're going to add a full hour of questioning not from the members to have actual committee
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but from congressional staff attorneys. you know, never want to pass up an opportunity to bash bill barr. the chairman overseeing that extra hour, jerry nadler suggesting that the attorney general is scared of the staff attorneys. watch. >> this is the attorney general is afraid to subject himself to questions where you can follow up. that may indicate lack of confidence in his own position and more to the point, we have to get to the bottom of these issues. that's why we've called him in. and it's not up to the attorney general to tell the committee how to conduct its business. >> joining me now, house judiciary committee member, actual lip goinly going to quesn attorney general barr on thursday, congressman andy biggs. good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> what do you make of this? why aren't the actual congress
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people doing the questioning since they're dying to know the answers. why do they have to rely on this? >> i don't know. what i think it is it's a trial run for an impeachment hearing. that's how you would run an impeachmenpeachment hearing, hag members ask questions followed up by the attorneys. they want to besmirch mr. barr's character, anyone that stands in between them and getting rid of president trump. >> i assume they're going to go after him on obstruction because of the collusion thing that they were on for one to two years, during the dam pai the campaign. that didn't pan out. let's not forget congressman -- i hope you'll get to the bottom of this and other members of your party will since this has become so divided among party lines. let's not forget this is all for a crime that never happened because the democrats somehow
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wanted or wished that it had happened. >> oh, yeah. you're exactly right. so what they're trying to do is they put all of their eggs into one basket, didn't pan out. tried to set a perjury trap, that didn't pan out. now they're going after obstruction of justice. and quite frankly i felt mr. mueller's interpretation in his report was a little broad, broader than normal. don't forget, this is the president of the united states. >> it was certainly broad, you know what? i'm a good reporter. not a lawyer but a good reporter. he was out of bounds because he was never there to actually make the assumption of guilt guilt ot guilt. he was trying to figure out if he had enough evidence to recommend a case. well he didn't. and he's out there trying to split hairs for political purposes. payback for somebody, i guess. but i agree with you as far as mueller is concerned. here we are today, i think we
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ought to talk at how this heck did this go down and why did it happen in the first place. are we going to see hearings on that, sir? >> that's the questions i'm going to try to get to. and i think my colleagues are going to try to get there. that's what it boils down to. why did we get here in the first place. why did special counsel get appointed. why was the fbi and doj relying on basically a bogus op-ed research piece to get fisa warrant to spy on members of the trump campaign. those are things that we've got to get to the bottom of if we're going to preserve a constitutional republican. >> it's your obligation. >> it's not partisan. >> it's your moral obligation and the attorney general's obligation right now. we've got to see him. an look, i think democrats are running scared. they're scared because he's like yeah, spying happened, right and now we need to figure out why it happened. and now they're trying to turn the tables. really quick, congressman. and try to say no, no, no,
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you're still guilty, trump, you're still guilty of something. >> trying to flip it on its head. and they her they're not going e any more information on mr. mueller because he reported on what he saw. they want to get to the bottom of mr. barr's alleged biases to go after president trump. >> when we talk about their biases at some point and those aren't alleged. congressman andy bigs, good luck to you on this one. i look forward to hearing some of your questions, sir. i think you nighed to figure out what the heck went down. coming up, attorney calling-for-due process in his massive fraud case. he's right. and you know what, when he was charged with all of this i said everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence. funny he didn't feel that way about justice kavanaugh, remember?
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tonight, i'm exposing his total hypocrisy. first, il ilhan omar is tryg to change the narrative midstream when she blasts her critics for questioning nancy pelosi in response to her own anti-semitic horrific statements. set the record straight on why it is that we have every single right to question ms. pelosi's leadership and question the hateful comments from ilhan omar. ♪ limu emu & doug
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tsh knew fear to night thattolem the far left is somehow the new normal. in the aftermath of a synagogue shooting just outside san diego you hear more voices calling for strong condemnation of anti-semitism in any form. freshman demeanor ilhan omar
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called out in a very big way and she's still offering flippant responses after a string of anti-semitic comments like saying support for pro-israel groups is quote all about the benjamin. this weekend omar still apparently not quite taking any of this seriously despite that tragedy tweeting, bless her heart in response to criticism of what she has said, by megyn mcchain. mcchaimeganmccain. need, she doesn't get it, doesn't understand. but you know what? that can't be tolerated. that cannot -- you know, diversity goes around and around all ways, right? and we welcome diversity in this country. it is our strength. but that means presh yaight meag other cultures and ilhan omar as
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a spew of anti-semitic rhetoric that she's tweeted out or she's said and he doesn't get that that's hurtful. and not okay in today's culture, especially in light of these tragedies. >> well, i think the problem, trish, is that some people on the left has been conditioned and that's why they're like that's not too bad because of this boycott diversement sanction movement that's become quite popular inside of the left. i would say not an insignificant portion of the democratic partied adheres to it. it's conditioned people to say oh, it's not that bad. and i think nancy pelosi has found herself between a rock and a hard place in which she understands that some of the things that the ao cs and the omars say do not play well in the general public. at the same time for political expediency she cannot alienate the group especially coming into
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the 2020 election tsh disgusting. she ought to be a strong enough leader and politician to know right from wrong and to call it out. rachelle, what is going to happen to the democratic party if they continue down this path of title spinelessness and allow the aocs and the ilhan omars to actually hold their hostage? >> i think we need to take this away from being about what's going to happen to the party and what happens to the counts tri. when we talk about racism in this country, we politicize it. that's what megan mccain did. >> she did not do that. i want to play the sound because megan mccain has. >> she said absolutely nothing. >> . >> right the right to question nancy pelosi's leadership. >> i do think we're having conversations about anti-semitism, we should be looking at the most extreme on both sieth. and i would bring up congresswoman ilhan omar and
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some of her comments that got so much attention and in my opinion, nancy pelosi wasn't hard enough in her response. >> you're telling me you're disagreeing with that. >> what i said was that -- trish. >> overplit tie disaition. >> we have to stop politicizing this. the problem is we continue to point blame and we need to focus on solutions. i don't care if the solutions come from the republican party or the democrat party. but if we're going to have a genuine effort to address racis. >> so -- need ryan. >> this woman has been threatened. her. >> hang on. >> hold on. if there was real accountability, nancy pelosi would have said we're not going to allow you to be on the house foreign affairs. >> why did it take republicans
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so long. >> rachelle, let him finish. >> -- that the "the new york times" has now run two anti-semitic cartoons in the pan span span of two days. >> that's wrong. >> somebody didn't understand, now know what, these should never run. they ran not once but twice. >> the idea that we're having a disagreement or debate. >> i don't know why we're having a disagreement. >> that's troubling to me. >> it's troubling to me too because i think both of you are missing the point. >> be big people here and say, you know what, that kind of. >> it's wrong. it's wrong. >> is not to be toll lated. >> right. >> house foreign affairs committee. >> you wouldn't let me get to my point. i'm not nancy pelosi. i can't make the desoition f who is sitting on the foreign committee or whatever. my point is in this country we have to talk about these issues not as republicans and not as democrats but as americans. period. who do not want to. >> nobody is saying we're left and right right now.
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we're saying it's not appropriate. >> and we should call it out every time. >> exactly. >> we should. >> from everyone. >> exactly. i don't know what the problem is. >> let me talk to you about this one. because according to the synagogue shooter's manifesto, he hates president trump because, he says, the president by all indications loves israel and the jewish people. but still, nonetheless, need, you've got the left-leaning media trying to accuse trump of stirring up anti-semitism, this is somehow his fault. >> right. >> let's be fair here. this is a man who has been, this president, more of a friend to israel than i can think of anyone in recent history. >> that's right. >> why is he the guy that's stirring up trouble when in fact the guy that did this, this horrific person hates trump so much? >> because i think they're looking for any excuse, trish to blame and try to bring trump down. again, the shooter maid it clear in his manifesto that sh he hatd
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trump, hated the jewish people. donald trump has been a great friend to the jewish people, his son-in-law is jewish wi, his daughter converted to judaism. he's moving the embassy to jerusalem. this is a bizarre nonsector altering when they try to blame him being anti-smesemitic. >> i want to show the viewers what the rabbi, who went through that horrific situation, had to say about if president. here's rabbi goldstein. >> i received a personal phone call from our president, donald trump. he shared with me condolences on behalf of the united states of america and he spoke about his love of peace and judaism and israel and he was just so comforting that i'm really grateful to our president for taking the time and making that effort to share with us his
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comfort and consolation. >> rachelle, did the president do the right thing on that one? >> he absolutely did the right thing. i think the president absolutely did the right thing he. he also should make the calls to the baptist churches in louisiana that were burned down. i would say he did the right thing but let's not be selective in our condolences. >> and if i were advising nps, i woulnancypelosi, i would tell hl ilhan omar that she is no longer welcome on the foreign relations committee. thank you so much. coming up, an attorney pleading not guilty to fraud charges today as he calls for due process the whic which she's rightfully entitled to. remember he was the irs if one labeling justice kavanaugh a guilty man, unfit to sit on the highest court. we haven't forgotten and we are
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exposing that hypocrisy next. . >> brett kavanaugh is not fit to sit on the u.s. supreme court. kavanaugh is not fit. should not be a rush to confirm this man. ...or trips to mars. $4.95. delivery drones or the latest phones. $4.95. no matter what you trade, at fidelity it's just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade. no matter what you trade, at fidelity the introducing the all-new 2019 ford ranger, it's the right gear. with a terrain management system for... this. a bash plate for... that. an electronic locking rear differential for... yeah... this. heading to the supermarket? get any truck. heading out here? get the ford ranger. the only adventure gear built ford tough.
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-♪ why, oh, why -♪ she's not the maid we wanted ♪ -because i'm not the maid! -♪ but she's the maid we got -again, i'm not the maid. i protect your home and auto. -hey, campbells. who's your new maid? trish: attorney pleading not guilty alleging he stole millions of dollars from his clients. proclaiming his innocence tweeting we don't convict someone in america based on a one-sided argument in a press conference. that's funny, right? i mean, that's very true, right? that is very true. we don't do that. but let's not forget back when he was the anti-trump hero of some sort, the countless times he condemned justice brett kavanaugh without hearing the justice's side. watch this one.
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>> we belief all of these allegations, brett kavanaugh is not fit to sit on the u.s. supreme court. brett kavanaugh is not fit to sit on the highest court in the land. there should not be a rush to confirm this man to a lifetime position on the u.s. supreme court with all of these women coming forward. >> let this be a warning to donald trump, brett kavanaugh and others surrogates. trish: i mean, he should know better. he's a lawyer. and you're innocent until proven guilty. he faces charge in new york of attempting to extort nike up to $25 million. what a guy. joining me attorneys jenny ellis and kurt. good to see you both. did he get on the wrong side of the feds or is this one bad apple? >> oh, you know, i'm really enjoying watching michael avenue knotty give me the opportunity
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to defend due process. he's been an embarrassment as a los angeles lawyer. i'm a los angeles trial lawyer and i'm really excited about how he's totally trashed our reputation. but this gives as an important opportunity to stand up for someone that we don't like or don't respect but for a principle were due process. everybody has a right to be heard. i want to hear his side of the story. i want it done in front of 12 people and a neutral judge and i want the chips to fall where they may. trish: look, when this broke, jenny, i had both of you guys on the show at the time and we all did say and will continue to say, you're innocent until proven guilty. but what is yowrp sort of gut reaction knowing what you've seen in the way of the government's case here? >> yeah. well i think michael avenue gnatty is the poster boy of the progressive left. because his mantra is basically due process for me but not for
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thee. and so when we're dealing with someone like him who has shaped the media and the court of public opinion on something as sirius as a confirmation of a u.s. supreme court justice and then he pivots and turns right back around when it's self interest for his own protection, that i think is an important conversation not just for the principle of the rule of law which i fully agree with, but so that we can pause and have a conversation about the mainstream media's narrative and how they shape america's understanding of what due process actually means and why they're having these conversations up front. when he says i believe these allegations and then he turns around and says don't believe what they're saying about me. this is the same type of hypocrisy we're seeing from the left when they're calling president trump a tyrant because he's issuing executive ores ords within the constitution yet kamala harris is running on a promise to have an executive
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order to ban guns. yet the mainstream media is applauding the outcome over the principle and it's time for everyone to scawl out the call e democratic left. trish: i like how you're speaking it to another level here. we see a ton of hypocrisy. i will point out, i never invited him on this show, he was never on this show. he was certainly on a lot of shows. he was popping up, doing as much tv as he could. and trying to get the word out there constantly that brett kavanaugh was bad, that donald trump was bad and the media willingly went along with that. you're a trial attorney. people's opinion matters when you think about the kind of courtroom that he might see and the jurors he might see, how might all of that public display affect their thinking ? >> well, if he's got good defense attorneys, and i assume he will, they will make sure
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during voir dire, when you select a jury, that the people on the jury have no idea who this guy is. trish: good luck. >> exactly. look, and even though he's a bad person -- trish: speechless. >> i think he's a bad person but he deserves a chance to get a fair jury that's not going to prejudge him. look, i have apl a lot of persol resentment 0 against this guy. there are a lot of lawyers who try to help their clients and what he's accused of breaks every part of our oath. trish: i got you. >> to protect your clients. frustrating. trish: good to see you guys. thank you so much. a lot more coming. 2020 dimms pushing far left socialist agenda like medicare for all. what dow yo do you know? one dimm is rolling out a 5 trillion-dollar plan to combat
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climate change. the only problem is he has no way how to pay for it. find out which candidate is pushing this dummied when we return. can we talk? we used to play so beautifully together. now we can barely play anything... even cards with the girls.
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it's a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999... senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. so you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. sleep number is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with mattresses by j. d. power. save $400 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. trish: 2020 democratic candidate beto o'rourke releasing his first major policy proposal of the campaign tonight. and it's a ducey.
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o'rourke laying out a plan to combat what he calls the greatest threat to our nation, climate change and it comes with a significant hefty price tag. $5 trillion. that's about one quarter the size of our entire economy. $5 trillion. where is he going to come up with this? his goal to cut carbon emissions to net 30. very noble. but this puts anymore in line with alexandria ocasio-cortez and her new agree deal. is he looking for points where aoc? joining me right now, member of the house oversight and how manyland security committees tennessee congressman mark greene. let's talk about the craziness, the looniness -- i call it crazy town. $5 trillion. that's a lot of money. where is he going to get it? >> yeah. they're talking about raising
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taxes obviously. that's what they have to do. but the truth of the matter is -- trish: you can't raise taxes to get $5 trillion. i don't care. you can tax everyone from here to kingdom come and you're not going to get $5 trillion for a green new deal. >> when they were proposing medicare for all, they talked about a 70% tax on the itch are, that produced $700 billion. that's significantly less than 5 trillion. the math doesn't add up. trish: and not to mention -- not to go back to the laws of basic economics and income 101, but the more you tax, the less you're going to get. right? because the output overall. you have only to look at the success of our economy right now and lower taxes and less regulation have resulted in nice looking gdp numbers and pretty good unemployment rates. >> that's right. as the unemployment rates have fallen, the actual wages for the people last quarter went up 6%.
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wages are responding to this economy as well. trish: but he's doing this for a reason, let's not forget. and it's political. what is it he's trying to appeal to, who is it that he's trying to appeal to with a $5 trillion energy plan? >> i think he recognize this there are a lot of democrats who recognize that the green new deal is absurd so he's trying to meet them halfway with an idea that gets us to carbon neutrality but -- or emissions neutrality. but even his plan, it's crazy. i mean $5 trillion -- trish: not to mention. >> it bankrupts the country trish: that's exactly the problem. you've got to go around the world to make sure everybody else is doing it. guess what all of these other places that still consider themselves developing nations despite the size of their economies are actually doing. let me show you -- you know, i
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don't always agree with bill mar, but he had a point on this one. let's share this one with the viewers. here we go. >> nothing is free, like a free lunch. no. neither is college. somebody will be paying for this free college. and it will be taxpayers. so are we really saying that someone who didn't go to college should be subsidizing the people who went and got the benefit from going to college and made more money? is that really a liberal thing? >> you look at the beneficiaries of the proposal, it's a huge subsidy to hire incom to higher. trish: in this particular case they're talking about free college. and my friend norquist who makes sense on taxes is saying this is a giant subsidy to upper-income people. the more educated class will benefit from this. what about the people actually out there working for a living,
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punching a clock at a factory not going to college. they have to pay for all of those millennial kids to go? how is that fair? >> that's not going to work either, right? it's just like -- i mean the same concept with the lottery and funding scholarships off of the lottery. the people who are actually paying for the lottery tickets aren't the ones going to college. those type of deals for free college et cetera, they don't work. someone does have to pay the bill. grover is exactly right. and it's the same with this, nou know, green new deal light from o'rourke. it doesn't work. you can't create $5 trillion out of the air. there's in money tree that you pick the money off of it. trish: i don't like it. and it's not -- people say we can tax the wealthy more but it's not just the wealthy that they're going to tax. they're going to tax middle income earners.
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>> they want a social is country. trish: that doesn't work out. congressman greene thank you. coming up, we're taking the show on the road. find out where we're going to be tomorrow when we return. uh, i'll look into it. (phone rings) 2k-678
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trish: i'm heading to texas, trish regan primetime, a special show hiv live from dallas, texas tomorrow, talking about the immigration. people at texas border have been feeling it badly.
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we'll talk with some of them, a whole lot more, tomorrow night 8 p.m. eastern, and against at 11:00, kennedy beginning right now. kennedy: thank you trish. sexy lady ♪ >> it could be battle royal we've been waiting for. president trump versus former vice president joe biden. today uncle joe officially jumped on the campaign trail, does he have what it takes to go the distance. in a roomful of union members in state of pennsylvania, he will need to win over the blue collar workers who helped president win in 2016. biden kicked it off with a list of reasons why he is running, joe? >> why i'm running for president of the united states first is


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