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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  August 29, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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these jobs should be coming back to the united states and they are coming back, there is a company bringing back of 1000 jobs. there is a company coming back with 1000 jobs to this valley. lou: that is it for us. thank you for being with us. see you tomorrow tonight the inspector general releasing a report unfired fbi director james comey's actions finding that not only did he violate fbi policy but he said quote a dangerous example for the 35,000 fbi employees plea them. the former fbi assistant director chris wegher worked with comey and he's not mincing words and former federal prosecutor doug are an in said he's not surprised by comey's actions to trust me you are going to want to hear their full thoughts on comey and the ig reports moments away. remember this audio glitch? >> i apologize. this new yorker volunteer to get
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rid of him for you. that's not his only problem is neither is the fact that he missed the cut for the next democratic debate. why is a much bigger problem on his hands right now plus concerns mounting as hurricane dorian now expected to be a monstrous category 4 storm when it makes landfall. coming up the latest on his path. trish regan prime-time begins right now. i'm david asman and for trish. our top story tonight a blistering report from the inspector general claiming james comey violated his own agency's policy by leaking memos that meaning is private conversations with president come to a friend with specific instructions to share them with a reporter. the ig writing in no uncertain terms quote by not safeguarding
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sensitive information obtained during the course of this fbi employment and by using it to create public pressure for official action comey set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current fbi employees. despite this the justice department ultimately declining to prosecute and for his part comey is defiantly the import quote i don't need a public apology from those who defame me but a quick message with a sorry we like about you would be nice to joining me now is former fbi assistant director chris wegher and former federal prosecutor doug burns. chris, it's amazing what this man is now saying after the report came out but the ig report isn't a great surprise. it's the arrogance of the response of mr. comey that is surprising to me. >> he surpasses the worst case of hubris that you've ever seen. let's just put it this way if i were still the assistant
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director of the fbi and humor the deputy attorney general of the fbi he would have fired me and ensured i was prosecuted for stealing documents, leaking documents in violating a whole set of rules and procedures that he knows he can't do. >> he went on in another tweet to say to all those people who spent two years talking about me going to jail end quote or liar and being weaker why trust people who gave you that information for so long? the ig concluded he was the leaker and he's admitted he was a leaker and now he's saying that's not true. so it comes back to the political tactics which members of the media are covering. without getting in the weeds on certain web sites you didn't see anything about this and that was fascinating to me. i will never forget watching him
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testify oh yes i gave this memorandum to this law professor at columbia. my mouth fell open. a first-year law student would be scratching their heads saying you can't just give the memo to them and then he arrogantly said in order to get a special prosecutor sobro quick the report is clear. says he violated the policy statement. the point is he mishandled memoranda but in fairness it's an open question as to whether was classified. >> there are has been a lot of pushback and some of that some people upset goes too far. let me explain senator kennedy has never mincing words about comey and his reaction to the ig report. play the tape.
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>> it does not change you, it unmasks you. i plea for a long time in this report confirms it mr. comey is a meathead. he is a political hack. david: is that going too far or is he on target? >> i as a under four or five different fbi directors and we really took the role seriously. we were caretakers and entrusted with people's liberties, their property and their reputations and never would we ever leak for her own personal reasons to take property. i was in many meetings with jim comey and he said a lot of things you probably been wanted the public and family talked about confidential investigations. i could note during those meetings is sometimes a wrote memos about meetings that i would never have taken them out of the office and launder them through a third-party to get them to the public for my own purposes. david: at its extraordinary and their questions about whether he
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lied about timing. there's also a question about his involvement with the pfizer report. the fbi is supposed to verify the information that goes to a fisa court in order to get a warrant to spy on american citizens. use by or whatever your word you want to use the trump dossier was completely unverified and yet the fbi under his command signed off on it to the fisa court. is there something about that he can be indicted for? >> we have been over this many times in the point is they did not adequately explain to the quick the background and the genesis of how the stasi was created. david: it was unverified. platform portmanmack david start with the dnc and the cleansing campaign using a law firm and then engaging fusion gps and unbelievably a high-level official in the department of justice. his wife was working at fusion
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gps. she gives information about trump and he gives it to the fbi. to answer your question the fisa matter is the next step and we talked about this john durham looking at it and so forth. that could be the next shoe to drop. david: chris i don't know if you've dealt with the fisa court to all of the evidence that they have received to put out a warrant has to be verified. they use the word verified. this was anything but verified. this type sang it was paid for by the dnc and it was peer political rot and yet that was used as evidence in a fisa court to spy on an american. sara: i've signed on to many fisa's and on many criminal affidavits. if there's information you have to give the judge the relevant information and if there's contradicting information or
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information that goes against the probable cause you're presenting to the judge that contrary to your probable cause you up for duty to disclose that and there were quite a few omissions material omissions. love to have a chat with that fisa judge to see what he thinks or she thinks. david: i'll bet aji barnes is doing that right now. doug and chris bury great to see you both, thank you very much. o. de blasio the far left me are not making the cut for the next democratic debate. i wonder why. >> i apologize ever got to know donald trump for this new yorker volunteers to get rid of him for you. david: is getting cut from the debate wasn't bad enough in a report saying that maher is facing up max -- mass exodus of taxpayers leaving the city also a fake news apology. lawrence o'donnell 80 macroafter
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reporting this tall tale. same with donald trump's documents show that he has cosigners and that's at least able to obtain those loans. and the cosigners are russian oligarchs. david: coming up lawrence o'donnell qualified apology but speaking of fake news joe biden telling a fake war story on the campaign trail republican congressman jim banks react to that sound right after this. this was me six years ago... and this is me now! i got liberty mutual. they customized my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. then i won the lottery, got hair plugs, and started working out. and so can you!
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splenic we have been talking and we continue to talk. this is having a tremendous impact on china. it's having it devastating effect and we will see whether not to make a deal. david: president trump telling fox's administration stuff tactics on trade bringing beijing back to the negotiating table meanwhile china extending an olive branch of sorts saying he will hold off on retaliating against increased tariffs set to go into effect in days. anemia member of the house armed services committee indiana congressman jim banks pics to deceive congressmen. what do you make of this cat and mouse game we are playing? will he ever end up with a deal?
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>> i really think so. we are at a point where china's clearly crying uncle and there's a window of opportunity to bring china to the table to negotiate better deals for american workers. i've got to tell you this president is the first president of my lifetime to put pressure on china and pushback against bad practices that a man going on for over 30 years but those bad practices continue congressman. i'm can tell you and hong kong you see what they are doing there. we'll have a big protest this weekend we'll see how they react but clearly they haven't lost their britishness as communists. >> not at all to this president applied pressure to tariffs by his work to rebuild the american military and create a military presence there projects strength toward china. this president is the first president 30 years is doing something about it. by the play way would stand with the people of hong kong. we stand for her freedom in the united states of america.
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i am proud to have witnessed the president so far applying pressure and as i said it appears the chinese are beginning to feel the effects of the tariffs in such a way that there is a wonderful opportunity to get something done to negotiate a better deal for america. david: we are certainly feeling the pain, no question about that. the economy is falling beneath them right now but want to switch gears and bring it back home because vice president biden was called out for campaigning in new hampshire on friday and he's done this and other campaign stops where he talks about something that happened to him when he was visiting a bandstand back in 2008. let's play the tape and get your reaction. spent a four starter lasts me if i go up into the fog and everybody got concerned the vice president and again we can't lose many more of these kids. it's not a joke. this guy climbed down the
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routine. this guy up on his back under fire and the general wanted me to pin the silver star on him. this is the god's truth my word as a biden he stood at attention. i said i don't want the thing. do not put it on me please. sara: . do not do that. he died, he died. david: very dramatic telling of the story. the problem is the "washington post" and they are not an enemy of joe biden binnie stretch and i'm quoting in the space of three minutes biden got the time. map the location the heroic act, the type of metal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong as well as its own role in the ceremony. you are not only on the armed services committee usurped in afghanistan. what do you make of this? >> first of all this is sad. i served with heroes in
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afghanistan and there is nothing more dishonorable in my book than making up for stories as president -- vice president biden has done to make himself look good or in any political contest for that matter. the first time joe biden ran for president you to drop out of the race because of plagiarism. it appears this time you might have to drop out of the race for writing fiction on the campaign trail. david: some will say well he's a colorful character and he embellished his stories but when you have you or someone you know who has served in a dangerous war zone if not afghanistan itself and you hear a story like this it really hits you in the gut. you don't want people to make up stories on the backs of people who lost their lives fighting for this country. >> no question about it. there has been a continuous number of gaffes that vice president biden is made on the campaign felt that this is the first time where i've gotten
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angry about it as i served in afghanistan myself. a large number of the american people themselves a lot of my friends on the democratic side were angered and this time this tall tale told by vice president tight-end. i imagine it won't be the last gasp or untruth we hear from joe biden on the campaign trail. dave is responded to the "washington post" taking him to task for making things up it will play that later in this program to congressmen want to thank you for being here. jim banks, appreciate it. and thank you for your service. meanwhile socialist congresswoman aoc hasn't gotten a lot of sleep. >> i woke up in the middle of the night at 3:30 in the morning just burning about climate change. that it. david: or lack of sleep p. the
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reason? >> this generation is very profound and very strong and very brave because they are going out into the streets. how about that? previous generations of just assumed. david: millennials the first ever to protest? coming up historian doug wead has a history lesson for asc and also despite incredible new video of voters trying to outrun an erupting volcano. how did that end up? stay tuned for more video from that story but first democrats complaining about trump moving a fraction of famous budget to help the crisis of the border but did you know president obama did exactly the same thing back in 2014? details coming up.
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dave: hurricane during his gaining strength as it barrels toward toward president trump canceling his trip to poland as florida remains understated rootsy. chief meteorologist is joining us with the latest. thanks so much going on at this time at the computer forecast. the fact that it's a complicated complicated forecast doesn't change this latest model and these numbers will shift over the next days. i want to point out we have the model numbers here so this is precipitation total coming out of 28 inches across lakes around fort pierce but also georgia and south carolina around one foot. we might be watching the storm even longer as you go further towards america. we have a really long duration
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event. officially for the national hurricane center tomorrow they have got this up to a category 3 storm. the pressure has dropped some but the winds haven't gone up. officially by sunday afternoon we have a category 4 storm off the shore and then they'll notice he doesn't move move very fast. because it doesn't move very fast the rainfall totals will pile up in long periods of land and prolonged plant continues to cause more problems. structures and trees weekend the longer time with the wind and rain and we will see more than toppling over. it looks like our models are in good agreement here. they make that right-hand turn and slight deviations in the forecast will make big impacts for people in localized areas. one of the things were watching is taking this forward to monday evening we thought we'd have a landfall monday midday. our models, david are reliable
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model wednesday afternoon across the florida coast. we'll be talking about this unfortunate for a long time. david: is putting a shadow over the holiday weekend. thank you very much. switching gears now new fallout is dorian revs up. democrats now furious that the trump administration is moving a fraction of fema's disaster relief to the crisis on the southern border. adding 7000 beds. two problems with democrats shock and dismay president obama did exactly the same thing back in 2014 and former fema administrator brock long says moving that money is nothing to worry about. watch. >> i think what's most important here is that there is over $27 billion in the natural relief fund so there's plenty of money to fight dorian as well as other storms that may be behind dorian.
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that issue doesn't keep me up at night right now. dave with ms. liberal columnist adam epstein and conservative author curt schlichter. adam it happened the other -- under obama. why the outrage not? >> update but it's not the same thing. this is totally tied to politics in trump's cruel and inhumane immigration policy to be honest with you and especially come especially as a hurricane is bearing white board florida. as we know puerto rico last year took 11 months to get power. 3000 people died. fema funds were not allocated correctly or properly and. david: they were totally mishandled by the people in charge and puerto rico. there was a problem there. to make you know that's not true. david: of course it's true. it's been admitted to by some of the people involved including the governor who resigned if you remember. kirk it's not just trump supporters who are saying this.
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kirk fugue or he was fema administrator and a president obama told npr yesterday and i'm quitting him the fema administrator at her president obama quote we were dealing with another migrant crisis the unaccompanied children crisis and funds were transferred out of famous disaster relief fund. those are the dollars were used for disaster response and the money was given to "vice" to cover their expenses that weren't budgeted. obama officials admitted its been done before. >> david you have to wonder how dump do democrats really think the american people are? do they imagine that dollars aren't fungible? at dollar here can't be moved over there and more dollars sport in if you have a shortfall. the simple fact is we have a disaster that's been ongoing on our border for a number of years the democrats and their refusal to seal the border from illegal
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aliens. pierpoint to have every resource we need in florida. i worked disasters in the army national guard for years and years and when things go bad to get all the money you'd need to do everything you have to do. the only thing that can derail used across a democratic administration. david: even though you don't like the idea of the wall are you worried about the fact that he's diverting money to fortify and build walls are you concerned he's fulfilling his campaign promises and the voters will like that? >> no pets there has not been an ounce of the wall built. what i'm worried about is a comprehensive immigration reform policy needs to be had. we have not reached that with either party. that said in june re-signed emergency relief bill that almost every democrat voted for for more beds in more money for i.c.e.. david: curt meanwhile joe biden a stepped in once again with the
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story about his trip to in december when the "washington post" in every detail in the story was wrong. biden has addressed the issue that i want to play the soundbite and get your reaction. go ahead. >> i was making the point how courageous these people are, how credible they are. this generation of warriors, these fallen angels we have lost so i don't know what the problem is. what is it that i said from? david: curt essentially everything you told in the story was run according to the "washington post." >> look david marcus on your calendar at the day i agree with children. the honor of leading american soldiers for 27 years and i agree with how great they are and how wonderful they are but the fact is joe biden is getting old and he's in decline. he wasn't so recently the candidate i was most worried about because i thought he could connect voters in the way like liz warren or beto for the rest
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couldn't but he is in decline and it's sad to read somebody's going to have to intervene. david: this story is not over. ateman curt thank you for being here. yes what, two goes in pincott on tape. apparently a living room to get a camera capturing what one couple believes is a ghost in the ghost dog dog. i do know dog. i'd know they were ghost dogs with we will show you the video and you can decide. first it's hard to believe that mayor bill de blasio was cut from the next democrats debate. look. >> i apologize but this new yorker volunteer could get rid of him for you. david: former new york city lieutenant governor betsy mccoy is here to react. >> the polls suggest that people are comfortable with joe biden. her name is not on this list.
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david: new york city mayors toga palazio campaign woes are failing to qualify for the next democratic debate and a centerless two is at the white house seemed to be on its last leg. the senate is not looking a bit better for him to sun city priest facing a no-confidence poll from the max exodus by new york residents. according to the numbers new york leads all u.s. for nearly 300 residents moving out every single day pretending that former new york botanic governor betsy mccoy. it's great to see you. what is happening in new york is happening in l.a. and happy in san francisco and happy in chicago. what is the connecting element? >> high taxes more than anything, killer regulations and unaffordable housing. you're right it's happening in california. it's happening in illinois. it's happening in new york and it's happening in places like connecticut and new jersey and
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they are going to places without taxes like florida. the biggest waterfall. david: extraordinary thing is they increase spending enormous sipri new york's mayor de blasio has increased 30% more than any mayor in the whole history of new york city. >> over 92 billion a year now. david: the streets are dirty or more hopeless than ever in the subways are in terrible shape so where's the money going? >> that's the point nobody can explain it including his wife who has been calling for the city counsel to explain where she has spent hundreds of millions of dollars of allegedly allocated to her from and to health care. we see child protective services is supposed to be taking care of children. many of died under the most brutal circumstances. people who live in new york city public housing, no heat in the winter, no elevator service. so bad that her regulators have had to come in and taken over from the mayor. david: the people he claims to care the most about the homeless
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there more of them on the streets than ever. getting to be like san francisco. in the winter we get cold here but san francisco doesn't. married -- mayor giuliani figured out a way first of all he who brought down cruncher minutes away and clean the streets. times square was. when he took over. he cleaned it up and turned it into a family celebration and he got the homeless into shelters. guess what, he actually cut the budget. think with a headline from 1995. he cut the budget by $1.1 billion so we did with less money come he did more than de blasio has ever done. >> this mayor de blasio is awol. in fact new york city had a blackout one night. the lights went down in the huge swath of manhattan was in the dark. the mayor was in iowa campaigning and did he come back to address the crisis quickly went to chicago to do it
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television interview instead pays the mayor has doctors in governing. he gets up the crack of 10 or 11 in the morning he goes to the gym. david: the bottom line is it's not just unique to new york. if you fall on the wrong policies you end up with a situation with happen if you follow the right policies you end up like giuliani did. >> low tax flow efficiency. david: one of the problems with new york and chicago and l.a. they are losing their tax base because more and more they were focusing on the wealthy and they were paying a greater percentage of the income tax but those wealthy people aren't leaving so what's going to happen? >> this is an important point you are making because right now things are hunky-dory in new york. economy is doing well but if there's a downturn new york will be in trouble because the mayor has pushed up the budget to $92 billion to use the budget
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but that is what we'll call it. no reserves for a rainy day. new yorkers are going to be in trouble because they are now spending so many more government workers are thing put on the plate -- payroll and de blasio. david: he understands the tax base is being cut into and more wealthy new yorkers are businesses leave the state and he's going to be out of money and the whole state is going to go. her up. >> "the new york post" called on the governor to remove this mayor and the power he has to remove him from office. you are right he is shown some restraint. david: can the governor moved the elected mayor of the city? nancy -- betsy mccoy we are at the heart of it now. the fake news apology far left "msnbc" host lawrence o'donnell eating pro after reporting a tall tale.
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here his backpack and socialists congresswoman aoc singh millennials are the first to ever take to the streets in protest. listen. >> i think this new generation is very profound and very strong and very brave because they are willing to go to the streets. how about that? previous generations have just assumed that government got us. david: presidential historian doug wead is here with a history lesson for the misinformed congresswoman right after this. children: traffic jam! announcer: and the world's first never bump bumper cars. children: never bump! announcer: it's a real savings hootenanny with options that fit your budget. that's fun for the whole family. announcer: only at progressive par... maybe an insurance park was a bad idea.
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yeah. yep.
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>> i should not have set it on air or posted on twitter pairs were to do so. this afternoon attorneys for the president sent us a letter searching the story is false. they also demanded a retraction. tonight we are retracting the story. david: "msnbc" host lawrence o'donnell backpacking but continues his irresponsible reporting by adding this a caveat at the end of his retraction. watch. >> we don't know whether the information is inaccurate but the fact is we do know. it wasn't ready for broadcast and for that i apologize.
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david: he still got in that little thing you're didn't it? the journalists bending over backwards for unsubstantiated gossip of the president better against even the standards of practices of their own news organization. joining us the presidential historian doug wead. how do you assess journalistic standards today? >> will you could look at the last poll i saw showed about 12% approval rating for the american media and it's so frustrating to people. heartbreaking. it's not just they say the wrong things for false things, but it's also everybody today piece of the internet is their own news producer. they are getting the news all day long. they turn on these networks at night to see fish show on the news and the stories drive you up the wall. for three nights in a row they repeat the same stories because
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it fits their narrative. david: it's the unbalanced nature that gets me. they sometimes have verifications. if it's a neutral story or a story about biden, we did see him giving the "washington post" credit even though they report more positively on titan and the dutrow. generally speaking it's good stories on trump are nonexistent and yet if there is one little bad thing that he is said or is suggested he will say without any kind of verification. >> think of this, they are such demand for business news that there are more than 17 business news channels. that's the demand for business news and the total amount of coverage on the donald trump economy is less than 1%.
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it's .7%. david: one would think it should be a lot more than that. just wondering though if journalists and again you are the historian here going back to the days when newspapers used to put their bias on the massachusetts the republic ptnr that democratic harold. seems we are going back 100 years of the standards. >> you are right about that. the only caveat is eisenhower made a deal with james haggerty as press secretary. he came to them he said these are wonderful man and he said no, these are newspapers and the power that the founding fathers who would never concede. he was talked out of it. this is different. the power of television news and now the internet the great tech
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giant is a new animal. david: our founders never thought of that. i'm glad we have a historian here please looks like alexandria cortez could use a history lesson. >> this generation is very brave. they are willing to go to the streets. how about that? previous generations just assumed that government got it. david: how about that, doug? what doug? what do you think? >> the point is i grew up in washington d.c. and i do want to give my cadence but you can look it up on the internet. i remember some of those demonstrations were hundreds of thousands of people point out to the streets and had a great time protesting government. >> the american revolution and i don't want to give my age away either put the american revs the -- american revolution was driven by young people as was
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the abolitionist movement as was the civil rights movement in the anti-vietnam war movement as was the conservative takeover of the republican party. it was all shirts starched liberal republicans and the young goldwater writes. it's always the young people that affect change. david: by the way we can laugh about that but what is not a laughing matters the tens of millions of people have been killed in the name of socialist policies that for some reason our teachers of boston university never got to. i mean it's extraordinary to lack of real knowledge that's going on in our colleges and universities. >> it's staggering and you have google now and the chinese that they will round up the islamic people of islamic faith and put them into camps and it's hard to say it out loud because it sounds so incredible and
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impossible but here's an american company helping to identify people in china. socialism is a scary thing. david: i'm not holding my breath but i'm praying at aoc are one of the members of the squad will come out and condemn some communist government at some point whether it's in cuba or whether it's in venezuela or china itself for their horrible human rights abuses going on right now. i don't think it's going to happen quickly. do you comment? >> that are neither but the interesting thing all these people on tv saying donald trump's at the tater. he was a dictator they wouldn't be on tv. david: they would know a dictator if they tripped over them. coming up to ghosts caught on tape delay from security camera catching what one couple pleads as a ghost and a ghost dog. we'll show you the video so you can decide to do so next incredible new video of boulders
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trying to outrun an erupting volcano. the daily colors miranda finney has that story and more right after this. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job
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>> welcome back everybody it is time for the lightning round.
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joining me now is miranda finney. good to see you miranda. first up a new york couple is claiming they caught evidence of a ghost and pet on video. take a look. >> there's the pet ghost and then you'll see the other ghost as we go on. what do you make of this? >> i don't know if you're as excited for halloween as i am but you might be after the story. it looks like in this video a couple from new york were checking in on their ill cat on security camera and checking and they stumbled upon a dog. however, this dog seems to be a ghost of a dog. many people are speculating what looks like a young boy next to a dog and what's most interesting is the homeowner which is a man by mr. nolan, he was talking about his grandfather died 20 years ago to the exact day they
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were able to spot that video. it could possibly be his great father visiting them. >> i'm glad to know particularly dogs after death. i want to see my dog after she goes. i want to move on with incredible footage of a group of voters who are trying to outrun interrupting volcano. [shouting] i just want to tell everybody, they need it but there was one woman you could hear on the tape saying don't worry mama, the poor mama was on board. you can only think about what she went through. >> one of the first things i saw on twitter that made me laugh, who burnt the stromboli. that remark comes from this happening on stromboli island.
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the second time that it disrupted within two months and you can hear in the video people being concerned and obviously these are writers, passengers capturing all this on tape right in front of them. obviously concerned if they can inhale the smoke and very vivid and very neat picture to catch. >> they were hanging around for a while longer than i would. a university in indiana think they came up with a solution for those who were offended by certain language. just yell out. what is up with that? >> sticks and stones break my bones but words might just hurt me. it looks like indiana universi university's implementation antivirus language and guys within their campus community and nonsexist language, non-whatever discriminatory language it could possibly be. enter. those i have foul mouth toward you or around you should be able to respond with the word out that they are caught in a personal kee paint around you.
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>> if you stay out this post to stop saying -- get over it as they say. there is another school story, australia there is a school that asking their students to take on the garbage. tell us about it. >> that is right. as i read in the story, there's a couple students that got together they came up with a plan in the facility acting in melbourne girls college in melbourne australia, the students decided that the students will learn a lesson about how much waste they are simply throwing away at the end of the day that they attend by making sure that the students take the waste home so they can learn how to use and recycle. >> what's extraordinary, australia has more land per resident than 250 other countries in the world.
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there are plenty of places to put the waste. good to see you miranda. i appreciate you being here. you can catch me every week night at 5:00 p.m. eastern time hosting my own show "bulls & bears" right here on fox business. i'll be back tomorrow, tom is in for kennedy tonight. >> thank you, james comey is a liar and a leaker. that is according to the white house after new report details his mishandling of sensitive documents related to president trump. but the former fbi director claims the top of ministration should be apologizing to him. i am in for kennedy. earlier today video date inspector general that comey broke agency rules when he gave a friend a copy. he instructed the friend to share the information with the new york times.


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