tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business September 5, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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trout at the end of the show. you don't have to guess, those were 40 noises. you can follow me on twitter and instagram. e-mail me at congratulations in advance lou: good evening everybody. tonight from washington, hurricane dorian continues to churn up the carolina coast, spawning tornadoes, destroying homes, causing flooding, dumping up to 7 inches of rain in charleston, south carolina. the storm surge warnings are mounting in place for myrtle beach, south carolina, for north carolina's outer banks and the city of wilmington. for the very latest now on what is now a category 2 hurricane, fox correspondent doug mcelway in wilmington, north carolina. >> an early morning tornado in wilmington, north carolina, one
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of several and a first taste of deteriorating conditions as a reenergized hurricane dorian marched northeastward, setting its sights on the coastal carolinas. this ominous scene at frying pan tower, 32 miles off cape fear, north carolina. unlike north florida, whose concave coastlines skirted major damage, the carolinas are exposed and vulnerable. the barrier islands jet out towards the warm gulfstream, an area known to sailors as the graveyard of the atlantic. 1 million people in two states are under a mandatory evacuation. the bahamas death toll now stands at 20 and is expected to rise. the u.n. world food program has purchased 8 tons of ready to eat meals and is organizing a long-term air lift. the task is overwhelming with 70,000 people in need of immediate help. and now, new evacuation orders near virginia beach as dorian spins northward, new england, a distant target. lou, we're standing on the banks
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of the cape fear river here in downtown wilmington, north carolina. you might be able to make out the battleship uss north carolina behind me. it is not going anywhere. we are told from locals, people who have been here through many many hurricanes that this river tends to overflow its banks during hurricanes at high tide. the next high tide that we are expecting is at 4:52 tomorrow morning. the storm is still about 100 miles to the south of us, beginning to feel some stronger winds, been very very light for the past few days and moderate rainfall, just beginning to change right now. we will be here all night long waiting and watching. back to you. lou: doug, thank you very much. stay safe as we have watched this hurricane move up the coast from florida and across georgia, south carolina and now north carolina. those china trade talks are back on. president trump's firm stance on tariffs forcing the chinese to respect the world's only super
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power and the richest economy. and now they're begging him to relent and to end those tariffs. the chinese have already infuriated president trump by reneging on a deal that appeared to be all but final, but both sides are seemingly set to try again. the trade negotiations are set to resume next month right here in washington. that announcement which came first from the chinese set off a rally in the stock market today. the dow up 373 points. the s&p up 38. the nasdaq gained 140 points. our own edward lawrence with more on this story. ed? >> well, lou, i can tell you that the trade teams are going to meet in early october. they are hopeful there. that also as you said set off the market on an up sell, going up over 400 points. now the chinese sources say that the call for them went very well. from the u.s. side, they want to have one more deputy level, lower level talk to set a path
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forward to progress. in a statement the u.s. trade representative's office says this, quote, deputy level meetings will take place in mid september to lay the groundwork for meaningful progress. now from the chinese, a spokesman for the commerce ministry says if they got a commitment from the u.s. trade team to work towards an understanding. the u.s. team is trying to see if the chinese will put back concessions, the u.s. trade representative says china deleted out of the agreement. this is progress. before this call the last time the two heads of the trade team's talk was 23 days ago. with this progress china also saying they will not back off trying to remove or reduce the tariffs through a complaint, a new complaint they filed with the wto. experts say the china can't hide behind the wto and continue to steal intellectual property. >> it's time for them to in a sense grow up and be a part of the global trading system. and so if they are going to do it with the rest of the world, they should do it with the
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united states because we're the biggest consumers in the world. >> now, should those talks go forward in october, as they are planned, it would be the 13th time over the past year and a half, lou, that the two sides have met face-to-face. lou: something to look forward to, ed, and we appreciate it. edward lawrence. today's rally adding another 400 billion dollars by the way in market cap, for stocks. the china talks back on. the markets are upbeat and spirited. the economy still strong. and on the president's plans for border security, well, they are taking hold. the president is spending almost 4 billion dollars to build that border wall he promised, illegal crossings at the u.s. mexico border also down for a third straight month, reversing the trend of the previous six months but still higher than a year ago. in august, there were nearly 51,000 apprehensions, down 62% from this year's peak in may,
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but border crossings are still 35% higher than august of last year, but the trend decidedly working in the u.s. favor. joining us tonight acting customs and border protection cbp commissioner mark morgan. great to have you with us >> thanks, lou. lou: let's start with what is decidedly a big development for this country. a national emergency declared by the president in february, now the border wall is funded. construction is moving ahead. and crossings are -- well, declini declining. >> let's not forget about the tariff. right now the numbers -- you are right. we are seeing the numbers go down. still crunching the numbers. we will get those final numbers out shortly to the american people. make no mistake, this president's negotiations, his threat of the tariff and what he's doing also in negotiations with the northern triangle countries that what's finally got them off the side lines to be true partners to look at this as a regional crisis and government mexico their support
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right now is unprecedented. game changer. that's one of the most significant reasons why the numbers are decreasing. lou: we have to remember that the populist president, but a leftist populist in mexico obrador had sworn he would not be cooperating with this president, would not be a partner. those tariffs convinced him otherwise, and this president persuaded him otherwise. and to see this reduction at the mexican border has got to be heartening to you. you run the largest law enforcement agency in the country. you have got plenty to handle down there. do you believe that you have a firm date, a close date to when you will have it under control and will see significant -- insignificant border crossings? >> it's a good question. we're asking ourselves the same question. we hate to put a specific number on it, but we know if you look
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back down -- if we can get those numbers to 500 or so a day, we're looking at manageable numbers. we would like to get it to 0 of course, but the reality is if we can get the numbers down to that, that starts to be manageable. but the challenge is as great as mexico doing, unprecedented, 25,000 troops, unprecedented apprehensions on the southern border, increasing interior enforcement, the acceptance of over 42,000 people through the migrant protection protocol that they are allowing to wait in mexico instead of in our facilities, i could go on. they are doing great work, but that's not sustainable, and that's not durable, and we have had this talk before. at the end of the day, meaningful changes is going to have to come from congress. i'm not expecting them to, but at the end of the day, that's what we need. we're not going to give up. we're going to keep going. lou: based on experience and what we have seen so far, you better hope that the republican party comes together, supports this president, and keeps it a matter of considerable focus.
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this country is in a national emergency still and that he needs as much help as possible, first from his own party. that would be my suggestion. we will see how it works out. it's extraordinary when a president is getting more support from the government of mexico than he is from the democratic party in the house and the senate. it's stunning stuff. >> it's frustrating for every man, woman in cbp that's doing their job and risking their lives every single day to protect this country. they are frustrated, not because we're asking them to do things that they haven't done, not because they are asking to work in hard conditions. they are frustrated because they know what congress needs to do and congress is failing the american people. that's what's frustrating. lou: this president is moving resources and manpower to the border because of the national emergency declared, in which the country now recognizes, and yet it is interesting to see a number of people who do not understand that this is a
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national emergency, that it involves drug cartels shipping illegal immigrants into this country, deadly drugs, sex trafficking -- >> every day. lou: -- and there are quibbles about this moving 3.6 billion dollars out of the defense department. what is your reaction to that? >> my reaction is same level of frustration. this is what the president has delivered. this isn't some vanity project from the president. it is a false narrative. that gets me hot. this president, this administration, they've listened to the experts, specifically the men and women of border patrol who said mr. president, this is what we need to better effectively do our job. we need that wall. as part of the multilayer strategy, the technology, personnel, they proved it. they showed it, and he is delivering what the experts are saying they need to do their job and safeguard this country and end this crisis. and he's delivering. every week we're building more miles of new wall. lou: mark morgan, great to have you here. >> thanks. lou: continued good luck and
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success. >> thank you. lou: up next, the entrenched deep state and radical dems are persistent in their subversive efforts to overthrow this president and his agenda. we take that up tonight with leading attorneys, victoria tensing. out west, there's something very strange going on out there, whether it's a city declaring the nra to be a terrorist organization or a soccer team in salt lake city that's gone well off the rails. we will have that for you and much more here tonight. stay with us. we trust usaa more than any other company out there. they give us excellent customer service, every time. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family...
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fraudulent and harassing ethics complaints, apparently intended to derail further investigation. bill browder among the first to flag fusion gps and to make these charges telling fox news quote it appears on a whole range of stories they are in the lying and smear campaigning business. my experience does not look like an isolated incident. these guys play dirty and i've seen it first-hand. and now taking it to court. more attempts to subvert the president and stop his agenda where it stands today, by the dems, on the house judiciary committee, chairman jerrold nadler now issuing another of his subpoenas, this time to the department of home land security, for information on president trump jokingly offering pardons to officials who would carry out his orders to build the border wall with
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mexico. it just gets better and better. this is an extraordinary town that i've had the pleasure of being in tonight. joining us, president of judicial watch and one of those leading the fight against the subversive elements, the deep state, the radical dems and assorted accomplices in the media. tom, your reaction first to this broader lawsuit taking on fusion gps. >> well, the justice department isn't going to do anything. so it's appropriate that people who have been improperly targeted by fug gps -- fusion gps file a litigation if they can, i don't know where this case is going to go, but fusion gps was at the center of the co conspiracy. it was a tool of the democratic national committee and clinton campaign and steele was also paid by the fbi at the time and fusion gps may have had a desk over at the justice department given all the documents we have
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showing that one who worked for fusion gps was communicating with doj and giving them the dossier to smear trump. why isn't fusion gps more in the news and more the focus of criminal prosecution is beyond me because in my view they knowingly moved the early that they knew was false to the fbi and the justice department officials and all the behest of hilary clinton and the democratic national committee. lou: yeah, the co funders of the dossier -- the christopher steele efforts in that fraudulent dossier. as you say, no accountability. we have financier bill browder and an activist going to the courts as is devin nunes. at least there's some life within some elements of the republican party that could
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be -- you could construe as defense of the president. in general, this president has simply to rely on his own devices to defend himself. i have never seen a circumstance where a president -- there's never been a president so besieged as this one who has accomplished as much as this one, whose party is mute. they are absolutely passive instead of standing strong for their party leader. >> yeah, you have this harassment of the president going on, at the house of representatives, and i think the impeachment portion is going to accelerate or intensify when they come back next week because the lunatic left unfortunately is taking control of the democratic party. and the rule of law is no bar to them going after president trump, and of course there's a personal interest or a party interest in doing so because by
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targeting president trump, they distract from their own criminality as i point out their funding of the coup attack on president trump through fusion gps. the justice department -- we have state department documents showing that the house of representatives, democrats in the house, senators in the senate, were working with the obama state department to target president trump. they were shovelling classified information to congress, dossier, russia type information to congress just before trump was inaugurated with the hopes of underminding him. -- undermining him. lou: give us your judgment and i know that you and judicial watch have brought forward so much information in documents, that seemingly would be the foundation of a justice department investigation prosecution. your thoughts about why that is not happening? and why it is taking so long to see the transparency that we
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were led to believe would be there, to see something other than the justice department as a dumping ground for these issues and complaints and charges, where the truth just goes to die? >> well, you know, i suspect attorney general barr probably wants to do the right thing here, but he's surrounded by thousands of james comeys in the justice department so he may say we should do x and there's a bunch of lawyers who say no, you can't do that. kind of what's happening with president trump and the white house. i think the president needs to coordinate with his cabinet, tell his cabinet officials we need to get this the early out. you need to follow our lead in terms of accountability for the coup. it's so destructive to the standing of the country abroad. this is an attack on the heart of our constitutional republic. it is not about me. it's about the rule of law, and we can't let the coup plotters get away with it.
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if i were the president, i would, you know, take a direct interest in ordering the cabinet to get the information out, go on a transparency tear and direct prosecutions. i don't know what -- because it's not going to happen without pressure. it's simply not going to happen without pressure. we are providing pressure by getting the information out. as you point out, the information's already out there. we don't need an ig report to begin these prosecutions. we don't need it. that's an excuse, not a reason not to proceed. lou: tom, the president of judicial watch. thanks for being here. >> you're welcome. lou: appreciate it. good to see you, tom. jussie smollett back in the news blaming the chicago police department for the cost of investigating his hate crime hoax. smollett's legal team says he shouldn't have to pay back the $130,000 cost of the police investigation because it was the city of chicago's decision, not
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smollett's, to spend so much. how is that for extraordinary rare reasoning? more fall out from the justice department inspector general's report. government employees want james comey -- government employees want him to be held to account. we take that up tonight with victoria tensing and joe degeneva. up next bernie sanders new radical idea to fix climate change. that and more. molly hemmingway joins us next. great presentation, tim. could you email me the part about geico making it easy to switch and save hundreds? oh yeah, sure. um. you don't know my name, do you? (laughs nervously) of course i know your name. i just get you mixed up with the other guy. what's his name? what's your name? switch to geico®. you could save 15% or more on car insurance. could you just tell me?
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kaepernick claiming it was a symbol of oppression and racism. radical dem 2020 hopeful, bernie sanders says population control is the answer to climate change, here use >> and attorney for christine blasé ford admits that ford was admitted at least in part to go against brett kavanaugh in order to damage his reputation before
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he was on the high court and before he ruled on abortion related cases. ford's attorney, deborah katz a quote, he will always have been asterix next to his name, but it takes a scalpel to roe versus wade, we will know who he is, we know his character, and we know what motivates him. well, joining us tonight is molly hemingway, senior editor for the federalists, fox news contributor and author of the very important book, just as on trial, the kavanaugh confirmation. the future of the supreme court and then great thinker. we are delighted to have you back on the show. >> reporter: let's start with deborah katz, corroborating one of the tenants of your book precisely that it was a politically driven circuits. that doesn't describe the viciousness. it was also an attempted rather
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public lynching of a great american. >> it was a stunning admission for an attorney to make and probably not in her clients best interest to admit that both she and her clients were motivated to bring forth these allegations by their support of roe versus wade and abortion. a lot of people wondered why these allegations were made and there is no support for christine blasé ford named witnesses they said they had no memory. one was leland kaiser who said she did not have any memory of that. there are other indications of motivation in terms of she did have political leanings to the left, she scrubbed her social media account. she got close to a million dollars in gofundme, but there is nothing as much as a smoking gun is this. her own attorney admitting they did what they did because they wanted to affect and they cared about jurisprudence. >> i find it strange that somehow deborah katz, her attorney felt empowered to
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describe the motivation of her clients and to do so in what is perhaps in her circle ideologically, a mark of honor to the general public. it sounds horrible. >> well, it should be noted that ryan lovelace who is the author of the new book, search and destroy is the person who found this and everybody can see it and it is in his new book which is also a great book on his process. the but the reason she felt comfortable doing it is because everyone else in the media were part of this process as well. they were recovering. they're also probably motivated by the same issues, leftist politics and abortion. so when you have a media that is friendly like that, you feel comfortable saying things like this even though nobody on the other side would be comfortable such an admission. >> we are in a peculiar period in our history. where you have a board of supervisors in san francisco
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referring to labeling the national rifle association a terrorist organization. your thoughts about where we are headed here? this is the co-opting of the betsy ross flag which is his story, it part of our heritage and i frankly i personally would not care what a hate group did so long as we honored our own heritage. >> why not care more about those hong kong demonstrators who are also find the betsy ross flag is a symbol of what they're trying to write against or what they're trying to fight for and to be told one of our best symbols of freedom and liberty is that horrible symbol. that's a scary thing. i think people are right to be concerned that we don't have shared valleys. we don't have a shared understanding of what makes our country great and why we should defend it. but too many people in elite institutions are going to war against the very foundations of
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the country. >> it is well past time that the american, the american citizens stand up to this countries heritage. and it's also a time when we realize that we have not been teaching something essential. that is civics. actual understanding of american history. and it is in the idea of citizenship itself. it is all coming together and not in a very pretty we. >> it is very difficult to deal with the fact that there have been decades in miseducation on these matters. people have been taught a history of the united states. it's not an accurate history are one good for cohesion and civility but they are learning something that is turning out to be not very good for our civil society. >> molly hemingway, delighted to have you here. thank you so much. president trump going after actress debra messing for outing his supporters. he posted on twitter quote, bad actress, deborah, the mess
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messing is in hot water. she wants to create a blacklist of trump supporters and is being accused of mccarthyism. also being accused of being a racist because of the terrible things she set up about blacks and mental illness. we like to hear your thoughts about all of this, share your comments, follow me on twitter at lou dobbs, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. up next, another bush judge strikes again. this time ruling in favor of potential terrorists. we take it up, next with victoria and joe. stay with us, we're coming right back is the best in town. [ soft piano music playing ] mm, uh, what do you do for fun? -not this. ♪ -oh, what am i into? mostly progressive's name your price tool. helps people find coverage options based on their budget. flo has it, i want it, it's a whole thing, and she's right there.
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lou: a federal judge, another federal judge appointed by george w. bush has ruled the government's terrorist watch list is unconstitutional. a victory for the activist organization care, which represents 23 muslim americans who filed that lawsuit. in 2009, the fbi severed its ties to care amid mounting evidence that the group had links to a support network for
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hamas. cair even listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, in an fbi case against hamas fund-raisers. a new rasmussen poll finds a majority of government workers, and we are in the heart of such folks, they want james comey prosecuted. 57% of government employees polled say he should face legal action, and 47% of voters overall say he should face prosecution. we're going to take that issue up and others with victoria toensing, former deputy assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the justice department and joe digeno digenova, former u.s. district attorney. great to have you here. it's great to see you and to have you guys here.
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let's start with the comey -- by attorney general barr, the justice department to prosecute. your thoughts on it? >> it was the right reason. i mean, our hearts probably wanted him to be indicted, 57% of the government workers understand what would happen to them. he gave the classified information to his lawyer. i have people coming to my office and talking to me about representation to bring classified information so he didn't release the classified information directly to the press. lou: joe? >> you don't want to bring a bad case as your first case. when gregory craig was acquitted the other day on the -- case, that was a sign that if you are going to bring a case against comey, it better be a good one.
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for the rest of the stuff, let's see what durham comes up with. lou: durham, the attorney general all of the folks at the justice department are creating sort of a confounding atmosphere, it seems, because they are represent iing -- tom s here -- representing clinton against judicial watch. there are appearances of peculiar choices being made. devin nunes filing a lawsuit against fusion gps, something of an interlocator. amongst the dnc, hilary clinton, the fbi, in funding the christopher steele dossier and accused of much more. >> it is really interesting case first of all they didn't file it in d.c. they filed it in the eastern district of virginia, which is a much friendlier place -- lou: justice department, take
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note. >> yes, but what happened, what to do, the democrats know what to do, let's file some false charges against devin nunes and lickety split, gps helped research these false charges, absolutely false against devin -- >> ethics xhitd tee charges. -- committee charges. >> in the ethics committee one after another. i heard you giving adjectives about the republicans earlier. i have one to add, feckless republicans. lou: i like that one. i will use it next time. >> okay. because they said to devin, this will go away. we're not going to fight it. just let it happen. he lost his chairmanship for a year. they went after his wife. lou: it's stunning what the left is doing, the commitment when we
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watch jerrold nadler and adam schiff lying, and moving ahead with the efforts to subvert this administration. it is -- this is more than a blood sport. it is a vicious absolutely committed group ideologically, the democratic party to the destruction of everyone in their way. >> well, what's interesting about it, lou, is it is that, but it's also -- what they have decided to do is we have a legitimately elected president under the constitution. they have never accepted the result. they have used governmental power, subpoena power in an abusive vindictive way. they have embarrassed the house of representatives, the committee system. they continue to do it. and they are -- what they are doing is undermining constitutional government. they're not trying to save the government. they're trying to destroy the government because they cannot stand that donald trump won and hilary clinton lost.
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it's -- what they are doing is unconstitutional. lou: why is there no -- there's no fire in the belly as it seems of any republican, certainly in this town, you can go through and name a lot of people, but this is the most passive deferential group of victims i have ever seen, at anything approaching national politics. it's something -- >> except for the president. lou: i'm sorry? >> except for the president. he's the fighter. >> he's the focal point of it all. he's the only one in this town with the guts, the intelligence and frankly the ideas to save this republic and that's driving the left nuts. it is also the vested interest on the right, particularly the corporate america and the establishment aligned against leftist and socialists on the left.
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it is -- it is ridiculous what is happening to the republican party. >> the republican party never accepted donald trump, and he said you know what? i don't need you. i'm going to get elected anyway. and they resented it and a lot of them were afraid of him. in 2018, the ones who didn't embrace him lost big-time and the ones who did embrace him were able to win. this is about a party that really doesn't know what it wants to be. lou: it's also about a judicial system that really is a -- there's a foul stench to the whole court system in this country. we can go catalog these decisions against the trump administration and they are unreservedly democratic. they are appointed by obama. they are appointed by clinton or george w. bush who apparently didn't care very much at all about who he put on the bench. >> the chief justices there are no obama judges and trump judges, didn't you hear him say that?
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lou: i did hear john roberts say that. >> as long as i'm talking about john roberts, i want to know what he's done about the fisa court because that's the court that bothers me a lot. >> his court, he's in charge of it. >> -- applications and what was done here -- lou: i'm being told that we've got to leave it here. >> we always have such fun. lou: we do and i always learn so much. and i always appreciate our time together. i'm going to say the next question was even more brilliant than any that i have said this week. [laughter] lou: join us the next time we get together with victoria and joe for that. we're coming right back. stay with us.
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lou: a top government cybersecurity officer warning that china is the biggest cyber threat to the united states. federal chief information security officer grant snider says that china is a quote adversary that has displayed their intent as clear means to get into and to attack our critical infrastructure systems, our government systems, you name it, both from an intellectual property theft point of view as well as an espionage point of view. joining us tonight, a man who
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has extraordinary views across all of cybersecurity expert morgan wright, a former senior advisor for the u.s. state department. he's currently chief security advisor for sentinel one. great to have you with us. >> thanks, lou. lou: first, again, another warning, another advisory, whatever one wants to call it. something we know, the chinese are public enemy number one in terms of cybersecurity. >> without a doubt. look, i came back from new jersey this morning. i downloaded the book "deceiving the sky". i couldn't put it down. you read through this list of things that they have been doing, that they have been getting away with, during the bush administration, during the obama administration. we want to appease them, but yet they are stealing us blind. their tankers, their planes look like our planes. their technology is like our technology. they are stealing it, using it and saving themselves billions in dollars in research for
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pennies on the dollar. lou: i can recall reporting in the early 90s about 3500 chinese front companies carrying out quite clearly and publicly espionage against the united states and stealing everything as you put it. it wasn't tied down -- as you put it, that wasn't tied down, and yet two decades and more have passed, and there's still not a response. this is not about cyber really. this is about a known enemy, adversary, if you wish, but an enemy of the interest of the united states plundering and pillaging in public view. and there has been no response. how can that be? >> i think some of this may come to an end and actually in the book but when you look at some of the policies that president trump has done they said they are starting to take the gloves off, the first president to directly confront china, looking at hong kong looking at things like that. he's the one that's called them out on the carpet. an indicator what we did with
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iran where we unleashed to --. i think there will be a price to pay. we need to do a better job of giving them a bigger bloody nose of what we've done before. lou: do you have a number, a theoretical number i guess it would be an estimate of how much money is actually stolen from commercial banks alone by the chinese russians and other hackers, cyberattackers? i hate the word hacker because it sounds sort of -- >> these are organized spies. i don't have quite a number for that. the number that stuck out from the u.s. trade representative, the report they did on ip theft, they said 600 billion dollars a year. back a long time ago, the billion dollars spy, there was a
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book written about him, he saved us so much money because he was stealing secrets on advanced weaponry and fighter aircraft, the chinese now are getting the same amount and stealing us blind. that 600 billion dollars has saved them so much and allowed them to achieve parity in a lot of places to where we normally would have spent them into the ground and they couldn't have done it. if it is not nailed down, they are stealing us down and conducting offensive cyber operations 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 a year, targeting u.s. interests, targeting all of these it companies, chemical companies, anything. lou: how is it that the same companies, and i'm talking about wall street, banks, wall street firms, are all basically pro chinese on the issue of tariffs and balanced trade, while they are being ripped off, it would seem to me to be a strike against their fiduciary responsibilities as public companies because they are
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actually losing billions of dollars every year to specifically chinese cyberattacks and others around the world? >> it's a narrative of appeasement. we have to appease the chinese. if we call them an enemy, they will be an enemy. if we say they are bad, they will end up being bad. we have been getting bent over for 40 years, and we've got to learn a lesson here pretty soon about this. lou: this president is giving instruction quite clearly and quite strongly. >> right. lou: and thank goodness. thank you very much for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thanks, lou. lou: we're coming right back. what was the book? >> "deceiving the sky" bill >> "deceiving the sky" bill >> "deceiving the sky" bill i can't believe it. that sophie opened up a wormhole through time? (speaking japanese) where am i? (woman speaking french) are you crazy/nuts? cyclist: pip! pip! (woman speaking french) i'm here, look at me. it's completely your fault. (man speaking french) ok? it's me. it's my fault?
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tomorrow nitrogen jack keane and brandon judd join us. be with us. good night from washington, d.c. trish: major progress in our trade talks with china. the talks are confirmed. some breaking news on market watches. kt mcfarland says this is a do or die moment for our president, the country and the future of the free world. the carolinas under siege from hurricane dorian as some coastal cities are already seeing massive flooding. good niewns our southern border. a new report reveals the number of arrests of ill
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