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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  August 7, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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but joe biden truly lost his fastball, that i can tell you. lou: that's it for us tonight. good night from new york. trish: president trump visiting the family members of the horrific mass shooting in dayton, ohio. the debate over gun control heating up. before the path left today he was asked why congress hasn't done anything on begun legislation. >> normally this has been the decision. congress gets together and tries to do something. but if you look over the last 30 years, not a lot has been done. trish: democrats and republicans alike have failed our country by refusing to take any action to protect us. i'm setting the record straight.
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"trish regan primetime" begins now. president trump playing the role of consoler-in-chief meeting with survivors, victims' families and first responders after two mass shootings this weekend took the lives of at least 31 people as momentum grows over so-called red flag gun laws where the courts intervening and remove guns from people who pose a danger to themselves or others. watch him here in el paso, texas. president trump: let's see if we can get something done. republicans want to do it and democrats want to do it. trish: yeah, they do, maybe. i don't know about that. here is the problem. this president has an absolutely inept congress.
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it's very clear congress is repeatedly failing us. whether it be on immigration, trade or healthcare. you take your pick. congress isn't fighting for their constituents. the politicians aren't fighting for you and me. they are fighting for lobbying money. whether it be money from big corporations that want to be in the chinese marketplace. whether it be big pharma. or the nra and gun companies that want to convince you that a ban on assault weapons would mean you would be strip of your second amendment rights. not true. americans would still have the right to keep and bear arms in their home to protect themselves. one qualifier, a back ground check. they may not do a thing to tell
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these mass killing. if you are that filled with hate there are plenty of ways to do damage that don't involve guns. without a doubt we need a better system to identify mental health problems. common sense tells you if someone has a kill list, they shouldn't have access to a gun. in poll after poll after poll the vast majority of mayor cans say we need better background checks. why don't we have them? america has moved on this issue. you know that? look at that number right there. america has moved on this issue. so why hasn't congress. joining me, presidential historian doug wead and independent women's forum board member nan hayworth, good to have you here. doug, the president says
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congress hasn't done anything the past 30 years. he's right on that front. when it comes to gun legislation they are asleep at the switch. americans don't feel the way congress does. why aren't they doing anything? >> it's interesting, trish. some people think because it took richard nixon to open china, it might take donald trump to force congress to come together and force congress to do something on gun laws. we'll see if that happens. trish: he's talking about it. it could. but in the meantime you have the nra out there handing out money to people who want to get re-elected. how do they separate the threat of the nra cutting off funding and disengaging them from what they need to do for the country that's right at this moment in time given all that's happened. i am not saying this will
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fiction anything, but it seems it's that common sense kind of thing. >> i'm a lifetime member of the nra. but as a historian things have changed since the constitution was written. i think google, facebook and wikipedia pose a greater threat to freedom and you can't grab a gun in the closet to do anything about it. trish: funding from the nra has not affected things then? >> it's a powerful lobby for a reason, because americans take their bill of rights very seriously. we have a challenge in terms of first amendment and second amendment rights when it comes to tackling this problem, and i agree completely with you that our goal clearly is to prevent criminals from having -- from possessing weapons.
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trish: that should be something we all say, yeah. the better background checks as well to take sure the criminals don't get on. the idea that you have assault weapons out there as well. the second amendment says you have the right to bear arms and keep arms in your home. but what exactly are arms or assault weapons -- let me ask the lawyer on the panel. how do you interpret this. we want to be true to our constitution and founding favorites, but it's obviously different times. >> absolutely. in the wake of this tragedy we just saw. something needs to be done. certainly the tighter restrictions and background checks. nobody wants to sit here in a political stalemate without any action being taken by congress when you are talking about this terrible tragedy.
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trish: people are saying why isn't there the political will? >> is it the political welcoming from the american people? the numbers you just showed show that americans want to feel safer, and they want stricter background checks and red flag laws. that's really important. that gifts ability if there is somebody who poses an imminent threalt, a friend, family member or teach more sees this person day in and day out can potentially prevent tragedy. >> this is what the president is talking about right now. i want to go back to this idea of the nixon in china moment. you said it may take donald trump to get any kind of meaningful reform through here on this. doug, what would that look like? do you think he personally feels
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strongly enough about this at this point to get out in front of the issue, whether it be red flag or other things? because he has the potential to change the landscape. >> i think he does. you and i both interviewed him. one thing that's striking is he's so fearless. he's gutsy and will do what he thinks is right even if everybody lined around the resolute december next oval office disagrees with him. the second amendment was to protect us from tyranny and principally the tir of any our own government. >> james madison wrote about that in the federalist papers. the whole idea is if states had the ability to organize the militia that they could protect themselves against the federal government, i'm sure california would like to do that these days.
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but we are living in a world where, you and 10,000 of your friends are not exactly going to take on the u.s. government unless, unless, dog, you go out and vote. right? that was sending donald trump to the white house was the equivalent of americans taking up arms and saying i'm sick of it, i'm tired of the swamp. i want someone who can be a change agent. >> you are right. you are right. and i go back to the point that the pentagon is not the enemy right now. it has been at times. but me and my gun are not going to take on cruise missiles and apache helicopters. the greatest threat in my opinion to american freedom is big tech and that's got to be solved, too. trish: for sure. and goggle and facebook and the rest of them, that's. >> the story and one we have
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been covering and we'll continue to cover here on this show. i agree with you. they are a big problem. we'll see what happens on this front. i think the president feels strongly there has got to be some changes and red flags. thank you so much. coming up, chaos and panic in times square tuesday evening. watch. find out what caused these people to run for their lives. president trump says there is no one to blame but the gunmen themselves for the horrific massacres in texas and ohio. president trump: i don't blame elizabeth warren and bernie sanders for ohio, and i don't blame anybody. i blame -- these are sick people. trish: when will the liberal media stop blaming this president for the shootings.
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again, enough with the politics, guys. let's do something. the democrat joaquin castro refusing to apologize for exposing the names of trump donors. instead he's double down and blaming the donors. >> if you support the white nationalism and racism donald trump is fueling, i hope you as a person of good conscience will think twice about contributing to his campaign. trishcampaign.trish. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell.
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fueling hate in this country. trish: texas democrat joaquin castro doubling down after publishing the names of people who donated to trump's 2016 campaign. joining me, corey lewandowski. isn't it a sad time when you can't actually give money to a political candidate who won the president of the united states office, is in the oval office, without risking being shamed, harassed, and targeted for it? >> can you imagine for one second if the republicans did this to any of the democratic candidates for president? they did this to congressman castro? if donald trump, jr. tweeted out the names of all the donors who
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supported him and god forbid something happened to one of those people, there would be a national outcry. he's running for president of the united states. he has less than 1% of the vote. and this is the first time anybody has paid attention to him. if god forbid anything happens, blood will be on his hands. trish: technically it was his brother who did the. but the onus is on him and your analogy to trump's son is a good one because this is a family members out there. the blame game needs to stop. one of the reasons i said earlier on this show that americans elected trump. we have the ability to got it and take action with our vote, right? and even though all the polls and you know as well, the 2016 campaign manager, all the polls, he would never ever win. sure enough he did.
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people kind of had enough. they had enough of congress. they had enough of the bickering. they had enough of the back and forth and the divisiveness. look at where we are today, it's a continuation of that. the democrats are putting it on full display. >> today could have been a day when democrats and republicans put politics aside. they welcome the president so he could be there for the families of the victims. but instead what we saw was politics at its worst and lowest common denominator. attacking the president, continuing to say things about him when it should be a time for our nation to come together. a nation to heal, a nation to say we can do better. politics aside, at the end of the day i believe republicans and democrats love their constituents and love this country and want to do the right thing. but when tragedies like this
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happen, it's time to take a step bark and say let's unite and show the rest of the world we are unified. this will never be tolerated. trish: cory, one got it stater to another. i'm hear something rumblings. what's going on? are you looking to be the next senator from the great state live free or die from new hampshire? >> i lived there for a long time. i raised my family there. we continue to be part of that community. i think people in new hampshire deserve someone in the united states senate to stand up for them and deliver on behalf of those residents to help the opioid crisis and to make sure roads and bridges are delivered there. and understand there is an open door to the white house. i am going to take a long hard look at this race. the president is coming to
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manchester, new hampshire next friday. i'm excited to have him come to new hampshire. i'll spend time with him and talk about the race. trish: democrats, the liberal media blasting president trump accusing him of creating division in america. >> our president alined himself with the darkest forces in this nation. >> we have a president talking about exterminating latinas. trish: it's something you don't see every day. a man ski drinking water from a street faucet. he even turned off the flash flood set after quenching his thirst. secretary of state mike pompeo says he's hopeful talks will
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resume with north korea very shortly. jack keane is joining me on what president trump must do to keep kim jong-un in check. , come on. flo: don't worry. you're covered. (dramatic music) and you're saving money, because you bundled home and auto. sarah, get in the house. we're all here for you. all: all day, all night. (dramatic music) great job speaking calmly and clearly everyone. that's how you put a customer at ease. hey, did anyone else hear weird voices while they were in the corn? no. no. me either. whispering voice: jamie. what?
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trish: kim jong-un is not a fan of our joint it in drizzle with south korea. he said this week's missile tests should be seen as a warning to the u.s. despite this threat, secretary of state people pompeo is optimistic about north korea talks. >> president trump and the administration's strategy with respect to north korea haven't changed. our strategy is to denuclearize north korea. we are hoping to get back to the negotiating table to achieve that. >> do you feel it's happening?
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'. trish: joining us, retired four-star general jack keane. what do you make of this -- i won't say little rocket man. but i almost did. is he going back to his tendencies here in north korea. >> this out of the north korean playbook going back to his far it and grandfather. they have a belligerent attitude. they step up aggressive actions prior to negotiations when there was some leverage. they are using the joint military exercises, and we have canceled a number of them. i think the fact that we are still doing some exercises makes a lot of sense to me. north korea is a considerable threat to south korea and we have to give the troops on the
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ground the practice their trade craft. what does it mean? i think we'll see negotiations start up again in a few weeks. trish: okay. amid all this you get the backdrop of china. the markets have been the down of late because of concerns about china and the world in general. if china starts arking up -- acting up, does it align itself with iran and russia? and you have and presence in the world that becomes increasingly challenging for to us fight. these are somewhat precarious times and we have to be thoughtful about how we play this out. knowing china is a threat to us as well. how should we think about china and north korea together? >> i think north korea is in
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china's orbit. i don't believe they do much of anything without tacit approval from the chinese. i wouldn't be surprised in this particular incident, given the tensions between china and the united states over trade and tariffs, the chinese may have suggested the missile crisis to elevate the yiewflts' concern in the area. we just found out today -- our intelligence services know that china has been keeping the door open to north korea on trading and economic relief in violation of the u.n. resolution. that is a fact. they just don't give us the specifics of it. but today in a d.c. court right was reef vealed north korea had a front company in china and using that company to sell off coal and other manufactured goods, and three of china's largest banks were complicit in
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handling those transactions. >> this is why the u.s. is kind of worthless. they put in promises to do certain things and it just doesn't happen. it's frustrating. but the u.s. is the hegemonic power of the world. one of the things they are trying to do in terms of the chain a threat is control the flow of information. it's not just the trade thing. maybe we could all agree not to slap tariffs on each other. but we also have to agree not to steal each other's stuff. china, they steal our intellectual property and it's a real problem. president trump saying the white house plans to put the breaks on this in terms of the ban on federal agencies doing business with huawei. huawei is seen as the back door entry into our sophisticated
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technology and could be some form of spying on american companies. what do you think of the president's actions on this front and what is the threat from china when it comes to stealing our stuff. >> it's the right call. it's long overdue. and i think we have a pile of evidence on complicity. for them to convince us they are irnld from the chinese government and they are not doing anything in any way to violate anyone's security tore confidentiality is absolute rubbish. we have the facts and the goods on these guys and shutting this down is essential. this our national security. this administration has also taken a stwanld our allies. here we are trying to interoperate with our allies and they will use the huawei system and be able to eavesdrop on what we are doing. we have to stay tough on our
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allies. trish: good to see you have tonight. coming up. chaos and panic in times square tuesday night. coming up. find out what caused these people to run for their lives. but first, 2020 presidential hopeful joe biden calling president trump toxic and divisive. >> we have a president with a toxic tone who is publicly and unapologetically embraced the political strategy of hate, racism and division. trish: what about the liberal media. what about the left who continue to make these total think outtray just accusations about the president and his supporters. nobody cares about that?
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trish: president trump reaching out to unite torn apart communities of el paso and dayton. instead of praising those efforts -- by the way, that is what the president is supposed to do. he did a good job at it. and he struck a good tone. but instead they are dividing, dividing, dividing which perpetuating the fiction. watch. >> the president said we'll fly our flags at half-mast until august 8. that's 8-8. the numbers 8-8 are very significant in neo-nazi and white supremacy movement. the number h is the 8th letter
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of the alphabet and to them the numbers 8-8 together stand for heil hitler. >> you have a president talking about exterminating latinos. trish: i'm still stuck on the 8-8 thing. the guy on msnbc who said somehow flying the flags until 8-8 is some kind of recognition of nazism. what? i mean, this is crazy talk. absolute crazy talk. the host you saw there -- the last one, she ultimately apologized for that blatant falsehood saying he's trying to exterminate hispanics. this is wacky talk.
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but that wraps we have gotten. joining me, gopac chairman david avella. the nazi conspiracy theorist on msnbc. nobody stops him in his tracks and says whoa, i think you are out there on a limb. >> you don't have to be certified to be on television. anybody can get on television, and that wacky explanation proves it. fortunately, images say more than word do. and the images coming out of dayton is a president who was there to console and americans who were around him seeking pictures. talking with the president, convey a message of exactly what you want after a tragedy like this has occurred. so from an impaneling
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perspective, the president is communicating to americans exactly the message they want to hear and are getting despite what you may hear or the word you may get out of some news program. trish: robert patillo, i think the president of the united states has an opportunity to do something possibly even an executive order that would ban assault weapons and demand stronger vigilant background checks. i think he feels pretty strongly about these red flag issues. do you think this president trump could having this as one guest earlier described it, a kind of nixon and china approach to this? it may take a president trump to do something. because nra money is so strong
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and kings so inept at getting anything done that you need a leader to go out on that ledge and take charge. >> most of americans want the president to be addressed on these issues. but he's tweeting out the castro brothers aren't men, they are less than men. trish: i am giving you the opportunity to talk about the importance of reform when it comes to guns. and you are going straight back to politics. i don't get it. come on. >> let's understand, trish, not everyone is on agreement. i don't think it background checks or bang of assault rifles is the panacea or solution. trish: stop the presses. i now have a democratic
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strategist arguing against the idea of more back ground checks and bang assault weapons? you are going to argue with anything that's maybe coming from this president. it hasn't even come from this president, i just suggested it. >> i am from the south. we have rifles, guns, a shooting culture. the idea of doing red flag background checks does not sit well with red dog democrats in the south. trish: i'm disappointed. i'm scared for our country, david. you can say black is white and white is black. if donald trump proposes it, it doesn't mat wear he proposes. they will say no. david. what does that tell you about the state we are now in? for you to say that when red
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flag laws would be something that would actually help the country and something i think historic el you would have supported. david what's going on. i want to give the last word to david' you said your piece. >> most of americans go to their corn kearse when it comes to the gun debate. that's why the president's remarks earlier this week work to elevate it. it's not just the gun debate. it's the issue of violence. are we going to break down -- trish: the other guest is a democrat and he doesn't like the idea of having more vigilant background checks and i think it's because it's coming from trump and i'm going to leave it there. >> i'm not going to disarm our veterans who come home. i'm not going to take them away. trish: david, robert. thank you.
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a man sk d. -- a monkey drink wa street faucet. burgess owens say it's ridiculous people are blasting president trump when he's the only president in his lifetime who has helped the black community. beep goes off ]
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trish: communities consistently underserved by their own democrat leaders under a sharp microscope tonight. elijah cummings is inviting president trump for a baltimore ride along. >> you know what? i want president trump to come to my district. i want him -- oh, god, i want him to come so bad. >> have you spoken to him? >> no, i can't get to him. you all are doing a good job of that. put that in your editorials. i want him to come.
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and look at my entire city. i'll ride with him for hours if you have to. trish: my next guest says the communities are waking up to just how much more they ought to demand from their leaders. joining me, former nfl player, burgess owens. trump took a lot of flack on the campaign trail when he said to members of the african-american community, i *, it hasn't -- hey, it hasn't worked. why not try something new. democratic policies have not worked for minorities in america. how come? >> he said, what have you got to lose? he was so correct on that. the left goes crazier and crazier. we do have solutions. we have for a long time.
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they were presented in the 1800s by booker t. washington. they led to the greatest interest minority in decade. they call 4h, the american way. head, heart, hand and hope. it's education, it's heart, god, hand and industry, and home is family. and what we have is any time we experience the greatest things in america. what happened is the democratic party has lost its heart. they have taken out god out of their national platform in 2012 and the result of that is misery. when you take the heart out of people you don't mind use them for political strategy. cummings will take the president to the good part where the elites live.
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but he'll hide where the misery and crime and no hope. it's so they can continue to get their power. that's what the democratic party is about. it's a mess. i'm grad black americans are beginning to wake up. trish: the way of combating that, i guess, we have seen many commentators. we are seeing them all. they are basically calling this president a nazi. equivalent of adolph hitler. it's outrageous stuff, burgess. i was saying, look, america, i guess there is til racism out there and it's not easy for any minority, including women. but in general as a country we have come a long way. we really have. the worst thing you can say about someone is they are a racist. how do you fight back against that? it's a tough thing to fight back
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against. they are out there calling him this. hoping that it sticks so people will be shamed and say i can't vote for a quote racist. >> this you have to understand, true racism is when you hide the solutions that could bring hope to a race. and donald trump, candidate trump was the first candidate to put together what's called the new deal for urban america. most of americans have no idea, you put it together. every single one of those points he put out four years ago, he's fulfilling. the left hide the solution and they hide the fact that he's winning. they will sit on their hands to hide all the great things going on in our country because they want division. when you take god out of anything, you get hatred. the left -- good people need to
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wake up, get away from a party that does nothing but teach and preach hate. that's what the democratic party has done. every single urban community our country you see the worst of america. people put on plantations with hopelessness. they eventually turn into socialists and vote for democrats. that's what we are up against. trish: compelling thoughts from you tonight. >> america will wake up the things we do best if we win. thank goodness for a president who stand up for your our country and loves our country and bring us together. everyone is starting to win. and when we, i we come together. ♪ ♪
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people heard that, they started running. >> yeah, it has been a tough week for all of america, who is mourning the loss of innocent lives, americans are startled, they are on edge. if you have been around motorcycles they can scare you. the loud noises. fortunately there was no shooter. you -- we're watching this video right now. there were a few minor injuries from people running. but times square is relatively safe, they do have several officers on patrol. there are thousands of people that visit any given night. no one was hurt. it was a false alarm. trish: you can understand how people felt. now fun stuff. venomous snake missing from a zoo in new york city. but staff like no big deal. >> they put a little tiny sign in front of the exhibit that let people know, that the snake is on the loose.
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many people who were visiting that exhibit did not seen the sign, the snake is a man grove, there are no known in -- fay fatalities. in 2011, a deadly egyptian snake -- trish: where are the snake guys? what is that. >> they should have told people or made it clear that there was a snake on the loose. >> skipping snake pictures to the monkey, one environmentally conscious monkey going viral, caught drinking out was water founfountain then smart enough o
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turn it off, he did not want to wastewater. >> this happened in northern india. it is going viral. monkey politely turned that faucet off. on a serious note, i guess they cause problems. they are more violent, and there have been a lot of incidents reported, they look cute, you need to stay away. trish: stephanie hamill thank you. >> thank you. trish: all right, we'll continue our coverage here tomorrow night. a serious time in america. perhaps a serious time for some opportunity, for some change, it would be nice to see congress do something, right? i started the show, they have failed us on immigration, and faileddous trade us on trade, fn
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guns, they keep failing us. that is why america sent donald trump to the oval office. good night, kennedy starts now. ♪ kennedy: thank you. so how do we stop this cycle of murderous violence? how do we balance all the suggestions. lawmakers and others have made with our basic civil liberties, this issue has divided us for years, but after twin shootings in old paso and date -- el paso and dayton, americans demand action. where to we begin. there are proposal on gun control side, with bans on so-called assault weapons, a dangerously blanketed tomorrow. and those dealing with mental health, including reddin red fl, increased background checks, and


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