tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 22, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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started. liz: thank you for joining us. and thank you for having us in your homes and thank you for watching. "lou dobbs" is next right here on the fox business network. have a good night. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, adam schiff, jerry nadler and the rest of the radical dimms leading the democratic party into the abyss with their coaster and vile politics. the dimms are no longer borderline evil. they've crossed that line. and with nancy pelosi's senseless baseless claims among which that the president is involved in a coverup, she's consigned her party to futility and failure in 2020. but her attempts to soothe the raging radical left have backfired and the political cost will be immense. president trump has had his fill
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of the democratic attacks not only against him but against the constitution. an endless political investigations and harassment. we're joined tonight by attorneys victoria toensing, jo digenova with us to take up the prospects of bringing the conspirators against the president to justice. with us as well, the dean himself, ed rollins, the daily caller's christopher bedford open k.t. mcfarland all with us here tonight. we begin with the radical dimms, every word they speak, every move they make is designed to divert public attention from the tremendous legal and political jeopardy in which they find themselves. the police. product of three years of investigation of president trump has been the massive evidence of their vast conspiracy to overthrow this president. no number of political hearings,
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so-called investigations and hyperbolic charges against the president will distract the american people from the radical dimms conspiracy with the fbi and the department of justice to oust a sitting ft. president. for decades. debt zenhave claim it's notthe t kills a politician. this time the dimms have been caught up in a crime wave of their own making. here's the president today reminding the national left-wing media that the evidence produced by three years of investigations point directly at the obama fbi and doj, the dnc and of course the clinton campaign. >> to my way of thinking, and aknow a lot of you agree with me, the crime was committed on the other side. this whole thing was a take down attempt at the president of the
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united states. lou: it's the radical dimms who went after a president with their fabricated evidence, fraudulent claims before fisa court judges, obama intelligence chiefs who contrived schemes of entrapment directed at the trump campaign. a special counsel on a partisan mission to discover a crime. an effort to frame a presidential candidate and then the president of the united states. and then when no crime was found, pelosi tries now to create nonsense cli and corruptly a claim of coverup. years of investigations have found no crime, no collusion, no obstruction. so in a final act of corruption a contrivance of desperation, there is a coverup of a crime that never was committed for which there is absolutely no evidence, an absurdly that isn't in any way supported tbi special
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counsel's 448-page final report and conclusions that vindicate the president of the united states. joining us tonight, former reagan white house political director, fox business political and cyst, the savant himself, ed rollins. ed, this is into that schumer and pelosi would walk over to the white house, after just, what, 20 minutes before, accusing the president of a coverup after the special counsel has vindicated him, after which the evidence -- the preponderance of the evidence discovered and revealed has been that there is a vast left-wing conspiracy against the president of the united states. >> they don't want to continue that. equally important mueller basically came in agreement to give them more than he's given them, which is everything. at the end of the day the president does need to meet with these people. if they want an infrastructure bill, he can see whether he likes it or not. he can veto it. lou: the hell with them.
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i think he did exactly the right thing. >> they have no obligation -- he has no obligation to meet with them. their job is to basically pass legislation and put a budget through. they can't get a budget resolution through. all they want to do is get a spotlight on his alleged crimes, which there aren't any. lou: there is obstruction all right but the obstruction is that of the radical lims, the left-wing looney trying to subvert his administration at every turn. i think the evidence is clear that the preponderance of the evidence shows definitely that the dimms will have a lot of explaining to do as we start to hear the inspector general's reports and that of the investigations of the attorney general himself. >> we know after all of this -- if two years of investigation, the crime are not on this side. the crimes were done on the other side before, the old
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administration. the quicker that stuff gets out the better. they know that. that's why they keep probing and probing. and equally important the votes aren't there, they're not going to get an impeachment. lou: let's talk about the coverup. the president points out his has been the most transparent administration if not all of history of this country, certainly in memory. this is just exactly how the president and his white house have cooperated with the special counsel. and it bears repeating because these numbers are striking. the phony russia numbers, 35-plus million -- if we could see that full screen, please. $35 million spent, 2800 plus subpoenas, 675 days of investigation, 500 witness interviews and his own attorney sits down with the special
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counsel for crying out loud, don mcgahn, for 30 hours with the investigators. what in the world -- why would anyone in the national -- even the left-wing media put up with the nonsense being spewed by nancy pelosi about a coverup? >> because -- lou: i mean it's on its face absurd. >> not only that -- lou: but they're going to continue to repeat it without qualification and without follow-up. >> they will investigate him until the day he goes out of the office at the end of his second term. the country doesn't want the investigation to continue -- lou: i'm sorry. i've got to ask this. lindsey graham wanting the president to go ahead and work with him on infrastructure. do you think lindsey graham could for one week make up his mind, decide whether he's a democrat, a republican, whether he's protrump or anti-trump? i mean what in the world is he doing? >> he wants to be in front of the cameras. and the bottom line he's got to
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say something every day -- lou: he's in front of the camera here. >> you want infrastructure, you want to sit down and know what the administration wants to do on infrastructure, that's it. these people today -- schumer came today and the president was supposed to tell us how to fund this thing. that's not the president's job to tell you how to fund it. you want 2 trillion in infrastructure, you tell us how you're going to fund it. they can't do that. at the end to have day they want their pet projects and they're not going to get them. the president should wash his hands of them, say thank you very mitch, i'm going do my job, conduct foreign affairs. when you've got bills to sign, send them and i'll sign them. lou: the president has made the decision that he doesn't need the democrats and he certainly doesn't need any more of their nonsense. he's not going to win their respect. he will not win the affection of the democrats at the polls and he sure has a responsibility to his base and to the forgotten man and woman as he acknowledged in his pennsylvania rally.
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and by the way, the republican candidate -- let me see if i can check the margin. it was -- let's see. yes. the republican candidate the day after wins by just 36 points, ladies and gentlemen. congratulations. >> member of congress. will be a great supporter. lou: it's stunning stuff. so as we turn to the next step, the president of the united states has to conduct foreign policy, he does that on his own anyway. he has to deal with the economy. he has single handily rolled back regulation after regular las vegas. when we all look at this president independently objectively and consider what he has managed to do without the assistance of either the leadership of his own party or
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the democratic party certainly, it's truly -- it's doubly remarkable. >> it certainly is. and the country i think knows this and that's why his numbers are going up. lou: begrudgingly the left has to understand it. may never articulate it. >> don't worry about it, move forward, do the best job you can as he's been doing and get on with it. lou: at this point you think he's doing a pretty good job? >> listen, if he did nothing but make the economy boom and create the lowest unemployment, he's done a magnificent job. that's what he ran op second he's fighting the battle on the border. if people want to help imon the border that would be great but they're not going to. at the end to have day he's got to do what he's got to do. around the world he's respected at this point in time np no one is going to mess with him. lou: if you can't be respected, you better be feared. >> and he's both. and i think the reality is nancy
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pelosi is getting whip s-sawed y her own members. if they want to impeach him, have at it. lou: they don't have the guts. >> they don't have the guts, it's a waste of time and they'll lose. lou: but if they do the margin will be greater for president trump in 2020 than without it. >> the country knows there's no grounds to do it. lou: it's pretty cheer to everyone now who exactly the radical dimms are now. thank you for being here sir. appreciate it. up next, president trump slamming the radical dimms' efforts to overthrow his presidency telling the dimms to stop their political nonsense and harassment. >> i told senator schumer, speaker pelosi, i want to do infrastructure. i want to do it more than you want to do it. i'd be really good at that. that's what i do. but you know what? you can't do it under these circumstances. so get these phony informations
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overwith. lou: then i guess come on back and might have a sitdown with you. but not this time. no business as usual anymore. he's really, don't you think, put up with just about enough from these people? we'll have more of the pervasive corruption of the d.c. swamp, attorneys victoria toensing and jo digenova here tonight. we'll have an extended conversation with them about what is an extended extended swamp. also, a new blast of severe weather threatening flooded parts of the midwest and southern plains. it's extraordinary what is happening in the heartland. we'll have all of that, much more, right after the break. please stay with us.
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been 37 nationwide injunctions against his office. the attorney general said this, quote, one judge can in effect cancel the policy with the stroke of a pen and those judges have been doing so. by the way, of those 37 judges, 28 of them appointed by either president obama or seven by bill clinton. that's 28 of 37. former cia director john brennon in the use again twisting facts and patience and stomachs, tweeting this, quote, i subsequently learned from the mueller report that there was a lot more evidence of collusion and obstruction of justice than was indicated in the misleading and highly politicized barr memo. your on use fear of congressional action is warranted and your dishonesty is appalling. slipping brennon's addled mind
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were the claims of former director of national intelligence, that's right, his colleague in the conspiracy among the obama intelligence comeafschiefs, james clapper. i was obama he said who was behind the investigation of the then candidate and then president trump. >> with respect to russian meddling, if it weren't for president obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a sequence of events that are still unfolding today, notably special counsel mueller's investigation. president obama is responsible for that. lou: president obama responsible for that, said james clapper. what to make of it. joining us tonight, victoria toensing, former deputy attorney general for the criminal division of the justice department, joe digenova, former u.s. attorney for the district of columbia, founding partners
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of the digenova and toensing law firm. let me ask you first to react to the statement by the former dni, james clapper, which seems to be straight forwardly evidence of the former president's involvement in this witch hunt. victoria. >> well, if president obama were so good, why didn't he stop it. now let me see, what are we talking about this involvement. a few hundred,000 dollars worth of ads and hacking into the computer account of the dnc allegedly because we really don't know because they never turned their computers over to the fbi. this is this big hurrah about the thing that didn't do anything to affect the election? i mean, it's really -- it's pathetic. the message messaging though bye democrats is so gad pap they have it out that 40% of the
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american people think the russians got into our ballot machines and changed them. lou: it was two and a half years of nonsense, joe. and the attorney general is really making an interesting point now talking about specifically district court judges and what is obviously a concerted effort by obama-appointed clinton-appointed judges to block his agenda and frustrate his administration. >> well, contrary to what the chief justice says, there really are democratic and republican judges and they're showing it. this use of nationwide injunctions, just a huge number of them since president trump took office, are a demonstration of the political nature of the modern judiciary. and attorney general barr has it right. the supreme court needs to stop this. the first available case, the department of justice is going to try and do so. this is an outrageous violation of the separation of powers. just think of it, a single
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federal judge in hawaii or san francisco or some place else can stop the execution of a federal law or federal policy all over the united states. unelected judge. that's before it gets to a circuit court or the supreme court. the supreme court has to stop this. >> and lou, we didn't learn this in law school. i want you to know this. back in the days when joe and i were in law school, they taught you this trial judge ruled something, circuit court ruled something. it just pertained to the area that that court hads. this is a very new concept. and let me tell you why this is so important and why bill barr is so concerned about it. we learned in law school that these cases are supposed to, what they call, percolate up. so that different judges and different courts look at them and decide issues. and that's when they're ready for the supreme court to review. and by having one judge able to do this, have an energy then and the supreme court has to look at
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it, you have mo percolation. lou: i want to turn to the attorney general and his investigation of the investigators. >> yes. lou: and he seems to be signaling things here, whether it be his concern about judges frustrating the executive branch district court judge. and as victoria laid out, what they were once constrained and no longer so. it looks like the attorney general is taking on the system itself, that is. >> oh yeah. lou: -- part of the -- now, all of the evidence produced by special counsels and fbi investigations leaves us with clear -- the clear impression that there was a wide cop spearcy buconspiracybut it was e very investigators themselveses with the doj and fbi who conspired to overthrow a
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president, who conspired to frame the candidate and the president. it's stunning the horizon of challenges the attorney general faces to remove corruption from the legal judicial system. >> well, lou, he's the right guy to do it. and he said something in the interview with bill hammer the other day that was very important. he said, one of the meetings that really bothers him is the january 6, 2017 intelligence briefing of the president-elect by comey, brennon and clapper. lou: right. >> that's when james comey did the famous blackmail alone what the president about the salacious details of the steele dossier. the reason he's focused on that, because that is the beginning of the post-election overt conspiracy against the president of the united states. and barr knows it. and he's going to deconstruct
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that meeting because the day before that meeting there was a meeting in the white house with president obama and vice president biden and brennon and clapper and comey to discuss the january 6 briefing of the president -- incoming president. this is just the beginning of the tearing down of the walls of corruption that comey, brennon and clapper, in charge of. >> and another thing that bill barr said -- do you have a second for me to point out one other thing. lou: can we do that when we come right back? >> we can. lou: we will. victoria, be patient with us and we're going to be back with victoria and joe too in just a moment. we'll take up another interesting aspect in that meeting that joe was talking about. it turns out there were a lot of differences from the norm in that particular meeting. and we'll also take up the stunned and today stammering and even a word that she favored
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today, strange nancy pelosi. >> we had a very distinguished delegation to become the third powerful house and senate, as you can see, distinguished leader on the appropriations committee, senator patty murra murray -- whatever the title is in the senate. debbie stepan now our assistant speaker of new mexico, the chair of the -- i love saying chair. lou: and she was concerned about what she claimed was the president's strangeness. we'll take that up and much more. we're coming right back. stay with us.
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lou: a second obama-appointed judge ruling against the trump administration over financial records today in new york, judge ramos ruled that two banks that did business with president trump must comply with congressional subpoenas. the trump administration expected to appeal. we're back now with attorneys victoria toensing, jo digenova. you have something, victoria, you wanted to add very quickly. >> another important point of bill barr's interview. he said today i have more questions than before i became attorney general. now what does that say about the fbi director. why couldn't he walk into bill barr's office and answer every question he had. lou: christopher wray is making it clear who he is and who he is for, which is unfortunate both for the country and for him. very quickly, the judge ruling -- i'm going to skip around very quickly if i may, joe, here.
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a federal judge ruling, you know, that the president has to -- his banks have to comply with a congressional subpoena that's politically motivated and directed. this is, to me, outrageous. >> well this is pretty slip shod judicial work. i think it is very important that the notion of a valid legislative purpose, which is the supreme court standard for these subpoenaed documents be available. what's going on here, when you look at all of the s subpoenas issued to the family, to financial institutions, what's going on here now is an abusive intrusive assault, vindictive assault on the president of the united states and his family. none of this is being done for valid legislative purpose. this is a violation of the constitution. and i predict that when these get to higher courts, very serious questions are going to be raised about them and these
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subpoenas are going to be stopped. lou: i wish i -- i absolutely defer to your legal judgment. i have to tell you, i am so sick of what seems to me to be a rancid judiciary that i'm not nearly so hopeful. i'm counting on your usual acumen and powers of prophesy aninthings legal. nadler threatening to hold don mcgahn, the president's attorney, if he refuses, as he has done, to show up, victoria. is this another one where we're going to see the issue rise up through the appellate system? >> no, because i don't think he'll ever have the guts to go to district court to ask for it to be upheld. he's not going to do that with bill barr either, by the way. he's going to ask bill barr to break the law. may it please the court, will you direct the attorney general
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to violate the law. the mcgahn situation is executive privilege and it's the president's constitutional authority that can say to mcgahn, do not go there. and that has not been waved contrary to the washington post, wrote a whole story, didn't quote one lawyer -- every lawyer said there was waiver. there isn't. the circuit court has said there's no waiver. you know why? because talking to mueller, mcgahn talking to mueller was in the executive branch, they didn't go outside the branch. very unsophisticated reporting unfortunately. lou: and worse politics and governance from the radical dimms and the committees they chair. let's turn to john solomon's outstanding reporting now predicting that the president will start declassifying spy-gate documents, in particular the so-called bucket five documents that show that
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the fbi knew they were going after innocents. >> well i think what's going to happen is the declassification, along with the horowitz two inspector general reports, one about comey and one about fisa is going to change the narrative complete by. that is going to be the most important shift here that's going to help bill barr pursue his investigation. he's going to have the wind at his back after that. and there's in doubt that all four fisa warrants were illegally obtained through the provision of false and incomplete information to the fisa court. and there just isn't any doubt about that now. it was all illegal from day one. >> so lou, can we say this all together, mr. president, declassify the documents. lou: you got it. and i so stipulate, or whatever you fancy folks say. >> wow. lou: thanks so much. victoria toensing, jo digenova, thanks so much. severe storms sweeping
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across the central and southern plains bringing heavy flooding and watching roads and homes. at least four people are dead because of the severe weather outbreak unleashing nearly 60 tornadoes, prompting dozens of water rescues since tuesday. residents in three oklahoma towns are being urged to evacuate as the flood waters are rising. up next, a new court case details the links that chinese companies, such as huawei will go to to steal our technology. much much more. k.t. mcfarland joins us after this quick break. please stay with us.
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lou: breaking news tonight. huawei's deputy chairman accused of participating in a conspiracy to steal u.s. trade secrets. these accusations against eric zou. legal documents claim he had a huawei engineer posing as a potential customer to obtain the information before passing it on to huawei's chip development unit. zou was able to get his hands on a computer memory board as part of a pretended research project with the university that had an arrangement with huawei.
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that university, of course, is in some considerable, well abat least at this point speculation and a trial is fete for june 3rd. ought to be a ducey. a senior u.s. defense official has confirmed to fox that the pentagon is weighing sending several thousand more troops to the middle east. a final number hasn't been decided upon but reuters reporting that the number is around 5,000. the request for u.s. central command comes after, well, obvious tensions with iran and the deployment of a carrier strike force and bomber task force to the region. joining us tonight to help us make sense of this, k.t. mcforland, former deputy adviser to president trump. good to have you with us. let's take sense of it. let's start with a statement by
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the, well, the secretary of defense de saying the biggest at this point is to prevent iranian miscalculation. >> our biggest focus a the this point is to prevent iranian miscalculation. we do not want to situation to escalate. this is about deterrence, not about war. we're not about going to war. this is continuing to pr ect the our interest in the middle east and conducting the investigations that we are there to perform. lou: what in the world did he mean to say, our biggest focus is to prevent iranian miscalculation. the dispatch of the carrier strike force and the bomber task
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forces was to meet a threat against u.s. interest. i mean, i don't comprehend this. >> it was actually quite poorly worded. but i think the message is, we are there, we're telling the iranians we don't want to go to war. but you start this, we'll finish it. that's why we put the carrier striker up there and that's why we're apparently considering putting more troops in. i look at this whole thing and say something interesting happened last week. trump said i don't want to go to war. and the ayatollah said there will be no war. in other words they have both said they don't want to fight. now, i think trump could use this opportunity to say you don't want to go to war, i don't want to go to war, we'll defend ourselves if we have to, but let's try do something new. let's try to do a deal. let's try to renegotiate that deal. lou: i got to tell you why that scares the hell out of me. we had a deal-maker in the white house before by the name of
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obama. the president told iran when you're ready you come back. right now they're moving beyond agreed upon levels, so if something is going to happen, you know, trash the enrichment process, get rid of the material and get your head on straight and then i would think the president would be eager to talk. this is a regime that is responsible for too many deathings, responsible for sponsoring too much terrorism, as you well know. >> sure. lou: that i think they have a lot to prove before they even begin to think about moving. >> trump has put them in a defensive position between the sanctions and the low price of oil they are hurting. and they have a young populatio- lou: all the mrn reason. >> they like americans. lou: not to make them move. >> i don't think you negotiate with somebody by taking the
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pressure off. i think when you start negotiating you put the pressure on. lou: that's one way to look at it. i think that there has to be concrete action. this president said something interesting when he was first running for president and that is he's a man of few words and a man of action. he's demonstrated that. and the people too often who serve him get involved in words. >> right. it's washington. lou: i'm not going to name names but there are a few who think words are the same thing as action. this president has never ever made that confounding mistake and i don't believe ever will. let's talk about russia. our good friends russia, again for a fourth and fifth time sending their bombers into our air space, and then in a fifth light bring in a fighter es esc. what in the world are they doing?
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>> i'm not too worried a bt that. i think it's the russians showing you they're tough guys. what i would say is would they be willing to do it if they didn't see or think that trump was having a lot of problem with congress. i mean i look at what congress is doing right now and -- lou: the hell with congress. >> but i think they have really hurt the united states foreign policy. lou: tbhaw is that is a given. ignorant and foolish they are. but the radical dimms have their place and their role and their fate, but the fact is that this isn't an affront against the united states and this president. >> i wouldn't mess with this president, whether i was iran or russia or china. lou: i couldn't agree more. thanks so much k.t. great to see you. on wall street, strokes closing lower, dow down 101 points, s&p down 8, volume on the big boar 3.1 billion shares. and a remind tore listen to my reports three times a day coast
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lou: michael avenatti today was indicted in two separate cases amembers oalleging he tried to t millions of dollars from nike. he's got a broad portfolio there, doesn't he? according to one of the indictments, avenatti forged daniels' signature on a letter. he used that to steal nearly 300,000 dollars, it's alleged, from his book advance. avenatti used that money to pay for luxury cars, hotels, travel expenses. and the other indictment claims he was going public to say that nike was facilitating payment to the families of motorcycle basketball stars. we'lof high school banlstars. we'll see how that goes.
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joining us tonight, great to have you both here. it's a delight indeed. let's start with the president demanding an end to the phony investigations or at least there will be an end to business as usual until those things are wrapped up. your reaction to the president saying he's had a belly full. >> well probably he's reflecting what we all feel, which is that infrastructure is bipartisan. you know shannon bream said earlier before he was president i interviewed him when he was campaigning and he said infrastructure is what i know, it's what i'm passionate about. it's the democrats that are hamstringing the issue -- lou: one of the most successful builders and developers in the entire country. >> exactly. lou: but, you know, pelosi and schumer trying to play their games as if they could walk into the white house 20 minutes after she says there's a coverup of a crime that was never committed and an obstruction of justice for a climb that was never
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committed. this has become absolutely venal. it is beyond disgusting and reprehensible. and yet the national left-wing media won't call a single one of the democrats out. >> if you stepped back five years you wouldn't believe the positions that the democrats are taking right now. you have president trump saying i want to pull back from middle east wars, maybe he won't be able to with iran. president trump saying i want to put trillions of dollars into u.s. infrastructure, saying i want to use tariffs to protect u.s. industry. if the democrats pull back from all f of those, they pull back from all of that, they're just left with social justice warriors and fighting trump on alleged russia collusion. lou: don't forget their very important consideration of illegal immigrants and their. >> citizens of foreign countries. lou: exactly. >> they're willing to sabotage their own interests because they don't want to give an inch to president trump. it's not in their best interest. lou: that's how much they fear him. this is an expression of their
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fear of this president who, by the way they look at these phony bbologna polls about his approvl rating. we're looking at historic levels, low levels of hispanic an african-american unemployment. i mean this is -- everyone asks president obama what he was going do for quote his people. this president is showing president obama what he should have done. >> and i'm interested to see that after this happened, after this rose garden speech, a lot of my sources in the white house and friends in the white house were very excited. they said he's not going to take this. these negotiations were phony and that was a fiery speech. but someone in the white house schoas to the president very quickly within minutes started leaking to liberal press saying we don't know why he did this, no one knows what's going on, this was a really silly thing. if i was the president, i would be interested in finding out who that ranking administration official is. lou: this president has demonstrated, though, i think, emily, something else following your point. and that is it really doesn't
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mat whary the hell one of these functionary would-be aides to the president is saying. i'm trying to think of a word that would trivialize without being obscene. but the reality is he doesn't need them. it doesn't matter how much the left-wing media tries to distort and contort what is happening in policy or speeches or remarks to schumer and pelosi, this president has established himself well above and beyond that, which is unique, i believe, in presidential history. >> yes. and it's that he sets his position, he doesn't waiver from that. you mentioned a moment ago that the democrats fear that about him. they fear the inevitable result os tf inspector general's investigation. that's why they keep moving the ball to less important -- lou: you get the last word. it's not a good idea to run on reelection on disliking the president. you need to have an idea that
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people believe in. lou: yeah. i think it's a terrific idea actually. i want them to employ that strategy everywhere they can. >> i think they will. lou: i think you're right. thanks so much. appreciate it. up next here we'll have more on the president's day and his instruction, his schooling of the radical dimms and their endless silly bizarre and futile harassment. stay with us. we're coming right back. hmm. exactly. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance,
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>> president trump today blessed are the desperate radical dems showing policy and john schiumo the door. recall their takedown attempt. the president talked about moving forward without the obstructionist dimms intel. >> in the meantime we are doing tremendous work without them. we are doing tremendous executive orders. a lot of work. we had a great success. let them play their games. we will go down one track at a time. let them finish up and we will be all set. >> all set. and here's a look at our national debt now it $22.3 trillion and of course, climbing quickly. that is it for us tonight. -- our guest tomorrow night,
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please join us and a reminder to follow me on twitter. good night from new york. trish: tonight, president trump calling the democrats out for their ridiculous, unending investigations that are getting in the way of any kind of progress. our -- what say proves anything on the president is only going to backfire. and take a look at this exclusive video. drivers in venezuela waiting hours, hours and hours some people days, just for fuel. and this happens to be an oil-rich country! there might be a little good news on the horizon. sources tell me tonight that talks in norway are
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