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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  October 1, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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ronna mcdaniel joins us. we hope you will as well. good night from new york. [♪] trish: the protesters bid for democracy in hong kong. this shows a police officer shooting a protester in the chest at point blank range. the people in the streets are trying to free themselves from china's fierce grip. steve bannon predicted it right here exclusively. find out what he says is at stake for america right now. also tonight, democrats moving full steam ahead with their impeachment push. rushing to judgment before
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having all the facts. it's bad for our future as the left and some members of the liberal media try to undo the will of the american voter. tonight i'm setting the record straight. and guess what? sean spicer is here. he's live with me tonight. i saw his "dancing with the stars" john travolta-like performance. he made it on the show for another week. "trish regan primetime" begins now. night a dramatic increase in the violence we are seeing on the streets of hong kong as police officers fire live ammunition directly at protesters. one protester left seriously injured. the communist party rule 70th
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anniversary celebration. they are showing off missiles the communist party says are capable of hitting anywhere in the united states of america. >> at some point in time it will come to a situation, i think you could see another tienanmen. the people in hong kong are not backing off this. it has been unbelievable, the brutality. the demonstration, they were warned, do not ruin the 70th anniversary. it was at a scale the chinese communist party didn't anticipate. that split screen shows the difference between xi's totalitarian rule, what his iron grip is producing as far as freedom and democracy goes. trish: gordon, things are getting tense over there.
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steve bannon is saying it could grow increasingly more violent. how should the u.s. react to this? >> the united states needs to talk in ringing tones about how the united states will defend democracy and freedom in hong kong. the reason is we have a common foe. the power encroaching on the economy in hong kings attack our democracy. the hong kong protesters are the front line of our system of government. trish: at the same time we need a trade deal. buck sexton, that's front and center on his mind. given what's going on there, does it help us in terms of a trade deal? does it make china more likely to wanted to join forces with us? what effect do these forces have? >> i think they are trying to balance out what is a core interest for his administration and the american people and the economy. i totally agree with gordon.
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this is a showdown between the freed world and totalitarian world. the administration hasn't been strong on the side of freedom. president trump can tweet in ways that change a news cycle in an instant and he hasn't gone after the chinese for this crackdown. it sends signals to taiwan down the road. if china decides that they are going to allow this system to continue on there will be is the possibility you will see other places where china wants top exert its will. wait a minute, maybe the chinese aren't the inyou are mourn thible obstacle to freedom we thought they were in the past. >> this has been both political parties, the permanent political class in washington. the wall street financiers.
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the global corporatists have made a lot of money because of the slave labor of china, the suppressed wages that destroyed the working class in this country. what i admire about president trump. he had every opportunity to buckle. every opportunity for the cheerleaders to say take a small deal, and he stood his ground i think in a hard way, and the chinese don't know how to handle it. trish: but as buck was saying, it's been quiet there. you haven't heard the president going after china at this particular moment. you wonder, is it because of the trade deal? gordon, this is his opportunity. strike while the iron is hot. is he not doing enough in your view? >> i think the president has had conversations with the chinese in private about hong kong and the president's words, especially at the u.n. general assembly last week were actually
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quite good on hong kong. but we need to say more. what we saw yesterday, the police fired five or six times at the protesters. one of them as you points out. the 8-year-old is in critical -- the 18-year-old is in critical condition. i think beijing let them loose. you can see this from the expressions on the police officer's face. trish: he's got a lot going on right now in the way of impeachment. i think it's lousy. you have got your day job which is being president of the united states, then you have got all this other stuff going not back ground which i imagine could be pretty distracting. >> that's why when you see the focus on concerted effort to create a whistleblower phenomenon, pretending things are illegal that clearly aren't. all this ominous narrative. there is absolutely nothing illegal and unethical about what
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we saw in the transcript of president trump that was released by this white house. people are acting there was something terrible going on when there wasn't. he has every right to look into the 2016 election. what you have seen is the democrats established they can investigate trump and anyone they want as much as they want, and trump cannot do the same. northeast they are not allowed to find information to prove the innocence of the administration. i would like the president to focus on things gordon is talking about. but he's under constant siege. it's absurd. trish: if you are vladimir putin or any one of our foes, you have got him where you want him. and it's courtesy of our democrats and the media. we had a huge show for you have tonight. i promise.
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governor you if you enough from new hampshire. corey lewandowski also from new hampshire. scott perry. "politico" turned "dancing with the stars" star, sean spicer. first, my exclusive interview with former trump key strategist. bannon warning democrats last night that their fevered impeachment push will backfire if they don't take their time. you will hear the sound making all the waves after this. too many people in pain settle for
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>> nothing is more series than
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nullifying a presidential election. if you want to do that, the american people need to take their time of and i think will take tear time and weigh and measure what's out there. we want to make sure all the information is out there. if they want transparency and sunshine, i say bring it. trish: steve bannon giving a warning on this very program that nancy pelosi is attempting to rush through impeachment at lightning speed. pelosi has made this issue hyper partisan and set a damaging precedent for future presidents. this is what bill mcgurn is saying in his new "wall street journal" couple. he's a former speech writer for bush 43. i really enjoyed your column. i cut it out and put it on my kitchen counter to save. you are one of those. >> steve bannon saying basically
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speed is not a constitutional virtue in these cases. jerry nadler said almost the exact same thing a year ago. he said when you move to impeach a president you are moving to overturn an election. he said it's a high bar. you need the support of strum voters. people who voted for trump. they don't have any of that. what miss pelosi did, she defied all precedent by going right to this inquiry without a house vote. trish: how unprecedented is that? >> very unprecedented. in the 19th century when andrew johnson was impeached, it was somewhat different. but the full house got to vote first on articles of impeachment. nixon in '74 and bill clinton in
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1998. when they moved ahead they gave the ranking member of the party subpoena rights. she is doing it by decree. it's so -- the house is supposed to be the people's chamber. this is so unprecedented. the reason it's important. when the committee meets as an impeachment committee, they are entitled to more documents from the president than they would fit was just oversight for a legislative purpose. so the question is, can a committee go into impeachment mode just because the speaker says so? trish: perhaps that's a legal question. >> the house gets to set its own rules. >> pompeo isn't having it. >> he says you can't ask me today to produce these things. trish: he said i will not tolerate such tactics and i will
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use all means at my disposable to refuse attempts to intimidate officials i am honor to lead at the department of state. >> the whole thing is a farce. mrs. pelosi declared the impeachment before she saw the complaint. verdict first and trial later in alice and wonderland queen of hearts. there will be fights over documents. i'm not sure the democrats are going into this with the strongest hand. trish: do you think they are doing this to counter the narrative surrounding joe biden, his son hunter? i'm sorry, like it looks pretty bad if your son is collecting $50,000 a month. >> some of the democratic party would like elizabeth warren to
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get the nomination. take out donald trump and take out joe biden. the next democratic debate two weeks from tonight. the moderator will have to ask questions about hunter biden. and she'll have to have a good answer. he can't just say people looked at this before. this is sort of one of the dilemmas -- you can't get to trump without hitting biden. a lot on the left would like that. the path is more clear for liz breath warren, maybe bernie. >> i'm sorry, last i checked we were not, and i hope we never are a socialist country. >> i agree with that. i think one of the lessons from impeachment, if you go after the king, you have got to kill the king or you make him stronger. if they go after and impeach donald trump and the senate
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doesn't convict, and i have a hard time thinking the senate will find this an impeachable offense. they are going to get the 20 votes democrats need? i think it will make trump stronger. trish: thanks so much. coming up. former trump press secretary sean spicer making it past the third -- i can't get enough of this. sean is here. he will talk about his winning saturday night fever routine. i'm setting the record straight on how the democrats need to take a deep breath. they need to think about fairness and precedent. next, a big name joining us for our relaunch week. we have governor john sununu here. live from new hampshire after this. i can't believe it.
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trish: tonight i'm setting the
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record straight on how democrats need to take a deep breath. they need to think very hard about fairness and precedence. how is it fair to launch an impeachment inquiry before reviewing the transcript memo of the actual call? how is it fair to launch this without taking it to a vote? how is the fair the obama administration was able to quite literally spy on and investigate the trump campaign but president trump isn't allowed to know why or how they did that? how is it fair that the media once again rushes to judgment? we are talking about overturning the will of the american people. this is something everyone should take very, very seriously. there should be nothing but fairness surrounding this issue right now. when it comes to reversing what america voted for. there should be no politics.
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and yet that's all we have got. joining me right now on this former governor of new hampshire, republican john sununu. good to have you here tonight. i want to know what you think of this. you and i haven't spoke be since this all went down. overall, what's your reaction? >> i think this is as much about nancy pelosi trying to regain her power as speaker as anything else. seesaw an opportunity to start something where impeachment comes forward, she wins. if impeachment fails, she can tell the squad they pushed her prematurely, it's over, so go to the back of the room and keep quite. so at least there is a component of that in the process. trish: did she cave to them? >> i think she took advantage of
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the situation. brought this forward quickly. she doesn't care fit succeed or fails. because either one, she consolidates her power. trish: you are talking about impeachment which is a really big deal. doesn't she care about the system of government that she is involved in as speaker of the house? >> the insanity that has possessed the democrats in the last three years since the election has cloud their judgment. and i think they are walking the plank on this. they don't understand that even though theoretically the house is the one that determines what an impeach act offense is. in the long run, it's the public that determined what an impeachable offense is. and that was prove in the case of bill clinton when the public thought that the republicans went too far. when this thing starts moving
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forward, the republicans are going to have an opportunity to lay out on a stage that finally everybody will be looking at, the reality of the absurdity of what the democrats are doing. and i think it will come back and bite the democrats politically. trish: i hear you on it, she was feeling a lot of pressure. at squad was making lots of headlines. and she had to respond to that. disappointing. but part of it. other part of it i wonder, sir, do they actually think that this is a process by which they are going to gain moremore momentum? do you bring more people into the party? i think it would have the opposite effect. americans are sitting there going wait. what's going on with the economy and foreign affairs. all of these things that actually matter. we were talking about china and hong kong protesters.
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the stuff that matters isn't on the democrats' radar. it's just impeachment. >> you are right. but that's why nancy pelosi is trying to do this as fast as possible. she wants to have as much time after this debacle to fix wofer problems arise between the end of it and the election cycle in 2020. she knows if she is going to do it and decided she was going to do it, she has got to do it quickly. unfortunately for them, the horowitz report will come out. huber is going to come out. they started to try and discredit bill barr and he's not going to take that lying down and i think he has a few surprised for them. trish: that could be what a lot of this is about as well. they newt i.g. report was coming. they knew there would be trouble in there.
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so what if you lose joe biden along the way. apparently the squad didn't like him very much anyway. as bill was saying earlier, you can take out two in one big swoop? >> that's certainly part of it. but without trying to argue that there they are as dumb as they appear they are, this is not a very smart move. but they have been possessed by emotion and lost their capacity to think straight. i think in the hong run this is a serious mistake for the democrat party. what they are doing in this process is one other thing that hasn't been discussed. in knocking out biden they clearly become the socialist party of america. and that is a burden they will have to carry for a long long time. trish: even democrats in your live free or die state don't like taxes. the socialist thing, i don't think it flies. you are on to something, governor.
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if trump is competing against the socialists, that makes it that much easier for the republicans. governor, good to see you. >> nice to see you. take care. trish: former trump press secretary sean spicer make it past his third week on "dancing with the stars." he's sheer and only here to talk about it. first my exclusive interview with former trump chief strategist making headlines, particularly on one particular topic. he says hillary clinton is back in the race. former trump 2016 campaign manager is reaction together interview making all these waves. its for my future. annuities can provide protected income for life. learn more at retire your risk dot org.
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trish: new reaction after steve bannon tells me hillary clinton is going to run again.
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he said she is on her way with this book tour. >> they will throw bind away to get to trump. hillary clinton or bloomberg or some centrist comes in here. she came out yesterday and said he's an illegal president. illegitimate president. he's a clear and present danger. the chinese communist party is not a clear and present danger. donald trump is a clear and present danger. she is running. trish: joining me, corey lewandowski who ran a campaign against her. is that music to your ears? >> i hope so. everybody wants hillary clinton to run one more time. she was the worst candidate in the 2016 candidate we could have possibly had. she never went to wisconsin. she lost pennsylvania on the map. she had never been to ohio before and forgot about michigan.
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after she lost the campaign when every major media except this one said she was going to win, they came up with a fake russia collusion narrative that we know is over. let's have hillary clinton run again. i think it's a great idea. trish: he floated michael bloomberg, the former mayor of new york. if they do that, it's the ross perot effect. it's quite negative for them because they will divide themselves. >> the difference with michael bloomberg and ross perot, they are wealthy and michael could send a big check to his campaign. $500 million. he has amazing capital resources to do that. but he can't win an election. if he thought he could have won he would have gotten in this race. he's anti-second amendment and his history in new york is such that he wouldn't want to relive that and espouse that on the
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american people. you can't just throw $500 million at an election and think you are going to be successful. trish: the establishment seems to be behind elizabeth warren. what do you think, core corey of elizabeth washen. >> i think if the democrat party wants to get beat in the worst electoral loss since ronald reagan election, they should make her the candidate. she won't win in the middle part of america like north dakota, south dakota. where people care about their jobs. donald trump has delivered to this country being proud to be an american and unapologetic for being an american.
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they want to redistribute wealth. they want illegals to come across the border and kill americans. trish: impeachment. you know, it's moving at a pretty fast pace. how do you slow it down? >> i think the difference when you look at this impeachment process compared to what happened to bill clinton in the late 80s, late 90s. ken starr wrote a report and made five recommendations for criminal referral as it relates to bill clinton. there is no such referral for donald trump. he's not broken any laws. the democrats will vote on impeaching this president before christmas. they will go to the senate in early january. you will seat president acquitted of that by early january, which mirrors the time prime of what the democrats went through. >> you have seen that movie
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before. i wonder if this is why nancy pelosi is so resistant to the idea all along. not even getting the memo of the transcript of the call. she could have waited a lousy 12 hours. she didn't even do that. is it in part because they know some bad stuff could be forth quomght i.g. report? are they trying to get out ahead of those headlines? >> that i think is part of it. but a number of members of her caucus are facing progressive ask charges from the left. jerry nadler is not going to lose a general election. they want to show they can be as tough as possible on this president. by trying to impeach him, that prevents the far left progressives from taking over more of the party that aoc dominates. trish: so what happened? does this actually cause republican conservative voters,
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trump's base to become stronger because they see him up against it with the democrats -- how many times have we been through this? how many times have you had to go to congress and talk to them. it's like. it keeps on happening. it doesn't stick. and they have got to pivot. this is another one of those. >> it is. the republican party is solid with supporting donald trump. he's got a 96% approval rating. this will consolidate the independents who said democrats we gave an opportunity to take over the majority in congress. you didn't deliver and you took our country in the wrong direction. we are tired of the partisan politics. transform so we can have better roads and bridges. pass an infrastructure spending bill. give us real reasons to return you to congress. but they haven't done that. i think the democrats will feel that impact at the ballot box in
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2020. trish: what do you think of the senate in terms of a run in the granite state. >> the quarter ended yesterday. i'm angst to see if they have the resources to compete with jeanne shaheen and make sure donald trump has a solid voice in the northeast supporting his policies in new hampshire. trish: sean spicer or john travolta. sean spicer dancing away. surviving the third week of dancing with the stars. he's here to talk about it tonight. first cbs, walgreen, right aid pulling zantac from store shelves because of cancer
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worries. pennsylvania touch can congressman scott perry is here to give us some answers concerning this new trend. he joins us next. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ performance comes in lots of flavors. ♪ (dramatic orchestra) there's the amped-up, over-tuned, feeding-frenzy-of sheet-metal-kind. and then there's performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. that's the kind lincoln's about. ♪
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trish: walgreens joins the gross list of pharmacies pulling zantac off the shelves after the fda warned that it contained cancer-causing chemicals. congressman perry sits on the house foreign affairs committee. welcome, sir. good to have you here. i know you have been pretty concerned about this. what do we need to know? >> i have been concerned about this and this underscores the need to get an agreement with china so that we can be more competitive here at home and those businesses can come home. but we also need a better process that informs citizens of what might be dangerous. the pharmaceutical industry and these -- the companies locally
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like walgreens and right aid are right to pull these things off the shelf. because patient safety is paramount. by the underscores the need for china to be held accountable. of course, it affects people very personally in their homes. >> the company should be held accountable. the fda needs to be doing its job in holding them accountable. this an opportunity to talk about government in a bigger sense in terms of how it's protecting us from all these things, whether it be technology interest fearing with how we live our lives, whether it's chinese spying or drugs being made overseas, and they are being made with chemicals that can cause diseases. how scary you think you go into your local walgreens and pick a zantac off the shelf and you could be hurting yourself more
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than helping. where is government on this? >> we trust the brand name obviously, and it concerns us greatly that it's produced in china and doesn't neat the same standard. but it's fair to let the fda's investigation run its course before we rush to judgment. but there is a need for an agreement with china that's transparent to hold them accountable and underscores the fact that we are not dealing with it in congress right now because we are dealing with a whole bunch of other issues. wire not dealing with some of these things that are important to the american people. trish: that's the real tragedy in all of this. actual stuff needs to get done and can't get done because there is a big old side show going on. let me get to 2020. squall streets street would not welcome an elizabeth warren presidency. so it looks like big tech is
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vietion lot of concerns as well. mark zuckerberg has a leaked audiotape and i want you to hear it and reacts to it. >> elizabeth warren thinks the right answer is to break up the company. i would say we would have a legal challenge. we care about our country and want to work our government and do good things. but at the end of the day if somebody is going to threaten that you go to the mat and fight. trish: president trump launched an inquiry into these tech companies to figure out if it's a violation of anti-trust. do you think mark zuckerberg thinks elizabeth warren is going to win? >> he might think that. but i think it's a bit ironic. he strikes me as a person who has been supportive of big government intrusion into our lives. of course, he likes to be
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intrusive into our lives with what he does with manipulating our data. he's complaining about another big government supporter who wants to control our privacy, control his life. so i think there is a bit of an irony there. but i think it's right for congress and the american people to be concerned about the big tech companies and their control manipulation of data and breaching our privacy. but the question is, is the solution another liberal policy as opposed to trying to incentivize the free market to provide an alternative for companies. trish: why not break it up and inspire more companies to get in on the action. representative perry, thank you so much. kennedy joins us now with a sneak peek at what's coming up on her show. kennedy: you never heard my greatest hits. hold on to your horse shoes.
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we are playing party swap. it's the only game that can turn jessica tarlov into nancy reagan. i have an exclusive interview on the 25th anniversary of mtv's mir vanna unplugged release. trish: donning a white suit and dancing underneath disco balls. sean spicer has survived again, the third week of dancing with the stars. he's here to talk about his wonderful, incredible performance. 2,000 fence posts.
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900 acres. 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars. we wear our work ethic. we work until the work's done. and when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day we'll finally get something done. ( ♪ ) ...or trips to mars. $4.95. delivery drones or the latest phones. $4.95. no matter what you trade, at fidelity it's just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade.
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♪ night fever ♪ trish: it makes me feel like dancing, sean spicer living it up. feeling disco fever on "dancing with the stars." former white house press secretary came on show as quite
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underdog. you know, the popular vote the people of america have kept him going, and going and he is still alive, and fighting in this competition. you know if you check out those dance moves, you deserve to be. joining me right now former white house press secretary, "dancing with the stars," star contestant could sean spicer good to see you. >> good evening, we just wrapped up practice, i'm fired up. trish: you practice every day. >> oh, yeah, every day, 4 hours, that is on the dance floor then the other stuff for the show, fittings and promos, yeah. trish: the costumes, you didn't have the lime green, but you were working it, i like that john traf o on stuff. >> with my dancing skills trying to emulate tra -- travolta is
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dawnting, we ralphe raffled offt green shirt, and helping injured servicemembers and caregivers, we have a campaign going, we had a ton of fun with this. trish: people love you. the americans are voting for you. >> it sounds like it. we have t-shirts and yard signs. all proceeds benefit the veteran organizations. the fun part, this is a fun, fun show. and if you go into it with attitude you will enjoy ourselves, and help some people on the way. and understand that this is not about getting a dancing contract. trish: go in with the attitude, have you that. i know well you enough, i can say that. i admire you for that, but not
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easy, you know as much z you have people supporting you, you have hater, what is that like behind the scenes with the cast? with your interact with the host, how is this like the guy that is shall we say more polarizing than their typical dancer. >> i would say, cast and crew and everyone have been phenomenal individuals, i actually enjoy getting to know each one. they could not be more pleasant. it is hater on-line, and other networks that are making it more than it is, i went on show, as a proud, social fiscal conservative. i think that actually my participation shows, you can bring a diverse group of people together, have fun, respect fu r
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differences, and still fight like hell for what you believe in. you could be a great person, get along with folks, but still conservative policies to succeed. you -- that does not mean you chuck them on the the door. trish: you have to be able to dance. >> right. >> this idea you are boycott someone from appearing on a show because you don't like these ideas is insane. i appreciate -- not just appreciate but humbled by fact people have taken time to text and vote monday nights. it reality, until you experience it, someone stopped folding laundry or talking with their spouse or getting ready for next day or helping their kids with homework to go, vote for me on a dancing show, it is humbling to think they took the time to do, that i appreciate everyone. trish: you have a lot of supporters. someone who also has a lot of
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supporters but also polarizing, donald trump, now he faces the potential for impeachment. what do you make of this right now? >> i think it is culminating and manifesting ing a of the left, e base, nancy pelosi understands this is not good for them. basically new york 11, macros ran as a centrist. and so have you the -- who can win, defeat him, but they are stuck in districts where they have been trying to avoid this, pelosi had her hand forced. before the whistleblower before a script they announced a pre-- trish: sean spicer good to see
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you. >> thank you. trish: have a great night, kennedy begins right now, see you tomorrow. kennedy: great whistleblower showdown of 2019, you see. one corner president trump and the other an unnamed person who claims that president said naughty things on a phone call with the president of ukraine. but our president wants this person's identity, and the critics are like, nah bro, they claim that president asked his ukrainian counterpart for dirt on joe biden, joe dirt, get it. president has always claimed high did nothing wrong, and that whistleblower is full of warm pa bologna,


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