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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 28, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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susan: why doesn't the metro system use this telling to make sure the trains run on time. a pleasure. run for that sofa. that does it for "bulls and bears." liz: the g20 in just a few hours, president trump will meet with the chinese president xi jinping. it could move the markets monday. we have a top expert who says the president is spot-on correct in the way he's dealing with china. and the president should get tougher with china with sanctions. congress signing off on a $4.6 billion border funding bill. progressive erupt in open civil war in the democrat party, and
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the democrats failing at scoring political points on a border crisis they did nothing to fiction and they helped create. criticism is growing about the democrats' poor debate performance and their support of policies voters don't want. democrats showing voters why politicians try so hard to get re-elected. because they would hate to have to make a living under the big government plans they want. many questioning the democrats finally jump a shark? showing voters they are not fift --they are not fit to goves many contenders hit potholes. former irnd counsel ken starr will join was a scorecard on
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capitol hill chaos. robert mueller will testify before lawmakers in just a couple weeks. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. let's get right to edward lawrence in japan with the latest on the g20 and that big meeting. >> president trump has held a jump of big meetings here. the president was asked a question about in the bilateral meeting would election meddling come up. the presidents response was almost joking. president trump has met with six
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of the nine world leaders he plans to meet with at the summit. the big one coming up with president xi jinping. they will work together to see if they can restart the negotiations. the two delegations met yesterday to set the stage. the chinese are planning to tell the president that all tariffs must be rolled back and restrictions on huawei must be lifted. and then go forward with the last 10% negotiating in good faith. president trump optimistic. >> i think we have a very good chance. we'll see what happens. ultimately something will happen. good things happen. reporter: trade sources say the bar has been lowered for the
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expectations for this meeting because both sides seem to be digging in. >> thank you so much. towvment s. markets closing sat highs not seen in decades? even after digesting all the confusing headlines answer reaction to president trump working to fix problems with china. in other president has done this much with china as president trump has. monday the markets will react. if there is a deal we may see a sigh of relief rally. but the economy and corporate profits are coming inning strong. let's bring in derek scissors. u.s. markets are solid under president trump. average rate of return 13% a year. under china's president xi just a third of that, 4%.
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is president trump in a strong position? >> i think he is. that's why i hope we don't give in to demands removing the tariffs and back off on huawei. they continue to steal and coerce and subsidize their firms. we cannot take their word for it at this meeting or anywhere else. we need a way to enforce their promises to us. there are tariffs and other sanctions we can take. but we shouldn't be dropping our enforcement. liz: china has enjoyed the biggest wealth transfor the. do you think this president should go even tougher on china? >> we started to do that last week by putting sanctions on chinese super computing companies. the chinese are trying to steal
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advanced american technology. that's something that needs to stop. that doesn't mean we need to stop all trade with china. we don't mind. but the theft of advance technology has to stop as the first condition. liz: what do you do? do you sanction? >> there are chinese firms that receive advance technology. we should name some of them in telecommunications. the telecommunications industry started off with theft. you say if you are a good chinese firm and aren't stealing technology we'll do business with you. liz: , is china breaking down in the face of those humiliating protests in hong kong?
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does the chinese president need to avoid further confrontation in president trump has respected xi jinping. he stayed silent during those protests. >> it would not be helpful for president trump to talk about how, you know, all the problems china has, we'll clobber them and bury them. the style is not what matter's here. it's the outcome that matters. if we get a better outcome with the chinese, that's the best choice here. the president has chose to keep quiet on the hong kong protests. we are heading towards a good outcome and that's a justified choice. liz: president trump at the g20 says there will be big trade deals with india and japan. >> we had a joint meeting with as you know, as the press was there, we had a successful
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meeting with prime minister abe. and we also are going to be announcing some very big trade transactions and trade deals. they are moving many auto plants into the united states. and they announced that this morning and we are happy about that. liz: what could you think, derek? >> i would much rather have a trade deal with japan than china. it's a treaty ally of the united states. i think it's great news that we could have a deal with japan. i think it will happen later in the summer, not the next few days. but it would be good for the country, not just the stock market. liz: thanks so much for coming on. this monday will mark the langest expansion in u.s. history as the dow is having its best june since 1938.
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and the nasdaq, its best june in a generation. your 401ks and pensions are looking pretty good. gerri: the dow up 73, the s & p and the nasdaq up. a technical factor'. financials the best performing sector today because 18 banks aceed their stress test. but the focus is and remains trade. the president meeting with xi jinping in japan. meanwhile, boeing 737 max likely grounded until late this year. some 500 planes will be idled longer than expected.
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the potential failure of a flight computer chip. liz, back to you. liz: democrats in open civil war. but they are also showing political incompetence over a border aid bill that they finally signed off on that the president has wanted for months. the democrats trying to score political points over a crisis they suddenly say is real after months of denying it, saying it's phoney as thousands continue to cross daily because the democrats are signaling the immigration laws won't be enforced. 2020 democrats are trying to win the white house while trying to trash the trump economy. why democrats are the gang that cannot shoot straight. all money managers might seem the same,
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but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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liz: main developments at the supreme court on dreamers. the hundreds of thousands brought here illegally as children. reporter: the 9th -- the nine supreme court justices will hear arguments about daca for one
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hour next term. president trump said in 2017 he wanted to get rid of daca, the program to allow some children of undocumented immigrants to stay in the united states later. the lower courts said the president had no authority to do so. now the supreme court has agreed to hear what the president has to say about getting rid of daca. those dreamers live in limb doe bow. they have been in limbo for some time. there was an effort to retool the program in congress. that never happened. the votes just were not there. the kid of these immigrants, the dreamers, they are waiting to hear what the supreme court will do on daca. those arguments are set to begin next term, the first monday in october. but the specific daca case has not been schedules as of today.
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liz: open fighting between democrats, the progressives and the centrists after nancy pelosi and the house democrats passed the senate version of a $4.6 billion border aid bill. nancy pelosi defying the progressives saying in order to get the resources to the children fastest we'll reluctantly pass the senate bill. this as pete buttigieg, harris, hicken leerp and william son toured a facility for illegal immigrants earlier today. why didn't the democrats visit these facility last year or under obama? >> it's not because they weren't asked. i have been down to the border four times since december. and quite frankly, every time it was all republicans. and i know some of the democrats
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were invited. of course, during that time we kept hearing they would say this is a manufactured crisis. this is not really happening. now their own constituents. public opinion is turning on this thing. the average american know we can no longer sustain 100,000 plus coming in illegally. we spent in excess of $260 million on healthcare alone with i.c.e. i believe that was from last year. we can no longer continue to take these kinds of numbers in to educate, to medicate, and sometimes to incarcerate these people, we just can't seem to do that. the president is using every tool at his disposal. but we have to have interior enforcement and start deporting the ones who already have orders
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for removal and the democrats are pushing back. liz: who said this. do not send your children to the boarders. if they do make it, they will be sent back. >> our mess and absolutely is don't send your children unaccompanied on trains or through a bunch of smugglers. that is our direct message to the families in central america. do not send your children to the boarders. if they do make it, they will get sent back. liz: that same year he held a nationwide televised address in the rose garden. he said we must stop the flow of illegals, speed deportation when illegals break the law and must be held accountable. >> i don't remember the democrats comparing president obama to hitler and saying he was locking kids in cages.
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all of these so-called scaidges and infrastructure was put in place by previous administrations, including president trump. yet they demonize president trump for trying to do his job and follow the law. if we cannot deport those illegal people who have come into this nation who have had their hearings adjudicated and have orders for deportation. if we can't deport those people, we can't deport anyone. if we don't start deporting those already on and have the orders to be removed, then we are never going to stop or slow down the influx of these people. it was 200,000 last month. liz: we are a humanitarian compassionate nation. we help the poor as best we can. there is something like $18.5 billion a year already spent by
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american taxpayers on illegal healthcare. but when asked at the debate who supports giving healthcare coverage to illegals, watch. >> raise your hand if your healthcare plan would provide government funded healthcare to illegal immigrants. liz: many of these same democrats said no to that when they supported obamacare. we are talking bernie sanders, kirsten gillibrand, elizabeth warren. obamacare does not provide illegals coverage. and in 2017, the same thing. your take on that? >> the democrat party has gone so far to the left, they are trying to outdo each other in giving away the american taxpayers' money. if they would only treat the american citizens as well as
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they treat the illegals, many of whom are criminals being shielded in sanctuary cities. i think the democrats will pay a big, big price for this in 2020. liz: americans can barely pay for their own health coverage. maybe americans will have to work two to three jobs just to pay for all this. kamala harris keeps complaining about that. the democrats want all this. how are you going to pay for it, sir? >> you have to raise taxes. we have seen in the debates, there are several of these candidates who said yes we'll have to raise taxes a little bit. i don't think it will be a little bit. to do medicare for all, which is a socialization of our entire healthcare system, that will be
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a $32 trillion price tag. in the green new deal, that's $93 trillion. the schemes they have to give things away, free tuition to college, you name it, there is no way we can afford to do this and have a solvent sovereign nation. liz: thank you so much for coming on. we are following other stories coming in. the convicted pharma bro is asking a judge to overturn his conviction. martin shkreli claims the trial judge improperly instructed the jury who convicted him last year. to the disgraced founder of the blood testing' firm that's failed, we are talking elizabeth holmes. we finally got a trial date.
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it's set for august 4 of next year. she is accused of a massive fraud. indicted by a grand jury on 11 counts of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. to the actress lori laughlin and her husband both pled not guilty to paying a half million dollar bribe in order to get their doubt materials admitted to usc as part of the crew team. the' couple is pushing back on prosecutors who want the couple to fire the lawyers over the conflict. now to the drone attacks on a major pipeline. puvment s. officials say those attacks were launched from southern iraq.
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likely by an iranian-backed militias operating in iraq. those drone attacks came two days after four vessels were attacked. hit with explosives. if you have $65 million to spare for a summer house once owned by jackie onassis. the former first lady's daughter caroline kennedy put her mother's former house on the market. it's spread over 340 acres. monday, america will make history. the longest economic expansion in the history of the country as democrats continue to commit political malpractice by under caughting all that. capitol hill is guy cut but not for long. we know many lawmakers have
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bolted for a long weekend. robert mueller is coming to town to testify soon. we have the scorecard with ken starr and if this will backfire on the democrats. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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we're on the move. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. terminix. defenders of home.
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li the debate analysis continues to pour in. critics saying political malpractice by the democrats trying to slam the economy with the longest expansion ever. democrats accused of jumping the shark, showing they are not fifth to govern saying zero about massive miss use of our -- misuse of our money. you will have higher taxes to pay for coverage for early legals by democrats were against
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when they voted for obamacare. obamacare does not allow for that. let's bring in the "wall street journal" board member, bill mcgurn. >> i thought from democrats the greatest menace was vladimir putin and russia. it turns out to be the u.s. economy. not a single positive word for the private economy. it treats every company as thousand asthough it's predatord squeezing its workers. people are feeling it. liz: kamala harris flip-flopping. watch her say this. >> once and for all, do you
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believe private insurance should be eliminated in this country. >> i don't. the question was would you give up your private understand for that option and i said yes. >> you heard it differently than others. >> probably because that's what i heard. liz: that's hair splitting. >> this is the democratic problem. they are all with people of similar views, at odds with mainstream america, then they say nutty things and then the next day say i have to walk it back. liz: bernie sanders never answered questions, he just argued. he refused to answer how a single payer plan has worked even in his home state of vermont. >> it has not succeeded in other states. >> we'll do it the way real change has always taken place whether it us the labor
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movement, the civil rights movement or the women's movement. we'll have medicare for all when tens of millions of people are prepared to stand up and tell the understand companies and drug companies that their day is gone. healthcare is a human right, not something to make huge profits from. >> bernie was left of obamacare from the beginning. wasn't obamacare designed to solve all these problems? now they are saying if you like your private understand you can't keep it. liz: kamala harris dodging the question about how to pay for her government plans. >> this president walks around talking about and flouting his great economy. you ask him how are you measuring the greatness of this economy and he talks about the stock market. that's fine if you hold stock.
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so many families in america do not. where was that question when the republicans and donald trump passed the tax bill. working families need support and need to be lifted up. frankly this economy is not working for working people. liz: facts are facts. record low jobs. by the way, really solid income growth. we are talking double under the obama years. >> the truth is, they can't pay for any of this. their favorite word is trillion. there is no sane way to pay for it without making the economy go belly up. to your point we missed that economic growth, the 3% growth. biggest thing you can give any working family, an increase in their average work earning. it's compounded year by year.
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there is almost nothing that can substitute for that. people feel it in real ways. their opportunities, they don't feel locked into a job. liz: a lot of middle class families got a thanks cut and their 401ks are locked into the stock market. >> i don't know who they are talking to. they seem like their constituency is illegal aliens more than working americans. liz: coming up. ken starr on robert mueller testifying in a couple week. the question we'll ask is will it backfire on the democrats.
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of all this. robert mueller said the report is his testimony and he won't go beyond. look who's here. 10 star. great to see you, ken. do you think this will backfire on the democrats? >> it has the potential. i think the bob mueller testimony famous last word will be a non-event for the reasons you indicated. bob mueller in his statement said that's it, i have testified. it's clear he does not want to go with live testimony because the report speaks for itself it is the testimony. one dimension is some of the questioning will be behind closed doors and with bob mueller's staff. i find that very intriguing. it suggests to me there is doubt that bob mueller will say anything of great consequence. so let's go behind closed doors
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and get staff lawyers in and perhaps they will say something much more provocative such as we think the president should have been indicted. i am just speculating. li they have to release those transcripts to the american people. you testified before congress in the late 90s about your case against president bill clinton. what difference do you see between that and what congress is doing now? >> this idea of the staff coming forward, that was never discussed. you are the independent counsel and the special counsel so it's up to you. we want to hear from you. we don't want to hear from people who worked with you or under you. that's huge. we actually identified specific crimes. whereas the bob mueller report does not identify specific crimes. it hints, especially the second
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part, at obstruction. but we had before the impeachment committee, the house judiciary committee, overwhelming evidence clinton committed perjury and obstruction of justice. we are a long way away from that territory now. now. >> bob mueller better be prepared. i can tell you he'll be cross examined for the first time and the american people will start to see the flaws in his report. liz: that may mean meadows will ask him about why he didn't thrieng the steel dossier and the fisa issues. >> the response is i wasn't asked to look behind why the assignment came to me.
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but a lot of questions go to the integrity of the investigation, the conduct of the investigation, as well as the way the report was written that will be good fodder for cross-examination. liz: the "new york times" is out with an opinion piece, democrats you can tell mueller you can fix your mistakes, ask him about how trump broke campaign finance law by accepting something of value, information from russians. i think they will try to push him on that front. >> i think that's a dry hole it's a cul-de-sac, a blind alley. the federal elections laws are a mess. here bob mueller deserves credit. he did not bring charges against anyone. when you look at that language, something of value, what does
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that mean? what bob mueller rightly concluded is to read that too broadly will raise first amendment questions. you mean the president can't have a conversation with someone from a foreign country? that brings me to the final point on this. to bring a criminal prosecution, the individual in question has to know he or she is violating the law. that's a difficult thing to prove. liz: ken starr, thank you so much for coming on. coming up, the biden camp in industry age mode doing cleanup. the headlines continue to pour in saying biden got walloped last night. he same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell.
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it's a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. it senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it even helps with this. so you wake up ready to hit the ground running. it's the lowest prices of the season. the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is now $1299, save $400. plus, 0% interest for 36-months. ends saturday. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. liz: joe biden in cleanup mode saying his civil rights record is quote unaallable. -- unassailable. >> it's hurtful to hear you talk about the reputation of two
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united states senators who built their reputation and career on the segregation of race in this country. you also worked with them to oppose busing. and there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bussed to school every day. and that little girl was me. liz: let's bring in deroy murdock. bind didn't expect to be in this spot so fast. >> he probably didn't, but he should have. this controversy has been bubbling since last week so he should have expected this attack especially from kamala harris. when the democrats talk about segregationists, it gives people on the other side to say these
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democrats were segregationists. the democrats enforced the jim crow laws often brutally. these are racist democrats. liz: joe biden said an error on his busing record. the department of education was not created until 1979 under the carter administration and bind opposed busing in the early 70s. >> there was no department of education at the time. and his whole defense, i opposed the federal government getting involved it was okay for cities to decide what to do. this goes against the framework that said there were cities that wouldn't integrate so the federal government had to come
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in and desegregate. >> it puts him on the other side of the segregationists. let's watch this sound bite. >> if you had told me three hours ago that we would be sitting here trying to figure out how the congressional black caucus could keep supporting joe biden, i would say what planet are you on it's a bad night for joe biden and a bad night for democrats. >> joe biden left himself in a deep canyon. he has been even goarlsd by john lewis, a civil rights legend. but he seems to keep falling over himself. liz: he made another weird mistake. he said he would jail understand executives over the opioid crisis when it's the doctors
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doing the prescribing. >> there isn't anything illegal here. you may think opioid have been overprescribed. but i don't think anybody has broken the law. liz: i think people are already feeling exhausted. bernie sanders trying to attack corporate america on things like abortion. people are saying this is breathtakingly tedious. >> it started election night. this started the day after the election. app and the campaigns never end. it used to be they would end than would be time to govern. but yes, it is exhausting. liz: coming up, why you should run for your lives from bernie sanders and the other democrats. they have been saying yeah, what we have been warning you about
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for months, the mondale democrats will raise your taxes to pay for their big government policies. they want a massive tax on your 401ks and pensions. nobody is safe from bernie and the democrats. democrats. ♪ earn $100... ♪ earn $100 off... ♪ off your deductible. ♪ deductible. ♪ for every year of safe driving. ♪ ♪ for every-- for every-- ♪ ♪ for every year of safe driving. ♪ what are you-- what key are you in? "e." no, no, go to "g." "g" will be too high. not for me. ♪ vanishing deductible. oh, gosh. sweet, sweet. back then, we checked our zero times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed! but ocuvite has vital nutrients to help protect them.
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we're on the move. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. terminix. defenders of home.
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elizabeth: we've got breaking news. president trump just tweeting
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this, quote: after some very important meetings including my meeting with president xi of china, i will be leaving japan for south korea with president moon. while there, if chairman kim of north korea sees this, i would meet him at the border, the dmz zone, just to shake his hand and say hello. that's president trump there. okay, the debate last night proved why you should run for your lives from the walter mondale democrats on steroids who think the road to white house is paved with your tax dollars. >> they will pay more in taxes. >> and if we had a value-added tax -- >> it's why we need to do a carbon tax and dividends. elizabeth: and joe biden's saying he's going to raise your taxes. it's, like, run for your lives. this is the walter mondale democrats onster the oidz. >> yeah, really hold on to your pocketbooks because the american people already cannot a afford the federal government that we have, and the democrats are literally talking about doubling
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what the federal government spends. medicare for all, the green new deal, federal paid leave and childcare, all of that would add about $50 trillion over the next ten years to federal budget that is already ballooning out of control. elizabeth: and nothing about the rampant, excessive government waste, $1.3 trillion in government overpayments out of entitlement programs. you know, the democrats are proof why politicians try so hard to get reelected. they would hate to have to make a living under the laws they pass. it's all about why it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame with these guys. >> yes. and if you look at the tax proposals they've made, they would only pay a pittance. this comes down to imposing massive tax increases on middle class and lower income americans. and if you look at europe, you can get an idea of just what kind of a tax increase we're talking about there. in europe if you make $37,000, lower middle class, you pay marginal tax rates of 50%. that's 50 cents of every
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additional dollar that you make, and those are the kind of tax rates that it takes to pay for this big government that the democrats are promising us. elizabeth: and you just hit the nail on the held, the moderators need to ask in the: for your plans, you have to tax the middle class at a lower income class like they do in europe. not once did the moderators ask about the whopping, big federal debt of $20 trillion plus, and not once things like, okay, if single-payer so great, then why don't you, politicians, go into the v.a.? >> well, they wouldn't want to do that, because there's long waiting lines, and we're trying to bring private sector competition to that sector of the economy as well. and people shouldn't be mistaken, but medicare for all would be a complete takeover of one of the major e industries in this country. it would mean long waiting lines, people dying waiting for care. that's what we see in europe or with the nih. that's not what we want here in the united states. they would ban private health
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insurance. no more if you like your insurance, you can keep it. that's gone. elizabeth: yeah. it's to left of what china has. okay, it was a bad night for joe biden. he was asked what the one issue he would focus on as president, and he said defeating donald trump. i want to get to this, new york magazine, the reporter is tweeting out that a source close to biden campaign says his staff of freaking out about his poor performance and that, you know, the vice president, joe biden, not listening to debate advice, and he's stuck in his ways. your take on that. >> i wish they had reminded him that once upon a time he actually promoted and supported a balanced budget amendment for the u.s. federal budget. that's something we need to be talking about when the american people are already $67,000 in debt for every person just on the national debt. so just think about a family of four, that's over $200,000. elizabeth: thank you so much for coming on, appreciate it. we should point out that the biden campaign disputed the new york magazine story. but thank you so much for having us in your homes.
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thank you for watching. lou dobbs is next right here on the fox business network. have a good weekend. ♪ ♪ >> good evening, everybody, i'm lisa boothe sitting in for lou dobbs tonight. new developments today on the future of hundreds of thousands of young illegals living in the united states. the u.s. supreme court agreeing to take the case and decide whether or not the trump administration can terminate the obama era daca program. but with a decision due in the midst of the 2020 election, will a rogue conservative chief justice help or hurt the trump campaign? plus, sleepy joe widen gets a wake-up call. the former vice president tumb


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