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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  July 31, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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lou: good evening, everybody. the trump administration today resumed trade talks with china. president trump telling china at the same time, their best chance of a strong trade deal is right now. the radical dimms in california love to hate our president. especially their governor gavin newsom. today he signed into law a bill that would require president trump to release five years of his tax returns or else. we'll take up the depth of the radical dimms hatred of our president here tonight. and president trump says his supporters are growing, his base expanding because he has taken
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on the corrupt and failed leadership of the city of baltimore. the president says his office is being inundated by baltimore citizens thanking him for exposing their city's corruption. >> i think i'm helping myself because i'm pointing out the tremendous corruption that's taking place in baltimore and other democratic. run cities. all you to do is look at the past mayors in baltimore, see what happened. i think i'm helping myself. and i tell you what, the white house and myself in letters, e-mail and phone calls have received more phone calls than i the on any other subject of people from baltimore and other cities corruptly run by democrats thanking me for getting involved. those people are living in hell in baltimore. they're largely african-american, you have a large african-american population and they really appreciate what tham what i'm dd
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they let me know it. lou: how tough is the situation in baltimore? for example, we'll be taking up owe examples here tonight. baltimore has the highest murder rate among all major american cities. senator lindsey graham's judiciary committee hasn't done much since he took over the committee but he's pushing ahead with a gift to the biggest corporate lobbyist in this country. the business round table, the chamber of commerce, koch brothers, big tech. he's pushing ahead and doing his master's bidding all at the expense of american taxpayers and american working men and women. senate bill 386, it's already passed in the house as hr1044. it would remove green card limits on workers from other countries. what that means is that big countries like india and china,
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and there are no big ner terms of population, will be packing the green card lines with as many h1 brrks vis1 works visa wt they like able to take u.s. jobs at significantly lower pay. a real blow to the american dream. take a look at these top ten companies that sponsor h1b visas. of them only five are based on inkopt corporated in the united states. three others incorporated in india. and sources at u.s. citizenship and immigration services say if country caps are scrapped, as is the intent of the senate 386, indian citizens will be taking about 90% of the employment green cards for the next decade or more. they currently take about a fourth of those cards every year. far more than any other country.
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also troubling for the middle class and american working men and women, the center for immigration studies, jessica vaughn tells us, quote, no one, no one is sending the indian hb1 vie visa workers home even after their visa visas exp. congress took care of that with endless extensions. this is a dream for cheap foreign labor and their employers and it is a nightmare for american workers, our middle class and for the nation. senate intel chairman doing his part saying he'll work swiftly to begin the confirmation process for the president's choice, john radcliffe, to be the next director of national intelligence. but burr, one of the most frustrating rinos among many in
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the senate also reportedly has warned the white house that radcliffe might be too partisan. senator burr, how dumb can one possibly be? he apparently missed the radical dimms three-year-long effort to block president trump's candidacy, to overthrow his presidency and radcliffe was one of the few republicans who stood up against the corrupt and miserably stupid radical dimms who opposed the president at every turn still. for instance, senate minority leader chum schumer had the gal to spew this nonis sens nonsenst is quote that representative radcliffe was select the because he's exiebted blind loyalty to president trump. if there is a demagogue in the senate, it is certainly led by chuck schumer. the party of hate is eating its
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own as a result of complaints about diversity at the democratic congressional campaign committee. last night several senior staff members resigned, including their communications director, political director and of course their diversity director. also cbs calling former univision anchor maria salinas out of retirement to be a news contributor after the national hispanic media coalition recently called for a boycott of cbs for not hiring any latino on-air talent. joining us tonight, rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. we've got a lot to have cover. let's start with the battle of baltimore. you can see all of the little daffodils that plafly the rinos in the senate and the house as he took on the oversight committee chair, elijah cummings
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criticizing baltimore. what do you think now after watching this unfold? >> i think the president is exactly right, calling out democrats who represent these districts with people in great distress, with crime rates going up, with their education system failing. and he's saying, you know what? you're so worried about the people at the border, giving free health care to illegal immigrants, why don't you focus on the people in your own district who are suffering. i lived in baltimore and my home was robbed twice. i now live in michigan near detroit. we have a mayor that's now in jail. we have blight in our city. we ar have a corrupt government that's under investigation for taking $200 million in medical funds to remove blight. we have got to start tackling the problems in the inner cities run by the democrats and go to the voters saying you have a different choice now. you can come to the republicans. we're going to golf problems for you instead of the lip service that you continually get from
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the democratic leaders. lou: it's a great opportunity. and the president sought that opportunity in 2016 famously saying what have you got to lose. you can still hear the passion in his slois a voice as he was g african-american voters to give him a chance. and where are they today? even in baltimore, the unemployment rate has moved down to historic lows as a result of this president, his policies, his concern as he articulated it in the campaign of 2016 for all americans. he said he would deliver. he's done so. >> yeah. and criminal justice reform. and economic opportunities zones. and the things that he's done with hbc and wages are up. this is a president that has delivered for the african-american community. and he's saying you deserve better from your leaders. and they're more concerned in the democrat party about illegals, giving them free health care than they are about their own districts and the issues happening in our country
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and the citizens in districts like baltimore that are dealing with crime, the highest murder rate per capita in the whole country. they deserve better and the president is makin calling it o. lou: it is the highest murder rate amongst the iron triangle latin america. >> yeah. lou: it is stunning to think how bad things are in baltimore. you've got, i mean, some moronic responses suggesting hell, calling this president a racist because he actually cares more about the living conditions of baltimore's citizens than do the people responsible directly, whether it's the mayor, whether it's the seventh district congressman, in this case elijah cummings. it is scunning tha stunning thae horrid reflex of the radical dimms. they have become the party of hate. but to hate your own
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constituents as they have in each of these cities. the federal government sent almost $16 billion. this administration sent $16 billion to the city of baltimore last -- and to the district last year. 16 billion. >> and every four years, like clock work, democrats pull out the racist label for republicans. they do it to every candidate. lou: that's fine. if they're going to do it, do it. >> now we have a record and we can go to the african-american community and say, isn't it time for a change? isn't it time for somebody who actually gets it. president trump when he was a candidate campaigned in detroit and went to places that republicans never go. take a chance on me. now he has deliverables. democrats go into these communities, stoke racial division and then don't deliver for the people they serve. it's time for a change. lou: it is time for a change.
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it's well past time for a change. but you know the power structure in those inner cities will do everything they can to block you, the republican party, to block even the president of the united states. and i listen to urban radio and i hear the hate that's being spewed by their hosts talking about, you know, racism. and they really don't care if there's a fact in it. they don't -- it's just mindless, the stuff that is being spewed. and there's going to have to be a strategy here, ronna. the president says he doesn't have a strategy and i believe him. he just wants to tell the truth and he really wants every american to share in this prosperity that he has done so much to create. what is the republican party going to do to get shoulder to shoulder, face to face with minorities in this country, whether it be the inner city minorities, whether it be across the country, wherever it may be,
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and those who need help in this country, what are you guys going to do this time differently? >> well, as you know, lou, the mainstream media is never going to share this successes of this administration. lou: right. >> from an rnc perspective, he have built the largest ground game in history. we're going one on one to the voters and talking to african-american voters and his hispanic voaforts sharinhishisp. jobs are coming back. when we are have these conversations neighbor to neighbor, knocking doors, telling them the truth of what's happening under this administration, we'll undercut the media that wants to share this negative narrative that this is a racist president, nothing has been done for you. they know it's true because their paychecks are bigger, their families are doing better, their lives are better because of this president. and that's how we're going to win this election. and under president trump we're
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already in the field. lou: how do you think most inner city mino minorities, particulay african-americans, it's going to take a lot of courage to step forward and say i'm going to vote republican, to acknowledge this president's successes, acknowledge that in this country this very moment african-american unemployment rates are at their lowest in history. how do you get by that? >> president trump is such a great messenger. you know, in 2016 when he said -- he said it in michigan -- what the heck do you have to lose. all of these leaders have made these promises -- lou: i'm asking what are you going to do to overcome who is an orthodoxy that is so powerful and so supported by all of the institutions of the inner city, whether it be the church, whether it be the city council.
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>> yes. lou: yes. >> we're setting up shop in those districts. talking to those people one on one and we're not going to walk away. part of it is showing up. people have voted demeanor all of thai their lives. they haven't been presented with the republicans. a man showed up saying i voted for president trump because what the heck did i have to lose. what he is saying about baltimore right now is bringing a spotlight on the fact that the media and the democrats aren't paying attention to what's happening in these urban communities and president trump is. and that's the message that's getting out. and i think it's resonating with a lot of voters who think they deserve better. lou: well, without question every american deserves better. ronna mcdaniel, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. lou: new word tonight. more rockets launched from north korea. what's going on? we take it up with asia expert
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gordon chang. new readings on the trump economy. how is housing doing, how about incomes, how about -- are things getting better? are there danger signals as some lou: so how is the trump economy
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doing? the latest economic reports show the president's economy is doing very well indeed. consumer confidence at the highest level since november. consumer spending up 4.3% analyzed rate in the second quarter. the fastest pace in almost two years. home prices up more than 3%. major cities like las vegas, phoenix, tampa posting some of the biggest gains this year. well joining me now, former reagan white house political director, leading republican strategist, fox business political analyst, ed rollins who i never interrupt. ever ever. let's start with this economy. this is -- it just keeps going and going. >> and it's going to get better. when the rates get cut, my sense is this is a long term thing.
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this has been trump's program from start to finish. and unfortunately he's not getting all of the credit he should be getting for this. lou: ronna mcdaniel said that too, ed. i think to hell with the credit. i really do. people understand this is cause and effect. there is a relationship between the person you put in the white house and the direction of the country. and it's a bright, positive, strong direction. >> well you don't have to go back far to see a failed economy, which is the president that was here before. lou: and the one before that. >> the one before that. i think it's trump's great strength. as you say, i think most people realize that it's not just a short term, it's a long-term fix. lou: what they want to do is see that their lives are better than before the election of 2016. they're seeing it. almost without exception. and are you better off than four
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years ago? you bet your. >> why would you ever want to go back. lou: especially with these folks they're parading from the radical dimms. >> as they want to do is spend more money and add for federal programs, not necessarily benefiting the working guy or gal. but the reality is that's what the campaign has to be about and that's what the president has to sell. lou: indclindsey graham. i can't figure out what's going on. he's don done so little since hs been there now just about seven month as ennow he's going to outstowrs american jobs, push h1b visas, going to serve corporate round table, the koch brother, tom donahue, the chamber of commerce and big tech. buy american, hire american. >> they're all one in the same.
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i don't care -- lou: who is all the same? >> the chamber, koch brothers, all of them have the same goal wob to get cheap workers from foreign countries. they don't want americans to have the high-tech jobs and they don't think they're qualified. lou: screw them. this president is about turning that around. how is it he gets through the house, 39 republicans step forward to join in the vote. it's outrageous what's happening. and lindsey graham and rand paul. >> he has to say the bill comes to me, i'm going to veto it. and he has to start vetoing these things making it clear this is not what i promised, this not what the merp public wants. lou: what damn fool would think that they -- you know -- anyway. >> the problem, as we've talked, the critical things on immigration is you secure the border. we haven't come close to that. you don't let the business -- lou: he's winning so much.
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the supreme court says build the balwall now. nine justices -- well actually five are building the what chant for build the wall. >> six potential. and as we've talked, once you get the wall secure, two years from now what have you, then you can talk about immigration reform and you don't give up the thing that the business community wants. lou: you don't have to talk about it. because the first thing is if you don't secure the border, you will never control immigration and everything you do and say after that is a joke. he has to secure that border. >> well the first step then is -- lou: he's, by the way, making amazing strides, whether it be the third safe country policeman with guatemala. we don't know what's going on with mexico but so far they've been cooperative. we're seeing real progress. the problem is we're also seeing more illegal immigrants cross the damn border than a year ago. >> sure. it's still a porous border in spite of all of the efforts of
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the department of homeland security. the reality is they get their people through. the president has to veto this bill. if this bill gets to the senate and he signs it, then i think he's hurt himself badly. lou: as always, ed great to see you. thanks for being here. i didn't interrupt you once, did i? i don't think so. violence continues in the mexican border city of tijuana. in a 24-hour period over the past weekend 20 people were murdered because of cartel driven violence putting the number of tijuana murders more than 1200 so far this year. think of that. 1200 in just about half a year, despite heavy military, federal police intervention, tijuana has had more troops open policemen on the streets an they're killing at a record rate one of
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the highest murder rates in all of the world. up nects, president trump's latest warning to china as trade talks have resume in shanghai. we'll have the latest on that. much more right after these quick messages. lou: breaking news now.
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president trump warning china not to wait until after the 2020 election to strike a trade deal with the united states. i think if china has their wish, they would wait until after the election. they'll pray that trump loses and then they'll make a deal with somebody who doesn't know what they're doing, like obama and biden, like all of the presidents before. because what they've done is they've just picke picked. that's not happening with trump. lou: the president's warning coming as mnuchin and robert
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lighthizer are in shanghai. today the talks continue through tomorrow. join us tomorrow. we'll be joined by michael pillsbury to take up the latest developments. south korea's joint chiefs of staff announcing that north korea has fired multiple missiles off its east coast. this launch coming six days after north korea fired two new short-range ballistic missiles into the sea of japan since 2011. kim has larged four nuclear weapons and tested four nuclear weapons and fired more than 90 missiles. joining me now, gordon chang. your thoughts first on what to make of the reason for what appears to be, again, more missiles, short range or
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otherwise fired by north korea in the course of a week. >> well, when it comes to china and north korea, there are almost no coincidences. we know that the trade talks in shanghai are not going well for the chinese. i wouldn't be surprised if these launches r are really a plan accords nateed by beijing. they're going to try to get concessions on trade. the chinese that done this many times in the past and with president trump it does not seem to be working with them. lou: seem to be? it isn't working. he's told them to go about their business if this is the best they can do, because it's not acceptable to him. >> yeah. you know, that three-part tweet today, you know, was really refreshing. nobody talk to the chinese like that. nobody except for a guy named donald john trump. the chinese need to hear not only what he said but the way that he said it. this is a change in the way the united states deals with china
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and it's a change long time coming. it's a really good thing today, lou. lou: and you know who really needs to hear this? the business round table, the chamber of commerce, the koch brothers, wall street, big tech who have sold out this country, whether they like that direct language or not, that is the truth of what they've done. and they persist in it and they would give everything for this president to say, you know what? i really wish hillary clinton were here. what do you guys think? i mean, it's ridiculous what they're doing. and it is evil. it is evil that they would do this to our country, as they have over the course of the past 20 years. >> yeah, for far too long you've had the elites in this country really align their interest with people in beijing and not with the american worker, not with the small business, not with the united states of america. under this president we're seeing a change.
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and that's important. because, you know, for the quites, we'vunited states, we'vo defend our society and thank god we have somebody doing it now. lou: we do. and we have a senate yo judiciay chairman by the name of lindsey graham who is trying to sell out, again, the american worker, sell out to wheap cove cheap ovr and the companies that exploit them, whether it be deloitte. it's absurd what the american worker has to contend with. this president vowed buy american, hire american. and then lindsey graham is pushing this bill after the republicans, 30-some-odd of them went along with the bill in the house and passed it. this is outrageous.
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>> it really has been the american worker last. and that's why you've had these communities across the country devastated. and that's why we have an opioid crisis. there is just no hope in some of these towns. and so to put americans to work is job one. and whatever it takes, lou, we got to do it. lou: ed rollins said the president should veto this period if they pass it. i think he's right. your thoughts. >> absolutely. as both of you said, you got to secure the borders, make sure the american worker is protected and you've got to do all of these things. including preventing legislation which is not going to help americans. lou: yeah. it's incredible to see rand paul and all of these phony bologna rinos in the senate fall in line with the koch brothers and the chamber of commerce and wall street and tell the american people to go straight to hell.
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this president is all about getting it done. he's a man of action. and the action required is to tell all of those senators and all of those congressmen who would sell out the american worker please go to hell. you don't have to say please, but it would be nice. gordon, thanks so much. we'd like to hear your thoughts on all of this, share your comments. follow me on twitter @loudobbs. up next, president trump working to rein in the intelligence community. former acting u.s. attorney general mat whitaker joined me after the break. lou: california's governor gachn
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newsom signed a bill requiring the president to release his tax returns five years of them before he could appear on the state's 2020 primary ballot. in a statement the trump campaign spokesman called the move quote unconstitutional. california is more involved in more than 40 lawsuits challenging various trump administration policies. you get the feeling that the california democratic empire doesn't like our president. well joining me now were former acting u.s. attorney general matthew whitaker. great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. lou: first of all, i got to get
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your lawyerly counsel. can a state do that and get away with it? >> it's unconstitutional. governor moon beam or jerry brown wouldn't sign that bill because he knew it was unconstitutional. but you're in the cry disi ninth circuit, in my experience as doj and attorney general and chief of staff, we fought ridiculous battles in the ninth circuit only to win them in the supreme court. the trial courts in california are going to be difficult. the ninth circuit is going to be difficult. but this on its face is unconstitutional and there's in way it survives. if i was the president i would not worry about this california bill. lou: let's turn to what we have to worry about. and that's a couple of special counsel investigations ledd ledy the attorney general william barr. your thoughts about this man and what he faces in the way of challenges to clean up a corrupt
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fbi leadership and corrupt justice department leadership. >> so the good news is some of those people are gone. mccabe is gone, comey is gone, baker, the chief of staff. all of these people have been rotated out. chris wray is taking charge. i don't think he's moving as quickly as some would want. lou: put me on that list of people. >> i understand. but at the same time bill barr is the perfect person to do the cleanse of the intelligence community. the president has given him so really good authority to go in and find out sort of how the intelligence community was used. if you remember barr, before he was the attorney general, he was on the oversight board of the intelligence community. so he understands this game and i think he's the perfect person to do it. and now that my friend john radcliffe is going to be nominated, he and i were u.s.
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attorneys together, very excited about the opportunity that he has to go into the national intelligence community. and i think he's not only going to be fair and impartial but i think he's the right person to lead and to take those organizations in the right direction. lou: and speaking of intelligence, the senate intelligence committee chair richard burr coming out and saying that basically he has some questions about how partisan radcliffe would be at dni. this is after we've watched the democrats try to overthrow a presidency, try to block the trump candidacy for the office. i mean, what in the world is wrong with that guy? >> well, i mean, listen. i think burr has come out and said that he will help john get confirmed. and i think some these news reports -- i never trust anonymous sources. it's usually somebody that's lost the fight and then they want to burn a bridge or otherwise get their point of
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view out. i think ultimately john radcliffe is going to do what he did as u.s. attorney in a new role at dni and that is to put any partisanship to the side and to lead with great honor and integrity. lou: we're watching -- speaking of honor and integrity, john solomon who has been at the forefront of the reporting as you well know on spy-gate in all of its various forms. chris wray appears to be trying to cover up for james comey and to cover up, for example, suing to block the release of documents that are frankly -- that contain mostly information that has been in the clear. absolutely open sources. >> yeah. so those -- that's a very interesting lawsuit. and i think, you know, oftentimes you're are trying to protect your methods or sources or if you receive some intelligence from a foreign intelligence source.
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but in this case it doesn't appear to meet those qualifications. and the good news -- i hate to say this because sometimes we want it to be immediate. but a court will probably take that and review it in camera, a see what the arguments are and made a good decision. you have the right to appeal. ultimately the information will get out. we need more transparency and accountability. some of these challenges once we have that will be able to restore the integrity and the people's belief in the department of justice and the fbi. because i know it's there. i know the men and women at the fbi and doj and the rank and file are solid and trying to do the right thing. so with the right leadership i know that we can get over this hill and get to a better place. lou: well, i'm not going to ask you a question about whether or not wray represents rank leadership. i'm just going to say that if we see continued efforts to on ze h
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the american public's right to know on behalf of the officials we're going to be in a hell of a mess. >> i will be one of the people that will speak out on this. i believe that the american people are entitled to a full accounting and transparency so that we make sure this never happens again to another president, that this type of investigation is launched against him. lou: matt whitaker within delight to talk with you. all the best. disney is setting a new record surpassing $7.6 billion in global ticket sales just july now isn't it? "the lion king" the latest disney movie to surpass a billion dollars, joining "carpet marvel," allayeden, avengers engame, breaking th breaking thx office record and it's only july. up next, the left-wing national media's new narrative
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about senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. we'll have that story. much more rating
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lou: president trump slamming the washington post for calling senate majority leader mitch
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mcconnell a russian leader. >> i think the washington post is the russian asset by comparison. mitch mcconnell loves our country. mitch mcconnell is a man that knows less about russia and russia influence than even donald trump and i know nothing. lou: well, joining us tonight, patrice, senior policy analyst at the independent women's forum. great to have you with us. >> thank you for having me. lou: "washington post" clearly a russian asset or not? >> i would hope not, but they certainly are using a narrative to try to paint senator mcconnell that way. and we have to understand there is a reason why. last week's 'em bar razzin embag testimony of robert mueller left egg on the faces of a lot in the media and on the left. they're looking for a scapegoat. senator mcconnell is not up for reelection. why not go after him.
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paint the failure election meddling on him. lou: it's interesting to me. because -- and this is being done, i think, in partial jest at least by the president. but i think there's a point here. and that is the "washington post" is serving the interest of the russian president far more than any figure, in my. , far more than any figure in elected politics. the washington post is attacking this president relentlessly, baselessly and chronically. you see seven, eight stories, often most of them on the front page of the "washington post" that are just simply an exercise in venal attack. >> well, it's true. and they're joined by a couple of other outlets that, you know, we can certainly name. they come to mind. but you know, they were hoping, honestly, that the russians did
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meddle and change the election results in 2016. that simply did not happen. and they put all of their weight into the mueller investigation and boy oh boy again, they found out they were wrong. so they're looking for someone to put the blame on. and you know what? i think this idea that we should federalize or nationalize our election process is the wrong way to go about doing it. it sounds like they're trying to protect our electoral system but it's not. it's taking that power out of the hands of the states to our well capable of protecting their systems. lou: they are. and already the department of homeland security has significant responsibilities to assure the integrity of our electoral system and support for the states and the communities and all of the jurisdictions responsible for elections. i do think that it would be very significant if the president, if
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mitch mcconnell were to come together to say this is what we're doing to assure that our elections are not permitting people who are not citizens to register and to vote. >> yes. lou: what are they doing to protect and to prevent russians and iranians and chinese and others now who surely are encouraged to intervene in our elections. i think that would be wonderful. and it could be bipartisan. bring schumer, bring pelosi into the effort because surely they should join the effort. but this is, to me right now, a country that is witnessing a democratic party that has devolved into the party of hate. calling the president a racist because he criticized the poverty, the violence, the filth that the residents of baltimore have to live in. and the people responsible for
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those people, whether it be the local government, the mayor or the seventh district congressman, elijah cummings doing almost nothing about it. >> this is all a strategy, lou. it's like when a steupt has not prepared for the exam, they pull the fire alarm by calling the president racist, it's a fire alarm that they're pulling hoping that black people and people of kol lo will look away from the good work that's being done by the trump administration. i mean we always hear about the historically low unemployment rates for blacks which is fantastic. but we're also seeing the narrowing of the racial gap between blacks and whites in terms of unemployment. we're seeing, because of the act, bipartisan criminal justice reform. black men being released. and because of second chances they're getting a second chance. lou: led by this administration. >> by this administration, signed by president trump with his support min behind it. these are the good things happening. opportunity zones. this is the good stuff that democrats and frankly those on
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the left want to distract from. so what's a better distraction than to play the race card, call it racist and then people's anger gets boiling. lou: i think the race card is a very tattered and tired and faded card. at least i sure hope so. patrice, thanks so much. always great to see you. stay with us, we're coming right back.
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lou: we asked in our poll do you think the president should designate antifa as a terrorist organization. 0% of you -- 90% of you said yes he should. americans continue to win in the trump economy. consumer confidence at the highest level since november. consumer spending up 3.4%. and a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. that's it for tonight. a reminder to follow me on twitter @loudobbs, like me on
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facebook and follow knee on instagram @loudobbstonight. we look forward to seeing you here tomorrow evening. good night from new york. lauren: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your tom stories. democrats divided in detroit as progressives push for medicare for all and moderates call their plans fairytale promises. we are breaking down the heated exchanges and major moments from the second round of the 2020 primary debates. cheryl: it is d-day for the fed. will powell and company give in to president trump's unrelenting pressure to cut rates more than expected? could a large cut be on the table? what you need to know about today and what promises to be the biggest fed decision we have seen in years. lauren: parents going to extreme to keep their kids cache


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