tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business July 12, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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lou: good evening, everybody. i'm david asman sitting in for lou dobbs. well another day another boom for the soaring trump economy the dow closing above 27,000 for the first time in history the s&p 500 also closing today in record territory, plus more proof that president trump's pressure on mexico is working. illegal immigrants caught and released into american communities have been cut by more than 80% over the past month, and president trump today taking a very creative approach to track who is and who isn't a citizen of the united states due to logistical, not legal, obstacles and the white house will no longer seek to include
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the citizenship question on the 2020 census and instead the president is issuing an executive order requiring federal agencies to provide the commerce department with information on citizens and non-citizens living in the u.s.. our own edward lawrence is live at the white house tonight with more. ed? reporter: david we were the first ones to tell you what this executive order would do. the president ordered the executive order for the commerce department to basically be a clearing house for all the records in the federal agencies. he said records including the social security records even records related to the department of homeland security to determine how many citizens are in the united states, and the president says this will give an accurate count of about 90% accuracy how many citizens are here. president trump: we will utilize these vast federal databases to gain a full, complete, and accurate count of the non- citizen population including databases maintained by the
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department of homeland security, and the social security administration. we have great knowledge in many of our agencies. we will leave no stone unturned. reporter: and the president ordered this to be done immediately and now the linkage of the records was tested in the 1990 census, the 2000 census and the 2010 census. now it's going to be put into practice and the president saying democrats just want to block the citizens question for political purposes. president trump: far left democrats in our country are determined to conceal the number of illegal aliens in our midst. they probably know the numbers far greater, much higher, than anyone would have ever believed before, maybe that's why they fight so hard. this is part of a broader left wing effort to erode the rights of the american citizen in this very unfair to our country.
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reporter: and house speaker nancy pelosi says that whatever the president did today would be challenged in court. now president donald trump with its executive order dropped his stance for trying to put the question on the 2020 census which makes the lawsuits sort of moot. back to you, david. david: edward lawrence, thank you very much joining me is congressman andy biggs of arizona co-chair of the border security caucus. congressman bigs also serves in the house judiciary committee and is a member of the house freedom caucus so congressman, the president is making lemonade out of lemons, ha? >> yeah, he's been forced, his hand has been forced repeatedly by the courts, by our democrat friends who really don't want to know how many illegal aliens are in the country. he's taking an approach that's been used in the past or tested in the past. i hope it's successful. i'm just dog on tired of the courts making rulings that i think are designed to hinder
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this administration rather than to apply constitutional law. david: well these are to your point, precisely, the attorney general commented on that earlier today, when they announced the decision in the rose garden at the white house. let's just play that sound bite and get your response. >> as a practical matter, the supreme court's decision closed all paths to adding the question to the 2020 census. put simply, the impediment was not what was a logistical impediment, not a legal one. we simply cannot complete the litigation in time to carry out the census. david: so once again these are judicial roadblocks that is not what the judiciary was created for. >> that's exactly right, david and so when we see this, and mr. barr is correct. they were going to try to run out the clock on this so we couldn't ever ask the question, so the president has got to go
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to alternative means to try to find out something that is critical to his constitutional obligation with regard to the census, and article i section ii really gets at why we do a census and that's to enumerate or count the people for purposes of apportioning our congressional districts, so we have accurate representation in congress. it's really critical, and i'm always disgusted when i see the judiciary getting in and dragging its feet and causing us these kinds of problems. david: well particularly when the judiciary is used by an opposition party to do its dirty work. i mean, that's what we appear to be seeing here. there are these judicial roadblocks that just keep getting put in and i'm sure that democrats are going to try, in fact nancy pelosi telegraphed that she was going to try to block this decision, this executive order. >> yeah and don't be surprised if you see them try to run this out into the ninth circuit which is so far to the leftist
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unbelievable they will try to get a nationwide injunction on this to prevent the president and his administration from being able to count the number of illegal aliens in the country , and why is that is because the president was exactly right. there are far more illegal alien s in this country than has been estimated, and people who do an accurate estimate are going to find out that when we do the census we're going to find out it is very high. david: in fact, i'm wondering if this could actually, what the president outlined today and again, he kind of made the best of a worst situation, perhaps getting all of the departments together, getting all of the information they have on who is here, who was legal, who was not , will help i.c.e. for one in their roundup of people who shouldn't be here. >> right. it may be a double edge sword, it may be an unintended consequence that comes out of this thing, that we can find more people, but david, you and ir both always concerned about
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the big hand of big brother and so that becomes a question too, but i am glad that the president is not giving up on his commitment to determine how many people here are citizens and legal residents versus how many are here illegally. david: and i'm also wondering whether or not the opposition in congress led by nancy pelosi will try some way to suggest that the budget is involved in what the president is going to do by executive order and therefore congress has to intervene. is that going to be one of her arguments do you think? >> i think her first argument is going to be that very thing right there. on no appropriations authority to do this, and therefore, no authority for an executive order like the president issued. i think she's going to lose on that because i suspect that there's nothing that's going to prevent these agencies for operating and doing this in the normal course of their business
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and if they're doing it in the normal course of their business with the authorizations already given congress i think they're on sound constitutional and legal footing. david: now the president and the attorney general mentioned d hs, department of homeland security, they have huge number statistics on who is here, who is legal, who is not, et cetera, but so does the social security administration. are there any other executive administrations you can think of that would be able to help with some of this data? >> well i think, and i hesitate to say this one but i think the irs is going to have some role in this to be honest with you, because if you're an illegal alien, you can apply for a social security number to work, and so you could be paying so the irs is probably going to have some information on these people as well. david: now because of the fact that the irs doesn't have a great reputation, the bureaucracy, again all of these bureaucracies have their deep
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state elements that are opposed to what the president is doing. do you think there might be an attempt to interfere with the president's goal here? >> there's not a doubt in my mind, david. the swamp that the president has been trying to drain and the status quo he's been trying to overturn has deep roots. they've been here a long time. they've put down speed sticks on virtually everything this president has tried to do and this would not surprise me either. he's going to have to fight this he's going to have to get his leadership team to continue to fight this, because the deep state is real and it's pervasive david: speaking of the deep state, i only have time for one more question but it concerns a committee that you're on, and the chairman of that committee, jerry nadler, sending out all these subpoenas, continuing with the witch hunt, which americans are fed up, i'm sure, but he seems determined, he'll bent to go ahead with this and the
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mueller testimony, which may or may not happen what's the very latest on this? will mueller testify on wednesday of next week, and if so, what would you ask him? >> well he's scheduled to testify, whether he actually comes remains up in the air in my mind, because the chairman still hasn't been able to determine the process, who gets to ask questions who doesn't get to ask questions so he doesn't get to go there. as for me i want to get back to the origins of the investigation i also want to get into when did they know, when did they know that there was no anything that this president was a target for the investigation? why did they start a counter intelligence investigatio n related to this president, if there was no indication that he was the target? i think these things are critical to understand what was going on and then of course we always come back to the people there, strzok, page and james
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comey. david: absolutely, andy biggs, thank you very much for coming here. really appreciate it. >> thanks david good to be with you. david: it was another record breaking day on wall street as we mentioned the dow was up today, 228 points, breaking through that 27,000 mark for the first time in history. the s&p 500 gaining seven closing at a new all-time high of its own the nasdac did fall off 6.5. according to the wilshire 5,000, market cap up $10 trillion since election day. the dow recorded 105 record closes since president trump's election, tying the total number of dow record closes in the eight years under obama. the full eight years. coming up next, the radical dems responding to future i.c.e. raids with open border rhetoric. >> it immediately makes the community less safe. this is fundamentally unfair. >> these raids will not make america safer. these raids were not what they
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signed up for with president trump. david: and after working to subvert his presidency for years , failed house speaker paul ryan is using a new book to further insult president trump. we'll have that and more, after these quick messages. hmm. exactly. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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david: gerald nadler's house judiciary committee trying their best for a redo of the mueller report. the committee today voting to authorize subpoenas for 12 people mentioned by the former special counsel. the committee also voting to authorize subpoenas for document s and testimony related to the president's zero tolerance policy at the border. president tweeting at the dems today saying, "enough already. go back to work" and the desperate dems also going after the trump adminitration official s with plans for a congressional subpoena over the 2020 census. house speaker nancy pelosi making this announcement today. >> next week the full house will vote on a resolution of criminal contempt for attorney general barr and secretary ross so it can force our subpoenas and get the facts. david: joining me now, josh blackman and associate professor at the south texas college of law and a legal columnist at the national review. so, professor, i don't know if
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you heard my conversation with andy biggs, congressman but we're talking about courts, micromanaging the process of government. our government is clogged up enough. i think everybody, democrats and republicans would agree with that but when you put the court in, it gets even more clogged up >> well, thanks for having me david. what happened is the supreme court told the trump adminitration they could not ask the question, now, it's legal to ask the question but chief justice roberts found that the president didn't give a good enough reason and knowing full well that there would be enough time he just released his decision and that was the end of it and today president trump had to say we are going to follow the courts and we can't push this any further. david: well professor, specifically, justice roberts, chief justice roberts actually, he didn't applaud but he said it was perfectly reasonable. in fact we can put up the quote. "perfectly reasonable to put that citizenship question on the census." he said that decision was
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reasonable, and reasonably explained, particularly in light of the long history of the citizenship question on the census, but then he went in and clogged it up to such a point where the administration had no choice, they had to print out the census questionnaire, without the question even though by the way, 67% of the american people are in favor of that question being on the census. >> i call this the john roberts rollercoaster where it looks like he's veering to the right and left and then he takes a sharp turn to the left. this reminds me much of the obamacare case in 2012 where he said you can't make people buy insurance but you can tax them for going uninsured. this has been john roberts approach on the supreme court and he did it once again with the census case. david: well then you had today the dramatic announcement that the president believes he's found a way to get around the census question, to get the data that he needs, that we all need, in order to find out whose in our country legally and not.
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let me just play a sound bite from the president's announcement in the rose garden. go ahead. president trump: it could determine citizenship for 90% of our population or more, with today's executive order, which eliminates longstanding obstacles to data sharing, we're aiming to count everyone. ultimately this will allow us to have an even more complete count of citizens than through asking the single question alone. it will be, we think, far more accurate. david: now we've already heard from democrats suggesting that they're going to try to block this, do they have any legal authority to do that? >> i think they're going to have a tough time with this. the census department has always had this information at its disposal but the certain barriers prevent them from using it and i think what the executive order will do will be to allow the trump adminitration to unify the entire government and bring this information forward to give an accurate count of who is and who is not a citizen of the united states on
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the census. david: what about budgeting for this? is there enough money within these various departments, homeland security, social security, et cetera, to afford to do this, because clearly, they've already gathered the data. it's just a matter of collecting it. it shouldn't cost too much. >> yeah, i don't think it required any more money. the census question was actually quite expensive because you have to print the forms and some people door-to-door. this is information already within the government's knowledge and i think it should be a heck of a lot easier than the census approach. david: by the way there is a short form short of the 10-year census there is another report that the census bureau does on an annual basis which goes to 3.5 million households in the united states. will they be allowed to put that , that was the question as you can see, this is the question that was on there. this is again not the 10-year census this is the annual census that we're talking about now and this is the one where president obama took that question out and president trump wants to put it
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back in. will that still be a possibility >> yeah, this is called the acs , the american community survey, and this will still ask the citizenship question that will still go out. david: so in other words, we may have even more information than if it had been put on the 10 year census based on what the president said today and this other survey? >> i think that's right. the census approach was never a very accurate, because people might choose not to fill it in, but this other approach may actually get more accurate data on a granular block by block basis to give some information the government needs to obtain. david: that is very interesting professor thank you very much for being here. josh blackman, appreciate it. coming up next, the fighting between nancy pelosi and the radical base of her party grows daily. and new numbers show the early success of president trump's immigration enforcement deal with mexico. we'll have that, and a lot more, right after a short break.
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david: former house speaker paul ryan showing his true colors on why he decided to retire from congress, according to a new book, ryan says he used retirement as "an escape hatchet to get away from president trump ryan allegedly telling alberta trump didn't know anything about government, and ryan wanted to schooled the president all the time. well congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez accusing nancy pelosi of discriminating against a women of color. in a washington post interview cortez said "when these comments first started i kind of thought she was keeping the progressive flag at more of an arms distance but the persistence singling out got to a point where it was just out right disrespectful, the explicit singling out of elected women of color." now, later in an interview with cnn, cortez declined to call pelosi racist but instead said she was just pointing out a
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pattern. joining me now, former reagan white house political director and fox business political analyst ed rollins. well, welcome to the circular firing squad. this is it, right? >> this is it. nancy pelosi got her speakership by the support of the black caucus so people like maxine waters and others who have known her for a long time, what i would do is if i was nancy pelosi i'd let maxine waters take care of this little girl, well the congresswoman from queens and make a charge that she's a racist or something to do with race. this has to do with two in experienced or three in experienced members of congress who think that because they got a whole bunch of twitter accounts that they are players. david: isn't it very telling, ed, that we haven't heard from maxine waters and other members of the congressional black caucus to come to the support of pelosi against what aoc is charging? >> you know, my sense is the charge today of racism changes
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the dynamics, i think radically. david: it wasn't directly we have to point out but indirectly certainly. >> certainly not a charge that everyone made at the speaker before so my sense is this is a spat that's going to rise unless it gets quieted down and i've thought back over my history of some of the earlier speakers what they would have donald the congresswoman from queens would have had an office in queens if we're back in the days of tip o'neill, so my sense is just keep her mouth shut for a while, go up there and vote. david: you're talking about aoc now? >> aoc, right. david: because the problem for nancy pelosi i think is that she is accustomed to an old way of doing business. >> no question about it. david: the first time that she was speaker people would snap into attention, fall in line and do what she said. i think there were certain congress people who voted before they read the bills, as she suggested you do on obamacare. >> she knows the house game very very well and the
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congressional game, and obviously, you've got new members, not all of them are on the fringe, but certainly these three or four are on the fringe. david: now what happens if they don't snap into order? what happens if they see their power, their reach, to the general public, through television, to certain presidential candidates, like liz warren who continues to back the green new deal which would essentially upend our free market economy and triple our budget and bankrupt the nation. what happens if they continue to reach out, feel that their power alone with social media extends beyond what pelosi wants them to do? >> the trump campaign should put them on the payroll because certainly they're doing everything they can to help him and hurt whoever the democrats are. the problem is they do have a large twitter following and they are telling crazy ideas out there and i think we've got this many candidates in there at this point in time running for
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president some of them are going to jump on these issues and that's certainly going to hurt the party long term. david: meanwhile the president has been keeping very busy today came out with that extraordinary press conference announcing his executive order to go around all these judicial roadblocks, to his plan for the census, and as we just heard from the professor , he may end up with more specific information from what he's planned to do with the executive order than he would have gotten from the census. >> oh, i think he certainly explored every element of how to do this and do it right and obviously john roberts was the key on the court, the fifth vote and why he did this is just beyond me except he overthinks things, but i think the key thing here is the president is going to get what he needs, the country needs to know how many people here are legal citizens and how many are illegal citizens and having these discussions and it's not about throwing people out of the country or basically finding out false information, it's a question of who are our citizens and how do we basically support
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them properly. david: and the president has an attorney general who does think outside the box, but who does so with a complete command of legal so if there is a legal challenge and the democrats are going to look for one, it appears that they're on sound footing here. >> well i think barr is a superb constitutional attorney and one great attorney general despite all the criticism the democrats are making which may be an asset in the long run but i think he is very thoughtful and thinks through everything and he's going to make sure they get good counsel. david: and finally paul ryan. paul ryan announcing what most people really clearly knew that this battle between himself and what president trump is trying to do, not only to the country, but to the party specifically. >> that's always been my suspicion that paul ryan having been the vice presidential candidate with mitt romney assumed some day he would be the nominee for president, the party , certainly not this last time he didn't choose to run, but certainly in the foreseeable
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future and i think he was, i think that obviously, he didn't agree with what trump talked about, certainly didn't understand the power of trump and certainly basically retired for congress for that reason. he's now on our board here at fox, making good contributions, i'm sure, but at the end of the day, the trump movement is going to continue. he controls the republican party , and the moderates who didn't like him didn't want him to get on board or go find another avenue. david: ed rollins great to see you thank you very much. we'd like to hear your thoughts on all of this. share your comments and follow lou on twitter at lou dobbs, like him on facebook and follow him on instagram, at loudobbs tonight. coming up next police near our nations capitol are giving benefits to illegals that u.s. citizens aren't even entitled to. we'll take it up with the head of the border patrol union right after the break.
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david: welcome back, i'm david asman sitting in for lou dobbs. well the number of illegal immigrants released back into the sucks has dropped over 80%, since president trump and mexico signed their immigration deal a month ago, according to dhs, between june 4 and june 11, 8,500 illegal immigrants were released back into the u.s. , only 1,500 illegals were released between july 2 and jul. this is an 82% decrease.
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maryland's prince georges county police refusing to arrest illegal immigrants for civil warrants citing safety concerns. the shocking policy revealed an instructional video with police chief henry stawinski. >> let's be clear. the intent of this policy is to keep both you and our community safe. the prince georges police department has not and will not enforce civil process of any kind whether it's civil warrant, summons to appear before an immigration judge or order of removal or order for deportation david: bragging about breaking the law joining me is the president of national border patrol council brandon judd and now their rationale for this and i'm quoting them is to keep the community safe. are you buying that? >> no, those are talking points in fact he doesn't even explain how it's going to keep the community safe. in reality, it's going to destabilize the community because all he's doing is invit
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ing undocumented people into his city limits which then of course creates all kinds of new problems for that city. this is an amazing story and it truly shows how law enforcement is being politicized today by city councils appointing chief of police who are willing to go about doing their business rather than the public business which is enforcing the law. this is an amazing story. david: you wrote an op-ed about it and one thing you mentioned is that this whole policy creates a special class of people in the united states. people who were above the law. that's not the way we're supposed to work. >> no, i would have loved to see if that chief of police is going to come out and say they're not going to issue any warrants for civil actions of united states citizens within this city district. again, look at what he's saying. he's telling everybody that you can break the law, and you can
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get away with it as long as it's maze laws but if you violate traffic laws you'll get punished if you're a united states citizen. if you violate any other civil law as long as you're a united states citizen, you will be held accountable. you just opt be held accountable if you're an illegal alien. david: and the war on i.c.e. is going to continue. i think that it's going to get worse with the deportations which are coming up which are reported to be coming up as soon as this weekend. even now, even before they happen, we're hearing from speaker pelosi with specific information for people to get around what's coming from the i.c.e. agents so let's listen and get your response. >> an i.c.e. deportation warrant is not the same as a search warrant. if that is the only document i.c.e. brings to a home raid, agents do not have the legal right to enter a home. if i.c.e. agents don't have a
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warrant signed by a judge, a person that refused to open the door and let them in. david: again, these are instructions, brandon, for people who are breaking the law, about how to get around the law. it's extraordinary. >> isn't it amazing? where was speaker pelosi when president obama was running operations very similar to this current operation? the only reason that she's doing this is because she is absolutely anti-president trump. it's very interesting at the top of your show, you were talking about unconventional thinking. this is exactly what president trump has done as far as illegal immigration. he has been left to his own devices and he has come up with ways to control this problem that other presidents would have loved to have done. he got a deal with mexico which has dropped illegal immigration, that his predecessors would have love to have had and now you
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have speaker hell that is going behind and coaching people on how they can avoid the law and the due process that exists in the law. that's again, you look at this story of this police chief, now you look at speaker pelosi. why are we pandering to illegal immigrants that broke the law, knowingly and willfully, violated our laws and now we're helping them continue to violate those laws. it's amazing. david: and well speaker pelosi we should remind everybody is third in line to the presidency behind the vice president. the fact is that she is sworn to uphold the constitution, uphold the laws of the united states. federal laws, trump state laws last i saw or local laws, and they're not doing it. in fact it's interesting that the people on that side of the argument try to make the case that laws are being violated somehow. senator herono from hawaii who said pretty outrageous things in
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the past said something that's just not true. let's play that tape and get your response. >> i hardly think that this is a picture of law and order where you go in and terrorize the entire neighborhoods and communities. the bottom line is there is no problem doing everything he can to terrorize undocumented people saying well, they shouldn't come because it's illegal. no, it is not illegal to seek asylum. david: but these people that are going to be deported are people who have gone through the process of the law. they are not people that are being somehow stopped from before they have a chance to go through rules and procedures. they've already gone through them. >> you have to understand that the people that speaker pelosi and the senator from hawaii are speaking to, they're speaking to people that do not know what the true argument is. if everybody in this country understood that president trump is only going after those people that have already been ordered deported by a judge, they're
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very already gone through due process, already gone through every single appeals process that they have and they've still been ordered deported these are no longer people seeking asylum. their asylum claims have been denied. all we're doing is going in and finding those individuals that have already been ordered deported and we're removing them from the country exactly the way that the laws are setup, and again speaker pelosi was part of the congress that passed a lot of these laws, and now she's going back against those. that, you have to look at this and you have to say this is solely for political purposes, this has nothing to do with the rule of law here in the united states, and frankly, if we don't uphold our laws, then we become countries like el salvador, got and honduras. they have very strict laws in those countries. it's just that they don't eforce those laws, and so society has denigrated to what it is now. david: well it's an insult to every law abiding citizen of the united states but particularly
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to the immigrants who came here legally and went through years and years of very hard work that's how much they cared about this country in order to become legal, in order to get their green card and eventually become citizens. it's particularly an insult to them, and that needs to be pointed out. brandon great to see you thank you very much appreciate it. >> thank you, david. david: coming up next, president trump gathers conservative groups at the white house to talk social media bias. president trump: i'm not going to allow, and all of us are just not going to allow it to happen like this. we're not going to be silenced. david: we'll have that and more after the break with sebastian gorka who was there, stay with us.
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david: two officials in puerto rico are accused of funneling more than $15 million to politically-connected contractor s and the governor is not implicated but there are calls from lawmakers for him to resign because they're worried how billions in storm aid is going to be handled. president trump called out the corruption on the island, you might remember, back in april saying that the people are great but "the politicians are incompetent or corrupt." puerto rico got far more money than texas and florida combined
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yet their government can't do anything right, the place is a mess, nothing works. well, lockheed martin making a huge announcement today on its s i korski helicopter plain, and the ceo releasing a statement, " at the request of president donald trump i took another look at our decision to close the pennsylvania facility, and have decided to keep it open, while we pursue additional work. thanks to the president, 465 workers will get to keep their jobs." joining me now is sebastian gorka, host for salem radio's america first, author and former strategist to president trump and emily campanio, former federal attorney and fox business contributor. good to see you both so sebastian let's start with the economy. we should mention also by the way it was another record day on wall street for the s&p and the dow huge day in the markets, but it's the personal good news when you get to see people keep their jobs because of something that the president has done that's a
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good news story we needed to report on. >> yeah, absolutely. i was actually in the white house today and during the meeting that we had there, the president just dropped this, you have the dow, you have the boeing decision, you have real differences being made in the u.s. economy, thanks to the president and his administration , and then he juxtaposed that with he was watching the democrat debate as he was traveling for the g20 and he said all 10 candidates on the second day when asked if they would provide taxpayer-funded medical insurance to illegal aliens every single one raised their hand. there's a discontinuity, you know, there's the people who live in the real-world, david and then there are the democrats david: well, emily, it's not just the display that we saw with the debate. i mean, all you have to do is look at daytime television, and the view, of course, if you really want to get the most sort
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of spew that you can imagine looking at something like the view will give you an idea. we just want to play a sound bite to show you how far they go to try to demonize this president. play the tape. >> trump intends to move forward with his immigration raids, targeting migrant families this weekend. i thought it was supposed to be gangs coming from these places not families with children. he's going to raid these people 's houses and what have you. it's really reminiscent of nazi germany, just saying. david: just saying. my issue with those comments other than obviously that hyperbolic comparison she makes of world war ii which is just horrific and absolutely un deserved is the thought that it ignores the fact that it's policy and that has been cod it tied but that's what is taking place, right? so i.c.e. has 90 days after a final deportation order to remove what's called a bag and baggage letter to one that has received a final deportation order. this is something that has
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effected millions and all that's happening is that policy is being followed, so when the administration is being blamed for some type of policy, they're simply carrying out, to me it seems that it would be more accurate to call upon our elected officials to then change the law, so someone like that with a platform there should be saying here are these senators and congressmen that should change the laws that i have a problem with but at this point, it's policy, our administration is carrying out. david: and sebastian, you don't have to be like you are a person with roots in europe to know how absurd not only insulting but just dumb a comment like that is to make any kind of comparison with the greatest free country in the world, the united states, to nazi germany. it's absurd, but particularly when you see the economy working as it is. go ahead. >> yeah, i think it's worse than absurd. that kind of comment cheapens the holocaust, cheapens the
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suffering of 6 million jews and others who died in the concentration camps. we are a nation, that person should try and get legally into mexico and then see what happens to her. emily's absolutely right. these are the laws of the nation if you come here illegally, if you commit a crime, if you don't go to your hearing, guess what? you should be deported and that makes us nazis. it's reprehensible and it's an insult to the survivors of the holocaust. david: let's switch dramatically because you were at the social media conference that the president had today. what's your takeaway from that? >> wow it was amazing. we had 150 of the biggest social media influences in the room with the president. he said we've done the math in the white house. the people in this room can access 500 million people across the world on various social media platforms, which is amazing, he said maybe i wouldn't have won the election
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without twitter, but he said, i think i would have won anyway, but at the end of the day it was about censorship of conservative s and that we need to have first amendment rights guaranteed by the likes of google and right now, we're not getting that. david: well, emily the fact is that the president's team including jared kushner he was really at the forefront of this, used social media in the last election very effectively, to help get the president elected. now, they want to prevent that from happening. they're going to go to the extreme in terms of trying to do everything they can to eliminate the trump influence in the election campaign. >> which is ironic and i think moving forward it is important for us as citizens to understand the next us between congress and these companies, right now, right and that tremendous impact that they have the tremendous power that they have and the fact that we immediate to hold them accountable as we are all using their platforms. david: do you think that the president will find a way still to be able to use the social media as effectively as democrat s? >> yes, i think he will have no problem creatively and powerful
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ly using social media to his benefit. david: he's done it with twitter you can't deny that. sebastian, emily great to see you both thank you for being here appreciate it. >> thank you. david: coming up next president trump finds another way to win, refusing to back down in his effort to get an accurate count of american citizens in the country. we'll have more on that, when we return.
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david: another record-setting day on wall street. the dow hitting a new record close surpassing 27,000. the s & p up 7 points. the nasdaq was down 6. a reminder to listen to lou's report three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. the white house will no longer seek to include the citizenship question on the 2020 census. president trump requiring federal agencies to provide the commerce department for records on citizens and non-citizens. president trump: we are not backing down on our effort to determine the citizenship status of the united states population. i stand before you to outline new steps my administration is taking to insure that
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citizenship is counted so that we know how many citizens we have in the united states. make sense? david: a very busy day for us. cheryl: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories at this hour. right now, millions of americans are bracing for what could be the first hurricane of the season. overnight, president trump declared a state of emergency as tropical storm barry heads towards the coast of louisiana. we're live on the ground, tracking the storm. lauren: fresh off his social media summit, the president upping his fury on facebook. how he may have put a wrench in the cryptocurrency crusade. cheryl: the fighting between democrats is heating up. the latest war of words between nancy pelosi and progressive darling alexandria ocasio-cortez and how it could be helping president trump. lauren: it is not just your google home device listening to you. the latest report on how your
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