tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 7, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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scherie elizabeth: lou dobbs is next. lou: a big rebound on wall street from yesterday's sell-off, after trump and his treasury secretary designated people's republican of china as a currency manipulate or, after that, they moved it to higher, previous competitive levels. the radical dimm presidential hopefuls on parade today, reminding all that democrats want to be the party of hatred.
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>> rhetoric contributes to a notion, this is white national nationalism i, terrorism of a different story. >> he is in large part responsible for what has taken place here. >> attack we saw in el paso two days ago was the result of hate and bigotry. lou: president trump is calling for unity across the country, again racism, in any form, as the nation mourns of victims of the mass shootings in el paso and dayton. former president obama instead attacked president trump, part of obama's 422 word statement he released on twitter said quote:
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-- what wiped of words were there from previous president. lou: coming from president who spechspent 8 years dividing the nation. who's major intel agencies appear to have acted in concert to over throw president trump. radical dimms are not letting up in their political exploitation of tragedy. certainly not congressman joaquin castro, brother of presidential candidate julian castro, both of texas. castro tweeted name of san antonio residents who donated maximum amount to president trump's reelect campaign. calls contribution fuel for a campaign of hate that labels hispanics as invaders. it is a tired device of deceit
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that castro employed, contemplating illegal -- conflating illegal anding well immigration necessary to push their big lie that opposition to illegal immigration is antihispanic. the big lie favored by the democratic hate machine. "new york times" had decency to report president trump's call for unity, and rejection of hate, and party of hate exploded in fury in response. aatat lax quote, trump, urges unity, versus racism. front page of the day's first print edition, the left went app app. -- aoc called the times cowards
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and kirsten gillibrand suggesting it was inaccurate. and cory booker said, a better job of lying to their readers. after the radical dimm out outcy the times changed headline. assailing hate but not guns, i credit times for the integrity to stand up for at least part of their original headline that president trump is indeed assailing hate, calls on all americans to je to reject hate. dropping unity from that headline is sad, it is inaccurate, in the omission. trump has done, that asked the nation to come together at this difficult time, joining us tonight, former reagan white house political director, fox business political analyst, leading republican strategist,
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ed rollins, first the reaction by the left to that headline, it is truth. but forward by the times, and the times concedes in part. >> the president said in the story for no who don't have desire to read "new york times," he said, hate has no place in america. hatred warps the mind. and hate, and racism should be battled with love and unity. that was first quote from the president. for them to go crazy over this is absurd, this paper distorted everything that paper has done, this is a time for unity and pray for souls for those who have been lost and come together as a country. lou: what are we, americans, to make of a former president, who
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comes out from a shadow government, working diligently against policies of that president engineer thi. in this moment of tragedy attacks him, attacks president trump. he has all of his acolytes running for president. >> he signals to me, this particular case, he will be full bore in this election. to do everything we can to help these people. lou: good. trump has been a repudiation of his legacy, he will continue to be, he has been successful. lou: this president has shown, republicans and democrats alike what happens when being president is a full-time job, a man with his energy and
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intellect doing historic things, obama of opposite, he described himself as lazy. he did not do a lot for the country, he did a lot to hurt the country and embracing iran for crying out loud. and working against the united states as i said earlier, denouncing idea we're a nation of exceptio exceptionalism thats are exceptional people and blessed to be here, he wanted to run every american that he could, seemed -- conjure up, wanted to run them down. >> reality, he is the most liberal president in my lifetime, and one of the least effective, he did not like politics, did not like the job of being president. in a sense of flying around the country and world. lou: more activist more than
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policy. >> then being an apologist for american policy, i am shocked in sense that tradition alley presidents go away. lou: i have a different perspective to offer. on obama emerging. you say, he will be a force in the campaign. >> he will try to be. lou: i doubt that. he is labeled, in a box, pushed aside in public dialogue. he has a record, it is not a good one, that precise record, that is being savaged by those radical dimm presidential home pulling for 2020, they run him down, they tear up his legacy, he is not left enough, not nearly effective enough, and created a host of issues on immigration, illegal immigration. on any border security, you name it. is is a legacy they don't want
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to touch. and are trying to dismantle, he has reacted already. >> and even his vice president. only claim to fame at-this-point is he was vice president. he is not defending him. if he wants to get in politics he will pay a heavy price. lou: our history keeps changing us because our politics are changing, well in advance it will be interesting to see what strategy. is right now those radical dimms, 24 of them whatever the number is, are savaging themselves, they are eating their own. it is not pretty to watch. particularly because they are so inartful in their politics. >> every single one of them is diminished. every time they get in public, last two days, the absurdity of o'rourke and others, what they
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have said and done, shows they are unqualified to be in any office. lou: ed rollins thank you. up next, babbling fools, amongst the names that could b be attached, 2020 candidate, beto oho'rourke. using the tragedy of the mass shootings to try to insult president trump. >> only have an attack like this when you have a president who gives permission to act on this hatred and racism. >> do you think that the president is racist? jesus christ, of course, he is races. -- that often follows. lou: that from the little bittal savant who started with some strong numbers who basically now has a number somewhere closer to zero than one. and we'll examine further his
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carefully constructed analysis of politics and, of course, how to bring his name to the forefront again amongst that -- well, that -- that double dozen of democratic hopefuls. tonight, a staggers statistic that shows how well president trump's remain in mexico asylum policy is working, we'll have that and more right after these quick messages, stay with us.
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lou: more and more illegal immigrants are stuck at u.s. southern border, they are sent back home. because of president trump's new asylum policies, court records show by end of june, over 1100 remain in mexico asylum cases had been decided by a judge. and none of those illegal immigrants asking for asylum were granted asylum, under president trump's remain in mexico policy, more than 20,000 asylum seekers have been sent back to mexico in 5 months. >> murder rate in juarez is
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scene of more violence cause of cartels, authorities in jaurez say 889 people have been murdered in first 7 months this year. that puts city on pace for more than 1500 murders, 22% increase from last year. and more homicides in the region since at least 2011. >> joining me now president of national border patrol council brandon judd, the president's remain in mexico policy, showing early signs of success. much more needs to be done. but again, amongst all every change he is making here, things are getting better and better by the day it seems. >> lou, i would like to take you back about a year and a half ago, you had been calling on your show over and over for better thin thinking, coming uph
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different policies. i sat with president in oval office, he said the same thing, he was happy with the numbers of 45 year lows, but he said it worked now, now we have to continue to move forward. and come up with new ideas. and he personally pushed forward these new initiatives. the remain in mexico program is working great, we're seeing less people crossing the border illegally, sending more people back to mexico, those people are going home, they know that game they were trying to play, of crossing the border illegally, claims asylum, getting released to united states to never show up to court appearance, that is not happening any more. we're seeing the drops in numbers, it is a good thing, it reliefs stress and pressure on border patrol agents that are patrolling the border. we'll see a secure border in near future. lou: near future?
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a little perspective on what you consider near future? >> i look at numbers down, you have a nearly 30% drop in the numbers from may to june, now another 20% drop in june to july, that is showing significant progress and taking us in the right direction. as long as we continue to put pressure on the other governments to play their part, mexico and guatemala, as we put pressure and white house does that, we'll continue to see the numbers go down. and as those numbers go down, we don't have to deal with the asylum seekers, we're allowed to focus on the real criminals, those what are bringing drugs across and bringing criminal aliens across, that is where the focus wants to be. lou: interior enforcement. we have talked about it how critical it circumstance president talk -- it is,
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president talking about a large scale resumption of interior enforcement, it has not come to pass yet, has it. >> it has not. he got a lot of criticism for announcing last interior enforcement, he did it for strategic purposes, it sends a message to world, you are not safe if you come here and you violate a immigration judge's order of deportining a, we knew the operation would not net as many people as it was going to. president trump got in front of it, starred to announce this operation to send that message, as we go forward with operation that message will be sentiment it is border security, pieces of a puzzle we put together to make it come together to get the complete landscape of that border security.
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lou: there are glaring omissions in puzzle, pieces for border wall, interior enforcement, and the shut down of illegal immigration. >> there are glaring omissions but they are being worked on as we speak. president trump is pushing for funding for that border wall we've been looking for. he is not taking no for an answer, every time he gets told no, he just comes up with a idea to press forward with that. if you look at the budget, the budget that was just passed it does not stop him from using funds to build that border wall. now we have to get spending bill done. lou: and the transfers have been approved by supreme court. so now, all that seems to be standing is some minor element of resistance went the administration itself perhaps.
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i want to talk to, taking now for answer could we listen to o'rourke. and escobar, a number of people in el paso saying they don't want president there, he is going any ways. what in the world is going on in the they would have the a41ry to act in that grace less manner? >> i try to stay even keeled when i am discusses border security issues, i can't tell i how frustrated and upset i am at rhetoric and words that o'rourke is using are. for all his failures president obama never got called a racist, never called these words, and rhetoric was never used against him, face it president obama are not wasnot a very good presiden. and president trump simp lie becaussimplybecause he wants bor
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security, he gets attacked by o'rourke, and face it, he failed. >> he is begging for attend attn right now. >> i believe that vast majority of americans will look at it for what it is a failed individual trying to catch the spotlight, and use a tragedy to -- >> he is not alone in that. democrats have much to answer for in the way in which they are behaving, they have clearly, particularly ha presidential hopefuls for 2020, you would think what is going on in their mind, this is my opportunity, which is disgusting and appalling. and listen to mexico president or br, or oh oh, obrador, talk g u.s., his government, this is insane, we're depending on him
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for a responsible partner in fight again the ca cartel and corruption on both sides of border, and end to sex and drug trafficking. you know this is not going to be decided in a court. it will be decided on the streets, and the wide open spaces, i believe of mexico and southwest united states. >> you are correct. and to hear a president of mexico, try to paint a bad picture of united states, when we have drugs coming across border that are killing thousands of american citizens, he is doing very little to stop that. look. all presidents of a country should try to protect their citizen, but to call u.s. a bad country, when he is not going
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his job, that is wrong. lou: have you heard any democratic presidential candidates mention cartels? mention sex trafficking or illegal immigration? except to criticize the president for trying to stop it, secure the border and stop the drugs, but. in their own right their open views not a single word. >> they don't, if they did stand up and they protest will rule of law, they would have to get in support of border security, they would then have listen to the experts say a wall would work, and listen to expert say we need to bolster border patrol, they are not going to do that. >> lou: dran bran brandon always go stalk with you, bran brandon ju. >> thank you. lou: national security advisor john bolton giving this clear
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warning. >> this now covers everything having to do with government of venezuela. every aspect of it. and perhaps more personall impo. extent to impose sanction to those who cooperate or assist or support ventura government. lou: and up next. slamming google's zoz ceo. we'll take up that, and more right after the break, stay with us. ♪ limu emu & doug look limu. a civilian buying a new car. let's go. limu's right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need.
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google was not involved with china's military, and did not help hillary clinton in 2016. but after hearing from former google engineer, kevin, our conversation with peter schweizer here, president trump treated, we're watching google very closely, joining us, sebastian gorka. best selling author. let's start with google and the game that it is playing. your thoughts about whether or not the ceo of going to sell to be believed -- is to be believed. >> lou. if you believe the ceo of google, i have a bridge to sell new connecticut. google's whose moto used to be, do no evil, has beki become facy
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or of evil regimes, they mess with powerful search engine in world, they are working hand in glove with the communist dictate or shideckdid dictatorship in b. it is outrageous and appalling. lou: legendary, peter, saying that they have divided loyalties at best. the idea they would work with the people's liberation army of the people's republic of china, against the interest of the united states, and not work with our military at all, suggests that google made an internal and externaly obvious decision to be
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a problem and a challenge to the united states. >> these are businessmen in the classic sense of the world lou, they are people who live in the hotbed of left wing politics that is palo alto and silicon valley. these are people who worship at the altar of political identity, who thought barack obama was good for america. they share the ideals of the left, whereby, we america are seen as the problem. if they can support a company, a policy, or a nation that is against u.s. interests, they will most likely choose to do so, when they are given option to help our national security, to support our troops, they are not interested. it is absolutely despicable, lou. lou: let's turn to president obama emerging for the purpose of attacking president trump.
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this is unseemly, it is not in the tradition of presidents to do so, and to have his former intelligence chiefs,. chiefs, implicated in effort to over 3 this throw s president, your thoughts on what is going on, and why is it not clear to all that dems are in deep trouble, they rely on the same old, you know same open games they played so cutely in 2016? >> there is a very toxic, ask dangerous cocktail brewing on the left amongst the democrat, if you look at peter strzok, suing fbi and doj for unfair dismissal. a is part of obama's attach ture trump campaign and trump
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presidency, we have a cocktail of arrogance mixed with low iq's, they are dangerous people, they didn't cover-up their tracks, robert mueller was meant to hide it all. >> where are we? we have a new attorney general. a new leadership in the justice department. and if you can call christopher wray this, at least a trump appointee. as director of the fbi. decisions not to prosecute james comey. it looks like a very -- >> yes. lou: a hard path to bring accountability these officials who have done so much against the interest of the nation. >> i have chris of judicial watch on my show, he is not a
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person given to hyperbole, he said knowing his sources, what i have have uncovered and representation of u.s. attorney, they durham, there will be people at high level in obama administration who will be charged with very serious felonies to deal with their activity, you have to note, a good prosecutor does not go after the low hanging fruit, they put pressure on those most legally vulnerable this case, lisa page, bruce ohr. and when they have the farm screws turned on them legally, they will give up what obama administration was doing, in a silent coop against donald trump, i know it is tough, we have to wait a little bit, be patient. lou: i would like to see patience at any point in this payoff. i have to say mueller hearing of worth while and the report.
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hormuz. a third diamete time. bureau of transportation lists 65 oil tankers around the world operating under u.s. flag. >> read cal radical dimms signia letter to google, urging them to turn outsource worker to full time employees, 3 signatures from kamala harris, bernie sanders, and warren. as they lobby senate to pass senate bill 386, legislation cosponsored by kamala harris allowing american businesses like google, to double the number of their h-1b visa workers from india and china, all of whom compete directionally with american workers. government data shows this year, that google asked for visas to import 7500, that despite pew
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research center finding half all u.s. college graduate with a stem degree, are not employed in a stem field, and are looking for work. >> senate bill 386 passed last month in the house, hu house bil 1044, our next guest voted against it, i am delighted, congressman green is joining us now. great to see you, we have a lot to cover, i want to get your feelings about why the republicans with the buy america, hire america president in white house, making america great again, bringing back manufacturing jobs, everything he can to help the american worker and our middle class. everyone benefiting from the lowest unemployment rates ever.
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and suddenly the republican party so many, joining with democrats to under cut the american worker and working family? >> yes, thank you for having me on. i thought that bill was not ready, there was a lot of things it contr con-- contradicted pos, it aisaid first come first serv, they bypass the committee process and brought it straight to the floor. lou: they are trying to hide it. this is a piece of pure anti-american worker deceit on the part of the democratic party, nancy pelosi -- i could not find her vote, could you see where the speaker voted, she kept her name off this. >> that is not a surprise, she usually does not vote.
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lou: it is an interesting bill not to vote since it is moved against the the american worker, by the way, american worker at-this-point is having best economic period in this time in modern era. this president, designates china as a currency manipulate or turned markets in hours had. your thoughts about nonsense you are hearing from some of these idiots talking about the trade tensions are terrible,er in forgetting that communist chinese government is stealing hundreds of billions of dollars from this country every year. and they want to protect their little wall street friends are who so delicate, they can't handle 20 or 30 billion dollars worth of tariffs.
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>> their hypocrisy is crazy, on one hand they wail about tariffs then tell google how to do their hiring practices. as far as china, 600 billion off our gross domestic product. in saying that hundreds of thousands of american jobs lost. you take motorola. i believe in 1997, was valued 17 billion, did a deal with huawei, they stole the technology, china subsidized company under cut them in market, in 2011, motorola was sold for 900 million. and basically done away with. lou: the list goes on and on. >> and on and on. lou: you mention a company that survived through all this, motorola brand does still exist. but, huawei. stealing. we threaten our allies, across the world, with you know, if
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they do business with huawei, then the next thing we're now extendinextending waivers for cs that do business with huawei. this is a contradiction went the administration and national security policies. >> i have a bill that i am doing with josh holly in the senate, that restricts train transfers of technology to china, we're saying to google, you have to guarantee as and seek a licenseo do technology transfer that is help chinese military or human rights violation. we' google to say, you are not supporting human right violations that china is conducting. lou: that is a terrific idea. but you would think that a -- one of most powerful american companies all of the world,
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would have the decency and the patriotism to not betray the united states of america. >> absolutely. lou: without being commanded by a bill. that we hope will soon becam law, congressman great to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: mark green. senator lindsey graham, man, has this man tone deaf or blind or what or both. displaying incredible degree of ignorance in front of his campaign posters in a crowd of supporters in green bill republican party, note his overall modesty as he discusses mass shootings, tragedy of weekend while pushing his own ideas for gun control. here he is. >> i'm looking for democrat po work with not to insult. so, i'm hoping to find democrat that will work with me, starting with the idea of red flag laws.
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lou: senator promising unnamed democrat, that would not insult him. i don't know what that is suggesting. that is worth more than 10,000 words. as he promoted himself in midst of tragedy. >> up next sensory overload that triggered a convention of democratic socialists who know? we'll have that and more after the break, you don't want to miss this, comrade. ♪
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lou: a dem kratdi democratic sot convention in atlanta did not go as planned. comrades got together to defeat capitalism and then descended to chaos with whispering. >> james jackson, i just want to say can we keep chatter to a minimum, i am prone to sensory overload, it makes it difficult for me to focus. >> thank you, comrade,. >> what is the -- personal privilege. >> please do not use gender language to -- address everyone.
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lou: they had their rough moments, joining us, charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor. and be bettis. this quite a display there. pepatrice, defeat capitalism ths way. >> then capitalists are in good shape, these young people are triggered by sense, sound and the wrong pronounce, this is ridiculous, this is generation of young people who have taught to be woke, sensitive overly sensitive to everything and everyone. not to offend anyone. if the real world, that they should be living in a bubble. lou: patrice used that word woke. i'm not sure what the heck that
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means, charlie? >> i woke this morning, i woke early this morning. -- >> gram atticly you didn't. >> this is true. you know, poor socialists, first, they kill 100 million people, then, bernie sanders picks up their cause. and now the american democratic party picks up their cause, it has to be so embarrassing, then video like this. and it just terrible, but, sad thing, entire democratic party, has literally been taken over by this ideology, i would dare you, lou to go find a single democrat, who is running for president, to even lightly mock that whole scene, they would be afraid to do it first, they are too woke to offend them, they believe this nonsense, that crazy socialism, they would not want to turn off their support base. lou: patrice -- >> yes to charlie's point, what
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is interesting we laugh, it is funny, but we can't take them too lightly either. i think it is interesting to see democratic national socialist of america has grown from 5,000 to 50,000 in 3 years, they have biggest advocate out there aoc, who -- she has a army of minions who turns these ideas coming out of this party to substantive platforms that think that democratic candidates and party has to either embrace or defend. they are over resentive, but -- overly sensitive but i do think they have ideas drain gaining -- gaining traction. >> are you concerned in. >> only if fact that you have that many idiots who are drawn to this they are so ineducated, they have been -- they are so uneducated, they are so destroyed by our education
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system in america, patrice is right, these people actually believe in this stuff, they go the through school, they lot of them probably graduate from a university, they believe this stuff, and it revisionist history, it is lying to them about basics of math and economics, and everyone can have free stuff just grab it. lou: charlie, you scare me to think that we have that many people in country who are incapable of -- well coaching, charlie -- coping, thank you. >> charley and patrice. stay with us, we'll be right back.
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lou: wall wall street is moving back into positive territory. the nasdaq surged 107 points. 4.1 million shares. the rebound coming after the president and his treasury secretary designated china as a currency manipulator. president trump's remain in mexico policy yielding results. brandon judd, the head of the border patrol council praising
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the president's plans today. tomorrow victoria toensing, joe digenova and gordon chang among our guests. we hope you join us as lauren: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories at this hour. from trade war to currency war, will president trump hit back at beijing. cheryl: hours from now, the president will visit with victims and first responders from el paso, texas and dayton, ohio h. will his message of unity be enough? lauren: disney takes a third quarter hit. will new streaming service be a sweet spot for the mouse house. cheryl: losing a job is never easy. a surprising study reveals who you lose it to may soften the blow. it's wednesday
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