tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 5, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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for her and a good day for this country. it is a good day when you're looking at the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. that is something to feel really lou: good evening. the radical dimms are accelerating their efforts to unseat the president of the united states. doing so without regard to convention, law, fair play, which is the american way. and speaker pelosi and her hand-picked leader of the overthrow effort lack any respect for the will of the people. instead lying about president trump, his record, and more. >> we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. >> for him to have that dramatic interpretation of the phone call. he's using the president's own word. >> he made it up. >> he did not make it up.
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>> we might not have even known there was a whistleblower complaint. >> the president will be held accountable. it will be done in a fair way. lou: lies all. while congress and the senate are wrapping up their two-week recess undeterred by the pelosi-schiff subversion effort in d.c. the president staying hard at work as he has since the day of his election. the markets are booming and the economy continues to roar. the economy is doing better than almost any economist dreamed possible. the unemployment report numbers are the lowest in a half season to youy. wall street today rallied on the numbers. all the major indexes up more than 1%. the president loves it all. touting the strong economic
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performance. >> we have the best economy we have ever had. we have the best job numbers we have had in 51 years. the best unemployment numbers that we have had a half a century. people understand that. people are working, they are making money. if you look at one very important number that was just announced, wages up 3:%. that's unheard of. lou: despite the president's wins, the radical dimms continue on their futile, extraordinary efforts to break his administration. the inspector general talked on capitol hill. reportedly telling lawmakers that he was never told about the so-called whistleblower's contact with the house intel committee chair adam schiff. now some democrats are distancing from the wannabe
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whistleblower who happens to be a registered democrat and cia officer. for more on atkinson's testimony on the hill, we turn to catherine herridge. catherine: according to sources familiar with the closed door session, michael atkinson said the whistleblower did not disclose his contact with the intelligence committee before the complaint was filed. sources say he revealed the whistleblower was a registered democrat with a relationship with a high-level democratic politician. >> we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. we would like to. catherine: chairman schiff should be disqualified from running an investigation where
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his committee -- members or staff, are fact witnesses about contact with whistleblower and whistleblower process. >> the newly released prepared remarks from the special envoy from ukraine show he drew a distinction between rudy giuliani's investigation and public policy. senior diplomats reveal the phon.a short time ago atkinson t the house committee after 7 1/2 hours behind closed doors. fox news reached out to schiff's spokesman as well as the whistleblower's legal team and there was no immediate comment. lou: as the radical dimms and the national left-wing media obsessed over their efforts to overthrow this president,
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mr. trump says he's more concerned about weeding out corruption than about politics. fox senior white house correspondent john roberts latest from the white house. reporter: the white house is expected to send a letter to nancy pelosi nearly daring her to call a vote of the house on the impeachment inquiry. in the nixon and clinton impeachments, the full house voted on whether to authorize the judiciary committee to begin impeachment proceedings. >> i am announcing the house of representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry. reporter: the white house worked to reach a reasonable accommodation regarding subpoenas. but the white house says it won't comply with subpoenas
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without a full house vote. president trump: the way they are doing it, they are taking away our rights. reporter: president trump said china should also investigate biden and his son. president trump: i'm only interested in corruption. i don't care about politics. i don't care about biden's politics. reporter: the president found vindication in text messages revealed between the ambassador to the e.u. and the ukraine. a strum contributor said the president has been crystal clear, no kid pro quoaf any time. he adds, i suggest we stop the back and forth by text. the ukraine will be audit burisma. but it falls short of the
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criminal investigation president trump demanded. lou: joining us, tom fitton, president of judicial watch. i want to start with the possibility the white house will not comply with house subpoenas that does not reflect the will of the entire house of representatives. that is republicans and democrats as well. >> well, you know, the subpoena to be enforced, the house would have to bring it up to the court. the sense the white house would have is this is a fishing expedition. there is no official impeachment inquiry. the house has the ability to conduct oversight over the executive branch, but there has to be a legislative function behind it. without a resolution directing a specific impeachment inquiry the white house will say we don't have to comply with a fishing expedition subpoena. one of the benefits pelosi is
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seeking to gain by keeping the house away from officially blessing the impeachment inquiry is as the president noted, it deprives the president of his rights. impeachment is a constitutional process that's not being applied constitutionally here. because of that, you are having potentially the rights of witnesses being compromised. lou: he advice youat devisciatee constitution. i don't like the sound of that. this is a president who has been accommodating an anomalous use of impeachment. and in so doing we learned a lot. we learned the chair of the intelligence committee is a
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liar. again we learned that. nancy pelosi lied about his extemporaneous tryout of one of his screenplays in the midst of a hearing. it's outrageous what is happening here. how she can choose someone who is so morally corrupt as to can lie together american people. >> we already have two ethics complaints pending against adam schiff. one for improperly disclosing confidential information. and the one scandal, improper communications about classified information and improper contact with witnesses. schiff should not be chairman of the intelligence committee. i would tell the president to cut off mr. schiff from access to classified information. the law doesn't require that
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they share classified information with schiff. he can't be trusted to manage the committee let alone investigate the president as has been pointed out over an issue in which he is now a witness. there is potential misconduct. it's pretty clear there is misconduct at issue about what this alleged whistleblower was up to and his communications with schiff. >> there are claims about this whistleblower, that he's a cia officer or was, detailed to the white house that worked previously or had a relationship with a highly placed democratic lawmaker or official registered democrat. the list goes on. this is a person -- the inspector general put it nicely at the dni saying that he -- excuse me, tom -- how in the world can that not be a person who is politically so biased as
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to be unbiased as to be unworthy on instant trust of third-party hearsay. >> why are we even talk about adam schiff. he's head of the intelligence committee. lou: i was talking about the whistleblower. >> i am going back to schiff. the point is, it shows the impropriety and unprecedented aspects of this impeachment inquiry. the head of the intelligence committee in the ordinary course would never be involved. this would be an unprecedented application of impeachment going through someone like schiff who is compromised because of his contacts with these problematic witnesses, to put it charitably, on the outside.
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this president is right to say i am not going to cooperate with this faux impeachment. and i use this word quite seriously. there is nothing constitutional about this. when you are abusing power to take out a president, you are in a coup territory. every time your listeners hear impeachment, they should substitute the word coup. that's how serious this is. lou: we use the word overthrow. i'm hesitant to go to the french for communication architecture. it's you straightforward. corrupt, and without any moral or legal basis to charge ahead attacking this president. we have seen this from the day that he decided really to run for office. but without question, from the time he was elected until now,
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this man has been under assault by dems who have turned out to be the essence of corruption, and the investigators and in this case the committees seem to have greater, greater northerly jeopardy than the president of the united states who they continue to has rang d to harrad subvert. >> the president of the united states is a victim of a whistleblower. the democratic party running congress was running a spy operation against him and they don't like the fact that he's beginning to highlight their corruption, and they are trying to -- they are assaulting him for this process. and this is exactly what whistle blowing is. lou: tom fitton, always great to
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have you with us. on wall street stocks closed higher. the dow jones industrials up 373 points. first it was the tariffs that wall street was harping on as a reason for some volatility. now it's the impeachment inquiries, so called, other attempt to overthrow the president. but the market is overcoming all of that, and almost without explanation. perhaps the president should deserve some credit? we think so. the dow lost about a percent ending the week. the nasdaq up half a percent. stocks up $400 billion in market cap. unemployment falling to 3.5%. the lowest level in a half century. hispanic unemployment hit a record low.
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3.9%. that is the lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks. the jobless rate for adult women, 3.1%. listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. next we continue our reporting on the radical dimms who have accelerated their efforts to overthrow the president of the united states. joining us, louie gohmert and pastor robert jeffress. president trump is delighted with at least one member of the white house press corps. that's shifty shift schiff. the one writer is "the washington post" editorial staff. we are coming right back. stay with us.
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prosecutor's office that would include look into burisma, the energy company of which hunter biden, the former vice president's son has been connected. >> yeah. that was a legitimate inquiry by president trump. why? because the son of the vice president was given a job on the board in an energy company making $50,000 a month, over $3 million, in an industry in which he has absolutely no experience. so that brings up the spector of possible corruption. was he given a job to curry influence with his father who is the vice president? the vice president admitted on videotape that he threatened the ukrainian government with withholding a billion dollar loan guarantee by the united states unless they fired the prosecutor who was doing that
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investigation. i would think anyone interested in preventing corruption would want that to be investigated. lou: the vice president bragging, he's bragging about having threatened to get rid of that multi-billion dollar commitment to the ukraine if the prosecutor wasn't fired. why was that investigated in the first place? could it be because the state department under hillary clinton didn't have an inspector general? >> i don't understand that. the i.g. should have looked into that. lou: she never appointed one. >> that should have been investigated. lou: it's much more convenience to not vane inspector general carrying out the concerns of ethics and legality and all that cumbersome interference with
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what she perhaps is practicing. >> they did have an attorney general and justice department. the justice department should have looked into this. this isn't the only instance of the vice president's son enriching himself while biden was vice president. he also got invited on to an official trip to china with the vice president. as soon as he got back the chinese government places a billion and a half dollars with him for investment. again, was that a legitimate transaction or the biden family enriching themselves using the vice president's position? all of that need to be investigated. lou: it does need to be investigated. but instead the radical dimms are still, the president of the united states claiming falsely all sorts of ridiculous things. trying to get everyone to
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believe a thespian reading by adam schiff at a committee meeting suggesting these are the word of the president. and we are supposed to not believe our lying eyes as we read the transcript of his phone call with zelensky. we are suppose to believe adam schiff and his fictional account. >> you will notice, they don't actually cite any federal statute or federal law they claim that the president violated. there has been some vague cal nation that this was somehow a violation of campaign finance laws. i'm a former commissioner on the federal election commission. what the president did in that ukrainian call was not a violation of federal campaign finance law. >> we have i.g.'s tripsing up to
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capitol hill. atkinson, the dni's inspector general saying he was unaware that the whistleblower who he acknowledged was biased politically, he didn't know the depth of it apparently. and was not told by the whistleblower or anyone else that the whistleblower had contact with the intelligence committee. >> that's not the only problem with this particular i.g. he said he considered this whistleblower complaint credible. the crystal blower complaint was based on second hand knowledge and newspaper reports. and the prior policy of the i.g.'s office is on the form, the complaint form that you had to fill out. before they received this whistleblower complaint the policy was you had to have first-hand knowledge. second hand knowledge, hearsay
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is not credible and that's why it's not accepted as testimony? any federal or state court in the country. lou: the presumption of inception has been discounted by the radical dimms. now, you don't have to bother withize witnesses, you can account on hearsay for almost anything according to nancy pelosi and her leader of thisser to overthrow the president through the pretext and pretense of an impeachment inquiry. it's always great to see you. thanks so much. up next, millionaires pushing hard for the governor until rsh to give illegal immigrants a free pass in an anti-sanctuary
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lou: there is no problem with money in the trump campaign. the 2020 trump campaign announced it raised $45 million online in the third quarter. the money raised is a surge of small donors from 13,000 donors. senator joanie ernst said the so-called whistleblower needs to be protected. she didn't say from whom or
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what. mitt romney called the request to investigate joe biden wrong and appalling. isn't it always good to hear from romney? "the washington post" giving four pinocchios to adam schiff for lying about his contacts with the whistleblower. president trump had this reaction with reporters on the white house lawn on this very subject. president trump: i heard adam schiff got four pinocchios. he should have gone the them 2 1/2 years ago. that's a very nice question, let me shake your hand. lou: he doesn't get many of those. you can see he's appreciative. joining us, congressman louie gohmert. congressman, great to have you with us. this is really quite a travesty
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to see the house intelligence committee led by a man who has lied several times just in the last few weeks about the very issue that he purports to be leading for the democratic conference in the house. >> as you said earlier to my dear friend tom fitton, you are surprised he's still chairman. when pelosi was speaker before, we disagreed on some thing, john dingell from michigan, by never heard that man say a dishonest thing. he was a man of integrity. and she fired him because he as chairman because he refused to say that we need a bill that he knew would devastate the nation's poor, a carbon tax. she fired him because he
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wouldn't lie by the and push it and put somebody in who would say it would be good for the nation's poor, noak it would devastate them. that's background on the speaker. when it comes to adam schiff and the intelligence committee, that is what tells you, lou, that this is all about political theater, as you were indicating earlier. it is an overthrow attempt. if this were serious, then she would do as speakers have since 1813 any impeachment proceeding goes through the judiciary committee. we heard she is upset because in the judiciary committee republicans have pointed out and been able to magnify and show the lies being told by their witnesses. so what do we do? we don't go to the judiciary committee, you go to intelligence. >> let's talk about these
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inspectors general, this process for trying to convince all of america what they can read for themselves, which is the transcript of the call which reveals nothing claimed by these democrats leading up to this process nor anything they have been able to report to us to this point. it's just lies. and it's not a difference of opinion. any rational person looking at it, any reasonable person can only conclude there was no quid pro quo. there was no threat of any kind. it's preposterous what we are going through. i don't seat republicans. why in the world do you guys have to be so nice. why should you have to wait for the president po to say we are not going to recognize subpoenas from an illegitimate or as rudy giuliani calls it, illicit
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inquiry. this subversion. >> you are right. i thank you for your comment. i have not been called too nice in regard to -- lou: let me be among the first. >> thank you so much. but it is outrageous. what you are talking about, it's an attempted overthrow. what has shocked these people, they thought if we just go after president trump for six months or so, we just go after his family, his friends, he will walk away. i don't need this, i have got a million bucks. i don't need this. they don't know the man. he's not going to walk away and let these people tread all over our country and our constitution. he's doarmd protect the constitution. what they are attempting on the other side is such scene
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billionaires are lobbying against statewide mandatory e-verify to insure workers are in the country legally and for driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. the effort is being held by a long-time jeb bush supporter and the ceo of carnival cruise lines. senator mike lee is spending his time defending his proposed bill, senate bill 386. it's an assault on working americans and the american middle class. it is duplicitous and deceitful. it's known as the fairness for high-skilled immigrants act. he wrote what it does do is end
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the discriminatory current policy that punishes green card applicants from large countries. read china and india. that's exactly the problem. it would allow countries like india and china to push through as many h-1b visa workers as they would like who would take jobs at slower pay because they get to stay in the country while they wait for an employer sponsored application for a green card. in the 2020 election cycle, here is senator lee. he's a fan of foreign labor. but not so much mayor scan labor. he raked in thousands from one of the top sponsors of h-1b visas. the usual list. joining us is jessica vaughn, the director policy for immigration studies.
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386, where do you stand on that piece of legislation that is apparently to right great wrongs that have been done to foreign workers in this country. >> it's a terrible piece of legislation and it's bad for american workers. the main reason it's so bad is it reward this business model for employers and these indian body shops to replace american workers foreign workers to come in on visas, and promising them green card even though they are coming in on temporary work visas. it would put them at the head of the line to receive green card even faster. and it means employers -- lou: what is the rationale? why would you want to give 90% of the green card to two countries, china and india?
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>> because no one country can monopolize them. but this legislation would say all of these contract workers from india who replaced american workers would go to the front of the line. and that means employers who want to hire talent from the rest of the world would have to get behind them in line. it doesn't solve the backlog problem. there are something like half a million of these visa workers who feel they are entitled to get green card, even though they came on a temporary visa. and it reward the employers most of of all. follow the money. that's why the big tech employers are funding this effort it allows them to perpetuate the system that's been so harmful for american workers. and it's bad for the country to displace this entire sector of tech workers.
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lou: number of green cards that have been issues the past decade, that's not it. if we could go to the number of green card, please. and as we are waiting for that -- i want to ask you, how is it that mike lee should be so interested in this backlog? it's one of the most of specious pieces of reasoning i have seen even by swamp standards to suggest that equity is based on a backlog rather than on the nation's needs. and this will put back president trump's merit immigration and law for years if not decades. it may kill it. >> it's a step away from the merit-based system that we all know would be the best system for our country. most of of these workers who
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came on h-1b visas are not particularly high skilled. lou: all these employers and the outsourcers, i don't care whether you are talking about ibm, they tell you these are the most of skilled of all the immigrants in all the world and we have to have them. >> it's nonsense. they are ordinary workers doing jobs americans once did. and they are cheaper. it's all about the paying lower wages and not having to bother with americans. by pass u.s. workers. follow the money. as for senator lee, you know, i can't speak to his motives, but he does have a lot of high-tech companies in his district and a lot of workers there. >> it's a hotbed of corporate
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labor. where is his legislation for the american worker? we took a cursory research run at it. and i will tell you, we found nothing. his interest is something quite different than the middle class and the american worker. it's just stunning to me. and i will never forget bill gates in a chair by himself before senator ted kennedy talking about h1 intrks visas and he said how many do you need? and he said an infinite number of. the senator called me out for saying sit would double h-1b visas. the effect of that is what i believe he still will do, pushing it to effectively 300,000. what is the estimate of h-1b visa holders in this country right now. >> it's not 65,000.
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it's about half a million each year there are probably 150,000. it's not a capped category. non-profit organizations can get them in unlimited numbers. that means universities like the university of california displaced all their american i.t. workers with visa workers. this will straight ahead to other industries. there is no doubt about that. accounting, nursing, teaching. many other knowledge professions. good jobs that americans now have. >> the hospital association, a number of the nurses also oppose this senate bill 386. >> with good reason. it per pet waits and reward this business model of replacing american workers. >> we we thought this the was well on the way to eliminating. and then mike lice on par --
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this has moved out of the house as you know. it's sitting in the senate -- it will be one of the most of scurrilous acts in my judgment. it will not be helpful to him in the 2020 election. this is horrific. jessica, you get the last word. >> people are expecting the president to do something about this program. the answer is to get rid of the h-1b program or drastically reform it so it's impossible to replace american workers. senator lee threw light reforms on it. but it's not enough. we need a merit-based system. lou: thanks so much. see you soon. everyone uses their phone differently.
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just tried a bible. they were outraged. your thoughts? >> well, i have a personal connection to this story, lou. the police officer amber guyger started attending my church after she made this mistake and shot her african-american neighbor. she was totally devastated by it. i remember the day before the trial began she and i and her family prayed together that god's will be done. after the verdict was read, the african-american judge stepped down, she hugged her and gave her a bible and read to her, john 3:16 and said this is where your new life begins. because of the forgiveness of the family they exhibited and the grace of this judge, those flames of hatred for
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extinguished. this christian judge is a hero who ought to be celebrated and not condemned by leftist groups that hate god and want to sew division in this country. >> we are showing video of the victim's brother giving his killer a hug. an act of forgiveness that is extraordinary, particularly in these times. >> yes. it's the power of the gospel of forgiveness of jesus christ. lou: evangelicals, the president says he feels like he has more support and is more energized than ever by the evangelicals supporting him. your thoughts. >> this week was in gatlinburg, tennessee speaking to 5,000 evangelicals that came in from around the nation.
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they love god, and they loved lou dobbs and president trump. they are sweeght anger over what they per -- they are seething with anger over what they perceive as an attempt to steal the presidency. i think he will be re-elected by the largest number of evangelicals in history. lou: from your lips to god's ears.
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lou: judicial watch president tom fitton talking about removing schiff from his unraveling impeachment probe. >> schiff should not be chairman of the intelligence committee. i would tell the president to cut off mr. schiff from access to classified information. the law doesn't require they share classified information with schiff. he can't be trusted to manage the committee let alone investigate the president as has been pointed out over an issue in which he is now a witness. lou: that's it for us tonight. a reminder to follow me on twitter @loudobbs, like me on
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facebook and follow me on instagram on "lou dobbs tonight." thank you and we'll see you monday. thank you for joining me have a terrific weekend. maria barta model i is next. >> happy weekend, welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was and helps to position you for the week ahead i am maria bartiromo. the asset management is joining us with this program. later on in the program rob manfred is here to start with a baseball postseason. all that comin. the numbers did come in slightly below the expectation, the u.s. economy added 136,000 jobs
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