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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  September 30, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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we respect each other's ideas if they are not the same, we have 9 seconds left, thank you, viewers, ware in on-line -- weigh in on-line, tell us what you think of the revamp that is "bulls and bears" today. elizabeth: stocks slugging off impeachment, s&p 500 with first best 3/4 since 1997. a battle royale in dc, news breaking that president reportedly asked leader of australia to look into mueller investigation, house democrat subpoena rudy guliani over ukraine. we have requests fired at justice department on whether hillary clinton campaign pressured ukraine to give up information to use against the trump campaign in 2016? president trump is now in the war path, rudy guliani saying he will not be silenced. while the whistleblower,
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breaking his silence, we have all angles covered. also this full court press, now on to shape public opinion to get impeachment done by year end. even though the house done vote it on, and before voters get to vote on it, decide for themselves, in election that is just about a year away. we have more on impeachment lifting the rock on biden family incorporated. >> and lifting the rock on the media and democrats demanding impeach trump before trump was elected. how democrats blasted impeachment as attack politics in 1998, what is different now. beyond attack politics, they want to retax us, and a bigger government. we have real world proof that vision ruins the value of what you and your families work and invest for.
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we have a new tax hike idea from a 2020 democrat that people warning will crush jobs. we have general jack keane with us, from mideast to hong kong to china, we're on it. i am elizabeth mcmacdonald. we start right now. >> thank you for joining us, you are watching fox business network, we're learning that representative adam schiff, elijah cummings, sent a letter to know have ain haveedward law. reporter: let's look at markets today, investors are shrugging off the discussion that u.s. possibly looking at li limits chinese company on u.s. exchanges, part of reason for
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the shrug off may be because of a statement that treasury secretary spokeswoman said, that not the case, we're not discussing this at this time. and says we welcome investment in united states. with chinese foreign ministry spokesperson talking about debate, saying toiic: this is just a debate, nothing has been brought to the president. investors also looking past the impeachment noise. president trump watching it saying against that his call with ukraine president was perfect. and then he says, this is all part of the swamp. >> this whole thing is a disgrace. there has been tremendous prup corruption, we're seeking it, it is called drain the swamp. the now president of ukraine ran on the basis of no corruption,
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that is how he got alleged. election ed. and i believe he mean its. reporter: rudy guliani has been subpoenaed by 3 house committees. guliani on "mornings with marias" before the soup a subpod his criticism on whether or not joe biden did anything wrong and his son and the company is misplaces. >> will my fellow republicans criticize the investigation? who was doing it, if i didn't do it. >> a deep dive -- >> i love lindsey but i can't monopoly but think he is an -- i can't help but think he is an ex-senator. reporter: reports that pompeo was on the call on july 25 with u.s. president and ukrainian
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president. this could widen the probe. and representative chris collins from new york resigns from congress today, he is particular tomorrow to plead guilty in federal court to insider trading. warning his son about a biotech company, to avoid losses after bad news came out. elizabeth: edward lawrence thank you so much. >> thank you. elizabeth: this is about shaping public opinion. question is, are voters sick of democrats and media calling for trump's impeachment from even before tru trump was elected? do democrats like schiff destroy is their credibility by saying verdict first and trial later. is it a sign of weakness that nancy pelosi did not have a vote on the house floor to open an prime minister in-- impeachment
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inquiry. the democrats are underwater with less policies enacted into law than prior congress. , robert your take on everything that you heard going on. >> there is a lot going on. you know the democrats they smelled something in the air, as you say, they have been calls to oust this president before he was even inaugurated, i think they have him now on something. there has been no investigation so far, the impeachment inquiry was announced before the transcript was even released or complaint by the whistleblower was released. yet they say, these are grounds for impeachment. the mueller report was a big does, they have just been looking for something to apiecee
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the radical wing of their base. elizabeth: inspector general, is set to testify in front of house intelligence on president, to the, saying you should not be pressures a foreign government to look into your political rifle president is attacking adam schiff. -- we have steve bannon. corey lewandowski potentially comes back to run, we don't know if true a trump impeachment war room. new york house democrat greg meeks is now urging all anti-trump whistleblowers to step forward your take. >> my take to have everyone take a pause, this is out of hand. we're too pole orized of a -- holpolarized as a country. okay we have the allegations that president had with new president of ukraine.
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and there have been other allegations involving collusion with russia, that canno did notn out well even though a big deal of made of it, and a lot of time was wasted. we should take a break, look at the facts, discretely, stop pointing fingers at each other. elizabeth: to this, i don't think that people understand the context of what is going on in country, control of congress has web sawed back and -- whipsawed back and forth since reagan area. i want to get to, the media call to impeach trump started in march 2016, the media pick it up and ran with it even before trump was elected. here is democrat al green saying and we have to impeach trump,
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because we cannot let him be re-elected. >> yes, we had president trump's opponent, hillary clinton saying he was an illegitimate president, what does that mean? he was elected by the election crathe elect college. there is going to be no gun ledglaying, no treaty with the a or tariffs, and things like that no discussions with iran, that is going to stop, is that good for the country. enemies are watching this and our friends are not going to talk to us any more. elizabeth: picking up what nancy pelosi and job joe biden said at using impeachment as attack politics. >> i situation where any and all grievances that anyone had with the president, are being heaped
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on and talking about impeachment water -- without defining what the laws may have been that were broken with applying facts to them, without defining even if the laws were broken if that amounts to an impeachmentable offense. >> election of president only nationwide vote that important people will cast, sh he is elecd directly by the people of united states of america. elizabeth: okay here is the thing. is impeachment going to lift iraq on biden family incorporated. >> national review had a piece with a tie line that depicts hunter biden's oddities are deeper than realized. to a gif. >> to his role at ukraine cran gaukrainian gascompany, this iss about a royal in dc . >> liz, if his name was hunter
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smith, he would not have been gets those gifts or positions or enriched like he was. clea let's be clear about, that the role of his father who then sitting vice president, i think that is worth to look at, we should not use our governmental positions to enrich ourselves or loved ones. elizabeth: robert bittman, you are terrific, come back, we love having you on. >> thank you. elizabeth: let's check your money, markets, last day of the third quarter, the average mostly higher in third quarter. s&p 500 just booked best first three quarters since 1997. deirdre bolton on the floor of the big board with your money. >> market closed higher monday, dow, s&p 500 and nasdaq on this last trading day of the month, up across board for the third quarter. a tumultuous one. dow and s&p 500, higher, nasdaq
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unchanged. >> google, we watched during regular session facing more antitrust scrutiny, the company wants to change the way it does business, a new building block if you like. some antitrust regulators are concerned it will exclude, wireless and kaple companies. >> cbs -- kaple companies. cape. >> and cvs stop selling scra exe products, boeing. cracks found in wing that support part of 7 37 ng, that ads to bowie's woes, sthoks we'rstockswe're watching. >> he survived, he immigrated to
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u.s., he is now chair and ceo of one of the biggest property developers in california. he will talk to us about his take on getting and winning american dream and whether the big tax, big government democrats are going to ruin that for everyone, he joins us next. ♪ (dramatic orchestra) performance comes in lots of flavors. there's the amped-up, over-tuned, feeding-frenzy-of sheet-metal-kind. and then there's performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. that's the kind lincoln's about. ♪
6:14 pm
my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis
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and a high risk for fracture now might not be the best time to ask yourself are my bones strong? life is full of make or break moments. that's why it's so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it or take xgeva® serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling rash; itching; or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping prolia® as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone joint, or muscle pain. are you ready? ask your doctor how prolia® can help strengthen your bones.
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elizabeth: you wonder when democrats will answer their big wake-up call, that tax hikes are bad in real world, they chase people out of states.
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they ruin property values. look at new jersey, cheryl cassone. >> we're in new jersey this home here 3.1 million, you see it is beautiful, with 7 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, 4 half bathrooms, a tennis court, all kinds of amenities, it was lifte lift lid for 6 million, luxury market took a hit because of new tax policies, that hurts people that own and want to sell the luxury homes. but come on in, show you the c, that is for cross field not cheryl, this house, three levels, a basement, a top level, you walk to grand foy foyer.
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it is on 28 acres of property, there is deer. also there is tennis court, a heli pad, this part of new jersey is horse country. whether or not you want to pay 3 3.1, 6 million or 10 million, the point of everything that we've seen today, that there are deals to be had out there when it comes to real estate, owner say they want to sell because they want to head down to florida, retirement she working right now -- he is kind of working right now, these homes for sale, if you are in the market for a luxury home. in the market for luxury home, we seeing an uptick in sales in second quarter of 2019, over the last month a little bit of a rise because prices have been reduced like this place, that i am at today for fox business,
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we're invested in you, liz. elizabeth: quite a story cheryl thank you. >> let's talk about american dream. it is about obtains success. we like to focus on men and women who succeed. ameal hadad we love your story. you immigrated from lebanon and hit it big. >> i actually, i am poster child of the american dream, i am proud to be talking to you, hopefully, i will make sure that people know there not a place in the world better this this country po provide someone like me the opportunity to come here, start from nothing and then to be able to see crimes come true. elizabeth: there are other parts of the world, you are aware of it, big top-down, top-heavy government that puts things on back of entrepreneurs, in our country we have oprah winfrey
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rising from poverty, jee steve , larry ellison. and ralph lauren they came up from nothing. can you tell us what is the key to your success? >> i think key to success is actually same key to every immigrant who came here and accomplished more than i, had is hard work, and for fil fertile , that allows you to plant seeds and grow trees, a country based on incentive, it allows you to try, fail, keep trying, not stop trying, that is why today all up no vagues from the country because -- innovation from the cuthecountry because people can, but you have to a culture that allows you to fail and fry
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again. elizabeth: what concerns you most out of dc ? >> actually concerns me today, how divided the country is, and concerns me how much i hear about what is wrong with the country, and reason i go on program like this, or go to public speaking to remind people, what is right with the country. there is more that is right with the country than there is wrong. it seems right now everyone wants to fall on negative. in order for us to show each other who'll up a person. there is no other place in the world that is more right than this country, that does not mean we're perfect, we need to realize, we have things here that though body el in the world has. elizabeth: american people want a positive, optimistic vision, they want to sign up to, that emile thank you. >> thank you. elizabeth: we've been monitoring other stories in world.
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that is no falling in montana, so bad this governor of montana has declared a state of emergency, several feet of snow will fall over the next couple of days. when is last time montana saw snow this early in season. 1930s, according to national weather service. next up, california, now the first state in nation to lit let college athletes make money often dors am dials -- endorsement deals. athletes have long argued they should see some money that the universities make off their talents. california schools, they are talking about this. unfair they could attract the lion 's share will college athletes looking to main money.
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>> and a chemical tank ericer, exploding in south korea. the fire spread to another oil tanker, te, 10 taylors were inj, they are all to survive: >> and look at this amazing video. toxic smog blanketing bangkok today, official believe that a change in wind pattern caused fumes from nearby crops that were burning to come in, and vehicle emissions and construction pollution. prime minister of thailand advising residentses to wear masks to avoid break breathing in toxic air. elizabeth: and aimed at president trump campaign.
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but first, demanding impeaching trump before he was elected. are voters on board with that? or are they tired of media and democrats crying wolf. we'll stay on all the stories for you. we're fox business, we're investing with you. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. i love you! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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elizabeth: bring in daily caller news foundation christopher bedford. nancy pelosi is now insisting that the election is not about impeachment, saying it does not matter if democrats take a political risk that could include house majority, she is making likes it not an issue. >> she is kind of spiking out of both sides of her mouth. the same call, she said, whole
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message that we hate donald trump but we love the constitution. they have to precede with their hearts filled with love for country and constitution, and in same call she had campaign arm on there saying we'll help pay for polling in your district to find out who message is popular with your voters, they are worried it could blow up in their face. elizabeth: we know that democrats are underwater, they have about 58 policies 18 accounted into law this congress. lower than 61 prior congress. this is neck-and-neck, what else will the democrats campaign on, if not impeachment. we see polls come in people don't like single payer or healthcare coverage for illegal immigrants. >> i don't think they will be able to turn back that dial on campaigning for single health care or coverage or citizenship for legal immigrants, people who
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are winning that primary, likely to get nomination, they are the issues that i want to talk about, you have seen elizabeth warren of massachusetts saying she does not top talk about impeachment but her radical plan are in u.s. economy -- for the u.s. economy. she thinks that is her path. elizabeth: bernie sanders is 2020 democrat who is out with a new type of tax today, falling third behind you know elizabeth warren and joe biden. he does not have the backing ofs workers party, elizabeth warren has that. chris, he wanting to tax companies based on their pay they give ceos. ceo are paid 50 times more than worker median salary, he will tax them, the problem, bernie complains about ceo and he'll coverage and -- health coverage and benefits but he talks about median salary, he leaves out
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their benefits, pensions and 401(k), and health coverage, if they can't get their facts straight how can democrats run the country, they can't fix the border. >> they are running to socialism, facts, history, and everything has been thrown out. bernie has a points, he could -- these arguments that ceos make 50 times what median this or mean of that. workers make. you can devoid the facts and taps in outrage. elizabeth: stay on that. this is something i have been studying. when is federal government ever fix income inequality. >> never. >> president obama said, joe biden will be my job training czar. joe biden looked at 83 federal job training togethers, they spend hundreds of million, and cbo came up where a study said, what they were doing is a waste of time, the government does not
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solve income inequality. >> you are right, government does not solve health care or student loistudent loans or deb. but there an environment and anger among populist that put bernie sanders in runs against hillary clinton, pushed donald trump over, he is trying to tap into. i think wit we've seen that in t debates, we've seen angry, bernie sanders, he is hoping to get the fire back. i think it might be too little too late. elizabeth: to senator elizabeth warren, saying, i hope we wrap up prime minister before 2020 vote -- impeachment before 2020 voting starts, why is she saying that? >> she wants to run on ideas. >> what are her ideas? >> ideas, single payer healthcare, open borders, socialism, those are ideas, democratic donor big money
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donors are freaked out about, that but nobody who is a them to democrat in 2020 who thinks they can win should show any interest in the impeachment proceedings. this seems like they just want him out of presidency, don't i they have faith they could win the election. elizabeth: you need a positive vision, a vision to convince voters you deserve the white house, you have to have a clear agenda. the vote are ou voter out theres what the democratic free-everything policy create. los angeles county paid 1.3 billion in welfare money to illegal immigrants. federal government raided all of these dna testing labs, i 4 states, 2.1 billion medicare
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fraud was there. your take? >> i agree with you, what lbj pushed through and what his successors have, has lead to such an unbelievable level of government overreach, every aspect of your lives has their hand in this, i don't think that anything is really gut and better because of it not just cracking down on old industries of thirsts, but a whole government overreach. that is what they are preaching here during socialism, we have colleges that are indoctrinating people, and a whole class of millennials who graduated to a bad economy, and difficult employment until just recently. >> they grew up in age of bailouts. >> she they did. elizabeth: christopher bedford thank you. >> tensions in middle east as saudi crown prince that wars with iran could cause oil prices
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to spike hir higher and clan the global economy. and durham investigating the attend to which a number of country played a role in counter intelligence investigation directed at trump campaign in 2016, coming up. of your investments. key portfolio events. all in one place. because when it's decision time... you need decision tech. only from fidelity. 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars. we wear our work ethic. we work until the work's done. and when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day we'll finally get something done. ( ♪ )
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elizabeth: two top republican senators, they want information from the attorney general on whether the clinton campaign pressured ukraine for information to use again the trump campaign, saying. joe biden's threat to with holed u.s. assistant from ukraine this is getting collidescopic. >> it is. if you want to break it down logically, we're in a situation,
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one side accuses the other of doing something, interference of 2016, now an allegation that democrats, we knew by the way not to get into so-called hard to right talking points, we have a situation with dnc and clinton campaign acolleged to have bought negative information about their political opponent. i am not editorial rising, this is a continuation of that, i think sad part is that public is watching all this, almost evolved to like two third graders in the schoolyard, he did it no timmy did it. that is insane, and everyone is got to get as a hold of themselves. >> columnist, andrew mccarthy, in his book, suggests that fbi tried to get evidence from ukrainian government during 2016 election to use against trump campaign manager manafort to pressure him to cooperates. >> yep, andy mccarthy lays
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out, again a broken record, effort by people in united states government, to get information from a foreign country, the significant of that, again this the political toxicity, oh, my god, you are dealing with a foreign country, that is it you are undermining the very fabric of our democrat, but. the reverse on other side, the cliche, don't throw stones if you live in a glass house, i follow the sham same rule, i dot prejudge, you tell me there was an attempt? i say, show me the evidence. elizabeth: i hear. >> you weather mr. trump conversation with leader of ukraine constitutes high crimes and misdemeanor. it depends on what he was
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getting at, when he raised the subject of crowd strike. that was company, hired by dnc, that fbi never saw that server, and instead of its own investigation, crowd strike did it. >> if there is -- >> russian hacking. >> a trial lawyer will tell you, you look at everything in context. so, you can interpret that tape, to break it down,. >> he raises biden, the cop particular, the point from one side he wanted to know what happened in 2016. then other side just makes a leap of faith, she askin he is a foreign nation to develop political dirt on an opponent, that is too far, the point is, it's in the middle. the context was about the
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dnchack. he was concerned. how ironic, you can't avoid the irony, he is motte concerned not what happens in 2016 election, he raised it in the conversation. they say nothing about. he should not have raised this other question. >> doug burns thank you. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up behind democrat defense, to convince you that they have got an exciting governing vision. it is not just about impeach, and impeach. we'll talk about it next, quite a story, stay their. imagine a world where nothing gets in the way of doing great work. where an american icon uses the latest hr tools to stay true to the family recipe. where a music studio spends less time on hr and payroll, and more time crafting that perfect sound. where the nation's biggest party store can staff up quickly
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analyst, what is your reacted to what the prince said? >> agree with him in principle, iran has been trying to create a crisis over distribution of oil so world and international community will put pressure on united states to reduce the sanctions. that has been the game plan for months, and the attack on the oil field, one of the largest in the world, try to destabilize the world economy is what the objective is. possibly fuel a globa globe rec, what is not clear in the statement, he talks about world must deter iran, iran just attacked saudi arabia, violating their sovereignty, brought half their oil fil feel down, saudi arabia has to step up. and possibly, they do that in concert with united states and
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others. it not clear in his statement that he has that kind of advocacy. this much i know looking at this for some time, sanctions by themselves, and world condemnation will not i say not deter the iranians from further escalating the raised oil prices, they will attack again. and sanctions will not stop them from that. elizabeth: where is the next attack? by the way iran today, again flames the attack on yem ep yem. calling a legitimate defense. >> i think that next attack comes from an oil producing nation, that will be attacked. somewhere in persian gulf. the rest of world depends on u.s. oil, but it is united states core interest to have a
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stable global economy. >> general, a commander in the iranian guard, say that destroying israel of an achievable goal, today, what is your reacted to that? >> they have been saying that since they took power in early 1980s, islamic revolution, they had -- said three things, they will dominate and control the middle east by spreading islaislamic revolution throughot they made progress ough at thisy will to drive the u.s. out of the region, they believe we pollute it with our own idea ol. >oliveira gee and third thing -- ideology, and third thing destroy the state of israel, they have been saying that for 39 years, they believe it, this is not idle talk they are serious about this they are not
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normal dictator who power. and self-arrogant and et cetera, these are idealogs who are a global intent, not just the middle east, they are fanatical about it. >> general jack keane thank you. >> good talk to you to. elizabeth: coming up florida senator marco rubio calls out senate democrat for pandering to far left. coming up. -driverless cars... -all ground personnel... ...or trips to mars. $4.95. delivery drones or the latest phones. $4.95. no matter what you trade, at fidelity it's just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade.
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do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it or take xgeva® serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling rash; itching; or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping prolia® as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone joint, or muscle pain. are you ready? ask your doctor how prolia® can help strengthen your bones.
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liz: democrats take on an even more socialist agenda. they will hit your retirement accounts. and there is something called a government fay check in the form of universal income didn't work in finland when they did it. you have got your pinstripes on. >> you know, these guys -- free is very appealing, isn't it.
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the mantra they open up with, a country that's great with this much wealth. how did quee we get here in with none of those programs. we got here with the work ethic. we got here with work is grad gratifying. it's good for the soul. liz: what was it you said about forever 21. >> if forever 21 gave everything away free, their stores would be jammed. theoretically if we give everything away it's easy for us to slide into a bankruptcy, slide into the abyss. liz: we have under president trump real median household income up 7%.
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president trump saw nothing like those numbers. it's more than doubled. >> the economy is resetting itself, it's a new world. liz: you have senator marco rubio saying socialism is incompatible with america. and you are co-owner. and your take on the government deciding what you should be paid. top down minimum wage. ways your take? >> it just does not work? look at the countries that tried that. i like to see sunlight every day. you can't play with the economy and set it or set standards -- not standards, wages. we have a minimum wage. we have a healthy minimum wage.
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go across the river to new jersey and i believe it's about a $4 minimum wage. liz: scandinavian countries are held up as examples and they don't have a minimum wage. >> they hold the scandinavian countries in high ideal for healthcare. but go take a ticket at the bakery and wait to get your broken arm fixed. it doesn't work. liz: what are you hearing anecdotally about what the democrats are talking about? >> i talk to them all the time. not just in my restaurants. i talk to anybody on the streets who will talk to me. anecdotally people don't understand it.
7:00 pm
>> you are great, thank you for having us. thank you for joining us. lou dobbs next. [♪] lou: good evening. tonight we'll be taking a good hard look at the latest efforts by the radical dimms to overthrow the president of the united states. this time they plotted and began to implement what increasingly looks like an amateurish series of clumsy claims that house speaker nancy pelosi has relied upon to launch an impeachment process against mr. trump. you will see tonight she relied on the demonstrated liar adam schiff who


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