tv FBN AM FOX Business June 19, 2019 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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is going to begin removing illegal immigrants. interior enforcement is about to begin next week. enjoy the president's rally lauren: here are your market movers at 5:00 a.m. the race for the white house is on. president trump kicking off his re-election campaign at a massive rally in florida, unveiling his a strategy for 2020 and a new campaign slogan. cheryl: hours before the president stirring up controversy over whether he would fire jay powell ahead of the fed's big announcement today on interest rates. lauren: facebook privacy problems in the spotlight as maxine waters goes after the crypto crusade. cheryl: you may want to take a breath before making the next post on facebook, how it could reveal more personal information than you think. it is wednesday. it is june 19th. "fbn: a.m." starts right now.
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♪ the dream's still alive. ♪ will some day come true. ♪ this country belongs to folks like me an you. and you. cheryl: welcome to the "fbn: a.m.." good morning. i'm cheryl casone. lauren: good morning. i'm lauren simonetti. cheryl: let's take a look at how your money is moving. it is fed decision day. u.s. futures are slightly down, dow down 23. lauren: we continue to watch the yield on the 10 year treasury, right now, 2.08%, a gain of 2 basis points. cheryl: as tensions continue to escalate in the area around iran and the strait of hormuz, oil is down 13-cents, $53.77, weakening
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global economic story. lauren: a rally in asia overnight. shanghai composite gaining 1%, hang seng up 2 and-a-half percent on news of the extended meeting between president trump and xi-jinping at the g-20. cheryl: on the heels of mario draghi's stimulus in europe, that powered markets in europe, slightly in the red. lauren: president trump kicking off his re-election campaign with a big rally in the battle ground state of florida. cheryl: kristina partsinevolos live this morning in orlando for us with all the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. yesterday was quite a day. you had people waiting in line as early as 2:30 a.m. on monday morning, just to get seats close to the president yesterday. he had a stadium that fits about 20,000 people. it was packed to the brim. a lot of people excited when the president came on stage. he did touch on a lot of major talking points that riled up the crowd, the first one focusing on
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china and tariffs and whether the united states is paying or not. listen to what he had to say. >> you're not paying very much if you're paying anything at all. the case of china. we would lose $500 billion a year with china. we rebuilt china. they've done a great job. but they took us for suckers and that includes obama and biden. >> reporter: the president did focus on the economy. he spoke about china. he talked about other various trade deals. he even at one point asked the crowd to help him with his next upcoming re-election campaign motto and that was whether the crowd should make it, make it america great again or keep america great again. he had the crowd vote and the crowd voted on keep america great again. we know he talks about this white often. it got the crowd riled up. talking about the various talking points, he did mention the border and how much of it he's going to rebuild over the next year or so.
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listen to wha to what he had to. >> 400 miles of wall built by the end of next year. it's beautiful. i changed the desite. it's stronger, bigger, better and cheaper. a lot cheaper. >> reporter: so with that, we have to keep in mind that that border, the 400 miles that he's talking about, also includes reconstruction projects and this is something that he has promised within the next year or so. you could see, he did touch upon various talking points. based off of the crowd that i spoke to outside, two of the major things they focused on was the economy as well as immigration. that seemed to get them really excited for the president and he did -- he spoke for over an hour to the crowd. you had the entire family there, a lot of people to speak and so he probably filled out about -- filed out about 10:00 p.m. eastern time. this is officially the way the president relaunched his re-election campaign.
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i'll throw it back to you guys from orlando. lauren: vintage trump. thank you so much for all of that. we appreciate it. cheryl: democratic presidential candidates slamming the president after he launched the 2020 campaign last night. former vice president joe biden tweeted this, let's be clear, president trump inherited a growing economy from the obama, biden administration and now he's in the process of squandering it. and bernie sanders strongly criticized president trump. >> we have a president who is a racracist, who is a sexist, whos a home fob, wh homophobe and a s bigot and his strategy to win re-election is to divide the american people. cheryl: well, president trump is reportedly planning to live tweet the democratic debates next week. lauren: president trump warning he could consider demoting fed chair jerome powell.
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>> well, let's see what he does. i can tell you that draghi in the eu, if you look at what's going on with the euro, they have a much different stance than our folks do. lauren: fed chair powell is set to hold a press conference later today after the federal reserve announces its decision on interest rates. fox business will carry that event live starting at 2:00 eastern and we'll have much more on this throughout the show. cheryl: president trump also announcing that acting defense secretary patrick shanahan is stepping down from his position. >> pat shanahan who is a a wonderful person, is as you know going to a take some time off for family matters and i want to thank him for his service. he's a terrific person and it's a difficult time for pat but he's going to take a little time a off for family service and for working things out. cheryl: shanahan's departure
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comes as tensions with iran escalated in the middle east. mark esper is being nominated by president trump. lauren: president trump gave the markets a lift by announcing he will meet with the chinese president at next week's g-20 summit. cheryl: edward lawrence has more from washington. >> reporter: the tweet came as a complete surprise from robert lighthizer. his office said they didn't know talks would restart. there was no communication until yesterday when president trump said he spoke with president xi-jinping of china, saying the two would meet at the g-20 summit. white house economic advisor larry kudlow confirmed that the two trade delegations will meet before the g-20 summit. >> no guarantees. and remember, our position will continue to be, we want structural changes here.
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we want structural changes on all the items. theft of ip, forced transfers of technology, cyber hacking, of course trade barriers. >> reporter: lighthizer said because of the strong economy, now is the time to take on china. he says up to now, the tariffs have not affected the wage growth or job growth in this country. he told the committee that if we do not protect intellectual property there will be no future jobs for our college graduates. senator mark warner on the committee says the president is undermining the work that lighthizer is doing and he used huawei as an example. >> we're out there trying to make our case to our allies that they need to hold firm about the national security implications on huawei for 5g and future telecommunications networks. then the president undermines the position of our country, undermines our national security by saying he may trade huawei away in a trade agreement.
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>> reporter: lighthizer says he's focused on an enforceable agreement like the one we already had with china, like the they agreed to and he's not willing to renegotiate. he testified that the usmca is the most momentous trade agreement in history when it comes to the rules on digital economy. he says on manufacturing it will stop the outflow of jobs to mexico, he says, as the auto industry grows. the international trade commission says the usmca will create 176,000 jobs here in the u.s. alone. lauren: edward lawrence, thank you very much. u.s. trade representative robert lighthizer back on capitol hill today, this time he's appearing before the house ways and means committee. cheryl: now the latest in hong kong. lawmakers meeting for the first time in a week after protests over an extradition bill that eventually was suspended. pro democracy members filing a motion of no confidence against the chief executive, carrie lamb. they will question security officials about the violent
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tactics used by police during the protests. the opposition lawmakers will be wearing black with white ribbons pinned to their lapels. the motion of no confidence bound to be voted down. lauren: china is watching that and now that trade talks have resumed, officially back on, we had a rally yesterday. this morning, futures are down slightly ahead of the fed's decision on when they'll cut interest rates. still ahead, president trump pulling in a massive crowd for the start of his 2020 campaign in arrest long day. more than double -- orlando. more than doubling joe biden's crowds. does that speak louder than any poll does? amazon's ceo, jeff bays gloss and microsoft's -- ba bezos and bill gates get a new member of the exclusive $100 billion club. details ahead. ♪ money, honey.
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♪ heannouncer: more details incoming involving volkswagen and the growing scandal. dissatisfied customers filing complaints against the german auto maker. ♪ because a vision softly creeping ♪ ♪ left its seeds while i was sleeping ♪ ♪ and the vision ♪ that was planted in my brain ♪ ♪ still remains ♪ within the sound of silence
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♪ in restless dreams i walked alone ♪ ♪ narrow streets of cobblestone ♪ ♪ when my eyes were stabbed ♪ by the flash of a neon light ♪ ♪ that split the night ♪ and touched the sound of silence ♪ cheryl: the white house issued a warning to iran as the nation prepares to pick up its nuclear weapons program. lauren: tracee carrasco has the details. tracee: president trump telling time magazine he would, quote, certainly go to war over nukes. the president doubling down before officially announcing plans to run for re-election. >> we're very prepared for iran. we'll see what happens. if you look at what's taken
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place, if you look at what they've done, if you look at -- i'm not just talking about over the last week. i'm talking about over a long period of years. they've been a nation of terror. nowe'll see what happens. tracee: consensus appears to be growing about iran's responsibility for attacks on a pair of oil tankers in the gulf of oman last week. germany's chancellor saying there is strong evidence to support the u.s. accusation. merkel raised international concern yesterday as she had a fit of trembling during a ceremony yesterday. she attributed the shaking to dehydration and the hot weather in berlin. cbs and viacom are talking about getting back together, as charlie gasperino has been reporting, the companies are set to be discussing a merger again, 13 years after being divided. several stumbling blocks remain, including settling on a price for a stock transaction and selecting a leadership team. career website glass door is out
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with its annual list of the top 100 chief executives and once again tech ceos are on top. this year, vmware ceo's took the number one spot, a big leap from his spot at number 78 last year. on the downside, facebook's ceo mark zuckerberg dropped 39 spots this year. and there's a new member of the $100 billion club. bernard arnold, europe's richest person, just joined jeff bezos and bill gates in the world's most exclusive wealth club. the chairman of lvmh entered the ranks yesterday as the company's stock rose nearly 3%, increasing his net worth by almost $32 billion this year. his net worth now equal to 3% of france's economy. that's what's happening now. cheryl: tracee thank you. lauren: a.lauren: president tp suggested he could consider
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demoting fed chair, jerome powell. >> let's see what he does. i can tell you that draghi in the eu, if you look at what's going on with the euro, they have a much different stance than our folks do. lauren: joel griffith is a research fellow at the heritage foundation. thanks for coming on this morning. >> thanks for having me. lauren: the first part of the sound bite, let's see what he does, that's a veiled threat to jay powell, is it not? >> it could definitely be construed as much. the chairman of the federal reserve cannot be removed without cause. i think it's safe to say the chairman's job is safe for now because currently the federal reserve is actually doing what it's supposed to do and that's to maintain stable credit system and ensure that we do not have a credit crunch. lauren: joel, in such a political environment, the report from bloomburg that the president explored the legality of he potentially firing jay powell from his post, we are in a very political environment
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right now, what can the fed do to in one sense apiece the white house and also prove to the nation that it's independent of politics here? >> the federal reserve needs to focus not on pleasing those in politics or politicians in general, but on proceeding forth with -- we need to dispense of this notion that the federal reserve can control interest rates with precision. the fact is, the federal reserve typically follows the market. we can look back at the past month, it didn't make the media noise, but the fed a rail federe lowered the rates on what it's paying at the fed. that's important. the great recession, the federal reserve printed trillions of dollars, bought government bonds and mortgage securities, if that money was left in the marketplace, it would have led to inflation. instead, the federal reserve paid banks to hold extra money on reserve and now we have a situation where the federal
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reserve in order to ensure that the banks don't begin saving more money at the fed, they have to lower those rates. and that's what the fed's been doing as of last month on the rate that it pays on those reserves. lauren: it seems like internationally, globally there is this pressure to ease, this pressure to cut. but there's no like playbook or rule book about how to go about doing that. this is very much -- this might be one of the reasons for the tweets from the president against ecb president, mario draghi, that might suggest the message that the ecb is sending. >> the federal reserve is in an interesting predictment with trillions of dollars in excess reserves on-hand. if it were to lower the rates that they pay on that too far, too quickly, we end up in a situation where those reserves end up lent out into the marketplace. the solution to this is to gradually shrink the footprint of the fed, lower those asset
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balances, so that the federal reserve can once again return to its mission and avoid some of these negative economic consequences. lauren: joel griffith, thank you for joining us this morning. big topic. cheryl: fed decision day is today at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. ahead of that, kind of a quiet futures market, trading may be tepid until 2:00 p.m. dow is down 6, nasdaq just higher by 2 points. also coming up, rough waters for facebook, why congresswoman maxine waters is using the sins of the past to put a stop to mark zuckerberg's big plans for facebook's future. and what is your favorite drink? >> i love scotch. >> i love scotch. scotchy, scotch, scotch. down into my belly. yum, yum, yum. cheryl: how the beloved spirit can soon be changing after hundreds of years. keep it here on "fbn: a.m.."
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hey! i live on my own now! i've got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. unlike my parents. you rambling about xfinity again? you're so cute when you get excited... anyways... i've got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. i can schedule a time for them to call me back, it's great! you have our number programmed in? ya i don't even know your phone anymore... excuse me?! what? i don't know your phone number. aw well. he doesn't know our phone number! you have our fax number, obviously... today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'll pass.
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cheryl: this could be a record, no sooner did facebook make a big announcement on a cryptocurrency, libra, maxine waters asked the company to hit the pause button. waters released a statement, saying given the company's troubled past, i'm requesting that facebook agree on a moratorium on moving forward to developing a cryptocurrency until congress and regulators have a chance to look at it. what did you make of the announcement yesterday.
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seems like many are excited about the business platform for facebook. >> it was an offensive and defensive move for zuck and facebook. the big question is how can they monetize outside of digital advertising. this is something that makes sense on paper. they've got strong backing in terms of partners. now it comes down to can this actually succeed with consumers. that's going to be the question. cheryl: maxine waters,ism sure it will be asked, who will be the oversight. is it the s.e.c.? is it treasury? currencies would be -- that's a central bank issue around the world. we know who manages currencies. who would manage this? >> that continues to be a hot potato, who is going to manage it. that's why right now -- you knew there would be talk from the beltway once facebook came out with it. realistically, i think the jury is still out in terms of who will be the oversight there. for investors, for facebook, it
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shows the company is on the offensive. and for the first time, it feels like they now are starting to hum, notice just in terms of their core business, but strategically in terms of diversifying. cheryl: cryptocurrency, we talk about bitcoin a lot and this is a different type of cryptocurrency, is this bad for bitcoin? we saw pressure on the bitcoin contract yesterday on the announcement. >> some would argue it could be a lightning rod positive for cryptocurrency as it would legit mise thlegitmize the digital cu. cheryl: regulation will be an issue, as well as day a take privacy. we have the flak ipo coming up this week. it's gone under the radar but we haven't seen the fan fare for this one. this could be a solid ipo. >> it's one of the most disruptive technology plays in enterprise in the last five to seven years. you've seen what they have done
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with microsoft on collaboration software. it speaks to -- take a step back. look at cloud, look what's happening in enterprise, one of the most massive secular trends. you look at investors focusing on cloud as a theme, with flak front and center. cheryl: it's a communication tool companies are using around the world. >> it's the crux and linchpin with how companies work. lauren: a new motto for the new trump campaign. >> are you ready? keep america great. [ cheering and applause ] lauren: will the president's new battle cry rally him back into the white house? and your facebook post could be revealing much more about you than you'd like. we're going to explain that story coming up on "fbn: a.m.." ♪ i've got a feeling.
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♪ that tonight's going to be a good night. ♪ that tonight's going to be a good night. ♪ that tonight's going to be a good, good night. ♪ a feeling whoa. travis in it made it. it's amazing. oh is that travis's app? it's pretty cool, isn't it? there's two of them. they're multiplying. no, guys, its me. see, i'm real. i'm real! he thinks he's real. geico. over 75 years of savings and service.
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lauren: good morning many let's get you caught up on global market action overnight. in the us, very much wait and see approach, dow down 10 points, s&p down 2, nasdaq down 3 as we wait on the fed's decision on interest rates this afternoon. a 353 point rally yesterday. in europe, we have a sea of red here. declines for all three indices, the ftse down 32 in london, dax down 4 in germany. and in asia, what a rally. the hang seng and hong kong gaining 2.5%, 1% gains for the other averages on the board. cheryl: president trump launching his re-election campaign in orlando, florida last night and there were plenty of highlights. >> we restored government of, by and for the people.
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our country is now thriving, prospering and booming. our economy is the envy of the world. perhaps the greatest economy we've had in the history of our country. and as long as you keep this team in place, we have a tremendous way to go. our future has never, ever looked brighter or sharper. our radical democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage. they want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it. not acceptable. it's not going to happen. they would strip americans of their constitutional rights, while flooding the country with illegal immigrants in the hopes it will expand their political base. now i say we've made america
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great again. but how do you give up the number one call it theme, logo, statement in the history of politics for a new one. there's a new one that really works. and that's called keep america great, right? keep america great. [ cheering and applause ] cheryl: how was the president's rally received? political reporter joe simonson is here to react. what did you make of it? >> i thought it was typical of a lot of trump rallies that we've seen. he's hitting the same notes we saw in 2016, really getting -- talking to the base, attacking democrats, so not a whole lot there. but hitting a lot of popular themes that made people first attracted to trump when he first ran for president. cheryl: he talked about china, an ongoing issue, he talk about the wall, talked about making america great again, keeping america great again, i'm sorry. i'll get used to that. at the same time, his opponents
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are coming out and blasting what they saw last night. i'm wondering how this will play out with voters. joe biden came out and said let's be clear, president trump inherited a growing economy from the obama, biden administration and now he's in the process of squandering it. is joe biden on the right track to take votes from donald trump? >> i think it's going to be really hard for democrats to simultaneously say well, the economy's doing really well but we're the ones who are responsible for that. i think that's a really awkward message. i think where a democrat would do better is perhaps talking about how polarizing trump is for example. trump's record on the economy, he's quite popular among voters. cheryl: we were looking at the matchups yesterda earlier in th. fox news has done several polls showing democrats had a strong lead against president trump in matchups. 49% said they would vote for joe
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biden, 39% said they would vote for donald trump. what do you make of the numbers we're seeing so far? >> i think everyone knows that trump has a little bit of an uphill climb to win re-election. but at the same time, you looked at numbers under president obama, president bush, reagan, clinton, all of these candidates, excuse me, presidents, had probably an 8 point if not more gap against the generic republican, against generic democrat. biden's only been in the race for about two months now. he's got to win a primary. that's going to take a lot of time, it's going to take a lot of energy on his part for biden to maintain his popularity. cheryl: joe biden came out in a speech at a forum in dc and said he's going to campaign, he's going to win techs as, he's going to -- texas, he's going to go to florida, georgia, alabama, these ar typically strongholds r the republicans. is he being over-confident. president trump does pretty well in the southern part of the
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united states. >> i think long-term, the southern states, the sun belt might be an issue for republicans. but biden of course has to say oh, i can win anywhere. if you remember in 2016, this is similar to hillary clinton's strategy. she ignored wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, said i can flip georgia and texas. biden has to be careful about where he's campaigning. rhetorically, it sounds great. cheryl: we'll see where they start to land and who is going to be the democratic nominee. we've got a while to go. joe ox than, thank you. lauren: investors watching the race to the white house and the federal reserve's take on interest rates. let's bring in craig dismue. thanks for joining us. before we get to the potential rate cut, how do you think the market would respond to a biden or a sanders presidency? right now, stocks are within 1% of record closing highs.
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>> sure. i think that biden is probably a better alternative than some of the far left candidates that the democrats have in their field currently. i would correct one thing that he said. trump didn't -- he inherited an economy that was growing, but growth was slowing. the interesting thing, since trump has taken over as president, economic growth has accelerated each quarter up until the fourth quarter of last year. it was the longest run of economic expansion, economic growth expansion that we have on record and that's the year over year growth rates. so business confidence was as high as it's been since 1983 before we got into the tariff talks. i'd say that trump is probably better for the economy than the alternatives. lauren: why are we talking about a rate cut? you say you expect either a rate cut today but certainly in july. so why today and then how if not today does the fed lay the ground work for a july cut? >> we're torn on a rate cut today. we went ahead and projected we
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think they will cut because we think get a better boost for doing so now rather than waiting until july. the trade negotiations have continued for longer than expected. it's been weighing on the global data for a year, starting to weigh on the u.s. economic data. inflation has been surprisingly weak and just under the fed's dual mandate with inflation at 1, 6, i think they have reason to cut. and the kicker is that the market is expecting it. the market's pricing in 50 basis points of cuts, maybe 75 by year-end and the fed -- there's an addage that traders go by, don't fight the fed. i would say it's a two way street. you saw what happens when the fed goes against what the market is expecting. there's a lot at stake. i think the fed should cut now and get the boost of it being a surprise. lauren: what are the chances now that we have this long meeting at the g20 coming up between the president of both countries, the u.s. and china, let's say we get a trade deal. does that eliminate the need for a cut in july? can we get a deal between now and the july meeting?
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>> i think it will take away some of the fear. if you go back to the beginning of may, before trade negotiation was china broke down, when it sounded like everything was great, the march he get was price -- market was pricing in a 50% chance of a cut this year. there is an expectation the fed needs to ease because the trade negotiations have had a worse impact on the economy than expected and to get things back up and get business confidence and investment going again, i think we need a cut, if not today, then in july. lauren: thank you so much. good perspective. we appreciate it. for more on the fed decision this afternoon, tune into say viecavutocoast to coast, he'll n interview with jeff sig jeffrey. cheryl: we always get a press conference after any fed meeting. will be questions about tariffs and the president's criticism of
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jay powell. lauren: and the wording of any statement, does the word patience stay in the statement. we'll unpack it all. cheryl: a california utility company agreed to a settlement after a series of catastrophic wildfires. lauren: tracee carrasco has the details. tracee: pg & e will pay $1 billion to settle with more than a dozen cities and counties, the money will pay for losses related to a 2015 blaze in butte county, a series of 2017 fires and last year's camp fire in northern california. it does not include claims from individuals affected by the fires in northern california. pg & e filed for bankruptcy earlier this year as it fights billions of dollars in expected losses tied to wildfire lawsuits. a group of fearless girl scouts is heading down to the dominican republic, despite the deaths of nine tourists there. 15 girls are reportedly making the trip to the island to attend a women leadership conference and do community service. the group is made up of teenagers and is scheduled to leave today for an eight-day
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stay. a massive cocaine bust in philadelphia, federal agents seizing more than 16 tons of the drug with a street value of more than $1 billion. the cocaine was found in seven containers aboard a cargo ship. the u.s. attorney's office called it one of the largest drug seizures in u.s. history. new york city is debating a ban on foie gras. the city council member wants restaurants to stop selling the luxury food, citing the force feeding of ducks and geese to fatten their lives. it would mostly affect several duck farms upstate that are among the few u.s. producers of the delicacy. the farmers insist they treat the animals humanely. scotch's governing body is breaking with tradition. it's relaxing rules over what kind of barrels scotch must be aged in. it will now allow a wider vary at this, including those -- rare
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variety, including those to distill tequila. cheers, that's what's happening now. cheryl: thank you, tracee. let's take a look at how your money is moving of remember, it is fed day. decision time. right now you've got a flat market ahead of all of that. the dow is down 1 point, the s&p is down 1 and a quarter, the nasdaq is up three quarters of a point in the premarket. still ahead, boeing in the hot seat again today with the householding a second hearing on the 737 max. but is the first sale of the grounding a signed of a turnaround for the company. plus, one major airline is sounding the alarm about summer travel. an epic ending back flip at the minor league home run derby. looks like fun. keep it here on "fbn: a.m." ♪
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the cloud i need? it has to keep up with sales, supply chain, inventory - ♪ ♪ it needs to track it all, from cincinnati to singapore. ooo! ♪ ♪ and protect it all. customer records, our financials, they better be secured. but i also need easy access, to manage data across my clouds - no matter where it lives.
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cheryl: boeing 737 max is landing buyers again. the troubled jet getting a huge vote of confidence at the paris air show yesterday, with boeing selling 200 planes. despite the sales, american airlines pilots union remains concerned about the fixes boeing made and will have harsh words at a hearing before congress today. let's bring in kyle bailey. i want to ask you first, kyle, about the issue of the sale. i mean, we all thought boeing was going to go home with paris
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with their head down low. they're not. >> that's right. after two months of virtually no sales, that's great news for boeing on that. airbus 2 has done very well at the air show. their big winner was air asia with a letter of intent for 253 of the airbus a320 neos. cheryl: captain daniel carrie web centcarerepresents the unio. we got a sense of what he's going to say today, the opening statement. he says unfortunately as pilots know improvements in aviation are often flynn the blood of the -- often written in the blood of the unfortunate victims of airplane accidents. that's a piece of what he'll say today. >> that's pretty harsh. they want to make sure the faa is not too cozy with boeing. cheryl: it seems like they were. >> they are. the self-certification process is very important in the process
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of manufacturing airplanes because boeing knows the business best. they often know better than the faa. the faa is great at the inspection piece. but they can't inspect every single airplane. cheryl: if boeing knew the best, you wouldn't have two massive crashes with hundreds dead. the pilots i think have a fair criticism of the company. >> it is fair. the faa can't have oversight of every airplane being manufactured. cheryl: it has to. >> that's boeing's job. in the real world, there cannot be inspectors inspecting every airplane. in new york city, when they inspect buildings, inspectors can't look at every floor of every building in a city. everything is spot-checked. that's the same in the aircraft manufacturing business. cheryl: how does boeing make consumers and pilots confident again? >> you know, they have to start with their pr strategy. we get these short recorded messages from the ceo. they have to start showing us exactly what they're doing,
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whether it's having airline pilots at boeing's field, showing them in the air what fixes they've done on the simulators in which they actually have been doing. they have to get into more detail of what they've done. cheryl: to your point, the head of the group that actually bought the 200 aircraft yesterday actually was in the simulator. he is a perform pilot. he said he felt very confident that boeing had changed the software, fixed the issues with the plane and that's why he decided to make the 200 plane buy. so there's that. >> this now has the world media attention. everybody knows of the airplane. you better believe when this has a green light from both the faa and boeing that this is actually, i mean, it's going to be scrutinized and it will be safe to get into the air. cheryl: today's going to be very interesting, this hearing with congress. there's a couple union suits going on with american airlines. lauren, over to you. lauren: still ahead, a working
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app, how some taco bell customers got shut out of the restaurant's big taco give away. manny machado suspended for aggression. why the umpires aren't happy about that. you are watching "fbn: a.m." ♪ it would hit you like a sledgehammer. ♪ ed expedia to book the vacation rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. expedia. everything you need to go.
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it 20 minutes later, still enough time for customers to complain on social media. they wanted a free taco. cheryl: well, the chicago white sox are putting fan safety first. lauren: they sure are. jared max, this is a landmark decision. jared: the white sox are hoping their action is going to inspire all major league baseball teams, one week since a woman at a white sox game was struck in the head by a foul ball, hospitalized, the white sox said during the summer they will install safety netting, down the right and left field lines, all the way to the foul poles. not just until the end of the dugout. manny machado has a one game suspension. the umpire's union called it a slap in the face. they wrote one game, one single game, what kind of precedent is that setting. it's not okay to throw a temper tantrum and physically touch someone of authority just because you don't agree.
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violence in all workplace is not tolerated, period. major league baseball didn't like this, they called it inappropriate. washington national's pitcher practicing bunting yesterday, boom, the ball ricochets off his bat and breaks his nose. he is scheduled to pitch today. he has not been ruled out yet. we have just seen the minor league home run derby champ heave his bat. this happened again, after the all-star game was tied. they go to a home run derby to decide it. this time he really heaved the bat. no word if there will be safety netting installed there. lauren: glad no one got hurt. jared: exactly. that bounce off the face broke matt's nose but a play off as a soccer player goes into the net. how did that happen. we'll take it, 4-0. u.s. wins the opener in the gold cup. tomorrow, women's world cup
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resumes. usa will play sweden. tomorrow night we'll have the nba draft. lauren: t ho lot going on. cheryl: thank you, jared. catch jared's sports reports on fox news headlines, 24/7, sirius xm channel 115. lauren: coming up, the hidden dangers in your google calendar, how hearings are targeting your date book. and your facebook post could be revealing much more about you than you would like. we're going to explain all of that coming up on "fbn: a.m." ♪ my old friend ♪
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♪ ♪ lauren: beautiful shot of fox news headquarters, another day, another hack, this time targeting google calendar, expert reporting scam where you can get invite to survey or claim cash rewarded, it would include link that would ask for personal and financial information, of course, this could be trick to get access to your money as well as identity. experts say defense here turn off autonotifications and make sure invites are to events that you know about ahead of time, this, you might want to be careful on what you post on facebook, can reveal more about you than you think it does, new
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study, researchers were able to predict 21 types of medical conditions, pregnancy or skin disorder by analyzing profiles, they also found that status updates were especially effective at predicting disease and mental health conditions, people who use words like god and pray are 15 times more likely to have diabetes and those who use words like dumb, they show sign of drug abuse and sycosis. now you know, we want to show you money real quick this morning because it is fed day, futures completely flat. maria bartiromo will have more of that, good morning, maria. ♪ >> live from france at 2019cannes, here is maria bartiromo with special edition of mornings with maria.
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maria: good wednesday morning, everybody, thanks so much for joining us live from cannes, france this morning, i'm maria bartiromo, it is wednesday june 19th, top stories right now just before 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, we are watching the federal reserve and waiting, the report that is the white house was looking to devoting the chairman of the fed this as we wait decision on policy, we will see cut in interest rate or hint that a cut is on the way, we are previewing what to expect from the fed decision today at 2:00 p.m. eastern. plus fox business will have full coverage of the decision and fed chairman powell's news conference at 2:00 p.m., joins -- join us live right here. take a look at futures, indicating apprehension, flat story, s&p down half a point and nasdaq up 2 and a quarter as markets and investors await the fed.
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yesterday a huge rally after president trump announced that he spoke with president xi and the two will be meeting at the g20, take a look at transpired. dow industrials were up 313 points at 4:00 o'clock on wall street, one and a third percent, 108 points higher, s&p up 28, almost 1%, european indices, what we heard from mario droghi, take a look, ftse 100 down 32 and dax index down wound and a third points right now. mario droghi and ecb signaling that stimulus is on the rate and rate cut in europe. news that the talks between china and the u.s. are resuming, look at the shanghai composite up 1%, nikkei average in japan up 1 and 3 quarters percent. 2020 race is on, president trump officially kicking off his
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