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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 20, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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if you try it, and you don't think 5-hour tea gives you the boost you need, you'll get a full refund. go to [♪] lou: good evening. president trump earning a major victory tonight for the rule of law in the great state of california. a federal judge blorkd the radical dimm's effort to keep the president off the primary ballot. the judge said keeping the president off the ballot would cause irreparable harm. nancy pelosi today even brazenly mocking the president in a news conference while adam schiff is threatening the white house with a new lawsuit. president trump fighting back, calling the mysterious claims of
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a so-called whistleblower about an alleged promise that he allegedly made to an alleged foreign leader, all all of that fake news. the case is shrouded in mystery. the subject of a closed door, classified meeting today. for more on that we turn to fox's chief national correspondents, catherine herridge. ask. >> the democratic chairman said the session did not confirm media reporting that whistle blower complaint involves a phone call to a foreign leader. still schiff says the left showed for intelligence was met. >> the director intelligence made the unprecedented decision not to share the complaint with
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congress. reporter: the president called the report another fake news story. he stead is anybody dumb enough to think i would say something number enough to a foreign leader on a heavily populated call. president obama' famously told the outgoing russian president said he would have more flexibility to after the election. ' they are adding they are taking a wait and see attitude on the complaints. lou: breaking news. a federal judge in california delivered the trump administration a big victory in court. a george w. bush appointed judge. he blorkd the tax return law.
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it would have required all presidential candidates to disclose their tax returns in order to appear on the primary ballot. the trump administration praised the decision and the attorney harmeet dhillon giving us this statement on the victory for the trump administration. today she said was a victory for the first amendment, the rule of law and for all citizens who want to cast their vote for the presidential of their choice without malicious interest force from state legislatures. california is sure to waste more taxpayer dollars appealing this sensitive ruling. but for today the constitution and the president won. harmeet joins us tomorrow. we'll be talking about the reaction to the president's victory today in court in california. joining us, byron york, the
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chief national correspondents for the "washington examiner." and fox news contributor. let's start with his whistleblower and your sense of what it is and what it's really about. >> well, first of all, we don't know. the intelligence committee, the house intelligence committee spent hours talking to the house -- talking to the inspector general of the intelligence community. and he didn't tell him anything. nothing. all the stuff about was the president involved, was it a communication with a foreign leader. he didn't say any of that. that has been leaked to the press. we have seen it in press reports. but they don't know. there are people around this who believe it could be somebody from the intelligence communities who was at the white house who saw transcripts of presidential conversations. whatever. but we don't have any idea what this alleged offense by the
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president and somebody else was. lou: you cover all of this in the swamp. but there are a number of issues here. one is the intelligence community itself is anti-trump. the intelligence community, it of the chiefs of 3, 4, perhaps other agencies as well participated in what is the word, surveillance or was it spying on the president of the united states. as candid. the president. why in hell should anybody think there is such a thing as an objective intelligence community when it comes to domestic politics? >> that's a good points. intelligence community has done all those things and more. even if there were not mutual suspicious or hostility between the intelligence community and the president, the president has the constitutional authority to conduct foreign policy. he has the constitutional
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authority to discuss matters with foreign heads of state, and that cannot be disclosed to congress. it simply reply cannot be constitutional for an employee of some intelligence community agency to have a transcript of the president's conversations with foreign leaders and disclose them to congress. lou: as the president pointed out, it would be foolish to think he would say anything outrageous as is characterized by adam schiff of all people on a phone he knows is, i believe the expression was, well populated. this idiocy in the extreme even by schiff standard who lied for two years about the evidence of collusion. let's listen to this sound bite first. >> so there is clear evidence on the issue of collusion and this
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adds to the body of evidence. not withstanding significant evidence we have seen that there was no collusion, this parrots what the president says. but it's not consistent with what we have seen. i did say there is ample evidence and indeed there is of collusion. the american people need to know if the russians have something they can hold over the president's head. lou: this man is a liar. there is no other way to put it. he has no credibility of any kind because of his partisan -- just vitriol towards the president of the united states. an obviously has anyone technology right. >> it's approach yacht play those sound bites of schiff talking about alleged collusion. because a lot of republicans for that very reason are suspicious about this. they knew all along -- lou: when is a person
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disqualified, period, as the chairman of the house intelligence committee for his outrageous and unethical and conduct lie together american people, lying about the president of the united states. clearly wishing him nothing but harm. he's a disgrace. why is he there? he's the chairman of the house intelligence committee. that's a matter for the house. but republicans do -- something is up here. now, they want to know -- look, if there is some actual wrongdoing by somebody that this whistleblower knows about, maybe it's not the president. they don't want to know that. but they suspect there is something funky going on here. lou: something funky? too yeah, something funky. lou: i admire the lin the -- th.
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can you imagine the inspector general of the intelligence community withholding what would be a material and real threat against the republic as a result of a communication over an overpop late by intelligence, state, whom eve whom verve whoee on it. have the dimms decided we are that stupid, the media, the people of this country? >> remember back to august 2017. there were actual leaks of the transcripts of the president's confidential privileged conversations with foreign leaders. one with the leader of australia and the other with mexico that
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western actually leaked. now, there is another thing to think about. you have this whistleblower and he knows something that's so terribly important but the intelligence community won't let him tell congress. there is nothing keeping him from taking it directly to congress. it happens all the time. people in th the federal governt go to their congressman and say something terrible is happening here. i tweeted that question out just a few minutes ago, and a lawyer who is apparently in the same firm as the lawyer representing this whistleblower says the whistleblower wants maximum job protection. that's yes would not go straight to congress. but if this is so important, taking it straight to congress. lou: i'm sure adam schiff would stand bravely at his side as he unburdened himself of this great
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concern he has about national security. what do you think it odds are this is fewer nonsense and the democrats doing what they do? >> i think we'll have continued leaks in the next few days and we'll probably find out sort of exactly what this is. again, republicans are not that concerned about the substance of it. they just see the same old stuff happening again after the trump russia investigation. >> it would be nice to see the republicans raise up on their hahn muchs and go get'em. senator mike lee trying to sneak through a bill in the senate that would be an absolute dream for outsourcers. cheap foreign labor, doubling the number of h-1b visas. it would be perhaps a nightmare
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for american workers and our middle class who have to compete with such. he tried to pass with unanimous consent his version of hr10-44 called the fairness for high-skilled immigrant act. it's for all sorts of skills. he would remove green card limits on workers from other countries. big countries like india and china would overwhelm the h-1b visa list and they will be taking american jobs at lower pay. historically 27% lower than prevailing wages in the united states for american labor. that's just terrific. guess who stopped it? senator david perdue blocked it. he said he actually supports the bill it was too good to be true.
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but he wants to work with some of the bill's language. he also said the bill is consistent with what the president is trying to do to fix our broke be immigration system. maybe that's true and maybe it's not. why would a populist president who worked so hard for the american work, the middle class forgotten man and woman in this country agree to so much nonsense senator mike lee has put before the senate and before that in the house of representatives where it did pass, by the way. iran ramps up their threat of war with the united states. the trump administration is talking peace. we take it up with foreign policy analyst dr. walid phares. acting customs and border protection commissioner mark morgan joins me after the break. (music)
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[♪] lou: on wall street stocks closing mixed. the dow down 52 points. the nasdaq up 5 points. crude oil closed flat. gold crown nearly a percent. silver flat. the federal reserve pulling billions of dollars into the market. jerome powell said it's an effort to keep the federal funds rate between 1.25%. they are trying to keep the overnight lending among banks liquid and it has been a chore. a remind tore listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. the number of case in the
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immigration sorts exceeds 1 million people. the number of claims has almost doubled since president trump took office in january of 2017 when some 542,000 cases were pending. the supreme court earlier this month upholding president trump's policy requiring people fleeing their country to claim asylum in the first safe country they enter. the interior department announcing they mad 5 -- -- they made 680 acres of land available for border construction. san diego, yuma, arizona, and el paso, texas. my next guest was with president trump yesterday in new mexico as
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they surveyed fencing and bolder wall. joining us border customs director mark morgan. that backlog of 1.3 million -- i think we all know the answer -- but i would like to hear from you why that has doubled in less than three years. >> it's simple. answer is because congress has failed to do their job. i know you and i talked about this many times. i'm not holding my breath for them to do what they need to do. lou: i don't want to see you turn blue here. >> but that's the reason. the loopholes in our current legal framework, that's the incentive. they are incentivized to come here. and the cartels have taken advantage of that every day in the last two years. lou: the fact is the democratic
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party is aligned itself in providing incentives, and avoiding consequences for the drug cartels themselves for those who are smuggling the deadliest drugs across that border, aligning and supporting those who are in fact responsible for 70,000 opiate deaths a year. overdose deaths, and sex trafficking, and no one wants to call them to account. >> make no mistake. you are spot-on in the sense this is not just a humanitarian crisis. this is humanitarian and national security crisis. in may we had 50% of our border patrol resources pulled off the front lines, badge wearing officials trained to stop bad things and bad people from coming in.
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instead they are doing a humanitarian mission. this congress with one piece of paper -- lou: you and i talk about this. whining about congress isn't helpful. i know it's frustrating to all of us. but it's not helpful. they told the president of the united states to go to hell. he declared a national emergency because we have a crisis on that border. whether it's drugs, sex trafficking, whether it's human smuggling, and the democratic congress said go to hell. so why would there be any pretense or suggestion that they would suddenly awaken? become awoke congress, woken to their responsibilities to serve the united states. >> you and i agree on this. i was just saying what caused this annie was agreeing with
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you. this president and administration developed policies and rules that has done with congress has failed to do. lou: i love to talk about the fact that he put tariffs on and created a new partner in mexico. more partners in central america. doing something people said could never be done. thousands of mexican troops on the northern border. thousands on the southern border guatemala. none of this could have happened. putting up a wall which is going to assure border security, and all of this without the help of the united states congress, but an innovative and adaptive president showing what this country used to stand for, ingenuity and can-do. and the hell of the recalcitrant democrat kick congress. >> i agree. let's not forget about the
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flores reg. final rule requires people to claim asylum in the first country they come to. this is the best thing for this country and for someone actually fleeing persecution. >> the catch and release along the southwest border is a game changer. lou: mark morgan, keep up the great work. we appreciate. president trump vows actions against the filthy conditions in nancy pelosi's district. somebody has to stand up and do the right thing. it turns out again it's our president.
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lou: president trump is
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threatening to hit san francisco with environmental violations created by the city's homeless problem. president trump: it's a total disaster what's happening those cities. we'll get involved on an environmental basis if they don't clean up their act. lou: mainly from the tremendous amount of litter, needles, and pollution. that's flowing into the nearby make ocean. breaking news. fox business learning president trump met with facebook characteristics o mark zuckerberg at the white house. zuckerberg spent the day on capitol hill meeting with senators trying to repair his reputation with lawmakers from the house judiciary committee and from states attorneys general across the country. we'll continue with much more. and when we do we will be
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talking with amy tarkanian. when you think of miami you
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think of,you know,rich,glamour but 5 miles away from the beach there's people who have never seen a beach. i was confused why somebody was in this situation especially in america. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh so when i started joshua's heart foundation it was a key thing to be able to engage youth in the foundation. to help them participate. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh i think passing on the torch and lighting a new flame in another person to do good is probably the point of the bigger missions i have. ♪music:aha,aha,aha so we are each making a bigger difference. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh that's it! just giving back and producing love for everybody.
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lou: joining us republican strategist and former chair of the republican party, amy tarkanian. let's start with something i think has been too long coming. i'm delighted to see the president saying to san francisco, you are going to
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clean cup your act. the epa is stepping in to clean up what has become a felty and despicable environmental affront to all the citizens of san francisco. your reaction? >> that used to be a place where tourists could go and enjoy the sea lions, the ocean breeze, have a romantic dinner, go to a broadway show. now forget by the. it reeks to high heaven. you have to step over human feces. you are lucky if you don't step on or around a needle. it's very sad of what has become of that once beautiful city. lou: it's stunning that there is no will on the part of the public in san francisco to insist that their government clean up that mess. >> you know what's interesting,
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i do have some friend who work in that area. they have had to relocate their families to the outskirts or a bunch of them are relocating to the reno area because they are sick and tired of it. it seems like nobody is listening to them in their local government. lou: the president picked up $15 million visiting palo alto, beverly hills, san diego, getting in a border trip as well, and the hollywood left going absolutely mad. >> it was a wonderful place to live, great people. but you have the homelessness that is out of control in the downtown los angeles area and parts of san diego. and it's destroying everything
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down there. you have rats that have taken over parts of the city. there is disease rampant. lou: not such a lovely place, california, these days. >> it's so sad. it's turned into i guess you could call it a hell hole. lou: let's turn to the sight, the spectacle of seeing the attorney general of the united states on capitol hill pushing a document, i have one right here, this is a copy of that document, a proposal for expanding background checks and a further roadmap to infringing on second amendment rights andn is doing so in the name of the president of the united states. >> i don't know how well that's' going to go or. you have somebody who is a moderate democrat. even someone like joe manchin.
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his response to beto o'rourke who says he's going to confiscate our guns. i don't think that will go over very well with gun owners on the left and gun owners on the right. lou: let's listen to beto o'rourke. this is an interesting comment. this was a statement -- a question asked, are you in favor of confiscation. >> are you in fact in favor of gun confiscation. >> yes. when it comes to ar-15s and ak-47s. >> i don't think you can do it legally. the ar-15 for good, bad or indifferent is the most of commonly owned in the country. >> i'm willing to fight that one all the way to the end. it is not common. it is unusual.
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lou: there are 16 million of them. beto o'rourke is usually well informed. and he doesn't give a damn. i think he spoke truth for the democratic party. what they want is to confiscate our guns and they want to do it. when he tries to talk big, dose sound scary to you? does he intimidate you? not me. i think he would be more interesting if he toind campaign in his garage bunny outfit he roar when he was much younger. when he campaigned against senator cruz he was against background checks. now he's for them. lou: you asked if i am
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intimidated. i do find him scary, but not particularly intimidating. is that fair enough? >> right. would i put him in the same category as the obama pajama boy drinking the coffee. lou: amy tarkanian. forecasters are warning of what could be catastrophic flooding dropping 3 feet of rain in southeast texas. water rescues under way all across houston. rest kiewrts evacuated over than a thousand people in that flooded area. still ahead, i'll share my thoughts on gun control. the big push in washington. what's going on. up next, are other nations getting the idea that whatway does in fact pose a real security threat? we'll take it up after the
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break. a security expert will be here. stay with us. new message. department of the social security administration. the reason of this call is to inform you that your social security number has been suspended for suspicion of illegal activity. if you do not contact us immediately, your account will be deactivated. for more information about this case file, press 1 or call immediately our department number 326 -- this is a scam! thieves are misusing the social security administration's authority in phone schemes to trick you into giving them money
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here, hello! starts with -hi!mple... how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let's send to everyone! [ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. lou: huawei's newest smart phone will run on google's android but
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don't have google apps. the 5g phone is the first new phone since the united states put huawei on its black list for trade. delta airlines claims it doesn't save or store data and passengers can opt out of facial scanning. it's also expanding it to other airports. cyber-security expert paul powers. founder of a software company combating cyber theft. that's a full-time job. glad to have you with us. ways your thought about huawei? it's a strange story. the united states considered an espionage threat, a major threat across the world to our allies, yet we are seeing a tepid at
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best response to that warning. >> absolutely. if we actually become reliant on huawei or critical telling like 5g were we are essentially letting in the ultimate trojan horse. it would be less of a a as trophy if we had sold at&t to the soviet union dural the cold war because then we would only be worried about telecommunication data. but they would be able to access every part of our daily lives because 5g is going to connect everything together. lou: why wasn't huawei removed from the global forum sooner, having a pivot all role in security? >> that's a wonderful question, and i wish i knew the answer to it. having huawei in that forum for cyber-security is like inviting a member of the kgb into a cia
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planning session it doesn't make a lot of sense. but huawei is obligated to support the chinese government. lou: it's been a reality for years. >> i don't know why they have been allowed to operate the way they have. lou: as we look at zuckerberg on ono -- cavalcade across capitol hill. he's under investigation by the judiciary, by the justice department, states attorneys general across the country, and you would think it was just a lark here. i saw a lot of kowtowing. i have to say it's uncomfortable to watch. >> i don't envy the position
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zuckerberg is in. he's having to represent all of silicon valley essentially to washington, d.c. this is a pretty normal process. technology always exceeds the speed of the law. we are always playing catch-up with the law to catch up with telling. i'm glad the conversation is happening. lou: you mean breaking up facebook? >> no, i'm glad lawmakers are discussion with fib facebook the concerns. they are not saying we are going to slap this regulation on you. they don't know how this industry works very well. for some of them they clearly didn't have a complete grasp of how the technology worked. the concern would be it would potentially kill that industry by applying regulations that don't make a lot of sense.
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lou: if we lost that industry, what would be the effect? are you saying because they are big that they should be bigger than our government, our regulations and law and national interests? right now they have been working for the anti-conservative bias. they have bee been egregious. and they provided a platform for russians during an election. not apparently willfully or consciously, but there it is. >> up not saying they should be preferred over our government or not be subjected to our regulations. i'm saying this is a new industry. lou: you don't think they should be subjected to regulation? >> i am saying they should be subjected to regulation. sorry.
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lou: you threw me. we'll stay on the positive. that's a great place to conclude. >> thank you so much. lou: iran announcing its president hassan rouhani and their foreign minister have received visas for next week's united nations. zarif threatened all out war if iran is attacked by the u.s. or saad question arabia. they are the ones together attacking. joining us, dr. walid phares. great to see you. rinsing to rouhani and zarif. it's a preposterous posture they
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take. but we have given them visas and here they come. >> absolutely. actually, lou, you summarized it in a few word. they are doing the attacking. this whole business of sanctions without reason, they were deploying the militias across the region. they were attack our allies and threatening our interests. lou: they shot down one of our drones. it wasn't one of the cheap ones either. >> there is a longish you of what they have done from beruit to iraq. they want to attack our allies. we saw it happen in saudi arabia so there would be pressure on us to remove the sangs without them giving concessions. lou: it's odd that they would think by doing what they have done, the attacks, attacking the
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saudi facility, 5% of the world's oil production represented in that one plant, and they expect everyone to suddenly say we'll drop the sanction and you can go about your business taking oil takers, attack where you will, supporting the houthis in yemen and encouraging them apparently to attack the soundies. this doesn't make any sense. >> it doesn't make any sense if all of us, them and us were discussioning it with -- discussion it with rationality. it sounds like someone advised them that this administration is not going to do anything. the statements of their allies in the region is trump is not going to do anything, let's keep pushing, he has elections. it's encouraging them like the
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japanese before pearl harbor. and they are making a mistake. lou: over time we have seen the wag the dog stratagem inverting itself once politicians considered it to be helpful to their election chances if they were to engage in combat and to start a small war. now, the inference apparently is quite the opposite. i think we are moving at a healthier direction. don't you? >> i think we are moving in the right direction. but if i may, we need to partner with the opposition inside iran and need to do some work in syria and iraq. we don't need a direct war with the iranians at this point in time. lou: thanks so much. up next, i have a few thoughts about the gun control debate and the propositions being put forward.
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stay with us. i will have that for you next. i think you will find it interesting.
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lou: i have a few thoughts tonight on gun control ideas being pushed by the radical dimms. there isn't an original thought being proposed by the dimms
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whatsoever. the republicans are in the game as well. no surprise by the radical dimms. they want what they always wanted. you heard beto o'rourke talking about it. listen to beto o'rourke once the darling of the radical dimms, now the victim of his decision about telling the truth about what dimms wants to do about gun control. >> hell, northeast yes we are going to take your ak-47 and ar-15. lou: to hell with those americans and their constitution. it's called confiscation. and several of the democratic 2020 hopefuls are on board with the idea. but beto's truth is the party's truth. they want our guns, our ammunition, they want to rip the second amendment from the constitution.
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but it's not just the radical dimms it's the republicans as well. attorney general william barr on capitol hill talking about all sorts of ideas. there are a lot of issue ofs i would rather this attorney general be work on rather than the politics of gun control and congressional liaison. here is the attorney general. >> the president made clear's interested in a meaningful and workable measures to provide greater security to the american people and protect them against crime. i have been up here gathering perspective, kick around some ideas so i'm in a better position to advice the president. -- advise the president. lou: one of the pieces of paper he brought with him to the capitol, the attorney general saying this would be some sort of proper significance that could be debate and discussed.
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gak background checks, transfer agents. he says he's the president's emissary to capitol hill to effectively draft a grand bargain with the radical dimms to do what? expand background checks fan give government an even larger role in our lives. this is the doj's basic draft. quite a document. it envisions those transfer agents but doesn't enumerate how many, facilitating private sales of guns it intrudes on the second amendment. if the attorney general wants to make this country safer. he should start with prosecuting our current gun laws. and' workplaces and community take responsibilities for mentally disturbed individuals and act. nothing in this plan would do
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that. what it would do is take away more our rights under the second amendment. it insures citizens will always be capable of defending themselvlvlvlvlv lauren: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories. mark zuckerberg in the oval office, the took ceo meets with president trump as he continues his tour of capitol hill, trying to mend fences over facebook's privacy scandals and pitching his version of internet regulation. cheryl: apple's new iphone hitting stores today as ceo tim cookies going to unveil the company's new 24 hour flagship store here in new york. that's going to be just a few hours from now. we've got all the details for you and why you might want to hold off before you pick up one of those phones. lauren: worries over the economy hitting voters. u.s.-china trade talks continue after a top advisor says tariffs could soon double. cheryl: it seems like we've been talking about


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