tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business June 22, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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illegal immigration traffic. not even close to enough but a beginning. we hope as you both suggest, something far better that will make both nations stronger. patrice, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jason, thank you. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> good night from new york. trish: president trump putting iran on notice saying the united states was indeed ready to strike iran for shooting down an american drone. but at the last moment the president called off the attack because of possible civilian casualties. president trump: we are sitting with the possible death of 150 people and i didn't like the. i didn't think it was proportionate. trish: my intel on why the president made the right move and what he need to do next. socialist and presidential
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hopeful bernie sanders pushing medicare for all. and by all he means everyone, even those here illegally. anti-trump singer cher claims america will cease to exist in 2020 if trump is re-elected. "trish regan primetime" begins now. tonight the world remains on edge as president trump contemplates the response to iran's downing of one of our surveillance drones in international waters. he called off an attack on iran last night. and he did the right thing. his instinct are correct on this. and he managed to avoid a war. he's standing down in spite of the media, in spite of his own
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team. there are people in the media right now who seem to want war. how insane. >> this is a president who loves into consult and bully and threaten. but what happens when our adversaries understand that he's never going to follow through. >> is it detrimental to the united states to have a president who clearly doesn't want to act on his own rhetoric. >> whether it's tariffs or called off strikes in iran. it's predictable. he hesitates and withdraws at the last minute. there is fear in him. the iranians are expert calculators when it comes to figuring out the fear in their enemies. i think they have this guy's number. trish: it's like they want to egg him on. let's not forget, his national security advisor has a
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longstanding reputation for are being willing and some might say angst to -- anxious to get involved in war. who would want to waste their money and waste lives for iran? no thanks. this is a president that won't be fooled. he won't be goaded into a war by iran or the media other left or the far right. he recognizes sometimes there is more leverage in waiting and thinking and not engaging until you have figured out what all your options might be. what's the rush here? iran is scared right now. and iran should be scared. so let's let them stay scared. 24 hours ago the president had a plan in place and according to him we were locked and load and ready to fire at iran.
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according to the president, 150 people would have died. it showed the world the up much is the bigger, bert and more rational country. the president need to stay the course. be ready if need be. but also remain open to rational discussion. i guarantee that if and when the iranians are willing to sit down and talk, this president will be here. joining me for reaction, retired main general scales. i am always struck by you guys. some might say the military background, you are eager for this kind of conflict. but i found that you, sir, and many others are anything but that. and you tend to approach it knowing what the cast, the real cost would be. so there are a hot con sshes we could get ourselves town a prolonged conflict with iran. do you think the president made
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the right decision in standing down? >> i have seen war. and i know exactly what war is all about. it's not about, you know, video images of explosion in some distant place. when you are on the receiving end of those explosions it's an entirely different picture. if you are going to attack someone, if you think you have a purpose to attack someone, it shouldn't be for revenge or payback. it should have a strategic outcome. some long-term plan that fits with your strategy instead of blowing things up. i got a call from a friend of mine this morning who was close to the president's decision in the white house. it played how the exactly as the president said. the lieutenant colonel came in and put a piece of paper in front of president trump. the president said how many people are going to die? as the number came back and a
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hugely disproportionate strike. 150 lives for a flying drone. he called it off. the price of oil is low, there is a glut on the market. so tushing off arabia oil isn't going to affect anything. our military advantage is off the charts, number thee, the crew of iran know what's going on in the world, unlike the north koreans. so they see what western life is like, and they are turning against the mullahs. the clock is on our side, we kn screw this up, and liking early for no reason other than the fact we lost a drone is premature, the president understood that and he did exactly the right thing, trish. >> do you think he did the right thing? he has a lot of people there. >> he's a businessman. and he's got his own internal
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clock and interm logic circuits where he play his own hundred's. most of of the type he's right. not only though are there people inside the pentagon who are even counseling this type of strike. but there are a lot more who thought it was a bad idea. don't kill people unless you do it for a purpose. don't do it just for the sake of revenge. trish: i hear you. i think now the you have much hook like the more magnanimous player in all of this. he could have taken this opportunity and in some way they kind of owe us. they did try and say that they were also trying to spare us. you have got iranian officials claiming the up seattle spy plane was flying close to the drone they shot down earlier thursday and chose not to shoot down that figure plane, i mean, for goodness sake, i should hope not.
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35 people on board, i don't think we need to reward them for that. but i also think we might be entering a new phase here thanks to donald trump standing down on the opportunity he had in front of him. and that might be one in which we can hope any tart to have real conversations. >> let's take our time with this. as the clock wind down and as the pressure on iran begins to increase, as the sanctions begin to bite, eventually the mullahs will have to wake up and say this can't go on any longer. we don't want to negotiate with the great satan, but we don't have any choice, we have to do it. we need to be patient and stand back and let this play out. i think this may end well without firing a shot, trish. trish: i'm with you.
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remember the media fear mongering trump and escalating tensions with iran. >> when things escalate they can get out of hand very quickly. >> some of whom have much want military escalation. trish: now the media seems genuinely upset that the president didn't bomb rwanda. also tonight, if the flow of migrants crossing our border continues to sky rocket. bernie sanders is saying they are all corresponded under his government health plan. >> would you include the 11 million in the health plan? >> absolutely.
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trish: a new accusation that a "new york times" reporter pushed the fbi to investigate jared kushner. 2016 presidential campaign manager corey lewandowski is reacting to these new breaking details after this. it was all i in the effort to overturn the election, spy on overturn the election, spy on our campaign and all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better.
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the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is now $1,299. save $400. only for a limited time. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. trish: democrats trying to force congressional testimony from just about anyone who has been in. president trump: 's orbit. the house judiciary committee wants mueller's team to be questioned again. apparently they didn't bother to read the mueller report? they have to do an additional investigation? my next guest is on that list. but he already answered their questions because he says there is nothing to hide.
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joining me, com, corey lewandow. >> they are afraid the president is going to keep the promises he made to the american public. the democrats have no agenda. their agenda is to take the notice away from the fact they want to give illegal immigrants healthcare, they want to make them citizens as soon as they step into this country. they have no agenda and so they want to go after anybody associated with this president to draw attention from their failures in congress. trish: there was no collusion with the russians for goodness sake. >> there was no collusion and no obstruction. attorney general barr and
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attorney general rosenstein was clear there was no obstruction. mueller's team said they knew there was no collusion. but they wasted taxpayer money to go after people when there was no crime committed. now we think these geniuses at the house judiciary committee are going to come up with information the mueller team couldn't find? trish: they want to bring everyone up there, trot you guys out. get their base riled up. but here is what they are missing, i think, corey. you ran a very are successful campaign. they are mission the idea americans want to vote for something, not against something. if they were smart, they would be talking about more ways to fix some of the economic and international challenges they have. but that's not what they are interested in, right? >> they are not interested.
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if the democrats are smart they would pass a bill through congress, they would pass infrastructure. and if they were smart they would pass a bill to allow americans to buy health insurance across state lines. their agenda is infan is a agenf infan infanticide. and open borders agenda. trish: a "new york times" reporter according to the "washington examiner" actually flagged jared kushner's mading with the fbi, alerting them to a russia probe story.
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but apparently this journalist hasn't have a lot of questions here, but does say this. i wanted to flag on something, three my colleagues are work on a story about the russia investigation. they are told jared kushner is among the individuals being scrutinized. we are told kushner met with a russian banker. the worker worked for alpha bank. thanks, mike. i am going to say as a journalist, that's kind of weird. you may do your own digging and source and then you report it. but you don't go running to the fbi saying hey, here you go. it's bizarre. what do you make of that? >> this is what you have to put
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in context. the "new york times" in my opinion was getting information directly from the fbi. whether it was jim baker or andy mccabe. we knew they were leaking information every day about the fake russia hoax narrative. they were reporting on fisa applications long before anybody knew about it. so this was a very symbiotic relationship of information flowing both ways. i believe this reporter wants to continue to curry favor with members of the fbi who were feeding them to write a false story so they could get a fisa warrant on jared kushner and continue to spy on americans. trish: you have got all the democrats trying to ignore all that. here are new sounds of the president commenting on that. let's roll the tape. >> why do you think nancy pelosi has held off her impeachment
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caucus? >> i think she feels i will win much easier. >> do you think impeachment is good politics for you? >> i think i win the election. look, i did nothing wrong. i was spied on. what they did to me was illegal. it was illegal on the other side. i did nothing wrong. impeachment is a very unfair thing. nothing i did was wrong. if you look at the mueller report, there is no collusion. did they use the word collusion. >> there is not one place that says nothing happened. it never said no collusion. president trump: nobody even mentioned the mueller report anymore. trish: easter weekend my family really appreciated me take the time to read that thing. there was no collusion. there was no russian conspiracy.
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as some democrats want to have you believe. but i think it's interesting how he pushed back on that impeachment thing. i do think it's good politics for him. but he was pretty forthcoming that he doesn't really like it. can you blame him? who would. >> i spent two days with the president this weekend. i was with him when he flew back from miami. i don't think impeachment is good because it puts an asterisk on a presidency when he did nothing wrong. bill clinton was impeached from lying under oath. that's a felony. this president committed no crime. and the whole russia hoax was driven by the democrats to make up for the fact that hillary clinton lost the campaign. if you want to impeach this president for putting america first, absolutely, guilty as charged.
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when you can't impeach him for committing a crime because he never committed a crime. that's the issue. trish: i agree with you. it shows you how broken washington is right now. i think it's disappointing to see, corey. i don't care what side you are on. if people can't get beyond their political differences and dislike for someone. then what future do we have, really. this should never happen to any president no matter republican, democrat, i don't care. how do we make sure it doesn't happen again. >> i think the american people are smart. what i think is when attorney general barr and u.s. attorney durham bring forward the charge when they finish their investigation with inspector general horowitz. we'll see those people held accountable at the highest level of the' fbi, characteristics a, brennan, clapper, mccabe, all the names your viewers see and
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know on a regular basis. when they go to trial and when they are in jail for the crimes they committed, we'll make sure this never happens again. i believe the supreme court justices need to look at the fisa review process and make sure this abuse never occurs again in the fisa courts. trish: corey, good to see you. corey lewandowski. remember far left congresswoman ilhan omar defending al qaeda? >> when i was in congress, and i took a terrorism class. every time the professor said al qaeda, the professor's shoulders win the. you don't say america and england with the intensity. trish: now she is defending alexandria ocasio-cortez's concentration comments.
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socialist bernie sanders are saying the illegal immigrants will be welcome and covered under his healthcare plan. pete hegseth says bernie has lost his mind. >> three months paid family and medical leave. a living wage, $15. an hour. healthcare is a right of all makes it beautiful. state-of-the-art technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $359/month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. i come face-to-face with a lot of behinds. so i know there's a big need for new gas-x maximum strength. it relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort fast. so no one needs to know you've got gas.
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that includes anybody who is here. >> i believe healthcare is a human right. we'll organize the american people around the concept that all people in this country have the right to healthcare. >> senator, would you include the 11 million -- >> absolutely. trish: anybody else that feels like coming here, why not. you get all kinds of freebies. healthcare is taken care of. you might be thinking senator sanders that bernie sanders would like' socialized healthcare for illegal immigrants. you have new york this week allowing driver's licenses for anybody who is here illegally. it's crazy town. joining me right now, pete hegseth, to talk about the upside "alice in wonderland" world where we live, come one
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and come all, we'll take care of you. >> we have citizenship versus citizens of the world. you have president trump and republicans in common sense americans everywhere saying if you come to america you better come right way, play by the rules. if you are a citizen you earn the right to vote and have access to certain government programs that help you earn a better life. then you have the left which says if you can scramble across the border no matter how you got here, we are going to give away a free benefit that taxpayers pay for and they know doesn't work. bernie sanders the chairman of the veterans affairs committee in the senate, we know we have vets waiting months for appointments. and the government is often a
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soulless bureaucracy when it deals with them. now they welcome 11 million illegals into our system and think we are going to take care of them? trish: it penalizes the hard-working men and women who try to do things the right way. you and i talked about this. neither one of us, i for one am not against immigration. we need people. i want to make it easier to bring the right people, good people that want to be american and contribute to the system. but don't encourage illegal behavior. don't encourage people to come in and seep into our system and we don't even know who's in our country? it's really wacky. let me ask you this. i think the cynics would say it's all about getting a new group of voters for the democratic party. is that what this is? is it purely political in your
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view? >> why are they issuing driver's licenses. you don't even need a driver's license to vote. in my home state of minnesota, if someone vouches for you, you are okay. they want to bring in a new base of voters. but it caves to a hard-core left wing of' the party saying that no human can be illegal. they think it' the nation state of antiquated. then the whole thing dissolves. but they are pandering to their left-wing cam purposes ideologue base that's been taught america is an evil place. if you want to protect you're nation you put a wall around your borderer. >> wall around your welfare state. people will comen if it's open. right now we have a wall around neither. the democrats want the borders
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to be wide open. trish: you as a vet know the price of war. the president chose last night to spare 150 people, he said it wasn't worth it to strike iran if you were going to have those kinds of casualties. in your view did he make the right decision? and what does it mean for future hours tonight ann as we go into the -- as we gone it weekend? >> i think it was prudent. he ran on not want to go get us into further wars in the middle east. we can't let them get away from unprovoked provocations like this. i expect a strike that will send a signal. if we are going back to the table on nukes it will be on our terms not theirs it's the united states navy that keeps county waters and the u.s. air force
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that keeps the air free throughout the world. he doesn't want to risk an escalation with a country that wants that so he can look like a victim. trish: they wanted this. they want to look like we are the bad guy and we are attacking them. no, no, that drone is in our air space. not international. and we have the maps to show it wasn't in international air space. this is thought out by them. they are trying to engage us. they figure he'll be easy to engage. he's not that easy. >> they know he's tough, trish. that's why they are in a tough spot. i think we hold the cards here. waiting and picking the right spot is the way to do it. getting under the table and saying do you want to play this way? we'll play this way. trish: accusations of anti-semitism staff questioning
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the allegiance of jewish americans. >> this country says it's okay for people to push for allegiance to foreign countries. trish: now the congresswoman is defending alexandria ocasio-cortez's concentration camp comments. disgusting. irresponsible comments from her. unbelievable what this woman said. i guess they are trying to out do each other. first they were against it before they were for it. the media first condemning escalating tensions with iran. but now after the president canceled the attacks, i guess they are for it? did you know with vanishing deductible, you can earn $100 off your deductible for every year of safe driving? sing that. ♪ vanishing deductible, you can... ♪
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president trump: we had something ready to go subject to my approval. they said, sir, we are ready to go. i said how many people are going to be killed? sir, i would like to get back to you on that. great people, these generals. they came back and said, sir, approximately 150. i didn't like it. i didn't think it was proportionate. trish: president trump confirming that we were just minutes away from launching a strike on iran. and while some members of the media and left seem kind of upset that the president called off the attack. joining me is former army intelligence and special operations soldier. and strategist. i want to start first with this dispute over where the drone was. you have got us, americans saying it was 21 miles off the
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coast of iran. iran in the meanwhile says it was 8 miles off the coast of iran. this is the u.s. map. they are showing you where it was shot down. they are saying it was 21 miles off in international air space. let's go to the map the iranians sent me. that was not drawn by my 6 1/2-year-old. this is their map. they are saying look where it i. it was right there 8 miles off the coast of iran. bret, you say a drone like that would never be in iranian air space. >> let me tell you from experience. we would never fly that type of drone over iranian territory. one, evenings are so high, there would be a direct order to the air force personnel to stay away from iranian air space and two
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it's not a stealth drone. it can easily be seen. any government with a radar capability can sight it's slow. it flies a specific planned route. the iranians were probably watching it for days. and it's easy to shoot down. it would be duffel us to fly this drone in iranian territory. trish: i believe you and i believe our government when they say it was not in iranian air space. that gets me to our next question. are they, the iranians trying to deliberately provoke the president and if so, what's your assessment and analysis of his move to pull back and not actually trike them? >> the most of important thing to the islamic republic of iran is regime survival. they know the president is not going to send land forces or
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invade. they nova tee jim bombing is not going to decapitate the regime. some hardliners will welcome strategic pinpoint. what president trump did last night -- vocal criticizing the president on his national security. but last night the president was presidential par excellence. he showed restraint. he said it's not worth killing 150 people because they shot down a drone. he bought himself options because if they do it again the president can say i backed down once, i am not going to back down again. trish: we don't want to look like we are just out there ready to attack without having digested it all. i hear you, bret. i know you feel like we need to
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retaliate for what happened. and we may. i am a big believer in economic sanctions galore. just keep squeezing. made make sure we have not a dime if they are going to continue behavior like that. that's something that youan do that is not costly in terms of lives. >> i don't think it was worth the death of 150 people other. but we look very weak by not conducting a military strike here. people do not seem to ad the calculus that the iranians tomorrow understand the concept of power and strength. trish: now they are scared they are sitting there saying he could still get me. we are going into a big weekend. >> i don't believe they are scared. to negotiate for them right now is to surrender. they don't want to negotiate. they want to fight it out. trish: they want to fight because they know if we somehow
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get into a war with iran, that could very well spell the end of the donald trump presidency. because people aren't going to like it. they want that. because they want a democrat in there, maybe they would take joe biden so they could get their deal back. >> you have the islamic republic in iran, then you have the iranian people. one of the most of pro western american friendly people on the ground. you have done a lot of coverage on venezuela and iran. you know the regime is different than the people. so why bomb without a strategic goal at the end, we are losing goodwill. pick something over there, but you don't have to hit civilians on the ground. there are a lot of soft and hard targets in the region the president can pick and choose. i have been reading the iranian newspapers all day. the hardliners are bragging because they wanted an attack.
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they are most of afraid of the president's gestures. i want to negotiate. you know who doesn't want to negotiate in the ayatollah khomeini. the supreme thug. the moment you open an embassy in iran, the anti-american ideology goes out the door. >> two 2003 to 2010, there were american deaths from the irg. >> >> we have been-the help of israelis and u.s. intel bombing the air bases in syria.
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trish: i would be scared if i were them the next 72 hours. charges against ilhan omar over anti-semitism. geico makes it easy to get help when you need it. with licensed agents available 24/7. it's not just easy. it's having-a-walrus-in-goal easy! roooaaaar! it's a walrus! ridiculous! yes! nice save, big guy! good job duncan! way to go! [chanting] it's not just easy. it's geico easy. oh, duncan. stay up. no sleepies.
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trish: congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez raising eyebrows for comparing detainment centers on our southern border to concentration camps in world war ii. congresswoman ilhan omar is coming to her defense. >> these people are being concentrated in them. that's the general definition. i think a lot of people are completing with a death camp looks like or specific removal of people of being put in camps. these people are come together border. we are removing them from the border and placing them in camps. trish: does she know how insane that sounds? alexandria ocasio-cortez has enough awareness and sense of history to understand how
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despicable she sounds? joining us is campus reform emma michelle, and madison gesiotto. madison, it's so unbelievably disrespectful to the millions of jews who last their lives in concentration camps in world war ii. it's disrespectful to anyone who had a loved one who fought in world war ii. she is disrespecting history and make an equivalence. and shows who were taken by adolph hitler. what is going on. >> trish, it's unbelievable it's a fake equivalence. there is no equivalence. just this past december i was in
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israel and i learned more than i knew before about the concentration camps. not only did the nazis insure themselves a slave labor population, but their ultimate goal was ex form nation through labor. their lives were taken. families were ripped apart. millions of families and lives completely ruined by this evil regime. there is no comparison here. trish: a sitting member of congress. >> it's ignorant. trish: shiestles on the foreign affairs committee to boot. michelle, you talk to college kid all over the country. they have a lot of tolerance for the ilhan omars and the aoc's. but in this instance aoc went too far. >> we know aoc loves to say crazy things and get attention.
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it's clear she crossed the line. when cabot phillips talked to students about these comments, the students said it's too far. that is an extreme statement. trish: that's saying a lot considering the liberal attitude on most of college campuses these days. people know right from wrong. she may not. ilhan omar may not. but most of americans deep down they do. cher weighing in on 202, the singer, says democrats don't know how to feet trump and warns there will be no america if trump wins a second term. a little america. do you think, madison? >> she is right about the fact that the democrats don't know how to beat the president. not one person is willing to step up with policies that would work to better the lives of the american people.
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we are seeing far left socialist policies that have become popular among the democrats. it would never pass through congress or actually work. i don't think any of them have a chance of beating president trump. trish: is she worried we have no america? what about all those celebrities who were going to leave? we are still waiting. >> america continues to exist in 2016 regardless of who wins the presidency in 2020. there are many people who feel disenfranchised by the democratic party. i talk to people at campus reform and they don't like the dnc either. trish: we have some unbelievable video to show you next. a series of explosions rocking philly. get it! get that butterfly!
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you know those butterflies aren't actually in the room? hey, that baker lady's on tv again. she's not a baker. she wears that apron to sell insurance. nobody knows why. she's the progressive insurance lady. they cover pets if your owner gets into a car accident. covers us with what? you got me. [ scoffs ] she's an insurance lady. and i suppose this baker sells insurance, too? progressive protects your pets like you do. you can see "the secret life of pets 2" only in theaters. "the secret life of pets 2" on to the next job. the next challenge. the next place. on to the next level. and all the rewards that come with it. the all-new ram 1500. motortrend's 2019 truck of the year everything you need, to get on to bigger things.
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but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. trish: take a look at this incredible video. this is an oil refinery erupting into flames, rocking a 150-year-old refinery in philadelphia this morning with these huge plumes of gas and flames could actually be seen across the philly skyline for miles away. the blaze has been contained, so that's good news, but it's still
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not under control. no one was seriously injured. the exact cause of the explosion is under investigation. just wanted to show that one to you. i hope you have a terrific -- gosh it's friday, right? [laughter] i'll see you back here on monday, >> from dusty boxes forgotten in the attic... emerge military artifacts handed down across five generations... >> the writing is unbelievable. i can't believe it's in such good shape. >> heirloom that may be a long-lost piece of history. >> i think this is a once-in-a-lifetime find. i'd never seen one before, and i don't expect to see one again. >> value is just rising with literally every fold. >> a war, a map, a mystery. >> i had a little momentary roller coast there. >> will it lead to one family's hidden treasure? [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]
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