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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  August 13, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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you, we'll see you tomorrow night 8 p.m. eastern, have a terrific night, kennedy is next. kennedy: jeffrey epstein saga sinks worse than a 3 day old fish, and circumstances of his death so murky that even mayor of new york city does not buy the story. are we closer to finding out what happened. you know guards, they say they found him unconscious on saturday morning. he was later pronounced dead at a hospital, we're told the guards had not checked on him in hours, despite being the most high profile prisoner in correctional facility, and he had already tried to kill himself, last month. today feds reassigned the ward inanwardenand put two guards ont
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how did he die? if it was suicide, did he have help? would that make it not suicide. and how did he hang himself in a cell that is supposed to be suicides proof. today, bill de blasio said there are way more questions than answers, and he is a dumb giraffe. >> he is one of the most prominent prisoners in america at that point, he had been assaulted or aterme attempted s, he neated to be watched 24 hours a day. it belongs to the justice department. this is -- come on, how on earth do they miss this? kennedy: i don't know, bish, it's your city. i realize it is a federal facility, but quit acting so innocent bill. we learned know hour before that first of his death, someone
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posted he was dead on anonymous message board, now they are investor gailing how thainvestid have happened. and they seized computers at his island. a potential gold mine of information nowhere to be found, his alleged accomplishes maxwell seems to have flown the coop. where is she? joining me, we have all-star party panel, jessica tar, with jimmy faella. he never fails to disa59. >disappoint.kennedy: there it i.
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kennedy: guy benson. let's talk a little bit about some of the events we've seen unfolded today, the posting of his death on fore chance -- >> it could have been a coincidence, it could have been someone on inside that knew this. kennedy: maybe a first responder or eamericas. ems. >> or the guard at jail who was not really a guard. all footage of fbi now raiding pedophile island, it has been called this in news are i for y, when you hear something called pedophile island, raid is immediately, what are they waiting for.
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the sex temple with a golden dome, all this is crazy. my theory, one of three things. one, this is just pure incompetence. i believe that could be almost as bad but this is too much cascading incompetence in my opinion. then low level -- >> i love that frayed, cascading incompetence. >> i saw cascading incompetence open -- anyway. kennedy: with nirvana. >> low level conspiracy, maybe epstein paying someone off to look the other way while he identifie--offed hymn himself, l conspiracy. >> the backdoor could have been flung open by anyone named
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smillary pintoo, wha' happened? it is creepy there were memes of bill and hillary saying sorry about your upcoming suicide, then he takes his life. >> they were in chicago airport. kennedy: what? >> according to best cable news writer. kennedy: i thought picture of bill is real? we we have them? picture that looks fake. you plugged a giant head on a tinier body. >> a face that says i'm on my way to new york for our urgent business. >> she was on the way to challenging whichchicagoin thatn great mood. like a weight was just lifted
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from their shoulder. kennedy: but not -- >> she was a doll. it was weird. >> get a room. >> 5 minutes our eyeballs flickered and smoked. she gave me a bottle of hot sauce to give to my cousin who is a chef in prison where epstein is staying, i'm kidding, they didn't kill him, i do know believe that. >> have you a relative. >> that is a joke. >> i would believe it. kennedy: you have cop brothers. >> we'll get to that a little bit. >> i never believed -- like i didn't believe he killed himself, then i did research -- >> how he did it. >> i don't think it was real. >> it does not take as much as you think it does. >> if you do it slowy and you had a bunk bed, i thought that was strange. kennedy: where el d else do yo
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sleep. a full size pallet. >> and a duck-mattress. kennedy: my pillow on the best. >> later. >> and mike lindell is only one watching. >> that does not make me want to bye buy a pillow, but when i seu in my medicine cabinet, i want to call the cops. >> i am here for you kennedy. >> all conspiracy theories related to the clintons are out? why? because you are a democrat. >> no. >> cascading incom incompetence, this is sad something like this has to happen for a national conversation on how poorly our prisons are run.
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kennedy: that is -- okay. but here is what is funny about el chapo, he had his last gasp, last time anyone will see him in public, his lawyers decide he can write and deliver a statement on his own behalf. think of what we would have to say. escaping from prison, list of enemies and fight he files he is justified and waging, you know what he talks about? he talks about the noise, the poor water, and treatment at the ncc. -- mcc with epstein died, i was watching, that i was el chapo come on you are blowing a big moment. >> finale of sopranos, we were looking for a big flourish. kennedy: all of a sudden, don't stop believing started playing, but i think he had a point. >> i visited i worked in federal court for a summer i visited
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mcc, i know about the no bars, it was well guarded. this feels like something -- kennedy: everyone has a conspiracy theory beepstein's death, and even the president is weighing in one day after retweeting a claim. that clintons were to blame. president doubled down on his decision to retweet. >> a very highly respected conservative pundit, a big trump fan that was a retweet, not from me, he is a man, has a lot of followers. he is respected. kennedy: yeah, there is a direct correlation between amount of respect you have and followers you have on twitter. >> president did not definitive
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let's say if he thought that clintons were involved. should president involve himself. >> no. >> normally no. >> this so far out of bounds for him, he forgets 22 hours a day he is president. >> he alenne alleged that ted cs father killed john f kennedy. >> we cannot exonerate. we don't have enough evidence. kennedy: is this threshold in this country, i think not. >> i am sides with jesse. >> epstein did not kill himself, i thought he did, but, i read he is a knicks fan that explains everything. kennedy: i mutual fund h believs open life.
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i don't think it is out of rel m of possibility that he paid some nonguard to look the other day. a 2000 page document comes ut. the high profile case is blowing up, getting as high profile as lindbergh baby. you don't think they would have a couple veterans in there is a, let's keep eyeballs on him. >> there was a former prison guard here yesterday, i met. he said he was on suicide watch, you don't stay on that for more than a week. this is not the run of the mill guy. kennedy: jack donson was on last night. >> it does not seem feasible, the high profile. then bill richardson's name. >> prince andrew, what happened to princess diana do we know? she is talking about mi6.
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>> the queen does not want this. >> no. kennedy: she wants -- >> what. kennedy: this. >> to be here on party panel? ♪ >> crazy as it sounds intelligence angle is not that crazy. >> nothing is crazy. >> all crazy. >> there are -- 100%. >> when secretary acosta was being vetted by trump administration for that job, they asked him about sweetheart plea deal he told them, they reported he told trump transition team it will be fine, i was told at the time to let it go, he belonged to intelligence, epstein belonged ton intel intee was asked about that. >> what? >> this is not bonkers to think that. kennedy: as mother, lover of
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freedom and justice, i am disgusted at the way he skirted the system, so unacceptable on a number of levels, they knew it, his lawyers say this epstein is dead because he didn't make bail it is like eat a bag of rotten sloppy sticks. >> thank you. kennedy: so much more with panel. we'll talk about chris cuomo claims that being called fredo from "the godfather" i is aning ethnic slur, did he over react. kennedy: we'll discuss it next. ♪
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all right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. oh, here we go. i know i can't play an instrument, but this... this is my forte. obviously, for auto insurance, we've got the wheel route. obviously. retirement, we're going with a long-term play. makes sense. pet insurance, wait, let me guess... flea flicker. yes! how'd you know? studying my playbook? yeah, actually.
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♪ kennedy: that was last night mouth trumpet monday song, winner, jimmy jo. and my brother bryan. he texts me every week. there you go, there is your shout out, next week, mouth trumpet monday song might be theme from th "the godfather" bt not in chris cuomo has anything to say about it, because that is
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racist, a man addressed him as fredo, only have to cuomo flip out like sonny. >> fredo from "the godfather." it is an insult to your people, italian people it is like the "n" word for us. kennedy: mm-hmm. cuomo taking a beating of his open on twitter, cnn stands by their man ♪ with director of communication saying she wa he was attacked wn ethnic slur and had no choice but hurl the f word about 99 times. even though he has said fredo on the air himself. can the public forgive him for
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making a man. panel is back with more. jessica, jimmy and guy. is fredo the same as hurling the "n" word at someone, i would argue it is not. >> no, you said one and bleeped the other. chris cuomo, common thought. what happened, he knows he is the fredo of the family. kennedy: not fun. >> he has a has antic -- an an x governor with a bridge named after him. if someone said jimmy faella you suck what or you lose our lost someone's money at a strip club, i will punch him in the face. kennedy: take it from me, i "n"
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word just means you are the dumb brother. who is the fredo in the trump family, it is eric. >> i am so glad you answered that question. >> i was going to. kennedy: what would you say. >> don? >> jr. >> no, dating ki kimberly guilfoyle, he could take it all over. >> don jr. talked about running for mayor. >> none of these people will be in an elected was on. >> that is what you said about the last one, here we are, retreating clinton conspiracy theories and living the dream. >> all right, people, i -- >> the orange cheeto, just -- >> can't believe it.
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kennedy: i have watched this video, i know that chris cuomo is jacked. he is in great shape, watching this video and his reaction, i could not help but think this that i was witnessing a little road rage. >> i don't know, i think he was upset. >> very diplomatic of you. >> being insulted in front of the family, no one looked good in this, you should not do this to a public figure. kennedy: i agree, that is height of jackassery no matter who it is, the "n" word thing is ridiculous, threat to throw them down stairs is terrible. the wea weakest, is the guy pretended that the he thought the guy the cuomo's name was fr.
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you say you i was calling you the dumb weak brother, you suck on cnn, you are bias and i hate you, plan your feet. kennedy: do you think -- you make don lemon look like wolf blitzer. >> they are not my words, that is what this guy was implying, to is not stand behind is it weak, live chris cuomo and his family alone when they are out. >> thank you. >> take it from classy guy. within on national -- >> lou dobbs. >> no, to if you hate something long enough you become it. when people on right are doing g that bothers me, they are becoming people on the lift, who are app busheare ambushing ambug at them. kennedy: you don't have to fire
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him or take away their guns. >> we have learned. mitch mcconnell, cocaine mitch, no one with more poise in pocket than mitch mcconnell, i wish i was a bigger conservative commentator to get chased out of a few restaurants. >> you said -- i was confused weapons or because of cuomo's arms. i think it was what. >> he is in shape. >> okay. >> he lifts. >> like the first segment. kennedy: he makes marion jones look like pee-wee herman. >> steroids. kennedy: i did not say steroids. >> she said roid rage. >> she meant hemorrhoid. >> preparation h put it under your eyes, get awe from the bags at night. >> i don't know what is
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happening, i am so lost. >> we with leav can leave, you p going. >> now you know how every pitch meeting goes. >> pretty much. kennedy: you are amazing, you are a dream come true, guy, jimmy, jess car jessica, what a. violent protests in hong kong. standing up t to beijing bullie, next. all money managers might seem the same,
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kennedy: hong kong protesters have taken over the airport for a second day, bringing the airport to a stand still. british returned hong kong to china in 1997 with one country two systems understanding that
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would allow hong kong to thrive and prosper, hong kongers are guaranteed many constitutional freedoms we enjoy here, freedom of speech, press, demonstration. they run counter to socialism loyalty pledge that beijing demands. they are actively eroding hong kong liberties, china wants the ability to extradite criminals from hong kong and prosecute them in their system, their court, which is a top down justice through -- thei -- that sidesteps human rights, you can imagine many of these protesters will might same fate as millions of victims of facial recognition system forced to reeducation camps and never heard from again.
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china would be foolish to use the military to squash the uprising, they know their economy is teetering on brink of a deep sinkhole. hong kong is a freedom loving enclave with low unemployment. and a stunning 61,000 dollar per year gdp . instead of capitulating to china's demand, china should become more like hong kong, and allow their citizens basic and necessary rights every human on earth should enjoy, we should support the crafty protesters who have been waving american flags, flashing peaceful bat signal to show the world they are serious, and chinese about to get a rock in the face from a very determined david, that is the memo. >> one country-two se system
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doctrine to expire i. >> number -- joining me tonight. olivia is here, welcome. >> thank you so much. kennedy: so very worrisome that china is amassing so much power so close to hong kong. they are doing whatever they with disinformation to squash the protests. they have been saying it is a foreign power add small group of terrorists who are essentially leading the proceedings. what can the united states do to push back on china and support these protesters peacefu peacef? >> i am vla glad that you brougp that hong kong is a bastion of freedom.
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this is why protesters are coming out, they want to be able to preserve. the system that promotes freedom for them. and enables them to enjoy the basic liberties, those who in mainland china don't. this why u.s. needs to be really clear it supporting and favors those who engage in peaceful demonstrations, seek freedom in hong kong, and should unquestionably condemn any violence or threats of violent or threats of inter ven shinvenm beijing. kennedy: this means a lot to beijing, they want control over hong kong. you know what they want and how they get it runs in opposition to how hong kong has always been run. and you know, it is a little idealistic and naive for someone like me to say beijing should become more like hong kong.
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but we all know it. the scary thing, is if these protests continue and airport states closed with the executive council in hong kong really not doing enough to back up the protesters, how ugly could it get? >> i think that is the real fear. major concern is whether or not we'll have another tiananmen square on our hands. you look at history how beijing dealt is autonomous regions. the types of draconian policies cared out in shin jiang were copied and pasted in tibet, they have one kind country two system momodel that is supposed to preserve hodg hong konger's wayf life. kennedy: state department is
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used more forceful language to outline where the u.s. stands, and how supportive of the plo tesprotesters we are, and presit has kind of said you know china has a bunch of military equipment on the border ern calm down. -- everyone calm down, i know it not a great idea for u.s. to even think about getting into a hot war with china over hong kong, there so much on the line for both economies. what can be done in the next couple of days? what demands could be met that would let the protesters ease up comfortably. >> i think that reason why have you protests is because the feedback loop between hodg hongg citizens and their government has been severed. if you have some restoration of hong kong authorities recognize that will of hong kong people
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trends toward reform, then you might see a backing away. i think that u.s. should take it one step further, if we see any hint or actual acted from beijing to intervene, anyone individual to make that call should be considered for sanctioning. kennedy: woo. there is the act again. olivia thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: great insight. >> the dow closed 372 points up today after the president announced that tariffs on some chinese imports will be delayed until december, but president trump's trade war still has some executives spooked. analytics have warned there is a recession before 2020 election is more likely drew to trade war -- due to trade war, they gave it about a 50/50 shot. is an economic downturn on the positivhorizon or will presidenl
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off a last minute trade deal, joining me jonus max ferris. >> hello. kennedy: turmoil in hong kong is bad news for everyone. a military response by china would be a be catastrophic. >> the situation in hong kong is kind of related. china is in trouble right now. trade war. they have taken most was hits, danger is driving them to a don't recession, that would spread across the world to europe, and other countries, people that borrowed money like tesla to build factoryings in china, then there is no one to sellecsell -- sell the expensivs
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to. 12 months ago, i think that banks myself would have put a risk of recession for low. the economy of so strong. once the economy is weak the odds change. i think that is why president watched stock market saw it fast. and decided this not time to push. he backed off a little. talked about christmas, that is kind of a weak hand, the point to create less demands for goods that hurt employment. you are saying we'll bottle this. then maybe raise them later. i think there is a higher risk of a resolutio a recession, that president is watching. kennedy: very interesting. president promised it would be easy to win and good, but now have you consumers and farmers who are feeling the effects of this. you also have some indicators
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like yel yield curve inversion. >> the interest rate is per fleck -- perplexing, there is a positive to that i don't know in just numbers tariffs are enough, corporation got a huge tax cut. apple got a huge tax cut. and then consumer got a break with this low interest rate situation from last year. that will save billions of interest polices, autos -- on the leases and patos autos they are boosts to economy. then tariffs it not gig big enough to hurt us, but danger it is hurts globe or china, they have to fire a lot of people. it spreads. it does not take a lot for spreading panic across the globe. kennedy: like economic -- ebola.
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>> a bunch of liberal in texas begging him to get out of the race, beto, what is going on? get out, so you can stay in, what? bill mcgurn joining us with answers, let us learn about 2020 next. oh, here we go. i know i can't play an instrument, but this... this is my forte. obviously, for auto insurance, we've got the wheel route. obviously. retirement, we're going with a long-term play. makes sense. pet insurance, wait, let me guess... flea flicker. yes! how'd you know? studying my playbook? yeah, actually.
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kennedy: beto needs you. texas needs beto, houston chronicle calling on o'rourke to end his campaign, saying, beto, if you are listening come home. drop out of the presidential race. texas needs you. when o'rourke first announced his candidacy in march he was in
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headlines but now he is falling. his campaign swears he is not backing out, "new york times" reporting john hickenlooper also considering ending his white house bid, and might run for senate. should they go back from where they came in time to learn with mcgurn, former speech writer for george bush, hello welcome. >> hello. >> thank you talk about beto. a different candidate again ted cruz. he really was an it boy, but since then. >> who lost. kennedy: he did lose to an unlike able person a lot of outside money. >> all press behind him, and maybe a few republicans that don't liked to cruz. kennedy: now, he is really stumbled on com campaign trail,i
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think he is damaged goods, what are his chances verse john cornyn. >> the democratic primaries are asking him to leave, he is 1% and under, he is trying to preinvent himself, last has been over e el paso massacre calling the president responsible for it. at some point you have to win something. go out win one for "the gipper" not blow one for "the gipper" for come within two points. kennedy: true. and i think if beto maybe waited, not run for president, he would have a better shot against john cornyn, but he is not even winning in texas, joe biden is beating him. >> it is not clear what he stands for, a lot has been the person, you know about who hes
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is. -- >> push ups in airport. >> what does he do for you as president, and promising to do that other candidates are not promising. kennedy: the problem he is a regurgitate or of talking points, you have to be able to generate a vision that inspires confidence, he seems like -- >> and in debates has he in others have had their moments. kennedy: some people had their moments at his expense. i don't think he has done well. and go ahead pull out of the race. what about john hickenlooper dropping out, he is not going anywhere. does he pose a threat to gardner. >> i think he does, i think that hickenlooper is a more serious candidate, he was a governor. kennedy: he has talked about
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ideas. >> right, he has won, run before and won. kennedy: and he has been one of people to stage, like, he seems like a smart guy, not president. >> he has done some things before, he disagreed with some other democrats. kennedy: and booed off stage. >> you saw personality, he has a belter chance, and -- better chance, also what is interesting he has taken the initiative. beto thing is houston chronicle saying here is our safety net, run for senate in texas. not clear he would win. kennedy: if he does poorly in september debate, his political -- >> he might hang on for a while but not i don't know purpose. >> is that senate money. >> i'm not sure. he had a -- he there was still enthusiasm when he first
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started. there was interesting how quickly it dropped. >> like a rock in a bucket of water. >> bill mcgurn, boy did i learn. >> thank you. kennedy: tuesday right here, topical storm is next, look at you. ♪ limu emu & doug mmm, exactly! liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (carrying up to 50 times its tbody weight.essly marches on.
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kennedy: kamala harris took time from campaigning to call bingo numbers last night at an iowa senior home, two old men got into a fight over who won, they separated bernie and biden. i don't care if you got b-9, you are the tumor. this is the to topical storm. >> we begin. at florida store, you can't beat the prices but you can beat the staff. no. this is not a cnn anchor ho hass been called fredo, he flipped out because cashier would not sell him beer. as we say, it is 6 a.m. somewhere. beer bandit causes a thousand dollar worth of damage before leaving with a friend in a ford
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f-150, rumor has him at a marlins game because nobody catches anything there. >> topic two. time when white house was plagued by leaks, but these days all rats are in japan, first pizza rat now, there is produce rat. they crawled to a store but they did not stay long, they did not bridge -- shopper cards, and the prices were outrage out, that still a bad deal. the rats resisted. they were forced to shoot them. i'm kidding. they put on a samantha b show. the rats jeffrey epsteined themselves. the store has since reopened and
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items are flying off the shelf. >> no, i'm so sad. judging by that outfit, you think he would be used to not getting any. >> topic three. lucky charms now selling bags of just marshmallows for $1.50, they are a bigger, puffier version of the original, eating them will make you a bigger and puffier version of yourself, cereal lovers are thrilled, they have a fun way to eat part of lucky charms, without setting asee the coa cat food portion, e you have the purple horse shoes without soggy mew yo -- meow mi. another day, another vacation
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for your dentist, lucky bastard . >> if you are in market for marshmallow mayhem find someone to drive you and your stoned ass on the grocery store, last thing we need is for you to get hurt before you make it to area 51, lard asses. >> india has been dealing with its own problem this summer, they have been dealing with monkey business atwater company, this guy turned on faw faucet ad drink it turn it you on, authorities are like, who drinks tap water in india? curious george had to cancel his hang with the man in the big yellow hat to go get big yellow
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pills. luckily he was able to send a friend to the store. just go ahead, see antidiarrhea aisle 4 under the dr. pepper, a giant rat, i believe that scientist call that rat us steveonous bannonnous. managingaudrey's on it.s? eating right? on it! staying active? on it. audrey thinks she's doing all she can to manage her type 2 diabetes and heart disease
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but is her treatment doing enough to lower her heart risk? [sfx: crash of football players colliding off-camera.] maybe not. jardiance is the number 1 prescribed pill in its class. jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. that means jardiance can help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. plus, jardiance lowers a1c and it could help you lose some weight. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection... the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection,... ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. the type 2 diabetes pill that's on it.
9:58 pm
learn more at oh, come on. flo: don't worry. you're covered. (dramatic music) and you're saving money, because you bundled home and auto. sarah, get in the house. we're all here for you. all: all day, all night. (dramatic music) great job speaking calmly and clearly everyone. that's how you put a customer at ease. hey, did anyone else hear weird voices while they were in the corn?
9:59 pm
no. no. me either. whispering voice: jamie. what? what might seem like a small cough can be a big bad problem for your grandchildren. babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. help prevent this! talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today there's a company that's talked than me: jd power.people 448,134 to be exact. they answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say "thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room. kennedy: thank you for watching the best hour of your day, fantastic panel, i am glad we were all a part of it, follow
10:00 pm
me, why don't you, i say lovely filthy things. tomorrow night, buck sexton, matt welch, and dr. mark siegel, give my some cow bell, good night. . lou: good evening, the people's republic of china, a nation beset with challenges, an economy in decline. facing now widening unrest, and demonstrations in hong kong. there protesters stormed hong kong's airport for a second straight day. clashing with riot police and the departures from airport canceled for a second straight day. people's liberation army moving troops to hong kong's border, president trump urging all parties to remain


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