tv Kennedy FOX Business June 5, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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>> have a good night everyone. i'll see you back here tomorrow. kennedy begins next. kennedy: thank you, trish. president trump has his sights on joe biden and today he opened up a multiprong attack on the democratic front runner accusing him of plagiarism and belittle ling the size of his crowds. and we're told more bombs are on the way. sleepy joe might have an ace in the hole. surprising polls might be worrying for the white house. and the president and the former vp have been locking horns for weeks. joe? >> issue where we have the most
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agile venture capitalist in the world. its not like they're bad guys. we're the best at doing it. our workers are three times as productive as the workers in the far east. three times productive. what are we worried about. kennedy: far east asia? second time biden claimed china is not an economic -- the president's allies say he's just naive and they're also attacking biden's new climate plan which he unveiled yesterday. >> while we're standing around not doing much the rest of the world is moving ahead. they're moving ahead. joining the paris climate accord. kennedy: here's the problem. the biden campaign is
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apologizing for risking aspects of the climate plan and not giving them any credit. you may recall that a plagiarism scandal derailed him in 2008. and this morning tweeting, quote, plagiarism charge against sleepy joe biden about his climate change plan. his other problem is he's drawing flies, not people to rallies. you can't win without people. here's where things get interesting. we have two new polls. joa quinnipiac university poll shows biden with a lead and an emerson college poll shows uncle joe with a huge lead in north carolina, 56 to 44%. so biden's attacks are the
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president working and how should president trump fight back. let's ask these two fellows, needs ryan and fox news contributor and host. welcome, gentlemen. >> good to be back. kennedy: i'm the cream in your delightful little sandwich. how problematic is it for joe biden that he is once again, richard, being accused 0 plagiarism for at least the third time? richard. >> i think we'll have to wait to see what happens. but i'm happy that he has a climate plan. maybe he shouldn't plagiarize it next time. but it's important that we rejoin the paris climate accord. but the polls coming out are interesting. the more interesting poll that
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came out showing in states of wisconsin and michigan trump's approval ratings -- kennedy: i know. but we have to realize that his approval ratings have been essentially the same. a lot of people don't like him. they like the economy. if the economy continue to grow well it's not going to matter much for him. the president says that joe biden is drawing flies and not people. can you win the democrat nomination without crowds? can you be a nair charismatic figure and clinch this nomination? >> well, first of all, it's very hard -- kennedy: richard, hold on. i'm asking need. need, go ahead. >> kennedy, it would be very hard to beat an incumbent president running on a strong economy. i don't care who if nominee is for the democrats if the economy
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continue to roar like it is right now. and trump does make a point. and i have to admit, i have a hard time that joe is going to be the nominee if a party that's gone so far left. it's staggering to me that he's in the lead in the poll. a lot has to do with the name yd. the fact that he was the former vice president. but i'll be very surprised in the summer of 2020 he is the nominee. if he's the nominee, i think trump cleans the floor with him. kennedy: i just nauseous thinking about a two-hour car drive. i've got a lot of energy but i'm not close to 80 years old and not expected to visit all states in a year and a half. the youth and vigor in the democratic party is being serviced by a guy who sounds a little slurried when he's on the
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stump. richard. >> like i said, this is still an early field right now. biden has opened up a huge lead and he's likely to be the front runner. but this is an early race. more folks at home are paying attention to whether he's going to make it to summer camp. you have the first debate coming up in the next few weeks. kennedy: who do you think is going to stand out most? who is going to be the breakout star in the first democrat debate? >> well i don't have an answer for that. i think joe biden. everybody is looking for him to be the front runner coming out of this. kennedy: joe was against sarah palin in 2008 but that was a long time ago. and 12 years between substantial
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debates, that's going to be problematic for him. but right now breaking news out of washington tonight. no deal, at least not today. vice president pence, secretary of state mike pompeo tonight meeting with mexican foreign minister to try to work on a deal to avoid the president's tariff threat. president trump just confirmed they left empty handed tweeting, quote, immigration discussions at the white house with the representatives of mexico have ended for the day. progress is being made but not nearly enough. border arrests for may, 13. ,000 because mexico and the democrats and congress refusing to budge on immigration reform. further talks with mexico will resume tomorrow with the understanding that if no agreement is reached tariffs at the 5% level will begin on monday with monthly increases as per schedule. the higher the tariffs go, the higher the number of companies that will move back to the usa.
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the mexican foreign minister said he's still optimistic. but the republicans in the white house are trying to ban together to block the tariffs. a few standout members are standing with the president. marco rubio, isn't he adorable. on the way to tariff town. or will he show them the art of the deal. i think if he screws up the think economy with more tariffs he does not deserve to be reelected. >> the fact of the matter is, trump is getting to the point where, yeah, there is complete frustration. 100,000 apprehended in march, 100,000 in april and 132,000 in
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may. the highest monthly apprehension in years. at some point we have to get mexico to play ball with us. kennedy: we need to get congress to play ball with us. all of these republican republio be working on legislation with their democrat counterparts. >> i want to make this one point. at some point you will think our elected officials will wake up to the other madness of the fact that we're importing every month essentially a small city of low-skilled and unskilled workers in the face of mass automation. ford is laying off 7,000 of its workers this summer. and we are continuing to import low-skilled and unskilled laborers? we are insane. kennedy: don't worry about it. when bernie is president, $15 an hour minimum wage for everybody. whoa! so richard, what do you do about it? if you don't have tariffs, which
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is fine, you got to do something else. what is the solution? >> listen, this is a problem. we have a real problem in mexico and a real problem on the southern border. we have to stop what's happening down there. we have to make sure that mexico shores up their border on the southern border, making sure they can stay in their country. what we cannot do is use tariff policy to influence immigration because that has an impact here at home. you can cost american households up to $900 per households np in iowa, this could hurt the farmers. remember, the number three marketplace for our farming goods is mexico. so putting a tariff on mexico, especially in a world where
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we're in a trade war with china and the president trying to get the mca through congress, it's one of the wowr worst things wed do. kennedy: i agree. hold on. let me tell what's going to happen and then you can fell me about the problem. congress is going to get super mad and say all right, the president has too much authority in terms of tariffs with executive order so we're going to curtail that. which is fine. there's too much power concentrated in the executive branch and there has been for a long time. the ledge lairts have been a bunch of babies about that. and knew they're making immature power grabs as opposed to acting like adults and doing their job, get together which unfortunately on immigration you have to do, and come up with a series of solutions. then they could. >> they don't want to. kennedy: of course they don't want to. neither party wants to fix immigration. >> thaw don't wan they don't wa.
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there's so many incentives not to. democrats think they're going to get power out of it and republicans think they're going to get cheap labor out of it. they have a lot of financial reelection campaign funds that are a lot of reasons for them not to solve the problem. this is going to be one of those issues that will play out again in 2020. and if the republicans and democrats refuse to actually deal with it, i think it's an even bigger referendum in 2020 on solving the situation. kennedy: we have to go. we don't have any time. you have like two seconds. okay. very good. okay. richard and need, thank you both very much. coming up, many of the two dozen democrats running for president are pitching pricey
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kennedy: welcome back. freshman congresswoman turned instagram chef alexandria ocasio-cortez says we need $10 trillion to fight climate change and if you think that's high, you should meet the people who agree with her. aoc told the hill today, quote, i think we really need to get to 10 trillion to have a shot. i know it's a ton. i don't think anyone wants to spend that amount of money. it's not a fun number to say. i'm not excited to say we need to spend 10 trillion on climate. this is two days after aoc said democrats could send out the herd by booting anyone who doesn't support the pricey proposals tweeting, quote, since there's so many people running for president and not enough for senate, instead of who's the front rupper, maybe we start with general eliminations. this got booed for a full
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minute. rather than going away, our next guest has so shayed his way right back into your hearts and back on the best show in cable news. laura ingraham. joining me now, john delaney is back. welcome back. >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: what do you have to say to aoc. she wants you out of the race. >> i've never s sashayed out of anything in my life. i think what i said in san francisco i truly believe. i think every american should have health care as a basic human right. it's basic human right policy. but the medicare for all proposal is the wrong way forward and i think it's crazy that we're becoming an intolerant party where we can't have a battle of ideas. i have a plan to create universal health care.
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because we disagree on how to get there, people are saying i should get out of the race. that's not democracy. >> no. you know, i've lived in california for the better part of 25 years. i love the state. but i can't stand the com commis and i'm not surprised they are the o ones booing you so loudly. >> listen, i spent a lot of time in iowa. i'm going to do my 29th trip. i travel all over this country. most democrats are like most republican answer most independents. they want us to solve problems wib take the noise down, find common ground and get things done. that's what will help them. they want to sit around the table and work on an infrastructure plan. kennedy: why don't progressive us understand that and why are they so loud? >> social media has obviously enabled this stuff. we all talk about the loudest voices in the room have a
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particularly good microphone right now. kennedy: you need their blessing. the you do what you need to do and still get their blessing? most americans self identify as centrists. we've allowed the extremes of each party to hold this country hostage for a long time. i'm running as a problem solver. i have a great track record. this things i'm fighting for in congress, universal pre-k, fixing the immigration system or health care for every american, they line up completely with the values of the democratic party. i feel like i have much better ways of getting there. kennedy: you have cassandra. she fell in love with apollo and he gave her the ability to see the future. but then when she thwarted him and wouldn't answer his affections he said fine, you will know the future but no one will believe you. that's what's happened in the democratic party. you and hickenlooper and sometimes joe biden although i think he's going off of his
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progressive rocker, and you're saying we can't afford this stuff. of the two dozen people running for democrat side who is the worst one, the people should absolutely avoid? >> i don't spend a lot of time -- kennedy: got to answer the tough questions if you're going to be president. >> whoever is putting forth policies that don't make sense should not be our nominee. kennedy: who is putting forth policies that tonight make sense. >> if we run for medicare for all -- kennedy: what do you do for all of the people who work for private health insurance company. >> there's those people. but think about the 150 million americans, like my dad who is a union loaks, 60 years in the ibew. he loved the health care that his union got her pim for him. i think about my dad. he would be totally behind my plan to give everyone health care. i'm for politics of addition. but he would be like why are you
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taking away my health care. kennedy: it doesn't make any sense. you know who has the best ideas? libertarians but the republicans and democrats are so status and this desire to talk about universal health care. >> the stuff bernie sanders is running on, thaibl i i believe s the nominee it dr dramatically increases the chances for president trump. you give everyone a basic health care plan and if they don't want it they get a tax credit and buy what they want. kennedy: could i have a tax credit to buy a bentley. >> owning a bentley is not a human right in my opinion. kennedy: i believe it is. >> your taxes are higher because the universal health care plan is the emergency room. under my plan we'll have universal health care but people will have choices and it will improve access quality and costs.
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kennedy: if you take the liberty pledge to make the government smaller and less intrusive i will consider voting for you. >> everything i've worked on has made the government smarter. sometimes it makes it smaller -- kennedy: big government is dumb government. remember that. you can take that slo g slogan t it on a t-shirt. >> i'll pass on that slogan but i'm up for ideas. kennedy: thank you. you're such a good spatter. sport.>> do you have a big fami? kennedy: working on it. coming up, brarn bernie sanders calling on walmart. i'll tell you why bernie and others should stay the hell out of the free market. my monologue is next.
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shame and blujen the retail behemoth into giving all of its workers $15 an hour. here's the funny thing. wages are already going up in other retailers like target and amazon are paying workers more without utopian status forcing them to change. that that is the magic of the free market. every action as reaction without a government wand probing your bottom dollar with top down that nasty. bernie is admitting that $15 an hour is a living wage but it's also one size fits all number that leads to stagnation and automation. which you imagine everyone being force into a size 15 dress? for the smallest among us it would look like a flumpy moo moo and for others a tight confining torture chamber. the same thing for wages. lower skill workers make less money and then develop more
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skills and make mur money unless the same people are forced to settle for the same amount. no one has incentive to improve. why would you work your ass off if you're never going to get a raise. sure it's easy if are the amazons of the world to absorb the hit of the increases, they're a giant company with workers at every rung of the federal ladder and they're asking for the shackles on companies like walmart that will take a bigger hit and raise price to compensate offering amazon less competition. never mind family owned businesses that have no choice but to trim their workforces or raise prices more than the super conglomerate. customers leave and entrepreneurial dreams die. thanks socialism. that very thing is happening in california where the mandatory wage has gut punched the restaurant industry. the bay area will see 30,000
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fewer jobs by 202 and in lower income areas restaurant growth has been cut in half by the cruel machete of do goodery. bernie, allow me to do it for you. your plans hurt poor people who now don't have a shot in hell of ever getting rich and impose a wage ceiling on the poorest of us ensures death for those who need it most. and that's the memo. ♪ kennedy: walmart, am don and other big corporations have been a frequent target of 2020 candidates. target too. will they ever realize their anger is completely misplaced? let's meet tonight's party panel to discuss it all.
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attorney and senior adviser alex wilkes and cohost of the fifth column podcast matt welch and host of the quiz show within fox nation. welcome back, everyone. so it used to be when a democrat would go to companies and try to force them to do something that that was considered radical. >> yes. kennedy: bernie sanders at one time, when he was taking his honeymoon in the soviet union and rubbing his tooth, that was considered radical. >> we all do that now. >> nothing wrong with that. kennedy: enough about the green room, too many. >> but he went out of his way to say this is not a radical plan. that's what's funny about it. nothing is radical anymore. nothing at all. it used to be this would have been but now we're in a thing -- you know, we're discussing guaranteed minimum income.
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i'm disappointeappointed in ber. he should be out in front on this. going after walmart, to me that's old school. and i also think i love the setup you did, the monologue. i had never heard it put that way. this is a gift to jeff ba bezos. he would love the big box retailers because they're old school. now walmart and mcdonald's, you going to go after them? in this new economy they're the ones that are going to be hurting and jeff bezos would love to see that happen. kennedy: that's the dirty secret that the giant corporations love the heavy hand of the federal government sticking it to their competitors. >> they're begging to be regulated. mcdonald's, yes, let's have $16 wage to everybody so mctom's is going to open up across the street because he can't afford the minimum wage. this is how it works. you would think at some point
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progressives would relearn their history. right now they're walking around elizabeth warren saying we have to break up facebook, do xyz, facebook is going to bank for all of that to happen because they get to write the rules. they'll last forever just like utilities do. this is bad for exactly the people you point out, the entrepreneurs, the people starting, the mom and pop that bernie sanders is supposed to be for. >> that has impoverished the island, the island that needs economic recovery more than any other place because of precisely these ideas. kennedy: bernie, we talk about his scandinavia fetish, they don't have minimum wage laws in places like sweden because it limits economic mobility. it doesn't increase it. >> it sure does. this speaks to hugh far left the
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democratic party has moved. this is not a litmus test issue for the 2020 democrats. they all support it. bernie is taking direct aim at the working man joe biden image that he's trying to put out there. joe biden is trying to say he's a man of the union, a man of the people and the workers. by bernie going out there trying to take bold action against walmart today, he's trying to chip away -- kennedy: and you know what? for him it's one of the smarter things he's done. i disagree with his policies and ideas but if he's taking union support from joe biden that's smart. he tried to say that joe biden is hillary clinton this week. well done. democrats are convinced that president trump is mentally unfit for office and they're flying in a psychiatrist who's never met him so she could make a diagnosis which you're not supposed to do. they wanted someone for credible but the subway palm reader was busy. it's being done at the behest of
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kentucky congressman jong yamos who said he's planning a town hall meeting with brandy lee will offer her assessment of the president's mental health. it's worth noting that diagnosing a patient without personal contact flies in the face of every standard put forth in the psychiatric profession. but is president trump really crazy or is it time for the democrats to get their meds from dr. do little. >> i think this is a really bad idea. what does it do? what does it accomplish? >> it shows us that the psychiatrists are a bunch of frauds. they are the ones who say we shouldn't do this. you never analyze someone from afar. they have all done it. every magazine has an article in it by a different psychiatrist who diagnoses the president. the real thing is he's not any crazier than he was ever. the donald trump that was the businessman, the donald trump that ran for president was weirder than the trump that's
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president. if you think he's weird, he's a little bit less weird than when he was running. kennedy: go back and listen to the howard stern interviews. >> he makes people crazy. so they should argue that he's a public health crisis because he's driving them so crazy that it's krawzing mental health issues. kennedy: i wouldn't have trusted that hillary clinton would have been mentally fit for the presidency. i don't think it's the worst thing in the world when you get a physical that you also get a psyche eval. not at the town hall. >> only if it's trump's doctor. >> he's amazing. i don't want to be the head of the va. >> everyone keeps looking for an american -- since congress as you rightly pointed out at the top of the show doesn't do its
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job. it holds a resolving series of press conferences, c-span hogging floor speeches in front of 12 staffers from the opposing political party. they don't do anything. kennedy: no. did you hear ba beto's idea? a constitutional amendment where the president has to have a town hall like once a month. >> dear god save us all. everyone is reaching for the club to knock the president out. people did this under obama as well. under every single president. in lieu of telling the president you know what, i don't like what you did so i'm going to stop you. kennedy: or i'm going to come up with something different. i will offer a better solution. but this is a stunt. this is not making anything better. not truly diagnosing the president. it's not convincing some important person that we need to invoke the 25th amendment. it's a stunt. >> it doesn't improve the political forcommun fortunes ofe
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democrats. they're telling the swing voters and independent voters who chose the president in 2016 that they should second-guess their choice, that basically they don't know what they were doing and they're going to have all of these experts from the ivy league and from washington tell you what you did wrong in picking this president. >> do you think those people are going to be swayed by oh, he's crazy. yeah, why do you think we voted for im. kennedy: but we're still going to vote for him again. whenever a democrat goes we've got really low poll numbers. that doesn't matter, didn't matter four years ago. and they might be better than they were three or four years ago. what a party panel. there's a party in this panel and everyone is partying. coming up, president trump speaking to commemorate the d-day invasion. mike baker joins me with his own personal history and an
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kennedy: welcome back. president trump traveled to normandy france where we joined queen elizabeth and other world leaders ahead of tomorrow's commemoration of 75 years since d-day. 2500 u.s. soldiers died during the invasion. it turned the tide against hitler and the nazis. the president read a speech that fdr gave on the actual date when he told our anxious nation that history would never forget the bravery and sac sacrifice of our trumps. watch. >> this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion and our civilization and to set free a suffering
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humanity. kennedy: the president is expected to deliver another address early tomorrow morning and it will be live here on fbn. while he was celebrating the defeat of the senatedies, thousands of protesters throughout the eu and the u.s. were comparing him to hitler. well the president's critic realize the irony? mike baker is back. so baker, you don't have t to ba huge fan of the president to know that those comparisons can be awfully thin when the president is overseas making nice with our allies, particularly or most important ally in great britain. >> no. it's true. look. to answer your question, will they recognize the irony, no. look, the president, love him or hate him, is over there to celebrate and honor the fact that 75 years ago the united states with our allies actually
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defeated real fascists. moussmousse leeny and hitler. you look at the situation today, it's a problem with the looseness of terms. we throw around terms like nazi, throw around terms like fascist, socialist. for the most part, i don't juan to be cynical but most people have a thin grasp of history and actual fact. and so it east lost its meaning. i can't think imagine 75 years from d-day that the term nazi is as loosely used as it is. my father and uncles fought in world war ii. i know some people of a certain generation say we don't fight so that some snot nosed uninformed misguided kids, you know, could talk out of their back sides and call the u.s., you know, president a fascist.
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well in reality, you know what, my dad and my uncles and almost everybody else did fight so that a bunch of snot nosed uninformed misguided kids could today you know speak out of their back sides and say things like that. that was the point of it. kennedy: that's freedom. that's what freedom is and that's what it means to protect freedom. >> the irony of that is not lost on all of those people who have naught whether in world war i urk or other battles and gave it their all. i guess at the end of the day, you know, we're not going to convince anybody. we live in a time now where look, a part of the problem is everybody thinks or a lot of people certainly on the progressive left, they like the imagine this is the toughest time the country has ever face pd everything is in a constitutional crisis. was at dinner the other evening, well-informed people, i like them very much within respect, t one said race relations have never been this bad.
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this is the worst we've ever seen in race relations. really? there was the civil war and the '60s and race riots. it's a problem we're facing. we have attention deficit disorder and a lot of people imagine this is the worst of times. i think it's thin grasp of history. kennedy: it is unfortunately and my question is for those people, when will you ever admit that it's better. when will you admit this there were worst times to be alive. there was more politicization and there were horrific things happening in this country with various groups but also i don't know if d-day could happen again. we're out of time. this is another conversation. it was us versus them. it wasn't black and white. >> it wasn't. and i think also to the point about when will they admit that there were worst times within well they'll admit it when they have a different president. this moment is all about president trump.
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dsmic party renominated grover cleveland for president. he lost the race but won again four years later. that was the last time anything named cleveland won anything. cry me a river. this is a topic storm. topic number one. let's start tonight in the arizona mountains. that's a great place to hang around. a hiker suffered a minor leg injury and then took several turns for the worse. oh, look at that. look at 74-year-old woman. rescuers weren't kidding when they offered to circle back for her. she did more spinning than rachel maddow the day of the bull report. she's okay. but while police are not released her name witnesses say he was a real helicopter parent. i got a little dizzy watching the video. 5 million people have watched it
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calling it the most ridiculous thing ever. but when you google the most ridiculous thing ever all of the stories are about bill deblasio. >> creating an xbox body wash. said to capture the active gamer aroma making it a perfect scent for people looking to smell like sun chips and sadness. it's targeted at men who spend all day playing with their joysticks and i'm pretty sure they mean that many more ways than one. the xbox bath products are selling exclusively in australia. how you doin' downunder. down u. you can go a fortnite without
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bathing. topic number three, did you hear the story about tracecy morgan making headlines after flipping out on a woman who hit his 2 million-dollar bugatti? that's a car ap as a lifelong nix faknicks fan you would thine would be used to disasters. he had purchased the car 30 minutes earlier. he's dressed like he smoked 30 rocks. but the man who played tracy jordan on the nbc show did not make lemonade, choosing instead to confront the woman in her car. it's a crazy video. it's nice to see somebody from 30 rock confronting a person. morgan definitely hit her car. but if it is true it would be the first hit by a saturday night live actor in years.
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well done. topic number four. what topical storm is complete without a charter flight to florida. let's go there. a man was arrested after very romantically pouring a bottle of hunts cats u kech up ketchup on. as boinds go, 37-year-old peter ragman did not cut the mustard, i know, it's not monday. stop that. police responded to a loud argument and found his girlfriend covered in the condiment. he denied dousing her despite having ketchup on the side of his pants rather and nearby work glove. unfortunately for him the glove did fit so cops could not acquit. he's gotten out on bail and we're happy to report that his
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