tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business June 3, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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harmeet dhillon and he reply cal see you tomorrow. good night from n york. [♪] trish: tonight, former fbi director james comey is on defense, slamming attorney general attorney general attorney general -- attorney general barr. former trump campaign advisor is here on all of that tonight. the story you heard first and perhaps only right here. it's happening. the russians are pulling out of venezuela. and there are reports that the dueling presidents are negotiating a deal. one week until tariffs opening
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mexican goods take effect. is the threat good enough to get mexico to control its border? andy bigs says the tariffs as much a warning to congress as they are to mexico. first lady and president trump are at buckingham palace. we have all the details. "trish regan primetime" begins right now. it seems james comey is getting defensive. he writes, an ag should not be echoing conspiracy theories. he should gather facts and show them. that's what justice is all about. james comey? right. this is in response to the attorney general's recent interview in which he doubled down on allegations of fbi
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spying on the trump campaign in 2016. that interview, his use of the word spying, everybody has weighed in. you get multiple explanation of what the definition of spying is. >> i guess it's become a dirty word. i think there is nothing wrong with spying. the question is whether it's authorized by law. like many other people familiar with intelligence activities, i had a lot of questions about what was going on. i thought it would get answered when i went in. i have not gotten answers that are satisfactory and in fact probably have more questions. some of the facts i learned don't hang together with the official explanation. trish: shouldn't every single one of us have questions? doesn't everyone want to understand what, why, how our i
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tell jets agencies embarked on surveilling on a political campaign? apparently not comey. apparently not the democrats. apparently none of them care. they think it's fine to use intel agencies to spy on political opponents? james comey is making a rather desperate attempt to control the narrative with a recent op-ed in "the washington post" and the most of recent tweet. he says an a.g. should not be echoing conspiracy theories. he should be gathering facts and show them. that's what justice is about. if we really want to split hairs on conspiracy theories, how about the one that the president is a russian agent based on all
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that great opposition research you got from that great dossier. holier than thou agent james comey, hedge fund guy, just saying. comey loves to talk about what justice quote-unquote justice is. justice? wouldn't real actual justice be figuring out what happened? if james comey cared about justice, our fbi would not have been so free exeeling with those -- free-wheeling with those fisa warrants to begin with. when the president expressed concerns about department of intelligence leaks, was actually out there willingly, deliberately leaking himself. >> i asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter.
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i asked him to because i thought that might prompt the appointment of the special counsel. >> who was that? >> a good friend of mine who is a professor at columbia law school. trish: what a guy, what a patriot. this is a guy where everybody who was saying there are all these leaks going not intelligence agencies. he was teaching people how to leak. you call a friend up who knows somebody at the "new york times" and you leak to them. it's important to understand how political all of this is and specifically how political he is. what a self-serving opportunist. here is what he was saying in december about bill barr. >> i like and respect bill barr.
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i know he's an institutionalist who caring deeply about the integrity of the justice department. i'm sure he'll use the career resources he has to judge what he should be involved in and what he shouldn't be involved in. but bill barr is a tall interested attorney gent first time and i think he'll serve the justice department well. trish: until he figures out the truth. joining me former trump 2016 campaign advisor, michael today you to. michael -- michael caputo. it's a decent, correct, right american thing to do, why would there be a fisa warrant on an opponent in a presidential race to surveil people in the trump campaign based on stuff that has
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been paid for by hillary clinton? isn't that a fair question to ask no matter what side of the political sally you are on? >> it certainly is. we are starting to find out from leaks from their side and good digging investigative reporting. it appears all along the way there were -- these individuals whether it's comey or brennan or clapper or others, they were tweaking, bending the law just a little bit. some of them breaking the law to achieve their already determined end, that was to spy upon the republican candidate for president of the united states. we are going to see now how they work through the fisa process, how they, you know, sidestepped certain requirements in order to reach their goals.
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and i think it's going to frighten a lot of us. i think we'll be amazed what people are willing to do because they have this kind of perverse sense of duty, the hubris that drove them to think it was their duty to spy upon the republican candidate for president of the united states. it will amaze us all when we find out. trish: i agree with you. and i think sit could be disheartening to people. but if that's the reality we need to confronts it. it's better we know the reality than bury our heads in the sand. let me ask you. do you think it was donald trump in particular or do you think this would have happened regardless because you had some political people that were in charge in washington that wanted to effectively spy on the other side? >> i think it's worth asking
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that question. i think it's worth finding out if they were spying on other potential republican nominees. we had a pretty big field like we do. they couldn't have thought donald trump and only donald trump in late 2015. ted cruz was pretty far along the way. i think this stuff was going on a lot earlier. it doesn't really -- it shouldn't shock us when we saw what they did with fast and furious and we saw what they did with the irs and the obama white house spying upon a.p. and fox news. they were worried. they were always warming up to this. everybody needs to understand as we poll the different -- you know, players of the onion back. it took a perverse sense of duty. and they had to have a lot of
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faith in that perverse sense. and that faith moved them to do this probably working together. witness back when the communists were buried in our government. fit took that much faith to get in there and hang in there. we need to get rid of them and get to the bottom of this. trish: there is an author named michael wolff make a splashy headlines. he has a new book out about president trump, one of the headlines details the president's closest allies think he is quote vile. >> what do people who have spent and lot of time close to the president think of him? >> they think he's vi lerks and ludicrous. there is no logic to what he does, there is no way to anticipate what he's going to
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do. often what he ends up doing defies logic and defies expectations and defies explanation. trish: you worked closely with the president. michael wolffmichael wolff has y discredited. the book had cringe-worthy error errors. aside from that, what is your reaction to what michael wolff is saying. >> there are some flat-out falsehoods throughout this book. but it was just a month ago. i have known the president since 1988. i was just with the president, he and the first lady invited me and my wife and children and mother-in-law into the oval office to speak with us.
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when the report was filed, he called me and said it's been two years, come on in. when i saw 35-40 minutes we spent with the president. if the same guy knew all these years ago the things they have done to this president and tried to ruin his businesses and ruin his friends. it hasn't impacted him at all. the gracious way he treated my wife and daughters. trish: at the end of all of this, the big thing to remember is we are all human beings, including the president of the united states. and being kind to people one-on-one matters. coming up. the president is reaffirming close ties between america and the u.k. >> 7 decades of treasured
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friendship with the united states of america. trish: a view co-host says we need to apologize to the brits. trish: whose side is she on? coming up, we have the full -- is the democratic impeachment dam breaking while nancy pelosi is urging caution? jim clyburn says the uh-oh, looks like someone's still nervous about buying a new house. is it that obvious? yes it is. you know, maybe you'd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. i didn't know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. yep, they've been doing it for years.
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trish: democrats refusing to back off their impeachment push despite the 400-plus mueller report that didn't find reason for impeachment. jim clyburn said the wheels are in motion for impeachment. >> we are having hearings. we have won two court cases, and there are other cases to still be determined. we are winning this issue. when you ask people what they
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think we ought to do, they agree what we are doing. trish: i should point out that nancy pelosi dousen't quite feel this way. she just walked by one of our cameras and she was asked what she thought about clue bush's comment and she kept walk and wouldn't acknowledge that. that was president clinton's independent counsel that made 11 recommendcation on impeachment. in this case you have no recommendations for impeachment. and they all ultimately failed. joining me, ned ryun and robin biro. i give pelosi credit. she is trying to hold this together. what a mess she has on her
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hands. they would rather see some kind of impeachment circus happening on live cable television and see meaningful results on policy. you have got clyburn and others who want to start this impeachment parade. what does it get them? >> an exercise in futility. there was a wonderful article in "the atlantic" that said this will backifier -- said this would backfire. donald trump could launch the narrative that we attempting a coup. trish: interesting choice of words. it'sing a i associate with latin american
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american dictatorships, not the democratic party. when you have with volume one and two saying no collusion and no obstruction of justice and they are hang on to a thread to a story going nowhere. how damaging is that to the american psyche? we have to be a laughingstock in some cases. >> some of this behavior with our law enforcement and surveillance state. the problem is, trish, democrats backed themselves into a corner on this issue. for two years now they have been whipping their base into a frenzy. convinced that mueller was going to give them the goods he didn't. the problem is, 76% of the democratic base wants impeachment. i think the problem with
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democratic leadership, they wanted investigation and death by a thousand cuts. now the democratic base is demanding real impeachment. trish: now they are sitting there saying we got nothing. in the clinton situation we had 11 recommendations for impeachment. your take on the president's historic visit to the u.k. you are looking at the pictures of the president meeting with the royal family. you can see the state dinner. the protests caught the mainstream media's eye. we had people in the london streets today. any reaction to the timing of all of this given the u.k. brexit, ned? >> i think it's great that donald trump is going or there.
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i hope he would assure them even if they go through with breck it there would be great trade relations between the united states and england. and i hope they would meet with nigel farage. and i think if this continues on, if there is not a hard brexit, nigel will run a full slate in the elect. if the establishment blows it on brexit, i think fly nigel has a good shot to be -- i think nigel has a good shot to be the next prime minister. trish: trish: saying you have been a patch and we are here for you. that would send a signal to everyone else, i thought. your thoughts? >> i thought that would be great. as a veteran i'm always pro-you
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have seattle a. and wanting the best for our country. i would like the president to back off some of the criticisms of american. i don't think it helps anything. trish: saying brexit happens, the rest of the world take note. thank you so much. coming up. a huge blow to dictator nicolas maduro. my sources are telling me we are getting very, very, very close. and this may be effectively the thing that send maduro packing. first the local media isn't too happy about the president's
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tough trade tactics. >> this idea of of using trade as a political weapon is not the right thing to do. >> it won't play well to the president's base in the rust belt states. >> this policy toward mexico is incredibly stupid. trish: congressman andy biggs is here and he says it's the best here and he says it's the best way to secure the border
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andy biggs. i'm intrigued by what you are saying. it tells me there are some more layers to this. you are saying this is not just directed at mexico and getting them to engage in talks for a better border patrol, but it's aimed at democrats in congress? >> you get mexico is not doing enough for sure and this will get their attention. i'm from a border state and we do a lot of trade with mexico. i don't want tariffs. but my colleagues don't seem to know what a serious issue this is. whether it's the ag or manufacturing industry. as they hear from them then i think it will get congress' attention. we need to change our asylum laws. just to shore up our border
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security. the border guys got a pay cut under the previous administration. there are a lot of things congress needs to do and we haven't done it. trish: i am struck by the challenges economically if this goes through. it's not a number one trade partner, and tariffs are difficult. and it weakens our leverage in that there are companies making things in china that maybe we are thinking about. maybe we'll make them in mexico. so there is an economic challenge a all of this. but i think you, sir, and i think the president -- you guys are on to something. i'm disgusted that the democrats won't take this seriously. they no longer care by the because it's donald trump's
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issue. congressman biggs, he's making it their issue? >> when you think about it, it's spreading the wealth around the country. and when i say the wealth, i mean the pain. so every district will feel the impact. if you live in a border state you feel the impact. there was a thousand people caught in el paso in one group. it is beyond comprehension for those who don't live on the border. we have to bring this under control. trish: now they will get the pressure big companies in their state saying maybe you ought to pay attention to this border issue. if not it could cost big business a lot of money. trish: i keep saying what the heck is wrong with us. he ought to be able to solve it ourselves. let me ask you about the justice
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department and your committee's probe happening into big tech companies. the thinking is companies like google have gotten way too big. google is a verb. you google something and nobody else can compete in search. but they are not just going after google. they are going after facebook and apple. anything that has gotten too darn big and getting threatened with a breakup. walk me through what your committee is doing. >> the subcommittee is taking a look at these things. we can't do anything more than obtain information. so ceos will be subpoenaed. cfos will be subpoenaed. there will be interviews and an investigation in the formal scope of things. the fcc and doj looked into these companies a few years ago
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and found anti-competitive behavior. both sides working together maybe we can get something done now on anti-competitivess and the censorship of conservative voices as well. trish: i talked to some sources i think if you look up conservative in california, nazi comes up beside it. it's not good for anyone, frankly. and they ought to fix that. the concernb among some investors, they are saying we want to show china we mean business in technology. do we run a risk if you try to threat be our tech companies? i still get back to this which is if you are preventing
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competition in the marketplace and we heard reports that google indeed has done that in the past, some thing you reared to, then you have gotten too big if nobody else stands a shot at competing. i commend you and looking into it. >> one other thing that happens. as you look at it. you will see these companies make changes. if they are so big they can't be nimbled. you have to be quick and be able to move. if they are too big, we can't get it done. trish: i hear you and you are right on that. smaller -- sometimes is better. socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez has said some interesting things in the past. >> i'm not the expert on geopolitics. >> unemployment is low because
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everyone has two jobs. medicare is cheaper than the current system we pay right now. trish: democratic presidential hopeful john delaney dared to oppose medicare for all and she is asking democrats to ditch him. we can report that russia is withdrawing its key support from the socialist country and my sources are telling me this is the beginning of the end for nicolas maduro. coming up next. former trump state department official christian witton. he's ne your daily dashboard from fidelity. a visual snapshot of your investments.
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trish: sources telling me venezuela is close to a deal for an exit package for nicolas maduro. russia is on its way out of venezuela. and this is massive. this is a big, big deal because russia was a key supporter of the maduro regime, helping them financially and propping them up and keeping the dictatorship afloat. with russia gone, it sets the stage for juan guaido and whoever will take over for the chavistas to have an eviction. this is a big win for mike pence who made this a big issue, it's
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a big win for secretary of state mike pompeo and it's a big win for capitalists. don't count your chickens before they hatch. christian, what can you tell us about what's going on? >> russia's state-owned armed and training organization has decide to essentially leave venezuela. it had as many as a thousand people in country training venezuelan troops, training their para-military and rack up big invoices that venezuela owed but didn't pay. they have decided to pack up and trim down to fewer than a hundred people. which to me says russia is tired of not having its bills paid and they are willing to write off
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this bad debt. trish: if russia is saying maduro, you are not good for it, is russia encouraging the president that we recognize, juan guaido, to come to some kind of agreement with nicolas maduro or the chavista party and have a free election? i doubt they have made a complete 180. but russia has a habit of sticking with bad actors who make problems for the united states to the bitter end. if you follow the money, the fact they are moving away the key support. and if you are one of the guys hanging around maduro and you see the departure of the russians. now all of a sudden those guys
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are jumping on planes to go back to russia. i think that's a bad sign if you are a maduro supporter. trish: some sources told me they believe some sort of ask exit deal is being worked on. there are questions what maduro could do. go live in a nice villa somewhere in cuba. or the dominican republic. what would be the options on the table for someone who is sort of a slightly disgraced, very disgraced dictator. what did you do. what is the next play, how do you get out of there and how does it go down. >> if you look at the options where thugs end up, china has been a big supporter of maduro
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but i don't know if that's an option. cuba and nicaragua probably make a little more sense. the cubans wanted this regime to stay as long as possible and aren't going to give him a green light. i think the key point is to keep the pressure up. this week we are marking the 30th anniversary since the 10 man * d since the the 10 -- the tienanmn square. trish: that's an important step for our hemisphere and important step for freedom. thank you so much.
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it's good to have you here. president trump heralded bravely -- >> buckingham palace was bombed on 16 separate occasions. in the dark hour the people of this nation showed the world what it means to be british. >> get this. a "view" co-host says we need to apologize to the u.k. for our presence. is the power going to her head. alexandria ocasio-cortez is ordering democrats to ditch john delaney since he denounced medicare for all. get it! get that butterfly! you know those butterflies aren't actually in the room? hey, that baker lady's on tv again. she's not a baker. she wears that apron to sell insurance. nobody knows why. she's the progressive insurance lady.
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the truth in san francisco. ocasio-cortez respond by saying maybe we should start with some generally nation. joining me now, niejer -- nigers and kayleigh mcenany. niger, medicare for all. is that a winning issue? it has been tried and tried before. >> it's a winning issue with the wildly left wing base of the democratic party. you just had a segment on venezuela. that's why ocasio-cortez and many within the base of the democratic party want to take us. trish: you should go visit.
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spend time seeing how all those free stuff policies played out in venezuela over a 20-year time period. kayleigh, this is a woman trying to dictate who gets a run, if you don't subscribe to her set of beliefs and how dare you run for president in 2020. this is a newcomer. >> that's right. welcome speaker ocasio-cortez. she takes the rules of the democrat party. this comes from her fringe portion that comes from her increasing the fringe of the party. everyone on the fringe wants to the coveted ocasio-cortez
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endorsement. i don't know if delaney could sink farther in the polls. but maybe he'll. trish: i give him some credit. it seems historically in politics and most of recently you have seen a desire to appease the wing of the party that means whatever, that has that hold on the rest of the base. one of the things i'm going to give donald trump a lot of credit for that he did in 2016, he wasn't beholden to anyone. he can't apologize to anyone. he went out there and said this is how i feel. and a lot of his policies were in some ways more aligned with democrats than the republican party, so we saw a huge democratic backlash against him. but he was his own person. and that's what's missing today?
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>> the word is called authenticity. delaney and the former governor of colorado were viciously booed at this california state convention because they had a moment of authenticity and pragmatism which you need to use when you want to win a general election. but it seems like the democratic party -- i have gotten my popcorn and soda ready for these debates. i can't wait. it's going to be a circus. trish: there is only so much socialism rhetoric i can take on any given night. and i'm covering venezuela almost every night so i have had my fill. bet mid bette mittte mittler said the
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strum voters were the dumbest in the country. >> that's what they do. they marginalize that you swath of the country. it's not just here and now. president trump did it saying republicans cling to their guns and religion and an ipathy. hillary clinton did it, we are all deplorables. peter strzok did the. you have got to go to walmart to smell the trump supporters. bette midler, when will they realize insulting the country is not the best. the more the left marginalizes us. the more we turn up to vote. the far left talk show, the view apologizing to the u.k. for
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talk show. felt somehow the need to apologize to the uk for president trump's state visit. watch. >> my friends are over their saying, why did you send him, i did not send him. >> we know we had, i heard someone say, he throne envy. >> he does. >> the queen of england and pomp and circumstance of the monarchy, he wishes that were him. >> one last message to the brits. >> yeah. >> i'm sorry. trish: maybe they are trying to be funny, but, you know. i guess they really don't like him. anyway, i want to point out we'll continue our coverage of venezuela, breaking news tonight that the russians are leaving venezuela. which will be a very big deal, because that may set the stage for maduro to exit next. huge opportunity for democracy
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and freedom and for some economic prosperity in that country. do not forget, that is socialism, i w see you tomorrow night, kennedy is next. >> thank you, president trump hard again global elitists who want to rule the world, now surrounded by them in the uk, is that okay? he still counter punching, against the mayor of london. but also playing statesman, it seems to be going quite well, today president attending a state dinner at the invitation of the queen, i love the crown. tuxes, gowns, and find china. we mark to 75 days since d-day.
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