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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  October 22, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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drivers, cashiers. trish: amazing i still remember the rotary phone. >> what a time to be alive. trish: see you tomorrow night, kennedy is next. kennedy: hey there. and thank you baby, you want to know how bad current crop the democrat candidates is. "new york times" is begging for someone, anybody el to get in the race, the question is, who will take the bait? is there anybody else? columnist, martin writes:
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>> democratic leaders engage in a fantastic rite, fretting about who is in the race, lodging for- lodging for a white knight, who will it be? which democrat. to ride head long into the storm and defeat the big, bad, president wolf, probably no body, but it is damn fun to play along. first name mrs. wha' happened hillary clinton is a possibility. she was the odds on favorite to win 2016 by a mile, a landslide, why would democrats top roll snake eyes again? next on the docket of outsiders, former new york city mayor michael blumberg, far richer than president trump, he ran the big apple for 12 long years.
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he could compete with the massive republican warchest, but insiders say, he will jump in if joe biden drops out, new york times claims that michelle obama could be a viable contender. she has been considered most admired woman in u.s. for some time, former first lady has reportedly has zero plans to run, she has a much better life being the not president. but times with one more, former vice presidential better gore -- albert gore, talk about a score to settle. barely lost to george busgeorgebush in 2000. will any take will plunge? what does this say about those poor bastards that are running, tonight, another succulent man panel, deroy murdock.
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with co-host of the 5, juan williams. and comedian, host of the part was problem podcast, dave smith, welcome. >> hello. >> hello judg. >> hello. >> i think this is stirring up a lot of drama juan, i love it horse race changes every day, and snooty "new york times" turns up its nose at current list of people running. >> i think the "new york times" usually conservatives would say. failing "new york times" so much hog watch, this time i noticed that conservatives are like we like that story. we will read that story, democrats are imploding. but, they said people are thinking about john kerry, are you kidding me, why would i? kennedy: you wouldn't. >> no.
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>> and oprah winfrey. kennedy: how about oprah kerry, they could get married. >> that is succulent. kennedy: they base it on big democrat donors in new york city, talking about their frustration for various reasons, in the article. wojuan said hogwash. >> it may be a reflec reflectios not necessarily personalities but the message. their response is the economy is failing, we're all broke, so let's go for socialism, give then message, i think people think that message will not sell against backdrop of a growing economy, they need someone with a better message, they should focus that message should be better, not lack of proper
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messengers. kennedy: outlets need something. if donald trump is not president, they will have to come up with a new way of fanning interest in the paper, if we have an ordinary parent who succeeds the president in 2020. but, also it shows to me, there is no one democrat party. there is no one person who can lead the various coalitions, it no longer falls under one unl umbrella, they tried to force it there. what about now? >> democratic party has been in the middle of a civil war, republicans had a civil war in 2016 too but there was a dominant winner, which was donald trump, in 2016, bernie kind of got cheat the out of it and hillary lost, you see the fallout from that. kennedy: there is a lot of, i told you so, that is why you still see progressivism. >> i think core of issue that message is tough to sell in a
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good economy. but if you look through individuals, through every one, none can win. i don't care what early national poll show, joe biden cannot put a sentence together he looks like an 80-year-old, bernie sanders is 80, he had a heart attack, elizabeth warren pretended to be a native american, to regular people this is disqualifying. kennedy: she could really screw over the middle class. >> her policies are terrible. people saw michael avenatti and thought great guy. kennedy: the last word, juan, is there something to idea that the more left leaning media is not doing a good enough job pressing the candidates. -- i almost said cannabis, a lot seem high when they report, do they need to do a better job, and ser nominee if they push people a little harder. >> depends on what you want. i disagree with some of what i
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heard, deroy said it is about the message, donald trump's message is not a sellable message they don't like donald trump. kennedy: they don't like the messenger, they don't like drama or tweets or unforced errors but they love the message and the results. >> what message. kennedy: economy health. >> no, no, his message is, i'll cut taxes for rich, they don't like that, what is popular. kennedy: they want to be rich. you want -- >> but they say tax the rich, let them pay, my argument would be, reason that so many people are focused on this, they don't see a break out personalty like trump, not trump that was best debate or the republican stage it was not he was had best track record it was, i can't take my eyes off him. kennedy: that is why he got so -- >> nobody like that on democrats. kennedy: democrats are reportedly getting nervous about
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how much money the trump campaign is raising they use all this drama to rake in the money. president trump and rnc claim to have pulled staggering 300 million dollars so far by comparison, joe biden has raised 15 million in third quarter this year, and said to spend more than he is bringing in democrats are still long way off from picking a nominee, once that happens, analyst say, money will be on begin to flow, but there is a problem for th the -- donks little bipolitico reporting trup campaign is far more organized than they were in 2016. deroy? >> i think there are a couple, dollar amount very important. you can buy ads. kennedy: democrat say once we have one person we'll have the passion and the open spigot. >> they might say, that maybe it is true, but 3 13,000, that is
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number of small donors. >> they have bee been as a resu. >> that's can be told, can you pick up your phone, knock on doors talk to your friends, they could be turned to activists. >> a worry for democrats on record, if they pi pick the wrog nominee -- >> i think marchly there, it is not about democratic nominee, number one issue for democrats, can you beat donald trump, they want someone, anybody just to run and beat donald trump. what is key is, some context. democrat so far if you put them together, have out raised trump but trump is running a general elect campaign strategy. kennedy: way more money than any
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first term president has. >> this campaign. fine. >> including president obama. >> difference here is that rnc out raised the dnc, you hear complainted from democrat saying why is tom perez not doing a better job. kennedy: sh he is too busy swearing. >> i would pay attention to that. kennedy: that i think ties into impeachment perception. any other time, had you had a president with this much focus from congress and media, to bring him down, he would seem like most wounded and vulnerable candidate. still 20 candidates in the race who are all smart, all accomplished yet still, people are still kicking tires and looking around. what does that say? >> that have you a bunch of weak
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candidates, that they are running on a platform that can't win where they need to, they can run-up score in california with socialist policies. donald trump -- a unique situation, he ran on being antimedia, anticorruption, be a antideep state swamp all this, the entire media, swamp is against him it just proves. kennedy: validates. >> they were talking about impeaching him before he was sworn in. kennedy: december 16 a "vanity fair" article. >> now they tell you that phone call, so run of the mill that every president has been. >> come on. kennedy: just come up with a list of what of doo administratn has done. >> oh, come on. kennedy: lets me obama said, his words, we went to war in yemen
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to quote, placate the saudis, you talk about we never do things for other country or demand -- >> that is a war. >> that is united states of america not the trump policy, he is doing for himself to get dirt on a political component. >> no, it was not about biden, i am sorry, it was about -- >> either we -- kennedy: one at a time, juan respond. >> server about proving he was not put in office by russians, his agenda. >> looking back at what happened. kennedy: this is -- this is what i will say, then i'll get you to. i understand that president's frustration, if you have been unfarrl fairly targeted for something, you want to make sure there is justice. >> grow up, be a big boy. kennedy: so much energy. >> or in your case be a big lady. kennedy: i understand, if there was something untoward. >> this is -- he is using
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america's foreign policy, sending rudy guliani, and his henchmen there come on. kennedy: that is wrong, i will give you that, so is using fbi asset christopher steel to drum up information from the kremlin. kremlin. >> would people on left any american, prefer we not investigate this? what if people sitting here ready to attack this country electoral process a year from today, we have the opportunity too find them, stop them, we have a new president, zelensky saying i am against corruption, can you please fine them or be we it don't investigate and a year from now, same people would attack. >> deroy, deroy,. kennedy: okay. >> fbi. mueller -- >> everyone is saying, guess what there is no -- >> john brennan did they say that? >> yes. >> i think you are mocking -- >> but you know -- >> no antipatriotic antiamerican
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hack. >> everyone is deep state except trump, you are kidding me? >> a new president. >> dedicated to fighting corruption. would you look into this, find out who people who tapped into our election make sure they don't do it again. >> juan. kennedy: attack trump for not investgating. investgating. >> same people screaming why didn't you investigate it. kennedy: i think democrats are going about it the wrong way, they are being very hysterical about the president, i share a lot of frustration about his personality, if they focused more on this is exhausting they would get traction, then say, by the way here is the great economy could policies that will help you put your kid through college, and go on vacation. voters would be more open to, that but this mutual impeach, ms
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hitler, he is turning voters off. >> you should look at poll, people say that inquiry is legit, and indicated in 6 swing states in new york times poll, most people say we're not supportive of impeachment, per say, but then, if you ask them about impeachment inquiry it was over 50% said yes, we should have the inquiry. kennedy: they want an inquiry why won't nancy pelosi formalize it. >> play by trump's agenda. >> a gri great idea. kennedy: american people are your guide, let nancy pelosi pacify them. >> amen, go on record, that is what they are there for. >> they are, elected. >> johnson, clinton, and nixon -- >> oh, my god. >> let the house vote get it on the record. >> they will have a vote.
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in secret. >> it will be on record he is impeached. kennedy: already done, hillary clinton just been sworn in news travels fast. man panel returns because we're just getting warmed up, 10 years after kraition -- premiums for e to drop 4% next year, how is that happening now, could this be thing that saves joe biden's campaign. >> and horse shoulder hold shols started a bowsh o bourbon compay put. ugh the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. sending your own clubs ahead with makes it fast & easy to get to your golf destination. with just a few clicks or a phone call,
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kennedy: president obama refused to endorse joe biden, but he could help him in a round about way, trump administration swallowed its pride, reporting that premiums for affordable care act will decrease by 4% in 2020, a lot of analyst point to decrease as a sign that the law is finally stabilizing 10 years in but it has shot up 20% since
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passage. so why are premiums suddenbly sy dropping, this could news be a life raft for flailing sinking biden campaign, and his fight of what is left against the aca against me medicare for all, hee is broke a it down, peter sued suderman. welcome back. >> thank you. kennedy: it is finally staballizing. >> a couple reasons, narrative from democrat has been trump administration out to sabotage obamacare, you can make a case that first year republicans were trying to eliminate the law, repeal and replace it. but trump administration hhs, has actually done i think you can make a case, has done a
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better job than obama administration at administers law from a perspective of premiums they make it more friendly to insurers, they have allowed insurers to sell cheaper less regulated plans, that brought more insurers back to marketplace that is more competition, cheaper plans, they have approved what are known as reinsurance programs. kennedy: that is critical. >> reinsurance for insurers. >> that takes care of some preexisting conditions, problem that has been there, if you don't have individual mandate, how are you going to pay for insurance companies who are forced to offer insurance to very expensive customer. >> it off loads most expensive customer to other state or federal government, there is government money spent, but millions, tens of millions, not billions, that helps lower insurance programs in state with
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those. programs going, politically this is complicated for absolutely everyone. trump administration is backing a lawsuit that would under do obamacare. joe biden is saying -- >> 18 governors have sued to negate the law and that will makes it way to the supreme court. >> i think that is probably right. trump administration has taken quite unusual step of declining to defended a law, very unusual. joe biden, is running in favor of obamacare, but his plan is let's spend 750 billion, as much as law was to costinishl -- inte initially in first 10 years, then medicare for all social ista against obamacare, trying to wipe health care system off the map and start over with a
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fully government-financed system, when you have a system that where premiums come down, where the popularity has gone up since trump became president, and have you everyone in some ways running against it, it is sort of complicated for everyone in the field right now. kennedy: it was designed to be complicated, here we are part of it is working. it seems some insurance companies providers are sort of shoring up their deficit. how much of an outly ser that insurance that you get from
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your employer it gets rid of obamacare and medicare as we know it now, not the same program as medicare as we know now. i think insurers are they are aware very much of political situation looking out for, that right now if you are an insurer in obamacare, thing you are pay most attention to is lawsuit. and the lawsuit as with others, as with lawsuit we have seen for the last 10 years again obamacare, threatened to wipe opponent car -- obamacare over e map that could unend the 2020 presidential race that talk about medicare for all would go away they would talk about trump administration trying to take your obamacare away. kennedy: that could throw such a monkey wrench to the engine. interestininteresting if you co. i never thought obamacare would
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be attractive, so socialism, and thank you peter suderman, computer man, world's foremost healthcare expert. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up states all over u.s. legalize weed and reap in profit, but some feds still have their heads in the sand. i hit the street, ask the folks when they think abouting wellin, next. thritis or psoriatic arthritis. when considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. it can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; don't start xeljanz if you have an infection.
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about marijuana, should marijuana be legal. >> i say no. >> devil a lettuce? >> yeah. >> in l.a., on every corner,. no one cares. >> it generates income. kennedy: should weed be legal. >> yeah. kennedy: what else? >> should be legal? what a question. kennedy: i know. you can fill it in. >> expansion to your house without a permit. kennedy: absolutely, do do work without begging local government. >> i guess. kennedy: people send marijuana through mail. >> no, no. kennedy: should marijuana be legal. >> um. it -- some sort of medical aspect. kennedy: should weed be legal? marijuana? >> in -- >> yes absolutely. kennedy: what else, mushrooms.
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>> no, i don't like mushrooms, i hate mushrooms. >> what is wrong -- >> prostitution. >> why not. >> yes. kennedy: prostitution? >> live your truth, ladies, where ever you are. live your truth. kennedy: should weed be legal. >> dow want some. kennedy: can you hear me now. should weed be legal. >> i don't know. >> i think he knows. i think he knows. >> what if people just use a little bit. >> i, i, i am a vice person. >> what does that mean, you like vices? >> no, i do and don't, if i get stuck for example i used to smoke cigarettes. kennedy: you quit? >> no, i deferred it. deferred it fo 20 years.
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kennedy: all you need is weed. >> it is good for the jointses. >> the joints are good for the joins. kennedy: people are more open to allowing proposition of allowing individuals to make their choices. why to we have arbitrary rules about what we deem illegal, we know there is uniform end to the force, namely black markets, crime, and murder. for years mexican government has been plagued by corruption and homicide, mostly because we're greedy neighbors who' it both ways, we want to smoke our missiomeg-- meth but also smoked guys, when you outlaw it, you make it worse. that as the unintended consequences pile up and bite you in the keaster until 30,000
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people are murdered in a year, that is what mexico is facing, they have tried to eradicate crops, and imprison drug lords, why do peept top put thing peopg in their body to escape, who knows. instead of extending the illogical sucking drug war why not shift paradigm, make more things legal, make less of a black market for narcosauc narcl for, it could put money with it belongs, who stand to lose the most when we finally rash alley legalize, that is the memo.
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♪ kennedy: mexico president was elected on a platform of ending the drug war, mexico congress is expected to take first step toward legalizing weed should america follow suit, the man panel returned, deroy, and juan, and dave. dave. am i too lib teen? >> we need major rethinking, a best comment came from a man who is a scholar, he refers to war on some drugs, lik -- caffeine, nicotine, and such are legal, but. when the government makes decisions on this, they say this frame of mind is okay to have, that is not. we're talking about adults,
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people on private property, that is fine, if you want to go from common rational existence to an altered state of mind that a humane right. kennedy: we look at history of making drugs illegal in the country, they all have racists roots. >> no question about that. kennedy: marijuana and cocaine to opium, talk about mexicans, chinese, and afrikans who weral marginalized, their behave why are criminalized say dare to come here, and we blamed their substances on their foreignes. foreignness. >> yeah, what about musicians. my thought listening to deroy, right now we have a crisis with opeopioid. i sit here as a dad, i don't really' legal opioid on the street as opposed to a doctor's prescription, i think about
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cocaine, that is addictive. not sure that i would feel comfortable, if you want to do it you are an adult okay, but that means that some kid down the street, you know some high school know it all thinks they will try it he or she does not know what they are doing, that is then a huge cover the to us as a society -- a huge cost to us as society, i agree, especially with regard to marijuana, i do worry, you asked a trenchant question. what else? what else legal, i just think we have to be careful about saying everything, because i don't think that the society is deal with this. kennedy: and i know that, as a parent, and parent of high school, i really understand what you say. and it is more incumbent an ever we get that information across to our children in a lifing way, explain -- loving way, explain your genetics play a big part in how your body interfaces with
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certain substances, my worry is, that i have known people, it happened to they get something to street, they don't know what is in it, they put it in their body they can't survive it, i see that as being parts of the carnage from the drug war. >> yeah, the unintended consequences from drug war are a big -- this real disaster, like you said, there are cos cost to having a 40 plus year war on drugs, that cost ruined lives that don't have to be ruined, not those in pris -- not just them, do you know how many people been arrested, spent a night in jail, missed their job the next day and got fired for smoking a joint. kennedy: 600,000 in 2017. >> this is insane, and then tono think about ripple effects, the question is not are drugs good
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or bad, the question is, do you own your own body, do have you right to do with your own body as an adult in a supposed free country, and is state force prev able to individual choice -- preferable to individual choice, the black market affect is the disaster in mexico and here in america, some of 80% of homicide by guns in america are gang related, you can end that, and ending war on drugs something you could raise popular opinion for, we tried it their way, nobody looks. kennedy: but then you see, well look at what happened in portugal, yang brought that up, in portugal, and treatment rates have gone up overdose dates havs have gone down. we have to go. thank you, a great conversation, dave, juan, deroy. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up, you like bourbon? you like american heroes? i got both, i got them next, you gottie tgot to stay mere.
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with sofi, get your credit cards right- by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right. so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. (thud) (crash) (grunting) (whistle) play it cool and escape heartburn fast with tums chewy bites cooling sensation. ♪ tum tu-tu-tum tums
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>> world trade center is just the beginning. >> northern alliance. you know nothing about. >> general, can you show me where we are going. >> who has ridden before anyone. >> summer camp, i was 9. >> spring break, i was hammered. >> the name, the name. >> it will be fun. kennedy: a clip from 2018 hit, 12 strong. a true story of a band of u.s. horse soldiers road to vistry in afghanistan in 2001, they have returned to united states, a founded a whiskey distillly through veterans florida,. american freedom disstillers.
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i mayer may not have had some at break, joining me, veterans of american freedom distillery. scott neil. mark nuch, and vice president, bob pennington, turning freedom to whiskey. >> right. >> what an incredible story. a lot of you did not have experience in terms of horses, and you had to free people in afghanistan. after 9/11. >> i did have expe economy expe. the horse in front of kmart. kennedy: no, come on. the rest had a crash course. i grew up in kansas high school
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rodeo college rodeo. kennedy: woo. >> get after it cowboy up. they did it first time in combat, they had to cowboy up and ride horses for first 23 days. kennedy: and liberate people from the taliban. >> right, free the oppressed, we spent our careers in small teams alone, unafraid fighting david and goa goal -- goliath. >> you know. kennedy: so, i am sure a lot of people you serve with no one anticipated 9/11. in the aftermath. and i am sure a lot of people did not anticipate after 18 years we would be still be in afghanistan, what would you tell president today about current state of afghanistan and your
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ethos could help people there. >> i think my son is in afghanistan right now, it very -- we take abou talk about it. we were almost done first 90 days. here we are, we spoke with trump a couple of times. >> we did. >> those are our opinions, but you know. you know. when we first talk to mujahid h. >> i am sure a lot of people hope prayed the same thing, you took our fortitude and experience, you turned it to work for a lot of people, including vets, people say freedom is not free. >> it is not. >> i met afghanistan ambassador to united states, roy romany in washington, d.c., inspiring. she insured special operation vets that were there that we have forever changed afghanistan
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for the positive, they are not going back. kennedy: i hope they don't. >> best thing, we make whiskey not war now, it is about transition, some days we'll leave the battle feel, this country did you no much for veterans now but best them to do is buy an veteran product. it took energy and a lot of life savings to start this. the program for special operator to be a government contract to go back to war, we don't want to do, that we're excited about transition piece. we want vets to you know, be brave, be bold, and say, i can do something else beyond that, let me take a chance. and succeed. kennedy: you have was warn the uniform to protect freedom, put your life on-line, now take that
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energy, chance tell to something new, positive. evolution of hum human spirit yu are embodying, we're not only proud of you but delighted you brought samples. >> bourbon is an all american products, you have scotch and are scotland, and whiskey from scotland, bourbon is from the united states. kennedy: so many people have commented they love this, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> bless you all. >> thank you. kennedy: topical storm is next, burnobourbon on me. i'm not real" talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424.
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9:53 pm
kennedy: we got big news on broadway, the who's rock opera tommy is returning to the great white way in 2020. the band sings who are you. i don't know. on rodger, i don't know. they sing to each other. >> introduce yourselves this the topical storm, in australia australia a zoo is fighting it
9:54 pm
get attendant. hillary and tulsi are the kangaroos. a spokesperson said that attendance has gone through the roof since video went viral, at least hillary broke one ceiling, there are more kangaroos than humans in australia. amazing what our producer lou li has time to look up. >> we make fun of florida, but people there are not weirdoes. they are very comfortable in their own skin. yep, look at this, he stole a flag off a sightsees yacht, lady atlantic. according to review, they make one heck of a strip stak steak,
9:55 pm
police urge police to -- public to urge curbtion, he has a suspicious package. he is believed to be hiding out at a miami will do phipp it dol. >> nobody catches anything there. >> tennessee police arrested a map this week real time is too -- tupac what shakur, his story seems to be a white lie. a arrested him. they pulled out a knife from his waistband. bad news, he is off to jail.
9:56 pm
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9:58 pm
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9:59 pm
most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. (woman) but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. ♪ ♪ just go ahead. tell me maybe ♪ kennedy: that was yesterday's mouth trumpet monday song, two
10:00 pm
princes by the spin doctors i love them, winner, thomasonner did son, thank you for watching best hour of your day. new game, next. lou: good evening, everybody. president trump long battled the corrupt deep state, the radical dimms, the resistance rinos and the national left-wing hide yeah. the leftist state news and the radical corrupt dimms investigation use anonymous sources for their complaints against president trump. we take up a few tonight. the president w


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