tv Kennedy FOX Business June 21, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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right? that is how they think on college campuses, a big "newsweek," tune in tomorrow night, we're watching iran very carefully, ken begins now. kennedy: thank you trish, president trump said iran made a big mistake when they shoul shon a u.s. spy drone, but iran is accusing us of dangerous and provocative acts, will both sides be able to step back from the brink, or is the fuse lit. the global hawk cost upward of 200 million each, that is high h -- my shoe budget, that is horrible. either way, it happened over the strait of hormuz, ira iranians m
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it was over their territory, but u.s. said nope it was international waters. president is not happy but he also said it may have been an accident. >> a big mistake. drone was in international waters, we have it documented it documented scientifically not just words. they made a bad mistake. i find it hard to believe it was intentional. i think that it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid that did it. we'll be able to report back, you will understand what happened, but it was foolish move. kennedy: loose and stupid, two adjectives on my review last year. president leaving diplomatic wiggle room for the iranians. lindsey graham said it is time to drop the hammer. >> here is what iran needs to get ready for. severe pain. inside their country.
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their capabilities, pale in comparison to ours, we're not let them disrupt navigation of the seas be attack our allies, and u.s. interests without paying a price. if they are itching for a fight, they are going to get one. kennedy: he is the sausage king of the senate. on other happened, house speaker nancy pelosi said that the nation does not want this fight. >> we have to be strong and strategic about how we protect our interests we also cannot be reckless in what we do. i don't think that president wants to go to war, there is no appetite to go to war. kennedy: agreed. we'll get to more of this and politics but first, keep in mind only been a week since pentagon claimed that iraq attacked several oil tankers in the same place, the strait of hormuz. what really happened last night? whawhat happens next. joining my now iraq combat
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veteran, brien suits is back, who do you think authorized that drone strike. >> it came from top of the irgc . kennedy: general sala salami? >> no, but irgc is a state within a state like the kgb in old soviet union, with their open hospitals and universities and all that. the irgc is a powerful organization that has dirt on everyone, the biggest budget, they do not answer to president rouhani. there is no chain of command like we know. kennedy: that is so weird, what is an apatro approach okay reta. >> today, he went out of his way
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to a irgc, 4 times to not say iran. or iranian air force, he said the irgc missile from an irgc base. kennedy: we have to point out this administration dubbed the irgcas a terrorist organization. >> they have been docto for dec. you can tell that pentagon wants to be precise about this any strike package or target package will be probably all irgctargets starting with the exact grid square where that missile came from in gulf of oh oman side, wt is clear to me, someone back-channel contact in tehran
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contacted pompeo said that was not us. that was the irgc, they want trump defeated, they think they can provoke him to the very expensive middle eastern war he campaigned against. kennedy: so what happens? let's talk you know you can take it strategically or politically, whichever way you want, what are upsides and down sides for president, depends could dependg on his response, his gut tells him not to be too agreive but the guts of bolton and graham say, start blowing stuff up. >> a tough question, the iranians have us bracketed in iraq. there are hundreds of americans in iraq, iranian sponsored militia, who are iraqi they can
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pivot from anti-isis to anti-american in one phone call. and so th the iranians show, at drop of a hat we could kill hundreds of you, you better think hard about this. they want trump to not drop the nuclear deal, they want him to undrop it. there is no pulling back from that. kennedy: joe biden takes issue with the president's response in his hopes that iran does not kick-start the nuclear program once again to point where they can enrich uranium to weapons grade, having said that, that is a pretty rational wish for the united states and for israel. but you know other than sanctions, i don't want to see united states go to war, and people die for this. i think it easy to provoke iran
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to just this kind of series of responses given the state of their economy right now. so what brings us back from that brink? >> you know, don't know, unless irgc said sorry i can't stand mad at you, these are not my pants. kennedy: they all say that. >> this was baked in the cake. iranian said, you can expect and we'll inspect it for you nuclear sites but not military sites. kennedy: doesn't that seem weird. >> that is why this was a horrible deal, the irgccan run nuclear program all day long we'll never know. what joe biden said they could restart the program, they never stopped it joe. kennedy: didn't the israeli intelligence tell us the same thing, we can't keep talking because they will get mad at me, thank you, suits. >> i am sure friend. kennedy: i still have your blue
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bowl, come get it on the fourth, i know you will, thank you. >> sorry. kennedy: okay, this is turning into a political fight between the hawks and skeptic, today senate majority leader chuck which could saichuckschumer cany declare war on iran, he must get congress involved. winvolved. >> we told room that democratic position is that congressional approval must be required before funding any conflict in iran. kennedy: i don't have a problem with that, which side will win over the president's ear. if it is the hawks, will hyseq approval from -- seek approval from capitol hill, here now thursday night party panel, the federalist contributor host of un-pc on fox nation, brit
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mchenry, and former aide to chuck schumer, host of aggressive progressive podcast, christopher hahn, and national review on-line, fox news contributor, deroy murdock. >> thank you. kennedy: deroy, let's start, politically it is a different time, when you got president at race in full effect on both sides that is going to drive every response. so how does the president appropriately respond, i will ask you the same question i sad brian. >> a wonderful teddy roosevelt style flam boy an show of force, nato naive navy and u.s. navy involves, and convoys to strait of oh hormuz to vice ib i have - visibly escort the ships, that allows us to eckert our american
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power. kennedy: a visual deterent. not as aggressive. >> once you start blowing up things in iran it is hard to take a stip back. kennedy: why wouldn't iran start blowing up things in here. >> that is the other question. >> they are also minding -- mending those ugly fences with al qaeda. chuck schumer is not only one who talked about renewing the aoms, and congressional oversight for some of the incursions, you can't keep using that 17-year-old document every time you want to did somewhere. how do you do that. >> i think congress needs to stand up for itself, left and right, say this congress' job not just the president's job, they should have a resolution on floor by the end of the month to make sure that president knows
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that congress has to be involved with any decision to engage in iran. we have authorization for other wars, that is even on edge if you ask me, president needs to ask congress, and congress needs to stand up for itself, that is the problem, congress has rolled over for the president. >> too much power to the executive branch. we is a-- can agree, if you don't like this president, that is fine. but inch has given the executive branch way too much power for presidents they like. >> it would be devastating. kennedy: i think last 4 administrations this president understands that. >> i hope. kennedy: better than the others. >> whether you support trump or not, if you are a conservative, a true constitutional conservative, you should want bipartisan support to make it so congress is the one authorizing any movement. i am pe hyp -- behind, that i tk
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there hike ibm -- hyperbole in thinking he will immediately go to war, we know he has a specific type of language with north korea. and rocket man. kennedy: also to china, and venezuela. but what i would like to see right now is a response from one of the democratic candidates, that is not just, the president is dumb. you know, i want to know what is the biden doctrine? the harris doctrine? how does our foreign policy. kennedy: what is the o'rourke doctrine that is the question. >> that is my dentist. >> a great opportunity for democrats to step in, here is something, fully hawkish or less than fully dovish, give us a sense other than oh, trump sucks. kennedy: use creativity, we'll see the panel a little bit.
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plus we'll have more on iran and whether we can count on our dumb allies to help us, but first, president is gearing up for war with china. fortunately just a trade war, but it could have very devastating effects, can the president hammer out a deal. what does that mean your wallet. next. ♪ it's nice. ♪ you got this! ♪ woo! ♪ ♪
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kennedy: a potential war with iran is not only war that president trump is teal dealing with, talking about a trade war with china. the president meets with president xi jinping of china. will they make a deal, president met with canadian prime minister. justin trudeau. they are working on our other big trade deal, u.s., mexico, canada agreement. known as usma . let's get back to china for a moment, chinese president today, meeting with kim jong-un in north korea. according to expert if xi with
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convince kim to abandon his nukes, that could be applies are in xi. let's talk about china, and north korea. and this interesting pawn that denuclearization, china hopes that could benefit them. >> administration getting criticism, when it comes to china they have been on message for last couple of months, administration has said, that starting point for negotiation with china are where the negotiations broke down in may. those points of contention are all economic, they have nothing do with north korea, i'm not saying that north korean leverage could not be one that xi could play at this meeting next week in japan. but i don't think that trump administration is looking at that as a win for them, they
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want to get economic concessions out of china, that is everything you know from technology transfer, joint venture with u.s. companies, the rules that make it difficult for american companies to compete in china. kennedy: straight up, that is one of the issues that china is going back on. a deal point naft that was hammd out, they reversed course, that is where it fell apartment not good for china, or us or the the global economy. but talking hem i hem is hem i c stability. we have tud tude -- trudeau, hes in washington today, meeting with president trump, and nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi is key to getting
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the usmca trade deal, trudeau is up for reelection in october, he has terrible poll numbers right now, he needs something to show for what he has been promising the canadian deals for months and months, it will be interesting to see what comes of the conversation with nancy pelosi. so far, she has not said how it will happen. kennedy: she has seemed interested in the passage. she expressed concern when the president was threatening tariffs over mexico. >> yeah. kennedy: he sai she said biggesw in that threat would be messing up usmca, we'll see, and trudeau, needs a big win to take home, his wore appears to be -- worry appears to be if nancy pelosi does not get the vote, if they crack it back open in
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congress and fuss with stuff, that could make it less positive for canada. >> both canada and mexico said that is a nonstarter for them, we cannot reopen the deal to get it done, for every person in nancy pelosi's conference who said they want on embass em-- ih trump, this is not just about not agreeing with trump but showing you can govern ahead of an election. kennedy: she is going in opposite direction of and of her progressive members, i do appreciate she is in a tough spot. she is only one who seems to have any political instincts left. >> true. usmcacould be a win for house democrats, trump wants to get it
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done, canadian government would like to see it done. >> it was sweet, nancy pelosi took justin trudeau from chock litchocolates from northern california. >> and wine. kennedy: a half drunk bottle of wine. see how things work in washington, mattie dupler. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up president trump claiming his base is so strong, he does not need swing voters, could that swagger cause him to make the same mistake fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that.
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program such as this, discussing his reelecttion campaign with "time" magazine, when ask about courting swing voters, he said, i think my base is so strong, i don't think i have to do thatdo, that. president got an amen from michel moore, he took in the campaign launch, and tweeted: >> there is no doubt that president has a very loyal following. is that enough to win against in 2020? could he repeat hillary clinton's mistake by not reaching out to new voters, party panel, brit mchenry, chris hahn, and deroy murdock. i think this is fascinating, there something to idea that
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even if he intends to somehow reach to swing voters, he is not going to pander to them, that is how he keeps his base of very loyal supporters so loyal. >> yeah, i find that interesting that michel moore would criticize anyone of having temperament issues or intanty, personally -- insanity. but the thing he has going for him, that hillary clinton did not is the economy. i know it has been said a lot, but you have to stress that, the unemployment rate 50 year lose. the economy is good, at his rally, i'm from melbourne, orlando area. kennedy: i thought you meant australia. >> yeah, you know. the accent. they went to that rally enthusiastic. >> you are making a rational case for president's reelection based on the economy, something we know he will not do next 18
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months, if he was disciplined, he could take his base and that 4 or 5%, get them back. but he won't do that. he is not that disciplined. he will go off rails on whoever is attacking him, attack back harder. kennedy: no doubt. >> america will say, i'm done with you. kennedy: no doubt about, that but shock value of that has warn off with a lot of voters. before, cnn could be like oh, my gosh did you see what he tweeted, and everyone would freak out. >> it is 1% in three states. kennedy: we don't know that, this is a clip that i want to keep and play back the day after the election to see where we all stand. >> fantastic. kennedy: i think that some people are going to be like, i told you so, and other will be suicidal. >> i think i am. kennedy: i think there something to president staying in his lane, you say he is
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undisciplined that message is well thought out. >> you remember after kellyanne conway joined campaign he used his teleprompter. he really calmed down and got focused. i think as we get closer to the election you will see more of that, and i think you can keep your base and expand out by talking about issues that do not upset the base, if he talks about things that upsets the base that is dumb, ron desantis in florida, he appealed to black women on school choice, calling them coo school choice moms. that is why ron desantis is governor. kennedy: school choice is something that transcends race. >> absolutely. kennedy: everyone has kids, and everyone wants to do right by their kids, there are a lot of parents in crappy schools who want to move their kids they
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cannot. >> they say overnight is a lifetime in politics, now body knows that better than joe biden who went to bed tuesday as first vice president under a black president, and woke up wednesday as a racist in the eyes of opponent, well done zone. cory booker and kamala harris are slamming biden for what they call tone deaf comments. saying good old days when we worked with pr segregation democrats, but grand pa show joy said spartacus should hol hold s breath. >> apologize for what? >> cory booker called for it. >> he knows better, there is not a racist bone in my body, i have been involved in civil rights my whole career, period, period, period.
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kennedy: girl, ta tampax. >> they did not say whether it involved an apology, are 2020 democrats right to play the race card. i think this joe biden's most vulnerable area, i really do. when he opens himself up, i think this is stupid to point out the work you have done with session -- segregation, considering conversations we having about race in this country right now. >> a lot of republicans who are not sessio segregationists thate worked with. but this whole economy of you better apologize now, that is just way to get your name in paper. i don't think that joe biden is racist but he has to be more diplomatic. >> i think democrats have to be very careful of bringing you of his issues.
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and they will bring these things up, a great opportunity to remind people that folks who enforce segregation and jim crow with german shepards and fire hoses were democrats. kennedy: from recrop reconstruc. >> no republicans -- >> i know you are start. >> republican party -- >> richard nixon inherited. kennedy: what you are both talking at the same time, no. -- >> wrong. kennedy: reconstructiontio to 6. how can you deny that? >> own that, republicans have to own it. >> that is what they inhe initt. >> i agree, if you have a conversation -- take a brilg, b.
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>> if you have a conversation about reparation you have to acknowledge the role this democrats play. >> back to politics. >> brit. >> his stance in saying i'm not going to apologize is one of his better moments, focusing on charlottesville. you worked under a president that whether you disagreed with him or not did that message wise, now cory booker name is in headlines. kennedy: he has been waiting for any foray into the race, she right tok--he is right to explou have toic dploiic -- he has so h
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explaining to do. elelizabeth warren is doing better. it is not just smoke signals coming out of her backyard tep tepee. she told "washington post," if elected, she would be open to decriminal risinizing sex work. as long as it did note -- with human trafficking. critics say that sent workers to dangerous street, bernie sanders, i love hookers. 1% of them who de don't requirea tip. but her surge has not impressed bernie, saying that his success is attributable to fact that
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many people just want a female president. what do you think? >> well. what we've seen, the left eating themselves, i imagine some people would say that a sexist comment on part of bernie sanders. he will get some of the heat bidenned that been getting. on decriminalization of sex workers, i am for that but it may be a bridge too far for a lot of voters. >> i don't know -- >-- i think a lotof people, i sn membership people's heart, it is live and let live. people are not hurting you or taking your stuff. >> they are not being exploited by someone who is taking their labor and using it like many workers are. but you know byrn bensche sayin-
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berbernie saying she is rockinge polls because she is a woman is rich. he has a lot of pie in the sky idea but no plan, she wants to have a plan. kennedy: she is tracy flick. >> i don't agree with her al at all with student loan proposal. kennedy: and her unconstitutional wealth tax. she was first to get into medium female bernie blogging foray he has not. kennedy: it goes to show, they are still kicking tires. democrat and independent voters have not quite settled on their candidate. i tell you, joe biden will continue to make gaffes, and say
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dumb things and not apoll jiedz in thapologize inthe right way,u know buttigieg was the flavor of the moment for a moment, now people are looking at warren, people say, i don't like everything. >> specifics will get you a long way, people will give you credit for that. kennedy: deroy murde mourdock. >> people who think about it we'll settle on somebody good. kennedy: what do you like, are you willing to say yet, are you worried if you make an early endorsement. >> i never endorse a candidate, but i think that democratic party will pick someone who can bite the president of united states -- who can beat the president of united states, i think that kamala is most attractive. kennedy: i think she was before. >> i like joe biden. kennedy: and buttigieg? >> i think buttigieg he has great ideas a great spokesman
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for values, but he is 37 years old. kennedy: that is right. >> he is young woo! voters top ride him like a bicycle. >> i think that joe biden -- >> i think -- -- >> and joe what i ran for assembly director in high school, i needed a nap. >> deroy, chris and brit thank you. >> nice to see. >> coming up, if we do go to war with iran, will any of your allies have our back. i ask a senior ♪ limu emu & doug look limu. a civilian buying a new car. let's go. limu's right. liberty mutual can save you money
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siren is john bolton try willing to drum up is u support. china top diplomat caution that u.s. be opening pandora's box if they were to strike iran. and even vladimir putin called it a ca catastrophe for trojan. and bolton headed to israel this week, perhaps to drum up more support. but what can we do if we have to do this alone? here now senior fellow middle east institute. alex. welcome to the show. >> thank you. kennedy: so, what would happen to iran if we started a war with them? >> look, i mean let's not you were estimate this, nobody in tehran is not, if it comes to a war between united states and iran, it would be a no contest.
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iranians know that well. publicly they pretty much admit to it. but at the same time, they made this assessment this american president, president trump will not be in business of waging a new war in middle east. kennedy: that good news for them. >> right, so iranian calculations, they say worse thing that could happen, will be a set of limited machin americal strikes in iran, they say, we can take it. they take it in syria. they are lying low. because iran is playing a long-term game. kennedy: iran seems to have more to lose, more of a infrastructure. and more regional hegemony than syria, it has to be a concern. and they have a blossoming nuclear program, thanks john kerry. sanctions are working but they are not pushing the country in the right directtion. is next step some sort of 3-way
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talk between the president, iran and i guess some of our european allys? >> kennedy, sanctions are reason why the iranians are acting the way they are, i don't want to exaggerate, they are losing 130 million a day in oil income, compared to a year ago, they lost their entire oil market, nobody is picking up phone any more. so, the sanctions are reason why the iranians are doing what they doing, they want world community to get to mr. trump, say you should ease up, in terms of political talks, the question is, what are they going to talk about, if they talk about nuclear program, i can see a way out, but if you go back to 12 points of pompeo from may. kennedy: the speech he gave in egypt. >> no the sit of 12 points
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issued may of 2018 that u.s. asking for concessions in terms was not just nuclear program, missiles, in terms of human right violation, iranian regime looks at that list, if we do everything this regime will cease to exist. will thr there be a meddle. kennedy: the president said he is master of "the art of the deal," alex thank you. >> top -- topical storm is -and we welcome back gary, who's already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 -- [ ding ]
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kennedy: a new study fines that dogs can detect lung cancer in human blood with a 90% accuracy rate, cats can do, but they won't say anything, because they hope you die. topic 1. we begin in colorado. where every little league parent knows, it is not whether you win or lose but how hard you fight. this is so brutal, not what the coach minute when he flashed the hit-and-run sign, this happened in denver. you don't expect violence in a place with legal weed. they must have run out of sun
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chips at snack shack. parents got upset after a 13-year-old umpire made a bad call. the dition t decision to call al instead of a strike, led to plenty of strikes, hire w here e with mom and dad in han handcuf. this is how the kids came about in the first place. she thinks a concentration camp is where you send people who can't focus. >> topic 2, state of maine is not famous for the pid pizza but they get window shoppers. charged into a busy pidz pizza place and orders a slice of ham and pineapple.
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that is actually a good pie. he it not stay long because the wi-fi was down, but he did cause 2000 dollars worth of damage. there were no injuries in the moose mayhem, restaurant has reopened, according to yelp reviews, you need to get there early, but the place to be a real zoo. ♪ not monday, calm down, topic three. florida company selling tickets to all you can eat french fry festival, space is limited. mostly because of the size of the people going. yeah. the fry festival, is like the fyre festival, if they had food for the guests, it features 12 different types of french fry, two different types of liep -- liposuction, held in
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tallahassee, if you can't make it you could always head someplace safer for the public like dominican republic. first guy to buy one was a real moose. i want french fries. i would first walk from maine to florida, there are too many weirdoes they all suck at shuffle board, everyone knows that. topic 4. a man was googling episodes of a 90's tv show called saved by the bill. the bell. he was off to jail. 55-year-old kevin bacon, he looks like garbage. he looks better than jfk, not that one, he failed to leave 6 degrees of separation between himself and a cop car.
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he allegedly side swiped a vehicle while going elin googlig saved by th the bell. hey, wait a minute that hurt. bacon has since gotten out on bail, he has been relaxing while watching baseball. topic 5. time to give viewers a penny for their thoughts, that way more than they are worth, view are vr mail, kennedy nation. since when are you such a more -- moron, since the 90s, you hack. >> guess what kennedy, most of us don't care what you think. guess what, jean, your name rhymes with mean. kennedy, nation, where did you get that dress it is hideous.
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i'll pretend it is opposite day. >> you are see alpha it is scary, good scary. scary, good scary. we'll be ♪ i want it that way... i can't believe it. that karl brought his karaoke machine? ♪ ain't nothing but a heartache... ♪ no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. ♪ i never wanna hear you say... ♪ no, kevin... no, kevin! believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. geico could save you fifteen percent and i recently had hi, ia heart attack. it changed my life. but i'm a survivor. after my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. it's for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. brilinta is taken with a low-dose aspirin. no more than 100 milligrams
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e-mail. fox business. (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. the '60s was a decade of change, of new hopes and dreams, new attitudes, and a decade where love and romance were expressed in many new and different ways. (the beach boys) ♪ wouldn't it be nice if we were older ♪ ♪ then we wouldn't have to wait so long ♪ (the guess who) ♪ these eyes (mellow music) ♪ cry every night for you ♪ children behave ♪ that's what they say when we're together ♪ (announcer) it was led by a generation filled with energy, vision, and desire.
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