tv Varney Company FOX Business July 17, 2019 9:00am-12:00pm EDT
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time, spend three hours with all of you. i have learned a lot in the last three hours and certainly will be continuing to keep my eye peeled on the trade issues in washington. maria: that's what we are concentrating on as well. thanks very much for joining us. have a great day. "varney & company" begins right now. stuart: yes, it does. good morning, maria. good morning, everyone. okay. headline-driven market, here are the headlines. profits are coming in strong. netflix reports later today and that could move the whole tech sector. number two, when fed chair powell said he would keep the economy growing, he moved the market up. three, when the president said we have a long way to go as far as tariffs with china are concerned, he moved the market down. four, mr. trump may do it again tonight. he's holding a rally in north carolina. he knows -- who knows what he will say, but he will fire up the crowd. he will make a head line, guaranteed. number five, the attack on big tech continues. taxes and regulations from europe, break them up hearings
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on capitol hill. this morning, maxine waters goes right at facebook's libra. finally, bitcoin comes back down to earth. so there you have bitcoin at $9,400. so question, how's the market doing? as in the stock market? look at this. no sell-off. still holding right at record highs. the dow well above 27,300 and the s&p stays right there at 3,000. you want some action? wait until you see the latest tweets from mr. trump and wait until you see joe biden's polling numbers. the latest. "varney & company" is about to begin. stuart: he's not letting up. the president piling on with this tweet. hammering away, here we go, the democrats in congress are getting nothing done, not on drug pricing, not on immigration, not on infrastructure, not on nothing. so much opportunity yet all they
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want to do is go fishing. the american people are tired of the never-ending witch hunt. they want results now. okay. got that. senator john kennedy echoing the president's remarks. roll that tape. >> i hesitate to contribute to this freak show, but i will offer you my thoughts. i don't think president trump is a racist. i don't think his original tweet was racist. i think it was a poor choice of words. what he has said now and clarification is that this is not china, this is america, and in america, if you hate our country, you're free to leave. the four congresswomen think that america was wicked in its origins. they're entitled to their opinion. they're americans. but i'm entitled to my opinion and i just think they're left wing cranks and they're the reason that there are directions on a shampoo bottle.
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i think we should ignore them. stuart: left wing crank? joining us is brad blakeman, former deputy assistant to george w. bush. hold on a second. i just got the latest tweet from the president. here's what he's going to talk about tonight at the rally in north carolina. big rally tonight in greenville, north carolina. lots of things to tell you about, including the fact that our economy is the best it has ever been, best employment and stock market numbers ever. i'll talk also about people who love and hate our country, mostly love. 7:00 p.m. so he's going to come right out on the attack tonight, isn't he? >> absolutely. you would expect nothing less. stuart: what's the news there. the president is attacking. >> you hit the president once, you get it ten times back. the president has a lot to tell the american people. good news about the economy. but he also has to go after his critics. you know, congress can get together to condemn the president but they can't get together for infrastructure, for health care, for immigration. stuart: he's not going to walk away from this fight.
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he's going to wade right back into it tonight by the sound of it. >> why should he? he's showing the american people what the intent of the congress is. they have disliked this president from the time he's elected to the time he was sworn in until today. their mission is to remove him. yet they're going on vacation. they claim there's a crisis on the border. the president is unfit for office. but we can't get to that until september. nobody buys this. stuart: would you like to tone him down at all? >> yes. i would. stuart: you would? >> sure. selectively i think the president could be more selective in his tweets. but that's not going to happen because donald trump is donald trump. here's the difference. i'm a republican. i love what he stands for. i love what the president does. it's a balance between rhetoric and results. i'll take the rhetoric because i got the results. if it was tipped the other way i think people would lose patience but it's not. he's delivering for the american people. he's making good on his promises. so you got to take the rhetoric. stuart: his approval numbers are actually going up.
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>> they are going up. stuart: stay there for a second, brad. got to deal with a few other issues as we get the show rolling here. big tech clearly under attack, getting hit from all sides. listen to law makers going after them during a hearing yesterday. roll the tape, please. >> the american people are instead subject to both overt censorship and covert manipulation. i believe it's time to rethink that deal. if big tech cannot provide us with evidence, clear compelling data and evidence that it's not playing big brother with its vast immense powers, there's no reason on earth why congress should give them a special subsidy. >> trust is something you earn and facebook certainly hasn't earned it, so it's not enough to say that you will keep the libra data separate. stuart: it is not over yet. the house financial services committee holds a hearing on facebook's digital currency, the libra, in the next hour.
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the european union, they're opening an antitrust investigation into amazon. france just passed a digital tax on american big tech. we need an expert's advice. we've got it. zoha steinberg, ceo of token digital payment company. i want to talk about libra right from the get-go. cryptocurrency by any other name, should it be banned? >> it all depends on how consumers can use that and what are the regulations around that and what are the controls around that. stuart: do you think there should be some severe tight controls? should facebook, for example, go out and get a banking charter if they want to run what amounts to a bank? >> this could be a good example of what they can do. i think consumers' privacy should be back on the table for discussion and i welcome all the discussion you see right now in congress. i think it's important to put it back into the conversation. stuart: look, all this criticism, all these hearings, there's taxes and fines and
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regulation coming, so we hear, and nothing happens to the stock. on the screen right now, facebook is at $203 a share. it's on a roll. >> yeah. i think -- stuart: the market is saying nothing's going to happen to them. >> i agree. that's what they're saying. i think it's got to do with education, also. a lot of us, the consumers, weren't really aware for years of what happened. we signed up for google, we said yeah, we agree to the conditions and never really thought what was going to happen. same with facebook. we use it and we don't really think what will happen with our information. from one hand, it's good that public figures, the government or any other public figure, put it out there and there's education and consumers start to think wait, i'm getting a free service, how do they make so much money. this is the interesting conversation. we are becoming the product. we are the consumer, we are the customer. we're not the customers. we are becoming actually the product they are selling. this is the discussion we need to continue having. stuart: i have to ask you, at the end of the day, will that fundamentally change? what i'm saying is, will facebook's business model have
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to change somewhere down the road? >> i think it has to change. stuart: you think it has to. >> it has to change. they are making a lot of money and it's good for the stock. on the other hand, they need to find a better way to protect our privacy, protect our information, and make sure that we are protected. stuart: especially with our money. that's for sure. thank you very much for joining us this morning. we appreciate you being here. thanks a lot. there are some individual stocks in the news and moving. how about bank of america, pretty healthy profit. revenue, though, not as great as it might have been. the stock is down a tiny fraction, 11 cents lower. the big one today is netflix. they report after the bell. they are expected to surpass 150 million subscribers worldwide. let's see if they make that number. the stock this morning premarket, up $1.27. ibm out with their profits after the market closes. walking up to that, they are up 30 cents, $143 on ibm. watch fox business 4:00 this
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afternoon. melissa francis and connell mcshane will have the all-important netflix subscriber number on "after the bell." next case. new hampshire, the state that holds the first presidential primary. joe biden has all but lost his lead there. new cnn poll has biden at 24, warren and sanders tied at 19. brad blakeman's eager to get into this. tell me why is bernie sanders slipping? that's his backyard, new hampshire. >> exactly. and warren and bernie, it should be a fight between those guys, because warren's from massachusetts. how is it possible that bernie doesn't own new hampshire? it's the people who know you best who know you best. i think bernie has worn out his welcome. stuart: really. >> in his neck of the woods. that's going to be foretelling because new hampshire could be the death knell for bernie. stuart: this morning -- no, this afternoon, i'm sorry, five or six hours from now, bernie comes out with how he's going to --
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the cost of medicare for all. he's putting it at between $30 trillion and $40 trillion over ten years. why doesn't that count somebody out of the box? when you talk of numbers like that -- >> there aren't enough rich people for bernie's plan. stuart: no. >> number two, he doesn't even take on the unfunded liabilities that we have for medicare that exist today. or social security. he's going to add another $40 trillion over ten years? we can't even pay for what we're obligated to pay today. stuart: or the trillion dollar deficit we have this fiscal year. >> so add another 22. here a trillion, there a trillion. to bernie it doesn't really matter. stuart: who said a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking real money. that was in the 1970s. now it's a trillion here, trillion there. what comes after trillion? thousand, million, billion -- >> quadrillion. stuart: quadrillion, correct. we'll be there soon enough. >> i have been reading bernie's platform. stuart: i didn't realize we could liven up the a-block.
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you're all right. thanks very much indeed. check the futures again, please. it's a go nowhere early wednesday morning, down maybe eight points for the dow, up a fraction on the nasdaq. mcdonald's teaming up with door dash, getting into the delivery thing, making it easy for you to get your big mac to the front door. the stock premarket unchanged but look at the level, $213. bernie sanders, here we go, major speech today about medicare for all. again, he says it's going to cost $30 trillion to $40 trillion over ten years. i will guarantee we are on that one. ms-13 gang members behind bars in l.a., accused of, what, 200 crimes like drug trafficking and seven brutal murders. president trump's new asylum policy is supposed to stop this kind of thing from happening. we will deal with that in a moment. how do you gauge the greatness of an suv?
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medieval style slayings of people including one rival gang member who had his heart cut out. joining us, ken cuccinelli, acting director of citizenship and immigration services. sir, president trump's new asylum policy is supposed to stop this kind of thing from happening. will it? >> it certainly will in some cases. there's no question that ms-13, with the help of drug cartels south of the border, who they cooperate with, has gamed our system all across the border and repeatedly, stuart, you have heard many times of ms-13 folks arrested for violent crimes and then you read was deported, re-entered multiple times frequently, so they are abusing the legal system, they are gaming it and of course, this week, we have instituted a new asylum rule at the southern border to really stop fraudulent claims and to make asylum about
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safety and not forum shopping country by country, make it not a ticket. stuart: what's extraordinary to me is you've got this kind of brutal killing by gang members, countless stories of drugs, heavy duty drugs coming across the border, yet you don't see much publicity for that. instead, you have alexandria ocasio-cortez and her far left colleagues going on and on about immigration and concentration camps. i have to put it to you, sir, are you losing the p.r. battle? >> no, i think that gradually we're gaining ground and of course, we have been on offense in making the case for president trump's aggressive stand on illegal immigration, and an even worse case right here, stuart, is i'm 10 or 15 miles from where ms-13 killed a 14-year-old girl in prince georges county, maryland, right over the washington, d.c. line here, and they proudly proclaim themselves a sanctuary county in a
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sanctuary state of maryland and the three people who did that killing had all records of violent crimes that should have been handed over to i.c.e. how can they possibly be proud of that track record and yet they are. we are now holding them to public account for that and i think the only people who appreciate their position are the people who already agree with them in the sense that ordinary americans who see news like that out of los angeles today, who saw news out of maryland right here on the doorstep of the nation's capital a month ago, they are appalled with these policies, and with the house of representatives in particular that will not act to curb these loopholes that are making it easier for the worst of the worst, the ms-13s of the world, to escape into our country and to be a real plague in our communities. stuart: last one. am i a racist if i want something done about 12 million illegals living in this country? >> no, you're a supporter of the
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rule of law. for people to try to turn it into a race issue really overlooks first of all the fact that there are people from all over the world that fall in that category. second of all, over a million of them have gone through a massive due process arrangement and gotten a removal order and they are violating that order. over a million people violating that federal order. it's i.c.e.'s job on a daily basis and their good officers do it professionally every day, to remove those folks who have had their due process protections, more from america than anywhere else in the world, and still they resist our laws. so you're right on the money on that. of course, it's fox business so you are supposed to be right on the money. stuart: that's good. i'm going to use that. thank you very much indeed. ken cuccinelli, everyone. hope you're doing well in your new job. see you again soon. thank you, sir. appreciate it. futures still show a minor loss for the dow industrials at the opening bell. a minor gain for the nasdaq at
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the opening bell. forget about candy and toys. kids are spending real money on virtual goods within video games. not talking just a couple dollars here and there. wait until you hear how much money they are actually spending. (ben) if you're a grandparent, you know what i'm talking about when your little grandchild
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starts talking to you. something i couldn't hear for a long time. (wiley) it's funny how something like just a hearing loss can have an effect on a relationship. (melissa) somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them. (deborah) i just could not hear. (avo) these are real people who are now living life to the fullest. thanks to miracle-ear. call out toll free number to start your 30 day risk-free trial at your locally owned miracle-ear. and schedule your free hearing evaluation. (john) when someone new comes in, i take the time to listen to what's important to them. then i run a comprehensive hearing test to find out if they even have hearing loss. if they do, i'll custom fit a hearing aid that fits their lifestyle and their budget. (aurelia) with miracle-ear, it's all about service. they're personable. they're friendly. i'm very happy with them. (deborah) when i finally had miracle-ear and i could hear for the first time, i started crying. i could hear everything. (ben) i went to miracle-ear. (bobby) i went to miracle-ear. (ben) but i told you to go to miracle-ear.
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(bobby) that's not--oh! (avo) call our toll free number today to start your 30 day risk-free trial at your locally owned miracle-ear. (deborah) i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. (avo) featuring our latest technology, our hearing aids are nearly invisible, so no one will notice and they're so comfortable, you might forget you're wearing them. (grandchild) can you hear me? (ben) yeah! now i can hear my grandson again. (avo) call our toll free number today to start your 30 day risk-free trial at your locally owned miracle-ear. your 30 day risk-free trial is only the beginning. we also provide you with unlimited checkups, cleanings, and adjustments free. it's why we've been trusted for over 70 years. and we have over 1,500 locations nationwide. (wiley) i see someone new, someone happy. (bobby vo) it's really made a difference. [laughter] (avo) call our toll free number to start 30 day risk-free trial and book your free hearing evaluation at your locally owned miracle-ear today. we like drip coffee, layovers-
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-and waiting on hold. what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not.
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stuart: at & t and microsoft have teamed up in the cloud, artificial intelligence, 5g, they are getting together. this deal is worth about $2 billion. it's a strategic alliance just announced. both stocks up a fraction on the news. fortnite is under fire because kids are laying down some serious money for weapons and other stuff that they buy within the game. lauren simonetti is with us. give us the number of inside the game purchases. lauren: in game and in-app purchases last year, $93 billion. stuart: worldwide. lauren: the games are often free so how do these companies make money? you have your kids and it's hooked up to your wallet so they don't see the money. just buy little things whether it's an outfit change or a weapon to get them to the next level in the game. so they're not seeing the money. they are actually not seeing the item they are purchasing. it's all intangible. what's the big deal? parents are saying this is
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hundreds if not thousands of dollars and we're not teaching our kids the value of money. used to be here's five bucks, go to the candy store, get a comic book. now it's get ahead in that virtual game. there are safeguards, whether it's microsoft or sony or fortnite, apple, amazon, but they're different. all the parental controls are different. the onus is on the parents to teach the kids and set up those controls and limits on spending. stuart: it's a generational thing because i was shocked at the $93 billion number. susan li -- susan: was not. stuart: young enough to be my granddaughter is not. susan: so many games out there sell for billions and billions of dollars. this is just the world we live in, right? stuart: okay. got to move on quickly, please. disney is responding -- do we do the disney story now? we do the tease next. okay. that is the markets. we will open the market in five and a half minutes' time. thank you very much for doing the math. we'll be down on the dow but up for the nasdaq. six points. not much change coming at the opening bell.
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and your body, nobody has done that very well. susan: very ambitious. they say 2020 might be possible, although most experts say that's a little too ambitious at this point, since we're just a year off. elon musk, you know, of spacex, tesla fame, he also has neurolink which he founded in 2016. he says it was founded to basically help human brains interface with technology. so he says he's been warning us about the incoming a.i. threat so he says why not implant chips into your brain to help you cognitively function better and this is to battle the artificial intelligence that's coming your way. also, it's to help treat neural problems, right? neural disease as well. this is a win/win for both. some people say 2020 is just not realistic. probably way longer than that. stuart: who's going to make the chip that's going to be implanted in my brain? ashley: huawei.
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stuart: my mandarin will improve. but it's a very big story. it's very interesting story. it's got that kind of thing going, it is a breakthrough. susan: it's a distraction from the real story, which is tesla. stuart: here we go, wednesday morning. this is wednesday all day. we are off and running, it's 9:30 eastern. we are down a fraction. still holding at 27,300. the dow is now down 29 points, 30 points. there you have it. a fractional loss, actually, down about .1%. we are expecting a modest gain, didn't get it. down a bit. s&p, same story. down just a fraction of one point. still above 3,000. how about the nasdaq? that is up three points. that is actually a tiny fraction. it's dead flat across the board today. the ten-year treasury, the yield moving up to 2.13%. the price of gold this morning, it is moving down 20 cents,
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$1411 per ounce. shah combshgilani, john lon susan li, ashley webster with us. netflix reports their profits after the bell today. netflix could move the whole market. certainly the tech sector. premarket, they are down 60 cents. shah, would you buy it now and take a flyer on the off-chance you will make some money? >> to me, that's what it is, a flyer. the stock has done very well. if you own it, you are obviously very happy. but to me, they are going to be losing contents to the likes of at & t who is taking content back, comcast is taking content back. they will have to pay more to produce their own content. i'm not a fan. i think it's got higher to go on momentum but i'm looking for a place to short it. stuart: you are looking to sell it short. >> yes. if it can get up to $400 on some momentum, i would be a big short at 400. stuart: i'm intrigued, john, they are looking for 150 million worldwide subscribers. big number. >> that's a big number but i think what's going to start happening, shah is talking about increased competition.
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not only are your costs going to go higher, but also your ability to set prices may be diminished. i see a squeezing of margins in this case. you have to be careful about how you interpret an increase in the number of subscriptions. are you getting more subscribers because you are paying more for those subscribers. stuart: in the space of 30 seconds, you two guys say you don't particularly care for netflix, the thing has gone down a couple of bucks. see what you did? >> the power. stuart: try ibm. they report after the bell. now, that stock is up 26% this year. you wouldn't touch it, would you? >> no. this stock has been in ugly downtrend since 2013. they spent close to $85 billion in buy-backs in the last decade. they don't have a lot to show for it. their acquisition of red hat at $34 billion was overpriced. management to me is -- has underperformed. i wouldn't touch this stock. stuart: okay. susan: why has management gone such a path? because they see revenue falling for 22 straight quarters.
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they barely had quarters of revenue growth over the past decade. this $34 billion acquisition of red hat is meant to save the business? >> i agree. it has no reasoning for the stock to go up other than the buy-backs. the reason it's had a little pop this year is because of more buy-backs and i think sooner or later that will catch up with them. stuart: got to turn to amazon. prime days are over. now, there was -- some people were reportedly signing up for prime on the day of the prime days, getting some bargains, then canceling their prime subscription. is this a big deal, susan? susan: i don't think it's a big deal. how many of them actually signed up for prime day, probably a lot. how many will actually keep their prime subscriptions afterwards? stuart: a lot. susan: even if it's 20%, that's pretty good already for amazon. which counts 103 million prime subscribers. they are paying $119 a year. you are getting a great revenue stream off of making a lot of sales as well in the process. i see it as a win/win. don't forget, prime members actually spend more on prime days.
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$1600, yes. ashley: they have an amazing retention rate. 90% of prime members stay prime members. they have a good record of keeping their members. stuart: $2,000 a share. $2,006 on amazon. looks like it's staying above $2,000 for the near term. another amazon story. the europeans, they have just opened an antitrust investigation into the company. this going to hurt them? susan: it's basically they are contending amazon has a dual role as a marketplace provider and also a seller as well. do they use data to basically enhance their own product? how do they set up the default option? why were they using this data? it's a money grab in the eu. they fined google $9 billion over the years. back taxes have to be paid by apple, amazon also. don't forget, taxes on revenue in retro active years by facebook as well. stuart: i'm just tired of this story, quite frankly. nothing ever happens. ashley: once a week. stuart: facebook is under pressure, google is under pressure, amazon's under
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pressure. the stocks hold up at very high levels. what do you say? >> in the case of europe, the european governments are always looking for revenue. they need tax revenue to fund these social programs and if you are a company with a lot of money, a lot of cash, perhaps they will find a way of getting some of that. stuart: i just don't see europe surviving. i think they are a vast museum. i'm not digressing too far here. susan: they have been around for thousands of years. stuart: the population is shrinking. they have a demographic problem. $13 trillion worth of bonds with negative yield, the lender pay the borrower. ridiculous. >> wouldn't be around if it wasn't for the ecb. they would be in dire straits. stuart: you think miss lagarde will make any difference? they will open the spigots all over again. >> do what it takes. stuart: she will say you ain't seen nothing yet. that negative yield is going to keep on going. until it doesn't keep on going. >> right. stuart: i digress. check the big board. we are down 16 points on the dow
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industrials. look at apple. goldman sachs raises its price target to $187 from $171. i don't get that. i don't get that. it's at $204. healthy profit at bank of america, as we said before, revenue fell short. the stock is virtually unchanged. bitcoin fell out of bed again. now it's below $9,500. down 73 bucks. $9,004. price of oil going nowhere, still around -- it's $58 a barrel this morning. price of gas, regular, national average, still $2.79. here's a good story. i like this. mcdonald's teaming up with door dash to expand food delivery. what do you think of that? >> i think it's going to hurt uber. everything mcdonald's is doing, they are doing right. that's an example of quality management doing the right thing, being innovative.
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i think the change to door dash will be a positive. stuart: what i'm getting at is the delivery of food is now the number one story on this program, this network, and i can't believe it. >> we are just sitting home eating, getting fatter and fatter. that's the bottom line. stuart: that's true of me, yes. who would have thought that food delivery was such a big deal? who would have thought that? susan: a lot of people. because why would you want to walk, get your food, when somebody can deliver it hot and fresh? stuart: because i don't like waiting for it. i don't like paying a fee to have some guy bring it to me. susan: but convenience. this is the world of convenience. do something with your time while it's coming. i would agree this hurts uber because uber eats did have that exclusive launch and delivery of mcdonald's but with door dash, they get it to 80% of customers across 50 states. stuart: they can get mcdonald's stuff to your door, 80%? susan: combination of door dash and uber. if they can cover 50 states, 80%
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of the customers. stuart: good for mcdonald's if you ask me, i guess. chipotle, here's another one, the stock price is near an all-time high. it's up 75%. this calendar year? what? they've got over their e. coli problem. >> i shorted a little bit during those problem days, made some money, got out when i started to look good. there are only about 24 million shares outstanding. there's not a lot of shares that trade on this thing. it's easy to move the stock forward. it has been a lot of shorts who have covered and taken the stock a lot higher. those shorts are pretty much, most of them out of the picture right now. now we see where the stock goes from here on. >> i think it has something to do with the fact we had restaurant sales grow by 11% annualized from the first to the second quarter. so they are riding that particular wave. there's people spending more at restaurants, there's an increase in discretionary spending which is a good sign for the economy. stuart: wait, wait, wait. i've got to repeat this.
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spending in restaurants, 11% -- >> annualized rate. stuart: annualized rate, 11%. >> yes. that's much faster than overall retail sales, 7.5% annualized. stuart: that's all this delivery of food, is that it? susan: but also, job security as well. we know foot traffic usually goes up, especially at quick service restaurants, middle tier, especially when you have more wealth in your wallet. >> people are working longer hours, they go out to eat. >> chipotle year over year up 40%. stuart: i don't feel part of modern society anymore. i don't know beans about video games. i never have food delivered. >> you never had pizza delivered? stuart: never. no, i cannot lie. i did. susan: what? stuart: 40 years ago in san francisco, i ordered a pizza to my house. >> you never had a pizza delivered to your house in all this? my goodness. stuart: i don't do that.
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susan: wow. >> you're weird. stuart: certainly not weird. maybe i should retire, however. oh, look, it's 9:40. you're out of luck, guys. get out of here. thank you very much. check that big board. where are we? we are down 24 points. there we go. i got a stat for you. here's another reason why i should retire. one in five millenials expects to be financially reliant on their parents into their 30s. susan: forever. stuart: that came as a shock to me. i'm going to pronounce on it, rant about it, my take at the top of the 11:00 hour. you can't wait. ashley: can't wait. stuart: uber and lyft facing new headwinds in new york with rising prices causing some people to ditch these ride sharing services all together. that's another good story. again, totally out of touch. i will deal with that, promise. women for trump launching a new campaign to get the president re-elected.
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how can they significantly boost the number of female voters for trump in 2020? we'll ask rnc chair ronna romney mcdaniel. she is next. ♪ all right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. oh, here we go. i know i can't play an instrument, but this... this is my forte. obviously, for auto insurance, we've got the wheel route. obviously. retirement, we're going with a long-term play. makes sense. pet insurance, wait, let me guess... flea flicker. yes! how'd you know? studying my playbook? yeah, actually.
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...or trips to mars. $4.95. delivery drones or the latest phones. $4.95. no matter what you trade, at fidelity it's just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade. stuart: i'm going to call this the summer doldrums because we don't have much stock price movement today. we are down just 20 points on the dow after 13 minutes' worth of business. the yield on the ten-year treasury right now is 2.09%. now this one. interesting, important stuff. numbers from amazon on prime days. all right. give me the numbers. how did they do? susan: so they said that prime day this year has surpassed black friday and cyber monday combined. stuart: whoa. susan: they said they sold 175 million items from devices to groceries and more throughout
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the two days of prime day. in fact, it was the biggest day for amazon devices, you know, the ecodots, fire sticks and alexa voice remote, et cetera, et cetera. it's interesting that also, people are going into whole foods, you know they had that deal of $10 at whole foods, you get $10 off on prime online or any of the prime deals. apparently the best-selling prime day deals were organic strawberries, red cherries and blueberries as well. stuart: i'll take that. susan: i was looking at this number, just comparing it to some of the notes i made from black friday and cyber monday last year. 175 million items were sold on amazon itself. i read that there was 180 million items that were moved during black friday. however, if you want to compare it to a single company event compared to a national global retail event of black friday, that's pretty good. stuart: the one thing they have not told us is the dollar number. the gross revenue, how much in terms of dollars, how much did they sell. they've not said that.
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susan: they never give us dollar amounts. stuart: 175 million items ain't bad. susan: that's closer to six billion. stuart: stock has not moved. it's actually down a buck. women for trump launches, they got their work cut out for them judging by what happened in 2016. among women nationally, this is nationwide, 2016, clinton got 54% of the vote, trump got 41%. in florida, key battleground state, this is 2016, clinton, 50%, trump 46%. joining us, rnc chair ronna romney mcdaniel. if you want to win conclusively in 2020, you've got to get more women to vote for mr. trump. what's the main thrust of women for trump's campaign? >> by launching women for trump yesterday in pennsylvania, we are launching a grassroots effort to talk to women directly about what the president has done for women and we were able to tout that of the six million
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new jobs that have been created under president trump, 3.1 million have gone to women. 600,000 women have come out of poverty under president trump. with the tax cuts and jobs act, we doubled the child tax credit. we are taking substantive policy, things that have come out of this white house that have made the lives of women better across this country and we are going to unleash that to battleground states to directly talk to women and share with them the results of this administration. stuart: do you raise the issue of abortion? if it's women for trump and it's a campaign, is abortion mentioned? >> well, we do. we say you know, the democrat party puts women in a corner as single issue voters. if you don't agree with us on this issue you're not welcome in our party. what we talk about is we view women because we are over half the electorate, as the whole voter. women care about health care, we care about education, we care about national security, we care about the economy. i'm sick of being put in a corner and saying we only care
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about one issue. while we are the party that does celebrate life and care for the unborn, we are going to treat women as the whole voter, which we are, and we vote on every single issue. stuart: look -- >> go ahead. stuart: sorry to interrupt but look, your opponents are going to come right at you and say mr. trump is a known abuser of women. that's what they're going to say. >> well, i can go to them and say guess what, i'm only the second woman in history to chair the rnc and that's because president trump chose a mom from michigan to come run the republican national committee. look at the women he has in his administration. beyond that, let's look at the results. when over half the jobs in this country, half the new jobs have gone to women and wages are up and he's invested in s.t.e.m. education, these are things that he can point to that absolutely contradict what democrats are going to say over and over again because we know what democrats do. they talk but then they don't talk about policy and they don't deliver because they are passing nothing legislatively in this congress. so the president actually has a record to run on. stuart: you are going to have
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some red meat to go at this afternoon when bernie sanders announces his medicare for all plan. $30 trillion to $40 trillion cost over ten years. you will be able to go at that, i suspect. >> absolutely. i mean, what bernie sanders and the democrats are proposing with medicare for all will destroy our health care, it will destroy the quality of health care, and you know who's going to suffer and where they are speaking? seniors. seniors have paid in who are going to be at the hands of the government who is going to decide their doctor and what procedures they can get and they are going to get less quality health care. it is frightening. it is way too expensive. we can't afford it and it will absolutely devastate the health care in this country. we have to educate people and by the way, in knobbinorth caroline the president is going tonight, five million people would be cut off their private plans if the democrats have their way by eliminating private health care plans. stuart: i'm sure we will hear more about that tonight from the president. ronna romney mcdaniel, thank you for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. again, i've got to say it's pretty much a go nowhere market thus far. you never know how it's going to
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close. we are down 40 points on the dow. 27,293. we are commemorating 50 years since the apollo moon landing. next, we have a company which designed the headset that neil armstrong wore when he made those historic steps. we've got the guy who made that. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely.
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but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? i had no idea why my mouth was constantly dry. it gave me bad breath. it was so embarrassing. now i take new biotene dry mouth lozenges whenever i'm on the go, which is all the time. new biotene dry mouth lozenges. freshen breath anytime, anywhere.
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stuart: disney is responding to abigail disney's claims of very poor working conditions at disneyland. what's the company saying? ashley: abigail says she was livid. we had this response from disney to you, mr. varney, saying quote, disney is at the forefront of providing work force education, which is widely recognized as the best way to create economic opportunity for employees and empower upward mobility. disney also provides flexible schedules and subsidized child care. in other words, it's not the hell-hole abigail disney said it was. $15 an hour, they said they have all sorts of benefits. stuart: yes. abigail is an activist. very wealthy young lady. she's going right after bob iger. and they are responding. ashley: and his insane salary. stuart: they are responding to everything. all right. let's face it. now it is the 50th anniversary of the apollo landing.
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they stepped on the moon on july 21st. got that. now, we have on the show now the company which designed the headset for neil armstrong. it's on the screen. that man right there, joe burton, ceo of poly, p-o-l-y. am i right in saying your company, not you specifically, but your company, you designed that headset all those years ago? >> absolutely. we certainly did. so poly already had aviation headsets called the ms50. when nasa went looking for a lightweight, reliable, comfortable headset for the astronauts, they contacted poly, and we turned that headset around for nasa in just 11 days. stuart: now, i take it that headsets today that you make are very, very different. tell me how different. >> you know, two things i'd say. number one, they are obviously
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extremely different. the voyager 6200 i have around my neck actually has an incredible amount of processing power, tens of thousands of lines of code, just an amazingly different headset. however, the ms50 that we adapted to work for the astronauts is actually still in production today for airline pilots, the very same headset. talk about durability in a product. stuart: i would imagine that 50 years ago, the headset you made then was very much made in america. but i would suspect that the headset on the market now is not entirely made in america. am i right? >> partially. we actually have a flexible manufacturing strategy where we make some of our products in asia, some of our products in a factory that we actually own in tijuana, mexico, but many of the headsets that we make for special missions for nasa, for
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government agencies and other can't-miss opportunities, are literally still assembled in santa cruz, california. stuart: excellent. i believe you are ringing the closing bell this afternoon on the stock market, is that right? >> we are. we are actually ringing the closing bell this afternoon to celebrate 50 years of the moon landing with our amazing headsets delivering every word that's been said from the moon. stuart: i have to ask this. were you in the control room in houston or in wherever it was 50 years ago? >> so obviously, not me personally. i was allowed to stay up and watch it with my father. however, poly was in mission control, we were on the space shuttle or on the spacecraft, and indeed, even today, when you see many of the mars missions and so forth, you will see poly
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headsets in the control room helping with all those can't-miss communications. stuart: excellent. we will be watching. joe burton, thanks for joining us. congratulations, sir. good stuff indeed. thank you very much. >> thank you. stuart: we'll be back after this. see that's funny, i thought you traded options. i'm not really a wall street guy. what's the hesitation? eh, it just feels too complicated, you know? well sure, at first, but jj can help you with that. jj, will you break it down for this gentleman? hey, ian. you know, at td ameritrade, we can walk you through your options trades step by step until you're comfortable. i could be up for that. that's taking options trading from wall st. to main st. hey guys, wanna play some pool? eh, i'm not really a pool guy. what's the hesitation? it's just complicated. step-by-step options trading support from td ameritrade . .
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stuart: it's happening this hour. house financial services committee hold as hearing on facebook east digital currency, yes, the libra. the he witness will be david marcus. he heads facebook's cryptocurrency projects. yesterday he faced a rather hostile senate. today it is maxine waters and her committee. get any news from the committee, you will get it real fast, i promise. also happening this hour, a subcommittee hearing on aviation safety after two deadly accidents from the boeing 737, family members the ethiopian crash victims will be testifying that could get emotional. that is all happening now.
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now this. seemed for a couple of days that the president's tweets over the weekend had brought feuding democrats together. they managed to unite to condemn him as a racist, but the pelosi versus "the squad" fight is back on again. in a sit-down interview on cbs, rashida tlaib that pelosi say they are a woman of color and when you single us out be aware what you're doing. this is a racial feud. al greenfied articles of impeachment. this gives speaker pelosi a very tough choice. she could kill it, which would anger the squad, or allow a vote which would expose the deep democrat divide. hard to lead a party that is split. very hard to get anything done. but it is easy to turn voters off. speaker pelosi wields power but has very little to show for it.
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time is running out. here comes the august recess. no debt ceiling deal. no spending deal. not even the u.s. mexico canada trade deal that benefit just about everybody. oh, investigations, probes, resolutions, got plenty of that. this divided party has not delivered much else. just wait until this impeachment getting rolling. just wait until robert mueller testifies next week. the pelosi versus "the squad" fight is going to drag on. you have to feel for all those presidential candidates, desperately trying to get a word in edgewise. the democrats feud gets all the headlines. nobody is happy. speaker pelosi, "the squad," impeachment crowd, those poor moderate democrats who face being primaried by the far left. no wonder "the new york times" star columnist, tom friedman writes today, quote, trump's going to get reelected, isn't he? voters have reason to worry. democrat voters that is.
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the second hour of "varney & company," just getting started. ♪ stuart: democrats, you just heard me drone on there, democrats are split. they haven't accomplished much since taking over the house but ashley will tell us what they have done? ashley: not a lot. anything else? debt, spending, borrowing limits, spending plans, nothing. prescription drug pricing, these are the big ones, election security, there a whole host of bills lying around, no action at all. of the house resolutions gone through to become law, 15 up until just a couple weeks ago, that's all. they include northern marianna islands long term resident relief act, bulletproof vest grants, colorado river river draft contingency plan, those
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have come through. bottom line, major issues are stuck going no where. have they done a lot? no. stuart: hard to get something done with a divided party. that is the way it is. >> yep. stuart: tammy bruce independent women's voice president thereof. look, my position is, see what you think, this pelosi versus "the squad" feud, this dramatic split in the party is not over, not papered over. it is not going away. >> the speaker would argue it is not even a party split. she says it is four people. she's correct. donald trump is uniting the party. she doesn't want them united. what was happening prior to president trump's tweets. she had been isolating them, marginalizing them after they refused, voted no on border aid bill. these are four people. no one supports then. they might have their twitter and social media but that is nothing. that is when miss ocasio-cortez effectively accused pelosi of
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being a racist. then representative clay came out, african-american man, missouri, well-respected, calling them effectively, he used words ignorant, immature. they need to have time to mature to become effective legislators that was a message to them to stand aside. that is what president trump saw. that is when he entered. they need them out of the public view, internal democratic poll, released by "axios," leaked to them, ilhan omar has 9% approval rate. alexandria ocasio-cortez, 22% approval among trump swing voters that in fact they're toxic for the people that the democrats need to win back. that's what allowed nancy pelosi to suddenly becoming a agressive. this is why the president wants them to be the face of the party because they are toxic. socialism was toxic among those voters this is why 2020 is now risk for them. stuart: nancy pelosi, speaker
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pelosi, has to keep going against the gang of four? >> what she did not want to do, president trump forced this, for the democrats to reembrace them. this now, some whisper is, it is not just 2020 and president trump being reelected he will be, the house could be at risk, that control of the house could be at risk. so this now is what she is having to try to manage. president trump, while of course he has done something which david axelrod called, hard and cold. well the future of the country is at stake. the president knows what he is doing. is it, is it dramatic and maybe to some degree risky? yes. we know that in fact that it is about the issues. it is about the nature of the attitude that is being promoted. the american people certainly trump swing voters don't like it one bit. stuart: that is a fascinating poll. 9% support, that is it? >> 9% amongst these people who should be retrievable by the
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democrats, this situation, those particular women, socialism, is toxic. and nancy pelosi thought she had it in hand until the president tweets. stuart: president stepped in, united them again. >> that's correct. stuart: that is the last thing speaker pelosi wanted. >> that is right. stuart: tammy bruce on the button. >> thank you, sir. stuart: good stuff. look at the big board. we turned positive. it is not a huge positive move but a move to the upside. we're up three points, one point on the dow industrials, 27,337. then there is facebook. their libra chief back on for day two on capitol hill. today it is maxine waters and the house financial services committee, that they will be speaking to. marc chandler, bannockburn chief market strategist. marc, you heard outrage over libra, big tech, nothing happens to the stock.
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facebook still at $200 a share. amazon is still $2,000 per share. google is still $1200 a share. nothing happens to them. >> shareholders don't think the companies will be broken up. what is underlying this antitrust. what is happening the g7 meeting. at the g7 meeting the french proposed taxing these tech giants which are primarily u.s. companies. this is beginning of trade tension. facebook is not just about cryptocurrency. this is about tension between the u.s. and europe. stuart: i would thought the stocks would come down with threats of massive regulation and breakup but the stocks have not come down. >> people expect the dominant positions to be maintained. stuart: do you? >> i'm not sure they will survive this i grew up when at&t was being broken up. hard to imagine the internet if at&t hadn't been broken up. i wonder if the explosion of the benefit of small businesses over
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big businesses, trade, innovation. stuart: okay. netflix is outside of this. nobody is trying to break up netflix to my knowledge. susan: there is enough competition. stuart: there is enough competition. they report after the bell. what do you make of this? are you buying netflix? >> this is an interesting space. growing up we would be dominated by the tv screen, tv schedule. this is freeing us up. this is part of a revolution, call mass production of uniquely-made products. you can control our schedules in a way. this is what netflix and whole technology revolution means. more power to the individual, decentralized control. stuart: if i see netflix reporting over 150 million subscribers worldwide, i think the stock goes up. if it is well under 150 million subscribers worldwide, i think it is going down. you're turning your nose. susan: we're expecting five
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million new subscribers in the quarter. five million is actually slowest subscriber adds since october of 2015. stuart: rate of growth. susan: people that need netflix already have it. 4.7 million of those five million will come from outside of the u.s. i think the u.s. is already pretty much supported the amount of netflix subscribers that maxed out the service with a lot more competition coming online. stuart: so i'm looking for 150 worldwide subscribers. will i see that? >> usually they will hit that market, big guidance forward. that always impacted stocks. a lot of volatility on stocks earnings day as well. 4:00 watch fox business. we'll cover netflix and independent bm. i think they come out the same time. marc, appreciate it. short and sweet. mid-summer. there you go. >> >> according to some democrats the border detention centers are
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concentration cams, migrants are drinking out of toilet. you heard that our next guest was at the same delivery delivering supplies when the democrat were there and they didn't want to help. they were there for a photo-op. joe biden lead among democrat candidates is fading. the his lead in new hampshire all but vanished. we'll get into that with martha maccallum. i.c.e. agents successfully arrested two members of the ms-13 gang in new york on island. with them was assemblyman mike lapitry. he will tell us the story later this hour. the second hour of "varney & company" just getting started. this is the couple who wanted to get away
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stuart: now we're down 20 point on the dow. we haven't seen that much stock price movement thus far this wednesday morning. the price of oil down to $57 a barrel. we'll get the number of oil inventories at 10:30 this morning. that could move the markets. we'll see. all right. we have the "el chapo" sentencing. ashley: we do. got exactly what prosecutors were asking for, life sentence plus 30 years. he gave a statement prior to that sentencing, sentence being handed down. he just complained of the torture he has been in with no proper sunlight or decent water to drink, blah, blah. he was charged, found guilty on a slew of drug trafficking charges as we know. but there it is, the end of the story, assuming he doesn't escape he will spend life in prison plus 30 years. stuart: never comes out. ashley: for the huge, as we know, cocaine drug ring king.
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stuart: just happened? ashley: just happened. stuart: thank you, ashley. ashley: you're welcome. stuart: our next guest went to the border to see the crisis herself and supply food for migrants. when she arrived, several democrats were there looking at the detention facilities. i want to bring in abby johnson. this lady went to the border with a truck full of supplies and saw democrats who were visiting. what did the democrats say you walked up to them, offered the help, the supplies for the people in the centers? >> well i broke up their press conference and basically went to them, you know, if you really want to help these immigrants who you say you're here to help, we have an 18-wheeler full of supplies. we would love to have your hands to help us unload all of these items. and they looked at me, smirked, rolled their eyes and said,
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well, we don't have the time. we have another press opportunity that we must get to. stuart: they left it at that? they didn't help with the supplies at all? >> they did not. now they said they didn't have time but they spent another 30 minutes talking to the press while we were unloading the trucks. so they did have 30 minutes for press but didn't have any additional time to help unload the items. stuart: you saw these same detention facilities the democrats saw. some democrats have talked about about being forced to drink water from a toilet. one member of the squad said it was like a cons tracks camp. how would you describe the facilities that you were delivering supplies to? >> look the facilities are overcrowded. there is absolutely no getting around that. border patrol is doing the best they can with the staff that they have and very limited amount of facilities that they have but nobody is drinking from
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toilets. no one is being experimented on or dying in gas chambers as they did in concentration camps, the real concentration camps. they're working hard and we definitely have a problem. i mean we have a problem at the border. nobody denies that. we have a huge influx of people coming in. we've got to find a solution, but it was very clear that day this the democrats were not interested in finding a solution right then, right there, for those children who were in desperate need of supplies. stuart: would you say you were politically motivated? >> no. not at all. we were there, i have a, my calling is to help mothers and children. no matter what we believe about the border issue there are children who are dragged into this situation. they are completely innocent.
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they need their basic needs met. that is who we were there to help. stuart: what supplies did you give them? >> we gave them over 120,000 diapers. we gave them tens of thousands of cans of formula. blankets and bottles and so many different items. pacifiers, so many different things that children would need. even toys. you know, these, these chirp, they, everything that they have is generally taken in detainment. as they are processed through. we wanted to put a little joy back into your life. stuart: who provides the money or who provides the diapers and the formula? >> well you know, it was interesting is, we really felt a call as pro-life people to take care, to try to bring a solution to this crisis and to help these children, so we set up a registry. we were able to raise over
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$120,000 in supplies that we took down there in an 18-wheeler. the 18-wheeler donated by a pro-leifman. i own a trucking company. i will drive it down for you if you can pack it up. so we had two registries going. we filled the truck. we were able to unload it in four hours. it was hot down there in mcallen, texas. we did it. we just, we just feel really honored we were able to help so many children that day. stuart: abby johnson, we think you're all right. what a great effort. appreciate it very much. fewer people are using uber and lyft cars in new york city? can you guess why? we'll tell you of course. facebook's libra chief is back on the hill. we're watching it so you don't have to. if there is any fireworks, we'll bring them to you pronto. stay right there, please. ♪ hey! i'm bill slowsky jr.,
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i live on my own now! i've got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. unlike my parents. you rambling about xfinity again? you're so cute when you get excited... anyways... i've got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. i can schedule a time for them to call me back, it's great! you have our number programmed in? ya i don't even know your phone anymore... excuse me?! what? i don't know your phone number. aw well. he doesn't know our phone number! you have our fax number, obviously... today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'll pass.
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stuart: call it the dog days of summer if you like. it is getting hot out there. we're down 20 points on the dow, 27,300. a tweet from president trump. here it is. after a 10-year search, the so-called mastermind of the mumbai terror attacks has been arrested in pakistan. great pressure has been exerted over the last two years to find him. the president is referring to saiid, the mastermind of that attack in 2018. that attack, series of attacks, left 174 people dead 11 years ago. now this, uber and lyft
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having big trouble in new york city. i wonder if the trouble could spread to other cities. what is the problem, susan? susan: so many. higher minimum wage. surcharges. limit of new licenses doled out to ride-sharing drivers. you combine all of that last three months, uber recorded 8% less rides, during a pretty strong period from march, april, to may. lyft is facing same thing as well. they're down 17,000 rides from what they saw in march of this year. so those are the combined problems. when you have higher prices people don't want to pay higher prices. it is pretty price sensitive city like new york. you can find alternatives. take the subway or maybe a yellow cab. this is definitely concerning. stuart: i wonder if those restrictions spread to other cities where uber wants a free rein. susan: regulation. stuart: the stocks have not moved up. susan: still below their ipo
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prices. stuart: both of indeed, thanks. president trump said the administration will look into google as peter thiel called google's alleged activity in china treasonous. we'll bring more. "el chapo," the mexican drug lord, sent to life in prison, 30 years, no parole. that is the maximum the prosecutors asked for. news coming thick and fast today. back after this. ♪ hmm. exactly. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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stuart: don't say anything, susan li. susan: i'm not. i don't know the song, sorry. stuart: i'm picking these beatles songs from here on out, because i know the beatles cannon, our juvenile producers, i don't mean that, youngsters, the youngsters don't know beans about the beatles, moving swiftly along. how much oil have we got in storage? how much did we draw down, how much did we use? ashley: 3.12 million barrels. half a million barrels more than expected. so we're using more oil. stuart: so the price goes up a little? ashley: not huge reaction. one cent. stuart: now it is dead flat. you can't win in this business. ashley: you really can't. stuart: shall i say this no movement in oil prices. we drew down 3 million barrels. now we've gone back up again. >> oh. stuart: secretary of state mike pompeo says iran might be
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willing to negotiate. now that did move the price of oil yesterday. susan: it did, that's right. by about 3%. oil fell around two dollars or so i should point out that iran came out and say rejected pompeo's optimistic statements. having said that, i think president trump made a very important statement about these negotiations yesterday, he said a lot of progress has been made. he is not looking for regime change in iran. i think placates top tier of the iranian government. another mover, another factor for oil prices. 74% of production come online in the gulf of mexico after barry. stuart: we're on track, okay. $57 a barrel this morning. got it. now this. president trump backed peter thiel and his calls for google to be investigated over its ties to china. gordon chang is with us. he is the the guy we turn to for information on china.
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is peter thiel on to china about something should be veried? >> peter thiel is right overall, google knows or doesn't want to know its research in china is directly pipelined into the chinese military. it has the google ai center in beijing t has two cooperative partnerships, one with peking university and another university and trying to get with a university of science and technology of china which is a partner in a quantum lab in a province where the chinese military is involved. because of this civil military fusion, there is no distinction anymore between civilian and military research in china. so google knows what it is doing. at same time, stuart, it refuses to the cooperate with the pentagon and a.i. and cloud computing. what google doing is not illegal. it is certainly near treasonous. what has to happen with president trump to criminalize it with an emergency order. stuart: that is quite a step
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that would be a big deal. >> chinese military, senior officers twice talked about unprovoked attack on u.s. navy and global commons, one talked gleefully about killing 10,000 americans. while it woo hurt u.s. research. we have to understand our cooperation in china is directly leading to increasing the capability of the chinese military to harm our people. stuart: that is a strong statement there, gordon. well-said, got it. president trump says we have a long way to go for a trade deal with china. we haven't heard much about these trade talks recently. can you give us a status report. where are we? >> trump is absolutely right about that. xi xinping the chinese ruler, appointed the commerce minister a hard-liner to the trade delegation. he has been making some pretty belligerent comments in public recently. so clearly what xi xinping is saying, i don't want a trade deal. there is a lot of reasons why xi xinping probably thinks that. one of the reasons are internal
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reasons, politically. also i think because the chinese economy right now is so fragile it couldn't handle a trade deal at least in the short term. stuart: okay. can i just go back to peter thiel and google? you said that the president trump should stop this with an executive order? what dud say you should stop it with? >> an executive order. congress should enact legislation. legislation takes a long time. >> what would it say? google, get out of china? >> google and everybody else on tech cooperation which has military cooperation which is most of their cooperation. that is no longer permitted. stuart: that is a major step. that would completely disrupt the trade talks. >> yes. we have to remember china is already harming our military personnel. they tried to bring down a c-130 last year in djibouti, in the horn of africa. they are trying to kill the crew. we have to understand it would be nice to be able to cooperate with china on tech but we have to understand the implications
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of our cooperation, how it is directly affecting our military personnel. by the way the chinese are going after our diplomats with the sonic attacks. brain injuries. this country wants to harm americans. we have to understand the nature of our cooperation and the implications. i know people don't want to do this but we can't turn our eyes anymore. stuart: hard-line gordon chang. thanks for being with us, gordon. we listen to what you got to say. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: now this amazon's prime day event is all wrapped up now. i want to know how successful it was. so susan, give me some numbers. susan: huge, surpassed black friday and cyber monday combined. 175 million items moved. get this, they sold 200,000 televisions, 300,000 headphones, one million toys and 350,000 luxury beauty products. best-selling item in the u.s. according to amazon was a life straw personal water filter.
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did you know that? yeah. the instant pot of course was half off. i bought one as well. all transparency. health kits, 23andme ancestry kits were top selling items. stuart: they do not release the number? susan: 175 million, definitely the 6 billion-dollar range. stuart: that is up there where they wanted to be. susan, thanks very much. a number of states filed a new lawsuit against the trump administration salt policy. ashley: the cap on the salt deductions. stuart: state and local taxes. >> new york, new jersey, connecticut, filing a lawsuit. they done this before, but they're adding to it, basically saying it is unconstitutional. they say, accuse the trump administration waging economic civil war on these, on these states, saying it is favoring republican states over democrat-controlled states. basically it is using the irs as a political weapon and this is
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absolutely unconstitutional. stuart: wonder how far it will go? ashley: it is interesting, very interesting. stuart: look there is awful lot of people love to get rid of salt. ashley: we live in new jersey, connecticut, we've been hit hard by it. stuart: murdered by it. ashley: absolutely murdered. stuart: our producer is saying why don't they lower property taxes. ashley: that's true too. stuart: why don't they lower income taxes in the state. they never do that. they raise taxes on everything. it is just hopeless. ashley: we can't move. interesting to see how far this goes, you're right. stuart: i'm calming down. ashley: relax. stuart: relax, stu. come on, it is mid-summer. i.c.e. agents successfully arrested two members of the ms-13 gang in new york last week. along for the ride was long island assemblyman. he is on the show. he will tell us about his experience. family members of the ethiopian airlines crash victims testifying before a committee on capitol hill today about aviation safety. he says it is all about the max jets. we have an update for you on
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that next. ♪ ♪ all right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. oh, here we go. i know i can't play an instrument, but this... this is my forte. obviously, for auto insurance, we've got the wheel route. obviously. retirement, we're going with a long-term play. makes sense. pet insurance, wait, let me guess... flea flicker. yes! how'd you know? studying my playbook? yeah, actually. (past them because she didn't sknow they were talking to her.g and she would just walk right (deborah) i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. (avo) our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason
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stuart: new york state assemblyman from long island, he road along with i.c.e. agents as they went after ms-13 bank members. how about that? the assemblyman is with me now. mike, you were on two raids, think. >> that's correct. stuart: tell me what did you see, what did they do? >> we had dozen officers geared up, ready to go where we surveyed different individuals. this is targeted enforcement. i want to be clear, this is targeted enforcement people here illegally who committed crimes. stuart: they were ms-13 gang members? did you know it beforehand?
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>> absolutely. those who are affiliated with ms-13, committed murders in native countries, wanted by interpol for murder acts in their native country. that is what we went after. that is what i.c.e. does, targeted individuals. stuart: how many gang members did you get? >> two raids, went after two specifically individuals. the first one we suited up about a dozen officers. we surveiled the target. at that point in time we identified the target. we swooped in there, arrested the person. surrounded him with approximately dozen agents geared with bulletproof vetses ready to go. these are men and women in our community just like you and i. stuart: but this one person, the first guy he was here illegally? >> he was here illegally, he commit ad murder back in his native country of el salvador. stuart: the second raid for another individual. >> this second raid was a sex predator, who fondled two
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children back in 2005 in virginia. he was arrested, then sentenced, then deported. he came back thereafter, reentered illegally. then commit ad dwi in our communities that who we went after. this is not in wealthy neighborhood. this is in affluent neighborhoods as well. these people are next door. stuart: in the new york area we hear this is awful, it is sanctuary city, you can't go after these people, but how much coverage was in the local media for the raids that you went on, and people you took in? get any coverage? >> i haven't seen anything? you know why? doesn't fit with the narrative. that is the problem, why i did this was to see the truth. to see actually what is happening with boots on the ground. you have a lot of radical democrats pandering votes instead of focusing on facts that is occurring what i.c.e. is doing for our communities. stuart: did you meet any opposition on these raids? anybody trying to protect the people you're going after? >> actually in these circumstances because i.c.e. is
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present, because they realize they have the area surrounded we didn't have any sort of rebuttals, nevertheless these men and women day in, day out, put their lives on the line protect our communities, they are prepared for that for anything. stuart: mike, thanks for joining us. that was dramatic stuff. appreciate it. >> thank you, stuart. appreciate being on. stuart: thank you. dramatic testimony to bring to you from the house transportation subcommittee looking into the max jet crashes. kristina partsinevelos has more from our newsroom. what's going on there? what do you see? >> boeing is the center of the focus as well as members of families, victims in these crashes. one person, paul, 35 years old, an investment professional, he spoke about losing his entire family, his mother, his wife, three children. listen what he had to say about the pain he is enduring at this moment. >> i think about the last six minutes a lot. my wife and mom-in-law knew they
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were going to die. they had to somehow comfort the children during those final moments knowing they were all their last. i wish i was there with them. >> he went on to say that a 6-year-old. his nine orlando always sings. his mother-in-law was 40 year retired teacher. his wife was a full-time accountant. he is left alone. he called on going to change their practices. he believes there should have been more responsibility on behalf of boeing. he also believes there should be more responsibility on behalf of the faa the federal aviation association. this is in the last 15 minutes or so before i came to set, he said boeing invested, repurchased stocks, instead of focusing on the safety of their planes actually. so what we do know is there is some preliminary testing showing both the plane crash in ethiopia, which happened
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march 10th, 2019, and plane crash in indonesia which happened in october 2018 show signs there was an issue with the automated system inside that pointed the plane, the nose of the plane downwards. pilots tried to override it unsuccessfully. 346 people have died on both plane crashes. that testimony you just heard, along with other victims, they are filing a lawsuit accusing boeing of negligence. we'll bring you more. it is still ongoing as of this moment. stuart: kristina partsinevelos. thank you very much indeed. new polls show joe biden's lead among democrat candidates narrowing. the latest sure say shows kamala harris seized the top spot. that is in california, her home state. martha maccallum will take us through all of this. she is on the show next. prevagen is the number one
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pharmacist recommended memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. can't see what it is what is that? that's a blazer? that's a chevy blazer? aww, this is dope. this thing is beautiful. i love the lights. oh man, it's got a mean face on it. it looks like a piece of candy. look at the interior. this is nice. this is my sexy mom car. i would feel like a cool dad. it's just really chic. i love this thing. it's gorgeous. i would pull up in this in a heartbeat. i want one of these. that is sharp. the all-new chevy blazer. speaks for itself. i don't know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star.
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senators elizabeth warren, that lead is fading. the new poll shows biden leads by just five points. it was a lot bigger lead than that previously. in another poll, this from quinnepiac, in california, kamala harris leads, followed by biden, then bernie sanders, and elizabeth warren. okay. kamala harris leads in california. that is her home state. susan: better, right? stuart: i get the impression joe biden is fading. >> if kamala harris shouldn't do well in california should hang it up. obviously she has been very successful there. new hampshire is very interesting, right? it will be the first state out of the gate and you see biden losing steam. he is only five points ahead in new hampshire as you said, according to one of the latest polls. then you have got harris, 17.5%, in that, warren at 16%. you've got sanders at 9.9% in
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new hampshire. stuart: that's crazy. >> bernie sanders is losing some steam here. i think you're seeing residual fact of the democratic debate. it was not a impressive moment with a couple of exceptions. a strong nice moment of kamala harris when she went up against joe biden. you had several strong moments the next night when elizabeth warren is there. elizabeth warren is a candidate new hampshire will be very interested in going forward. she is from a neighboring state, massachusetts. biden continues to trip up. he continues to look backwards towards obamacare. he waffled his position whether or not he is in favor of "medicare for all." he said i will not raise my hand at anymore of these debates. cnn obliged, we won't ask you any questions. also, we have to remember that the old rule, which is that nobody pays attention until after labor day. you have to, what happens after labor day i think those polls will be the ones that we'll start saying we're starting to see movement here.
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stuart: of course president trump has described joe biden, i mean "sleepy" joe, those insults, he said he is feeble. what do you say to that? is there a perception that older man? >> he is. but i really don't think, i'm not just saying this with you, stuart, age is just a number. [laughter]. ashley: oh, boy. >> age is a number, right? look at people in the '80s who are super sharp. joe biden shows his age a bit. he has been through a lot. i think president trump is an expert at sizing up people's weaknesses, labeling them with a name, it sticks to them. look what he did to jeb bush. look what he did to marco rubio. he is basically pushed everyone off the stage giving them a nickname that perhaps some people at home in the audience were thinking to themselves, then he nails it. it sticks to them. it doesn't go away. it's a powerful -- stuart: he is good at it. >> the way he being characterized.
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stuart: this feud between speaker pelosi and they call themselves "the squad." >> yeah. stuart: i don't think that is over. i think it continues. >> i don't think it is over. i think americans are disgusted with it to be perfectly honest, on both sides of the fence. they don't necessarily like what the president said, what the four women are saying. most americans lie somewhere in the middle. it is interesting when representative cleaver gave up the gavel and walked out and it never happened in chad pergram's memory. stuart: he has been our producer for decades. >> he said if this is our government come to, we are in serious trouble as nation. my frustration reflects that of my constituents and the american people as a whole. i thought it was embarrassing what happened between nancy pelosi and all these members squabbling over these terms on all sides. i think people are disgusted with that. stuart: you can't get anything done. if the house is run by the democrats, the democrats are
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totally split, literally at each other's throats, i see what you possibly get done? >> throwing a bone to the four women yesterday, saying we want to condemn the president's racist tweets. i think you will see them sort of do the dance but it was very interesting in the interview that cbs did, when they went, alexandria ocasio-cortez was asked have you talked to speaker? our people are talking. stuart: [laughter]. >> i mean, come on. congress used to all fit into the building in the capitol. they had tiny little offices. now they have enormous staffs, takes up buildings up and down the streets of washington. our staffs are talking. i will have my staff talk to your staff. stuart: you're fired up. no more references to my age. is that quite clear, mccallum. >> thank you, sir. good to see you. stuart: one, wait for it. one in five millenials expects to be financially reliant on their parents into their 30s. you heard that right,
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30-year-olds expect to be financially dependent on mom and dad. my take on that coming up. ashley: can't wait. stuart: nearly 1 1/2 million people have joined a group on facebook that plans to storm the air force base known as area 51. they want to know if there are any aliens there. we are going to cover this story. it will be interesting. ashley: oh, yeah. stuart: why disneyland abandoned, the california theme park is a ghost town? what is up with that? we will tell you after this. ♪ hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost.
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unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? at comcast, we didn't build the nation's largest gig-speed network just to make businesses run faster. we built it to help them go beyond. because beyond risk... welcome to the neighborhood, guys. there is reward. ♪ ♪ beyond work and life... who else could he be? there is the moment. beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. ♪ ♪ every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond.
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millennials expects to be financially reliant on their parents into their 30s. repeat, a fifth of people aged 22-37 -- that's millennials -- expect to rely on mom and dad for money. now, hold on, i'm not going to go on a rant about the younger generation. this is not a get off my lawn moment. oh, no, it's not. but i will say it wasn't like this in my day. we baby boomers and generation x-ers -- anyone born up until 1980 -- wanted financial independence rather than financial reliance. back in the day, you saved and sacrificed to get ahead, or at least that's the way we like to talk about the past. older folks put on rose-colored glasses to look in the rearview mirror. however, i didn't think i'd see the day when so many youngsters lived at home for so long and went to their parents for money for so long. $1.6 trillion of student debt, we didn't have to deal with
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that, and if you've tried to get a mortgage these days, you'll know how difficult it can be, especially for youngsters. i understand today's financial problems. but i also understand how millennial attitudes towards parental help have shaped their politics. no wonder bernie pulls in the youth vote with free this and free that. if when you're give -- when you're giving, there will always be takers, especially when you have parents ready to give. that sense of youthful entitlement is not attractive. but really, who's to blame here? surely parents have to take a lot of the responsibility. after all, it's our money that's being shelled out. we don't have to give. so here's something else that the survey found. most parents said it is embarrassing for their children to stay on the parental payroll the age of 27. now get off my lawn. [laughter] the third hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪
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stuart: all right. after that little rant i want to bring in trend macro's cio. i think he was listening. hey, free this, free that, that is the name of the game these days. i don't think the country can handle all this free stuff with a trillion dollar deficit. what do you say? >> well, there's no such thing as free stuff. anything that's free to joe has to be produced by jim. and these are given by jim to joe or stolen from jim by joe. [laughter] i think you put your finger right on it. i just want to check and make sure, am i on your lawn? no, okay. [laughter] yeah, you put your finger on it. one of the problems with young adults today is we live in a knowledge economy where you have to stay in school longer. you don't have the resources to put yourself through school. you're not just born with those resources yourself. you have to either borrow them,
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get them from your parents or something, so it is a good thing that so many people are getting more of an education right now. that's going to set us up to thrive in the knowledge economy of the 21st century. the problem is, you put your finger on it, it creates a sense of entitlement. now, what is so galling to me about it is, you know, i'm a father, i have a daughter who's 29 years old, she's in law school right now, she's one of these people. but she isn't like the rest of them. she's not resentful, she's not ungrateful, she doesn't think i'm a racist or imperialist or a representative of the patriarchal hierarchy. she loves the fact she has this opportunity to learn and become the most that she can be. so there's a dark side and a light side to this. stuart: that's very good, donald. i did not realize, understand there is another side to this. if you have children who are not entitled, but who are gratified by what they get, i think that's another story entirely. nicely done, donald. now let's talk about the market. you still bullish?
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>> i am very bullish, and i'll tell you one of the reasons why, and it ties into your theme here for this segment. when you get to 11th year of a business cycle, one of the things that keeps growth from accelerating further is that everybody that could possibly want a job has a job. one of the nice things about so many young people being out of the work force -- there is a nice thing about it, which is they can come into the work force. and if you look across the entire working age population from 20 to a -- to 54, there are about 2 the.5-3 million people -- 2.5-3 million people who aren't even looking for a job. how they do that, i don't know. that's another story. but as the economy keeps growing and maturing, it's not like we're running out of workers. we've got 2.5-3 million more people that we could seduce out of their parents' base withment or whatever it is they're doing and into the productive work force. so, yes, i'm bullish. this business cycle expansion
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has years to run. we're not running out of the most precious thing in the economy, which is people. stuart: good stuff. donald luskin, thank you very much sir. i promise we'll see you soon. thanks, donald. >> great. stuart: disney heiress, abigail disney, said she is livid after going undercover to see what the working conditions are at disneyland. disney saw the report and sent us a response. ashley: they did, indeed. let me tell you what they said, this is the response: disney is at the forefront of providing work force education which is widely recognized as the best to create economic opportunity for employees and empower upward mobility. disney also provides flexible schedules and subsidized childcare. in other words, we do try to look after our workers. $15 an hour as well as other benefits, that's their response to abigail disney who said she
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went undercover to expose these conditions. stuart: take that, abigail. ashley: yes, indeed. stuart: that's the one in california, of course. looks a bit like a ghost town, doesn't it? little time for -- little to no wait time for rides. it does look kind of deserted. can you explain this, deirdre? deirdre: well, they did have reservations that you had to make for galaxy's edge, disney spent a billion dollars to develop this 14-acre property, biggest expansion ever. and so the reservations that you would have had to have made have now just expeered -- expired, but if you have year-round passes, june, july and august, you're blocked occupant. so if your one of these families, you cannot use it in the summer. that's part of why -- it almost seems like their reservation system has worked too well. disney, for its part, you know, says with increased technology we've actually been working to make visits here less
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aggravating, so we want people to come here and have, you know, fewer the lines, shorter queues, that sort of thing. and they say part of it is our technology and part of it is the strategy that they had in advance of this big "star wars" opening. stuart: i don't know where people get the moneying for these things -- money for these things. to take a family of four to disney, you're looking at thousands. deirdre: that's if you stay in disney hotels. stuart: it's wonderful stuff, they do a great job, but it ain't cheap. ashley: you pay for it. stuart: back to your money. check that market -- ashley: i figured it out. the big train company, traveling company, says that they cut their profit forecasts, revenue outlook, also they missed, had less quarterly profit than they expected. that brought down all the other train stocks, also hurt the transportation index as a whole. and industrial stocks as well. and they say it was
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trade-related. that kind of sent out some warning bells, so that's where the weakness came from. stuart: on the ball there. very good, ashley. congratulations. we're watching bitcoin too especially after facebook's libra hearing yesterday on the hill. it was really panned. so bitcoin actually shed about $1,000 just since yesterday. it's back up $100 now but 9.6 is the price on bitcoin currently. coming up, i'm going to talk to a bitcoin bull, says it's on its way back to $20,000 a coin. i want to say what he's saying now. and nearly 1.5 million people have joined a group on facebook that plans to storm area 51. georgia congressman, i want to know what would happen if people really did storm the air force base. mr. loudermilk is leading the air force. bernie sanders wanted to give a major speech about his medicare for all plan later
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today. he says it'll cost $30-40 trillion over ten years. is that a better alternative to biden's obamacare 2.0? we'll tell you all about it. ♪ ♪ ♪ all right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. oh, here we go. i know i can't play an instrument, but this... this is my forte. obviously, for auto insurance, we've got the wheel route. obviously. retirement, we're going with a long-term play. makes sense. pet insurance, wait, let me guess... flea flicker. yes! how'd you know? studying my playbook? yeah, actually.
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(past them because she didn't sknow they were talking to her.g and she would just walk right (deborah) i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. (avo) our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 70 years. (deborah) when i finally could hear for the first time, i started crying. i could hear everything. (avo) call 1-800-miracle to start your 30 day risk-free trial and schedule your free hearing evaluation today.
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stuart: we've got science stuff from eln musking, the tesla guy. he wants to hook your brain up to a computer. that's a very big deal. if you could establish an interface between your computer and your brain -- deirdre: it is a big deal, and it's already happened with a monkey. they have been doing experiments, and a monoto key was able -- monkey was able to control a computer with his brain. the idea was to try to alleviate chronic medical conditions for people. he's taking it a step further with this idea of working
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computers. he says he wants to see a chip implanted into a human brain as early as next year to kind of link up the human brain with these artificial intelligence protocols. stuart: so it's a chip in your brain. deirdre: that's exactly that. we talked about it yesterday in sweden, so it's like that just in your brain instead of your hand and not to pay for things but, rather, to communicate with computers. stuart: that is fascinating. deirdre: and the fact that a monkey's already done it, i feel like i have chills here. stuart: who makes the chip? who controls it? ashley: huawei. [laughter] stuart: speaking mandarin in no time. deirdre: i was just going to say -- [laughter] stuart: i'm going to talk health care for a moment. joe biden, we heard it, joe biden's plan, obamacare 2.0, costs $can 750 billion over ten years. now we're going to get bernie's plan this afternoon. the cost there is $30-40 trillion over ten years. matt schlapp, american conservative union chair, usually a frequent guest on the
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show, but he's been a stranger for a long time. i don't know why but welcome back. good to see you again. i cannot believe that the united states of america will accept a $30-40 trillion plan. i just can't see it, can you? >> yeah, i agree with you, stuart. especially if you consider the fact that for most americans, the obamacare experience has been a real failure. the only thing obamacare really did in the end is drive up costs and drive millions of americans onto the medicaid rolls, which is the worst with way to get your health care and to get your health insurance. and for people like me and millions of others who were in the individual insurance market, the problem was never solved. the only thing that happened was those premiums went up and up and up, and all these democrats are running on is is more centralized planning for your health care choices out of d.c. stoort i think it's a terrible political strategy, the way it's fully explained you can't have this and you can't have that, but you've gotta pay this.
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i just don't see it as a winner. i'm just going to put a poll up on the screen. this is from new hampshire, and this shows biden only five points ahead of bernie and warren. they're together on that one. only five points ahead. so point number one, why is biden slipping? if point number two, how come bernie didn't do better in his own backyard? and elizabeth warren too? what's happened? >> yeah, no, it's a great question. and the real thing about joe biden that's interesting is he gets really strong support from the african-american community, but over time you have to wonder if he can hold that support, or does that support switch to kamala harris and cory booker and other of the younger progressives? and for bernie and for -- for bernie sanders and for elizabeth warren, you can really see that they can't really both be in the race. you need one of these avowed
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socialists to really take on biden who was once a front-runner but really isn't a front-runner anymore. the other thing that's interesting in these polls, stuart, is the old white guy effect, people like me. it seems like there are a lot of democratic voters who are willing to consider biden first and bernie second. so as biden continues to come down, one of the main beneficiaries of that could be bernie sanders. stuart: it could be. what do you make of president trump with pelosi, speaker pelosi going after the squad and the squad going after nancy pelosi? that's a nasty fight that continues. seems to me that president trump emerges as the winner, certainly to his own base. >> yeah, completely right. the democrats believe everything is about racism and racism is everything. and the american people actually have done a fantastic job of healing a lot of our racial wounds. we passed three constitutional amendments, we got through the civil war a century ago s and we're in a place where we want to get beyond these questions. the democrats want to pull us
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back. and as far as president trump is concerned, he is worried that the squad doesn't seem to be proud of america. they're not proud -- taking a knee on the pledge, we had this whole controversy about nike pulling the betsy ross flag down. i think american voters have had enough of this idea of running down america. it's the greatest country on the globe. stuart: did you see jesse watters on "the five," he issues a challenge to aoc, just say one thing the nice about america. i don't think she's responded yet. >> quit comparing our cops and our border control to nazis and the purveyors of concentration camps, quit making the jewish people feel unsafe, that they're not going to have a homeland in israel and be respected. stop all of this hateful rhetoric, and maybe -- just maybe -- we can find a way to help america solve the problems of the american people. stuart: that was a fine performance, matt schlapp.
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please do not be a stranger on this program ever again. >> never, never. stuart: see you soon. thanks, matt. check amazon, they are seeing an uptick in internet surges to cancel their prime subscription. shoppers who signed up over the weekend got the free deals, and then they canceled their subscription. some people did that. okay? don't think that's had much of an effect, although amazon's stock has dropped below $2,000 a share. we are watching netflix, reporting their earnings after the belled today. all eyes are on subscriber growth, that's the make or break number for netflix going up to that report. they're down $3. keep it on fox business, "after the bell" will give those numbers for ibm, bay, etc., etc., 4:00 this afternoon on this network. it's, didn't know this, it's world emoji day today. ashley: oh, great. stuart: apple has unveiled 20 of the 59 new emojis which come out
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later this year. new designs include a walking cane, a wheelchair and a hearing aid. other emojis say same-sex and interracial couples and a yawn emoji. [laughter] okay. it's gotta be news. how would you like free beer for life? busch offering customers the ultimate prize, but you'll have to work for it. ashley: forget it. stuart: we tease it going into the commercial break and give you the answer after the break, and that's exactly a -- exactly what we're going to do. ♪ ♪ we're the slowskys.
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we like drip coffee, layovers- -and waiting on hold. what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not.
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stuart: to honor the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 mission, the washington monument in d.c. turned into a life-sized saturn 5 rocket. not actually, of course, it is a projection. tonight and tomorrow night it starts at 9:30 p.m., that's friday and saturday night. that looks real. i'd love to see that. i think they projected taking off over the weekend. deirdre: that looks cool. stuart: busch beer, part of
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anheuser-busch, of course, has launched a pop-up bar in the middle of a u.s. national forest. they're doling out free beer. what's the catch? deirdre: the catch you actually have to find the pop-up shop. so on july 16th you're going to begin to get clues. it's a huge scavenger hunt, basically, and the prize is you can win a lifetime supply of beer. and on july 19th, that's your cutoff date. you have from the 16th-19th to participate, but from a marketing standpoint, this is all about the company wanting to project itself as the beer of the great outdoors. stuart: wait, does anybody who finds this beer -- deirdre: from what i understand, if you find it, you get the lifetime supply -- ashley: is it the first person? deirdre: from what i understand, if you find it, you get it. stuart: and it doesn't matter how many people find it? deirdre: it doesn't have a limit. other prizes will be awarded to visitors, so i guess if you're a little behind --
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ashley: i'd send up a drone to look for it. stuart: that's a good idea. smart guy. probably cheating. these national forests are pretty big. ashley: they are. they're pretty thick. stuart: have you ever seen the adirondacks? it's the size of europe. [laughter] okay. here's something i'm going to repeat. one in five millennials expects to be financially reliant on their parents into their 30s. yes, you heard that right. what do you think charles payne thinks about that? we're going to find out in a moment. ♪ ♪
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stuart: we've got a 6046 point loss fore dow industrials right now. -- 60-point loss. csx, transportation company, weighing rather heavily on the dow jones average, and it's now down 60 points, as we said. i said i was done beating up on millennials, but i've got charles payne with me -- [laughter] i want to know what he thinks about what i was saying earlier. okay. let me fill you in. you know what i'm saying here. one-fifth of all millennials say that they're going to be reliant
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on their parents for money into their 30s. i said i'm not real keen on that -- >> right. stuart: but i do understand it. where are you coming from. >> i was watching, and i heard what you said. i don't buy this whole woe is me thing with those folks who have a college degree. they are going to do extraordinarily well unless they have a degree in poetry or something like that. [laughter] i do feel bad though for people who are going to college for two years and dropped out. they don't have the degree, but they have the debt. just last friday when the jobs report came out, the most astonishing figure of the whole thing, some college, 400,000 out of the labor force that month. 500,000 less employed that month. it was all made up by people who had less than high school, high school or college degrees. that is the fault line. stuart: i don't see what you mean. more people without college -- >> some college. they went a year or two and dropped out. stuart: yeah. >> they're the ones who are getting crushed in this economy. but if you get a degree, for the most part, and there's a ton of surveys including one that came
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out from the fed last week that suggest you're going to make at least a million dollars more than the high school graduate. maybe getting off the ground is a little tougher, maybe if you live in new york city it's going to be tougher, maybe if you insist on watching the big concert -- my son is at the lower end of the millennials, very lower end. i mean, you know, listen, him and his buddies flew to miami earlier this year for a three-day rap concert -- stuart: did you pay for that? >> i paid for that. but he is working a summer job right now in california. he's working with venture capitalists out there, he's -- stuart: you're squirming a little. >> i am, because i have been an enabler to a degree. stuart: yes, you have. >> but he is grateful, and i'm hoping that he comes out -- [laughter] i'm hoping that he rocks and rolls. i tell him, listen, my man, notting hill -- stuart: london. >> he goes to college in london.
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stuart: that's expensive. did you send him over there? >> yeah. stuart: you paid for the rap concert in miami? >> yeah. i'm one of those dads. i'm an enabler. but he is studying international business, he has friends in a lot of countries, he's going to spend christmas in angola with one of the richest families in angola, so he's making connections, and i think it's going to pay off. we'll see. stuart: okay. i'm going to let this one go. [laughter] >> again, i'm not going to feel sorry for my son. stuart: i did think you were going to say, get off my lawn! [laughter] you have peter navarro this afternoon, 2:00 -- >> 2:00. stuart: he's the president's chief trade guy, one of them, i should say, director of the white house trade policy. but you've unearthed something interesting about u.s., china and the postal service. >> it's called the universal postal union. anybody ever heard of it? stuart: no. >> goes back to 1874. stuart: yes? >> 1874!
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stuart: and? >> essentially, americans are subsidizing mail that comes from china. how much does it cost, you want to know. between 2013-2014, it cost $300,000. $170 million, we subsidize mail coming from china. the administration's going to do something about it, peter's going to tell us about it on the show. how mind-boggling is that? because they were a poorer country in 1874. we don't need to subsidize their mail anymore! stuart: did you dig that up yourself? >> this is what peter navarro's working on. stuart: when you said hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies for chinese mail coming to america, that's astonishing. >> and this is the u.s. postal service that has to pick this up. our struggling u.s. postal -- ashley: which is doing so well -- >> right, losing so much money. these are the small things that would never be talked about in the mainstream media, but it plays a big role, obviously, and it's trying to renegotiate our
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relationship with china. we want free trade, but we also want fair trade -- stuart: yeah, we certainly do. that ain't fair! >> it ain't fair at all. [laughter] stuart: that's 2:00 -- >> right at the top of the show. stuart: making money with you and peter navarro. great stuff, charles, thank you, sir. you know, let's go to bitcoin. took quite a dive overnight. there's been pressure if on the libra, and so bitcoin came down. you're looking at $9,700 per coin as well speak. come on in crypto-watcher nam. you've been on the show before, you said it would go past $10,000. you're right, it did. then you said it would go to 20,000 and maybe 50 or $100,000 after that. give me your prediction now. >> thanks for having me. what away said the last time was if the consolidation continues and there's a break to upside
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then, yes, there is strong chances that the price moves to 15,000 or 20,000. but what we have is a lot of headwind as we discussed previously when i was with you. at the time we had a tailwind coming from libra, facebook's clip to currency project. but now libra is basically a project which has a combination of tail and headwinds. now we have donald trump, president of the united states, talking about libra, and of course, the currency. we have seen enormous amount of selling pressure coming into it, and that has pushed the towards the 50-day moving average for the bitcoin price on a daily time frame. and i think if we break below that, chances are prices could move to 7,000 mark. stuart: okay, so you would not recommend me buying a couple of bitcoins -- >> no. no, quite the contrary.
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i think if you were ready to buy it at 13,000, you should definitely be looking to buy it because it is selling at nearly 40% discount. stuart: but you're in a very dangerous job, aren't you? [laughter] an extraordinarily volatile bitcoin price range. and it must be very, very difficult to try to predict what's going on down the ruled. >> it is -- stuart: hold on a second. whilst we've got you, look, we've got facebook on capitol hill again today. they're being looked at for this cryptocurrency, the libra. what do you say to that? is the libra going to actually happen? what do you think? >> sure. let me address the first part. yes, i am in a difficult job in terms of predicting, but bitcoin isn't in a difficult place because, remember, it started at the basement, some guy's basement, and now it is on the floor of the federal reserve, and it's in the european central bank. today the g7 meeting is all about cryptocurrencies which takes me to my second point of
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libra. the whole conversation is about, okay, how these g7 finance ministers or regulators are going to address this issue. libra or the facebook has already made it very clear that they wanted to work with the monetary policy rather than what bitcoin has done, because bitcoin is unstoppabling. no one can stop it. and now, federal serve, european central bank and other major central banks know we don't want to have a platform which has over two billion plus users which, by the way, pretty much equivalent to having its own country, the population of a country. and to access, to give that access to that platform where they can use the currency to serve the population. so i think that is where the concern is. now, if you listen to conversations in the capitol hill, they are talking about that, okay, the current system is working well. can you tell me how that current system is working well? because if i wanted to transfer payment, i am paying a large number of fees to these banks
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for no specific reasons, just because a lot of middlemen are there. stuart: yeah. no, very fair point. that's all good stuff. naeem, i've got to run, but thanks for joining us. you make a lot of sense. for a guy in your position, you make a lot of sense. [laughter] thank you, sir. we'll see you again soon. good stuff. >> thank you. stuart: nice pop for gold after fed chair powell says the economic outlook hasn't improved since the last fed meeting in june, and maybe that's spurring hopes for a rate cut. remember that lower rates can make gold look more attractive. gold doesn't have a yield like a treasury bond. it's up, $1424 is your price right now. congressman loudermilk is fired up about the squad calling the president racist. he wants to defend the president. you're going to hear from him in just a moment. and, by the way, congressman
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loudermilk served in the air force. we'll ask him how will the air force respond if people actually do storm area 51? ♪ ♪ your daily dashboard from fidelity. a visual snapshot of your investments. key portfolio events. all in one place. because when it's decision time... you need decision tech. only from fidelity.
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stuart: president trump took flak for ws considered a racist tweet which targeted the squad over the weekend. yesterday the house voted to condemn the tweet as, yes, racist. congressman barry loudermilk joins us now, georgia republican. let's get right at it, congressman, is the president a racist? >> i don't believe so. stuart, i have never heard him say or do anything that you could imply him to being a racist. look at what he does, look at who he appoints to positions in his own administration. it's solely on the capability to do a job. he doesn't care about your race or gender or any of those
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factors. you can do a good job, you're going to have a position. you don't do a good job, you get fired. i don't see anything that you could attribute racism to this president. stuart: when i think of racists, i mean, that's a really ugly, nasty human being. it's somebody who wouldn't give this person a job, wouldn't allow this person to marry into the family, wouldn't live next door to him, say nasty things, call names. that, to me, is a racist, and that's a deplorable thing. i think we need to redefine what is a racist. >> well, the thing is they have redefined the term racist. there has been racism in this nation, no doubt about it. when i was in the state legislature, i presented a resolution to condemn the act of slavery that happened in the state of georgia. i could never get that thing through. georgia's the only southern state, former confederacy, that is -- that has never condemned slavery. there are racists in this
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nation. you can see it among the democrats today, if there is anything on the far left that you disagree with their ideas or you don't agree with their policies, all they do is turn around and call you a racist. look, nancy pelosi was identified as a racist just a couple of weeks ago. the problem is what does it mean these days? stuart: it's a way to shut you up. as soon as you say a racist, oh, that's the end of it, i mean -- and you can't defend yourself. you can't say, no, i'm not because of x, y, z. oh, no, the label sticks and the conversation is over. what a rotten situation. >> it is. and there's nothing you can say or do to discredit that. i mean, they're just going to continue to call you that. in fact, the resolution, all the time we wasted yesterday on a resolution to call the president a name, you can't even read the title of the resolution on the house floor. in fact, when you read the text of it, there was nothing in his name-calling in his tweet other than calling some people progressives that was even close to being racist.
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and so they actually had to put different language in there. they couldn't put what he put in the tweet because it didn't give credibility to their claim. stuart: let's move on. you, sir, are an air force guy, and you know there's a lot of buzz about this storming of area 51 in nevada. i'm not going to ask you if there's any aliens in area 51 -- [laughter] but i am going to ask you what would the air force do if people did, indeed, storm the base? >> look, i would highly advise that not even be attempted. there's a lot of people looking for intelligence life in outer space. i'm looking for intelligent life in the halls of congress, to be honest with you with. [laughter] look, this is a weapons testing area. that's why it's out in the remote area of a desert. there's unexploded ordinance in these -- ordnance in these areas. the air force is going to do everything they can to keep people out of that area for their own safety as well as for national security interests. look, when i was serving in the air force, we had a lot of
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restricted areas. there's a big sign that says deadly force authorized. that means that if you cross over that line, the air force security police or anyone else, if they -- they are authorized e deadly force. now, i don't think they will do that, but i think the air force will keep every precautionary measure to keep them from even getting close. stuart: i really don't think they'll shoot anybody. >> what they will do is do everything to stop those people from hurting themselves. stuart: so, by the way, as an air force guy, are there any alien remains in area 51? [laughter] you know the truth, you're air force. >> stuart, i can neither confirm, nor deny that there is aliens. i've never seen one. i have a feeling there's several in detention centers right now, i.c.e. detention centers, but it's a different type of aliens. let me tell you, if there are aliens at area 51, again, some of our colleagues would want to be going over there to give them the right to vote. so -- stuart: did we really land on
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the moon, or was it elvis? [laughter] >> i fully believe we landed on the moon. [laughter] look, and also, stuart, the earth is round, okay? it is a atmosphere. stuart: -- a sphere. stuart: yes, it is. congressman, thank you very much for being with us. [laughter] >> thanks, stuart, always a pleasure. stuart: all right. look at mcdonald's stock, $213 a share. they're cashing in on the delivery craze that partnered with door dash and, here's an important point, they're ending their deal with uber eats. ashley: yep. stuart: the deal with door dash starts in houston at the end of this month. the market likes it, that's pretty close to an all-time high. 214, i think, is the high. chipotle, a bounce of e. coli food poisoning didn't take them high. they're at record highs thanks to new menu items and a loyalty program. chipotle's at 760. i want an update on beyond meat
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and but apron, announced yesterday they'll be partnering up. beyond meat is down $3, but blue apron is doing well by associating with fake meat. happening later today, president trump goes to greenville, north carolina, for a big rally. of we have some numbers that show north carolina is no longer a deep red state. the president has some work to do there. he'll be doing it tonight. ♪ ♪ hey! i'm bill slowsky jr.,
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i live on my own now! i've got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. unlike my parents. you rambling about xfinity again? you're so cute when you get excited... anyways... i've got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. i can schedule a time for them to call me back, it's great! you have our number programmed in? ya i don't even know your phone anymore... excuse me?! what? i don't know your phone number. aw well. he doesn't know our phone number! you have our fax number, obviously... today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'll pass.
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stuart: it happens tonight, president trump goes to greenville, north carolina, for a rally. he's going to bring some fire after a tough week lee had. earlier -- he's had. he tweeted: big rally tonight, greenville, north carolina, lots of things to tell you about including the fact our economy is the best it's ever been, bit employment and stock market numbers ever. i'll talk also about people who love and hate our country -- mostly love. 7 p.m. the president, though, he's got work to do. in 2016 he beat hillary by about three points, but since the election of 2016 his approval
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rating has dropped 21 points in that state. greg murphy is with us, north carolina republican state representative. sir, he's got some work to do. what -- he's got a lot of ground to make up, hasn't he? >> well, i think he has a challenge in front of him, but with, you know, i live in east north carolina in trump country, and we're fully supportive of our president. we've had a great influx of individuals into the state of north carolina serving in the state legislature. we've put lower tax regimens, and we've been really pro-business, so it's pulled a lot of people into north carolina, and some of those folks come from democratic states. so there is an influx of a left-leaning influence. but with the president, what he's doing with our economy and what he's doing for our nation as a whole, i really see him winning north carolina. stuart: now, the african-american population in north carolina goes 89% to 8% for mr. trump. that was, that was the election in 2016. hillary got 89%, trump got 8%.
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and as i understand it, african-americans and hispanics combined make up one-quarter of north carolina's population. i think that's what we've got here. so you've got a problem with the minority community. how do you get around that? how do you get over that? >> well, i don't really look at it as that way, and i don't think the president does also. i think the president looks at the think economy and look -- at the economy and looks at people being employed, having money in their pockets. real wages are higher than they've been in many, many decades. really what matters to individuals, and it's not a race thing, it's not a cultural thing, it's do i have a job, am i able to provide for my family -- stuart: greg, hold on a second. look, yesterday the president was condemned in congress by a large vote, and they branded him a racist. that is going to count with the minority community of north carolina. >> well, i think that's something that's being pulled and a narrative that's being
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pushed by the left. i don't believe president trump is a racist. i think he cares deeply about the people, but i think he's -- and rightly so -- infuriated by certain members of congress that want to do nothing but put out a false narrative and tear down our country. and he's done nothing but try to build up our country. stuart: will you be with him tonight? >> i will. i'm speaking this evening. stuart: okay. i don't know whether you know this or not, but can you tell me, are the crowds lining up already? >> the crowds were lining up yesterday. they slept there overnight. you know, the heat in north carolina here is pretty hot today, heat index is going to be about 106. but these are -- this is trump country, and people are literally knocking down the doors to come out and see him. stuart: if you can fill a place with a a heat index of 106, you're doing pretty well. [laughter] greg murphy, north carolina guy. thanks for joining us, appreciate it. >> thank you so much. have a great day. stuart: more "varney" coming for you after this. ♪ ♪
11:56 am
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stuart: the smoking age in new york state has been raised to the age of, 21. tell me more. ashley: goes into effect in 120 days. by the way, not just tobacco. we're talking about e-cigarettes and vaporizers as well. stuart: you're kidding? ashley: no, i'm not. stuart: 18, you can vote but you can't vape? ashley: that's correct. stuart: that is accurate in new york state? ashley: vote, but not vape. >> 95% of all smokers they say began before they're 21. they are trying to delay it that kids don't start, become addicted. stuart: you can vote at the age of 18 but can't drink at the age of 18. ashley: that's correct. stuart: you can vote at 18 and can't vape. >> you can be drafted at 18. stuart: you can certainly serve your country and get shot.
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>> but you can't have a drink. ashley: 16 states raised age to 21. this is baining momentum. this is a groundswell, 21. stuart: >> san francisco outright banned e-cigarette sales within the city limits. >> remember a month ago it was "fleet week" in new york city? ashley. yes, yes. stuart: a loyal of sailors are walking around. they are well under age of 21. ashley: they can't drink. stuart: you walk into a bar in new york city, dressed like a marine, you can have a lemonade but can't have a beer. ashley: can fight for your country, be shot at but can't drink. stuart: i can't believe in new york city, a bartender somewhere says here you are, son, on me. i would encourage them to do that. ashley: yes. stuart: if you are out there, getting shot at. ashley: putting your life on the line. >> have a drink and cigarette.
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>> if you want a drink and a cigarette, i give it to you for heaven's sakes. get out of here. ashley: you're my kind of bartender. stuart: has the world turned upside down? isn't that right, neil cavuto, the world is upside down. neil: it would be if the guy treating. stuart: very good. neil: i don't know. thank you very, very much, stuart. we're following up on that. stocks retreating from their highs on some trade tensions. interesting development on the real estate front. evidence that the chinese are fleeing the american house market, causing activity to plunge there by 36%, largely because the chinese are really not into it anymore. we're following that. we're following temperatures shooting up. that is sparking fears that power could go down not only in the big apple, but maybe across the country. big concerns about our nation's grid. we're into that. also amazon is europe's latest big
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