tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 19, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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and remember -- you can't take it with you. [ gong chimes resonating ] have a great weekend. lou dobbs next. lou: president trump leading the freed world and much of it that isn't. president trump talked with president erdogan, keeping their line of communication open as the ceasefire declared erdogan has now been in effect for almost two days. the president said the two men had a good conversation. acknowledging reports of new fighting in northern syria and insisting the turks and kurds are honoring that ceasefire along the northwestern border with turkey. south of our border in sinaloa, a vicious gun battle in
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culiacan, the capital of sinaloa fought between mexican police and the sinaloa drug cartel. that's just south of your border with mexico, ladies and gentlemen. the shooting erupted when the mexican government captured and arrested the fugitive son of the drug kingpin he will happen oh guzman. -- el chapo guzman. we will have the report here tonight. former vice president joe biden facing new scrutiny about his son's hunter's work in ukraine. state department official george kemp testified before congress that he alerted the obama administration to rising concerns about hunter biden's appointment to the board of the ukrainian gas company burisma
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way back in 2015. catherine herridge joins us with the latest. catherine: sources tell fox that senior state department official george kent said he was so concerned about hunter biden's board position with the ukrainian company that he went to his father's office but the issue went nowhere. can't told congressional investigators he believed hunter biden's position with the ukrainian energy firm burisma sent the wrong message. he said ukrainian officials probably thought working with hunter biden would gain them favor with the vice president joe biden. president trump: he excoriated joe biden and his son saying there were tremendous problems with joe biden's son and the ukraine. catherine: fox news also
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confirmed kurt volker told congressional investigators that burisma was notorious for a history of corruption and being investigated for money laundering. volker said the firm was looking to spruce up its image by having prominently named people on its board. the u.s. made eradicating corruption a centerpiece of our policies towards ukraine. joe biden told -- hunter bind told abc news, he did nothing wrong. >> did i make a mistake based on an ethical lapse? absolutely not. catherine: in at least one case two witnesses are set to appear
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on the same day, lou. lou: catherine: rrjoe biden's campais under his watch the at the white house and under president obama, the administration made eradicating corruption a center piece of their administration. >> after my election i will have more flexibility. >> i will transmit to vladimir. lou: flexibility the former president spoke of. two years later it was much in evidence. russia invaded ukraine. there was absolutely no reaction from the obama administration. and by the way, the fact of the matter is crimea became a
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russian piece of property. quite a transaction. in june of 2014, the ukrainian president met with president obama. he asked for weapons but didn't get them. he pleaded to congress a few months later with biden on hand watching. one cannot win a war with blankets, he said. joining us tonight, white house press secretary, stephanie grisham. first of all, syria and the screes fire which appears to be holding not without -- the ceasefire overall seems to be holding. what's in prospect? >> thank you for having me. yes, the ceasefire -- these things will take time. but the president sent as you know a high-level delegation over there to speak with the erdogan and they agreed to a 120-hour ceasefire. i can't get into operational
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issues on the ground. but the president did tweet there is already some hopeful news koms coming out of this. he ran on this issue. we are not going to keep our troops in harm's way and he won't keep taxpayers on the hook for these endless wars. this shouldn't surprise anybody. lou: the record is clear this president meant exactly what he said as he ran for the office answer is doing precisely what he said he would do. but the rinos in the republican party are reacting as if he had said none of that and some how they should supersede his promises and responsibilities as commander-in-chief with their own personal views about foreign policy in the middle east. how is he contending with that? >> all due respect to those people in question. they were not elected president of the united states. he has decisions put in front of
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him every day, and he made it clear america first and keeping our troops safe. he's contending with things just fine. he's work every single day. he's working 12 hour days. nobody can keep up with him. yesterday he was in texas. he was at a factory for ribbon cutting. bringing jobs to texas. he's hard and -- hard at work. lot * and raising crowds. we are talking tens of thousands of people, inside, outside. that's a heck of a barometer on the support that he has in this country right now don't you think? >> i agree. i have been with the president since the beginning of his scam pain. and the crowds have never
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wavered. they are trying to take him down for 2020, and by those crowds alone you can see that's not going to work. that's not even to talk about the results he has been delivering and will continue to deliver. >> an historic president. his record there is for everyone to look at and examine and compare. it's strange, too, that mitch mcconnell, the majority leader in the senate is saying to his conference that being prepared for avote on impeachment, that he would like to see that trial begin before thanksgiving. this as the president has declared as most republicans have declared to be an illegitimate effort to overthrow a president, not a formal impeachment inquiry. this is stunning stuff. how does the white house react to this? >> it's more of the same. they keep talking about a vote, but a vote doesn't happen.
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a vote doesn't happen. they know they don't have the vote. they know nothing to do with ukraine and that transcript that the white house willingly released, nothing wrong there. the president did nothing wrong. the phone call was fine. he speaks with foreign leaders all the time. he knows people are listening. there is no reason for him to say anything wrong when he's speaking to foreign leaders. he knows what he's doing. lou: mick mulvaney asciewlsd bid various elements of the white house press corps, and others clacking at the margins, cite sizing him. but from that emerged a terrific slogan, get over it. that sounds like a good mantra for the white house. whether it's the senate and the house or the radical dimms who are trying to overthrow this
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president. >> the greats thing with mick, that is on the front page of the "new york times." rather than a ceasefire that was announced. the "new york times" chose to put on the front page of the paper that mick did quite well. secondly, get over it, absolutely right. that has been from the beginning when he came down that escalator throughout the campaign and through this presidency. i he's not conventional. it's yes works and yes was voted into office, and it's why he has got results. lou: even nato nations are starting to talk about bringing the isis terrorists back to the countries they originated from, a few of those nations. at least that's a beginning and another advance for the president's decision to withdraw our troops from syria. it looks to me to be a sea change in foreign policy for the united statesn in the middle east, and that's a good thing
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indeed. stephanie grisham, we appreciate your time. look forward to talking with you again soon. thank you so much. former ohio governor turned cnn commentator make one of the most of vapid statements of the day. there he is. he announces he's for impeachment of president trump. this from a man who had his nose rubbed by the president into the ground for months. someone else today continuing to relive the losses of 2016. hillary clinton. the twice failed presidential candidate taking the russia hysteria to a new extreme and some considerable absurdities. speculating the kremlin is grooming one of the 2020 democratic women as a spoiler
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third-party candidate. >> i think they have got their eye on somebody currently in the democratic party and grooming her to be a third-party candidate. she is a favorite of the russians. they have sites and bots, and opt were ways of supporter her so far. that's assuming jill stein will give it up. they know they can't win without a third party candidate. lou: she was referring to tulsi gabbard who vowed to not run as a third party candidate. gabbard responded forcefully in a tweet. thank you, hillary clinton, the embodiment of corruption and were uponification of the rot that has sickened the democratic
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party for so long. from the day i announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. we wondered who was hund it and yeah. now we know. it's clear this primary is between you and me. don't cowardly hide behind your proxies. join the race directly. up next, we'll have more on the president's efforts to sustain the you are quiche ceasefire in syria. senator rand paul and sebastian gorka. the new information we are letter being who is being blamed for the hoik seem scandal and it is a long list. stay with us, we are coming stay with us, we are coming right back.
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yes he did and, thank you yeah. and thank you he's a wonderful boy (laugh) a delightful boy (all boys): thank you, thank you, thank you. to the wait did frowe just win-ners. prouders everyone uses their phone differently. that's why xfinity mobile let's you design your own data. now you can share it between lines. mix with unlimited, and switch it up at anytime so you only pay for what you need. it's a different kind of wireless network designed to save you money. save up to $400 a year on your wireless bill. plus get $250 back when you buy an eligible phone.
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stocks plunge on revelations of corporate malfeasance. talcum powder that anyone should have understood shouldn't require asbestos. tim cook tweeted that an eager senate to pass bill 386. it could lead to the passage of the bill which would flood the workplace with indian and h-1b visa workers looking to take american jobs at lower pay. it's amazing how high-tech, big tech loves this. president trump addressed reports of sporadic fighting in northeast syria. he said he received assurances frommered iman that military operations at that border between turkey and syria, that that violence has stopped.
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president trump: it's a lot of pain for a couple of days. sometimes you have to go through some pain before you can get a good solution. but the kurds are very happy about it. president you are ima erdogan ae satisfied with it. we are in a position to put tremendous powerful sanctions on turkey or whoever is we want to. lou: america first, best-selling author, former strategist to president trump. i want to begin the way this week began with hair on fire democrats and rinos. just -- beside themselves that the president would bring a thousand troops out of northern syria home or other stations in the region. on this beautiful friday in america a ceasefire in place in
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negotiations under way to extend that ceasefire and hopefully assure a truce. >> quite remarkable, lou. the party that has told us so long that dissent is the greatest form of patriotism and america shouldn't be the world's policeman. they have an issue with the president relocating between 50 and 100 troops as turkish tanks and armored personnel carriers were coming across the border. whether we stay or whether we go, it won't adequate to the democrats. but it's ironic that we have people who were less than marshaled in the last 18 years would like to us go to war with turkey or recognize the kurds as formal treaty allies. in less than 48 hours mike
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pompeo and the vice president have secured a ceasefire. what the future brings we'll see. but the president has the right instinct, get our boys home. >> it's judgment based on values. you know, when i hear instinct, i react to that negatively because what i see here are examples after examples of judgment that is far superior to that. the professional political class that presumes to critique and to be detractors rather than supporters. retired admiral mccraveen going after the president. let, put up his "new york times" headline. our republic is under attack, it read. there it is. the republic is under attack from the president.
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going on. he says if this president doesn't demonstrate the leadership that america needs domestically or abroad, then it's time for a new person in the oval office. republican, democrat, independent, the sooner the better. with all respect to the admiral, it's as if he doesn't know that we don't require his spontaneous imagination of what we have in place a presidential election some 10 months hence. what in the world is he thinking, do you suppose? >> this is personal to me, lou. and i'm disappointed. i spent six years in the defense department. i had a conversation with special operations command where this admiral worked as well. the fact that secretary mattis
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and admiral mcraven think it's their job to lecture us on the values of the republic. these are people who served our country. and the secretary of defense was in that position until very recently and shows no loyalty to the current incumbent in the white house. i missed the op-ed pieces by admiral mcraven on the attacks on the republic under the obama administration. the illegal fisa warrants against the trump campaign. the spying of john brennan against u.s. sit sebs. all of the -- u.s. citizens. i missed those articles. where is the apolitical military rectitude? i can't see it, lou. lou: the fact is, the intelligence community of this country right now has intervened in our body politic and our political system illegally.
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immorally, into the disadvantage of all of us and against the interest of the nation. i don't know what that makes them. but it makes them outside the tradition of the services that they are part of. and now to see the military doing precisely the same thing. i think of the generals that this president brought into the white house and what he got from each of them. i have to tell you, i feel sorry for the pentagon if they represent the quality and the character of the generals who serve this nation. it's frightening to me. >> let me share one story with you from my time in the white house, lou. when the president decides to move our embassy to jerusalem and recognize that city. guess who told him not to do it. a man whose propaganda label was "mad dog" mattis. the president made that decision because it was the right thing to do and the general stood in
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the way. i trust the president. lou: by the way, he's the fella we elected. up next, the scathing state department report about the hillary email scandal. it's taken a while. it's been a long while from the time that investigation began until today's final report. and good old mitt romney. oh, my goodness. he's got an opinion, and he's got away about him. this time about the kurds and the turks. we'll have that. much more. senator rand paul joins us after this quick break. stay with us.
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transmission of information to her personal and insecure computer. report certain to the office of iowa republican senator chuck grassley, finding those 38 individuals were responsible for 91 violations and 497 violations were discovered. the report however was not able to assign shot in the those cases. the report reflects only the emails the investigators could physically review and of course she destroyed some 30,000 of them, or purportedly did so. in any case they weren't at hand for senate investigators. senator mitt romney is at it again. he's severely critical of the president. but now it's his decision to pull our troops back from syria and leave the kurds to fight their own fight.
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the senator may want to check this video from 2007. >> all americans want to bring our troops home as quickly as possible. walk away woulding be ask have great grave threats to america. lou: there he is. joining us, senator rand paul. great to have you with us. you have been very supportive of the president and his withdrawal our troops from nowrn syria. and i should point out, you are also the author of a new book entitled "the case against socialism." but let's start first with the president standing against the rinos of his own party. radical dimms, their hair is on fire over the idea that we would
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pull 1,000 troops from northern syria. you on the other hand have been supportive of this president. >> it's been disappointing that a lot of republicans. liz cheney, the entire republican leadership vote condemn their own president for moving 50 troops around. in total 1,000. it is a minor military maneuver but may have saved many lives. it reminds me of what ronald reagan did in beruit. what i said to these people, particularly chuck schumer and others, if you want to go to war and be involved in the syrian civil war, come to congress as the constitution dictates and let them vote. the reason they won't. they don't know who to declare war on, turkey, assad. i'm not going to send our sons
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and daughters to a war where it's unclear what the mission is. lou: you have been consistent on your judgment on foreign policy when troops should be put into harm's way. too many of our senators and congressmen have not been. and more than a few presidents. but way find extraordinary, a resolution in the house, a joint resolution opposing the withdrawal our troops from northern syria, only 60 republic congressmen stood with the president as he is facing an outrageous, illegitimate, fraudulent impeachment inquiry, a country advance of the rad school dimms, schumer, schiff, and pelosi. >> i think what you see here is i think this vote was a partisan vote. chuck schumer came over to me to convince me to have this vote. i blocked him, but i said this
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is just a partisan attack on the president. if this were president trump or any other president you would be fine with it. but there is such a strum derangement syndrome supreme lost it. but it's disappointing we lost republicans on this. it used to be republicans would see through this and see this as a democrat partisan move. in the end, i'm a supporter of the kurds. i think there is be better for the kurds. for the last 7 or state years because of our wanting to remove assad from office. we prevented the kurds from talking to assad. assad is staying for bert or worse. they are staying. the best chance for the kurds is to do what happened in iraq. that is to work with the local government to see if they can get a semi autonomous region. so i think it's a huge
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diplomatic break through what pompeo and pence came for. it can't be overstated how big a diplomatic break through that was. the potential would be can we have erdogan talk to assad and reestablish an international border there. >> i think this president taking the initiative to carry out a ceasefire is putting the united states in the position, a tradition, frankly, for american foreign policy. certainly previous to the involvement and engagement in iraq and afghanistan. but this has always been a country with a modest foreign policy when it had its most of successful it looks to me as though this president is trying to return us to that. and it seems to me that that should be cheered, not criticized. senator, a quick question. in your book, the case against
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socialism, it's strange to me that we are having a discussion about socialism, aoc, county squad or quad, whatever they are. capitalism is roaring here. and the entire country is benefiting from it and all americans, just as the president promised. >> yeah, there has before then a better time to be alive. our economy doubled 8 times since the industrial revolution. unemployment is at historic lows. the median income is up $4,000 under donald trump. lou: i apologize, we have a hard out. we'll take up your
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president trump: my administration believes in a simple principle. the way to keep foreign terrorists out of america is to deny them entrance in the first place. lou: president trump talking about his administration's tough stance on border security. meanwhile an intense battle raging in the city of culiacan.
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police arrested the son of drug lord el chapo who is serving a life sentence in colorado. the sinaloa cartel opened fire on police. they overpowered them with heavy weapons fire. mexican government officials eventually ordered el chapo's son released. and at least 8 we'll were killed -- at least 8 people were killed in the fight. the president obrador said the decision was taken to assure there was no further bloodshed. joining us to help us make sense of what's happening south our border. jason jackson. great to have you with us.
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this is quite a day in mexico where the president of their nation turns over the son, a fugitive son of one of the most of notorious drug cartel leaders in history. your thoughts about what happened. >> it really is. lou, what we witnessed was a president who basically tower cowered down to organized crime and watched as a nation kneeled to them. and there was a flip side to this. the world was able to finally see the capabilities of the sinaloa cartel. this is just one cartel of many, lou. we were able to truly witness 50 caliber machine gubs and convoys coming in to rescue these two boys and get them out there. there was another brother named ivan involved in this as well.
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so what we witnessed yesterday was a true failure of the level of control that the cartels have. i hope the state department is watching and paying attention. this is why you hear me say all the time, we must designate the mexican cartels as terrorist organizations. lou: absolutely. why it hasn't happened is beyond me. but it truly isn't. we know why it's taking place, because there are commercial interests that demand that the border be quote uncourt harmonized. dough don't want a war with the drug cartel because that will affect billions of dollars of industry the united states has placed on that border and in northern mexico, much of which is under control of the cartels. 80% of the country is under the control of the cartels. most of americans have no idea of that tragic reality.
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>> it is. this is why i say that law enforcement's mission. we have 50 years of failure here. in this last year, mexico had just shy of 34,000 people killed. in the first six months of 2019, over 17,000. we have seen the state of guerrero between the larger cartels going to full-on war. the murder rate in 2019, it will be tremendous. i think it will be somewhere over 40,000. something has got to be done differently. doing what we have always done isn't going to fix this problem. we have to designate the cartels as terrorist organizations. lou: what can we do? we know it's the source of the majority of all of the deadly drugs coming into our country. responsible for so much of the death in this country.
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70,000 overdose deaths weren't sex trafficking, the human smuggling. the illegal immigration, it just goes on because the chamber of commerce wants to make sure it's an open border, you know. good for business. >> well, you know, we just have got to do things different. i will tell you, as bad as yesterday's operation was, there was a lot of you brave men and women from the homeland security investigations who did great work getting a warrant for this individual. coordinating with the mexican government and getting the generals to go into harm's way, knowing that was a strong city in favor of the sinaloa cartel. but wait also showed is the capability and the sheer number of them. sinaloa alone, this cartel is estimated to be 30,000 operatives. lou: and heavily armed as you
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put it. >> heavily armed. and they leverage everything from military grade weaponry such as .50 caliber sniper rifles. we also saw con voice of armors vehicles, first, second, third generation armored vehicles taking on the military. it's incredible. lou: we look forward to talking to you soon and hopefully we'll be talking about some progress in the fight against this deadly violence consuming mexico right now. jason jones, thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. lou: the new numbers about the dee klein of the religious, the decline much faith in this country. we take up what that means. pass store robert jeffress. our guest always on a friday
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drive christians and religious believers from the public square. lou: president trump last night on the left's assault on our court system, our evangelicals, and a new study from pew research finds 29% of americans say they have no religious affiliation. that's up from 15% 10 years ago. joining us, the pastor of the first baptist church of dallas. i understand you were in the audience at the rally in dallas. >> city was. it was the most of electric experience i have ever been in. the largest of all the trump rallies in history. it was a great evening. lou: people don't talk about -- certainly the people in the left-wing media, they don't show the pictures and talk about
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those numbers. tens of thousands of people. i can't think of a time when a president has had this kind of energized folks staying with him throughout, rally after rally after rally. it's incredible. if anything, it builds. >> it does. i happened to be at that same rally in 2015 with him. he called me on stage to thank me for my support. it was a great evening. but the electricity was exponentially greater last night. in 2015, mr. trump was running on promises. last night he was running on accomplishments. and the accomplishments of this president are endless. and it's got his base excited like nothing i have ever seen. lou: it should have the entire country excited. what is accomplished is historic. the country is in such
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incredible shape economically. we watched him begin monday withdrawing our troops from syria, and closing it this week with the rinos and radical dimms. just beside themselves because he succeeded. he sent vice president pence and secretary of state pompeo to ankara along with national security advisor, robert o'brien. they came up with a deal he and erdogan with have to make person in the. it's extraordinary. let's turn to this latest survey. the number has doubled, almost doubled, of those who are no longer affiliated with a religion. in your thoughts about that? >> i'm not surprised by the statistics. the left has been on a crusade for 7 some years to eradicate
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faith from our country, and they are having some success in doing that. i know christianity will survive the attacks of secularism, but i'm not sure america can. james madison, the architect of the constitution, said this constitution is designed tomorrow for a moral and religious people it's wholly incapable of managing any other type. that's why it's so important we reverse this trend of godlessness in our country. it's why i'm so gradeful and supportive of president trump who wants to end these attacks on religion that have been launched by the courts the last decade. it has to stop if america has any hope of surviving. pastor robert jeffress. thank you so much. up next. my commentary on yet another extraordinary week in washington, d.c.
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the senator has a lot of competition. mitch mcconnell trying to single handedly legitimize the radical dimms' efforts to overthrow the president. the radical dimms who haven't had an original idea in their lives, but they are trying to destroy the president over their hatred of our american values. the president means to assure the american dream for all our citizens. and, man, does he have a head start on getting it done. no wonder the radicals and dimms have gone mad with resentment and fear of this president and his reaffirmation of all that this great country stands for. what a week it has been. i can't wait for the next week. it's always fascinating.
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we thank you for being with us. a reminder, senator rand palms new book is "the case against socialism." it's out n e e e e e e e e e e . madison, great to see you, have a great weekend. appreciate it. before we go, a quick programming note, you can catch me every weeknight at 5 p.m. eastern time hosting my own show, it's called bulls and bears right here on fox business. have a great weekend, everybody. here's maria bartiromo. ♪ ♪ >> from the fox studios in new york city, this is maria bartiromo's "wall street." maria: happy weekend, everybody. welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. coming up in just a few moments, my exclusive interview with a media giant. >> match is a cash flow machine. its cash flow is huge, 800 million on 3 billion or something which is really extraordinarily high margins. so we would not cause indebtedness at match to be beyond any kind of rational threshold. it would be crazy for us to do so. maria: the chairman of iac
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