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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  July 31, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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john, i will miss you. i will be in los angeles the next couple of days to mourn him and celebrate his life. thank you, john. kennedy is next. kennedy: beautifully put, trish, i knew john for years, he was a lovely person. very funny. and driven by music, humorous and dedicated to those he represented, very much, thank you, trish,. ing of yotrish,. thinking of you and all people who were members of john's chosen family. >> america we have two choices. bankruptcy or socialism, last night in first democrat debate, the divide, on issue of front
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and center, moderates versus socialists fights for heart of democrat party. one corner bernie sanders and liz warren, they tag teamed. in other the pro business candidates like amy klobuchar. and there was a glimmer of hope as moderates began to chip away at nut case's case on the far left. >> why do we have to be the party of taking away from people, that is what they are running on, they are running on telling half country that our health insurance -- >> maybe you do that and made money off health care, our job is to run a nonprofit. we don't know that bernie. >> i do know it, i wrote the dal bill. damn bill. >> i have a better path, medicare for america. >> we're the democrats ewe're not go trying to take away health care from anyone, that is what the republicans are trying
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to do. >> you do not support med air fomedicarefor all, do you not le will to fight for it. >> i just have a better way to do this. >> i am normally way over there with bernie and elizabeth on this one, i hear the others. >> marion williamson. she is my new bff, we'll discuss here, she deserves all our love. socialists pitching free healthcare, as if nobody has to pay for it, that is a big fat lie. you will pay higher taxes for other people's health care, if you add stuff like free college, a federal jobs program and that to mix, it goes up precipitously, exponentially. will the voter see through bs or will liz and bernie lead us down
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the guilded rolle road of finanl ruin. joining me, mi ned ned ryun. and joined by ric richard fowle. >> hey, there. kennedy: hey. >> good to be with you. >> ned, the moderate seem like the crazy people that are hosing down a pack of wild dogs, it seems so boring and dull to have a rash actional bone in their -- rational bone in their collective party. >> this is not really a debate between centrist, moderate and socialists this is real a debate between liberals and socialist, even john delaney said he's to raise taxes, he appears to be one of more rational people. i think that real debate in
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democratic party right now, how crazy should we be. kennedywe? really crazy or a little crazy. you add these up, medicare for all. green new deal, reparations, universal basic income, free college. 10 year estimate, 380 trillion, these people should not be treated as sane people but inmates who escaped from an insane asylum. kennedy: they don't have a plan. moderators don't press them, that drives me crazy, and joe biden is starting to sound like the rational one, she and even pete buttigieg, talking about medicare for all who want it. not for everyone that in this opress of systeoppressive systed of private insurance, you know
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that is wrong, if you have 94% of people who are covered through medicare, medicaid orismer base healthcare or people like he who are independent corrected or on crappy obamacare, then why not deal with 8 or 9% of deal who are not covered, unste unstead f throwing whole thing out. >> a couple things. insane seniors are cutting their pills in half or parents are worried about taking their kids to emergency room because of bill or the deductible. all we've seen in last years with donald trump is increase in premium. we need to fix that. kennedy: this does not fix that. >> we -- history says, when government can intervene to ensure we stabilize prices for america people. kennedy: they do have price stabization, in venezuela, they have 10 million percent
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inflation. >> they did it with freddie and fannie. >> they failed. >> terrible. >> but, that -- that -- >> that allows for working families to get -- >> we have a crappy health insurance system, we made it crappier, with too much federal involvement with obamacare that even democrat admit is such a failure. >> you saying that system before obamacare, that not good. kennedy: -- >> the whole debate. kennedy: everything out, preexisting conditions. >> we have is -- >> you are not going to talk any more ned. >> whole point, whole point, whoever wins can get to this point, and actually make this a patient-centric industry, instead of provider sinc centril win this. when donald trump talked pricing
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transparency to drive down prices, we also bringing to allow best negotiators for profit businessisme employer to negotiate withs insurance companies and providers, guess what, there is a best at pricing their negotiation they will drive down the prices, and the beneficiary will be the american people. lower costs, better health care. >> better pricing i is 5,000 deductible for working family. you can have it, i hope donald trump runs on it. >> that is not it. kennedy: let's talk fda and lack of competition with certain drugs and treatment in the country. that is why their has been such a big -- there has been such a big push for right to die move. , it has been taken as a mantel by the president, now you need to get federal government out of way so companies, researchers,
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academics come up with innovative treatments. i know free market, is a giant histamine to leftists, they are allergic to this concept, but when you have more choice, believe it or not, you have lower cost. >> here is problem, even in president's trade deal with mexico and canada, what pharmaceutical company put in that bill, they want more time on their patents less time on generics, they can continue to control the price while seniors cut their pills in half. kennedy: do you know who is controlling the controls the government. >> run by a farmer health care executive. who is secretary of hhs, a former pharmaceutical executive -- >> that is right, there was no cronyism at all when aca was crafted. >> i'm not saying that. kennedy: to extricate ourselves, last word.
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ned. >> thing i said, you are not -- you are ignoring richard the fact that donald trump today, work together easier to buy pharmaceuticals from canada. that will drive the cost down. it is excellent, a great move. kennedy: or just vilify everyone who is in chronic pain and make it seem like they are all drug addicts and have more pr pro hib prohibition. i have bad news for you, i broke up with my gay boyfriend, pete buttigieg, i have a new lady in my life. >> the entire conversation we're having here. you think his work. work of -- wonkiness, i am afraid democrats will see
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dark days. kennedy: dark days, she is so right. that was marianne williamson. self help author who knows she has a good shot at white house, she was most googled candidate after her rousing performance last night, should we take her more seriously. >> we should take every candidate seriously. kennedy: every sperm is sacred ♪ >> it would not have happened in fairfax county, or in baltimore. kennedy: you are right. nope. >> not in northern suburbs 46 of chicago only when there are poor people and people of color, she is right. kennedy: we have to break those cycles. it is systemic, abuse. and with her on that i agree, i like that she sounded more liberty minded when she talked about destroying the collective. she is not talking about collective that the writer and
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pseudofilpseudophilosopher rail. >> i will say this about william son, she is authentic, as crazy as she sounds, it is a total clown show on that stage, at least she is authentic, i think that is what happened donald trum-- helpeddonald trump win, e williamson doing the same thing, i think he has a chance to continue on, but i am worried about dark psychic forces. kennedy: she right, we need more love in our lives, we do need to come to regula resolution and rt one another and have a good time, strive ar for peace, justt the federal government the hell out of my way, then i am find with it. it is a swing of pendulum from one extreme to other from george
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w. bush to barack obama, to donald trump, i thought the swing would be kamala harris, now i believe that pendulum swing will land at its apec on marianne williamson. >> i can't speak to where ast -- astronomical term will land. she did make a points, -- she is speaking to is an underlying problem we have, rich get rich poor and people of color continue to get poor, this happens under both parties. kennedy: that i think that is what the throw away lines that the people employees without doing any actual research or data, you don't have as much as you like it is frustrating, but. wages are going up. unemployment is stale trending
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down -- still trending down. and there are a lot of metrics that would show that phrase, poor getting poorer is not true. your zero sum brands of over simplified betty crocker economics. >> wages are increasing but also the what is increasing faster than wages is housing. >> because regulation, regulation, regulation. taxing,. >> also prescription drugs. kennedy: we need more prescription drugs to make this -- >> money is not going as far as this used to. kennedy: it is not, you sound like my grandpa. get out of my car, off my lawn, ned, richard, you of dreams come try. >> we try. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up, is alexandria ocasio-cortez a sitting congresswoman railin rel
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flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase.
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♪ when we pretend that we're dead
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♪ kennedy: well well, 7. no choice but to riot. that is what congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez now say its only option for some marginalized communities, overseas and here in united states. >> i believe that in justice is a threat to the safety of all people, once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalized, you create -- once someone does not have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot. right? it does not have to be that way. i'm not talking about like, not about palestinians i'm talking beampeople, community poverty in u.s., all over the world. kennedy: that is a rational response, burn things down, threaten other people maybe an assault, that is a great choice for an elected constitutionaly
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sworn individual. you may have noticed her controversial comes come as freud between president trump and entire city of baltimore enters a fifth day. ben carson spend quite a bit of time in baltimore, worked there for many decade, he traveled today to try to smooth things over, he invited congressman elijah cummings, but the congressman declined and carson highway patrols thahopes that pl visit city soon, i think that a great idea. should they follow carson's root or riot? with me, a buckeye party panel, former ohio state senator marie caforio, and develop ziegler from nigh northeast ohio.
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congresswoman cortez does not have a lot of experience, she probably has never been in a riot and never spent a lot of time in community that have been decimated by uprising that we've seen in ferguson, baltimore and south l.a., those communities never recover, this is a great opportunity for businesses to say, i'm done with this place, they leave they never come back. >> i have a lot of witty things i would like to say, if you would like to protest and riot maybe alexandria ocasio-cortez needs to look at fashion trend of coachella, that that trendy. i'll try not to be too cute by half, you know i understand where she comes from to say, if you are marginalizedded you are not getting enough attention you have to do something drastic, but violence and rioting is never the answer. we need to be pragmatists about
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things, not screaming into a mega-phone, no justice, no peace, it is about -- if i were cummings or alexandria ocasio-cortez, i would say, let's have a round table, come to my city, don't wait for ben carson to extend the up have atation. kennedy: a good point. come to my district. >> you know that press would show up, it would cover that is time to put out laundry list of issues, what is the best way, in her mind, a riot is a fun day at berkeley with a stein. >> that is my point with coachella fashion. kennedy: then violent. >> cleveland, ohio, high my homn never recovered from civil right riot of 19 68, you can go across northeast. kennedy: same with watts. >> you have never seen some of the communities ever, ever, ever recover.
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and if -- there should be a riot, it should be about failing school districts, blowing those up and replacing them with new funding schools, this -- functioning schools, this instating riot is missing the point. >> what are chances that politicians and the press focus long enough after this week when feud is done to actually fix problems in places about like bal more. >> zero in a million, trump did not like it, they love it this week, next week it is gone, cummings, he could win this, listen, i don't agree, you said terrible things come might me me here, if he does not come, you win, if he does show up, just have one plan, not all twitter fights, have a plan say help us we need help. >> how incredible it would be. >> school is a great place to start. >> i love school choice, i was
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hoping trump and cummings would eat maryland blue crab. >> hold it with a fork and knife, and wrong way to eat. kennedy: with your hands. >> a fork. >> are right. that is what they should do, but, cummings will not give him that win, that is -- that is so know were iunfortunate, that ise are. >> cummings all get a win, it needs to be baltimore win. kennedy: that is the bottom line. >> more that coul one day from . >> although we -- we agre a. >> we have much more with buckeye party panel coming up, a bunch of hollywood silicon valley big shots, say na say the fighting to save the planet?
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cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now. kennedy: you might have heard a bunch of billionaire and booby broads descended on a posh seaside town to yuck it up at google camp to think about way that technology can collide in ainan orgy of cronyism. 114 prie jets have descended like a set of locust. they are saving planet, yachts and private jets are great, but this do as i say garden variet, feel mat they must bestow on the
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lesser, you. so screw them. they found a way to describ to y perry should get back to righting her own song. and. google nobs should spend every waking hour inventing hydrogen jetpacks to cool around in carbon-free uphoria like hipster jetsons, but instead they give a platform to that ginger dipped peace of wet toast princ princey with his two kids. they should only have two more kids, they are a-holes nothing comes from this green washed
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circle jerk, and inch closer to forcer an sterilization, at hanf wishy-washy, socially awkward tech no cracks, that is not okay, that is the momento. ♪ kennedy: world does need great mindings like google cofounder to help tackle the clim climate issues but to they need help from the hypocritical celebrities, the party panel is back, they are such hypocrites almost impossible to listen to anything that might come from this. >> no, we do everything that celebrities say. they are our president now. you got have crack a few fabrege
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eggs to make a nice omelet, i think the more they lecture us from things we could not have the more we strive to join them in italy to lecture everyone else. kennedy: we have 10 years left. they said it. >> 12. >> maybe 9. kennedy: he is widdling it down,. >> they are still buying land in seaside locations. kennedy: lasik doctors all wear glasses, when they stop wearing glasses i'll get lasik. as long as celebrities buy seaside properties they know that oceans are not rising. >> talk about another music festival full of posers that is burning man, burning man, this is like burning man with policy. all of these like google-type. they i did sen descend on this l
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without currency, have a you -- they have these -- come on, i can't stand do as a say, not as i do stuff. kennedy: alexandria ocasio-cortez talking about getting his of cows, she said, maybe we should not have kids. she is telling to us depopulate. >> however, you need more people to be able to pay taxes, you have to -- >> you have to have, they should tell us to have more kids. >> that is why they are going broke. kennedy: a ponzi scream. schemeu can't get over the fact that al gore had heated sidewalks at his house in tennessee. >> it is cold in the winter there. but heat your sidewalk. kennedy: john kasich won ohio,
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al gore did not win tennessee, everyone knew he was one of these people, well everyone should limit their toilet paper to one or perhaps two tickets, but that all, meanwhile i'm having a jienlt -- giant. >> one planet. >> i guarantee they have straws on their jets. kennedy: they probably have straw guns, where they shoot dolphins and sea turtles in the neetionose for target practiceso delicious. no saving the planet part two, you know those mini shampoo bottles. say good-bye, one of world's largest hotel companies is dumping them as effort to cut on waste, intercontinental hotel group that owns holiday inn will
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transition to larger bulk bathroom surprise, the question is, would you use gross, disgusting poocoverrered bottles that every other guest has -- >> next time i go to europe, and i see the cha shampoo dispenser built in, i will hear what you said. >> what do you think that people do in the hotel rooms? >> i don't want to think about this. >> take a plaque light. a black. >> don't do that. >> i have seen that law and order. >> as someone that travels for work, i have not bought hope oro or a decade, i will have to go to shore now and buy my own soap, i don't need much shampoo. >> i have a bottle that i reuse,
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then i just film them up at home. >> have you a lot to worry about. >> -- on high-end. >> oh. >> they don't have it at dollar tree. >> red room has it. you are getting -- they already have these at a bunch of places, i don't mind hitting button, i am in shower, i am rubbing shope osoapon me anyway, you are layin filth of someone who slept there the night before, hopefully they lift, and you get out of shower you rub the towel all over your face, where that was towel the night before. >> they say they clean toilet, they take toilet rag and wipeout those little glasses. >>, i believe nothing.
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only thing that kills pain and germs alcohol. >> whiskey. in a dispenser in shower. >> they have done away with mini bars now. >> i know, the plastic bottles. >> unless you are in las vegas. >> you pick up that after 27 seconds you bought it. >> i pay a hobo $5 for remnant of his fortified wine at 2 in morning because i can't get a stiff drink, there is something wrong with it. >> nowy know when we're doing after the show. show. >> i know what they are doing, they are in northeast, a ohio. >> win or lose we still booze. >> go browns. >> you are great. thank you so much. coming up, a new report claims high school guidance counselor
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sounded alarm on new college admission scandal. wait until you hear what some midioidiot parents did. you don't need to see that. oh, here we go. can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle? wait, you're a lawyer? only licensed in stockholm. what is happening? jamie: anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. you know karate? no, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset.
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kennedy: you remember that college admission scandal? it just got 100 times more ridiculous. if possible. you know in march, a bunch of million airs and hollywood celebrities charged with paying big bucks to get their kids in college, a guidance counselor at fancy high school in los angeles, was one of first to catch on to the scheme, she discovers one of her students of designated atwater polo recruit to usc, despite there not being a water polo team at high
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school. he dressed in gear, and then posed in a pool for his application. and store another student who did not play tennissi, claimed o be an african-american tennis player, why are we forces kids to go to college in first place? professor of economics at university. brian kaplan is here. >> thank you. kennedy: i, not agree with you more on your thesis, we look at behavior of the parents, mostly it is an ego-driven system, all about proving you got in somewhere, you can now be a part of a club that is expensive. what do we get out of this? >> students usually get good
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jobs. nice careers. when i criticize my book is taxpayer subsidy, most of us college is not the health skill, it gives you a stamp on your forehead, you say look at me, i went to harvard. from recruiters it makes sense, but from taxpayers that does not make sense to subsidize what we call a rat race. kennedy: you have a slim minority of people of people who go to ivy league schools, a number go to public universities versus vast majority who don't get 4 year degrees, why should those people be subsidizes? and why can't someone make that case to all of these domecrats s
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who are campaigning for free college. >> my thesis, almost everyone agrees that what people are learning in school not useful. people freak out when i say, don't spend as much money, cut the money. that is what -- they say, wait a second, it does follow it would be a good idea to cut money, people keep thinking you have one person not able to get to a good school it will hurt their career, but have you to picture a world where fewer people go, and then employers will be a lot more open minded. kennedy: in you need a stamp from a country club, go to a country club, don't expect taxpayers to be on hook for it, a lot of parents in chicago area, and los angeles figure out if they transfer guardian ship of their child to a lower income family member or a friend their kids are now eligible for
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federal financial aid in ways they would not be with mi middlo higher income parents. >> there are so many ways to gain the system, i say apply to 30 schools, there is so much randomness in the system. that is something you can do that is honest and legal, i think that is would have been a better bet for those involved in scandals than what they did, which is stupid. kennedy: wasting a half million to go on usc, good lord that seem like punishment. i am a big fan of vocational schools. you know there is a dearth of plumbers and welders and electricians, we need those skills in our lives, you don't have a lot of student debt, you earn a lot of money right when you get done with school, you can spend your life reading great books and educating yourself. >> also tax payers at least
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train people with us useful ski, country like switzerland and germany, they start kids at younger able whic age, -- age. kennedy: last word. >> all right. go switzerland. kennedy: let's all go brian ca caplan thank you so much. >> thank you. >> this is the couple who wanted to get away
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ences is so important because when jacob's included he feels like he can succeed in life and he feels like he actually has a purpose. ♪..home kennedy: before we go, i would like to wish hea happy birthdayo author j j j.k. rowling. this is the topical storm. we begin new jersey. yeah. we celebrate a man who spent a lot of time behind the wheel. if you are looking to retire go there. you never go to a mechanic who
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gets paid in bon jovi cassettes, nobody was hurt, but watch, there of a small fire in the s suv. a firefighter had to be treated at scene after inhaling axe body spray. because new jersey. oh, oh, cops asking for public help finding person. they are believed to be hiding some place that no one in new jersey would ever go, like a bookstore. now i get a bunch of poor grammar hate treats. >> now great state of texas. a homeowner caught a trespasser and he is milking it.
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mooove out of my way,y realized it was from omaha steaks. it smells like my aunt sheila, i will move on. homeowner yelled shut the door, what do you live in a bar, and the cow was like, how did you know, that joke was utterly ridiculous. a lot of kids watching at home must be wondering what happened to the cow, he is doing fine, he gist finished a languag a long f spice messages, -- massages, and now owners are having him own for dipper. >> topic 3, colorado, they just unveil a new flavor of light gatorade. a trucker used this bottle in place of a broken taillight, he taped it over socket.
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unlike bernie sanders supporters, this worked. it has gone viral. the man was not ticketed, they figured he had enough problems given colorado rocky bumper sticker on the truck. gator guy is back on the road, put on a new set of tires. oh. oh,. don't worry he will be just fi fine. topic 4. good news for stoners, no the government is not opening area 51 to public, but pringles re-released two flavors of chips, guaranteed to delight everyone in your volkswagen bus, bacon flavor chips and mac and cheese princ pringles, holy und.
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first summer of love but now summer of love handles, we make a lot of fat jokes, no one else will be honest with you, you do not look good in white pants. we can tell the jokes because our writers did not have a swimsuit calendar coming up -- these pringles are out now, they are selling at walmart, and dollar general for next month and a half, after that, if you still like to plow you blow youn something not good, you can always donate to kirsten gillibrand campaign. topic 5. angry florida woman, punched her boyfriend in the face because he didn't like the way he cut her food at dinner. i just like to thank the headline righwriterstelling us a woman.
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there she is. what a beauty, 55-year-old 55-year-old kim caroll. she was angry about the way he topped up her mat meat and poe , if she is h that upset, i think that is only meat and poe that s she was getting. when a man. police say alcoa hol wa alcohola factor, that is amazing. give than she looks like she keim from se see sorority phi ba moon shine.
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there she is. hiding taters in her teets. try to identify the cow, nobody knows her name. but the face rings' bell. esire on a full line of utility vehicles. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2019 rx 350 for $389 a month, for 36 months, and we'll make your first month's payment. experience amazing.
9:57 pm
as a doctor, i agree with cdc guidance. i recommend topical pain relievers first... like salonpas patch large. it's powerful, fda-approved to relieve moderate pain, yet non-addictive and gentle on the body. salonpas. it's good medicine. hisamitsu. the doctor's office might mejust for a shot.o but why go back there when you can stay home with neulasta® onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta® reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1% a 94% decrease. neulasta® onpro is designed to deliver neulasta® the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. neulasta® is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta® if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away.
9:58 pm
in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. if you'd rather be home ask your doctor about neulasta® onpro. pay no more than $5 per dose with copay card. ♪ mmm, exactly!ug liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so...
9:59 pm
limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ is it to carry cargo or to carry on a legacy?? its show of strength or its sign of intelligence? in crossing harsh terrain or breaking new ground? this is the time to get an exceptional offer on the mercedes of your midsummer dreams at the mercedes-benz summer event, going on now. lease the gla 250 suv for just $329 a month at the mercedes-benz summer event. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> thank you for watching the best hour of your day, i feel delicious. you can follow me on twitter and instagram at kennedy nation, tomorrow night.
10:00 pm
we have a lot to digest, analyze and a lot of prognosticating to do. see you then. >> good evening another major victory for president trump, and another blow against those trying to over throw his presidency. a clinton-appointed judge, slowing out a democratic national committee lawsuit alleging collusion between trump administration and russia. president saying, the witch-hunt ends here. president absolutely right about federal reserve chair powell. powell does not know what he is doing or at least saying. when interest rate cut was announced today at 2 p.m., the market remained steed -- steady, sold off 36 minutes later


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