tv Kennedy FOX Business September 10, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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it's already getting great reviews, people coming out and saying that this is the performance of a lifetime from an actor that's already one of the greatest of his generation. a good reminored of what we need more of -- reminderf what we need more of. trish: have a great night, see you tomorrow. kennedy: all right, look out, joe biden. with just three days until the next debate, liz warren is surging in the polls. you go, girl. but she may have made a very costly mistake, and that could mean the election according to a new cbs news tracking poll. voters in 18 early voting states, warren now leads the crowded field with 26%. that's one point higher than sleepy joe. yes, in this poll he has fallen to second place. bernie's in third, camilla, she's done, fourth place, 8%. not good. liz warren has seen herself rise in recent weeks. she continues to roll out the policy ideas. real busy body there, just
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waving at everyone. i've got white papers! she's also raking in the fundraising money, but she may have made one colossal error. nbc news saying warren has been quietly consulting with, what happened? hillary clinton. yeah, getting advice on how to win the white house for the candidate who's blown it worse than anybody else ever. and why on earth would she want hillary's help unless she wants pointers on how to bleach an e-mail server or how to gracefully fall down a flight or stairs or how to fill a basket of deplorables. many political analysts have said hillary clinton is a toxic asset because of her spectacular 201 implosion. -- 2016 implosion. her husband also said to be persona non grata because of his past behavior and, of course, the me too movement. will joe biden be able to capitalize on this chaos? we will know thursday when he
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squares off with warren for the very first time. they have not shared a debate stage yet and biden, of course, did not perform well during that very boring climate change town hall. remember that blood vessel in his eye that exploded? made him look like a creepy cyborg? or that he's a bond villain crying blood because he's losing? not the only one who needs a good bump. some of the lower polling candidates like amy klobuchar and beto o'rourke, they really need to make a splash. they're all dangerously close to irrelevancy. a bad night on the podium could be the kiss of death. moments ago president trump said it doesn't matter who wins, because they're all a losers. roll it. >> democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late term abortion and socialism. they're socialists. the republican party is the party of the american worker, the american family and the american dream.
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kennedy: is he rubbing wesson oil on his cheeks before those rallies? is liz warren crazy to get advice from hillary? well, let's meet tonight's party panel and discuss. we've got attorney and republican strategist alexander wilkes is back along with head writer of the best hour of your day, this very show, jimmy. and we've got the host of the fifth column podcast and reason magazine editor at large, the award-winning math president welch. there he is -- mat welch. way to kick off the week, and this is very interesting news. the elizabeth warren -- i think the polling is actually lagging a little bit behind reality, because i think voters are responding to her. and she's the one who's doing the best job withstanding the fickle tire kicking, but she could flush that all down the toilet with hillary's advice. >> i don't think that she will just because shellacs the hillary bag -- she lacks the
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hillary baggage. we forget how much of an outlier both hillary clinton and donald trump were in 2016. he loses the element of surprise this time. we know who he is. hillary clinton, we've had 25 years to not like her. it's very easy to identify her as the establishment. whatever elizabeth warren is, and you might not like her, don't like her proposals and how she thinks she has a plan to spend all of the money, there's dislikable things, but she hasn't gotten on people's nerves for 25 years. kennedy: i respect the fact that she's using systems to her advantage. i really do. there's something to be said about the way she is surveying the landscape. and this is outside of whether or not i may have massive policy disagreements with her, she's actually running a campaign and changing it and tweaking it as she goes -- >> and she's catching fire, definitely, with voters like that. and, you know, she's the one who's telling biden voters, look, he might not be electable, he's got that funny thing in the eye and he's in his bathrobe, and it's strange, and she
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doesn't have to do much with bernie sanders because he's talking about a revolution. kennedy: and she doesn't have to attack him, that's the thing. bernie and liz were doing a tag them at the last debate. i think they're being very smart, it's a very survivor move. you stick together, you're in the top three and then you have license to turn on each other. >> speaking of survivor, liz juan is crazy if -- warren is crazy if she keeps consulting with hillary. this is all a plot by hillary to become vice president and then liz warren will be the first president to commit suicide in office miraculously out of nowhere -- [laughter] she will not be denied! there's no stopping this woman. i feel bad for the democrats, they have a problem because they have all these candidates, nobody's interesting. i went to high school, i was a bad kid. they all remind me of a substitute teacher who can't control the classroom. that's going on. the joe biden enthusiasm thing, i think, is misleading. new hampshire didn't really give him a warm reception, that's
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only because he said hello, milwaukee. [laughter] they might have jumped in and been on his side. but i think the whole thing is a mess, and i will give elizabeth warren that credit that she is, you know, using the system to advantage, as you said. i just don't think -- kennedy: well, she's watching what everyone has done wrong, and she's like, okay, hillary is unlikable. i apologized for my mistakes, something she was never capable of doing, and she's also milking the establishment. >> well, i think that she almost needs to because she has run on this anti-- or this populist creed out there that she is the one that's going to represent the people out there, she's not going to accept money from big donors. but at the end of the day, she needs to win over some of the democratic establishment, and while maybe she can't do that publicly with democratic money donors, she can do it with hillary sort of back channeling to some of those people. she might be really anchoring her in a place later on that she's going to need. kennedy: who do you think obama
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has gotten behind? if hillary is shadow enforcing and helping warren out, obviously hillary and barack obama can't stand each other. of so who is he backing? not joe biden. >> i gotta think your number one interest is protecting that obama brand. i mean, michelle obama is one of the most popular figures in the country, has a huge book out there, big tour. i can't really see him getting involved until this is settled at the primary level. >> i think he's gotten behind johnny walker, because he's embarrassed -- [laughter] he's going to lose to this guy again. it's coming and he knows it's coming. kennedy: again! a further smashing of his legacy. well, let's talk about the republican side because we now have three candidates challenging president trump after former south carolina governor and congressman mark sanford threw his hat into the ring this weekend. the president said sanford should take a hike again tweeting, quote: the former governor of the great state of south carolina was reported
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missing, only there's -- only then to say he was away hiking on the appalachian trail, then was found in argentina with his flaming dancer friend -- i think he meant flamenco. it sounded like his political career was over, it was. but then he ran for congress and won only to lose his reelect after i tweeted my endorsement on election day for his opponent. take heart, he is back and running for president of the united states. the three stooges, all badly-failed candidates, will give it a go. i believe, yeah -- however, it's wrong to because she was a tango dancer, and i shouldn't question him because if anyone knows about dancers, it's the guy who knows stormy daniels. so does sanford have a shot, or is he wasting time like beto? [laughter] mark sanford is such an interesting person because are there republicans -- that's what i always can myself. >> he's killed members of his family --
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[laughter] no, he doesn't. if you remember, they were upset with him. kennedy: never met him. >> no, there aren't, that's the point. it makes it interesting, right? all three of those guys who are different in their ways, bill weld, your good friend -- >> libertarian for life? >> joe walsh and mark sanford, they're all three saying the same things that trillion dollar debt and deficit which we have already gone through this year is bad. $22 trillion in debt is bad. republicans used to care about that. trade wars, bad, not good, not easy to win. they're all saying this. there's this little, tiny flicker of a memory of this thing that the no longer exists in the party. the three stooges, trump is back on his twitter game with that nickname. but, i mean, they're canceling primaries right now through the heavy hand of the trump organization right now. and it's i think them running and losing big might be the end of that tradition within the republican party going forward -- kennedy: i don't have a problem with it. >> the end.
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the end, i have a problem with. kennedy: it's better for voters, it's good for candidates to feel the weight of their own party and their own ideology, but you're right, it's three people who are insufficient, and to call them ordinary is a compliment. >> as a practical matter, think about what president trump has done that actually president obama failed to do and was one of his biggest failures, argue delay, in office which is that he did not -- he made the republican party apparatus his own. meaning the full force and might of the party and the resources is behind the campaign. that's something that president obama did, he sort of left the dnc off to die which has caused a lot of the internal chaos that led to the decisions between bernie and hillary. president trump and the rnc are sort of fused as one. i don't think t going to allow for these candidates to get much oxygen in getting off the ground. kennedy: they have to know that. i don't know what bill weld knows anymore. >> he knows nothing. mark sanford is a loser. come on. donald trump is more popular in
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the south than natty light. [laughter] i resent it because i hate these people that are running, obviously, to raise their profile. it reek of opportunism. kennedy: what the hell else is mark sanford doing? >> nothing. apparently he got all the steps on his fitbit when he went for that hike -- how about that? if you lost colbert, my god. [laughter] i really think the end result is going to be it will help the president from a standpoint of he's at his best when he's outnumbered. and the more outnumbered he is, the better he becomes because he's very good at painting himself as like a victim somehow. i don't know how. can. kennedy: maybe he can get little marco rubio and -- >> oh, bring him back in. kennedy: kasich? >> where is kasich out there? he's got to be out there -- >> doing really important work as a contributor on cnn. >> ask him whether -- kennedy: mccabe, snuggle. >> tell him not to order any
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fete chinnial grade doe -- fete chinnial grade doe. kennedy: that's racist. any time you sayal grade doe in concert with cnn -- the panel returns later. we're going to talk about trump. yeah, they're starting to have kids, and those kids are driving them nuts. one industry reaping the rewards, that child is not drinking, but the parents certainly are, and that's why the child's been left alone. a new report claiming china doing way worse than they'll admit. what a surprise. it could poison the finances of the entire planet. how bad is it, what does it mean for your money? we'll learn with bill mcgurn next. ♪ ♪ fun fact: 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. and most of that debt is actually from credit cards. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right -
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♪ ♪ >> we're going to be talking next week, we're talking now, they're going to be coming to the united states in two or three weeks, and we'll see what happens. but unless we're going to make a good deal or a fair deal for our country, let's face it, we cannot go back to a situation, we're giving hundreds of billions of dollars to china becoming standard fare. not gonna happen. kennedy: that's president trump at his rally in north carolina
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about china. that was earlier tonight. the two sides plan on resuming those trade talks next month. china is presenting a strong front economically, claiming 6%, 6.2% growth, even better. in q2 of this year, but according to a wall street report, a bunch of number country. s have been -- crunchers have been doing real math. analysts conclude that, quote, china's economy isn't tanking, but it is almost certainly weaker than advertised. some of china's economists say more accurate figures could put them around the three percentage point range or lower based on their analysis of corporate profits, tax revenue, rail freight, property sales and other measures of activity they believe are harder for the government to fudge. i love fudge. if china's economy is weaker than they claim, what does that mean for all of us? with me now fox news contributor
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bill mcgurn, it is time to learn with mcgurn. so what can you tell me about china lying through their teeth? >> right. well, look, china's a commune i country. kennedy: absolutely. >> they may want to get rich x they may allow people, but china's never been about marx. when i lived in hong kong, they used to call it market leninism, and now you've got a guy who's cracking down, and you and i know that corruption and black -- occur when the government's two heavy handed. in china and these communist countries, instead of eliminating the regulations, they tend to crack down on the black markets which are actually serving people in some ways. this guy is consolidating power to a degree we haven't seen in a long time. of course there are inefficiencies, and i think now he's in a game of chicken with donald trump. who's going to get off the railroad tracks first? kennedy: now, "the wall street journal" that's clearly not state-run media, they push up against the president plenty, and i think this is an honest analysis, and i'm glad they went
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and looked at some of those other economic barometers to see, you know, what could really be happening there because china's always said they have anywhere from 3.5-4.5% unemployment. and that could be completely false, is so, you know, and 6% growth for them is low. for us that would be great, but if it really is around 3%, where does that put the u.s. in terms of leverage in these trade talks? >> i think it has leverage not just? the trade talks, i think there's a lot of challenges to xi jinping. look, they don't have a convertible currency, free flow of information, so everyone -- it's kind of a guess. you don't know, and we know they have a lot of inefficiencies. they're giving all this aid to other i countries for their bridges and roads projects and so forth. it's an inefficient system. we also know from history that within communist parties there's frequent dissent and so forth, a lot of people angling, but we don't know what that is because very few people report on it.
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and he now has the problem of hong kong which is really going to mess up his trade position. if things get ugly in hong kong, i think congress is going to have something to say about china. kennedy: well, and also that's not the way hong kongers were raised. they were raised speaking in freedom, and they are not letting that go. now, in china they have been raised to pledge their allegiance to the state and to the collective. and so that's very different. and the pushback is real -- >> and it's a real dilemma because i think know xi jinping sees hong kong as a threat to his power. when you're a dictator like that, if some of your people see that one group of people under your control can defy you, other people -- kennedy: why shouldn't everybody else? >> right? kennedy: and that's a conundrum that north korea has because they would love some of the advantages of free market initiatives -- >> and it's all because of this guy, what we've seen in hong kong is completely unnecessary. i say it's like watching china handle hong kong is like watching a monkey with a separate varian yous. i mean, this is all up necessary
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because of their heavyhandedness, and they've brought it all on themselves, and now there's no graceful way to get out of it, to save face in a peaceful way. kennedy: yeah. you can't go in and blow the living crap out of people. [laughter] >> they can crack some heads and arrest people -- kennedy: and that's one of the things the protesters are asking for. >> october 1st coming up, the national day, and china celebrating 70 years of communism. that's not going to be a happy day in hong kong. kennedy: no, and it shouldn't. it shouldn't be a happy day for anyone because communism sucks, and eventually it's all going to fall apart. >> absolutely. kennedy: but there'll be interesting to see how these two leaders walk that tight rope. i hope all of it always falls on the side of freedom and, of course, that means the united states can expect to take a w here if all things go well. thank you so much. >> thank you. can. kennedy: coming up, after five weeks of doing nothing on vacation, house members are back on capitol hill where they're going to do more of the same, nothing!
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democrats are still pushing for impeachment, they all tell congress what they should be -- i'll tell congress what they should be focusing on. plus, thomas massie we reaction next. ♪ all right brad, once again i have revolutionized the songwriting process. oh, here we go. i know i can't play an instrument, but this... this is my forte. obviously, for auto insurance, we've got the wheel route. obviously. retirement, we're going with a long-term play. makes sense. pet insurance, wait, let me guess... flea flicker. yes! how'd you know? studying my playbook? yeah, actually.
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♪ ♪ kennedy: nothing binds us together like a common enemy, and since jeffrey epstein is dead, we need something to collectively despise, well, i guess congress will have to do! the house only has 45 legislative days left for the entire year, and they're going to waste every last one making sure the president is investigated and ime peached. when democrats won the majority, they annoyingly promised they could walk and chew gum at the same time. yeah, sure, they're walking mike pence right up pennsylvania avenue. and his first supreme -- the hoe judiciary panel is going to wind
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up the action figure again as if that dry lime still holds any juice. and any squeeze will be used to help him sell books in the president's agenda from the hot seat of martyrdom. i get it, democrats think the president is icky, but joe biden is a gaffe-prone stewed prune whose chances of victory are dwindling by the hour. got you, new hampshire. the cost of socialism will keep rational voters from going all in on the warren and sanders brand of insanity they've been pushing like florida meth dealers. so where is the chewing gum part? have our immigration woes been solved? is cannabis suddenly federally rescheduled? is there price transparency in hospitals, and has congress fixed the ultimate collusion between health care providers and insurance companies to remain opaque cartels who use lack of free marketry e to price gouge? those are three big ticket items
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right there, bipartisan items, that require more than 45 days to execute but could drastically change people's lives for the better. but congress won't touch them because the only thing they're interested in protecting are their precious jobs and porky pensions. suffering constituents, be damned. and that's the memo. earlier today on "fox & friends" republican congressman and house judiciary committee member jim jordan taking off the coat, slamming democrats for investigating instead of legislating. watch this. >> they're going to continue to push this ridiculous impeachment narrative at the cost, one of the first things you learn in college economics class 101 is opportunity costs. so when they're focused on this warrantless impeachment inquiry, you're not getting done the thing we need to be doing like fixing the border is situation, dealing with the intellectual theft -- intellectual property theft of china. things we're supposed to deal with on the judiciary committee. kennedy: chairman jerry nadler,
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scheduled a vote on impeachment proceedings for wednesday. so is there any point for congress to be back on the hill, or should they just pack it up and go back home? here with me tonight, he's one of the few good ones, kentucky republican congressman and house oversight committee member thomas massie, getting is sassy. welcome back. >> hey. thanks, can kennedy. and happy birthday to you. kennedy: why thank you. >> you must be 30 now. kennedy: i'm barely 30! barely. >> hey, there are only 13 legislative days left until the government is not funded. yet when i look at the let's of committee hearings this week, it look like a list of paybacks for all the august fundraisers the democrats did. there are -- this week alone there are three climate change hearings, one is in the financial services committee, the macroeconomic effects of climate change. kennedy: what are they going to talk about, banks going paperless? >> i don't know. [laughter] one is in the foreign affairs committee because, about the
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amazon burning. and then one is on the, is in the committee that was made up by nancy pelosi just to placate her base, but it's the committee on the climate crisis. of course, they're having a climate hearing. so no less than three hearings on the so-called climate crisis this week. you know, americans, they want a secure border, they want liberty, they want jobs, they want infrastructure, yet we're wasting time on these issues this week. kennedy: yes, and more people actually support the rescheduling and legalization of cannabis which, you know, if you get the federal government out of the taxation business, that could be a big boost to communities across the country, but they're not doing that. they're not rationally tackling the parts of health care where congress could have an impasse, and i think pressing forward with these impeachment hearings is so ill-timed because your colleagues have to know that as soon as the calendar flips and it's 2020, there will be no
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commingling of these two steal parties. >> au contraire, kennedy. this is not ill-timed. they are dragging out impeachment so that they can fundraise off of it. kennedy: that's got to be what it is, it can't be anything else other than making money just to enough to make him lose in 18 critical counties. >> right. the hearing this week is going to culminate in a vote on forming the committee and all the rule for starting the impeachment investigation. so they're going to slow walk it for 14 months so that they can milk it for all it's worth. they can't do it all now because we all know where it ends up, it ends up in the waste bin. it's not going to pass the senate. they're going to draw it out so they can raise money against the president. kennedy: what does your house speaker to say about all of this? [laughter] >> well, that's the funny thing here. i mean, she knows that,
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ultimately, impeachment -- if they were to ill peach the president -- impeach the president, it would help the president probably in some regard. so they're going to drag this thing out. they may never even have a vote on impeachment. that's what they've been doing for the last year, is to try and drag in the out so that they can just keep raising money on it. she's not against raising money. what do you think she did all of this last august recess? kennedy: that's how she has a job, and that's the rationalization for nancy pelosi's grasp on the -- with her icy hand on the power scepter. she can raise money. she knows how to fund these campaigns, and she'll be damned if she's going to let some progressive squad run her electables out of the industry. >> you know, there are -- as you alluded to in your monologue, there are things we could be working on -- kennedy: yes. >> for instance, just in the banking for cannabis, you know, there are several states that have legalized marijuana in their states, but kentucky
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hasn't legalized marijuana, but we've got industrial hemp, and the banks are having problems dealing with industrial hemp. they're afraid they're going to get in trouble. kennedy: yeah. >> so the done-growing states and the rope- dope-growing states and rope-growing states could get together and solve this banking problem for cannabis. kennedy: they absolutely should. there's no reason this should be a dangerous cash-only industry because it does put some of these dispensaries at risk, and it also invites its own brand of corruption. so they have to figure something out that used to be congress' job. >> it used to be. and the problem is we, the rules on the banks are federal rules, so they can't solve this on their own. and it's interstate banking. so we should just solve this. i think if the republicans had passed a bill to repeal the federal prohibition on marijuana and just left it up to the states -- kennedy: go ahead, that's fine. >> -- we would still be in the
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majority. and, i mean, i'm somewhat -- i want to see us move forward, but the democrats are missing a heck of an opportunity. they could do what the republicans failed to do. kennedy: that's absolutely right. they all talking a big game, but they can't walk, let alone walk and chew gum. thank you so much, congressman massie. >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: well, speaking of bourbon, millennials are just now starting to hit the booze, and the ceo of constellation brands says it's because this generation that rules the nation, it's starting in with the procreation. they're having kids. when asked if the millennials and their rise in alcohol consumption could have something to do with the stresses of parenting, he said, quote, i think that's exactly the answer. and what we don't know though is will we see the same thing with gen-z as they age? will that get more stressful for them, or and will they drink a little more? let me pour you a shot. he might not have said that last part. one thing we do know, they love to vape. the fda just accused juul, one
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of the largest e-cig makers, of intentionally luring teenagers into nicotine addiction. one alabama high school sneaking into the bathroom so much, they had to remove the bathroom stall doors. if should we be worried about these young' uns and their drinking and vaping? the party panel is back, alexandra, jimmy and mat. alexandra, i will start with you since you are the certified millennial on the panel. there's been all this research, my remember p y'alls don't drink, but then they start having can kids and hitting the bottle. >> well, look, i think for our generation parenthood was delayed due to circumstances in our control through technology like ivf or other techniques or, you know, things that were out of our control like the financial crisis. if we feed ourselves, how were we going to feed another human? [laughter] now the time has come upon us to
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actually give life to these human beings, i think it's extremely stressful. i think that there's been, like, a decades-long stress where you have all this apprehension about what it's like to bring a child into the world in a way that our parents and grandparents' generation just didn't have, they had parents at 19. kennedy: they did, they had a lot of them. what about these cry babies? >> yeah. who needs losers blaming their drinking problems on their kids, you know? [laughter] let's get a study out there that makes it look like we're in the clear. you're not drinking because you have kids, you have kids because you were drinking. [laughter] >> good point. >> i am a professional. i have one child, according to the great maury povich, and he's doing a wonderful job. trig does not help me be a -- drinking does not help me be a parent, it hinters me. you're tired and you're cranky, you give them what they want easier. he would say drunk i'm a better parent because i'm a terrible
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third base coach, i just keep sending every runner. you know, buy 'em away, itunes, let's go. [laughter] shout-out to monkey man. yeah, i think the drinking is now, it's something we always did. i'm so sick, no one wants to take responsibility, mat welch. >> it's backwards. you drink as soon as you can, you drink all of it. like -- [laughter] we had a theory in college called schafer-nom if ics where you price everything based on the crush $3.99 of a case. [laughter] it made your choices that much more important. you start drinking when you have kids? that is so backwards. kennedy: that is backyards. >> you have to learn how to drink first and then maybe get into the mating and stuff. i think the alcoholic participating which i'm really getting into -- kennedy: it's a movement. >> when they go to middle
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school, that's when it gets serious. [laughter] fireball, all the way down -- kennedy: but also varsity drinking participants know day -- parents know day drinking. why would you wreck your night by being hammered? that's what noon is for. >> yeah, that's what i meant. [laughter] but it is true, you get slashed during the day and you recover as the today goes on. kennedy: absolutely right. speaking of slash, we're going to do our own version of guns and roses. bernie sanders saying college athletes are workers, and they should get paid for their services. will the starting linebacker for clemson be happy with that $15 an hour minimum wage? we'll be right back to discuss. go, bernie. go, bernie. fun fact: 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. and most of that debt is actually from credit cards. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right - by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. you can get your interest rate right - by locking in a fixed low rate today.
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oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪ kennedy: should college athletes get pai? the state of is considering a law that would allow college athletes to earn money from
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endorsements. it's no surprise, bernie sanders supports it. it also has the backing of lebron james, arguably the most famous athlete to skip college. should college athletes be allowed to put some dough in their pockets, or should they keep getting paid under the table like reggie bush at usc? [laughter] he had to give his heisman back. [laughter] alexandra, jimmy and mat. mat if, you have been a big proponent for college athletes to get paid for some time. what does that look like? >> i like actually this, the enforcements part i don't think you should have some mandate that, oh, they need this amount of minimum wage or some politician saying this is the stipend. if you're chris weber, and this is an example that happened, the four freshmen, the fab freshman from michigan, you know, he was -- kennedy: called timeout early the? [laughter] >> he was walking down the street and saw that a weber jersey was selling, and he was getting hassled by taking some money under the table from the
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recruiter, and who's making money off the weber jersey? he's rad and people want to buy it. that make sense to me, allow them to do enforcement deals and don't tell -- kennedy: even if you put it in a trust can and they get it when they're done with school and they decide they're going to declare or leave or whatever else, i don't have a problem with that east. >> no, that's fair. kennedy: and, actually, ucla might be able to get some football recruits. >> you never know. kennedy: if you pay players legitimately. usc, they've had a filthy system for a generation. >> pete carroll left -- kennedy: big, dumb cows. >> that's really funny. i do have a soft spot for college football because i grew up watching the new york jets -- [laughter] but i do have a couple of limitations. first of all, the law would only be in california, and -- kennedy: according to this -- >> it would give them a recruiting advantage. kennedy: laboratory democracy. i don't have a problem with that at all. >> i know, you're trying to
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restore a program over here. but also, you know, i was going to say, people make this argument they're getting an education. they're not really. they're not really, they're taking the history of xbox, intro to porn hub. there's no education going on in this class. kennedy: you know, it's actually quite -- >> stop it. i couldn't get accepted. it's stupid. when you see the coaches getting paid as much as they do, three guys making $10 million a year -- kennedy: highest paid public employees in the state of california. >> i mean, look, i think that everybody is an end nuancer these days, so this makes sense. this is a sensible update to an outdated procedure. lori loughlin's daughter, who entered usc under false pretensions for rowing for the crew team that she never did in her life was able to shill for stuff and make money on her instagram account from her dorm room, but the athletes who are legitimate, you know, professionals out there doing something can't make money off
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of their -- ken ken putting their bodies on the line. >> exactly. kennedy: career-ending injuries, yet somehow they're not able to profit off their own names and brands. >> that's exactly right. like i said, we're in an age right now where a lot of people are using their personal brands to make money, and i don't know why college athletes should be excluded from this. kennedy: speaking of which, i've got some plastic trumpets to sell you, and the topical storm is next. thank you so much, mat, jimmy and alec! whoo, stay with us. i mean, if you haven't thought about switching to geico, frankly, you're missing out. uh... the mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. your marshmallow's... get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a... whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa! oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. my bad. geico. it's easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. can i trouble you for another marshmallow?
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the doctor's office might mejust for a shot.o but why go back there when you can stay home with neulasta® onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta® reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1% a 94% decrease. neulasta® onpro is designed to deliver neulasta® the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. neulasta® is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta® if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. if you'd rather be home ask your doctor about neulasta® onpro. pay no more than $5 per dose with copay card.
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♪ ♪ kennedy: a new report claims china may have used something called weather control to change the direction of a typhoon. not to be outdone, the u.s. has used a sharpie to change the direction of a hurricane. that's a draw, and this is the topical storm. topic number one, we begin tonight in italy. racing season is taking off. >> what happened to alex -- kennedy: and this is why you never put your navigation system in dan a ca patrick mode -- danica patrick mode. at lex perrone driving like he had too many fosters ole cans, but amazingly, he walked away with just a minor fracture in his back. needless to say, this is not
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what his fans had in mind when he promised them a high finish. high-five, trees. the 19-year-old is expected to return to the track later this month. his team also announcing they're selling a used race car in mint condition. according to the ad, this baby is -- can really fly. topic number two, i can see you. it is mosh-up monday. this week's winner from my hometown, it's a portland man who pepper sprayed nine people on a city bus. it was a harrowing scene, but police say it could have been much worse if he used something more lethal like axe body spray. whoo hoo! oh, there he is, what a handful devil. yeah, that's aaron, he was arrested under a cloud of suspicion after he allegedly attacked the passengers on saturday morning. portland police say the commotion was so crazy, it spooked one hipster. it's unclear what caused the pandemonium, if you will, and i know you will.
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may have been a bit of a projection on his part, because this dude looks like most of his dates end in pepper spray. either way, it's locust with a plague. fortunately, no serious secures, he's now -- injuries. heaven help him in progressive portland if that pepper spray came out of an aerosol can. death penalty. needless to say, he's going to beat the charges, but his victims just can't see it happening. get it 'cuz their eyes -- never mind. topic number three. taco bell now selling its toasty cheddar chalupa. as a new yorker, i have to say it's nice to see something getting toasted besides the giants' secondary! those guys couldn't cover a pool in december. all right. the latest entry from the burrito baron contains the same four ingredients as every other taco bell product, lettuce, toe mate toe, meat and cheese, but
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this time they bake the cheese on the outside of the chalupa. what? no, i love you! clearly a tribute to all the taco bell fans who will be baked outside area 51 next week. if you do eat taco bell before the big raid, the only thing you'll end up storming is the outhouse. it never gets old. it's not inside you long enough to get old. if you are in the market for some chow, you should know that it goes on sale september 12th. we wouldn't want you to miss it, because that would be a sad story and, let's face it, if you're looking forward to the release of a taco bell product, you've had enough sad stories in your life. that's not violin mono, that's a different segment. topic number four, the cleveland browns started their season yesterday. the good news is new wide receiver odell beckham jr. did provide the team with a bright spot during their loss to the titans. the bad news is he may be getting fined for wearing it.
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yeah, beckham was trade thed to the browns during the off season after becoming the new york giants' all-time leader in bong hits, and now look at that. he could sent more money up in smoke after he wore a $350,000 watch during yesterday's game. finish -- the league said to be contemplating disciplinary actions, but it's prefreshing to see the browns watching something besides the may haves. as of tonight, it's i unclear if the league will fine the man known as obj. we can tell you the team weapon on to lose their home opener 43-13. if i were a browns fan, i'd jump off the roof of the stadium, but then again, i don't liken standing on long lines. all right, topic number five. finally, the makers of white claw claiming the company is running low on spiked seltzer, and you can thank our producer courtney for that. [laughter] good job, court.
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now's no time for an intervention. we already tried two. the spokesperson says hard times happened after sales exceeded expectations. at least that's what we think the spokesperson said. his speech was a little slur. the internet is taking the strikeout hard. one commenter saying, quote: this shows the whole world that white claw is junk. let's face it, anyone knows about showing the whole world you're drunk, it's a white claw drink or. as of tonight there's no update on when the whiteout will end, but in america we're happy to report it's still selling big in italy. it's seltzer, you guys! it's like water, but i'm peeing blood. if this whole racing thing doesn't work out, this guy could doesn't work out, this guy could get a job as a lyft driver.
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every curve, every innovation, every feeling. a product of mastery. lease the 2019 es 350 for $379 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars. we wear our work ethic. we work until the work's done. and when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day we'll finally get something done. ( ♪ )
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1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. and most of that debt is actually from credit cards. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right - by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. you can get your interest rate right - by locking in a fixed low rate today. and you can get your money right. with sofi. check your rate in 2 minutes or less. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. ♪ ♪ kennedy: you wanted a standard, you got a standard. it is now trumpet monday. ♪ ♪
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kennedy: thank you for watching my nice show. my nice show. robbie suave say and his (announcer) you work hard to give your children something to build on. i was always trying to think "how am i gonna get her through college?" i wanna have a mechanism in place to make sure that my daughters are well taken care of. i hope to leave my children with something to help them get set up. (announcer) don't let it get eaten away by unexpected fees and legal expenses. my husband did not have a will and everything went away. when my father passed away, he did not have a will or a trust. we're not as prepared as i had hoped we would be. (announcer) every year, tens of thousands of people lose what's rightfully theirs because the right paperwork is not in order.
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