tv The Evening Edit FOX Business October 21, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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transatlantic voyage, i'm not saying it is easy, pop a sleeping pill, watch a couple extra movies. david: hope this helps. >> thank you. david: that does it for bulls and bears. elizabeth: it looks like a bad week for the democrat impeachment push. it looks like the credibility is now on the line with voters. a new poll with voters, done by "new york times," shows majority of voters there oppose impeachment, they do not want president removed from office, we track 5 othe poles with same result. >> house republicans voting to punish impeachment leader adam schiff for his misleading take on president's phone call with the leader of ukraine. now nancy pelosi trying to compare democrats here to the founding fathers, but republicans are out with new attacks, saying your impeachment
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push is the abuse of power the framers were afraid of. tonight democrats not -- cannot rather, cannot clearly define to the american people what laws were actually broken. this as the 2020 democrats, they still cannot answer how to pay for their big government takeover of the u.s. economy. their credibility on the line, debate tonight, elizabeth warren faces walter mondale, i'll tax everyone moment. warren claiming she has a plan to pay for her government takeover of mee. it is same plan as bernie sanders who already said he will tax lower income people to pay for it this plan would annually cost more than medicare, medicaid, social security, food stamps, combined. financial markets face a fresh wave of political uncertainty, protests in world from uk and brexit riots there, street riots
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in venezuela, and france, now new clashes in chile. and lebanon, back home, trump just got a big shout out from a nobel prize winning economist who said that u.s. has not faced recession because of the trump boom. to trump supporters protesting alexandria ocasio-cortez's rally where she endorsed benc bernie sanders. it took place in queens, new york, near where the amazon headquarters would have been built. where alexandria ocasio-cortez proudly helped chase away tens of thousands of new amazon jobs. this story tonight, mexico says thank you to president trump for showing solidarity in mexico's fight again crime. thank you -- against crime, thank you for joining us. i am elizabeth macdonald, the "evening edit" starts right now.
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elizabeth: welcome, you are watching the fox business network, we got you covered top news with edward lawrence and the capitol hill and jackie on the floor of new york stock exchange. we kick it off with edward. reporter: president trump today in his cabinet meeting touted the economy going forward, showing that the economy continues to grow, president believes that the economy itself could get him reelected. larry kudlow saying that household wealth across united states has grown 12 trillion dollars since president trump has been in office. kudlow said that inflation is 1.4%, and believes that indicator in housing market point to a boom for first part of next year. president trump talking turkey defending his actions in removing troops from the northern syria border, he does not want u.s. soldiers in middle
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of kurds and turkish fighting each other. >> where is there an agreement that say zeese to stay in the middle east for the lef the resf civilization, therefore said that, we have protect them, we have taken very good care of them, i hope they will watch over isis. reporter: president trump talking about the usmca, he believes the votes there are if house speaker nancy pelosi will school schedule a vote. >> pelosi, shifty schiff, schumer, these people are trying to destroy the country, it is a very bad thing what they are doing. the president of the united states should be allowed to run the country, not have to focus on this kind of crap, while at the same time,y doing a great job on syria, turkey and all
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other things we're doing. reporter: president defiant in his only public apeent appearann his schedule today. elizabeth: thank you, now to members of congress, cosponsors a motion to punish adam schiff for his fake retelling of the consleconversation between prest trump and ukraine leader. chad in washington with more. >> what republican did not about like was the dram dram matizingy have 15 minute bells andy bigs will bring the resolution to house floor to try to punish adam schiff. one of censure is one of three formal modes in the house of representatives, only 23 members of congress have been censured.
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but no actual vote tonight. sometime before 7:00, democrats will move to table or try to set this aside, there will be one parliamentary step removed on sepsurin--censuring schiff, it . 23 members in history of the republic have been censured by the house, last was charlie wrangle in 2010, and republicans have been complicating about process they have been handling impeachment, the democrats, if republicans wanted to do it by the book, they could refer this to the ethics committee, there is a process to handle that. if they took an up or down vote on censuring adam schiff, he would be censured. elizabeth: chad thank you so. >> and update, looks like 182 members of house want to punish adam schiff.
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here is president trump blasting mutual impeach -- impeachment today. >> they are vicious, they stick together, they don't have mitt nit in their midst, i think they want to impeach me it is the only way they would win. elizabeth: other republicans pushing back on democrat impeachment push, mike pompeo under cut democrat narrative to president trump withheld military aid in a quid pro quo with ukraine. he did not do that it was president obama. >> i don't know why barack obama held up that funding, maybe he had a theory too. i don't know, he never provided, this administration has done it now 3 times that is the heart of this manner. -- matter, what was the you know if there was a quid pro quo,
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what was it for? investigation of previous election or dirt for 2020? >> here is what i hear speaker pelosi and chairman ship saying to the american people -- chairman schiff saying to american people, you are stupid, we're start, i hear them saying, you are so stupid, we're not even going to show you the evidence, you can't handle it. elizabeth: representative ken buck, do you agree with senator kennedy, impeachment itself getting discredited. >> absolutely, this is a process that should not go forward, it should be before the judiciary committee, we should be holding open hearings, the public should be able to evaluate the ifd, i evidence. i think democrats are holding it behind closed-doors because they don't have evidence
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at-this-point. >> mcconnell was reported preparing republicans for impeachment trial by thanksgiving, now we hear he has not discussed it with nancy pelosi or chuck schumer, congress and staffers do not want to stick ndc for an impeachment battle over thanksgiving, "new york times" and siena college, polled battle ground voters in half a dozen states, majority do not want impeachment, they don't want the president removed. states are florida, pennsylvania, michigan, arizona, north carolina, and wisconsin. you know, congressman. the "wall street journal," nbc poll found that quinnp quinnipi. >> the people are right, if you want to defeat the president, defeat him in november of 2020,
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don't try to overturn a legitimate election of 2016, if this president's conduct is not criminal, it does not rise to level of an impeachment offense, it is disheartening we're not voting on the usmca, and illegal problem, instead we're focusing on impeachment. they are trying to continue a narrative until 2020, but this is the wrong thing to do for the american people, we should be working on solving problems. elizabeth: and president noted that mitt romney, now in a cun verse-- controversy with a fake twitter account he used to bash the president and other republicans, to this story. you know, anderson cooper, asked kamala harris what laws did president trump's personal attorney rudy guliani break, she could not answer. watch. >> are there specific laws that
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you believe guliani has broken or may have broken? >> well, i , i, i don't know, we'll find out. elizabeth: so she is a former prosecutor, she conditio can't . >> i am a former prosecutor, i can't answer to the president or mr. guliani, i think that what we need to do is focus on moving important issues forward get off this impeachment, this is a distraction and causing a lot of tensions between the sides that pro heb itprohibits us from worg together to solve important issues. elizabeth: a piece from kimberly stlastras el, she is concerned t impeachment will be used in a partisan way to attack opponents, and saying that democrats are moving the goal post here on what is impeachable. >> offense is that donald trump
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demanded a quid pro quo he would with hold ukraine aid to the ukraine unless the country gave him dirt on joe biden, we saw the transcript, we had ukraine say, no there was no quid pro quo, they said they done even know that money was being withheld, on that charge no, you see them moving the goal post to suggest even smaller offenses are somehow impeachment. elizabeth: that a danger zone, no? >> absolutely. what we saw at the beginning was a report from robert mueller that suggested or at least was investigating whether president's campaign colluded with the russians, absolutely no evidence. they have now moves to another area that quoa quid pro quo wite ukraine no eforts dz, the evide. they keep moving to different areas they can't come up with a silver bullet, smoking gun they need in this situation. if we were really focused on
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areas that we need to be focused on, we would not talk about impeachment at-this-point. you want to defeat the president, november of 2020, i don't think they can get the job done, i think they are scared to death of another 4 years with this president, that is what they will get iffy thi they cone down the impeachment path. elizabeth: thank you congressman. >> thank you. elizabeth: good day for the money and markets, ending day in the green. jackie at the big board with more. reporter: the drug distributors were lower across the board after settling what would have been a historic opioid trial. not moving forward in a federal jury trial that mitt hav might n more insight to role that distributors plays. >> meanwhile we work, software talking -- softbank's offer
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would value we work at 8 billion, there would be a intern we work chairma. and let's also talk about boeing stock, main drag on the do you, down almost 4%. downgrade from credit suisse and ubc, market continues to digest news about what boeing knew about safety of 737 max jets before the fatal crashes. and look for microsoft, amazon, twitter, mcdonald's, visa and boeing this week. elizabeth: thank you. >> protests and riots rocking a number of country overseas from uk brexit protest. street riots in venezuela, france, now new clashes in chile and lebanon, as president back home here in united states, gets a shout out of support from a nobel peace prize winning
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economist. we take you to the turkey syria fight, defense secretary mark esper said he wants troops pulling out of northern syria to iraq, general jack keane joining us next. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ colon cancer screening for people 50 and older at average risk. honey, have you seen my glasses? i've always had a knack for finding things... ...colon cancer,to be exact. and i find it noninvasively... no need for time off or special prep. it all starts here... you collect your sample, and cologuard uses the dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers. you can always count on me to know where to look.
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elizabeth: welcome back, fox news peter doocy is in des moines, iowa. no clear frontrunner. peter? reporter: i asked senator elizabeth warren this warn, wha, what is taking so long for her to explain. >> why should caucus-goers be confident it is possible to pay for medicare at all if leading democratic candidate still needs a couple more weeks. >> why don't you ask me that when the plan is out. reporter: her plan have been driving conversation among primary and caucus-goers, democratic rivals are just as --
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>> everyone is interested in knowing how she will pay for it, she should be held account able for answering it the rest of us have been, you should be able to answer the questions you are asked about such a big, important policy. reporter: harris said she is spending half of month in iowa, but not sure if it is helping her, she not near the top of the poll, joe biden, elizabeth warren, pete buttigieg, then bernie sanders, and tom steyer. >> i think it is the case a strong performance in iowa will be critical to us winning nomination. reporter: tulsi gabbard here as well, days after being accused by hillary clinton of a candidate groomed by russia intelligence to disrupt the process by running for a third party, gab ariard gabbard is noa
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ton on it. >> liz. elizabeth: thank you. >> alexandria ocasio-cortez being criticized for a pro bernie sanders rally in queens, new york, not far from where amazoamamazon jobs would have bd she not scared them away. >> >> i don't want mark zuckerberg making decisions over my life. >> a modest packed on wall street, speculation. wall street, you can hear us. now. elizabeth: joining me now, heritage foundation -- is our future a publicly owned system.
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>> hopefully not. we have seen what that looks like whether it is extreme situation in venezuela or less radical situation across western europe, until about 25 years ago, when they started rolling back their socialist systems, let's hope that is not what we're in for here. i would say tick a loo take a ln germany, a bigger government system than we have, about half of the population under contract negotiated by unions, and look at disposable income for families, us versus them, our is 11,000 more a year, that number that has been growing over past 20 years, because we enjoy a free market system, far freer than many overseas competitors. elizabeth: facebook ceo zuckerberg pushes back again socialist aoc and bernie sanders, saying let's have the government take it all, really? now the government can decide, you know all medical research.
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what i worry about, i hear sentiments like that it would deprive the market and world of kind of diversity and talent and different attempts that can be taken. >> mark zuckerberg is right, we think that wealth tax, people think we're just going after the wealthy, but really on the billionaires is an assault on all of us b. we're taking control of those assets that are making our lives better, putting it in hands of purecrats and politicians that look to solidify their power or hand off to special interest groups, that is not the way for economic prosperity, and not the way to pay for that agenda, that raises a 10th of the cost of the agenda. elizabeth: nobel peace prize winning economist robert schiller said that a recession is now likely years away because
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of the trump boone. what jamie dimon, delivered a smackdown on democrat government control dreams. >> the notion that socialism, free market capitalism, free enterprise, and freedom are linked. freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of enterprise are capitalism, government is taking control of assets and companies, they use those companies for one thing only, keeping themselves in power. using companies asset to get votes, okay, these companies are -- you en u end up with venezue. elizabeth: new york times had a enum rat and clueless headline saying in a strong economy, why so many workers on strike, in strong economy workers have more collective bargaining power. plus more people working, should we expect more strikes than a
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strong economy, your take in that, what jamie dimon said. >> we have record low unemployment in 24 states right now, for african-americans, and asian americans, hispanics coul, adult women, if you look at median household income we have gone up by 4,000 dollars in a few years, that is real term. middle class is shrinking because they are moving to upper middle and upper classes, this is a strong economy for workers, we're seeing benefits across the board on every income level, over the past those earning greatest income are those at bottom, we're all benefits from this economic boone. elizabeth: to your point, "new york times" reported in may that the over past year, low wageworkers that have seen the fastest pay increases. you know here is the thing, in socialist countries. people don't just go on strike they riot, your final word.
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>> we have to realize that the way to continue to economic prosperity is let people keep more money, let investors invest that money productively, because we all share nat gains we are mo productive. >> joe thank you. >> we're staying on those stories, dallas, texas, steel reeling from a severe tornado strike that ripped through city, leaving more than 150,000 people without power, serious probably damage. as this hour, no deaths or serious injuries have been confirmed. we will stay on that story. to good news, we'll segue, monitor. being check of what is happening with "star wars" fans, the trailer for latest film. the rise of skywalker, will premier, tonight. during "monday night football" on espn, disney owns espn, disny has confirmed tickets go on sale
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immediately this concluding new tritrilogy of the "star wars" series. >> coming up. elizabeth warren still cannot explain how she will explain her big government healthcare takeover. this is the walter mondale moment elizabeth warren. -- for elizabeth warren. first, lindsey graham, now supports president trump. in his push to withdraw troops from syria. general jack keane will join us next. >> we never gave the kurds a commit we would stay there for 400 years to protect them, we have very good news coming out, ceasefire is holds, the kurds of moring out to safer areas.
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elizabeth: welcome back, you are watching fox business network, at bottom of hour, political unrest in world from uk where brexit is still in chaos, to chillychile, 8 people dead as president there declares we're at war asthmas ivory on thes continue over the high cost was living. >> hundreds of thousands take to streets of lebanon to condemn government corruption. fox news steve on the ground in iraq. reporter: as u.s. forces pulled out of syria this morning, it looked like some kurds were pelting the armored vehicles with what appeared to be rocks and potatoes. a kurdish leader tells fox news they are being abandoned to face potential slaughter, so far the fighting has killed 500 people
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in syria, and 20 across the border in turkey, displaced more than 400,000, turkey warned that military offensive would restart tuesday night, unless all kurdish fighters have evacuated a buffer zone along the border. marques fomark esper said it poe u.s. forces may stay in parts to keep the oil fields out of the hands of isis. >> to deny access to oil field bicby, isis and others who may benefit from revenues. reporter: remaining forces will be redeployed temporarily in iraq, one more competition for past 60 years u.s. storied a number of nuclear bombs at the airbase in southern turkey. as u.s. relation with turkey continue to weaken they think
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they should we think that. elizabeth: general jack keane, what is your reaction on the events in syria and turkey. >> certainly, i believe from the beginning, we made a strategic mistake in announcing we'll pull away, and also permitting erdogan to attempt to take the safe zone by force. i think we could have prevented that by telling him we're not going to permit it. president deserves credit for taking the initiative with erd order to geerdogan to get a cea. this ceasefire in itself, enabled policymakers in our government to include the president, look at the implications of what is taking place and what is occurring as a result of the cease-fire and make adjustments, those adjustments you just discussed, absolute recognition that we not
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let the iranians who by the way are massing on west side of th euphrate river. they are going to move in and seize will out fields we're not going to permit that to happen, keep our air power in place, maintain control over the skies in eastern syria and keep a residual force in syria, also to contain isis from resurging. according to a pentagon report today they have 14, 18,000 fighters between iraq and syria, and 10,000 in detention have centers, there is still plenty of potential for isis to return. elizabeth: thank you for your insights, senator lindsey graham opposed the president's decision here but now supports it saying that policy could succeed your reaction? >> i just said that -- i agree
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with that,. that is what i just enumerated, senator graham spoke to the president over the weekend. i have spoken with senator graham a number of times myself, i think we're in a better place, it makes the most sense the strategic implications in sir iasyriaare real in terms of thro american people from isis, certainly iran, running the table gets all of syria to encroach on israel security. that we have to keep an eye on, make sure those two things do not happen. elizabeth: what is going on with ceasceasefire, is it on edge of collapse, nancy pelosi leading a congressional group on a trip. your take? >> general who heads up syrian
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kurds, does say there have been violations of the ceasefire, most people who watch that closely to include our own intelligence agents say, there has been some violation, but by and large the ceasefire is holding, key tomorrow, ypgleader has withdrawn his forces from two major border towns, on the turkish syrian border. and erdogan is advertising he wants all of the ypg forces withdrawn, that would mean families wom would go with them, that 300 mile swath. you could not achieve that. tomorrow will be a test whether the ceasefire will hold, and we return to negotiating table to solve the problem. which is the obvious solution.
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elizabeth: general jack keane thank you so much. thank you for your service, to the country. >> good to talk with you. elizabeth: more on u.s. attorney general bill barr. reportedly expanding the probe into origins of the russia probe to include former dni director or james clapper and john brennan, people are really lawyerses up. >> coming up does your broker offer more than just free trades? fidelity has zero commissions for online u.s. equity trades and etfs, plus zero minimums to open a brokerage account. with value like this, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. fidelity.
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seth benson your reaction? >> you know, senator warren is stated she wanted to eliminate burden on the american people with health care, i have to question, eliminating burden of me getting to choose a doctor, pick my plan or just choosing where my money goes. those numbers will come out. elizabeth: this plan will cost more than mi medicare, medicaidl security, food stamps combined. 2020 candidate mayor pete buttigieg said, you copied and pasted bernie sanders' plan, bernie has admitted hig he willx lower income households. >> that is right, 3.4 trillion to put it in perspective, as we have stated before that is 100% of ta taxable revenue to u.s. government. senator warren talks about taxing wealthy, there is not enough money there.
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if you take 100% of all the of the money of all those making over 200,000 a year, according to heritage foundation, you cannot pay for medicare for all. elizabeth: her top economic advise oaadviser from berkeley,g she cannot fully pay for her ideas as they are now. >> listen, people lie, numbers don't, at the end of the day, numbers tell the truth. if you do the math, the truth will come out. elizabeth: he calls elizabeth warren plan franken stein plan. koikplan. >> her credibility is on the line. "washington post," cagey on the questions. >> she knows she can't answer them in a way that will make her sound good in talking points, we
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need to continue to press, everyone, not just elizabeth warren, but every democrat, every candidate for that matter, how do they plan to pay. elizabeth: seth benson great to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: lou dobbs is joining us with a preview of what is coming on his show. >> we're learning by congressman jim jordan, judicial watch tom fenton on deep state, and slow grinding pace of ju justice, and jacjason chaffetz. and colo colonel doug mcgregor, coming up at top of the hour with kayleigh mcenany. elizabeth: great to see you thank you. >> coming up, mexico thanks president trump for standing in
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solidarity with mexico after the government there faced problems in trying to crackdown on drug cartel violence. >> first, u.s. attorney john durham, broadens his probe to the russia probe, we got the story. can my side be firm? and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. so, can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet.
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elizabeth: u.s. attorney general bill barr expanding the probe in the russia probe because of who durham has reportedly found. we bring in former federal prosecutor byrnes. it includes clapper and brennan? >> i am not surprised. >> durham is reportedly expanding his staff -- >> yes. elizabeth: looking to the players, past january 27 after trump was inaugurated high is widening probe. >> reports is he is widening. a caveat in footnote on defense side of investigation you can't control what the government is doing, you don't know what they are doing you don't have a lot of legal rights, until people
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are charged. there is a lot of speculation, you are correct it seems to be expanding and everyone is waiting for the report. and see what conclusions durham draws. and etch been talking about agents in the bureau, strzok and page, and before fisa court. elizabeth: what was going on with cia. >> the cia. yeah, are right, whole thing is interplay between intelligence community then doj and fbi community, hopefully this report clears it up. elizabeth: the precedent of spying on a political opposition campaign, this is is historic. the brand-new poll of voters in key battleground states, pennsylvania, florida, wisconsin, included in that they say that voters there is a, they do not want the president removed from office, and polls from nbc, "wall street journal," and cnn poll said the same,
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voters don't want him removed, majority. >> that does not sound me one bit, it sounds political. it is not way, they will need to formulate some kind of exit strategy to tap dance out of this. elizabeth: who. >> the people who are going for this probe. look at logically 30,000 feet. they have to call it an inquiry. they didn't do it with the full house, the president does not answer to a couple of representatives, he answers to full house that represents country, that is why you heard rhetoric they are not putting it to a full vote because individual members whose constituents don't want did cannot stand up and vote for this the exit strategy, we did not want to put american public through the debacle, then here comes cheap shot even though it is so fully warranted. elizabeth: that is a good point
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that is nancy pelosi has been saying that. >> that will be the out, in my view, i coach ar don't are a crl ball. elizabeth: i love your point. >> thank you. elizabeth: he answers to full house that is -- >> that key. someone else said that, i'm not taking credit, if is obvious, you know, i told my wife, represent a government, be positive, yeah the representatives go home on a break they hear from constituents, other point, she is third in line to president see, that is interesting, nancy pelosi. that is some of what a conflict? elizabeth: doug byrnes great do see you. >> 57 battle ground district voters they don't want impeachment either. mexico says thank you to president trump for showing sol darshow some o
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that's the mother standard of care. this is how we inspire hope. this is how we heal. cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now. cancer treatment centers of america. the doctor's office might mejust for a shot.o but why go back there when you can stay home with neulasta® onpro? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta® reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1% a 94% decrease. neulasta® onpro is designed to deliver neulasta® the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. neulasta® is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta® if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur.
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the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. if you'd rather be home ask your doctor about neulasta® onpro. pay no more than $5 per dose with copay card. it made her feel proud. ancestry® specifically showed the regions that my family was from. greater details. richer stories. and now with health insights. get your dna kit at liz: look whose here. former acting i.c.e. director, ron patello.
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the president of mexico thanked president trump for calling him on the phone. >> both of these presidents have to have a good relationship. there is too much at stake when it comes to the culture, commerce and border security. the president reaching out after what happened in culiacan, that's an important moment in mexico's history. liz: cnn had a story, why some say mexico already built trump's wall and paid for it. their argument is mexico putting troops at the border with guatemala. virtually nobody is quoted in the story. >> i agree with your characterization of the article. but it's important to recognize what mexico has done here.
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they are doing more than anybody when it comes to the flow coming through mexico. this president and his relationship with obrador has got them to move troops to the southern border, and they are doing more than anybody as it relates to how this is going. liz: 64% of all federal arrests involve illegal aliens. that's up from 63% in 2017. do they rethink their behavior when you stand up and try to stop it? >> we started a project in 2011 to classify and watch the post-arrest activity of people we put in deportation proceedings or criminal prosecution. when you do that, you get less of that activity. liz: so not enforcing the law
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leads to sanctuary cities. >> that's right, if you want an immigration system with integrity. you have to enforce it. liz: lou dobbs is next. have a good evening. lou: for nearly two decades america has sacrificed blood and tremendous sniewrt east in and president trump is making good on his promise to end the endless wars. >> nobody was killed. nobody cut their finger. there has been nothing. and they are leaving. rather i think not expeditiously, rather intelligently. leaving certain areas. lou: suggestions we are
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