tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business October 23, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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good night from new york. trish: tempers running high in the gop as frustrated republicans on capitol hill storm earn intelligence committee meeting. they are accusing democrats of going to extraordinary lengths to hide their so-called impeachment investigation into the president of the united states. house republicans trying to gain access to a closed door hearing. they wanted to listen to testimony from a pentagon official. their frustration stems from concern that democrats are trying to effectively build their own narrative with planted leaks from these closed door hearings. >> behind those doors think intend to overturn the results
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of an american presidential election. maybe in the soviet union this kind of thing is common place. this shouldn't be happening in the united states of america where they are trying to impeach a president in secret behind closed doors. >> i'm a green beret. i'm a proud veteran. this process does not make me proud. >> regardless if you hate conservative or love donald trump. if you are an american you have to be outraged by what is going on here. trish: number one, there was no inquiry vote. nancy pelosi i suspect doesn't have the votes, right? so she is not allowing congress to take a vote on any of this. you consider both the nixon and clinton proceedings. they were launched via a vote. and the inquiry was announced before any democrat had even read the transcript of the president's phone call with the
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newly elected head of ukraine. the so-called whistleblower met with adam schiff's team ahead of time, something ship went on national television and lied about. fox is learning that the whistleblower had not two conflicts of interest, but three conflicts of interest. one was he or she worked for a senior democrat, one of them was he or she was a registered democrat, and the third conflict, we don't know that one yet. can you blame the republicans for being a little bit upset that the democrats are trying to undo the election via a closed door secretive process? joining me, buddy carter and louie gohmert. it's good to see you both. i'll start with you represent idea gohmert. what was the goal today? do you feel like you got what
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you wanted? >> well, they stopped the testimony and actually it had not even started. one of the things i was shocked to find out today i didn't know about, i don't know if buddy did. we found out when we got into the scif, secure contained area where information can be revealed that's classified, we found out today that at the beginning of every witness' testimony, that adam schiff would say, now, let me tell you as a witness, this is unclassified. and for heaven sake. we thought the whole reason they were doing it in the scif that's so secured with officers and all that stuff was because it was classified. it's not classified. and i have heard a number of democrats say today, you have got to understand it's like a
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grand jury. garbage. i have handled grand juries. let me tell you, every member of the grand juriy gets to hear every bit of the testimony and we don't like hearsay testimony. people going nuts about taylor's testimony. the guy was because it from hearsay from a person who said he was speculating. that's garbage. but all of us -- the grand jury is not the best metaphor, but we all get to vote and hear every witness. trish: representative carter, there has been no real transparency in any of this. how does this get rectified? >> i don't know how you rectify it except to say the democrats have to open up the process. as i said before. regardless of whether you are a democrat, or independent or
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republican. you should be outraged by what is going on here. this is a total sham. the democrats have never accepted the fact that donald trump is the president of the united states. as a member of congress i have the right to sit in on any committee hearing. but we can't participate as important as impeaching a president? trish: why are they so deliberately trying to keep you out? >> we found out. all they have got is hearsay based on speculative hearsay, and apparently speaker pelosi doesn't trust chairman nadler because the rule is under the house rules we used for all these years, if there is not specific rule, you go by precedence. the precedence is clear. every impeachment goes through the judiciary committee. i'm on the judiciary committee,
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i should be hearing the impeachment testimony. in fairness, they are the majority. they can take a vote, they can change the rules. they can vote . but under the present rules they are not following them, they are not taking a vote to change them. we need to at least follow what we have. trish: what is at risk for our government and the institution we all had faith in previously and pride ourselves upon? >> i think there is a lot at risk. i'll tell you the people in america should be scared, they should be very scared. if they dock this to the president of the united states, they can do it to you. you need to be very scared about what's going on in washington, d.c. right now. trish: would you agree with that, representative gohmert? >> yes, i would.
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if you look at the three years they have been trying to find a crime to wrap around the throat of president trump, very unsuccessful, it ought to offend every american who isn't brain dead. everything they tried, it turned out it was not a crime donald trump committed. that's why they are talking about a phone call in the last couple months with ukraine. it's an outrage. it's un-american. to say here is somebody, i want to find a crime and wrap it around their neck. it comes one week after the fisa court declassified information the fbi has been querying this massive data base, 3.1 million times in 2017 alone. not based on any crimes, they are look for crimes they can wrap around the neck of americans. this is a deep-seated problem
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and it's something we need to do something about. trish: it seems as though they wouldn't be able to get very far with any of this even if they were to have a vote and formal impeachment inquiry, even if they were to impeach the president in the house, it goes to the senate. unlikely they will be able to get any success there. what is this really serving the purpose of? what do you think the goal is. is this to damage the president for 2020? is it to damage the republican party? in that process is it inadvertently putting the country in danger and frankly the oval office? hey, it's going to make it that much harder, i would think, to have any real conversations with world leaders. >> i think it answer to that is yes to all of the above. they know they are not going to get anywhere with this. they know it's not going
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anywhere. many * already said. the senate is not going to impeach this president based on what we have seen. we have not seen the documents or heard from the testimony we have not been allowed to see. i read the report. i read the transcript. noise quid pro quo. that document and that conversation just like you would expect for it to flow. the sequence of conversation is like would you expect. the whistleblower report on the first page it says i was not present at most of of the' scif. you look for primary sources. you want to get somebody who was on the call in the room. you don't go with somebody who heard from somebody else. that would be lowsive reporting. the idea you are going to impeach a president over it is
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scary stuff. congressman carter, congressman gohmert, good to see you both tonight. coming up. shack * take on le bron over china. >> we have people speaking when they don't know what they are talking about. but whenever you see something wrong going on anywhere in the world you have the right to say that's not right. trish: also tonight, the investigation into the origins of the 2016 probe expanding with sources telling fox it's because they are digging deeper into john brennan and james clapper. remember the unverified steele dossier started it all. that was under their watch. sanctions work. trump after he announcing a ceasefire in syria between
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turkey and the kurds lifting sanctions. coming up next, a man who worked with the president on his foreign policy. walid phares is here to react to today's good news after this. ee. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
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president trump: countless lives are now being saved as a result of our negotiation with turkey. an outcome reached without spilling one drop of american blood. no injuries. nobody shot. nobody killed. trish: the president taking a victory lap. saying a ceasefire along the syrian-turkish border is being made permanent thanks to his withdrawal of u.s. troops from northern syria. >> early this morning the government turkey informed my administration they would be stopping combat and their offensive in syria and making the ceasefire permanent, and it will indied be permanent. i therefore instructed the secretary of the treasury to lift all sanctions. trish: president trump reminderred the world has no -- reminded the world he has no interest in policing the middle east. president trump: how many
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americans must die in the middle east in the midst much these ancient sectarian and tribal conflicts? after all of the precious blood and treasure american has poured into the deserts of the middle east, i'm committed to pursuing a different course. won that leads to victory for america. let someone else fight over this long bloodstained sand. trish: joining me, fox news foreign affairs analyst, dr. walid phares. >> we are at the third stage of what's happening. first stage 10 day days ago whee were advicing the kurds -- advising the kurds and crestans
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and arabs. then president erdogan said he wanted to invade. and the president imposed a ceasefire. and the third stage is we are not completely withdrawing. we are going to keep some of the area. we went on a swing to completely leave and now we are back into leading. trish: he did mention there will be some troops guarding the oil fields there. so is this the win in your view that the president is saying it is? remember his objective, i know you know it well. it's to get us out of these conflicts and keep people home and keep us safe, and be vigilant about where we do go with our troops. you don't want to go somewhere where you are not going to succeed.
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and you have to make sure you have the right resources to see it through. >> there is a consensus wide on the right and the left. nobody actually technically speaking in america. but we are going against a history of 50-60 years panhandle. we are all over the planet. germany, korea, afghanistan, and back in iraq and syria. so the principle of being able to bring whack every contingent back home if not needed is agreed upon. it's the price of doing it. i think the president understood at the end of the day he would withdraw the troops but keep an insurance policy in strategic locations in syria at this point in time. trish there are was it or wasn't it spying on the trump campaign. when we former in tell official
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james clapper admitted to spying. >> i guess it meets the dictionary definition of surveillance or spying. trish: i guess it does. new develo -- new developments. and clapper and brennan and others could be in serious hot water. delivery drones, or the latest phones. no commission. no matter what you trade, at fidelity you'll pay no commission for online u.s. equity trades. at fidelity you'll pay no commission you may have gingivitis. when you brush, and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly... tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax.
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prevagen. healthier brain. better life. trish: attorney general barr approving the expansion of john durham's investigation into the 2016 russia probe. sources telling fox mr. durham is very interested in speaking with john brennan and james clapper. obama administration officials in charge characteristics a and national intelligence when the steele dossier was used to obtain a fisa warrant to spy on the trump campaign. where do you think this is
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heading? is he going to go and talk to clapper and brennan? what do you think he's trying to determine? >> i think durham is a very apolitical professional prosecutor. what he's focusing on is process where the usual rules -- were the usual rules in place followed at lie levels in a -- at high levels in a sensitive investigation. he will go at it doggedly as a prosecutor trying to uncover the truth to see who did what. trish: what would be your biggest fear? >> well, i don't have any big fears. he's going to get attacked. no mat wear his results are there will be people from the political perspective who will go after him. he could determine that the rules were bent out of shape.
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the steele dossier was something they knew was a politically compromised document. they continued to use christopher feechristopher stees fired. my fear is there is a culture in place at the fbi and other agencies where the rules didn't apply to them. trish: that's my fear. maybe fear is not the right word. i am sure there are political times who are wishing this does come to fruition because it proves what the biases western. but i'm fearful of it in some ways because i think it will be tremendously bad for the country. the organizations we had faith in has been shattered. but it's something we need to know. if this did happen, it just can't happen again. we need to have better
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procedures in place to protect anyone who is willing to run for office. don't we? >> even if things cop out to be quite scandalous. not even to the point of criminal prosecution. we know some of that from text messages between strzok and page. but my hope is people will realize there was a culture at the top. i don't think most of fbi agents are represented by the mccabes, the strzoks, or the comeys. if john brennan has fingerprints on this, is doesn't mean the cia is corrupt. trish: that's very true. one of the things i found striking about all of this is what a closed circle it was. you just had a few people in the know about what was really going down and the application for the fisa warrant, et cetera. it struck me as a little bit odd. as we have done this due
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diligence and looked at what would have been the norm, this is definitely outside of the norm. >> it's hard to know. that's the kind of stuff we'll get from durham. who is making approvals. what's being disclosed. a real quick example on that. they did reapplications twice. they kept going back to the courts. at some point they had to have known the dossier was not just speculated to be political. but it was a politically oriented document. that's what you normally see in these documents. trish: who exactly paid for the dossier to begin with. this is effectively opposition research that was commissioned to try and do damage to the opposing side. in fact foreign intelligence -- former intelligence officer
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called his bud ires in russia. you want to talk about russia being involved in anything funny with the election. this is information the people in the u.s., hillary clinton's team paid former british spy and perhaps some russians to get. >> literally the only disclosure on that was a footnote that said we speculate the document is political in nature. that might have been true for a minute. it may not have been true for very long. it certainly wasn't true at the end of this process. even though the process is unusual in general when you talk about counter espionage working with law enforcement. there is some very serious bits of smoke tore durham to look at that may have fire underneath. trish: max seen waters taking a break calling for trump's
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impeachment and taking on facebook's billionaire mark zuckerberg today. >> you plan on doing no fact checking on political ads? do you fact check on any ads? you do no fact check on any ads? somebody fact checks on ads. trish: it makes me feel kind of bad for zuck. you have got to watch this entire exchange next. by consor credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right. so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k.
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>> we don't fact check politicians' speech. the reason for that is we believe in a democracy it's important that people can see for themselves what politicians are saying. >> do you fact check on think ad at all? you do no exact check on any ad, is that correct? somebody fact checks on ads. you contract with someone to do that, is that right? >> chairwoman, yes. trish: chairwoman, yes. how many times did she need to ask the same question. quite a few, apparently. switching gears back to impeachment. the dems are accusing the president of engaging in quid pro quo with ukraine. but it is as big a deal as the dems say.
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mark teasmark thiessen says ours not charity. if foreign aid has a oochtion condition, how do you not have a quid pro quo scenario all the time. mr. brad blakeman, former assistant to george w. bush. you worked in the white house. how does this stuff work. aren't deals with foreign powers subject to getting something in return? i would you just say if you are trying to do an autopsy on foreign interference in the 2016 elections, and one particular road lead you into ukraine, wouldn't you want to make sure ukraine turned over everything it possibly knew about what really went down? just saying. >> republicans and democrats agree that there has been a
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problem of corruption and meddling with ukraine. naturally the president would want to get to the bottom of it. of course, there is a question part of the quid pro quo. -- there is a quo part of a quid pro quo. both parties want something. with regard to aid which is dr. to you to us on the part of the united states. we can ask for more because we are giving something and we expect something in return. the best evidence you could ever have is the transcript which the president released. the next best evidence you could have, we have, is the parties themselves. the president and the president of the ukraine. they both said what they intended and what they meant. they are both in agreement with the transcript that was released. the transcript was made by an independent third party who does
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this for a living. a bureaucrat. trish: what do you think the president wanted. one of the firsts that first comes up. you need to put pressure on angela merkel. if we are giving all this money, they ought to be kicking in some too. but then the conversation continued on. he said could you look into this crowdstrike thing. what do you think was meant by all of that? i think if i'm going to be fair to the president here, there is an argument to be made that you kind of want to know. the media says it's debunked. it's not fully debunked until we see what's in mr. durham's and mr. horowitz' report. that's when we'll know what went down. you want to look into china,
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ukraine, iran. anyone who might have been doing anything funny. >> you want to know how this mess started. a lot of it started in ukraine. the president said by the way, it wasn't conditioned. if you don't do this you won't get the aid. that has been debunked. the transcript is accurate. both side agree to that. now we have the principles to the call. not the eavesdroppers who basically said the same thing in was no quid pro quo. neither side was pressured. so all this extraneous hearsay -- trish: even if there was a kid pro 0 question, mark thiessen's point, you don't get something for nothing. they had a responsibility to cut down on one corruption and make get some other people
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involved. there is no reason why you can't ask the new president to lean on europe and little bit more. and three if you know anything about what actually happened in 2016, we are trying to figure it out. >> absolutely. and that's democrats refuse to believe the transcript prepared by a bureaucrat. they don't take the worth of the ukrainian president, they don't take the word of our president. they take the word of an anonymous whistleblower who was not even a party to the call. it's insane. if the quo part of this whole mess was designed as what the democrats say it was, then it has something there there. but the problem is, there is nothing there. trish: i'm looking forward to see what the i.g. turns up with. it's also a fear of mine because i think we'll learn some really
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bad stuff. we'll see, thank you so much, brad. joe biden apologizing for calling bill clinton's impeaching a lynching. at least he sort of apologized. >> yes, and i apologized for you it. but i wasn't use it as a dog whistle. trish: it wasn't just joe biden. we have sound of many democrats who used the exact same word. where was the outrage then? 1998. they said lynching, too. that's next. ♪ ♪
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trish: 2020 dems in full attack mode after the president used the term lynching about the democrats trying to unseat him. >> for president trump to compare a constitutional process of impeachment to the white supremacist murder of americans is there are no word for how wrong that is. >> how dare he? how dare he?
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trish: back in 1998 democrats dared to accuse republicans of trying to lynch president clinton. >> we are taking a step down the road to becoming a political lynch mob. we'll find a rope, find a tree, and ask questions later. >> what we have is a persecution and you a political lynching. >> i won't vote for this lynching in the people's house. >> even if the president should be impeach, history is going to question whether this is just a partisan lynching. trish: joe biden now apologizing for using that word in 1998. joining me, stephanie hamill and doug schoen. stephanie, he was upset in '98 -- nobody was upset when the democrats were using that term in 1998.
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>> everything is an 11 these days. as soon as i heard this and the democrats literally crying over it, i knew they were being dishonest, then immediately we have something called the internet and all these videos pop of vintage democrats. now it's not racist when they said it. it's only racist when president says it. bind said when i said it, i'm not a racist. but when president trump says it, it's a dog whistle. i'm so sick of these democrats stirring the racial pot in this country. they are making things a problem. not president trump. everybody who knows president trump knows he's not a racist. he was never a racist before i have ran for president. trish: doug? >> i have a different view. i think it's sad, disappointing, of course inappropriate for either side to do it.
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we are one country. we are not democrats versus republicans or vice versa. we are americans. we have got to stop talking this way, acting this way, and try to go about things where the greater good is put forward. trish: good luck. >> we have to aspiration alley try to seek the best and maybe we'll come close, maybe. trish: i agree with you. there is nothing wrong with hoping and praying that might actually happen. we are getting all kinds of new reports. it started here on this program with steve bannon saying hillary clinton is definitely running. now there is all kinds much reports out there. it's catching fire here. she is looking at a 2020 rematch according to the "new york times." "the washington post" noting that the democrats anxiety on the current field, that they might be going to her in is a
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whisper campaign. steve bannon started it on this program. i know you worked for the clintons, doug. could they come to her and say pretty please? >> i don't know who will come to her other than herself and say pretty please. there is no grownltd swell in the democratic party for her to get in except her and a few of her friends. i will be surprised if she gets in. i read all the talk, the articles. but i don't expect to see her. trish: who have you got? you have got a good economy right now under the *. if the democratic party run as socialist or quasi socialist, elizabeth warren, a lot of people will stay home. >> i'm sure that's true. the polls show trump is losing to warren, sanders, and biden.
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and so while i don't think ultimately a socialist order quasi socialist will be elected. i do think that trump is sufficiently weak. that the democrats are able to show strength in ways that is surprising just because of the president's own political weakness. trish: they have this impeachment circus going on with secret hearings the republicans couldn't get into today. >> you couldn't like that they stormed the hearing, could you? trish: you know what i don't like? i don't like that nancy pelosi hasn't taken a vote. >> i would agree with that. trish: they have got to the point where they are so frustrated with this process. they are reaching out in ways they wouldn't maybe otherwise formally have done. how much of this will damage president trump this whole
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impeachment circuit. even if there is no there there, stephanie. just fact that it's dominating the airways. is it designed to hurt him politically for 2020? >> it's absolute lid designed for that. that's why you see the polling numbers support the idea of impeaching trump. it many dividing our country. i wanted to weigh in on the clinton issue. hillary clinton is testing the water to see if there is an appetite for her to run. but the problem is joe biden is not able to raise as much money as the socialist-type candidates. so it's not a good opportunity for her to jump in right now. trish: i look at that field right now and think who the heck would want it. who would want to run for any kind of political office in this environment we are live in?
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>> that's the point i was trying to make, both sides accusing the other of using the lynching word wrongly. who wants to be part of a process that involves rhetorical mugging, not solution-based policies? it's no win for anybody. trish: kennedy is joining us with a sneak peek at what's coming cup on her show at the top of the hour. kennedy: i have been rinsing to your conversation. we are screaming run, hillary, run! it brings a tear to my eyes. i loved watching her supporters' cries on election night. i go back to those videos whenever "i'm sad. we have a new game, that's what he said.
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our panel has to decide who said it. that's what he said. next, shaq take on le bron. >> we have people speaking when they don't know what they are talking about. darrell morive was right, when you see something going on wrong in the world you have the right to say that's not right. and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. get your auto insurance quote today.
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trish: welcome back. time for trending with trish, fox news political analyst. good to see you been a while. >> good to see you. trish: i have been following the basketball story, i am astonished and disgusted by how much almighty dollar clearly factors in. in terms of the league, some people. in the sport. shaq coming out, swinging in defense of darrel morey, the guy from the rockets who got the whole thing started by trying to defend democracy. and you know he is now saying, look, free speech is really important, he did this on nba opening night, i want your reaction. >> one of our best values in america is free speech.
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we're allowed to say what we want to say, and speak up about injustices, that is how it goes. if people don't understand that, that is something they have to deal with, darrel morey is right, when you see something wrong going on in the world, you should have the right to say, that is not right. trish: right? it was astonishing that nba shut him down so fast, and so many nba players. >> nba ledgeend shaquille o'neal was correct for his response to what is going on in hong kong. the nba collects billions of dollars in china. that is why they keep hush, yet you see nba players all of the time making comments about president trump and any other
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elected official in united states, as they have the right to do so, yet theytion thei -- n their own executive. trish: because they might lose billions, i get it, could be be more obvious. >> you should be able to up hold the values. values. trish: nba has like a nice monopoly, they should be able to stand for good values. do you take your phone everywhere? >> absolutely. trish: i am too. i am too, if it goes out of battery, i am -- which is does, i get stressed. there is a new study revealing that companies who ban their employees from checking their worker mail, after hours -- e-mail after hours did more harm than good. people got stressed, they are
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wait, all this stuff could be piling up, and i don't know. >> well, it does make sense, if you are above an over acheaper,- over achiever you want to stay above what is g going on. trish: or addicted to news cycle. >> right. i'm in los angeles right now, i often times wake up at 3 in the morning, it 6:00 on east coast which check out the news of the day, if that case for there to be a city council member proposing a ban on employees, a fine of 250 plus competition for employees for those who check their e-mail that kind of crazy at-this-point. >> it's california, i feel for you out there. thank you so much. >> tomorrow night, former acting attorney general, matthew whitaker is joining us.
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>> white house press secretary stephanie griesheim for a rare interview with me. tomorrow night, i can't wait, kennedy begins now. kennedy: thank you. hillary clinton has been whipsawed back and forth for 3 years, over her political misfortunes aways to right her ultimated nightmare, her list of excuses have gone from desperate to cartoonish, she still very much wants to be president, but she does not want to run for the job but she wants to be gifted the nomination, anyone that pokes this bitterly unaware sour bus would have to put up -- so - would have to put up with the unending. they are at it
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