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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  July 26, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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lou: good evening everybody. most of us in this country feel very good tonight after yesterday's radical dem debacle on capitol hill. but the party of hate is in desperate straits. radical dems seem caught between rationalizing robert mueller's disastrous performance yesterday and recognizing that obvious reality that large numbers of democratic leaders are proven liars and have accomplished exactly nothing while president trump has accomplished more than any modern president in 2 and a half years. some of those radical dems seem
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hell bound now to compound the party of hate 's mistakes and further commit to has become their political suicide mission leading up to the 2020 presidential election. and just when we thought the radical dem activist judges were beginning to take fairness and impartiality and justice, somewhat more seriously. an obama appointed federal judge has blocked the trump administration asylum restrictions as the american people increasingly are rejecting the open border policies of the radical left. the radical dems staying stupid. continuing their unprecedented harassment of the president. just listen to these 2020 radical dem hopefuls spewing what is mistakenly, ignorance. >> now, president donald trump did everything he could to
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obstruct justice. >> the house of representatives should begin impeachment proceedings against the president. >> we know for a fact that the president did everything he could to obstruct the mueller investigation. lou: behind closed doors house speaker, nancy pelosi, allegedly telling the party of hate to stand down on impeachment. meanwhile publicly not completely ruling out impeachment. >> if we have a case for impeachment, that is the place we will have to go. the fact i would like to to be a strong case is because i don't -- it is based on the facts. the facts and the law. that is what matters, not politics, not partisanship, just patriotism. it comes to a point where the cone of silence and obstruction of justice and the cover-up in the white house prevents us from getting that information,
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that will not prevent us from going forward if that is even more grounds to go forward. lou: she actually said that. it is the facts and the law. the law that the radical dems have been breaking for 2 and a half years, trying to unseat the president. and the facts of which they have had very little interest. join us tonight, congressman matt gaetz, member of house judiciary and armed services committees. congressman, good to have you with us. your reaction, you watched the hearing unfold before you. i know you had to do the busy work they are, as a member of the committee. but were you not absolutely shocked to watch the former special counsel in his performance? >> that was not the robert mueller i was expecting. and we take ourselves back to the beginning of the week. adam schiff said that robert mueller would be reading life into the mueller report.
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reality was, he ended up sucking all the life out of the impeachment movement. i think we are the death rattle for impeachment at the conclusion of his testimony before our committees. even before robert mueller testified, more americans thought his investigations was unfair then they were americans that thought the investigation was fair. that is even from a abcnews poll. after i think even more americans than subjected to the bias, the really bizarre choices that robert mueller made to only seem to go after the trump campaign and diminish the real collision i think occurred between russians and those opposing president trump's election. lou: is almost uncomfortable to think about relitigating the special counsel. >> but they want to. lou: a witchhunt from the very beginning. it is clear that, i knew that as i said here on this broadcast last night, that mueller had not written,
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authored the report but i thought at least he had read it. that is obviously not the case. >> there are multiple circumstances where robert mueller lacked a basic understanding of the facts that you've been talking on your show and even many of us on the judiciary committee have become familiar with. he did not know who fusion gps was. there was a company hired to create this opposition research on the president at the end up launching the investigation. this is where the work of attorney general william barr is so important. now we know the president was falsely accused. no his reaction to that vault oxidation will not rise to criminal culpability. we do not know with certainty are the individuals in the obama white house, the obama administration really ginned up the lies in the first place. that's why i think the work of the attorney general should isolate the brennan and klapper and comey and mccabe's cart of
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the deep state apparatus that launched the disc correct investigation. here's the thing, one more point. they are not done. what's crazy about this as i think there still radical democrats who want yet another do over. they were not satisfied with the written report, there were not satisfied with mueller, now they want to bring in the whole team and ask them questions. they didn't just want to turn the book into a movie, now they want to recast with new cast members. lou: they are far from having a movie and far from having a plot other than the radical dems, democrats, who have become the party of hate. and they have carried our efforts over the course of three years to stop the candidacy of donald trump and then, try to overthrow his presidency. i'm very leery, congressman, of the expression, do over. i'm leery of the expression, hoax. this was an outright effort to stop donald trump in his
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tracks. and to subvert the will of the american people. and this is, these are not people -- and i had to give you compliments. and republicans on the judiciary committee. it is the first hearing, and you will not like the way fraser complement. it is the first hearing i watched in which republicans were prepared to take on the issues and the man in front of them as they attacked the president. i have got to tell you, it was good to see. >> is the most preparation that our team has done for any hearing. i credit our ranking member doug collins for bringing the team together, forcing us to really be precise in our questions to make sure that we were well researched. what we could not have prepared for was how poorly robert mueller performed in response to our questions. his lack of understanding, his poor memory and -- lou: this is the same guy though,
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congressman, and i understand her empathy. but this is the after all, the same man who yes he was calling before those two committees, intelligence committee and yours, judiciary. calling the president names! he was still an agent of hate. and working against the interest of both the nation and this president. >> yet, robert mueller took this job knowing that this was a rotten deal. so i do not have great sympathy for him. but i think it demonstrated a dynamic where there really are no facts. there was never any evidence of collusion between the trump campaign and russia. what is so crazy to the average american watching this unfold, instead of evaluating how this investigation began you have democrats who want to tweeze through the president's response to being falsely accused of something that was impairing his ability to lead the free world. that is really what should bother all americans and
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cleaning up the corruption at the deep state is really central to our focus going forward. lou: the deep state in this instance, amounts to whatever residue there is of the radical dems and the radical left and the democratic party. within the justice department and the fbi who are politically corrupt to the bone. and you have to be removed from where ever they are within the justice department and the fbi because that job as you are pointing out, is a long way from done.>> certainly. lou: congressman, you have the last word. >> i'm deeply disappointed in the budget deal republicans and democrats joined in passing right now. it will suck $1 trillion the next year out of the american economy to fund the government. and republicans will pay for this. we cannot continue to the party of massive spending and i'm
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deeply disappointed we did not fight harder for spending cuts. i hope we do better when we come back in the fall. lou: i would like to remind you you did not do better when paul ryan was speaker. and passed a $1.3 trillion omnibus bill. i hate to be -- >> no, you're right. lou: i just hate to have to remind everyone of the failures of both parties. >> yeah and frankly, we need a new generation of leaders in the congress who actually stand up for hard-working american taxpayers in american families who have to make choices at the kitchen table at the end of every month regarding financial budget. and here in washington, we continue to pass the buck to the next generation. history will judge her harshly for this. lou: history will and polling has. the approval numbers for the united states congress are well -- disastrous.congressman, great to see you. we will end on a happy note. thank you so much. up next, republican congressman slamming a big bank or bending to the demands of social justice warriors.
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putting the american people at risk, ignoring law, regulations, traditions and yes, good common sense. and why are some of the trump administration diminishing googles work with the pla, the communist party and the military of communist china? there seems to be some confusion. we will try to straighten that out next. we will take that up among other things with ed rollins. hmm. exactly. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ lou: congressman duffy using a
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house financial services committee hearing to grill suntrust bank ceo, william rogers, the congressman called rogers out yesterday for denying business before private detention centers who want to bank with them due to the whims of demonstrators and protesters. >> are positive, we are not taking a social position. >> you're taking a social position when you say you will not bank a detention facility. >> are presented, we consider a variety of different factors in reaching those conclusions related to the status of that
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business. the credit worthiness, survivability of those . >> contract with the u.s. government, you do not seem to be a good risk. come on! >> are presented -- >> remaking social policy judgment. you're saying i'm not going to fund a detention facility that might hold kids before we can find an adult to take the child. that is opposed to our social policy. or, i don't know who has come impute are they terrorist? drug dealers? gang members? we do not want america to hold them. we want them release in our community. that is the position of your bank. if you abide by the local bank you. there is also the banking procedures. the risk analysis and if you follow the law, you can do business with us and i think it is the right model. you should bank, mr. rogers, everyone that follows the law. lou: sean duffy, way to go, congressman. suntrust, not so good. suntrust, bank of america, j.p.
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morgan chase, wells fargo. put them on the list. they cut ties to private detention facilities refusing to bank them. that's right. social justice banking. absolutely outrageous. good for congressman duffy and hopefully, the president and republican party will stand up and force those highly regulated businesses by the way, to follow the law and make sense. jeffrey epstein has been placed on suicide watch after he was found unconscious in his new york federal jail cell. epstein was found tuesday morning in the fetal position reportedly, marks on his neck. some say he attempted suicide others think he may have been trying to get a transfer out of the jail whether or not there were others in the cell, when he was alone or he had a belt or had those marks could've gotten there, there are a lot of questions pretty spokesperson they confirmed he's being held at the
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correctional center. jonas that the former reagan war has political director, republican strategist, fox business political analyst and great american, ed rollins. let's start with epstein.what in the world of the federal authorities doing? here's the potentially most explosive witness against some of the most powerful names in the country. suddenly, they do not know what he had a belt in the cell, whether he was in there with other characters, why would he not already be unprotected watch? >> i can't understand that. obviously, he has not been found guilty of anything. i do think he is guilty of numerous crimes. lou: he is a sexual predator, child molester, all of that! >> i say all of that. lou: what crime are you talking about? >> please understand, i'm not arguing for the benefit but he is there because they did not
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give him fail. you would think they would have him on watch because of friendships and what have you that someone would have made sure that he is a potential valuable asset in addition to being a scumbag. in the sense of who knew he was playing games with. lou: it is stunning. were you shocked that they did not have him unprotected watch? >> i was very shocked. very shocked. and you know -- lou: let's turn to first of all, the budget.we heard congressman matt gaetz said he was upset with the republican party. the republican party i mean, both parties are bragging about bipartisanship. $320 billion, here goes the deficit, here goes the national debt, higher. we do not even know what is in the thing. >> we won't know. they will be adding to it here and there what have you. at the end of the day there 218 democrats voted for it or more.
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they should let the democrats carry it because it is their bill. i think at the end of the day it is sort of all the promises republicans have made over the years are now irrelevant.the tea party premises were no more. polkas always want to do what democrats do 80 percent or 90 percent of the cost in this particular case -- lou: you are a loyal republican partisan. both parties are so screwed up. the budget is not even -- it is really really tragic. >> are more frustrated with my own sailed, failed miserably. lou: absolutely. listen to rachel maddow. something we don't often do in this broadcast but if you want to see how desperate the left-wing media is right now, trying to explain how they have lied and lied and lied to their audiences and the republican party has only barely started to catch up in correcting the record. here is rachel maddow last night sharing her pain. >> i mean i know that the trump
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white house and conservative media are trying to like chin up tonight makes him if you had a great day today. every thing was fine, nobody died. they did not have a great day today. lou: says rachel maddow. [laughter] she is the one who needs a chin up for crying out loud pete what you think? >> they were the ones crying all day yesterday and today they're basically saying you have to have protests in the capital, we have to do like puerto rico did, we had to get the president out of office. lou: moore words, they cannot raise a million people to demonstrate -- >> of the with their advocating all day today. bottom line is, my premise for the beginning is -- lou: look at the ratings. >> they will pay a heavy price for it they will probably lose house of representatives. that is why nancy pelosi -- lou: they stole it so the republicans ought to get it back fair and square. even if they have to steal it. [laughter] >> i don't care as long as we
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get it back. my sense, we have to to protect the president. they've taken shots of the president for 2 and a half years. lou: let me turn to the it ministration. steve mnuchin coming out of the journal and an op-ed talking that everything is just fine. with google and china. even google is working with china, the military, to apply artificial intelligence, something refuses to do with the united states and steve mnuchin saying the president and i checked out google and china and we say it is fine. this is nuts. >> should turn on his ipad and look at something on google. truth is chinese always is not a free enterprise system like we have. lou: is a communist system for crying out loud. >> quickly think of it as wall street. lou: they think of it as money. what is his administration? the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff saying this is exactly wrong. google, china. refusal to work with u.s. military and then you have thi
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, this treasury secretary out of his lane talking about national security. >> every single thing that goes on in china is related to the military. military will hold it all in place. every cilla business deals run by the military. they take whatever it is they want and gordon chang has a great piece on it. lou: he will be with us tomorrow night. >> steve mnuchin doesn't understand what he is doing. lou: ed rollins, as always great to have you here. >> thank you. lou: europe in the midst of a record-breaking heat wave. cities like paris today, there are no cities like paris but you know what i mean. hitting a record 108 degrees fahrenheit. the heat also affecting infrastructure across europe. we are talking about everything from roads to nuclear reactors to reactors at a power plant in france that had to shut down because the cooling water they
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are reusing was too hot. and trains running slower in the uk. heat damaging the rails, they had to slow down to avoid derailment. up next, the dramatic arrest of u.s. marines of one of the countries largest military bases. also, google's ties to china. they do not seem to worry. mnuchin, anyone else concerned? anybody else want to really examine carefully whether treasury secretary, going to trade talks in shanghai next week with the chinese is so thrilled that google has no problem turning all of its potential and ip into a project with the pla. we will
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lou: 16 of our marines today
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arrested at camp pendleton in southern california. those marines busted as they stood in formation. they face charges of smuggling drugs, and human trafficking as well. the marine corps says an additional eight marines were taken aside to be questioned further.on their possible involvement and the drug offenses that are under investigations and related to the arrest . today's action came after information was gained from the arrest of two other marines earlier this month. agreed to transport three mexican citizens for $8000 across the border. breaking news now. u.s. officials confirmed tonight i ran test fired a medium-range ballistic missile was in a pit missile traveled over 600 miles from so then i ran to an area near tehran and north korea not to be outdone also launching two new types of short range ballistic missiles yesterday.
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the first traveled 200 miles the second traveled 430 miles. and all of that of course, within range of south korea. joining us now, christian whiton, senior fellow at the senior financial interest former state department senior advisor in the trump and george w. bush it ministration for sebastian gorka host of america first, broadcast and author and former strategist to president trump.good to have you both here. let me start, christian, with your reaction to those missiles from tehran, those missiles from north korea. >> both regimes are acting up. i ran would very much like to go back to holding united states under the threat of nuclear blackmail. the president has long passed that by getting us out of the iran deal. and is also started with the new secretary of defense newly confirmed to say that we will
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be protecting u.s. tankers moving through the persian gulf but not saying we will do that for the world. i think very important -- lou: north korea and iran are partners and they are allies and they are creating problems obviously, china, the principal sponsor north korea is now helping them launch missiles. also, they seem to have a spokesperson in our treasury secretary.who is willing to in part, the knowledge that he and the president as he put it, have checked into googles operations in china and gives them a clean bill of health.
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even as we know from our intelligence services, are deeply concerned and the u.s. military in particular, outraged that google will not work with them on a i. >> yes, i'm not sure steve mnuchin is reading or was reading the same report i was reading when i was in the white house.reports which helped us convince the president that china is not just another player, they are of course, a very very bad actor. and this is not classify lou. anybody can find out what google is doing to facilitate and assist the dictatorial regime in beijing. i do not know if this is some kind of stunt or fate that the secretary wants to have for the next round of negotiations but at the end of the day it is just flat wrong. google is helping the bad guys, they are helping to censor the internet, they have moved the ai research facility to china. this is a company that used to
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say of their model, do no evil but which today, has become the supporter and facilitator of one of the most evil regimes in the world, lou. lou: corporate america, has not really gotten the full message here. apple, looking for tariff waivers from the white house, even as a moving 30 percent of the production of macbooks to china. for crying out loud. and again, the treasury secretary steve mnuchin seems to be a bridge between the chamber of commerce, wall street, the koch brothers and silicon valley. i mean it is outrageous that a treasury secretary would be acting in this manner and by the way, invoking the presidents name in an op-ed which is just clearly, non-sensible. >> and also there's a shoe that
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steve mnuchin he will be in shanghai for the next round of talks. thank god bob lighthizer is going there. he's been hawkish on china trade. but repeatedly steve mnuchin and kudlow have gone and so we were close to a deal with china. they sort of have suspended disbelief with what the chinese are all about. if you step back these people not made any concessions, xi jinping despite having crowned himself emperor in 2017, has real trouble. he probably cannot make a deal thatwill fundamentally change china . probably what needs to happen is that tariff need to go on the other half of trade, imports from china that are not affected yet by tariffs. lou: and changing china unlikely indeed. as they are threatening, threatening military force in hong kong as a demonstration is there, over two months, have risen in intensity and numbers. >> look, have a very simple message for steve mnuchin. the president has not changed
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his mind on china. we as a nation will continue to squeeze that regime. it is feeling the pressure from the sanctions, just as i ran, just as north korea or. these are bad actors, just anyone can google the one belt, one road strategy. that china flouts publicly as their plan to replace america and become the global -- christian is actually right, there is no daylight between the chief advisers like lighthizer and the president and he will keep doing what is best in the interest of all americans and america first. lou: and the president has taken the lead on that. and it deserves immense credit. not only for that but for leading what is now a global, a global movement to focus on balanced international trade. a reversal over the country found itself mired for 30 some
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odd years. thank you both for being here. up next, unaccompanied minors pouring across the border. judicial activism putting a
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♪music ♪yea, you can be the greatest ♪you can be the best ♪you can be the king kong ♪bangin on your chest ♪you can beat the world you can beat the war♪ ♪you can talk to god while bangin on his door♪
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♪you can throw your hands up you can beat the clock♪ ♪you can move a mountain you can break rocks♪ ♪you can be a master don't wait for luck♪ ♪dedicate yourself and you can find yourself♪ ♪standin in the hall of fame ♪yea ♪and the world's gonna know your name, yea♪ ♪and you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame♪ ♪you can be a champion ♪be a champion ♪in the walls of the hall of fame♪ ♪be students, be teachers, be politicians, be preachers♪ ♪yea, yea ♪be believers, be leaders, be astronauts, be champions♪ ♪standin in the hall of fame lou: another obama appointed judge stopping president trump from bringing law and order.
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he issued a national injunction on the presidents restrictions on asylum-seekers. his ruling on the same day that trump appointed judge kelly -- this is the same judge to block president trump's policy and asylum-seekers to only seek entry at the ports of entry on the southern border. a record number of illegal immigrant children at our southern border now. so far this fiscal year. 60,000 unaccompanied children have been handed over to federal care facilities since october. still more than two months left in the fiscal year the number already tops all of 2016. the record year with more than a 59,000 were turned over to dhs. joining me now, congressman andy biggs of arizona.
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cochair of the border security caucus. congressman also serves on the house judiciary committee. member of the house freedom caucus, let's, and it is great to see you. let's start with reports that republicans on judiciary committee knew that robert really was frail and to some degree, restricted in his health. if that is indeed the case. is that the case? >> no, it is actually not the case, lou. what we knew is what we anticipated that he would try to deflect and not answer questions but we did actually a mock trial with a person in there and we did not anticipate what we saw yesterday. that is for sure. that's for sure. i thought we saw someone who was potentially, certainly lethargic, and he -- spoon we all saw it.
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and what we also saw was as i said to congressman matt gaetz earlier, we saw the republican party for the first time that i can remember, over the course of the last several years, actually prepared to go after a witness and to protect the president and to actually work together as a party. you guys have never ever done that before. >> absolutely right. i agree with you, we have not done it before. what we did in preparation for this, everybody spent dozens of hours. you only get five minutes we spent dozens of hours working together, collaborating, divvying up areas , making sure that our research was sound.making sure that we knew where we wanted to go. and i think it paid off. you saw, it did pay off in my opinion. lou: absolutely. and then, a bipartisan effort finally realized between the democrats and the republicans.
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and now we have a bipartisan budget agreement for crying out loud. of all the things to agree upon, a budget busting, debt boosting agreement.big government is bipartisan now. >> your exactly right, lou. i will say, i was happy that, and i'm surprised by this actually. two thirds of republicans voted no on that. i was pleased by that. this is going to add $300 billion to the deficit not just the debt but the deficit. this will move us to $1 trillion and as someone once said there is two groups in washington to see that want to spend a lot of money pit republicans and democrats. we saw that on display today in the boat. it is frustrating, disheartening, especially for people like myself.we took a
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pledge to balance the budget. we have not seen a balanced budget in 20 years.lou: go back because i do want to focus on that. before time expires here. talking about five minutes. your five minutes here too. [laughter] but we are much more lenient than you guys. >> yeah. lou: where did mueller in your opinion ask your question about when he knew that trump was not the object target, focus of collusion? it was sort of a stunning woman we acknowledged that it was not about collusion at least that is what he claimed. >> right. well, in my opinion, he was having a tough time processing what was going on. the reality is, you and i both know, -- lou: do you think he was impaired? >> i don't know i just know that he was not at the top of his game yesterday. that is what i know.
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i know he should have been saying, he should've been saying either i'm not going to get into that war he should've been honest with us and said, we knew in the fall of 2017 that there was no collusion going on with russia. lou: we are clear that was the case though. because of the evidence. >> evidence is pretty clear. you look at the carter page fisa applications. they stopped doing those. they also, and mr. mueller said this previously. at some point they change the focus of investigation. if you do that guess what you're doing? moving from collusion efforts to the obstruction of justice effort which was equally a big a failure. lou: i want to complement another congressman as well. that is congressman sean duffy. he went after suntrust for his refusal to bank a company that provides private detention centers for all border patrol and i.c.e. and our southern border.
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somebody had to say it. other republicans go to stand up now and demonstrate again, that you are united on this issue and that it will not be acceptable for business to act like that. >> i sure hope so. when i found out that suntrust was refusing to bank and do business with -- lou: j.p. morgan, chase, wells fargo, bank of america, the list goes on. >> we have to become unified as the republicans. i hope the administration comes in. if the administration and republicans in congress unify, then the people who are making leftist social decisions for banking, will be held accountable. lou: can you imagine? a time that we thought that we would hear her talking about banks in this country, leftist.
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congressman andy biggs, always good to have you here. thank you so much. keep up the good work. >> thank you, you two. lou: up next, the liberal new york times giving ilhan omar a platform with which to spew bigotry and utter ignorance. we will take up her comments and much you want some? i've got your spoon ready. you want some? ♪
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♪ we haven't talked to dr. martin in a few months, so... it'd be nice to see what he says. see if there's anything that's popped up. (elias crying) ♪ ♪ lou: radical damn congresswoman
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ilhan omar latest attack on america and the president. reaching a new fact, you might imagine it is possible. in a new york times op-ed, she says america is not the country she pictured as a refugee. was not what she hoped for. apparently expecting we do not know for sure but something of a hand out and perhaps some utopia that would suggest she is on the lookout for another country where she would be much happier. and which she would not be so disappointed. omar says the land of opportunity, her grandfather imagined, was in fact full of challenges. omar also wanted to label president trump fastest and racist. just in passing. joining us that we have scherie
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murray, challenger to alexandria ocasio-cortez for the new york 14th congressional district. it is great to have you here. >> is a pleasure to be here, thank you for having me. lou: congratulations on your candid ac. >> thank you. lou: actively right now that folks with aoc are little nervous about what you represent and what the intimate may be a primary struggle for her as well. >> yes, so i'm in a race, heard your comments about ilhan omar. i want to tell your viewers that i migrated here from jamaica. and i absolutely love this great nation. it is the land of opportunity and has provided myself and my family with great opportunity. i'm in this race because there is a crisis in queens and in the bronx. the crisis is aoc. we need to get her back into the district and we need to focus on the issues.
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lou: we knew that she was a socialist. we knew that she had some unusual ideas.i will put it that way. but are you surprised at just how left-wing she has turned out to be? >> it is the rhetoric, it is far, far left. i think it is time to dial it back. what we see now the national level is dangerous and inciting violence. locally, consider police officers. lou: amazing. >> is becoming disgusting and i think we need to shift the dialogue and focus on policy. the reasons why we were elected in the first place. lou: you know, as i listened to her, to omar, to the rest -- what is it, the president calls the four of them, aoc and the three. i wonder about the communities, the district, the people who sent her to washington. >> the constituency is very diverse. very diverse, huge immigrant,
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population. see the rhetoric from aoc pandering for illegal immigration and -- lou: how was it being received as you begin your campaign? >> constituents do not even know she is pretty asked by name, aoc, we don't know who that is. alexandria ocasio-cortez, we don't know who that is. it is time to focus on issues in the district. it is a huge immigration concern for the constituents in that district. lou: it will be a fascinating, the entire nation will be watching your race. >> i know, i want to direct all of your viewers to my website. please go there, scherie you can learn more about me, pitch into the campaign every little bit counts. it is been an overwhelming support across the nation and i want to thank everyone for their support so far. lou: and it is a pleasure to meet you and we wish you the best. >> thank you. lou: please come back soon and
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often. >> thank you look forward to it thank you for having me. lou: scherie murray candidate in the 14th district. new york. the uk new prime minister boris johnson. he is talking big about brexit but he is already bailed on border security.during his first speech in the house economist, johnson city supported amnesty for half a million illegal immigrants in the uk. it is a position johnson has held since he was mayor of london. he looks so -- i don't know. different there. johnson said he will look at the economic advantages, the disadvantages going ahead with his proposal. he is starting to sound very political, isn't he? that's right, he is a politician!up next come the present honors american workers at the white house.
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huh... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ lou: the president at a pledge to american workers event celebrating more job training and opportunities for america pointing out the american economy is the envy of the world. president trump: i hear it all the time. i hear it from prime ministers and kings and queens. they say they want to come back to the united states. other countries aren't exactly thrilled, but we are the hottest economy in the world. lou: tomorrow nightien jack keane and gordon chang as well as the lieutenant governor of the great state of texas.
5:00 am
we hope you will join us. follow me on twitter @loudobbs and facebook and instagram lauren: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories this hour. a tale of two tech giants heading in completely opposite directions, alphabet shares soaring. we ask is amazon's prime time over. new missile tests in direct defdefiance of the trump administration's warnings. lauren: joe biden says no more mr. nice guy ahead of next week's debate. will that strategy work? a mcdonald's mixup, a


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