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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  May 31, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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need to do as a country, instead of focusing on things, like trade, important economic issues. we'll get stuck with that, right, kennedy begins now. kennedy: thank you. >> breaking news on immigration president threatening mexico with tariffs unless the illegal immigration stops. tariffs could cripple mexico economy if they don't play ball, it comes one day after we're told largest single group crosses sort ern border to u.s. the president tweeted, on june 10 united states will impose a 5% tariff on all goods coming into from mexico until such time as illegal migrants coming through mexico to our country stop. -- statement by the white house.
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followed. similarly, if mexico has not taken act to reduce or eliminate number of illegal aliens crossing territory to united states, tariffs will be increased to 15%, august 1 -- that is just 30 days before halloween. tariffs will remain 25% level, unless, until they stop the illegal inflow of hai of aliens, white house not meet the benchmark mexico must meet, and it is up to trump administration. today, customs and border protection released this video today over a thousand migrants storming border in el paso, texas. right under the border fence,
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fun. according to fed about a a half million migrants have been apprehended at border since october, this morning trump warned mexico he was about to trap a hammer! >> weir going t we're going to o something very dramatic on the border could people are coming in, democrats will not give us laws they will not change laws, they will not meet, they will not do anything, that i want to have open borders, and have crime, they want to have drugs pouring in. they want to have human trafficking. kennedy: fun thursday, will president new tariff threat do something to is the stem the flf migrants, what might mexico do? >> joining me now, andy biggs welcome back. >> thank you. kennedy: that is what happens when congress does not act. >> correct. he is right, congress has not acted, judiciary act the by
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impeding what he is trying to get done, bottom line, if you believe this is a crisis and an emergency, i do, i have been there, it -- then you have to take drastic actions. but mexico is facilitating the crossing of their country by thousands of guatemalaian, and humans and hondurans, they are not helping us, we're not helping ourselves either, the president. kennedy: it should not be up to president, this is drastic, it could have dire economic consequences. we don't have evidence so far that executive order tariff bullying works it hazrateled market with china, something needs to be done. why don't we just catapult some migrants into canada, what is
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wrong with that? >> well, they don't have flight insurance is my guess. you are right. the problem is yok and i don't k that congress would act, we tried to get something done when republicans had both houses, partially work. we want these massive bills. we could address the asylum reform, immediately, that would stop some things, maybe give judges some rejudgment authority, i heard that idea today, this is only court in america they don't have ability to throw out a bogus claim for asylum on its face. if there were any other court you would have summary judgment, out they go, some say that would clear up 50% of the cases immediately. but until we secure th the bordr
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and stop it then we have to take drastic actions. kennedy: my next point, you come from a beautiful state, people work hard there are a lot of small businesses that rely on goods moving back and forth over the border in order to survive. and you know, in that sense, it is a very international economy. where you live, what do you people some of your constituents if their businesses suffer? >> well we don't want them to suffer, idea that we want this over and done with. president talked about closing the border could imagine that you know a tariff would have detrimental effects on my citizens here, but closing border would have been tough on both sides. but we have to bring pressure to brair on mexico -- bear on mexico, a lot of my constituents get that, president trump is looking at long-term game. we have not seen that from the
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past, saying we want to change the permanently. as opposed to a band-aid, right now mexico is letting thousands come across in the caravans, that are forming -- they let them come across right up to our country, and you saw, you just showed, a thousand people yesterday in el paso, good grief. you know, million two apprehensions this year. kennedy: yes, and system is overwhelmed, 80 thousand people are in custody right now. for illegal crossings that is highest in 12 years, something is driving this. and it is not just the great economy. and the fact 4,000 people were caught smuggling children, who were not their children. means that we have to have better systems in place, you know, paceically to keep people safe, this is dangerous when you talk about you know human child trafficking. that is pretty dire.
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i do believe that human bee -- they should be allowed to work and flourish where they want to. but my god, if we're a nation of laws, last i checked, legislative branch was one that crafted them. >> that is right. and just speaking to humanitarian issue. don't forget we're moving to super high temperatures here in southwest, where most of these border crossings take place. it will be 115, 120 degrees. kennedy: you know, it nice, canada. beautiful this time of year, lovely, giant catapult, woo. i think that is a ground breaking opportunity for us to really test the porousness. thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: does not matter, what
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side of aisle you are, seems to be a crisis at southern bored edemocrat up in arms, but left has not offered up many solutions, out of two dozen democrats run for president, 9 have some kind of an imgraiblg n policy on their web site, and three released full proposal, flapy hands, beto rourke, he released a plan he said will solve everything. guess where beto is from in whiteyville, she is from el paso, why is washington so paralyzed when it comes to dealing with our immigration problem, will president's new stand jump-start solution. joining me now. amy toe -- stodard is here.
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>> right, it might have hurt kushner feeling that 10 days ago, presented mentioned a plan. has gone on to impose tariffs that will be a mess. i appreciate congressman admitting when republicans were in charge -- i'm not sticking up for democrats, but i am criticizing republicans when they were in charge they did not build the wall. kennedy: democrat had some find in 2009 and 10. >> democrats killed agreement ac--agreement act dream act -- their own majority
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watch. president is in a position he's to change subject. he wanted to sound dramatic. this is not going to do it. going from 5 to 25% with no metrics for -- mexico goveo stop th flow. histy of of staff said it is not a trade dispute, these are connected to an immigration problem. kennedy: will voters be able to separate that. >> i don't think that mexican government would separate that. kennedy: trade dispute with china has resulted in tariffs. >> a bad subject for voters. >> not led to great results, i want economic greatness, i want new businesses to start, and people to buy homes send their kids to college, safe money but we're on track for.
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i really feel that these kind of tariffs which seem arbitrary throw the brakes on the economic success. >> we don't know how -- the president threatened, said mexico will pay for the wall they laughed, he threatened to close the border. kennedy: they walked that back. >> he said he will give it a year. to ponder, i don't think that mexican government thinks as we i just said that there something they can prove to the president in -- between now and october to stop them from 5 to 25%. he can neither backtrack on their. a week ago he said he would not work with congress, now trying to force them, started a clock on considering of the usmca. that is an achievement he wants.
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it is mexican government he tries to bring to the table on a deal. kennedy: i think that there is a path to success for him but you know he is torn between experimenting with being a strong man, and sort of bullying countries, but at same time he loves the feeling of a successful negotiations. i don't know how you straddle that. >> the problem is that what we're concerned about he is all bark not enough bite, he threatens -- >> do you think that is what other country realize. >> they begin to feel what he does is roar. then retreat. that is what the mexican government is probably going to do, sit, wait and see. kennedy: all right. i have catapult ready, they are all going to whistler. >> going to canada. kennedy: president trump today unleashing on robert mueller, blasting special counsel,
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letting us know about his new least favorite word, the panel joins me with details after the break.
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kennedy: president trump is a counter puncher, he was jabbing
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robert mueller, one day after he said he could not clear president of obstruction of justice. president he within on the offensive. >> i think he is a total conflicted person, i think that mueller is a true never-trumper, he disliked donald trump, despite 40 million dole dollars, 18 trump haters, including people that work for hillary clinton, some of the worst human being on earth, he got nothing. kennedy: a quick aside, shocking that republicans' to second special count investigation for all hillary clinton stuff. watch this. >> robert mueller should have never been chosen. because he wanted the fbi job he didn't get it, next day, he was
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picked special counsel. so you tell someone i'm sorry you can't have that job then you say, that he will make the ruling on you, does not work that way, we had a business dispute, and his relationship with comey was extr extraordina. kennedy: pro mans. >> to me, word impeach is a dirty, disgusting word. it had nothing to do with me. there was no crime, how do you impeach. kennedy: it is a birth dirty wo. this now tag team, new interview with maria bartiromo, vice president, maybe future president pence, climbed on the top rope, got in on the action. >> what was your reaction to what robert mueller said this
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week? >> well, i was pleased to see special count announce that the investigation is over. case closed. he signed his report, he concluded there was no collusion. and after review of facts deputy of justice confirmed there was no collusion no obstruction of justice. kennedy: i have a thing are indiana politicians, between him, dan quail and pete buttigieg. you can watch rest tomorrow morning with maria here on fbn . it is believed that mueller was going to pass the investigation baton to the hungry house democrats, but will president stop mueller in his tracks or will robert mueller get last laugh like a tickle party? we meet the panel on trump 2020 advisory board jason meister,
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fox news kris contributor less e marshall. and steve smith is here, welcome to you. >> hello. kennedy: what a thursday, holy cow. president just taking aim at robert mueller. i understand that president's frustration, i believe he is behaving like someone who was wronged. and accused of something he did not do, but he has to lock it up slowdown. >> kennedy, he -- mueller proved yesterday he is conflicted. by punting on obstruction of justice, he basically put in front of american people, attorney general barr making conclusion there was no obstruction of justice. kennedy: he knew that would happen. >> he knew that .
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now peep will says he within prosecute crime. kennedy: with presumption of innocence. >> but that did not happen. >> people will say, democrat, he can't prosecute crimes but he can find crimes, talk about crimes that were committed, he does not have to prosecute them, he did not do that, he had attorney general barr do it for him for that reason. kennedy: i can't fly but i like to walk around wearing a pair of wings, that makes no sense this whole thing is crazy, now president, seems bothered by word prim impeachment. >> he should not be. nannancy pelosi saying put braks
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on folks. bill clinton's ratings within through roof, i think as a democrat if democrat proceed with impeachment, majority of american public against it. kennedy: 66 to 29%. >> but, 72% of democrat looking at numbers midterm and afternoon after election believe that means removal, it does not. >> you are right . >> robert mueller is a guy, when he was fbi director he testified
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in front of congress to american people said that saddam hussein was going to give weapons to terrorists that he hated. weapons he did not have even with his legacy it was disgraceful are a prosecutor to go in front of american people saying i'm clearing it up, i will have a press conference where i say that i could not prove that i -- i can't clear the president. what does that happen? >> prosecutor would even say that. kennedy: you admitted you apply a different threshold. >> i could not prove innocence of person that i was investigating, by the way, if we found crimes, i could not tell you, but i will tell you i can't say he didn't commit a crime, and, in the -- you know. for transparency, sake, i won't take any questions. >> then what is the point of having a special counsel at all. >> prosecution it either or, a
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live auction, you can't find this wiggley middle ground it further politicizes. >> he was appointed after comey was fired for the obstruction charge, he could not come out with anything, unbelieve aim. >> kennedy: outrage ! all right. if he did something wrong, i want to know, we have the right. something so bad it was so conflicted lay that out, you owe that to american people, he wait the a bunch of money and time, unfortunately that makes him a bit of a blow hard. i believe being a blow hard. >> bernie sanders is a big fat communist, a new deep dive into his past shows, that bernie was a. than he likes to admit. washington examiner joe simonson
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kennedy: president trump g.o.p. strategy against bern berndt has been to tar him as a socialist, it might work. a was "washington post," patent- paints his campaign at stuck in neutral. bernie problem may be he identifies as a democratic socialist, and a report from washington examiner shows how radically left bernie was not long ago, when he was mayor of burlington, he reportedly investigated bernie for his ties to communist in 80s we're told he campaigned for a marxist
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presidential candidate, not once but twice, he wrote at the time when democratic and republican parties are bankrupt, it is imperative for radical voices to be heard. -- bernie has a very radical past. could it hurt him in 2020. here with me to discuss his reporting on subject. joseph see simon despreson simos most interesting thing you found in the diec dive to bernie's coe past. >> interesting. we seen bernie go to soviet union cracking jokes with soviet
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officials that is framed he was the reaching out to soviet union, to see what that part was world was living like. but at home domestically he was involved in radical political parties such as socialist workers party, a come communist party that wanted to change our economy system and our government. kennedy: they wanted to abolish military budget, and nationalize nearly every major industry including banking, that is fun. >> yeah, no. basically they said that you know things like steel industry, any domestic manufacturing that would be worker owned that would be through government, of course. but they did say thing like cars. probably your house, that would remain in private sphere. kennedy: how god o good of him,t few years, he has been -- his
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democratic socialism, the ideal of swedish and scandinavian socialism which is not socialist. if democrats say that the fbi did not ove overstep their bouny investigating russian ties to trump campaign, why wouldn't they do a robust investigation of bernie sanders and his ties to soviet communism? >> well, it is interesting, the parallel there. between fbi investigation, socialist workers party and fbi investigation of president today. the fbi had a 15 to 20 year investigation to socialist worker party starting in 1960s, they did not find anything, no dimindictment arose from that te leader of socialist worker party, ended up suing fbi in
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court. and won a 6 figure settlement saying this is ridiculous, you overstepped. kennedy: it could have been the case. bernie in 1980 had a visit from fbi agents, who were kind of questioning him, your connection to the group. kennedy: was bernie into weird sex culty stuff. >> i have not uncovered that yet in my reports. kennedy: a big lead i'm giving that you tidbit that one is i keeper for you. >> i appreciate that tip. kennedy: indeed, all right. so, bernie has to face joe biden, that is a different opponent for him than hillary clinton. because he was racist and sexist against hillary clinton, he can't do the same with joe, how is it different. >> interesting when you break down polling data between who is
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supporting biden now and why is know bernie getting 40 dollars of vot% of vote,a lot of biden e bernie supporters. in 2016. biden is running obama democrat, he is pitching himself in a moderate lane. and it kind of brings to question what was bernie's appeal, in 2016, was it a lot of democrat voters really done not like -- didn't not like hillary. >> they really did not like her, she was such a bad candidate, and horribly unlikeable person, they could not do it. they would rather have the rumpeled commie. >> thank you. kennedy: economy is red-hot, you need oven mitts to read the reports, but bloomberg o op-ed
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said that a slowing economy could hurt president in 2020 when voters go to polls next year, asking a question, am i better off now than i was 4 years ago, giving how strong economy looks in 2019, it may be hard to match it success in upcoming electiontio. year, with me fox business contributor jonas max faris is back in action. >> i was never gone. kennedy: in the bullpen warming up. great shoulder. really you have an economy. that is this hot, there is really only one place for it to go. >> don't be such a pessimist. kennedy: i want everyone to be rich. >> if you could engineer it, it would be better to be a little
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bit weaker this year. probably single strongest factor in like a swing voter going one way or another, a lot of voter will vote democrat if we were in the great depression or boomiest economy ever, there you a few people who judge it how it has done, maybe not even last year, with interne internet could be 6 months. i used to be so happy on insta instragram. they will look at trend. >> they do economic reporter who are almost rooting for economy to go south, people lose jobs and they can't pay for basic things could like healthcare, and transportation, and that is awful, you never want that, they said same this january, first
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quarter numbers came back strong. >> it was, if this year was next it would be easy reelection. >> do you see it going south are you worried about 10 year bond. >> i am. interest rates have gone down. kennedy: great for borrowing. >> in a spin plus poin stim -- w this is good but the reap is not j.b.: reason is not good. shorter term rates are about same level, when longer term rates are lower that is -- >> where is long bond right now. >> 2 1/4, it was over three when economy of hot a year ago, it haitcome down a lot, numbers non economy, unemployment hot, you need a mitten to grab it but the
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forecast, and direction is weak that is part of the problem, next year at this time, interest could go up. kennedy: consumer confidence is high, people have more money, more in paychecks from tax cuts. 80% of americans see that. week in week out they got more padding, they feel good about the job prospect, hourly wages going up, how did this sustain in an economy and how soon does that bottom out. >> if they could mail in their ballots right now that would be fine. but next year, problem, is it could change .
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kennedy: we're out of time your final word? is he getting reelected. >> i think the economy stays good enough, i am more worried it getting so bad that bernie mentality appeals to people. that is why bernie was popular, economy was so bad people believed him. kennedy: that is what socialism gets popular in an economic downturn thank you for your greatness. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up meryl streep making a statement about a touchy subject, words may -- in i tell you what she said and reacted from the panel, stay right here. you know those butterflies aren't actually in the room? hey, that baker lady's on tv again.
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kennedy: welcome back meryl streep, flipping script on liberal hollywood "me too" narrative, spoke out against term toxic masculinity, durings a qaa, saying we hurt our boys, women can be pretty -- f'ing toxic. it is people. is meryl streep right to take a stand? party panel is back. leslie, i start with you, i think this is really interesting, i know you are a mom, i look, i have girls but if i had boys it would be tough to guide them through the world, so much seems to be seat agai set
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against them, he is right. >> today, i was shopping for souvenirs. i have a son, a daughter, i can speak to this, everywhere you go girl power, girls this, not just unicorns there are a lot of slogans for female empowerment, you don't see it for men, i do agree with meryl streep on this. there are toxic people, you don't need to break it down to gender, we need to be better than name-calling, we do already have terms for toxic masculinity, does not misogynist and sexist cover that, it does. kennedy: you have a baby daughter. it is tough time to be a guy, you would not really expect from meryl streep, you remember at golden globes, she accepted lifetime achievement award she spend whole speech, taking pot
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shots at president. >> i was surprised, i think in her world this is a dangerous opinion to take even though it should be obvious to anyone who is 10 years old that this is a correct statement. >> i have a daughter but the world not men versus women, we're in this together, the truth with that girl power thing there is no bo boy power, it gos to bad direction if there no channel to push them into, you have people who are lost in video games and fantasy. male energy, is very purpose to society. if people have not noticed it, it should be channeled to a constructive. kennedy: i am glad you brought that up, my daughter's old elementary also they did not allow the boys to run in the
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play ground, what are you doing. >> my little brother 20 years ago they would threaten to suss suspension if you had an action figure with a knife or something, they would not let boys be boy. >> you could do worse. >> believe me, my staff up stairs. >> having a high strung son. >> you need release. >> they are vilified for that. >> so will meryl streep be forced to apologize the way that berbernie sanders saying all lis matter. >> i am sure she will be, hollywood is in this pc culture there is nothing toxic about masculinity or fe femininity.
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>> i have a boy and a girl. i am doing what i want to do with my children. kennedy: let them play love own game, i will say, men did not make world cup and women are dominating, soccer is a beautiful game. >> because girls, rule. >> topical storm is next stay right there. run with us. in the unstoppable john deere gator™ xuv835. and be prepared to go the extra mile. because when others take rain checks... ...we take the wheel. with 3-wide seating, heat & a/c. this is the coolest, most comfortable gator™ yet. nothing runs like a deere™. run with us. ♪ test drive a gator™ xuv835
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kennedy: on this day in 1539, exploresser desoto landed in florida, his face was eaten by people who just had bath salts, typical florida behavior, topic one. california, you never know who might pop up at gas station. >> i see you. yeah, you. what are you doing. kennedy: nothing! just snacking and looking for recyclables. hunting forke food for a shell station, he it not stay long, last thing that anyone wants to do is pay full price for coors
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and funnions. break nasbreakfast. bear encounters is a problem be a problem since california legalized weed. police say no one of hurt. topic two. north carolina. no matter how bad things get in life you keep chugging. thrown out of a bar, no way that cops would ruin his firstty thursday, he slams beer, then leaves. he landed on arrag orange is the
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black and tan, i am kidding, it is north carolina they don't go anywhere near a beer unless it is a natty light. >> a cell phone to ask his high school girlfriend if she thinks about him, i do. >> topic 3. if you are a cop in cleveland, you will see everything. but a ticker-tape braid for the browns. now is no time to talk pig skin, cops are having a cow, check out this lovely lady, she escaped from a local petting zoo, police listed it as a heifer, if it a male cow they would call it michael moore. cops caught her outside of a doctor's office. i know some kids are worried, the cow has been safely transported to a local farm.
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yeah. topic 5. they say a broken clock is right two times a day. two more times than these bozos, view arviewer mail, you are an . your last name. you are my new favorite person, you remade yourself, got better with age. i think i saw you 1 on mtv, thought you were dorky, now i think you are best thing on tv. hope you read this.
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i read it uncle owen thank you very much. >> a day without you is like a day without sun screen. right, we'll be right back.
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