tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business July 22, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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>> twitter, facebook, @kennedy nation, tomorrow corey well you well -- good night. . lou: good evening breaking news tonight, president trump announcing a compromise among the white house, the senate and congressional leaders on a budget that eliminates possibility of a government shut down this fall, a two year deal, we take it up in the show. and radical dimms and left wing national media refuse to accept the special counsel's vindication of president trump after 3 years of investigation by the fbi, and mueller. nadler, schiff and the rest of the radical dimms now pretending that mueller's upcoming testimony this week will be
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rational and important. in fact it is neither, nothing more than partisan warfare between waged by the party of hate. meanwhile trump administration speeding up deportations of illegal immigrants, beginning tomorrow. white house will bypass immigration judges and begin the deportation of illegal immigrants who have know entered the united states within the past two years, targeting those who don't have an asylum case or immigration court date pending. >> our first guest said that national security crisis at our southern bored ser the worst crise -- border is the worse crisis that we've seen in our history, joining me now, acting customs border pro tection commissioner mark morgan. thank you for joining us. claims in its reports there has not been a foot of wall created on our southern border.
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>> lou,let me tell the american people the facts. right now, there has been a miles and miles of new wall being built, right now 52 miles, strategic locations. in el centro, el paso, san diego and on. 52 new miles have replaced old, delapidated ineffective wall. you ask men and women of border patrol, each mile of new wall, right now under construction another 50 miles of replacement border. plus 13 linear new miles,ing in winaddition, another approximaty 100 miles of new linear wall, approved and funded, we're getting ready to construct in rio grande value, this will be completed in 18 months with almost 205 new miles, 205 miles
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of border wall built, we're counting on funding from dod, that will produce another 200 to 250 miles that report is ridiculous. lou: as you say, and certainly i accept. the situation on the border and the wall, but at the same time, i have to say we're talking about a 2000 mile border, as you know. that is highly insufficient if we're to put up a wall across that border. it will take decades at that rate. >> well, i will tell you that right now border patrol, cvp as a whole have been working for a long time to ensure that new wall being built has been built and will continue to be built. is done first in strategic locations, in areas they need it most, with personnel and technology.
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i agree, we need congress to continue to fund the additional wall, we down nee -- don't needa wall on all 2000 miles but we do need it in the strategic allocations. lou: back to february 15, when the president declared an emergency on our southern border, turns that chuck schumer wants to meet with president to talk about border security. i don't know what to expect. but i know that it would be irrational of any of us to expect schumer and pelosi to join with the president in securing that border without a mince, a mince trade off -- immense trade offs, trade offs.
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in terms of u.s. immigration law. >> i'm not holding by breath that congress will be able to do what they should do, we've said this for a long time. we need congress to act. absolutely, right now the white house is doing a tremendous amount of positive things within the current legal framework, but make no mistake, we'll not get to where we need to be on this crisis until congress acts and fix of floor settlement agreement. and fix the asylum loopholes, until congress acts and passes meaningful legislation. this crisis will not end. lou: i get it, i have gotten it for some time, i think you know. >> yes, sir. lou: i also get is that democratic party, is unreliable.
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it is a part of hate, it is an anti-trump organization, it a subversive organization when it comes to this presidency, trying its very best to over throw the president, to subvert his policies and expect any kind of rational support of the national interest and this president's policies. i just, i am highly skeptical that anything become of it, certainly anything positive. to that end, the dna test during the obama administration, a 2010 dna program at department of homeland security was derailed. because it was so complicated it was so difficult, there were all sorts of systemic problems, we know better. the president of the united states at that time barack obama, did not want that dna program in place, because of what it would mean in the fight against illegal immigration. am i right?
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>> so, i can't speak to the previous administration, and their jus justification. but i think that represents something important. this crisis, has been going on for a very language time, the issue -- long time, issue with immigration been going on way before this administration. it is a crisis, our laws are broke. time again we come up with avenues and innovative ideas that would work toward address this we run into obstacles from congress, again, and again, and again, they are not doing their job and fails the american people. >> all right how did dna testing right now? in order to deal with the issue of children and sex trafficking. why isn't it already in place? tell us where we're headed. >> it actually is, that is a great point. right now american people need to understand, because of our broken laws, you grab a kid,
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that your passport into this country, right now people are renting and buying kids, cartels are facility eighth -- facilitating this so they can be a fake family that comes to united states, i.c.e., and homeland security investigation deployed resources to southwest border, they piloted a rapid dna program where they are doing that, that have identified hundreds of fake families, those cases are being prosecuted by the different of justice. lou: i -- by the department was justice. lou: i know you don't need a reminder, it has been 5 months since president of united states declaired a national emergency because of the crise at the border. there has been no let up in the number of illegal immigrants crossing that border. and what this government and your department in particular,
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must contend with, that is the sex trafficking, drug trafficking and thousands -- tens of thousands of lives, that will be lost this year, because that crisis, and that national emergency are still very much with us, if anything getting worse. a fair statement? >> it is absolutely a fair statement. that is why this white house is trying to do everything, congress fails to do, what they should do, white house, president work with government of mexico they got the government of mexico to step up in a way they nef never have be, we sent back 22 thousand individuals to mexico while they await their asylum. if it was not done they would be in our holding facilities and/or release ed into the u.s. >> mark morgan, acting head of customs and border protection, good to have you with us, we
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appreciate it. >> thank you, lou. lou: a peaceful rally of more than 100,000 people in hong kong, descending into chaos over the weekend. hodghong kong police launched tr gas at demonstrators, many rallying again proposed extradition bill that calls for electoral reforms, some of the pro at thprotestors were attacky suspected gang members at a train station, 45 people jr.ed in that attack -- injured in that attack and 6 arrested. the de demonstration continue ia seventh week. lou: coming up president trump blasts iran. >> i think very personally i read a report today about cia,
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that is a fal false story this s another lie. lou: lies and more lies from tehran. also tonight, we'll have more on trump administration's push to curb illegal immigration, former acting rise -- i.c.e. director ♪ limu emu & doug mmm, exactly! liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ lick fast like a cookie dough ninja. apply that same speed to the ford hurry up and save sales event.
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lou: president trump today hosted pakistani prime minister at the white house, where president and prime minister answered questions for 40 minutes on a number of issues, including rising tensions with iran. >> edward lawrence in washington tonight with more. reporter: good evening president calling iranians liars this as country lashing out according to administration, and white house saying, that policies on iran are working. they are signs of it, iran now saying it has arrested 17 u.s. spies, they said they were gathering information on iran's nuclear operation and military, arrest over 12 months ending last march of this year, president trump and digi-- and
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the administration pushing back. >> regime has a long history of lying, they have lied in last few days about where they took down the tanker, this is part of the nature of the ayatollah to lie to the world. reporter: secretary of state pompeo said this this president shown restraint in responding to iran acting out, this is video that aired on iranian state tv, showing them take one of two oil tankers with ties tou united kingdom friday. last month, iran attacked other oil tankers with mines and shot down a u.s. drone, the president said he is now losing patience. >> getting harder for me to want to make a deal with iran, they behave very badly, they say bad things. and i'll tell you, it could go either way. there are easily.
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i'm okay either way it goes. reporter: and she is okay either way -- he is okay either way, president said he is fine sitting back, watching the sanctions crush the iranian economy, waiting for them to come to the table. lou: thank you, as president implies, this is not just a u.s. issue, in fact it falls heavily on the united kingdom and had a ship in position, a warship in position, that could have intervened in the take over of that uk flag vessel but chose not to. it will be interesting to see how europe, the united kingdom, react to what is a threat against international shipping in the strait of hormuz. >> they are trying to iranians are trying to provoke it seems world, you know that british ship did radio forward, warnings the iranians, not plans to
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board, is when they said, iranians did it anyway, and raising the iranian flag on that ship. against the united kingdom saying no united kingdom citizens were on the boats, this is part of iran, acting out, and hoping that world takes notice, you know the u.s., showing in their policies a tough stance is working. lou: and the uk looking feabile with that broadcast message. telling the iranians, largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, what the rules of the road were. and navigational law it was a preposterous exchange of communication on the part of the u.k. ed lawrence, thank you so much appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: last year the u.s. army fell short in its recruiting goal for first time in a decade. now there is a new debate, in
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the pentagon, on whether to lower the age of enlist a enlisr army and navy from current 17 years of age to 16, army research study hyper fit women of the military who survived most arduous, physical and mental courses such as army rangers mark reaso mark -- mariy school. and green beret training, joining us tonight, fox "business national" security foreign policy analyst, dr. walid phares. what is transpiring on part of the uk, that chose to do nothing to protect a flagged uk vessel in the strait of hormuz from the iriranian revolutionary guard. >> basically the united kingdom is in transition between one government that was part of the
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iran deal, did not quit the iran deal, concern that companies that are doing business with iran deal will put pressure on london at the end of the day. and a new government, we hope will be closer to the united states the trump administration. and will act stronger in between iranians are taking advantage. they are putting pressure on the british, and they are frankly trying to intimidate them, i think that the transition will be over and british at the end of the day will have to side with the united states, especially that little hope now that coming from iran in terms of normalizing the relationships. >> you know as president has pointed ut, they are not u.s. ships, they are -- these two vessels are uk-flagged vessels, and uk chose to not intervene, this is frankly, the -- call it a transitional government is still a government, and they have the national interest to protect. and they have chosen, it do --
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to do nothing, that is -- this is a watershed moment, i think in the uk and european history, in the middle east. >> the problem lou, is that should to be uk or even france and germany, as long as there they are connected to iran deal, and under pressure, to conduct business with tehran, while the united states is putting pressure on iran to make those concessions and normallize the relationship, at one -- one point the europeans will have too make a decision, iran is trying to do right now, they are lose every friend they have, other than the backers, russia and china. and others. lou: in china, the united states imposing new sanctions on a chinese company for transporting iranian fuel, oil, this is getting more complicated every level. whether it betrayed talks or
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iran, and the threat to region. and to international shipping interests. >> you know, lou, putting sanctions on a chinese company that is doing business with the iran is the real mice ou measurf success in our negotiation with the chinese, bigger interest of china is worldwide. are they going to destroy the opportunity to get a deal with america, while defending and protecting will ayatollah, that's a great policy by united states to test china on iran. lou: and secretary of state pompeo making it clear, it is up to the united kingdom to take care of its ships. the united states is as edlauren pointed out, president has been patience in and fore bearing with the iranians but his patience, the president made clear today, has a limit, it seems as if iran is trying to
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take this president all the way past that limit. what is the iranian strategy? and how should we see things strain power in the region -- transpire in the region glirk >> iran regime has been advised this badge wil administration wo full pledge against them if they cross the line. they are thinking the trump administration will not do anything. they of mistaken. we're building up the whole infrastructure, that will put a lot of pressure on the iranians, something else did tehran, they are fiscal katein kateing -- miscalculates on their own people, million rose against the regime in 2009. and obama administration let it go, this time in washington you have the trump administration
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they the not let go. lou: dr. walid phares thank you. >> thank you. lou: up next, department of justice, puts a severe dent in the radical dimms' hopes for quote, unquote blockbuster testimony from robert mueller. you thought that was over? no. geralded ijere nadler, adam schd radical dimms want to play more, we take that up and much more after these quick messages, stay with us. beep goes off ]
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said country has not yet moved on from mueller's report. >> no, country has not moved othe president and attorney general have lied to american people about what was in the report. lou: gerald nadler is wrong, he is lying, latest "wall street journal," nbc poll finds 21% of registered voters in country say there enough evidence for congress to begin impeachment hearings, that is a six point decline from june, judicial watch releasing a report details sabotage of country third country asylum deal with guatemala, that investing pervasive political corruption in guatemala, and embedded leftist in u.s. state department. u.s. ambassador to guatemala, according to judicial catch, luis a arellagarc has been call
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box to washington. >> joining us, is president of judicial watch, tom fenton, good to see you, this is a remarkable development they matter of subversion went state department, whether it is parse sop or whenever it may be, it is, an action against the interest of was united states give us your thoughts here. >> the united states and guatemala were about to ink a deal that would have allowed migrants to be put in guatemala while they waited asylum claims, similar agreement we have with kenta maeda, -- with canada. the left in guatemala, took
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action to make sure that guatemalaians would not be able to sign it as a result this key new tool, to restrict the crisis for end of crisis was taken off the table, we believe the left in concert with the leftist -- you know the leftist activists within the state department, works with their allies in guatemala. you know it, is a major issue in guatemala because, on top of the current political discome boblation. the left is poised to takeover the government of guatemala next fall, which is just going to make it worse. lou: and there are -- it a friendly government to the united states. but at same time, leftists and ngo's, nonprofits, many are
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working against u.s. policy with guatemala. works again ou -- working againt our immigration policies we're trying to move forward and border security policies this starting to look like a broader if you will, cooperative arrangement amongst central american countries. the leftist in this country. members of our state department, including perhaps the u.s. ambassador to guatemala, himself. >> the prior ambassador is no longer there, he was an obama appointee, he is gone. the new ambassador, our understanding based on our reporting was not much better idea logically, not a question whether you support president trump or not but a question whether or not you do your job to promote policies that administration put in place by voters of the morn people, whether it be state department, dhs, fbi, doj, there are a lot
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of officials who think they know better than voter that contrary to rule of law, and undermine what we're trying to do to protect our country in southern border crises. >> i have to say, tom, i am one of those people who is i think that we've been very constrained in abscribes hurt feelings, disappointment as a principle motivate or for these folks who are acting against national interests, i think now it is time for us to start considering very strongly the possibility this is sa is -- this is an ideological divide, and that collusion that so many said were concerned about between president trump and russia is is something we should examine on part of the left in this country
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and liftnist other country -- leftists in corp countries inclg iron triangle. there seems to be too much of cooperative effort. >> yeah, there something called international left, you see it with the iran deal and on immigration issues, they don't limit their discussions to only the united states, they work with allies and governments and nonprofits abroad to attack policies they disagree with. it is ide ideological, these government agents are full of individuals who see their goal as to advance their agenda, as opposed to do the jobs they are being paid to do on behalf the american people, this is a real breach of the public trust, i am glad to see doj trying to rein
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in one of those folks robert mueller. lou: as we wrap up here, robert mueller, what are you expecting? will he stay within the public boundaries as he is required to do? to what degree will the justice department be able to constrain him. >> i think, he should stay went public boundaries, whether or not he does is almost irrelevant, the goal is to have a circus and show up, and say something is something that democrats' done, but given constrainlconstraint of his tes. -- of special counsel office, thathat -- caught up in his web. lou: tom fitton, and robert mueller will live with the can tra dictiocontradiction to his s that the final report of the special counsel will be his testimony. it is that is going to be
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cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now. ♪ i want it that way... i can't believe it. that karl brought his karaoke machine? ♪ ain't nothing but a heartache... ♪ no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. ♪ i never wanna hear you say... ♪ no, kevin... no, kevin! believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. lou: the trump administration now has more power with which to expedite deportation of illegal immigrants who condition prove they have -- can't prove they have lived in united states for at least two years, expedited removal goes to effect tomorrow, allowing department of homeland
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security, immigration and customs enforcement officials to detain and deport any, any illegal immigrant in the country without a hearing from an immigration judge. since 2014, officials could only avoid that hearing for illegal uimmigrants caught within a hundred miles of the border, it is now nationwide. our next gifte guest blasted ral dimms in congress for pushing falfall narrative. >> if i get arrested for a dui and i have a young child in a car. i will not be separated. -- >> mr. -- with all due respect, legal asylum are not charged with request any crime. >> when you enter the country
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illegal, it is violation of the code. >> seeking asylum in legal. >> you want to seek asylum, you go through port of entry, do you it legal way, attorney general of the united states made it clear. >> tom homan, straightening out the freshman socialist congresswoman. and he is joining us here. tom homan great to with you with us. a lot going on. and again, i want to compliment you for your extra ordinary testimony before the that committee, and the way that you dell with the facts -- dealt with the facts and tutored all of those congressmen and women present. they are in desperate need of an education. let's start with first this latest development, that watch dog has now joined with whistle-blowers and taking to
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task the refusal to -- it you iu will, use dna testing that was derailed under the obama administration. your thoughts. >> dna testing is a absolute must, i.c.e. expand in 7 locations. it -- it a proven fact there is numerous investigations of adults brings children into the their country to be released not detained,s children are their -- not theirs, they are rent. a case where a toddler of rented several times to different adult males this is children traffics. it has to happen. children at risk, everyone complaining about danger to children, even democrats, they want to talk about the dangers, we agree on something, let's do dna across the board. protect the children.
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lou: secretary of state pompeo today, complimenting the government of mexico for what they are doing at their southern border with guatemala, the national guards and troops they have moved to their northern border with united states yet at same tame time, they deny safe third country policy that the president has asked for. your reaction. >> i think it is premature to congratulate mexico, they are doing more than they have done, i salute president trump that threat of tariffs of genius, he took a lot of people to school on that, but we're not at a point of saying we're successful yet, they have made strides, but it has to be sustained. i have to see the dismantle am of criminal cartels that cause this to happen.
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as -- that is a must. we need t to across the board assistant from mexico to secure the border, it against the law in mexico to traffic women and children too and smuggle ale al. lou: as you know better than most, mexico is in the grip of 7 major drug cartels. spanning out 20 cartels that control much of mexico. there is almost no discussion of that reality, this president is putting forward policies that could change all that. to the benefit of over a hundred million mexican citizens and 300 million american citizens. i have to say, i have been waiting for a long time now for
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interior ep enforcement, i have been lead to believe we would see it, we have not, why not? >> i did it three 1/2 years ago it worked, i think they are doe doing it but not large scale, it needs to be done large scale. we have to show consequence, they had their day in court, due process, we spent billions of dovdollars a year on border security and immigration court, if these people are removed by a judge, they have so leave, we have to mik make them leave. don't hire more judges, we have to execute the order, this is a matter of law and integrity in the system. i don't know, lou, i did it. we did it across the country, hopefully i.c.e. is doing it quietly, but i think it needs to be bigger, boulder and out there -- boulder and out there.
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lou: tom homan good to see you, thank you for your time. i won't ask but your future. i am sure that when it is a close matter, you will let us know. and i will just keep the faith. thank you very much, tom homan. >> well, good to see you back, lou, welcome back. lou: thank you, sir. up next. sleep i joemployee joe biden --, again. we'll have that and more after this quick break. stay with us. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better.
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lou: joe biden, with a major flip flop on his plan to expand obamacare. reversing himself last monday biden echoed president obama's lie that you would be able to keep your doctor under obamacare, if you liked your health care plan abide know -- biden now telling washington examiner, i can promise them if private insurance they have is kept die thei by their company l keep -- are you kidding me? already, already, he can't
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manage to keep his word. it is biden would not -- had no problem making that promise a while ago, but not now. not for his public healthcare option, who knows. we'll find out, joining us, new york post co. michael goodwin and amy tar cainy. great to you have both here. your first thoughts on biden, already reversing himself. seem like weekly on in this campaign. >> well, you know, i think you do have to give him some credit, he is being a little bit more honest than president obama was, right? lou: there is that. >> and -- >> amy said give biden credit.
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>> at least for that but you know, if you would like to be president one day, honesty is key. and he realizes that, the american public is not so stupid after all, we caught on, after a while it was truly ally that president obama -- a lie that president obama fed to us. lou: michael? >> ha i that is the small printt end of his contract. it is amazing that he made the mistake in first place is extra extranary. lou: to repeat. >> yes to repeat the lie of the year, did he sleep during that, he has to correct it now, but idea that i think he keeps making these mistakes, is what will show up, i think that this will not be last time he has to correct something so big. lou: i will turn to the quartet.
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how the president has turned this so clearly to his advantage. and calls them out as racists. and i mean hammering them, relentlessly, it really a reversal of i guess conventional wisdom, for the president to leave them alone. he has really made a significant improvement in his toleratings -- tolerat polls, ratings. >> many people question, what is he up to, why is he talking so much and why tweeting this and that but in reality, he is usually 10 steps ahead of everyone and masterfuly at it. you know, you said it earlier could we were talking in the greenspagreenroom, it is his ine has incredible intuition, and wise on his part to paint the 4
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squad members as the face of the democratic party. lou: i have to make sure record is straight, i said, that so many will credit him with this intuition, and his instincts i believe is an operation is a higher intelligence than anyone else in that town. >> did you say, that yes. >> i think that is wha. michael, you think he did the perfect thing in taking on this quartet of racists as he calls them. >> yes, look, i think in his go back tweet was a tweet too far as i callt it. i was delighted to see. lou: did you call it that. i'm not sure -- i am not going to endorse that language. i am not going to retweet you on that. >> well, but i am happy to say, that so far the president has not repeated that. and whethe when he said he disad
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and disavowed with audience chant, i think that was a turning point, he then focuses on them in ways that everyone can understand -- >> do you agree, he now owns that issue and the quartet. >> absolutely, that is the one small mistake, i think overall, he really has as amy said, handled it brilliantly, making them the face of the democratic party. lou: it is his intelligence. >> yes. lou: you got it. thank you both, we all agree, all of the time on the show, amazing. michael goodwin, and amy thank you. >> stay with us, we're coming right back with not much more but, some more. please stay with us. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast...
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22,000 people would have been in our holding facilities or released into the united states. that's one way this administration has addressed this crisis. [♪] trish: president trump putting iran on notice that if it increases its aggression toward the u.s. and our allies. president trump: they are behaving badly and are saying bad things. it could go either way very easily. trish: all of that as president trump slams the squad and their far left policies saying they are bad for america. this video comes from august 2015. it's surfacing of an
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