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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 13, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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officials. investigator the investigators is under way. "lou dobbs" is next. lou: good evening, everybody. the crisis at the southern border at a critical juncture. tonight we examine how much money the mexican cartels are making from their illegal immigration, smuggling, sex trafficking, drug smuggling at the southern border. and what happened to that ice ol' senator from iowa. turns out he's gone full on rino and establishment hack. chuck grassley not only resisting the president's policies that keep working for america and iowa, so why is grassley and the junior senator from iowa, jon joni ernst, why t
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they acting like they're representing the mexican drug cartels? we take that up tonight. president trump swatting away at his annoying detractors. president trump asserted executive privilege today to block the radical dimms access to census documents and the president asked what sense does a census make without a citizenship question. >> i think when you have a census and you're not allowed to talk about whether somebody is a citizen or not, that doesn't sound too good to me. it's totally ridiculous that we would have a census without asking. but the supreme court is going to be ruling op it soon. i think when the census goes out you should find out whether or not and you have the right to ask whether or not somebody ask a citizen of the united states. lou: for more on the president's executive privilege assertion, we turn to our chief
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intelligence correspondent, katherincatherine herridge. >> the house oversight committee voted to send a contempt resolution for attorney general william barr and secretary of commerce wilbur ross to the full house after administration asserted executive privilege over census records. >> this begs the question what is being hidden. >> when we rush to hold people in contempt, it has a chilling effect on anybody wanting to go the extra mile. >> the administration argues the census question was added to improve compliance with the voting rights act but the democrats are demanding to review internal discussions. republicans accuse thaif colleagues of overreach. >> democrats know the supreme court will rule by the end of this month by the citizenship question but they hope to use this committee's oversight power
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to create a controversy over this issue to impact the court's decision. >> the president called out democratdemocrats over their der census records. >> we gave them everything. so now the democrats want to try to win an election so they just keep it going. and i think the american public is not going to stand for it. >> late today the offices for william barr and wilbu -- lou: thank you very much. catherine herridge reporting. our first guest tonight at the center of the controversy, and he called the oversight voight an empty stunt and flagrant political posturing. joining us tonight, one of the targets of the contempt vote in that committee today, the u.s. commerce secretary wilbur ross. it is good to have you here. let me begin with first the suggestion that this committee
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is creating a controversy around the citizenship question to influence the supreme court which will be reaching a decision on this in all likelihood, it's almost unfathomable that they would not in this term, concluding this month. >> well, that's the real issue. 2 righ the right venue for makie decision is the supreme court. they have the oral arguments, they've had thousands of pages of documents. they're taking it under consideration. the idea that some think this committee should have more power than the supreme court, more power than the executive branch and more power than both combined kind of rewrites the constitution and if separation of powers. there's no reason for them to be wanting documents whose redaction was agreed to by three
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federal court judges, not just agreed with my two appellate courts and certainly not disagreed with by the supreme court. lou: i can't tell you how good it is as a citizen to watch you as the secretary of commerce and the attorney general, the president's entire administration basically standing and saying, no more to a partisan motivated congress abusing its powers, flagrantly, openly in front of the american people for no public purpose whatsoever, pure par partisansh. and i think the president had it exactly right, mr. secretary, when he said, can you imagine carrying out a census without a citizenship question? to me the stunning part is that we haven't had. >> it wasn't until recently
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asked. but the important thing is the right venue for making the decision is the supreme court. they will make a decision and the democrats and we, everybody will have to abide by whatever is their decision. lou: two trade issues that i would like to take up. you. i also would like the take up the paris air show and the extraordinary success of a one sector in particular tonight of our exporting economy. but let's turn first to the mexican deal in which they have agreed to a third nation at the tus to be taken up in 45 days while at the same time putting 6,000 of their national guard troops on their southern border with guatemala. that agreement is steadfast. your judgment about their compliance and deployment to that southern border and its
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impact on our southern border. >> well, i'm not the expert on homeland security. but i do believe the mexicans are quite serious about it and will hold up to their agreement. remember, this is a problem for them too. it's their southern border that's being invaded and that's what leads to tin vegas of our f our southern border. it's not mexican mexicans fleeie u.s. it's gat mau gawt mall gawt mau. and we're going to work constructively to solve it. lou: and that means taking on the mexican drug cartels. and it is clearly that -- it is -- as you say, you may not be the principle voice on homeland security, but certainly those cartels are influencing commerce, they're influencing
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our national security, influencing the government of mexico and the american society, 70,000 opioid deaths. we're looking at a tragedy, a disaster at the border, a national emergency that would have been ignored, ignored by both political parties if it were not for this president. >> well that's certainly true. but we also had some very good news today. as you know, the polish president agreed to buy $2.5 billion more of f-35 fighter planes from us. so that's very good for the european defense, very good for the defense of poland and great for the u.s. aerospace industry. and a nice segue to the paris air show. lou: you don't need me here, wilbur. you don't need me here. you construct the segue, a
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transition, and abate in part at least the previous question and at least implicitly suggest that the real question is okay, mr. secretary, how many, how many products, how much in the way of air v aerospace are we et in this country. >> we're exporting around 150 $150 billion worth, about 70% of the total output of the industry. and it's interesting, we are the world's largest exporter of aerospace and our total is more than the next six countries combined. lou: the commerce secretary has permitted me access to these numbers so i want to show them off in our production. if we could look at the full screen. the united states engs porting $139 billion in aerospace, france second at 51.8 billion, germany 41.4 billion. mr. secon secretary, you're doia
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heck of a job. and going now to paris for the air show, how big are the orders that you expect to come back with? i'm getting even with you for putting toward the segue. i need an absolute date and rate on the numbers that you're going to build at the paris air show. >> what i can tell you is we have 350 american companies exhibiting there. it's by far the largest we've had. and the pavilion we've got is enormous, 6,250 square meters. lou: good grief. >> going to be a huge presence. lou: well for $139 billion, i think that that ample space will serve. and i know that you will come back with that order book full for american e porters. mr. secretary, it is great to see you. unfortunately, because of the double segues that we've had to create here, yours were better
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than mine as we appreciate it. we wish you much success at the paris air show and much continued -- it's great to show the numbers thouing the dominance of the united states as aerospace exporting power. wilbur ross, thank you, sir, for being here. >> thank you, lou. thanks for having me on. lou: up next, the unbelievable amount of money made by the mexican drug cartels from not only smuggling deadly drugs into the country but sex trafficking and of course smuggling illegal immigrants across our southern border. the president takes a swipe at the open border dimms, the amnesty dimms while he takes up his immigration deal with mention korchlts we havmexico. >> we have a great deal with mexico. we have a much better relationship with mexico because they respect us again. mexico right now is doing more for the united states on illegal immigration and all of the problems of crime and other
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problems on the border than the democrats. lou: we'll have all of that and much more right after this quick break. stay with us. "there's got to be a time where we
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come to an end of breast cancer" "i know that there's a lot of innovation that can be done to actually achieve that. and so i'm very hopeful. i really strongly, strongly believe that we are about to turn the corner on this" "but, we are a mighty force when we get out there,
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but, the foundation of all that what we are doing is through komen" ♪ what we are doing is through- y- hey!t. - i'm headin out man you want a ride? - no, i got my car but i actually really need to go to the bathroom. - oh, you know what? i was just in there the line is like ten people long. - you know, i think i'll just... - dude are you okay? - you wouldn't believe what i was just thinking, i am definitely buzzed. - yeah. - i think i will take this and i will take that ride home. - smart man! - did you see how that dog was looking at me?
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committee held a hearing on the crisis at our southern border
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and they found out there is one. during that hearing senator david perdue took note of the massive amount of money the mexican drug cartels are making from sex trafficking, smuggling of illegal immigrants and deadly drugs into this country. >> $500 billion. that makes the cartel business and the drug traffic just in mexico alone coming across into the united states bigger than wall part. walmart. this is larger than our largest company. lou: a lot of people have been trying to push a lot smaller numbers, like a tenth of that amount as the amount that the cartels were making from drug smuggling. it's obviously vastly, vastly more. five years ago judicial watch warned about islamic terrorists infiltrating the united states through our southern border with mention cop. mexico. and a new report for the study of violent extremism reveals
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that a captured fighter is revealing details of jihadists were to enter the country through the u.s. southern border to carry out an attack in this country, exploiting vulnerabilities along the 2000-mile border with mexico. joining us tonight is the president of the national border patrol council, brandon judd. good to have you here. >> thanks for having me. lou: you dish watch four years ago making the point that the border was vulnerable and has been ever since. if this president isn't making this deal with mexico, we're in even worse trouble. >> what's amazing about it is that the president got mexico to send more troops to their southern border with guatemala than what congress approved for the united states border patrol agents tobs on the southwest border with motio with mexico.
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if you look at the number of people working their way up through mexico right now. it's a lot less than what we had a few days ago, prior to the deal being struck. we're going to see less people entering this country strictly because of the deal that president trump was able to reach with mexico. lou: because mexico under the terms of the deal with president trump will have to police the southern border, more than 500 miles with guatemala. and we're also watching arrests -- they are not many but we're watching these arrests of illegal immigrants on the trains, buses. and it's also important to remember, ladies and gentlemen, that mexico isn't simply just an observer of this. they have been actively supporting the movement of these illegal immigrants up through the 2000 miles of their central corridor to the u.s. >> and the reason they're supporting it is because what senator perdue just found out.
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the amount of money that's being made, that money is staying in mexico. these cartels generating all of this profit, this money stays in mentiomexico, gets spent in mex. that goes to bolster their economy which is one of the main reasons the mexican government has been so reluctant to come up with a deal to help us secure our border. that would cut down on the cartels' profit. and that's a problem for us. lou: a huge problem. and 75,000 lost american lives. the radical dimms, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, ric mitch mcconnl and before them within prie, pan the house, they were lined up with the cartels on the issue of border security, on the issue of stopping illegal drugs, illegal immigrants, sex trafficking. and the national left-wing media gives them a free pass. >> absolutely.
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and i'm glad that you point out that it's not just the democrats. make no mistake, it's definitely the democrats. but we also have republicans that push back on all of this -- on trying to secure the border because there are certain republicans that want cheap labor in their states because their states rely on cheap labor. lou: does the name chuck grassley ring a bell? joni ernst? does he think he's kidding somebody? lining up against the president of the united states, the leader of his party and somebody thinks it's because he's a crotch eddy old senator from the midwest. no. it's because he's trying to serve what he perceives to be the interest of iowa instead of the national interest and the interest of his state. >> exactly. lou: this deal with mexico fascinates me. it is trumpian from a to z. it's bold, innovative and no one had thought about trying it before the president did it.
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and to your point about these cartels, what else could a business -- what else could a business do faced with these tariffs. the president had to put anytime dollars and cents for the mexican government. it's cost them more to ignore the responsibilities on that border. >> bingo. and that's exactly what he looked at. when he said -- when he went to mexico and he asked them to partner with him, to help him secure not only our border but his border to secure the border and take down the cartels. because he was willing to step up and do what no other president prior to him was willing to do, we actually now have measures starting to work and starting to pay dividends, it's not just dividends a year down the road. these are immediate dividends we're seeing right now. lou: to be clear, we're seeing fewer illegal immigrants approaching our border with
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mexico as a rawlt of what they've done at their southern border with guatemala. >> fewer people coming up to our southern border yes. lou: the president and lopez observobrador. i thought he had come to this conclusion sooner. i thought he understood what a smart, smart decision it would be to partner with the president of the united states, particularly this president. but at least he's gotten there. president trump had to just help a little bit more than i would have thought necessary. >> he did. he did. lou: and we're seeing early results. >> yes, we are. lou: like you, we'll be watching it carefully and we appreciate all that you and all of the members of your union do for this country. brandon judd. up next, president trump tweeted about the high ticket demand, the hottest ticket for his upcoming rally and 2020
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kickoff in orlando. the president tweeted this, wow, just got word that our june 18th tuesday announcement in orlando, florida already has 74,000 requests for a 20,000-seat arena. with all of the big events we have done, this ticket looks to be the hottest of them all. see you in florida. i just have to wonder how elizabeth warren and joe biden and mayor pete and the other candidates in the democratic party whose name -- whose names i can't pronounce are feeling tonight after watching that tweet. up next, president trump slamming new polls and fake news, fake i tell you. >> not a huge believer in polling. i think you go out there and you fight and you don't really need polls. you need ideas more than polls. lou: he's absolutely right. but we're going to have a little fun going through those polls and what they mean.
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none other than ed rollins with join us to analyze the polls and put them in historical context. rye noz senator chuck imraseslygrassley, we wants to n the american imperial presidency, particularly since president trump is in the oval office apparently. we'll break that down and take it up right after this quick break. stay with us.
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. fake polls. i had the same thing for a long period of time in 2016. i was getting these terrible poll numbers and i didn't sea it because i would have tremendous crowds and my opponent would have almost nobody. i would say i think we're going to win the state of michigan and we did, i think we're going to win wisconsin, pennsylvania and ohio and i won them all. and now i have the same stuff. they're giving out phony polls. lou: i think we need to test the
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president on this. examine is he right about this as well as everything else. president trump today called out the left-wing national media for their disgusting inability to conduct a poll and for drumming up a new quinnipiac poll showing the radical dimms beating the president in hope thet call to 20 matchups. always a clever thing to poll on, hypotheticals. what they fail to point out is a similar quinnipiac poll from may of 2015. that poll had hillary clinton leading president trump, well, by -- he was just donald trump then -- by 18 points in that hypothetical head to head. how did that turn out. oh, i can see why the left-wing media is making much of these polls. but to explore it more we have with us tonight ed rollins. but first rino senate chuck
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grassley saying that congress has delegated too much authority to president trump an adamant opposer of prmp's tariffs that he threatened against mexico says lawmakers in congress not the president should be making the final decision on tariffs. senator. most of the people in congress couldn't spell tariff. what are you talking about. and especially a senator from iowa. from iowa. he should perhaps focus on illegal immigration. the crisis in his own state. iowa home to 50,000 illegal immigrants. back in 2008 nearly 400 illegal immigrants were detained in an i.c.e. raid in iowa. we haven't heard too much about raids there or stopping illegal imgraition animmigration and hif illegal immigrants. i wonder why the senate is so interested in this issue. joining us tonight, fox business political and cyst, ed roll lynn, the v savant himself.
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>> thank you. lou: chuck grassley, how annoying and irritating can one senator from iowa be. wait a minute. there's joni ernst too. >> she has to be careful. she's up for reelection and in a very tough race. she may sever her relationship -- lou: if they put up a cardboard cutout they would have something stronger than her. >> grassley has been there for a long time. chairman of the senate finance committee. lou: i know he's been there. but what's he doing? >> he's certainly not serving this president well which is very critical. to a certain extent i iowa is a swing state and he needs to get on the reservation. lou: what should the president do with this? it's just irritating. what's gripping on with this party? because one way or another the senate republicans are messing with this president. >> you know, the truth of the matter is this president was the anti-establishment candidate and they're all part of the establishment. they have to hang on to him because he has the support of
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the republican party across this country with higher numbers than ronald reagan had when he was president or the president i worked for. my sense is today they're all kind of fright ndz of him. ened of him. he's uk seeding ahe's succeedin. lou: the president tweeted, the fake news has never been more dishonest than it is today. thank goodness we can fight back on social media. their new weapon of shows is fake polling. had it in 2016 but now it is worse. is it really worse? he's right. it was a mess in 2016. and what they're polling again is just. >> polls are not an exact science. they're a picture of the day and it fends on the methodology. this quinnipiac poll is not about likely voters. it's about registered voters. everybody is in the pool. lou: how does this compare to previous. >> i'll give you an example.
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when i was on ronald reagan's cam pin. john glenn was ahead of ronald reagan 57 to 39 at one point. mondale was ahead of them. same kinds of margins here. ronald reagan won 59-40. so the bottom line is the numbers move quickly. this president when he gets to go out there and arctic pate art is it that he's about and not have the harassment that he's had for the last two years, that's what the campaign is about. he goes out and sells himself, the numbers move drastically. lou: thanks for being here. >> up next, new numbers show how effective president trump has been in pressuring iran. also, we'll tell you why this man, this man right there is waving a balloon in front of an alligator. nice alligator. what do you figure, 11, 12 feet
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long? oh my gosh. stay with us. we're coming right back. termites, feasting on homes 24/7. we're on the move. roger.
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hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home.
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lou: a new gallop poll shows the iranian people feeling pressure from president trump's economic sanctions slapped on iran last may. 69 # 67% say their economic situation is worsening. a record sho low say it's a good time too find a job in iran.
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a record low rating their lives as suffering. deep state actor former ci awrks director telling msnbc john brennon she doesn't think president trump will stop russia in 2020. brennon says president trump might block the cia from stopping in russian meddling in the upcoming election. brennon along with his former boss, president obama, failed to do anything to stop russia from entire fear in 2016. joining us tonight, fred fleitz, president of the center for security policy, k.t. mcfarland, former deputy national security adviser to president trump. good to have you here. let me start, if i may, with you, fred. john brennon saying that trump could block the cia from stopping russian 2020 election meddling. isn't this the same guy who
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didn't do anything about russian meddling under president obama who didn't do anything about it even after they found out about it. what is wrong with him? >> lou, there's so much to say here. remember that brennon said for two years that donald trump was engaged in treesennist collusion with russia and after the mueller report came out he said sorry, i got bad information. why does anyone listen to this guy and lou, why hasn't john brennon's security clearance been lifted. i saw the notice from president trump to the office of the dni to lift his clearance. this is a legal order that the intelligence community ignored. what happened? what happened here? lou: and why in the world is nbc and comcast putting this braze brazen -- he is nothing more than a tool on the air. it's absurd.
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k.t., why in the world hasn't he security clearance been. >> it's a good question. i would love to see the answer to that to. and the national security council should explain. that's the agency responsible for overseeing it. lou: that's john bolton. >> onbolton approved the notice, it went to the office of the dni. i saw anytime the nsc. not the dni's responsibility here. lou: so dan coats strikes again. is that what we're saying here? >> i don't know. i've not been in the administration. i didn't see the piece of paper. but the nfc would have been the agency responsible for asking for it to be pulled. and then what you're saying is that director coats did not agree with that assessment. >> the notice left the nfc, went to the office of the director of national intelligence and this legal order by the president wasn't acted on that's not good. lou: that's not good at all. i love the way that expression
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falls from our lips now. not good. not good. it's become a trumpian expression. not good. not good. let's turn to something that is good. that is that the border with mexico, brandon judd has just said that we're seeing fewer illegal immigrants reaching that border right now. your thoughts about what that means. >> i think i'm really impressed with the way that trump has handled this. he's got a congress which refused to give him one dollar to protect the border. so he's done a work around. he's gone to the mexican -- lou: let's be clear. mitch mcconnell, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer might as well be representing the drug cartels themselves. they're defying a president working to secure a border, to see cure the safety of americans, end opioid deaths, 70,000 of them a year. >> they're so willing to put the security of the united states at risk in order for them to
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prevent trump from getting a win. lou: fred? >> i think that's exactly right. and i'm very proud of the president for what he's worked out with mexico. you won't hear it on the other networks what a huge win this was to get the mexican to defend their southern border to stop these illegal migrants from coming across ours. lou: and one of the things i want to take up is russia, whether its 20 hyper sonic muscles reportedly that the united states cannot yet defend against, china as well testing its sonic missiles. we're way behind that. k.t., your thoughts. what is required for us to catch up and how quick will caly can ? >> we can probably do it in two or three years. but we've let the money go to the wayside. we need to understand that we don't always get to be the leader in technology in the
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world unless he invest in it. lou: fred, you get the last word here. >> i think k.t. is right. we can catch up. my concern is that we'll catch up and this technology will be leaked. these defense companies have to do a much better job at defending sensitive technology if we develop the best hyper sonic misuntil the world is useless if the chinese steals the technology. lou: it would be nice if they were doing something to help those corporations, motivate those corporations to act in the u.s. national interest. that would be refreshing as well. k.t. good to have you with us. fred, thank you so much. appreciate it. here's a story that could only come from florida. we think it's the only place it could come from. a tampa couple using their pet call gator to reveal the gender of their unborn child. the father -- oh my gosh. this is bothersome. a wildlife trapper -- that's one way to find out.
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pink in the balloon. the florida fish and wildlife commission had the alligator named amos as a pet. had him since 2000. after a little prodding amos chomped down on the balloon. their tenth child will be a girl. i just can't imagine having all of those kids around that alligator. but there it is. up next, attorney general william barr coming for the leaders of the cia. also rinos and dimms holding more meetings and showing hearings on capitol hill. we take it up right after the break. stay with us. lou: ryrino senator richard burs
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senate intelligence committee questioning donald trump jr. about the russia investigation. the committee said they wanted to clear up comments made by the convicted liar, michael cohen. something which the president's son addressed this afternoon. >> to reality, there was nothing to be chaingdz. there needed to be clarification
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because michael cohen, who is, let's not forget, serving time for lying. i'm happy to do that. i don't think i changed anything with what i said. there was nothing to change. i'm glad this is finally over. we're able to put final clarity on that and i think the committee understands that. lou: well, one would hope that the committee would understand something as straightforward as donald jr. just put it. a new report says the justice department intends to interview senior cia officers as they continue their investigation, they, the justice department, continue their investigation into the origins of the russia witch hunt. these interviews will be looking at the ci a's work on election interference and how the cia every came to a conclusion that russian president vladimir putin worked to help elect president trump. that has never ever been explained and apparently
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attorney general william barr is curious. he apparently also desires a better understanding of the intelligence sharing between the cia and the fbi in 2016. well joining us tonight is alex vogel, former deputy council for the rnc. alex, good to have you with us. >> good to be here. lou: let's first start with this revelation that apparently the attorney general wants to know about this relationship between the cia, the fbi, their intelligence sharing and how the cia ever came to the conclusion that this president was somehow allied with vladimir putin. i think it's a wonderful question for the attorney general to ask. >> it is. and i think it's a testament to the seriousness of purpose that the attorney general is putting behind this investigation. he said me was going to look into it. he said he was going to investigate. that the facts didn't add up to
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him. it's certainly appropriate for the fbi to want to question those directly involved. they o obviously, given that it was a counter intelligence operation need to respect sources and methods. i'm confident they can do that. but i think it evidences a realness to this investigation and frankly is a real contrast to what you see coming out of a lot of the so-called investigation massacr massacre s oversight. lou: this is such raw partisan purpose harassment of the president by cummings, schiff and their ilk in the democratically-led congress. this will not stop, will it, unless this president shuts it down. >> he can't allo.he can't allowh
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of these subpoenas to be honored. these ignorant fools running the committees are trying to destroy the united states government. >> the president very much -- and this administration, the attorney general, secretary rozs who was on earlier are all responding appropriately to push back on the overreaches. i want to say one thing in particular on the census request. a lot of this relates to the work of the late dr. tom hoefler that's now become public. i had the privilege of working with dr. hoefler for 20 years. he was, without a doubt, one of the foremost experts in demographics in the united states. lou: you're talking about the census question. >> i am. and truly a great american who devoted -- lou: i got that, alex. we're in a real crunch. >> understood. but the point is, i think it's incredibly unfortunate and inappropriate to see the late
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dr. hoefler's work dragged posthumouthrough the mud. lou: he is collateral political damage against a group of utter low lives who are taking -- abusing their posts and for partisan purposes and should really just -- i mean you should condemn them for what they are and what they're permitting this government to become as they try to resist and subvert this president. the ignorance is just palpable. and by the way, the president said it so easily, so straightforwardly. can you imagine a census without paying attention to citizenship? what idiocy. what mor nonsense they're pushi. >> i look at my own family's genealogy documents going back to the '20s and sure enough every time there was a census and my grandparents and their
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parents filled those out, there was a citizenship and a naturalization question and no one was afraid to reply. lou: think about it. who is afraid to answer that question? where is the fear? the fear today is amongst citizens because their rights are being encroached upon. their benefits, whether it's welfare, whether it's education are being overwhelmed by illegal immigration in this country. and by a host of horses there in the swamp that you visit from time to time. it is really -- it's time to get by this and the supreme court has a chance to clear this nonsense up. we can hope and pray that they do just do. >> we've got a lot more questions so we've got to ask you to come back soon. can we do that? >> will do. lou: thank so much. and again, sorry for your friend to be drag into this and sorry
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you're still for a country that has to put up with the nonsense from the radical dimms. up next, just how much mark zuckerberg knew, hen he knew it about facebook's damaging privacy practices. we'll take up that story and more right after this quick break. stay with us. ♪ limu emu & doug mmm, exactly! liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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he came under scrutiny for failure to protect users privacy. frontal boundary stock down nearly 2%. listen to my reports coast to coast on the salem radio network. secretary of commerce wilbur ross with us tonight. he blasted the house committee over questions about the citizenship in the census. >> the idea that somehow this committee should have more power than the supreme court, more power and the executive branch
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and more power than both combines kind of rewrites the constitution and separation of power. lou: we thank you for being with lauren: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories this hour. president trump says there's only one person who knows the deadline for the latest batch of tariffs on china and that's him. the president ramping up pressure on beijing as he doubles down on his meeting with xi-jinping this month. plus, how the unrest we're sealing in hong kong could play a role in any trade deal. bernie sanders pushes democratic socialism and doesn't miss a chance to take a swipe at president trump. are voters buying his vision that only the super rich benefit from capitalism? facebook is under fire again, now disturbing new e-mails show how much ceo mark zuckerberg knew about the company's


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