tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 1, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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[♪] lou: good evening. tonight we'll be taking a good hard look at the latest efforts by the radical dimms to overthrow the president of the united states. this time they plotted and began to implement what increasingly looks like an amateurish series of clumsy claims that house speaker nancy pelosi has relied upon to launch an impeachment process against mr. trump. you will see tonight she relied on the demonstrated liar adam schiff who presented her a
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pandora's box that may threaten more than just democratic control of the house in the upcoming elections. the chair of the house intelligence committee delivered pelosi a grossly inaccurate account of the phone call between president trump and ukrainian president zelensky. it fictional narrative became the basis of her decision to proceed with impeachment. she underestimated the support of republicans for president trump. and the rickety case of what has turned into a failure of almost comic proportions. many in the republican party are coming to the defense of donald trump. they are taking particular issue with a recent rule change that gives whistleblowers more
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influence. catherine: in letters to the intelligence community watchdog house republicans zeros in on this whistleblower complaint form and the recent change that appeared to lower the standard for information. the timeline and who apparently signed off. the timing of the removal of the first-hand information requirements raises questions about the timing of the removal of this complaint. it also raised questions about potential criminality in these matters. the president tweeted who changed the longstanding rules just before the whistleblower complaint.
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based on the underlying statute, a former possible coat you're and fox news contributor said the process was always first-hand information. >> the statute has not been changed. the statute always allowed second hand information. but what the statute requires is for the i.g. to make a determination about credibility and whether something raises what they call an you are gentle concern on the statute. her are an intelligence official says. the whistleblower submitted the appropriate disclosure of urgent concern form and had been used since may 24, 2018.
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the whistleblower stated on the form that he or she had first-hand information and it appears to be different than the whistleblower complaint presented to congress. breaking news tonight. this is a major development as well in the collapse of the pelosi-schiff radical dimms impeachment theater. attorney general barr has asked president trump to make a number of introductions to a number of countries that may have information pertinent to john durham's investigation. the president was allowed to inform countries that the a.g. may be contacting them. barr was recently in italy and is said to have spoken about law enforcement officials there about john durham's so-called
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review of the investigation of the investigators other origins of the plot to subvert president trump and his investigation. our next guest is a talented reporter, he led the journalists covering the spygate and the witch hunt. joining us, award winning investigative journalist, john solomon. this is becoming -- it has to be a nightmare for nancy pelosi right now. the narrative of that phone call utterly wrong. the complaint, much of it looks contrived and certainly second, third hand, rather than direct knowledge. and the cover-up seems to be a reference to files that are routinely, those of the president's conversations with other leaders, routinely code worded and placed in secret
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files. >> i think this is the sequel to russia collusion. a big breathless hyperbolic story. but with it's debunked it will be like the russia collusion story. my sources are telling me it could be problematic that whistleblower checked the box saying i have firsthand knowledge but then submitted a whistleblower complaints that was hear say. as we gig further into this we'll see further inconsistencies. who is the single greatest abettor of this false and inaccurate information? the news media. lou: it's interesting to look how the leftist national media is covering this with helped lines that seem to be spun up
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from whole cloth, and treating it like the crime of the century which is i think we could agree not quite the case? we have a cnn example we may share with the audience tonight, trump, i would like you to do us a favor? and they left out something short of five 00 word putting in context rather than an invented quote. they just went ahead and didn't put in context anything. it is not just typical of cnn, but of other networks, other organizations. it's really stunning to watch the outright perversion of the craft turning to what is what amounts to propaganda. >> i'm deeply disturbed by the
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state of my profession. i grew up in a generation of journalists who reported neutrally and made sure our facts were correct. i am keeping a list on the biggest bogus stories on ukraine. they mention the fact that there is evidence ukraine's embassy was asked by the dnc through a contract to dig up dirt on donald trump during the election. she called it russia propaganda. i have a statement confirming that episode happened and the ukraine embassy was disturbed by the request from the democratic national committee. these are facts and the media is turning it around and misreporting things time and time again. lou: it does have all the echoes
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and indelible traces. "the washington post" went after you this weekend. if you would say -- that your reporting was part of the reason that the former ambassador to the ukraine yukonovich was recalled from the he bass i in may. and take you to task for your reporting. i think in the eyes of every other reader and listener to you, i think they find everything you are doing exemplary and often at the forefront of the reporting nationally. >> it's funny to watch "the washington post" call my reporting faulty after the narrative they created on russia. the theory is i wrote a faulty
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story and that caused the ambassador to be fired. it's just the opposite. i was hearing president trump was trying to get her fired and i reported backward to find out why. a house committee chairman raised concerns that the ambassador was bad mouthing donald trump to foreign leaders. then a group of ukraine prosecutors hired a group of attorneys in washington because they believed she was interfering in internal matters with ukraine. two days before "the washington post" wrought story that i got her unfairly fired. the president of the ukraine, you know what he thanked the president for doing? he thanked him for firing our ambassador saying she would not recognize me as the rightful leader of ukraine. lou: the corruption in the
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ukraine permeating as you know well, their government and zelensky's government is in office to rid the country and the government of the corruption. it's a tall order. but he has undertaken it. so your view, if you will, now as to where we are headed, what you expect. the narrative does not fit the transcript. it's not even close. it's preposterous. we have a cia officer suddenly playing whistleblower and what is a cia officer doing spying on americans in america because that's what he was doing. you can dress it up any way you want to. make a -- give us a sense of your thoughts where we are headed. >> let's keep in mind this ukraine thing may very well have been an intentionally timed
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distraction to take our eye off the real ball. the fisa report is coming out soon from inspector durham and attorney general barr. it will go back to russia. there will be some devastating news in that report. in the ukraine scandal if you can call it that now, it's the democratic party accusing president trump of playing politics with ukraine. in 2016 they did the following things. used foreign aid to force the firing of a prosecutor who was looking at a company that employed joe biden's son. asked them to dig up dirt on donald trump through the ukraine embassy in washington. this is going to boomerang as soon as republicans in congress get their chance to get documents and witnesses. it will unravel just like the
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russia case. lou: thank you very much for all you are doing. we appreciate it. up next. more on the intelligence community's changes to whistleblower complaint fors. also the video he can pleasing house intel chairman adam schiff's mendacity. corrupt intent. we'll take that up with congressman matt gaetz after these quick messages. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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a 2017 prank phone call between the house intel committee chairman and two russian radio host comedians posing as the former speaker of the ukrainian parliament. another what you see in that call record is the president of the united states use the full weight of his office to seek dirt on an opponent to interfere with our elections. you have a phone call where they are discussing the compromising the material on mr. trump. >> absolutely. >> obviously we would welcome a chance to get copies of those rorgsd. >> it's illegal and proper and a violation of his oath for the president to merely ask for foreign interference. lou: that's about as funny as it
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gets. congressman matt gaetz, great to have you with us. that is hilarious. for schiff to be able to stand up and even pretend to be outraged at the phone call between zelensky and president trump, it's absolutely laughable. >> it's just as laughable, the notion the ukraine transcript is what brought democrats to the point of impeachment. democrats were going to impeach president trump from the time they took the majority. the russian hoax wasn't the crime, it was the cover-up. they were trying to pay russians to tell lies about donald trump. it was about the work the deep state has done to obstruct the work the republicans in congress
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were doing to expose their crimes. now the ukraine deal is all because they know joe biden and hunter biden will have problems explaining why hunter biden was making $50,000 a month from a foreign company. i don't think americans believe hunter biden legitimately earned that money. lou: as an american i think the fact that a cia officer is a whistleblower is preposterous. someone unknown has changed the requirements of the whistleblower statute from direct knowledge. andy mccarthy telling us very clearly, and catherine herridge reporting, this may mean the whistleblower is not only not a whistleblower, but as we suspect already, has no standing irrespective of whether they
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change the form or not. >> you would not be able to get so-called evidence from this whistleblower admitted into a court of law. how are we supposed to use it to impeach the president of the united states? i would think that we need to do with john solomon suggested in the last segment. republicans need to start holding minority hearings and bring out the evidence. during the russia investigation the democrats learned a valuable lesson. the more they allow republicans to examine the evidence, the worse the case gets for them. they are on the super highway to impeachment with no stop signs. what we need to do is analyze it, unpack who this whistleblower is. and me up suspicion is we'll see this as the house of cards the russia hoax was. it's a knockoff of the ukrainian
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sequel. lou: i don't understand why the republican conference isn't outraged with what's going on. it's so clear this is a joke from front to back, from top to bottom. whether you are talking about the pretext for it, the narrative that was spun up by the cia officer. are you kidding me, congressman? cia officer spying on the president. spying on americans and america? isn't there a problem with that? >> they weren't even spying directly. they were spying on the water cooler conversation. it's just like, you know, this is how the deep state operates. they get each other all spun up with their little theories and attacks on the institution of the presidency. then there are bombastic initial claims. trump is a russian agent.
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trump pressured the ukrainians. lou: i don't believed they are spinning each other up. this is a plot. an outright premeditated effort to subvert and overthrow the president of the united states. it's what was going on against president trump as a candidate. then it was the special counsel, spygate. and now this because the little darlings are in the minds of some in the national media? they are disappointed? i don't think they are disappointed at all. i think they are unrelenting anti-trump and anti-democratic government in this country. >> you can show how unrelenting they are when you expose the lack of shame. the russia hoax was exposed for what it was. there was no apology. they just went to the country next door. >> we had fun making that video,
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but there is nothing funny about the fact that democrats in congress are trying to undermine our country. we require a strong president and a strong presidency. lou: i hope the republican conference will this time muster sufficient energy and outrage to do something about it. they must -- there must be a counter veiling force against these acts of evil. and that's up as you well know to your conference. congressman. great to see you. thanks so much. thanks for that terrific video. up next. can joe biden survive all of this? the investigation into the conflicts of his son, his business dealings in ukraine and china as he was drafting along behind his father's immense
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lou: joining us now to make sense of a significant series of developments today and what looks to be a narrative about the president's telephone call with ukrainian president zelensky, we are joined by the savant, ed rollins. "new york post" columnist, and michael goodwin. let's start with your columns. the last few days you have been nailing this thing. this is a president who has been again confronted by democrats as john solomon was saying earlier.
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this was just another sequence in the efforts of the radical dimms to overthrow this president. or at the very least subvert him. >> i believe it's entirely possible and wise to see this as a continuation. the whistleblower, the cia agent. lou: the whistleblower is a cia officer in the white house for god's sake. >> this is the continuation of the john brennan, james comey efforts -- lou: james clapper -- >> the whole group who are under investigation by barr and durham. i find the timing of this somewhat suspicious. it's clear this agent or officer and his democratic connected lawyers worked with the house intelligence ask committee. lou: if you are a cia officer
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you go to the democratic lawyers and the democratic staff of the intel committee. >> we have seen this working together with the democratic party, the previous administration to prevent him from becoming president, and now we see it as a move against the president. i don't know how else to read this. >> the mission of the cia is to investigate activities outside this country, not inside the country. the role of the investigation. here is the fbi. the whole idea of putting dni together was to make sure to coordinate. there is a natural reverse division of the cia hat follows up. a spy network, they coordinate with the fbi. thin they have -- then they have to have permission by the attorney general or the dni head. this guy or girl --
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lou: it's a good thing they pulled him out of the field because he got it so wrong it's ridiculous. >> the president needs to pull in the characteristics a director and fbi director and dni and say who signed off on this. someone signed off on this in order to move this thing forward. if they didn't, throw them in jail for falsification of a document. lou: the idea that you would have the temerity to change something that's statutory. the whistleblower's changing from first-hand to second-hand knowledge. >> undermining the national security. this president has done more for national security and any president in modern times.
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lou: we have the complaint issue, it may well be nothing this guy has to say according to the "new york times" reporting, he's a male, it would be thrown out anyway because the fundamental element of that statute is that you have first-hand knowledge. >> what's shocking to me is as ed points out in terms of the rules. you cannot have the left supporting cia acts spying on the president of the united states. think about that. do we really want that? lou: i guess it was their turn. you had fbi acts spying on the president during spygate. >> they are both spying on this president. that's the problem. do they want law enforcement and the cia spying on the president of the united states and overturning elections?
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is that what the left wants for the future? lou: ignorance of this thing is, frankly, tonight radical dimms is that they are the absolutely willing to subvert the president of the united states. they are lawless, they are reckless, and then they want to pretend -- nancy pelosi and chuck schumer want to talk with the president about gun control? really? nancy, chuck, get real. you are behaving as an enemy of the state then you want to play like you are going to make a deal with the president? i love the fact they offered to sign a deal on gun control in the rose garden. wouldn't that be sweet? who the hell do they think they are. >> "the washington post," the "new york times," they are full bore. they are going to try to do what they did in watergate and we
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can't let it happen. they are leading the charge. >> the president is not without allies or help on this. lou: he's gone the more help than he ever has from the conference. >> i hope so. lou: we just received word that nancy pelosi has said a dear colleagues letter announce he is interested in working with the president on usmca, the canadian-mexico-us trade deal. i just heard something else. what else? and lowering drug costs. while impeaching the president of the united states. do you now that's also -- at some point what do you say to pelosi and schumer? >> i am not allowed to say it. lou: let's go -- i'm editing
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lou: the controversial change made to the whistleblower complaint form is causing a furor on capitol hill. the complaint form read in order to find an urgent concern credible, the inspector general must be in possession of reliable first-hand information. the inspector general cannot transmit information based on second-hand knowledge. joining us is the co-founder of the federalists.
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sean davis. this is -- i want to get first your sense of this impeachment effort by the democratic party against this president based on the transcript that you read, that we all looked at. the complaint and its allegations and the way in which they are instructed. and the issue of first-hand knowledge no longer a requirement, and then the cover-up. so let's start with your judgment of the conversation. >> i think it's important to note that earlier this evening about an hour ago the intelligence community inspector general issued a very long press release in which it completely vindicated our reporting on the change to that whistleblower form. the i.g. admitted it did change the form in august and eliminate that guidance requiring first-hand knowledge. but it also stated this
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particular complainants checked the box that he did have first-hand knowledge in addition to hearsay and attested under penalty of perjury that all the information he offered was true. i find that particularly interesting based on the transcript the president declassified and released that the complaint from the whistleblower was riddled with false statements and errors. that's extremely significant going forward. lou: as catherine herridge reported, the issue of whether change the form is adequate to remove the burden of first-hand knowledge. this is stunning stuff. by the way, it's part of the reason i have set about this entire impeachment theater that nancy pelosi has authored along with adam schiff. it seems so clumsy, sean on its
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face, the narrative of that transcript of the call between president trump and za zelensky. the idea that it was a cover-up to have a password code and top secret file for a presidential conversation with a foreign leader. >> right. that particular complaint that the president somehow had something to hide by putting in information that was leaked is like a robber trying to get into your house saying you broke the law by putting an alarm in our home or a lock on your door. what we are seeing is projection from the left-wing media and their allies. it was the hillary clinton campaign that excluded with foreign governments to interfere in our democracy. they excluded with a foreign spy to spread dirt about trump and his affiliates.
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but when the president of the united states and the attorney general have under the law take their authority to get to the bottle of that election meddling, somehow the investigation is a high crime and misdemeanor, wrathered than any crimes we know were committed through the investigation it's a stunning and brazen act by democrats. i think we are through the looking glass at this point. lou: on its face it's a pro possiblerrous set of circumstances contrived by the democrats. it's fraudulent. do you really believe it won't collapse of its own weight? >> we saw it with the russian collusion hoax. it's also a similar playbook run during the supreme court
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nomination-confirmation of brett kavanaugh in which the left-wing media and democrats used hoaxes to tar him. once the facts come out about the ukraine involvement in the 2016 election, and the dnc's involvement, i think it american people will become knowledgeable that every crime democrats are accusing the president of committing, they themselves have committed or are in the process of committing. lou: thank you for "the federalist" expanding the body of public knowledge. up next, the hillary clinton scandal and investigation is not over. not by a long-shot. we take it up and much more with judicial watch's tom fitton. we'll
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"the washington post" reporting 130 officials have been recently contacted by state department investigators. susan rice blasted president trump for storing details of his call with ukraine president. but when asked, rice had to admit the obama white house did the same thing the same way. >> unless they were legitimately in their content classified. of course, not. it was rare that a presidential conversation would be classified to that highest level. it's not impossible. it's very rare. lou: joining us, tom fitton, the president of judicial watch. let's start with you and rice
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trying to rationalize the obama administration doing precisely the same thing. >> president trump was -- his white house was targeted with illegal leaks, classified conversations with foreign leaders. we know because we ask for this material all the time and we can't get it because it's classified. the truck administration wouldn't let us have two transcripts that obama had about again ghazi that were found in hillary clinton's emails. why? because they were classified and not for dissemination. the president is protecting our national security by putting this stuff in a server which is attempting to keep it from being system nateed illegally, criminally including this whistleblower account. lou: the trump administration ramping up its investigation of those clinton emails.
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you kept up your investigation nonstop throughout. this is interesting that now 130 officials according to the "washington post" have been contacted by state department investigators, how serious is this and is this really something of a breakthrough? >> i'm 7 years too late. they have known about clinton's misuse of emails for years. now they are complain big it to "the washington post." what's interesting is the timing. because a federal court judge in our case excoriated the state department and justice department about its continued cover-up during the obama administration into this administration and granted us new discovery in august as well. so i hope the state department is beginning to listen.
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lou: you at judicial watchdog amazing work. but the time it takes to get a response. timeliness is critically important as you know better than nearly anyone. on this material it's fungible and its importance and the ability to act upon the information you garner. i want to just turn to a -- oj official has confirmed to fox news that attorney general barr asked the president to make a number of introductions to foreign countries that that are part of the investigation to the investigators that attorney general barr and john durham are leading. that's a fascinating revelation. >> i know the deep state is crazy about it because they are afraid they will be prosecuted. but i applaud the president for making these calls.
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he should be calling the foreign leaders and the abuses of foreign powers to spy on him in concert with foreign nationals. he should call the ukrainians up and make sure they are investigating this scandal. they want to freeze the justice department from doing anything to hold them to account. that's why they are abusing the law, and pursuing a coup through this whistleblower complaint disguising a leak. lou: the day a cia agent is a whistleblower in the white house is an exceptional moment in
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reckless lies and actions exploding. there are three critical parts to this political play we now watch. we watch the president's phone call from zelensky from which no objective person could conclude anything improper or illegal on the path of either president. the complaint. since when does a cia officer spy object presidents or their administrations. since when does a cia officer become a whistleblower and ignore his own chain of complainant within the cia. and the cover-up, turns out top secret transcripts of the president's calls are routinely kept in code word secure files and have been since the president's talks with two foreign leaders were leaked. the democrats claims were part of their undoing. the president's decision to reveal the conversation has to
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be dr -- as contribute to their undoing. that's it for tonight. thanks for being with chef it is 5:00 a.m. cheryl: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your store ris storiess hour. how democrats' accusations could affect your money. lauren: overnight, china celebrates 70 years of communist rule and unveils a nuclear missile that could strike the united states in half an hour. cheryl: 2020 progressives unveiling more plans to tax the ultra wealthy and now they're targeting your wallet and your retirement. lauren: if you still have money after that and are ready for a vacation, we've got the just released list of america's best beaches. it is tuesday, october 1st. "fbn: a.m." starts right
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