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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  May 16, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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you. asia expert gordon chang, and pastor robert jeffers among our guests tomorrow, we hope you join us then, good night from new york. trish: the biggest propose change to immigration in history of the united states of america. >> is pro-american, pro of pro-immigrant and pro worker, it is just common sense. trish: president trump outlining his intention to bring educated, skilled workers to the economy, people who can add to the economy not act of as a welfare drain on american taxpayers, you hear from president, our very own steve hilton just sat down with the president, we have the exclusive interview, also, tension escalate between u.s. and iran. and liberal media trying to
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suggest that white house is hungry for war, i have the real inside on what is happening in iran and here at home. they have the real story for you. and the s.a.t.s are getting a big makeover, now to include a diversity score. trish regan primetime begins right now. biggest call for change to our hip brea him break system ever - immigration system ever proposed by president trump.
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goal is up number of work based visas from 600 thousand from current 140,000, work visas, calling it the build america visa, i think this is a great name. >> our proposal is pro american, pro immigrant and pro worker, it is just common sense. >> our proposal fulfills our sacred duty to those living here today while ensuring america remain a welcoming country too immigrants, joining us tomorrow. and we want immigrants coming in we cherish the open door that we want to create for our country. but a big proportion of those immigrants must come in through merit and skill. >> that is smart, it is the
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martest i have heard. the administration is also identifying three skills, skills base categories, for build america visa. for workers with talent, in sought after specialize vocasions, and exceptional students, family still plays a role but less of one, the idea is we don't need people that will be a drain on the system here. the president says, we need people who will help us to be our very best, watch. >> as a result of our broken rules, the annual green card flow is mostly low wage and low skilled. newcomers compete for jobs again the most vulnerable americans, and put pressure on our social safety net, and generous welfare
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programs. trish: before anyone suggests that we're being too harsh, keep in mind, every other developed country in this world has a system like he is proposing. look at this map, take a pick. they all have a skill-based, merit-based system, yet the democrats, tonight are already fighting it. i tell you something, you know what? they need to get over it. they just need to get over it. enough, this is getting to the paipoint where we're not going o be able to fun function the waye need 240, abou to. what is wrong. we even bring more people in.
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not sent them away, this idea would accomplish that. they understood this, right back when trump was not in office. watch. >> mexico must do its share because the day when america could be the welfare system for mexico is gone. we can't afford it. >> we have an actual humanitarian crises on the border that only under scores need to drop politics. >> all of us take offense to anyone that reaps rewards of living in america without taking on responsibilities of living in america, undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, i believe may must be -- they must be held acon, caconaccountible. >> fix our broken immigration system. trish: fix it steve hil hilton,u just sat down with the president, i want viewers to
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listen here to him talking to you about immigration. >> we gotten tough on the border, we have a catch and release, you catch then you have to by law release. or you can 24 -- you have to tae them to a court, nobody has a court system, others they take them -- >> does this new plan have details that would change that. >> tremendous, a fair asylum system. our ai asylum system is a disasr right now. trish: we have a lot of problems right now. i am impressed with what i see here, he is approaching it pretty rationally, yet democrats are already mad. what is the chance that this gets through, steve? >> i think in long run, trish, this going to be the template for the reform that we need to
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fix this system that has been broken for decades, only president trump who has brought such cre cred bill fee, credibi. he has been clear for so long. what i want to do take on argument from left and right, you see democrats, they say, that wow this is not true to america, you know to restrict too people with skilled and merit. we should be here for all comers, and so on. that is the tradition. but those traditions, were in a different age, you didn't have what you have today, which is billions of people in world, far greater numbers, migration on a bigger scale than we've seen before. international travel much cheaper, people looking at phones and comparing life styles saying i want to go to america. it is a different world, equally
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those on right, and criticize this, i point this point to the -- i put this point to president, this is not restrictive enough, yo are just shifting balance went them, the economy is booming as a result of his policies. we do need people 240 come -- to come here but as you said to contribute. trish: i know this democrats will say this is mean and cruel. that feinstein bite was in 1990s, if she would sing the same tune, she would realize we can not be the welfare system for the world. therefore, just because you are living here, and have 50 family members at home that does not mean all 50 get to come here, and then u.s. taxpayers foot the bill for those members of your
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family who want to live off of the system, as opposed to engaging in our economy. but with this program you talk about people we are kind of recruiting, right? if you have right skills, and you want to be american, that is a match made for both. both parties, where everyone benefits, i don't know why it was not done a long time ago. >> right. i have a personal connection to this, i am an immigrant twice over, my parents were immigrants to uk and communism in hungary, and i am now an immigrant here from uk to america, they were both examples of what we want, my parents did not assume for one second just because they made it to uk they should bring whole family with them. aunts and uncles, similar lee, we moved here on a green card for work reasons, i did not
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expect me and my wife would bring over the whole family, that is not how this works, most people get that, it is just the extreme ideological democrats who are for open borders, because it helps them politically are on the wrong side, if the end, i believe this is the plan that will happen, it is so sensible. trish: i think it is going to happen. i think you know democrat need to get onboard with reality. and this is a very realistic plan. that brings people here that we need that will help us grow, steve hilton, i can't wait to see the whole interview. >> it was great. trish: he says some interesting things. steve, thank you so much, you can catch steve's interview, this sunday 9 p.m. east inch, on fox news channel. >> tonight, latest on country that chants death too america.
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-- death to america. coming up, an iranian businessman who worked in tehran, said he is shocked that obama administration made such a bad deal for american businesses. >> also most hated and liberal man in new york. running for president? >> liar! >> conditio -- new yorkers are , coming up, mayor bill de blasio is all in. is the democratic race for president turning into a circumstances? next they find out if they read the part that exxon rates the president. that is after this. >> you find good news in here
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trish: democrat still fixated on takes down the president with house judiciary president ed nar leading the pack. watch this. >> we're looking at all options to deal with lawless administration, and everything is being looked at. >> including possible jail? >> we're looking at law, whatever legal remedies we have we will use. trish: does he not read the mueller report? at all? brand-new fox poll shows that majority of americans think it is somewhat likely that fbi broke the law when it first started investigating the trump campaign. remember? it got the fisa document? by using some blame --
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unverified opposition research. joining me republican member of house judiciary committee greg stuby. >> thank you. trish: so, jerry nadler, he is leading the fight, not giving up. what is the cost to him? the cost to the democratic party? what is the cost to america? >> well, i tell you cost to america is we're not focused on what the american people want us to be focused on. you were talking with the immigration and president was talking about it. people want that solutions to a real problem. we could solve the immigration crises on border right now, instead the democrats are focused on investigating the president, they are not happy with the full mueller report, 98% is now public. they are going to continue to investigate the if the because they are not happy with the outcome. they cannot beat trump at ballot
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box. trish: i think there is a reason they are not happy with the mueller report, somehow they had an idea there was solution -- c, then it turns out that president of u.s. u.s u.s. is not an agenf russia. i believe they are getting nervous, because bill barr is on to something, why did it happen. >> yes, two years they sold to american people and mainstream media as well this lie that there is collusion with trump campaign and russia. now, i am thankful that bill barr is focusing on how did we get to where we are today? if the basis of fisa warrant was a dossier prom -- promulgated by clinton campaign, i hope they investigate that and i think there will somebody indictments.
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trish: there will be and talk of criminal referral, playing that sound of nadler attacking barr. >> they welcomed it, they wanted it, they coordinated with it, colluded, there is no question. colluding with a foreign power to rig an american election, there no question. >> despite bill barr saying over and over. >> bill barr is a liar. trish: i guess he has to say robert mueller is a liar too, once again if he bothered to read the report, maybe that reading session is good for him, but, why is this they are on the attack right now, why are they going after bill barr like they are. >> they don't have solutions for america, they don't top talk about their socialist programs and medicare for all and the green new deal, they want to beat the president at ballot box, the only way they think they can do that is start
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impeachment proceedings. trish: americans suspect something really bad happened with fbi, they are not into the impeachment thing. it and i hate to give them the advice, that might help them, but, it a losing proposition to continue down to impeachment path. what is your sense? do you have a sense of what really happened. is the deep state that deep? >> it seems like it, if you listen to what ag barr said, they opened an ig investigation. ranks member of the intel committee nunes sent referral to doj, it is hig my sense that sog will come of fact that american people were sold a fraud, fisa
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people were sold a fraud, of this russian dossier under the hill hilhillary clinton campaig. department of justice should be in business of justice of the united states. trish: congressman, stay on it, good to see you. >> thank you. trish: coming up next, most hated and liberal man in new york running for president? >> honor able bill de blasio. [ booing ] trish: yikes, next, far left new york city mayor bill de blasio is all in, is the democratic race for president turning into the circus we think it is? >> there is plenty of money in
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trish: with 22 democratic candidates declaring they are running for president in 2020, you wouldn't think that number 23 would make such a big splash. mayor bill de blasio from new york making headlines for all wrong reasons, check out rule out. >> look at this, he has people laughing at him, he is getting a "new york post" treatment. >> one person heard me ask that question not heard announcement yet, shouted is that a joke. >> started laughing. >> you go for soaring background music like that when there is a lack of excitement in the streets of new york. >> a lot of skeptics many live in new york city.
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>> you know what -- bill de blasio's announcement, that would put a smile on your face, for what reason is not appropriate to get into. trish: he can't even get liberal media to like him. with me now, adam and stephanie. adam, why is he just falling so flat? other than fact that new york city is a mess. he has made it worse than anyone could have thought possible. but why so poorly treated? >> trish, i think that bill de blasio is a rare figure that unites most republicans and democrats in disdain, he is a failure as a mayor, been ineffective, this presidential run is a total joke. and i have to tell you, i lived in new york city for 16 years, when i return there i am dismayed, on every me metric isa
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zero, maybe he is bored, and wants a new job, but he has no chance. trish: i think that people are wishing for days of michael bloomberg in new york city, they will take that limited sodas over bill de blasio allowing people to smoke pot as you walk down streets of new york. stephanie what is going on. he is number 23? 23, there is probably more coming. is this full on now circus? >> it is a circus. only person excited about de blasio's candidacy would be himself, 76% of new yorker say they did not want him to run for president, his job approval is around 40s, he should focus on making new york subway system great again as well as nycha, public housing. if 245 i -- that is how he runse
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country we'll be in trouble. trish: he will not get anywhere. he has done a lousy job in new york. you have biden. democratic nominee. is he the guy. >> i have three words, michiganning wisconsin and pennsylvania. joe biden can carry the rust belt.
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i think he could beat donald trump, he is ahead in host pol polls. trish: how does that china stuff play. his platform seems to say china does not matter, and the jobs we lost to china don't matter, i think you talk about places like wisconsin, and pennsylvania. yeah, they matter. china matters, a lot of americans are concerned. china on a roll. if that keeps going we would not have leverage we have now. >> i can imagine biden will do all he can to survive the primary, and i would imagine he would shift during the general,y woo look at his record, and obama administration record, if that is how he wants to run the
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country,y know that americans would support president trump, the economy is grow, national security is great. we look at trump's approval ratings numbers, americans are happy. trish: you know. adam said that biden gives him a run for his money, adam, who would be vp . >> good options, i am a huge fan of mayor pete, he is a democrat in a red state, military experience, really smart. i really like kamala harris, she represents future of party. i think o'rourke is great, a lot of good candidates. trish: i think you are need a woman. maybe kamala is your best person. >> kamala is great. >> adam and stephanie good too see you, still early. well, unlikely friendship on tape, one dog making a friend, coming up. we will tell you the story, but
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first, s.a.t. a lot more pc because there is now an disverisity score that will be included. lucing crime rate -- crime rate into poverty levels from the student's neighborhood, this is identity politics at its worse, it could affect your children's chance of getting into a good school, they are on it, next. ♪ limu emu & doug look limu. a civilian buying a new car. let's go. limu's right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh... yeah, i've been a customer for years. huh... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. trish: s.a.t. began, beginning to score adversity. that any student may have faced in life on a bid to level the playing field. would take into account 15 factors that include crime rate and poverty level from the student's high school and
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neighborhood. a score above 50 is considered below, and below is privileged. this is kind of a little crazy. now you scoring something? that you know, and i would imagine kind of difficult to score. >> this is absurd, they are trying to combat class stratification with more class strasification. what is going to stop someone on from moving to a home on the line. family members cancer or goes to warlike my father did. according to these standards, you would not qualify, i thought it is was college admission essays were to be about. now they make more difficult, i
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think they are clueless in america with our education system at higher level. trish: maybe colleges are lazy they don't want to read the essays, they don't want to take the time. >> entire point of s.a.t. and act to measure college readiness, it is concerning they bring in factors other than preparedness for college into this test, there are like brit said, essays, students talk about these things if they want to, that is important thing, students can choose to discuss adversity and overcome it if they want to. the demographic details is an invasion of student's privacy, who may be trying to put behind them go to college, gets a new less on life. >> also they want to include
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anyone from a single parent home, in 2018, statistics there are half of americans are single family homes. i don't think that should preclude you over another. trish: is this about s.a.t. trying to seem relevant. by the way, it is true, those exams are kind of geared to someone with a certain path in education. you know if you didn't have that socio economic back ground, maybe you are not going to score as well, shouldn't they work to make their test different to measure intelligence, and readiness. as opposed to adverse tie. >> you really, you can see why colleges' people who overcome difficult situations and grit iy
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students who will apply themselves in college on, but working it to a score they don't get to see is creeping and strange that schools are try -- >> you don't get to see it. >> nope. trish: you don't? >> the students get to see their own score. trish: college gets to see it but the student does not. >> that is right. >> everyone should just boycott the s.a.t., the heck with them. i would assume they have you sign a release. just say no, i'm not signing up for that. >> thank you very much. >> this is discriminatory actually, i don't understand how this is continues on. as usual, annually going to hurt the middle class, white working middle class there is a book about it, it is so large now we can't identify it, we want to diverse everything, opportunities for golden, we
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should create those but not at extend of others. >> that is terrible. trish: another story. one ohio high school is no longer recognizing a school val victory -- va valedictorian. they think it would help the other students mental health. emma? you can no longer compete academically any more because someone might file bad. bad. >> i watched superintendent's interview, there is maybe something there is a local government, a local task force and concerned parents who say there is a mental he'l health cs in our community, they trace it to students with a 4.0 gpa and
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above they are killing themselves trying to become val decvaledictorian. trish: what is wrong with our country we're so crazed that it a mental health crisis, something is off. >> if your break down not making valedictorian life will be really hard for you, we're not doing these kids any favors, we can contribute a lot of opioid crisis on overprescribing drugs for different mental health issues, i am not making light of, but i think this is only coddling the children, what happens to schools, outside of community, they are doing it ujust because you change your gpa ranking up to 5.0, you have the elitist ranking in the
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world, really you are just robbing a rightful student of a moment i had, i was val decker d it. >> way to go. brit and emma thank you. >> coming up next. an iranian businessman who works in tehran said he thought that obama administration made a lousy deal for american businesses. you want to hear what else he say, kt mcfarland is joining us, with a thing or two about -that's how a home and auto bundle is made. [ chuckles ] so, what are some key takeaways from this commercial? did any of you hear the "bundle your home and auto" part? -i like that, just not when it comes out of her mouth. -yeah, as a mother, i wouldn't want my kids to see that. -good mom. -to see -- wait. i'm sorry. what? -don't kids see enough violence as it is?
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-i've seen violence. -maybe we turn the word "bundle" into a character, like mr. bundles. -top o' the bundle to you. [ laughter ] bundle, bundle, bundle. -my kids would love that. -yeah. bundle, bundle, bundle. can't see what it is what is that? that's a blazer? that's a chevy blazer? aww, this is dope. this thing is beautiful. i love the lights. oh man, it's got a mean face on it. it looks like a piece of candy. look at the interior. this is nice. this is my sexy mom car. i would feel like a cool dad. it's just really chic. i love this thing. it's gorgeous. i would pull up in this in a heartbeat. i want one of these. that is sharp. the all-new chevy blazer. speaks for itself. i don't know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase.
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>> i'd like to see them call me, they should call me up, sitting down, we can make a fair deal. >> i think it's fake news, would i do that? absolutely, but we don't have plans for that. if we did that, we would send a hell of a lot more troops than that. >> are we going to war with iran? >> i hope not. trish: new report that president told defense secretary shanahan he does not want to go to war with iran.
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he just told everyone, that on television, this is despite rumors that some of his top advisers are pushing for some kind of escalation here. there are a lot of rumors about us possibly going to war with iran, and trump says no, don't want to do that. i can tell you, president is looking to avid avoid any conflt with iran while getting them back to negotiating table, and like he said, he wants to make a deal, joining me kt mcfarland, and iranian entrepreneur, faried, on the phone, welcome to the program. >> hello thank you. trish: i know you advised iran finance minister on the deal when obama pushed it through. you said you were surprised at the time how little was in it
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for americans, explain what you mean by that. >> that is correct. if you look at the deal, you see that is american companies or americans are getting shorter side of the end of the stick. if you compare some companies like chevron, or honeywell or ge, american companies are at disadvantage part of the deem. deal. >> deal had potential to be economically more fruitful for u.s. companies. trish: there seems to be a break down right now. communication problem, right? you read in "new york times" somehow we're planning for you know some wore wit wore -- war n kt, president said no. >> nothing more exciting in trump administration than palace intrigue and gossip about what
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is going on in situation room, every time i talk to trump about this, he has been firm, iran nuclear deal of a bad deal, we paid them off up front, we didn't deal with missiles or their support are in terrorism, when the iranians pushed us, instead of walks away, trump said, you can believe it, they didn't get up from the table they sufthey just sat there. trish: and the economic aspect, faridsaying he can be believe it now have you war talk. going back and forth, farid, you heaheard president say, i don't understand why they are going to call me, are they going to call them. >> i don't think so, i think that president getting wrong advice from people like john bolton, and he is talking to people like mek, which has background they are accused of
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assassinating u.s. diplomats, prerevolution. trish: you think that bolton wants regime change? which is different from a renegotiating? >> that is a bankrupt policy, the president of united states should not bet on that. when we heard that president trump got elected, everyone thought that well finally in white house, we'll have a rational business person, who wants to make maximize profit, but it did not happen, whatever you know little room american companies had to work in iran they lost it. i know honeywell had an office in tehran. they shut down that operation,
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ge did the same. >> you are not blaming the president here, it sounds like you are blaming his advisers, bonbolton. >> that is what i feel, i read his book, i feel he can -- he is a business person who can do more fruitfuly. trish: kt, faridsays, he is getting bad -- it seems like, maybe good cop bad cop but seems there is one agenda being pushed that iranians are hearing, and some members from mainstream media are hearing and president saying we're not geein going onr with iran. >> i believe donald trump, he is making the decisions, whatever advice he is getting, i know what i made my case to him, he disagreed to it, fine, he has
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always given me a fair hearing, but he is the guy who decides, he has made this clear he wants a deal, to renegotiate certain aspects of it. we continue to keep their go slow on nuclear part, and for what we'll do a deal with them, and their economy could use a deal. sanctions have affected them, iranians are grad great busines, i do not know why the ayatollah does not just pick up his twitter feed and tweet donald trump. trish: kt says he is ready, what are we waiting ar for. >> to be honest, small to medium
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size business in iran we would like large businesses. but to be honest, i think. -- mr. president we'll never be able to make a weapon, economically it does not do u.s. companies a favor. i do not think this is paid enough attention. other aspect of deal, more to politics and diplomats. trish: that still on the table. would they be willing to say we'll not do that any more? >> i -- from what i hear they do not want to negotiate because our prime minister said it impossible. i feel any nation wants to maximize its economic benefits, there is huge room and space in the field can be capitalized on the potential of already the deal or whatever deal it might
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be. trish: it seems it would make sense. right people. >> art of the deal. trish: kt, thank you very much. >> and afrid, thank you. >> up next, unlikely friendship in florida. a dog making -driverless cars... -all ground personnel... ...or trips to mars. $4.95. delivery drones or the latest phones. $4.95. no matter what you trade, at fidelity it's just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade. nueven if you try to eat well,. at fidelity you might fall short in key nutrients. get more by adding one a day. it's the #1 multivitamin uniquely designed for men and women. one serving, once a day. one a day. and done. the doctor's office might mejust for a shot.o but why go back there when you can stay home with neulasta® onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection.
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trish: just sat down with attorney general bill barr. >> i have been trying to get answers to questions, i found a lot of answers have been inadequate and found that some explanations i have gotten don't hang together, i have more questions today than what i first started. >> what things. >> what occurred. >> why does it matter? >> because i think people have to find out what the government was doing during that period if we're worried about foreign en influence for same reason we should be worried if government officials abuse the power and put their thumb on the scale, i'm not saying it happened but we're do have to look at that. trish: absolutely we have to look. i'm not saying it happened either, we have a lot of questions, it does not matter where you come out. left, right. right down the middle. we need to know.
12:00 am
right? catch the interview with attorney general on bill and sandra show tomorrow morning 9:00 a.m., up next, charles payne town hall. >> this is a fox business special presentation, live from networnew york city, "making mo" with charles payne. capitalism verse socialism, shee--charles payne. charles: you get a car, you get a car. >> you got it. >> good to see you. hey. >> thank you, thank you all very much. thank you. a town hall on capitalism and socialism, we'll get to questions from live studio audience, but let's meet folks answering the


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