tv Kennedy FOX Business August 16, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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matching outfits that's adorable and that's why i missing marriage. >> we are celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> i am sure by now your vote expert because we have learned jeffrey epstein broke multiple bones in his neck during his highly anticipated and predicted suicide. it is right there in the front of the neck. apparently it's a common string elation, homicide fracture in the line of people that wanted to break his neck could where he died. epstein reportedly threw himself off the top bunk in a violent dressed and maybe because it was not hanging that accounts for the less than probable fracture. but nothing is normal about this
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case. with his poor explanation and universal outrage is an environment right for theorist to apply any conspiracy they see fit. then medical examiner who was shadowed with the request couldn't conclusively say how he died. it was not exactly cancer or sunstroke, either he was suicidal or someone who wanted their secrets to stay tucked inside the prison wallet helped him become re-suicidal. a guide is rich, high-profile who tried to take his own life almost three weeks before, he would require an extraordinary committee of paperwork to sign off on removing him from increased security in the suicide watch. but they did and whoever was in that group deserve some deeply uncomfortable forensic accounting to see if little saint jeff sprinkle convenient
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doubloons in the lot. if he was assaulted the first time around and if you is never suicidal at all, he should've been moved. or better protected to ensure he saw justice. anything short of that shows gross on seriousness towards his victim. he had been secretly videotaped on pedophile island and the rape temple should be safe if he stayed internally mom. but they may find what the collective weirdness throughout this case. it made it more visible and increased everyone's appetite for details and finally justice. that is the memo. will the autopsy results do anything to stop these conspiracy theories? joining me on the phone, pathologist and attorney. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> let's talk about the hyoid
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bone. there was a case in 2008 and inmate named iranian l white who hung himself how critical of a finding is this in the medical examiner's report? >> these fractures are indeed rare in cases of suicidal hanging and a study done from the medical examiner's office in montréal, 239 cases over a six-year period of apparent suicide and there was only six and the highway bone white fracture. it gave much course for the first time. that is something that is generally found with a manual strangulation, not even with the ligature string elation. now we are hearing there was fractures of the -- he hurled
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himself or was hurled off the top bunk, then you have the speed of velocity committed with the kind of force that would be required to produce fractures of the hyoid bone. so we got the different scenarios and we have to learn more about it. as you mentioned, there are other things to look out in the absence of cameras and withdrawal of suicide watch. these are things that have to be thoroughly, thoroughly investigated. even if he hurled himself off, there are still a lot of questions was he goaded, encourage, was he told, like prosecutors and officers sometimes like to do when they try to get 70 --
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>> if someone aided in his suicide or if this was in fact homicide when there be physical evidence on his body? >> every man would be. we are to see the complete report and learn about the injuries external and internal and we want to know how many hemorrhages there were in the neck and the soft tissue and microscopic examination. and do they relate back to the july 23, are they fresh? and these are the things that we have to learn from the autopsy report. and they have to correlate their findings with what they learned from the investigators and so that is all put together and everybody who had access to him in the jail who could've gotten to his cell including people who may not have been on duty who has accessibility, i believe every one of them to be
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individually interrogated and this is as you said a terrible case, this is not the way things should be handled in prisons in america. as you know so well, it's a prison -- we are not talking about the rinky-dink jail. we're talking about summer in rural america -- >> you are also talking about a facility that only has one suicide and three attempts over the last 40 years. thank you so much for your time. >> a pleasure being with you. >> the autopsy results far from the only bizarre new development in the saga. according to forbes he was taken up suicide watch he spent time alone with a young female prison visitor in a private room reserved for other inmates.
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her identity is still unknown. on top of that his bodyguard told newark magazine he thinks a buddy helped epstein kill himself. abc news reporting unidentified associate claim his body and we don't know where it is. if that wasn't enough the near post saying his accomplice was spotted at an in and out burger in l.a. the book of honor, the secret lives and deaths of cia operatives. how many more twists and turns will we see? let's see the party panel, an attorney and author daniel maclachlan is here. and tom is here with us. we have done be debbie e superstar bill.
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let's talk about this. there is so much anger directed at jeffrey epstein and that is going to go somewhere. i brought it up in my monologue. epstein is no longer a person. he is not a thing. you can more easily get subpoenas and search warrants to find out what things have been hiding. >> it looks like the department of justice is going to co-conspirators in a way that they would not have done if he was still alive to prosecute in the we're be civil suits against his estate all of the anger and sense of injustice that victims feel will be challenged in a way and more problematic for the people who are around him and were to interpret taking for
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many years. >> as epstein expired you could almost hear prin print andrew ad then you say wait a second they were videotaping on pedophile island. >> the way that associate are going to go down, it's probably in his mansion, probably in the files, videotapes obviously nobody should breezy you interbreeding easy. don't relax. >> i hope they go after people. it is easy to focus on the conspiracy theory in the details. we cannot lose sight of the fact that there are number of young women who were victimized and raped and forced into prosecution as young teenagers. we cannot lose site of that. i think that is why this story
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compels. that's why it will continue to grow because we do not have answers. that is what happens. and of course she's at in and out burger why wouldn't she be. why would she still be in the united states? >> if i could be recognized i would've changed my face and been long gone. >> fake mustache, but a real mustache. you don't have to go to in and out and get it. they will bring it to you. -- >> with him gone -- we are all going to come together watching this all go down and watching everyone on every single sign we will all be united.
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that's what all these conspiracy theories are happening because this was going to be united for everyone. this guy should go down. >> you're absolutely right. there was so much united animosity but now it's like, wait a second she was doing what to these girls and now they're going to take a much serious look at some of the other people with. >> and somewhere underground there is going to be a giant bombproof safe with videotapes, everything you can imagine from that place and hopefully it leads to every single person. >> daniel with your background as an attorney, when someone dies, is it easier to gain access to their stuff because they are no longer a person and have no rights as a living person. >> writes, yet before the movement right of season seizure and if you go to trial you will
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have where you can exclude evidence. he is not going on track, there is going to be evidence he will not exclude. >> that was my point. >> -- they were smothering their troubles with his last breath but they were actually creating to much more. it is a fascinating case. the panel returns and just a little bit. we are going to talk about the chinese military preparing to take on the protesters and hong kong but what happened if the tank rolled in. what would the president do what would the president do about it? fun fact:
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>> it is starting to look like china government is getting sick and tired of the protest and hong kong. are they getting ready to drop the hammer? i hope not we are told they have more exercises on hong kong border in the rhetoric again with ambassador to the uk. says the central government would not sit on his hands and watch at the situation for the
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deterioration and hong kong and is uncontrollable. the demonstrators did quite down a bit after hectic week and hong kong international airport. and president trump offered his thoughts on how chinese president jesus paying should handle it. >> i would not want to see a violent correct him. i put a little bit of a memo out last night these men i like a lot and get along with them very well. president xi jinping and i said i'd be willing to bet if he sat down with the protesters i bet he would work it out in 15 minutes. >> is there any chance of that happening before the tanks role in to discuss senior advisor to president trump. welcome back. >> great to be here. >> we have three decidedly different responses from the
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federal government from the state department. they are talking about the heroic and just protest of the hong kong protesters. john bolton is saying china there better not be another ten among internetiananmen square. president trump is talking about the hong kong problem. why do we have these different takes on the same issue? >> the situation is evolving pretty quickly and this is running in parallel with on-again, off-again trade talk. so the president doesn't run human rights ngo kurt. he wants to help them but he leads a government and a nation that has interest economic and national security interest. it becomes clear beijing is not negotiating good-faith on trade. that gives the president more leeway to be strong on hong kon- >> i think that is what is
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frustrating. i wish you were stronger. i wish that he shared the reaction in the support with the state department. there be much more supportive. hong kong as a pointed out, a lot of people have talked about, it is the economically freest city in the world. that is incredibly sacred given that it's a part of china in this one state, two system is crippling quickly in the united states should be supportive of freedom economic and otherwise. >> and you see that nec vice president pence be very strong against china and talk up human rights and circuitry pompeo do. trump is wise to say if there is a threat but it's hesitant to get involved otherwise. look what he done it's really remarkable something obama never did when protesters took to the streets and iran and he sat on
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his hands and what trump did was call for a dialogue and the protesters. that would be a big step forward and stop the erosion. >> what happens with paramilitary troops make their way into hong kong? what happens if the protester met with violence? >> the chinese may not be as easy to eliminate this as they think. it's not panama square and kill a whole bunch of people. these protesters will melt back into the offices. what would happen, there is a law from 1992 this is hong kong is a separate trade entity from china. we knew the transition was coming up and will be handed over from china. we will treated separately as long as it separate and china doesn't make it a part of china. if china invades and it ruins hong kong as a free then we
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would take away -- >> that is what they were trained to do with his extradition demand. china wants to be able to extradite people they feel have broken chinese law and take them into beijing and not good things happen there. and they do not have the same sort of right on the mainland that they do in hong kong. the rights that we take for granted in this country but if there under threat somewhere else. i'll be damned if i'm letting that flood on my watch. >> there is a mythology about china that the great strategy, they playtest and were playing checkers. they have been breaking the promises on hong kong and they are supposed to under the basic law and the joint declaration
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give universal suffrage and democracy, they're supposed to have respect hong kong economy and they been eroding that -- >> they are doing whatever they can to push and i'm glad the people in hong kong are pushing back. >> thank you. >> a new report claims joe biden's allies are trying to limit his gaps. why does the plan involve -- beto has relaunched his campaign again. what is a strategy this time? ♪ all right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. oh, here we go. i know i can't play an instrument, but this... this is my forte. obviously, for auto insurance, we've got the wheel route. obviously. retirement, we're going with a long-term play. makes sense. pet insurance, wait, let me guess... flea flicker. yes! how'd you know?
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>> no. >> what about sleepy joe biden rally? [laughter] they come on the hill over report and we need joe's allies are trying to limit his campaign appearances in an effort to minimize his verbal gas. a fox news poll shows biting continues to lead the pack with 31% of voter support. elizabeth warren is on her way to second place at 20%. bernie sanders holding onto the bronze medal still on the podium which 1%. as the biting campaign right? or should sleepy joe have a cup of joe and slingback the mud. this is already wildly entertaining.
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what do you make of this? it is not joe biden's team. i have a feeling it is the high money democrat dover donors that will him to do well. everyday he goes to the i was state fair he says something really dumb. >> i bumped into him at penn station and i thought he seemed very old and frail and very nice and having a great day. but can i imagine the sky and starting to become president? i don't see the energy. >> we will be walking around walmart insane is it my house or stealing batteries? that happens, he's a really nice guy but his first day and nothing you keep them hidden and when the time is right you come in as parachute of chief. >> baby jesus are you listening. [laughter] i hope hillary comes back.
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i hope this whole thing is a giant ploy. he says i'm going to stop sign. >> we have whiteman leading, i'm doing the right thing. >> i'm going to give the hammer to her. >> i don't know if the gaps are his problem? i don't know of any american that would say i want to vote for a democrat. >> what they do say, the guy who is slow on the uptake and does his job it is relentless. you have to be sharp in ways that even if you're a vice president you still have to imagine the top job. >> i think he's in trouble if he gets the nomination. warren is doing great in iowa and once somebody shows he can win and they can beat biden, once he is vulnerable --
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>> you think if he loses the iowa caucuses -- >> the thing is, combined worn and bernie and is the same as biden. >> you are the liberal on the panel. >> what do you make of this? who replaces him? >> i hope that hillary jumps in at the last minute. she was in a getting mood friday night. [laughter] she would lose ground to don't you think? >> it's hard to know. right now i think it's biden's turn. i will say, i will rent fireworks in front of the center for her -- >> i actually do love her and that is what it is. the thing with biden their
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guests. >> i want to savor this moment. i know you're going to say something to try to rationalize. >> you know it is going to get worse. >> i do think it'll get worse and probably he should've ran in the last cycle. >> he will serve this country incredibly but there is incredible competition into your point everything is on the rise, it's a big field. we will see, i went in south kelowna, they will rise like a helium balloon. bernie sanders loves to rail against the 1% but beto o'rourke would be lucky to get 1% in most
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polls these days. the men the media ghosted and they relaunched his campaign. we talked about it last night, he shot down calls to drop out because according to him the states or two hi. >> i'm confident that at this moment we do not wake up to this threat then we as a country will die in her sleep. [laughter] there are so many ways to die then in your sleep. are we going to get attacked by lions? the only problem, most of the crowd was already in sweep when he said that. they were trying to die in their sleep. the lone star state, that came when the entity published a lengthy piece to hit the road. so should beto stay in the race or focus on more realistic things? beto o'rourke, i cannot imagine
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a person avoid a political instinct more than beto. it is really incredible. >> was he at the lunch table? he is going to relaunch his campaign several times before. >> he already relaunched it. he relaunched it again and again, and took a long time before he launched it and he lost to ted cruz, went out and launched a campaign, that sucked, and fell flat in mayor pete came along, sold the mojo, launched it again and then nothing happened he starts going down in the polls elizabeth warren shooting up he starts wearing, no one cares. when does he get out? he wants to go back to when he can have a cardboard cut of ted cruz on the stage with him. he is not going to get that. every time you do the reset.
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swearing once or twice, supercool, every single time we watch south park. 27 seasons of it. this is your second chance in three strikes and he's out. >> with joe does not work out, if hillary -- >> who is it? it's not going to be beto obviously. >> i think to him he think that failure. >> that was if he loses another. >> i don't think this is his right to win and who paid decisions for him. that is what really -- >> he was born for.
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>> they all think they were. some are raisin running for pret or vice president or secretary of state. >> at least andrew yang -- at least has some interesting ideas. at least he'll never be president but looking at things and the different way. nato doesn't even have that, he's not interesting. he is a kook. former republican congressman says his party needs primary president trump while the maserati does 185 and works as a conservative radio host. he told msnbc he wants to apologize for the role i played in the unfit con man in the white house. don't you talk about president pence that way. was he on something or on something. they ask the indian givers.
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>> neither of these guys, they never liked the president. he liked him for 11 days. >> until he got drunk and called what's his name -- [laughter] but the joe walsh thing -- joe walsh never liked the guy and i don't know if he's holding his nose and voting form way back then but he's been anti-trump guy for the longest time. >> guys like this who no one knows are they hoping that this ground -- walch why don't you run, your great. >> and hoping for the acceptance of the other side which he will never get because they will eat each other if you make the one mistake. but there is no chance, you do not play a big part and he will
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not play a big part now. we are talking about him right now because he wants to side with the good guys and he played a part. he had nothing to do with it. if he does not exist trump will win the election. >> i respect what he did. i think he tried really hard and supported the policies -- >> that may be true also. but i watched him on cable news trying to advise the president from the outside. i do think he was trying to do the right thing by the president but it was too much. you don't automatically shift, everything we know about the president has been a known quantity for a long time. >> you know what changed, his wife has a tv show and he's trying to get attention for her and for his wife. >> knew cannot play both sides.
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>> thank you so much. today marks the 50th anniversary of woodstock. how these organizers get that legendary concert off the ground and how did it not get shut down. one of the cofounders and directory of the documentary fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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people. but that was a tiny tiny part of where the people were. there was people for a long ti time, there was people under every leaf of every tree and rock as it was flying over. >> that is him describing his arrival the helicopter to a festival of three days at a farm in upstate new york. better known as woodstock. 50 years ago today half a million people showed up to see him. the documentary crating woodstock with a behind-the-scenes look at what is considered one of the most culturally influenced event in history. joining me now director of woodstock and the original festival and cofounder of woodstock joe rosenman.
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>> it is really incredible because even if you were not alive during woodstock is one of the few things like the moon landing which we celebrate the 50th anniversary this year. you knew it significance and even if you were not a part you feel like it's a part of you but that festival and so many ways should not have happened. was there some sort of a force that allowed would stock to go forward even though we did not charge people and everybody from the health inspector and governor wanted to shut you down. >> it was called the art against. and for some reason they were beautiful people. and underneath it with the top professionals in the world for this event keeping things pretty well on the heel. we should've descended into a catastrophe --
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>> that would be easy to see today. if something like that happen today and so many people were so insulated in many ways and separate from each other, do you think people have the same ability to look out for one another and be bound together like music? >> i think it's inherited everybody in a situation like that when you need to pull together and you need to share with each other and treat people as if they were your family and are all in the same community i think our species doesn't. there are only a few moments you get in life where you realize all my goodness this is one of the things that defines me and i'll never forget. for jimi hendrix it was play the star-spangled banner. he almost did not get to woodstock because you can also hold copters for everybody. he called organizers and said send me aboard and they cannot do it so how did he get there? >> he fluid in a little plane into a local airport and he
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called the talent coordinator and he said can you get me to the festival and he said i'm sorry there is no way i can get to hear. and he says is there anyway that you can get her? long story short he found a couple of kids in the station wagon and paid them to drive him to the festival about two hours later after he hung up he is driving down the road and gets out in the interesting thing, i just found out that jimi hendrix went up to him and said you have 20 bucks, i have to pay these kids. [laughter] >> i know we only have about 30 seconds. i am obsessed with the summer of 1968 and what was going on at the democratic national convention, vietnam civil rights movement, the assassination, how much of a reaction to 68 was
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woodstock the next year? >> i think there was a big reaction. it was kind of oppressive for the younger generation. it was all that going on at the same time they felt like fringe on the edge of things. they did not get along well with their peers from the older generation. or think they were very happy to wake up on friday and see people like themselves and their height and. >> they had taken over and it was music and it really was a perfect storm creating woodstock. who's dog is this? it's my special friend, antonio. his luxurious fur calms my nerves when i'm worried about moving into our new apartment. why don't we just ask geico for help with renters insurance?
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>> washington state police stopped a 40-year-old motorist who is plain pokémon go on eight different cell phones at once. he has been ordered to stay off for 60 days but likely he can still catch them on tender. [laughter] this is the tropical storm. topic number one, we begin with a feel-good story from the world of sports. former mma champion connor mcgregor offered a shot of
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whiskey but he refused to be the good samaritan that he has he gave him some prepunched. watch this. he jabbed him right in the face. man 0 man if he could hit mayweather. he tried to pour the man a glass of his personal whiskey but the patron refused and got hit. people say the guy ended up with a better of the two options by far. police are investigating the bar battle that he is willing to beat the charges against him. he has not beaten anything in three years. [laughter] i should clarify this incident happened in april but tmz is releasing the footage and apparently they were so busy reporting on hard-hitting news stories like what girl did miley cyrus kiss this weekend and how much side boom wa boom was show.
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topic number two. i like it like that. things have gotten so crazy at l.a. fitness they have opened up a carpooling. sure, any jim will like to do a dip on a bar but only l.a. fitness let you take a dip in your car. look at the tadpoles. your 69 euros man lost control of his vehicle and plowed into the pool. as you can imagine jim goers were absolutely shocked to see a 69-year-old man in the gym. usually they just walked around the locker room naked all day long blow drying their privates and this was a nice change of pace. it caused over $50000 worth of damages in their calling it the most expensive disaster some
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people say he drives like beto but that is not true because this guy did not flee the scene. hello rich dad. little information available for people who met him say he's a super energetic guy who loves to hit the gym. and the gas. [laughter] topic number three, that was my excelerator noise. the makers of spam announced they are selling a pumpkin spice version of the original. if you are person who enjoys the finer things in life, smoke a joint and pretend this is one of them. the company has reassure the public that public spice untainted pumpkin spice is not an april fools prank. it is your most companies wait
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till fall but anyone eating spam on the regular has already fallen enough in life. i say that with all due respect to hawaiians who have a sweet spot for terrible things. if you do not believe me google congresswoman. isn't she a senator? i don't know. for the record i am sure this is delicious because who does not like the taste of pumpkin and sadness. and rat butt holes. not everyone agrees on the greatness of the fine product. never feed an irishman meat and potatoes. topic number four, the viewers have spoken but most of you do not speak with it to mankind. allow me too translate, it's cyber viewer may have. mary writes kennedy nation has become a glam show.
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where have you been? it is always been a clown show. jay william tweets, kennedy has always been in the liberal democrat. and they said the show accomplishment. accomplishment. things of the fun fact: 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. and most of that debt is actually from credit cards. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right - by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. you can get your interest rate right - by locking in a fixed low rate today. and you can get your money right. with sofi. check your rate in 2 minutes or less. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. [ soft piano music playing ] mm, uh, what do you do for fun? -not this. ♪ -oh, what am i into?
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mostly progressive's name your price tool. helps people find coverage options based on their budget. flo has it, i want it, it's a whole thing, and she's right there. -yeah, she's my ride. this date's lame. he has pics of you on his phone. -they're very tasteful. 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars. we wear our work ethic. we work until the work's done. and when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day we'll finally get something done. ( ♪ )
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the day we'll finally get something done. managingaudrey's on it.s? eating right and staying active? on it! audrey thinks she's doing all she can to manage her type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but is her treatment doing enough to lower her heart risk? maybe not. jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and it lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection... the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection,... ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack?
12:59 am
on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. sleep number 360 smart sale of the year on the can it help keep us asleep? yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all beds. only for a limited time. >> thank you for watching the show.
1:00 am
hit me baby one more time on twitter an instagram on kennedy nation. the following is a paid advertisement from time life. (show announcer) from television city in hollywood... ladies and gentlemen, sonny and cher! (applause) i'm constantly being asked what makes a good marriage. why don't you ever tell me? (laughter) (announcer) they were the perfect couple... i'm the fall guy. i know i'm getting it tonight... no you're not. (laughter and applause) (announcer) and they always made beautiful music together. ♪ listen, baby ♪ just call my name ♪ i'll be there in a hurry ♪ you don't have to worry ♪ 'cause, baby, there ain't no mountain high enough ♪
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