tv Kennedy FOX Business June 26, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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cockpit, opening the plane door and somehow using the light to alert a nearby worker who helped get her down the 40 to 50 foot drop to the pavement. air canada, you've got explaining to do! we will bring you updates on this story. a quick programming note, make sure you watch mornings with maria tomorrow morning. regan: are the president tonight on my mind. -- 24 hours until the first debate of the 2020 presidential campaign, 20 democrats spread over two glorious nights of fun. like margin. according to insiders, the party is not exactly excited about what could transpire. in fact, they are quite worried it is going to quote - devolve into a horror show. here is how the whole thing will work. tomorrow night one heavyweight, elizabeth warren, middleweight psych amy klobuchar and cory booker run at the top. and then some bozos like bill
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de blasio and beto o'rourke. then we have bernie sanders, kamala harris, joe biden, my boyfriend, pete buttigieg and minnows like eric swalwell, andrew yang and john -- john hickam they are worried the whole thing will turn into the giant circular firing squad. for instance, everyone will be taking hotshots at joe biden. he can't take that. their new, particularly after controversy surrounding his come as he worked with segregationists back in his early days in the senate. progressives will have a field day with that gift. thanks joe! and of course, her latest golden boy mayor pete, on all
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sides for his handling of daily police shooting in his town. a south bend indiana where he is the mayor. the police unit and black residents both very angry with him. and then, there are the socialists with their trillion dollar big spending plans and moderates could and should push them hard over how they will pay for all of it or any of it. and, all the little guys, they will do all they can to make a name for themselves. everyone will be talking everyone all the time. after the smoke clears, nobody may be left standing. which is fantastic.that means president trump can roll up his sleeves for the third and fourth terms. and did i mention, the president, he may be live tweeting during the whole thing. we don't know but he's been teasing us about it. the panels here tonight, america in the age of co-author and fox news contributor jessica tarlov and tom -- host of left coast news podcast and author of lawyers and whores,
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how big ms. -- big business -- is it whoring? >> people had issues with that. regan: anyhow, let's get to this because i know you are excited, jessica. and we might be excited for a different reason. >> i think we can definitely say we are excited for different reasons. regan: what are you looking for the first night? >> who can step up in two ways to when it will occupy the center lane with elizabeth warren. i think amy klobuchar is the most likely candidate for that. tim ryan is finding his footing a little bit. it is still the one percent club but really interested in julian castro. he is the mayor of san antonio, a much bigger place in south
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bend, indiana. but it's got less attention to mayor pete. he is a full policy portfolio. we talk about how elizabeth warren has signed on to a policy has to decriminalize migration. make it not illegal to cross the border illegally. i'm interested to see where he squares out and all that. and to see how elizabeth warren handles it is the front runner in her debate. it's a special position for her since the surge is in motion at this exact moment. regan: it's interesting because obviously, the big night is night number two. all of these people have to get their licks and at joe biden. they have to take a couple of ta if they are going to hurt the ta which you have to do in order to have a shot. so do they waste their time doing that? or do they try and introduce themselves?
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>> good question. in the first debate i don't think they will go after biden. i think they'll go after warren. she is king of the hill with that group. they will go after and she will be wise to play the front runner and not go after biden. she will say, i'm not talking biden it will make her look like a wannabe. she's going to think embrace the leadership position. you might not hear a lot about biden tomorrow night. that is my guess. regan: the thing about warren that i find interesting and i keep coming back to it, yes she's lied about her ancestry and she does have a host of issues, credibility and personality she does her homework. she puts up very thoughtful policy positions at all the other candidates are scrambling to match. and right now we are playing musical chairs, she's kind of in the hot seat. >> elizabeth warren is one of the smartest people on the campaign trail. a law school professor. she no such argue, debate. -- regan: cory booker --
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>> i think there are other people out there too but the biggest issue for democrats more in thursday -- is to be ignored. regan: you do not want to be ignored. the problem is you also do not want to be kirsten gillibrand. you do not want to be the person who says her does something really stupid. and it is tough because you know they have to have these viral moments. and everyone feels obligated to do their person of aoc. but it is weak and flimsy. i think someone like bill de blasio can come off like such an ignoramus. and i'm hoping he does because he is an awful mayor! >> i did say that dante was advising him, his son, over text message and he thought it was good to put on twitter. i think bill de blasio will talk about his record in new
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york.but it is what it is. you're completely right about someone like kiersten gillibrand whose campaign has a palpable sense of frustration. that she has not further, it took her soul and with the 65,000 donor mark. regan: and give kamala harris and elizabeth warren, working just as hard, they are senators, they have boobies and they have way more interest in their campaigns. >> so many uterus and so many time. regan: uterii. >> fallopian tubes on the campaign trail! we were just talking about this. this is why i have a doctorate. regan: doctor tarlov! >> the way we are talking about gender politics is so different for this campaign. you've seen women really
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heating the left of what happened and how that donald trump was able to use the woman card with hillary. so kamala harris and elizabeth warren don't talk about gender role. they made policy about economics. regan: they transcend gender. >> which is a way to do this. i think it is so smart and i'm quite happy to see it even though obviously i love my hillary. regan: i do not love your hillary. god, i hope she runs though. god i wanted to run so badly just so -- i want her followers because it is so much fun. i am her follower. [laughter] in the meantime president trump thinks something is fishy with the biden campaign. specifically, why he has not gotten endorsement from president obama. biden loves to say that he and barack are best of friends. an interview with the hill the
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president said quote - how he does not get president obama to endorse and there has to be a reason why he is not endorsing him. he was the vice president. they seem to have gone along. the way president obama is not endorsing him has to be a big secret.then he lies and says i asked the president not to endorse me. the president went on to say things obama quote - knows something. but there is more to the story in april the new york times reported that president obama urged sleepy joe not to run in 2016. he said hillary had a better chance of winning, she did not. so what is really going on between president obama and vice president biden? >> i love this is classic trump. when he did it, we watch a video, he points to his head, he does a lot now with joe biden appeared something is going on. he points to hear. he setting up this whole thing.
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i love it because it is classic trump going for the strength of biden, the only strength is that he was with obama for eight years. people have a fondness for obama and he's trying to ride that. he wants to quit mr., neither can say because obama will not go on record and say why, he will keep saying i don't want to endorse anyone and that kind of thing. he wants to create this problem with -- regan: but you hit it on the head. it is calmness and dissidence. this is what we've seen time and time again from the president. he put the question out there and it creates this problem but actually, it makes you stop and's really weird! maybe there is a reason. i don't know! >> the projection, because he got in trouble with the vice president, mike pence, that he will endorse him in 2024. president obama does not want to happen will happen in 2016 with controversy over the superdelegates and the dnc
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putting their thumb on the scales for hillary over bernie. so he is staying out of it. regan: he is not staying out of it. and i don't think there is some wild conspiracy. i really think that there is a reason, i think that joe biden sorry, i think obama feels old the way a lot of others feel that maybe joe biden is the guy this time around. and if he spends all of his political capitol on a losing war, a triple crown winner. >> no one does that though. president obama is not breaking with precedent in this situation. he also has a close relationship with a number of candidates including kamala harris, beto o'rourke. he's actually met with a ton of them. regan: sure! >> obama came out well before joe biden announced -- regan: they knew -- >> he was considering it. regan: also know that he's a
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wounded man. he's not the joe biden we knew and we loved in 2016. >> i don't know. i have loved joe biden since i've been old enough to love appropriately for people i don't know and in positions of power. chris he was not sleepy joe back then. >> he is not sleepy joe now. [multiple speakers] >> this is, this week -- >> i'm calling -- >> was it whoring or working? regan: great comeback! >> i retire. regan: apparently we just warmed up. more with them later. do not forget tomorrow morning donald j trump will join morning with maria.
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so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hey! i live on my own now! i've got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. unlike my parents.
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you rambling about xfinity again? you're so cute when you get excited... anyways... i've got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. i can schedule a time for them to call me back, it's great! you have our number programmed in? ya i don't even know your phone anymore... excuse me?! what? i don't know your phone number. aw well. he doesn't know our phone number! you have our fax number, obviously... today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'll pass. regan: breaking news out of
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washington. robert mueller will testify about the russia investigation on capitol hill next month. in a few weeks. we are told he accepted the subpoena and will speak in an open session july 17. this according to house judiciary committee chair jerry nadler. and house intelligence committee adam schiff. what does this mean for the president? german or former cia analyst and host of the buck sexton show, a podcast, he is buck sexton. >> good to see you, kennedy! >> me this whole thing is an entire joke. this is ridiculous, that they were pulling people already testified time and time again. they bring it down, bringing people down we've seen for years, donald trump jr., you will not have a guy who is in charge of the whole
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investigation to rush occlusion and possible obstruction for two years? this was laughable. that it was even put out there for a little bit as a possibility. it goes to show you how incredibly politicized it is. i don't think will be good for democrats. usually anything the mueller report related, rush related, obstruction related much more so now is a big win for democrats in the news cycle. but mueller will have to answer questions like did you care at all about the origins of the investigation? why did the dossier basically not appear in anywhere in your hundreds of pages editorializing and those will be the answers we need to her because i do not think he has good ones. kennedy: he will rely on the report as he told us when he gave his press conference. so he called a press conference, obviously remembering congress was not in session, he would not really be held to task. didn't take questions from the press. dropped a few bombs about the president and possible obstruction of justice. then but you know there were some disparities between when he said about the doj precedent
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for charging a sitting president or indenting a sitting president and what bill barr says he asked robert relates sleepy there's a disparity there in the statements. so who is going to seek reconciliation on the statements? >> that is what we need to find out because someone, at least there was a miscommunication if not someone misrepresented a critical conversation. which is, did you not make the decision for mueller because you thought there was no circumstance under which you could make the decision? or was a factor among many factors because it seems to be the interpretation of william barr on this early on. at least that is what he was telling people. these are two men, people talk about robert mueller so respect appear bill barr is excitedly well respected. he was part of the doj, lawyer of lawyers unit. he is the guy that goes back in the town a long time including in the bush administration, the
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attorney general. robert mueller has answering to do. kennedy: he does! and people like jim jordan will put him to the fire little to get actual answers. chris he might try to dodge a lot but remember when our now not so sanctified james comey kept saying, i don't recall, i don't remember, i don't know. what exactly would you say that you do know, jimmy?that was a question. [laughter] kennedy: i'm a people person! all right, let's move on to mental retardation. i ran war of words with the president to officially devolving into schoolyard -- after has styled up the pressure on them with a new round of sanctions. iranian president hassan rouhani called sanctions are idiotic and he was at the white house is quote - afflicted by mental retardation. president trump did not take the words lying down to end what iran is very ignorant and insulting the statement putting out today only shows they do not understand reality.any
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account by iran on anything american will be met with graven overwhelming force.and in some areas overwhelming will mean obliteration. no more john kerry and obama. the president did not specify what obliteration actually means. but pretty heavy duty. who will blink first all right buck , let's talk about this because i see john bolton sticky fingerprints all over that tweet. >> i would say i am disappointed with the president. this is a guy who is the king of the insults. you have a great name for mueller, his everything -- kennedy: he calls him khomeini. the evil ayatollah. chris potato,-- he came up with "rocket man" out of nowhere. so on the actual substance here, this was, until obama came along and people were
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desperate for there to be a foreign policy legacy that was not just failure. to have some legacy to say we will get the randall. and they showed up at the car dealership so to speak and said i'm not leaving the lot without a car. that is not how you negotiate to the pressure put on the iranians was to get them to make concessions they did not want to make. which is not what happened. -- kennedy: amazingly how quick they can kickstart the whole process and enrich weapons grade uranium in a matter of weeks! it is really unbelievable. but you are right, there was no sense that the obama administration was confident enough to walk away from the deal that they wanted it so badly.they wanted it so much. >> is time on our side or their side? i think the obama approach, it
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was, we need a deal right now donald trump is early on and looking at another four years not to get ahead of myself. the economy is in freefall right now, bolton said the doors open so it was a joy that will be painful for the regime to walk through. it would break -- it would be great for the economy for the iranian people to get that back up and running. kennedy: that is what breaks my heart people that really need whether it is venezuela, north korea or iran, they are the last people to get it. and there places where we have sanctions and these authoritarian a-holes are able to enrich themselves and their cronies and buy a bunch of weapons and control the military while the lowly people just suffer and die. >> sanctions do not have a history of success. i'm not saying it never has any purpose but yeah, have the russians totally capitulated because of all the sanctions on them for their meddling?i
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don't think so. never mind a rack, we can do this all day. kennedy: for every foreign policy story i would like it to and like rocky four. >> i think every story should end like rocky four. kennedy: buck sexton, thank you so much! coming up, legalizing medical marijuana. but it is very difficult because the feds say it is still illegal. how are we supposed to get any accurate information with all of this conflicting research? we did you know with vanishing deductible, you can earn $100 off your deductible for every year of safe driving? sing that. ♪ vanishing deductible, you can... ♪ ♪ earn $100... ♪ earn $100 off... ♪ off your deductible. ♪ deductible. ♪ for every year of safe driving. ♪ ♪ for every-- for every-- ♪ ♪ for every year of safe driving. ♪ what are you-- what key are you in? "e." no, no, go to "g." "g" will be too high. not for me. ♪ vanishing deductible. oh, gosh. sweet, sweet.
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termites, we're on the move.24/7. roger. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home. kennedy: well, illinois just became the 11th state to legalize recreational marijuana. the first state legislature to legalize the sale of it, other states, they have gone the ballot route even in places like new york and new jersey with supportive governors relate to fly the reefer
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freedom flag lawmakers can't seem to fit the bills. the problem was at the top of the government of garbage puppet is not forbidden only but classified as a schedule one drug along with heroin and lsd taking acetyl resource to the benefits and the flaws next to impossible. the lack of randomized controlled trials means researchers have to get creative with data and subjects. and with contradictory results from various does it make the whole issue right with confirmation bias. one 2014 study examined data from 13 cannabis legal states showed a 25 percent decrease in opioid overdose deaths. that was great news. yet, the newly published studies that looked more states shows the opposite. so it is easy for drug warriors to point to the new research as the end all and call for the
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feds to finally crackdown on the majority of states with legal weed and stop the reefer madness once and for all. but if you talk to football blaze and other elite athletes they will tell you overwhelmingly, cannabis is better at treating their chronic pain and anxiety than the opioids they have carelessly been prescribed for decades. one study shows 50,000 swedish marijuana using men have no signs of cardiovascular disease, yet another 2017 study shows a 26 percent increased risk of stroke and 10 percent chance of developing heart failure. so many contradictions, so little actual research. what does it all mean? lawmakers and the president had to listen to the 90 percent of respondents for the latest quinnipiac poll that say let adults make their own choices and re-schedule so that they can do trials. to anyone else to put a little bit mj can do with their red eyes wide open.that is the memo.♪
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♪ [music] roughly 2/3 of americans live in the states plus the district of columbia that have legalized recreational and/or medical marijuana. why can't l get with the program and allow more pot research? and why you professor of medicine and fox news medical correspondent, doctor marc siegel is here. great to see you. >> great to see you. i want to add one more study. kennedy: absolute to request the journal of pain in 2016 in michigan found a 60 percent decrease in opioid prescriptions and those using medical marijuana for chronic pain. kennedy: yes. >> that is what you were seeing there. it is an alternative, something i can use, physical therapy,
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chiropractic, acupuncture, diagnosing the pain properly in the first place but if i am faced with chronic pain yes i can prescribed medical marijuana. the other thing i live is that is still schedule one.which means we can't really do the research to prove it. spoon it means that you cannot know either way. and you have these things because this can all be anecdotal evidence.because you are not really breaking down the components of the substance itself. and then you have -- at johns hopkins, they did a study on tobacco users. and found a precipitous decline in people using nicotine products who were given -- doesn't mean everyone should be on magic mushrooms anderson of drug vending machines and middle schools, no it doesn't but would you like to have a
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few more tools in your arsenal? >> exactly right! and what they know in 2016, 250 million prescriptions were written for opioids. georgia 50 million prescriptions. if i'm sitting there was someone with pain, chronic pain and i want to help them, which will want to do and we are all taught opioids should be in our arsenal but we were not taught this terrible downside. i want something else. i want medical marijuana as an option. by the way, one of the other reasons all of the research is confounded, we are of the launching pad here, physicians are the launching pad. we get people onto prescription opioids and the next thing you know 75 percent of the time the end up with illicit fentanyl or heroin.and that is where most of the overdose deaths are coming. we are to stop the launch. kennedy: yes and it's interesting because he also did a study where they show that there seems to be a synergistic relationship between thc and opioids. meaning, you need less opioids for them to work more effectively when you have thc in your system. but we don't know how much. and we do not know what variety. i know that you and i talked
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about this that my mom has been through chemotherapy, two times. she's had lymphoma and breast cancer and she has survived all but with chronic pain. and her doctors want to prescribe or things like oxycodone. she lives in oregon which is a recreational state.they keep telling her go to the dispensary, find some debate she scared she will not be able to find the right products. she will not have an expert there but if they were a dr. who really knew what to use and how to use it people like her would be, their lives to be -- >> that the other thing doctors had to be in the loop and they are not enough that are allowed to prescribe medical marijuana. i also want to say, there are people that still need opioids for chronic pain. kennedy: that is true! >> and people have blown their legs off, veterans come back for more in agony. but before you get to opioids, other modalities have to be considered. they will be useful. kennedy: it would be nice if we could treat that and ptsd and other chronic conditions that you know unfortunately, go underreported and undertreated.
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but you are awesome, i appreciate you being here. chris ptsd, marijuana has a role in that as well. again, another thing. kennedy: mdma and everything else in the green room! our national debt, more than $22 trillion. the nonpartisan congressional budget office reported today it will quote - hit unprecedented levels in the coming decades. they project that it will be nearly hundred 50 percent of the total economy. potentially pushing the country into a fiscal crisis. so why doesn't anybody seem to care about this on capitol hill? german or washington examiner commentary and author of alienated america, tim carney. what do you make of the numbers? >> russell l washington d.c. green room is a lot less fun it sounds like then in new york. but also not fun are these budget numbers. what's going on is that the
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republican party actually loves to spend. they campaign sometimes on cutting spending. but they don't actually do it. then the democratic party talks about fiscal discipline, but they actually, the main campaign thing they had a hearing today about how they had to restore tax breaks for rich people. literally, they are talking about restoring that and when they do talk about hiking taxes on rich people, is to pay for something like paying off everybody's student debt. neither party has any care about curbing spending which i really care about or hiking taxes which they say they care about but i don't think it's a good idea. both parties want to spend. >> i share your passion for cutting spending, i think we have a moral obligation to do it. but i want to know from you, what is worse? the tax and spend democratic socialist now gaining so much favor with younger voters and
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then the democrat party? or the republicans who want to increase spending and cut taxes, what is worse? >> the democrats are worse because they are fundamentally about taking away our freedom. the republicans, the argument that they are worse, which is a fair argument, is that they are the hypocrites. in other words, they are the ones who say they're going to cut spending and they say but, it is not your spending. so these are like bad parents, people who say, you don't actually have to make any sacrifices, you get everything you want. there is a real sort of morally corrosive element to that republican. but ultimately, for me, the cutting spending, decreasing governments role in our life is the most important part of this but the collision of the two parties is what leads to what they were calling a possible debt crisis parent of the federal government can borrow at near zero.
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kennedy: yes. >> that could end someday. we don't know. kennedy: they have ultra-leftists that say we print money.we are not borrowing the money, we print it, therefore we can spend as much as we want because we can keep printing it. what do you have to say about that argument? >> to some extent it is absolutely true. like we keep borrowing if we need to paid off we borrow more. and if interest rates go up we print more. it could work but here is the thing, i'm kind of a conservative guy. i think when you venture into territory where no one is ever gone, maybe you should be a little bit you know, a little bit cautious. so we are running up from during world war ii we had 70 percent debt to gdp ratio. kennedy: yes proquest now we're crossing into 100 super they say basically 200 percent. the economy will be half the size of the debt. kennedy: how do you service that debt without drastic
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measures? >> no, and that would be bad. we talk about cutting spending but cutting instantly dramatically would not be good. taxes were destroyed enterprises. kennedy: that is when your hemorrhage and we don't have a fiscal tourniquet for that. tim carney, we have to go, thank you for being here. >> thank you for the tourniquet! kennedy: coming up, megan scoring two goals and a win over spain. once you hear what the protesters said when asked if she would go to the victory party at the white house. here's a hint, there were f-bombs. earmuffs kids! that's next. ♪ it's nice. ♪ you got this! ♪ woo! ♪
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trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling rash; itching; or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping prolia® as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone joint, or muscle pain. are you ready? ask your doctor how prolia® can help strengthen your bones. kennedy: the first to treat mac
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correctly the second song, friends in low places. hats off to you. congratulations. the u.s. women's national team, one step closer to the world cup title. but if they do win, the cocaptain and trump critic megan rapinoe has no place to celebrate with the present pit is what she told eight by eight magazine. >> are you excited about going to the white house? >> i'm not going to the -- white house. no, i'm not going to the white house. we will not be invited. >> you are going to be invited?
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>> i doubt it. kennedy: i am so cool, yeah! she's a phenomenal athlete she scored both goals the essays win on spain. she is making headlines for the refusal to sing the national anthem. megan rapinoe is openly gay and calls himself a walking purchased and sister and the protests against injustices and inequality in america under the trump administration. the president says her protests are inappropriate for many countries the world cup -- is that weird, there's a major human rights problems like cameroon, nigeria, jamaica where homosexuality is still illegal. or thailand where sound systems are arrested and deported and who can forget china, whose list of human rights violations can file folder. why isn't she speaking out about those teams and their countries? the party panel is back. jesse, i'll start with you. listen, i don't care if you want to protest, go ahead and
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walk around, but you're representing united states, represent united states. >> she is representing the united states, she is representing the first amendment of our constitution. i really have absolutely no problem with this. it was not a winning argument for the president. with colin, she was going on with nike and certainly proved him wrong there. kennedy: but the protests were going on before the president -- crisis but the president was the one -- [multiple speakers] >> who is coming or not coming to the white house. megan rapinoe not only being inspiration obviously for young girls who want to grow up and be professional athlete, is now an icon. i mean i was going back to look at the cover of espn that she shared with her partner, a wnba player, naked on the cover, talking about their relationship, i does have -- i
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have no problem. just because it is worse in another country didn't mean you can't acknowledge what's in our country. kennedy: she is looking for attention. [multiple speakers] make a name for yourself on the page. >> i agree, kennedy. -- everyone knows, everyone has a right to do everything. so it's like, if you want to be an icon she should be dignified and play soccer. she will be hero for brenda blue that like jerks. i know people that like jerks. they like colin kaepernick, nikelikes him. it makes people by sneakers pierce burned -- [multiple speakers] >> go ahead. >> the trump administration has not lived up to the presidents lgbtq promises. they've done numerous things to remove --
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kennedy: i do not like the transgender ban in the military. >> and so she is using the platform she has. just like everyone else but you have a platform and i have a platform. athletes have a platform just like hollywood stars, you celebrate when someone on your side speaks up from hollywood and you denigrate them when they are on the side. she has that right and -- kennedy: she is no kardashian. kim kardashian may not agree with the president but she thanked him for commuting a sentence and justice reform. >> was also acknowledged the u.s. women's soccer player to sue for equal pay. there pay less than half of what the men are. they bring in more revenue. it is part of what she's talking about. kennedy: they get paid even when they don't play, it's a complicated issue. but they do bring in a lot of money. >> dimension and not even make
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the tournaments. the women win all the time. i am into it -- [multiple speakers] kennedy: winning, winning, winning! you guys are amazing! thank you. thank you. topical storm is next ♪ ♪ here i go again on my own ♪ goin' down the only road i've ever known ♪ ♪ like a-- ♪ drifter i was ♪born to walk alone! you're a drifter? i thought you were kevin's dad. little bit of both. if you ride, you get it. geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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it's a look what your wifi can do now store. a get your questions answered by awesome experts store. it's a now there's one store that connects your life like never before store. the xfinity store is here. and it's simple, easy, awesome. it's a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. it senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it even helps with this. so you wake up ready to hit the ground running. it's the lowest prices of the season. the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is now $1299, save $400. plus, 0% interest for 36-months. ends saturday. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. kennedy: a facebook survey
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found 50 percent of viewers will be drinking during tomorrow nights first democratic debate. that is just in the clinton house! [laughter] you know hillary will find a private server tomorrow night. make it a double! topic number one per let's begin tonight in new york city. officials are dealing with a wave of counterterrorism. look at this. max the goldendoodle refuses to give up on his crest for biscuits because he is a good boy. max knows the pain all too well because his owners are mets fans. unlike the mets, max -- knocks the free food to the ground because you don't need the keto diet we have the fido diet. 5 million people have watched videos of doggy dinner date. although some say the numbers may be inflated because max is known for making deals under the table. topic number two.
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we go now to missouri airshow where attendance is ballooning. revelers were celebrating this hannibal bicentennial p which is completely crowd from the pay they said the pilot was very experienced. but he turned out to be spears or flying in the same way joe biden is experienced in governing. yes, he's been doing it a while, just not any good at it. although this guy really needs to get a grip, unlike joe, he needs to let go.on the plus side, no one was hurt. the hot air hullabaloo. they say the pilot has landed a new job. poor brassard. topic number alabama man arrested after he faked his own kidnapping to still ransom money from his own family. but enough about roy moore. [laughter] the relatives refused to give the kidnappers $20 they wanted. they said that family of a 24-year-old andrew nunez was taken for a ride after he
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allegedly used a special set of skills to disguise his voice and called them to demand a ransom for himself. fake it until you take it, nunez. he probably asked for $35,000. it sounds high, nothing compared to him. the kidnapped caper ended with the victim / perpetrator being charged with false reporting and first degree extortion. good news, he's gotten so good at making up stories he has landed a job at cnn! topic number four. oscar wichita kansas where drivers appear -- this dashboard footage captures the moment wear not one but two cars spun out in two for tuesday! -- amazingly no one was hurt but then again people in kansas city are used to seeing things
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spin out of control. thanks to the chief! over the shaft. both cars were totaled on the plus side two men shared a ride home with a driver that turned out to be a real crowdpleaser! yeah, don't mind me! never mix robitussin and fireball. it is the moral of the show. ♪ limu emu & doug look limu. a civilian buying a new car. let's go. limu's right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh... yeah, i've been a customer for years. huh... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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looking for. follow me on twitter and instagram. facebook, and email. tomorrow night, guy benson plus ned ryun and the following is a sponsored program paid for by my pillow do you find yourself sleeping too hot or too cold, not getting the support you need to help relieve painful pressure points or struggling just to get comfortable? then get ready for a revolutionary, new sleep experience. introducing the my pillow mattress topper, the next generation in sleep innovation from the company that brought you the world's most comfortable pillow. [applause] hello, everyone. i'm tonja waring. thank you so much for being here. it's been an amazing journey
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